could u help me correct my dairy?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thanks so much, it's an interesting dairy Date: 2022.01.22 Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. In the opposite of my house lived a kind old lady who took growing flowers as a hobby. I sometimes dro (2024)


Updated on


22 Jan 2023

  • Simplified Chinese (China)
  • English (US)

Question about English (US)


could u help me correct my dairy?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thanks so much, it's an interesting dairy Date: 2022.01.22 Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. In the opposite of my house lived a kind old lady who took growing flowers as a hobby. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants. She was so generous that she gave me a pot of cactus as a present, and cut off some branches or twigs of any other plants that cuttage works to make them root so that I could take the cuttings to propagate them. I hopped to come back home with excitement. Deluxe and stylish combination of cactus - I guess the old lady always went to the suburbs or the patches along the street where some different plants could be spotted. Those were the places where she got the plants. I think I might be affected by her, sometimes when I passed by a patch or took a trip in the rural areas, I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. And even worse, digging them up to move to my house. Then, I finally realized I was ruining the environment and public property, feeling sorry for my impolite behavior. I still remember when she invited me to her house at first, I was really afraid of her dog. As I tried to step on the ground in front of her front door, her pug thought I broke into its territory or intended to threaten its owner. Then it bared its teeth with a fierce expression, seemingly giving me a warning sign to keep me from approaching her house. After its rage simmered, it kept chasing me while barking. I was scared out of my wits and running insanely until she noticed and ordered the stupid pug to stop. (This has led to my aversion to dogs) Sempervivum tectorum - a kind of succulents. It has lotus shaped flowers and just occured to me that a kind old man lived in front of my house in the first few rows who invited me to visit his house once to see how he growed flowers. I was shown around in the second floor of his house and saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor. I think the species of plants he owned were more than the old lady's. And he was also really generous to give me many species of flowers I had never seen at that time, especially the succulent called Sempervivum which was really rare here. I was overjoyed to get it and he asked me to take care of them but unfortunately I was going to move to another place at that time and the house was demolished, the bricks just scattered on the ground. My father didn't care about my flowers and remove them out of the house, so they were absolutely destroyed. That's why I felt guilty to face the old man, failing to tend to the flowers. Quamocl*t pennata - it is one of the native flowers in my childhood. It belongs to the vine and has small and red star shaped flowers with a sweet smell. It used to be my favorite flower because I was surprised by how it could produce such exquisite and delicated flowers exactly as the regular pentagon. Some neighbors planted it to let let it climb over the fences, its scattered seeds falling on the ground will sprout again next spring. (2)

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23 Jan 2023

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  • English (US)

Firstly, I think you mispelled it. It's DIARY, not DAIRY. Dairy means things like milk, butter, and cheese. Make sure to spell it right or it means two very different things!It's very good overall, there are just a few grammaticall errors. I will go in order and correct any mistakes I see. 1. Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. What does patches mean? Are you thinking of the word "yard" or "backyard"? 2. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes.The idea makes sense, but the grammar is a little weird. A better way to say it is "I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged plants with her." Also, I think you mean to say "caught my eyes" (slang for got your attention) instead of "came to my eyes". Came to my eyes is incorrect.3. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants.Again, it makes sense, but this is not grammatically correct. Instead, say : "She repurposed bottles as containers for growing plants"4. I hopped to come back home with excitement.Did you mean to say "hope"? If so, it doesn't make sense to say you hope (wish) you were excited. That means you weren't happy about this, but clearly you were. If you did mean to use the verb "hopped", it should be : I hopped back home with excitement. 5. think I might be affected by her Nothing wrong with this, but a nice word to use is "influence". You could say, "I think she had a big influence on me."6. "I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. "I couldn't resist looking for special plants and picking them up. Keep the same tense throughout.7. "once to see how he growed flowers"How he grew flowers 8. "saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor."I saw many pots LAID out in the damp and dark corridor.Otherwise it's very good and the way you write English is very eloquent and nice! It was an interesting diary, I agree with you!

Firstly, I think you mispelled it. It's DIARY, not DAIRY. Dairy means things like milk, butter, and cheese. Make sure to spell it right or it means two very different things!

It's very good overall, there are just a few grammaticall errors. I will go in order and correct any mistakes I see.
1. Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches.
What does patches mean? Are you thinking of the word "yard" or "backyard"?
2. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes.
The idea makes sense, but the grammar is a little weird. A better way to say it is "I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged plants with her." Also, I think you mean to say "caught my eyes" (slang for got your attention) instead of "came to my eyes". Came to my eyes is incorrect.
3. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants.
Again, it makes sense, but this is not grammatically correct. Instead, say : "She repurposed bottles as containers for growing plants"
4. I hopped to come back home with excitement.
Did you mean to say "hope"? If so, it doesn't make sense to say you hope (wish) you were excited. That means you weren't happy about this, but clearly you were. If you did mean to use the verb "hopped", it should be : I hopped back home with excitement.
5. think I might be affected by her
Nothing wrong with this, but a nice word to use is "influence". You could say, "I think she had a big influence on me."
6. "I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. "
I couldn't resist looking for special plants and picking them up. Keep the same tense throughout.
7. "once to see how he growed flowers"
How he grew flowers
8. "saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor."
I saw many pots LAID out in the damp and dark corridor.

Otherwise it's very good and the way you write English is very eloquent and nice! It was an interesting diary, I agree with you!

could u help me correct my dairy?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thanks so much, it's an interesting dairy Date: 2022.01.22 Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. In the opposite of my house lived a kind old lady who took growing flowers as a hobby. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants. She was so generous that she gave me a pot of cactus as a present, and cut off some branches or twigs of any other plants that cuttage works to make them root so that I could take the cuttings to propagate them. I hopped to come back home with excitement. Deluxe and stylish combination of cactus - I guess the old lady always went to the suburbs or the patches along the street where some different plants could be spotted. Those were the places where she got the plants. I think I might be affected by her, sometimes when I passed by a patch or took a trip in the rural areas, I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. And even worse, digging them up to move to my house. Then, I finally realized I was ruining the environment and public property, feeling sorry for my impolite behavior. I still remember when she invited me to her house at first, I was really afraid of her dog. As I tried to step on the ground in front of her front door, her pug thought I broke into its territory or intended to threaten its owner. Then it bared its teeth with a fierce expression, seemingly giving me a warning sign to keep me from approaching her house. After its rage simmered, it kept chasing me while barking. I was scared out of my wits and running insanely until she noticed and ordered the stupid pug to stop. (This has led to my aversion to dogs) Sempervivum tectorum - a kind of succulents. It has lotus shaped flowers and just occured to me that a kind old man lived in front of my house in the first few rows who invited me to visit his house once to see how he growed flowers. I was shown around in the second floor of his house and saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor. I think the species of plants he owned were more than the old lady's. And he was also really generous to give me many species of flowers I had never seen at that time, especially the succulent called Sempervivum which was really rare here. I was overjoyed to get it and he asked me to take care of them but unfortunately I was going to move to another place at that time and the house was demolished, the bricks just scattered on the ground. My father didn't care about my flowers and remove them out of the house, so they were absolutely destroyed. That's why I felt guilty to face the old man, failing to tend to the flowers. Quamocl*t pennata - it is one of the native flowers in my childhood. It belongs to the vine and has small and red star shaped flowers with a sweet smell. It used to be my favorite flower because I was surprised by how it could produce such exquisite and delicated flowers exactly as the regular pentagon. Some neighbors planted it to let let it climb over the fences, its scattered seeds falling on the ground will sprout again next spring. (4)

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23 Jan 2023

  • English (US)

Firstly, I think you mispelled it. It's DIARY, not DAIRY. Dairy means things like milk, butter, and cheese. Make sure to spell it right or it means two very different things!It's very good overall, there are just a few grammaticall errors. I will go in order and correct any mistakes I see. 1. Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. What does patches mean? Are you thinking of the word "yard" or "backyard"? 2. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes.The idea makes sense, but the grammar is a little weird. A better way to say it is "I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged plants with her." Also, I think you mean to say "caught my eyes" (slang for got your attention) instead of "came to my eyes". Came to my eyes is incorrect.3. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants.Again, it makes sense, but this is not grammatically correct. Instead, say : "She repurposed bottles as containers for growing plants"4. I hopped to come back home with excitement.Did you mean to say "hope"? If so, it doesn't make sense to say you hope (wish) you were excited. That means you weren't happy about this, but clearly you were. If you did mean to use the verb "hopped", it should be : I hopped back home with excitement. 5. think I might be affected by her Nothing wrong with this, but a nice word to use is "influence". You could say, "I think she had a big influence on me."6. "I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. "I couldn't resist looking for special plants and picking them up. Keep the same tense throughout.7. "once to see how he growed flowers"How he grew flowers 8. "saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor."I saw many pots LAID out in the damp and dark corridor.Otherwise it's very good and the way you write English is very eloquent and nice! It was an interesting diary, I agree with you!

Firstly, I think you mispelled it. It's DIARY, not DAIRY. Dairy means things like milk, butter, and cheese. Make sure to spell it right or it means two very different things!

It's very good overall, there are just a few grammaticall errors. I will go in order and correct any mistakes I see.
1. Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches.
What does patches mean? Are you thinking of the word "yard" or "backyard"?
2. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes.
The idea makes sense, but the grammar is a little weird. A better way to say it is "I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged plants with her." Also, I think you mean to say "caught my eyes" (slang for got your attention) instead of "came to my eyes". Came to my eyes is incorrect.
3. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants.
Again, it makes sense, but this is not grammatically correct. Instead, say : "She repurposed bottles as containers for growing plants"
4. I hopped to come back home with excitement.
Did you mean to say "hope"? If so, it doesn't make sense to say you hope (wish) you were excited. That means you weren't happy about this, but clearly you were. If you did mean to use the verb "hopped", it should be : I hopped back home with excitement.
5. think I might be affected by her
Nothing wrong with this, but a nice word to use is "influence". You could say, "I think she had a big influence on me."
6. "I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. "
I couldn't resist looking for special plants and picking them up. Keep the same tense throughout.
7. "once to see how he growed flowers"
How he grew flowers
8. "saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor."
I saw many pots LAID out in the damp and dark corridor.

Otherwise it's very good and the way you write English is very eloquent and nice! It was an interesting diary, I agree with you!

could u help me correct my dairy?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thanks so much, it's an interesting dairy Date: 2022.01.22 Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. In the opposite of my house lived a kind old lady who took growing flowers as a hobby. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants. She was so generous that she gave me a pot of cactus as a present, and cut off some branches or twigs of any other plants that cuttage works to make them root so that I could take the cuttings to propagate them. I hopped to come back home with excitement. Deluxe and stylish combination of cactus - I guess the old lady always went to the suburbs or the patches along the street where some different plants could be spotted. Those were the places where she got the plants. I think I might be affected by her, sometimes when I passed by a patch or took a trip in the rural areas, I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. And even worse, digging them up to move to my house. Then, I finally realized I was ruining the environment and public property, feeling sorry for my impolite behavior. I still remember when she invited me to her house at first, I was really afraid of her dog. As I tried to step on the ground in front of her front door, her pug thought I broke into its territory or intended to threaten its owner. Then it bared its teeth with a fierce expression, seemingly giving me a warning sign to keep me from approaching her house. After its rage simmered, it kept chasing me while barking. I was scared out of my wits and running insanely until she noticed and ordered the stupid pug to stop. (This has led to my aversion to dogs) Sempervivum tectorum - a kind of succulents. It has lotus shaped flowers and just occured to me that a kind old man lived in front of my house in the first few rows who invited me to visit his house once to see how he growed flowers. I was shown around in the second floor of his house and saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor. I think the species of plants he owned were more than the old lady's. And he was also really generous to give me many species of flowers I had never seen at that time, especially the succulent called Sempervivum which was really rare here. I was overjoyed to get it and he asked me to take care of them but unfortunately I was going to move to another place at that time and the house was demolished, the bricks just scattered on the ground. My father didn't care about my flowers and remove them out of the house, so they were absolutely destroyed. That's why I felt guilty to face the old man, failing to tend to the flowers. Quamocl*t pennata - it is one of the native flowers in my childhood. It belongs to the vine and has small and red star shaped flowers with a sweet smell. It used to be my favorite flower because I was surprised by how it could produce such exquisite and delicated flowers exactly as the regular pentagon. Some neighbors planted it to let let it climb over the fences, its scattered seeds falling on the ground will sprout again next spring. (11)

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24 Jan 2023

  • Simplified Chinese (China)

Thanks so much jake๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฅฐ, you explained very well and I really appreciate your help! I like ur corrections๐Ÿ˜‰


25 Jan 2023

  • English (US)

@max75838950 you're welcome!


could u help me correct my dairy?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thanks so much, it's an interesting dairy Date: 2022.01.22 Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. In the opposite of my house lived a kind old lady who took growing flowers as a hobby. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants. She was so generous that she gave me a pot of cactus as a present, and cut off some branches or twigs of any other plants that cuttage works to make them root so that I could take the cuttings to propagate them. I hopped to come back home with excitement. Deluxe and stylish combination of cactus - I guess the old lady always went to the suburbs or the patches along the street where some different plants could be spotted. Those were the places where she got the plants. I think I might be affected by her, sometimes when I passed by a patch or took a trip in the rural areas, I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. And even worse, digging them up to move to my house. Then, I finally realized I was ruining the environment and public property, feeling sorry for my impolite behavior. I still remember when she invited me to her house at first, I was really afraid of her dog. As I tried to step on the ground in front of her front door, her pug thought I broke into its territory or intended to threaten its owner. Then it bared its teeth with a fierce expression, seemingly giving me a warning sign to keep me from approaching her house. After its rage simmered, it kept chasing me while barking. I was scared out of my wits and running insanely until she noticed and ordered the stupid pug to stop. (This has led to my aversion to dogs) Sempervivum tectorum - a kind of succulents. It has lotus shaped flowers and just occured to me that a kind old man lived in front of my house in the first few rows who invited me to visit his house once to see how he growed flowers. I was shown around in the second floor of his house and saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor. I think the species of plants he owned were more than the old lady's. And he was also really generous to give me many species of flowers I had never seen at that time, especially the succulent called Sempervivum which was really rare here. I was overjoyed to get it and he asked me to take care of them but unfortunately I was going to move to another place at that time and the house was demolished, the bricks just scattered on the ground. My father didn't care about my flowers and remove them out of the house, so they were absolutely destroyed. That's why I felt guilty to face the old man, failing to tend to the flowers. Quamocl*t pennata - it is one of the native flowers in my childhood. It belongs to the vine and has small and red star shaped flowers with a sweet smell. It used to be my favorite flower because I was surprised by how it could produce such exquisite and delicated flowers exactly as the regular pentagon. Some neighbors planted it to let let it climb over the fences, its scattered seeds falling on the ground will sprout again next spring. (19)

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could u help me correct my dairy?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thanks so much, it's an interesting dairy Date: 2022.01.22 Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. In the opposite of my house lived a kind old lady who took growing flowers as a hobby. I sometimes dropped by her house and exchanged my plants that she didn't have with her. She took me to the roof of her house, some evergreens and succulents just came to my eyes. Whatever the beverage bottles or cans of milk powder were all repurposed by her as a container for growing plants. She was so generous that she gave me a pot of cactus as a present, and cut off some branches or twigs of any other plants that cuttage works to make them root so that I could take the cuttings to propagate them. I hopped to come back home with excitement. Deluxe and stylish combination of cactus - I guess the old lady always went to the suburbs or the patches along the street where some different plants could be spotted. Those were the places where she got the plants. I think I might be affected by her, sometimes when I passed by a patch or took a trip in the rural areas, I couldn't resist to look for any special plants and pick them up. And even worse, digging them up to move to my house. Then, I finally realized I was ruining the environment and public property, feeling sorry for my impolite behavior. I still remember when she invited me to her house at first, I was really afraid of her dog. As I tried to step on the ground in front of her front door, her pug thought I broke into its territory or intended to threaten its owner. Then it bared its teeth with a fierce expression, seemingly giving me a warning sign to keep me from approaching her house. After its rage simmered, it kept chasing me while barking. I was scared out of my wits and running insanely until she noticed and ordered the stupid pug to stop. (This has led to my aversion to dogs) Sempervivum tectorum - a kind of succulents. It has lotus shaped flowers and just occured to me that a kind old man lived in front of my house in the first few rows who invited me to visit his house once to see how he growed flowers. I was shown around in the second floor of his house and saw many pots layed on the damp and a bit dark corridor. I think the species of plants he owned were more than the old lady's. And he was also really generous to give me many species of flowers I had never seen at that time, especially the succulent called Sempervivum which was really rare here. I was overjoyed to get it and he asked me to take care of them but unfortunately I was going to move to another place at that time and the house was demolished, the bricks just scattered on the ground. My father didn't care about my flowers and remove them out of the house, so they were absolutely destroyed. That's why I felt guilty to face the old man, failing to tend to the flowers. Quamocl*t pennata - it is one of the native flowers in my childhood. It belongs to the vine and has small and red star shaped flowers with a sweet smell. It used to be my favorite flower because I was surprised by how it could produce such exquisite and delicated flowers exactly as the regular pentagon. Some neighbors planted it to let let it climb over the fences, its scattered seeds falling on the ground will sprout again next spring. (26)

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could u help me correct my dairy?๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thanks so much, it's an interesting dairy Date: 2022.01.22 Previously, I used to live in a big house with 2 patches. In the opposite of my house lived a kind old lady who took growing flowers as a hobby. I sometimes dro (2024)
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