Contents of Latest Paperless Shipping Bill by Kishan Barai (2024)

Contents of Shipping Bill

The Indian Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has recently introduced paperless version of filing exports which will use Quick Response (QR) codes for easing the processing of exports and clearance by customs.

This paper discusses the shipping bill of one such paperless transaction and provides and insight on what different terms are used in this bill, what they stand for and what their importance is.

This shipping bill is divided into five sections:

  • Shipping Bill Summary
  • Invoice Details
  • Item Details
  • Export Scheme Details
  • Declarations

Part I: Shipping Bill Summary

This part of the shipping bill is further divided into 10 sections in alphabetical order.

‘Section a’ discusses the status of the shipping and its content are as following:

  1. ‘Mode’ is the mode of transport that will be followed for this particular shipping.
  2. ASSESS means if the contents of the shipment have been assessed or not.
  3. EXMN means if the contents of the shipment have been examined or not.
  4. JOBBING means that if the seller is not associated with one company and is associated with different associations.
  5. MEIS stands for the Merchandise Export Incentive Scheme and means that if this scheme has been availed or not.
  6. DBK means Drawback and that if it has been availed or not.
  7. ROSL stands for Rebate of State Levies and means that if any rebate is applicable or not.
  8. DEEC stands for Duty Exemption Entitlement Certificate and suggests that does the seller have any certificate to exempt him/her from duty.
  9. DFRC stands for Duty Free Replenishment Certificate and suggests that does the seller have any certificate to avail duty free shipping.
  10. Re-EXP means that if the commodity is being re-exported or not.
  11. LUT is the acronym for Letter of Undertaking.
  12. Port of Loading means the port on which the container is loaded for shipment.
  13. Country of Final Destination tells the country where the commodity is to be sent.
  14. State of Origin means the state from which the application has been filed and will be shipped.
  15. Port of Final Destination means the port on which the shipment has to arrive.
  16. Port of Discharge means the port for which the shipment is discharged.
  17. Country of Discharge means the country for which the shipment is discharged.

Section B covers the details of the declarants and its contents are as following:

  1. ‘Exporter’s Name and Address’ tells us the name and the address under which the shipment is to be sent.
  2. ‘Type’ means the type of shipment which is being sent.
  3. AD Code means Authorized Dealer Code which is issued by the registered bank for the matters of import and export.
  4. ‘RBI Waiver No. and Dt.’ means if the declarant has been issued any waiver number by the Reserve Bank of India or not and the date corresponding to this specific waiver number.
  5. CB Name means the name of the Customs Broker.
  6. AEO means Authorized Economic Operator for this specific transaction.
  7. Consignee Name and Address covers the name and address of the one to whom the consignment is addressed to.
  8. GSTIN stands for the Goods and Services Tax Identification Number.
  9. ‘Forex Bank Acc.’ means the bank account number registered for this sale.
  10. ‘DBK Bank Acc.’ means the bank account number registered for receiving the Drawback.
  11. IFSC stands for the Indian Financial System Code.

Section C covers the Value Summary of the transaction and its contents include:

  1. FOB stands for the Freight on Board.
  2. Freight means the charges of the cargo.
  3. Insurance suggests the amount that has been spent on insuring the shipment.
  4. Disc stands for discounts; if any.
  5. COM stands for commission; if any.
  6. Deductions are the deductions to be made from prior transactions; if any.
  7. P/C stands for the packing charges.
  8. Duty means the duty charges on the shipping if there are any.
  9. Cess means the Cess tax if they are liable to pay it.

Section D covers the value of the export with the following contents:

  1. DBK CLAIM means the amount of drawback that has been claimed.
  2. IGST AMT means the amount of goods and services tax to be paid.
  3. CESS AMT means the amount of Cess tax that is to be paid.
  4. IGST Value means the value of IGST which is implied on this shipping.

Section E is the Manifesto Details and its contents are as following:

  1. ‘MAWB NO’ stands for the Master Airway Bill Number in case of shipment by air.
  2. ‘MAWB Dt.’ is for the date on which the Master Airway Bill was issued.
  3. ‘HAWB NO’ stands for the House Airway Bill.
  4. ‘HAWB Dt.’ is for the date on which the House Airway Bill was issued.
  5. ‘N.O.C’ stands for the No Objection Certificate.

Section F is the summary of the invoice and its content are as following:

  1. S.No. is the serial number of the invoice.
  2. INV No. stands for the number of the invoice.
  3. INV AMT. stands for the amount for which the invoice is issued.
  4. CURRENC means the currency in which the amounts are calculated.

Section G covers the details of the equipment with the following content:

  1. ‘Container’ specifies the number of container in which the shipment is being sent.
  2. SEAL means the number of seal which was issued for this shipment.
  3. Date means the date on which the seal was issued.
  4. S.No. means the serial number of the equipment.

Section H covers the details of the challan which has been issued and contains the following terms:

  1. ‘SR.No.’ means the serial number of the challan.
  2. Challan No means the number of issued challan
  3. PAYMT DT means the date on which the payment was made.
  4. AMOUNT means the amount of the challan.

Section I contains the details of the Annex and has the following components:

  1. SEAL TYPE suggests how the shipment was provided, sealed in the warehouse in this case.
  2. NATURE OF CARGO suggests the type in which the cargo will be sent; a container in this case.
  3. NO OF PACKETS means the number of packets that are there in the entire shipment.
  4. NO OF CONTAINERS means the total number of containers which are being shipped.
  5. LOOSE PACKETS suggests the amount of loose packets; that are not in any container.
  6. MARKS & NUMBERS means the remarks and undertakings for the container and its contents.

Section J contains the details of the entire process and its contents are:

  1. ‘EVENT’ which tells the event which had happened.
  2. ‘Date’ tells us the date on which the event occurred.
  3. ‘Time’ tells us the exact time on which the certain event had occurred.
  4. ‘LEO NO.’ means the number for ‘Left Export Order’.
  5. ‘Submission’ is an event; when the papers and commodities were submitted.
  6. ‘ASSESSMENT’ is the event when the content and its papers were assessed.
  7. ‘EXAMINATION’ is the event when the content and the papers were examined.
  8. BRC Realization Date means the date on which the Bank Realization Certificate was issued.
  9. LEO stands for ‘Left Export Order’.

Part II: Invoice Details

This part of the shipping bill is further divided into 4 sections, based on alphabetical order. The ‘part a’ of this page is the ‘reference’ which has its content as following:

  1. ‘S.No’ stands for the Serial Number.
  2. ‘INVOICE No & Dt.’ is for the number of billing statement and its date.
  3. ‘P.O. No & Dt.’ stands for the Purchase Order Number and its corresponding date.
  4. ‘LoC No and Dt.’ stands for the Letter of Credit Number and the date it was issued on.
  5. ‘Contract No. & Dt’ suggests the number and the date of the analogous contract.
  6. ‘AD Code’ is the acronym for the Authorized Dealer code which is issued by the bank for the export-import business.
  7. ‘INVTERM’ states the type of agreement between the two parties; it can either be CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) or FOB (Free on Board) for international shipments.

Section B of the part II covers the details of the transactional parties and its content are as:

  1. ‘Exporter’s Name and Address’ covers the details of the person sending the package.
  2. ‘Buyer’s Name and Address’ covers the details of the person who has bought the merchandise from the exporter.
  3. ‘Third Party Name and Address’ covers the details of the any third party involved in this transactional activity and has a role to play in it.
  4. ‘Buyer AEO Status’ covers the details of the ‘Authorized Economic Operator’ certification of the buyers which ensures their quality and assurance of their international supply chains.

Part III of the entire invoice details cover the Contract Value in monetary terms. The constituents of this part are as following:

  1. ‘Invoice Value’ is the total sum of the cost of the contract and along with it is the currency that has been used as well.
  2. FOB Value stands for the Free on Board Value of the merchandise which suggests the value of the merchandises that has been transferred from the seller to the buyer.
  3. Freight is the cost of shipping that is associated with the merchandises.
  4. Insurance is the amount that has been spent on insuring the merchandises on board
  5. Discounts is for the amounts that have been relaxed to the seller.
  6. Commission is the amounts that is to be given to any third party involved.
  7. Deduct is the acronym for deduction which helps in clearing the balance of payments between the seller and the buyer.
  8. ‘P/C’ stands for the Packaging Charges of the commodity
  9. Exchange Rate is the rate of the currency that has been used in this transaction as comparison to the Indian Rupee.

The last section of the Part II is the Item Details and as the name suggests, it covers the details of the items that are being transported. It has 7 subheadings, which are as follows:

  1. ‘S.No’ as previously stated, it is the Serial Number of the product.
  2. ‘HS CD’ is the Harmonized System Code which is a special number that has been allocated to a certain commodity for international transport.
  3. ‘Description’ is the basic idea of what kind of commodity is being transferred which in this case is Indian Onions in 10 Kg packets.
  4. ‘Quantity’ is the quantity of the commodity.
  5. UQC stands for the Unit Quantity Code which is basically an indication for the unit of measurement that has been used in measuring this one particular commodity.
  6. Rate is the costing value of each unit of the specific commodity.
  7. Value is the total value of the shipment.

Part III: Item Details

The Part III covers all the details of the items that are being shipped from the seller to the buyer via international borders.

The constituent of this part are as following:

  1. ‘INVSN’ stands for the number of invoices for the specified shipment.
  2. ‘ITEMSN’ is the number of total items that are being transported.
  3. ‘HS CD’ is the Harmonized System Code which is a special number that has been allocated to a certain commodity for international transport.
  4. ‘Description’ is the basic idea of what kind of commodity is being transferred which in this case is Indian Onions in 10 Kg packets.
  5. ‘Quantity’ is the quantity of the commodity.
  6. UQC stands for the Unit Quantity Code which is basically an indication for the unit of measurement that has been used in measuring this one particular commodity.
  7. Rate is the costing value of each unit of the specific commodity.
  8. Value is the total value of the shipment.
  9. FOB stands for Freight on Board and is mentioned in Indian Rupees.
  10. PMV stands for Present Market Value of the commodity.
  11. ‘DUTYAMT’ stands for the amount of duty that is liable to be paid for the specified commodities.
  12. CESSRT stands for the rate of Cess tax.
  13. CESAMT stands for the amount of Cess tax that has to be paid.
  14. DBKCLMD stand for the Drawback Claimed from the duties.
  15. IGSTSTAT is the acronym for the status of IGST.
  16. IGSTVALUE is the value of Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST).
  17. IGST AMOUNT is the amount of IGST that is to be paid.
  18. SCHCOD stands for the Scheme code and implies which is for the scheme under which the commodity is being sold overseas.
  19. SCHEME DESCRIPTION is the name of the scheme under which this transaction is being made.
  20. SQC MR stands for the Standard Quantity Measurement of the commodity in units.
  21. SQC UQC stands for the Standard Quantity Unit Quantity Code and describes the unit of measurement which has been used to make the measurement.
  22. State of Origin stands for the province from which the application and commodity has been filed.
  23. District of Origin stands for the district from which the application and commodity has been filed.
  24. PT Abroad stands for the availability of Preferential Treatment abroad.
  25. COMP CESS stands for the amount of Cess tax that has been compensated.
  26. END USE stands for the kind of use of the commodity in the end, which in this case is for consumer use under commercial distribution.
  27. FTA BENEFIT AVAILED elaborates if the benefit of Free Trade Agreement has been availed or not.
  28. Reward benefit elaborates if the seller is legible for any sort of reward benefit or not.
  29. THIRD PARTY ITEM means that the commodity has been delivered to someone, a third party who will then take the item to the one who has bought it or not.

Part IV: Scheme Details

This part of the shipping bill covers the details of the scheme which was availed for this specific shipment. This part is divided into 9 sections in alphabetical order which are as following.

The section A is the Drawback and ROSL Claim which has the following contents:

  1. INV SNO is for the serial number of the invoice.
  2. ITEM SNO is for the serial number of the items in the invoice.
  3. DBK SNO is for the serial number of drawback scheme.
  4. QTY/WT is for the quantity or the weight of the item.
  5. Value is for the monetary value of the items in the shipment.
  6. Rate is for the rate at which each unit of item costs.
  7. DBK AMT is the amount of drawback which has been availed using this scheme.
  8. REBATE is the amount that has been refunded.
  9. AMOUNT is the amount of the drawback claim for the said articles.
  10. DBK + ROSL is for the total amount of Drawbacks claim and the Rebate of State Levies.

Section B covers the details of the DFIA license and its content are as following:

  1. INV SNO is for the serial number of the invoice.
  2. ITEM SNO is for the serial number of the items in the invoice.
  3. LICENSE NO is for the number of Duty Free Import Authorization License.
  4. DESCN OF EXPORT ITEM is for the description of the items being exported.
  5. EXP SNO stands for the serial number of exports.
  6. EXP QTY stands for the quantity of the exports.
  7. UQC stands for the Unit Quantity Code.
  8. FOB VALUE stands for the Freight on Board Value.
  9. SION stands for the Standard Input Output Norms.
  10. DSCN OF IMPORT ITEM is for the description of the items being imported.
  11. IMP SNO stands for the serial number of the import.
  12. IMP QTY stands for the quantity of the import material.
  13. UQC stands for the Unit Quantity Code.
  14. IMP stands for the imports.

Section C of this part covers the Jobbing Details and has the following content:

  1. BE No is the export number of the jobber.
  2. BE Date is when the contract was made.
  3. PORT CODE is the code of the port from which the shipment will be sent.
  4. DESCN OF IMPORTED GOODS covers the description of the goods that are being imported.
  5. QTY IMP stands for the quantity of the goods that have been imported.
  6. QTY USED is for the unit that has been used to measure the quantity.

Section D is the Single Window Application and its contents are as following:

  1. INV SNO stands for the invoice serial number.
  2. ITMSN stands for the item serial number.
  3. INFO stands for information.
  4. QUALIFIER means the qualifying content of the imports.
  5. INFO CD stands for the Information Code.
  6. INFO TEXT stands for the information text.
  7. INFO MSR stands for the information measurement.
  8. UQC stands for the Unit Quantity Code.

Section E is the Single Window Declaration Constituents with the following contents:

  1. INV SNO stands for the invoice serial number.
  2. ITMSN stands for the item serial number.
  3. C SNO is the serial number of the code.
  4. Location means the location at which the constituents were declared.
  5. CODE is the code of the constituent.
  6. PERCENTAGE stands for the percentage share of each constituent.
  7. YEILD PCT is the percentage that is yielded.
  8. ING stands for the ingredients.

Section F is the Single Window Declaration – Control with the following contents:

  1. INV SNO stands for the invoice serial number.
  2. ITMSN stands for the item serial number.
  3. CONTROL TYPE states the type of control which is applicable on this shipment.
  4. LOCATION is the location where the control is applied.
  5. ST DT stands for the starting date of the control.
  6. END DT stands for the ending date of the control.
  7. RES CD stands for the Result Code
  8. RES TEXT stands for the result text.

Section G is for the Supporting Documents and has the following content:

  1. INV SNO stands for the invoice serial number.
  2. ITMSN stands for the item serial number.
  3. DOCTYPCD stands for the code of document type.
  4. ICEGATE ID stands for the ID that has been issued by the ICEGATE.
  5. IRN stands for the Image Reference Number.
  6. PARTY CD stands for the Party Code.
  7. ISSUE PLA stands for the place where the documents were issued.
  8. ISS DT stands for the date when the documents were issued.
  9. EXP DT stands for the date when the documents will expire.

Section H is for the Invoice Details and has the following content:

  1. SNO stands for the serial number.
  2. INVOICE NO stands for the number of invoice.
  3. INVOICE AMOUNT is the amount of the invoice.
  4. CURRENCY is the currency in which the amount of the invoice is calculated.

Section I is for the Container Details and has the following content:

  1. SNO stands for the serial number.
  2. CONTAINER stands for the number of container which will be shipped.
  3. SEAL stands for the code of the seal on the container.
  4. DATE stands for the date on which the container was shipped.

Part V: Declarations

This part covers declarations of any sort that are to be made regarding the shipment and its content.

Contents of Latest Paperless Shipping Bill by Kishan Barai (2024)
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