Consumer – (2024)

MTN (PTY) LTD est un prestataire de services financiers agréé. Numéro de licence FSP : 44774

Consumer – (1)


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What you can do with MoMo

Consumer – (2)

Buy airtime & bundles

Need airtime, data and SMS bundles quickly? Buy them on MoMo, even if you’re not with MTN.

Consumer – (3)

Pay your bills

Skip the queues and pay municipal bills, school fees, DSTV and more with your MoMo account.

Consumer – (4)

Start saving

It’s never too late to start saving, even if you don’t have a bank account. Use MoMo to start saving money.

Consumer – (5)

Take out a loan

Need money but don’t have enough? Get a short-term loan using your MoMo app.

Consumer – (6)

Shop online with MoMoPay

Shop safely and securely online at selected MoMo partner providers.

Download MoMo Apps

Consumer – (7)

MoMo App

Consumer – (8)Consumer – (9)Consumer – (10)

Consumer – (2024)


How do I reactivate my MTN MoMo account in Cameroon? ›

My Mobile Money account is dormant. How do I reactivate it?
  1. Enter Phone number.
  2. Enter OTP.
  4. Generate Forms.
  5. Enter bio data details.
  6. Proceed to submit your answers.
  7. An SMS will be sent with Ticket Number.
Feb 21, 2023

How do I contact MoMo customer service? ›

  1. MOMOPSB. 671.
  2. Customer Resolutions. [email protected].
  3. WhatsApp. 07031594671.

What to do if my MoMo account is blocked? ›

If you enter the wrong PIN on failure of your third attempt, the Mobile Money wallet will be blocked. In the event that the wallet is disabled, you can call the call center to reset your PIN for any amount equal or below Frw 20,000 and you can visit your nearest Service Centre for your PIN Reset.

How can I activate my deactivated MTN SIM? ›

Visit any MTN service centers or connect stores nearest to you with the following: Phone Number, NIN Number, Your full name, date of birth, state of origin and mother's maiden name.

How can I open my MoMo account? ›

You also have the possibility to open your MTN MoMo account yourself from your phone:
  1. Type *400#
  2. Choose 1 “continue self-registration”.
  3. Then insert your first and last name.
  4. Then fill in your date of birth: MM/DD/YYYY.
  5. Choose your 5-digit PINSECRET code and validate.

How can I talk directly to MTN customer care? ›

Scan here to download myMTN NG app and manage your MTN account with ease
  1. Call Center/IVR: Dial 300.
  2. MTN Chatbot Zigi: 09033000001.
  3. WhatsApp: 09033000001.
  4. Twitter: @MTN300.
  5. Facebook: @MTNLoaded.
  6. send email to [email protected].

How do I activate my MoMo number? ›

How do I activate my MoMo wallet after completing registration?
  1. Dial *170#
  2. Select option for 'Choose Pin'
  3. Select PIN.
  4. Confirm PIN.
  5. An SMS notification received upon successful activation.
Nov 5, 2021

How to call MTN customer care code on WhatsApp? ›

Here are 5 Mtn Dedicated WhatsApp Number to add: 09033000001 09033000002 09033000003 09033000004 09033000005 To chat with MTN customer care representatives via WhatsApp, simply add any of the above numbers to your WhatsApp list and start chatting immediately with MTN available customer care representative.

How do I unblock a blocked account? ›

Find blocked accounts or unblock someone
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open your device's Settings app Google. Manage your Google Account.
  2. At the top, tap People & sharing.
  3. Under "Contacts," tap Blocked.
  4. You'll find a list of accounts you blocked across Google products.

How do I unblock my MTN SIM card online? ›

MTN: Visit []( to check NIN status. If not linked, proceed to link it. An OTP and NIN will be required. Once linked, your line will be automatically unbarred.

What happens if your account is blocked? ›

Blocked accounts restrict account owners from unlimited and unrestricted use of their funds in that account. Accounts may be blocked or limited for a variety of reasons, including internal bank policies, external regulations, or via a court order or legal decision.

Can you reverse MTN MoMo transaction? ›

What is MoMo Self-Reversal? Self-MoMo reversal is a faster and easier solution which will allow customers to reverse money sent wrongly via the short code *126#, to avoid cash-out by the wrong recipients. Who is eligible ? All customers who've done direct transfer transactions.

How do I access MTN MoMo? ›

Dial *120*151# and follow the onscreen menu to manage your account or make payments. Download and install the MoMo app for a full in-app banking experience. Through MoMo, you can: Send and receive money to and from other MoMo customers.

What is the code for MTN MoMo? ›

dial *671# to activate a MoMo account today.

Why is my MoMo account dormant? ›

"Dormant wallet" means a Mobile money wallet that remains inactive for a period of six (6) months, counted from the date of last the notification of such inactivity and in total of twelve (12) months of inactivity.

How to unsuspend MTN account? ›

Manage a suspended account

Dial 135 and speak to an agent for a detailed explanation of why your service has been suspended and how to get it reinstated.

How can I reverse MTN MoMo? ›

How To Reverse A Transaction On MTN MoMo
  1. Dial *165#
  2. Go to “My Account” by choosing option 8.
  3. Choose option 7 on the next screen to go to “Initial Reversal”. ...
  4. Choose the transaction you want to reverse.
  5. Enter your PIN for account verification. ...
  6. Contact MTN CustomerCare by dialing 100 within 6 days to complete the reversal.

How can I deactivate my MoMo account? ›

To delete your Momo account, you need to compose an email requesting cancellation of the Online Wallet, including the following details: - MoMo Wallet Number: (Your phone number used for registering the account). - Full Name of the Account Holder: the name you provided during registration.

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Author: Tish Haag

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Views: 5412

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.