Configure Azure Stack Hub telemetry - Azure Stack (2024)

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Azure Stack Hub telemetry automatically uploads system data to Microsoft via the Connected User Experience. Microsoft teams use the data that Azure Stack Hub telemetry gathers to improve customer experiences. This data is also used for security, health, quality, and performance analysis.

For an Azure Stack Hub operator, telemetry can provide valuable insights into enterprise deployments and gives you a voice that helps shape future versions of Azure Stack Hub.


You can also configure Azure Stack Hub to forward usage information to Azure for billing. This is required for multi-node Azure Stack Hub customers who choose pay-as-you-use billing. Usage reporting is controlled independently from telemetry and isn't required for multi-node customers who choose the capacity model or for Azure Stack Development Kit users. For these scenarios, usage reporting can be turned off using the registration script.

Azure Stack Hub telemetry is based on the Windows Server 2016 Connected User Experience and Telemetry component.This component uses the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) TraceLogging technology to gather and store events and data. Azure Stack components use the same technology to publish events and data gathered by using public operating system event logging and tracing APIs. Examples of these Azure Stack Hub components include these providers: Network Resource, Storage Resource, Monitoring Resource, and Update Resource. The Connected User Experience and Telemetry component encrypts data using SSL and uses certificate pinning to transmit data over HTTPS to the Microsoft Data Management service.

Azure Stack Hub telemetry is based on the Windows Server 2019 Connected User Experience and Telemetry component.This component uses the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) TraceLogging technology to gather and store events and data. Azure Stack components use the same technology to publish events and data gathered by using public operating system event logging and tracing APIs. Examples of these Azure Stack Hub components include these providers: Network Resource, Storage Resource, Monitoring Resource, and Update Resource. The Connected User Experience and Telemetry component encrypts data using SSL and uses certificate pinning to transmit data over HTTPS to the Microsoft Data Management service.

Network requirements

To enable telemetry data flow, the following outbound ports and endpoints must be open and allowed in your network:

EndpointProtocol / PortsDescription 443Cloud configuration endpoint for UTC, DiagTrack, and Feedback hub 443Provides a more reliable device identity
* 443Endpoint for UTC, DiagTrack, Windows Error Reporting, and Aria
EndpointProtocol / PortsDescription 443Cloud configuration endpoint for UTC, DiagTrack, and Feedback hub 443Provides a more reliable device identity
* 443Endpoint for UTC, DiagTrack, Windows Error Reporting, and Aria
https://* 443Azure Storage account 443Required for successful telemetry data upload to Microsoft

Beginning with Azure Stack Hub version 2108, telemetry data will upload to Azure Storage account managed and controlled by Microsoft.

Privacy considerations

The ETW service routes telemetry data back to protected cloud storage. The principal of least privilege guides access to telemetry data. Only Microsoft personnel with a valid business need are given access to the telemetry data. Microsoft doesn't share personal customer data with third parties, except at the customer's discretion or for the limited purposes described in the Microsoft Privacy Statement. Business reports that are shared with OEMs and partners include aggregated, anonymized data. Data sharing decisions are made by an internal Microsoft team including privacy, legal, and data management stakeholders.

Microsoft believes in, and practices information minimization. We strive to gather only the information that's needed, and store it for only as long as necessary to provide a service or for analysis. Much of the information about how the Azure Stack Hub system and Azure services are functioning is deleted within six months. Summarized or aggregated data will be kept for a longer period.

We understand that the privacy and security of customer information is important. Microsoft takes a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to customer privacy and the protection of customer data in Azure Stack Hub. IT administrators have controls to customize features and privacy settings at any time. Our commitment to transparency and trust is clear:

  • We're open with customers about the types of data we gather.
  • We put enterprise customers in control -- they can customize their own privacy settings.
  • We put customer privacy and security first.
  • We're transparent about how telemetry data gets used.
  • We use telemetry data to improve customer experiences.

Microsoft doesn't intend to gather sensitive data, like credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, email addresses, or similar sensitive information. If we determine that sensitive information has been inadvertently received, we delete it.

Examples of how Microsoft uses the telemetry data

Telemetry plays an important role in helping to quickly identify and fix critical reliability issues in customer deployments and configurations. Insights from telemetry data can help identify issues with services or hardware configurations. Microsoft's ability to get this data from customers and drive improvements to the ecosystem raises the bar for the quality of integrated Azure Stack Hub solutions.

Telemetry also helps Microsoft to better understand how customers deploy components, use features, and use services to achieve their business goals. These insights help prioritize engineering investments in areas that can directly impact customer experiences and workloads.

Some examples include customer use of containers, storage, and networking configurations that are associated with Azure Stack Hub roles. We also use the insights to drive improvements and intelligence into Azure Stack Hub management and monitoring solutions. These improvements make it easier for customers to diagnose issues and save money by making fewer support calls to Microsoft.

Manage telemetry collection

We don't recommend turning off telemetry in your organization. However, in some scenarios it may be necessary.

In these scenarios, you can configure the telemetry level sent to Microsoft by using registry settings before you deploy Azure Stack Hub, or by using the Telemetry Endpoints after you deploy Azure Stack Hub.

Telemetry levels and data collection

Before you change telemetry settings, you should understand the telemetry levels and what data is collected at each level.

The telemetry settings are grouped into four levels (0-3) that are cumulative and categorized as the follows:

0 (Security)
Security data only. Information that's required to keep the operating system secure. This includes data about the Connected User Experience and Telemetry component settings, and Windows Defender. No telemetry specific to Azure Stack Hub is emitted at this level.

1 (Basic)
Security data, and Basic Health and Quality data. Basic device information, including: quality-related data, app compatibility, app usage data, and data from the Security level. Setting your telemetry level to Basic enables Azure Stack Hub telemetry. The data gathered at this level includes:

  • Basic device information that provides an understanding about the types and configurations of native and virtual Windows Server 2016 instances in the ecosystem. This includes:
    • Machine attributes, such as the OEM, and model.
    • Networking attributes, such as the number of network adapters and their speed.
    • Processor and memory attributes, such as the number of cores, and amount of installed memory.
    • Storage attributes, such as the number of drives, type of drive, and drive size.
  • Basic device information that provides an understanding about the types and configurations of native and virtual Windows Server 2019 instances in the ecosystem. This includes:
    • Machine attributes, such as the OEM, and model.
    • Networking attributes, such as the number of network adapters and their speed.
    • Processor and memory attributes, such as the number of cores, and amount of installed memory.
    • Storage attributes, such as the number of drives, type of drive, and drive size.
  • Telemetry functionality, including the percentage of uploaded events, dropped events, and the last data upload time.
  • Quality-related information that helps Microsoft develop a basic understanding of how Azure Stack Hub is performing. For example, the count of critical alerts on a particular hardware configuration.
  • Compatibility data that helps provide an understanding about which Resource Providers are installed on a system and a virtual machine (VM). This identifies potential compatibility problems.

2 (Enhanced)
Additional insights, including: how the operating system and Azure Stack Hub services are used, how these services perform, advanced reliability data, and data from the Security and Basic levels.


This is the default telemetry setting.

3 (Full)
All data necessary to identify and help to fix problems, plus data from the Security, Basic, and Enhanced levels.


These telemetry levels only apply to Microsoft Azure Stack Hub components. Non-Microsoft software components and services that are running in the Hardware Lifecycle Host from Azure Stack Hub hardware partners may communicate with their cloud services outside of these telemetry levels. You should work with your Azure Stack Hub hardware solution provider to understand their telemetry policy, and how you can opt in or opt out.

Turning off Windows and Azure Stack Hub telemetry also disables SQL telemetry. For more information about the implications of the Windows Server telemetry settings, see the Windows Telemetry Whitepaper.

ASDK: set the telemetry level in the Windows registry

You can use the Windows Registry Editor to manually set the telemetry level on the physical host computer before you deploy Azure Stack Hub. If a management policy already exists, such as Group Policy, it overrides this registry setting.

Before you deploy Azure Stack Hub on the development kit host, boot into CloudBuilder.vhdx and run the following script in an elevated PowerShell window:

### Get current AllowTelemetry value on DVM Host(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection" `-Name AllowTelemetry).AllowTelemetry### Set & Get updated AllowTelemetry value for ASDK-HostSet-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection" `-Name "AllowTelemetry" -Value '0' # Set this value to 0,1,2,or3. (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection" `-Name AllowTelemetry).AllowTelemetry

ASDK and Multi-Node: enable or disable telemetry after deployment

To enable or disable telemetry after deployment, you need access to the privileged endpoint (PEP) which is exposed on the ERCS VMs.

  • To Enable: Set-Telemetry -Enable
  • To Disable: Set-Telemetry -Disable

PARAMETER details:

  • .PARAMETER Enable - Turn on telemetry data upload
  • .PARAMETER Disable - Turn off telemetry data upload

Script to enable telemetry:

$ip = "<IP ADDRESS OF THE PEP VM>" # You can also use the machine name instead of IP here.$pwd= ConvertTo-SecureString "<CLOUD ADMIN PASSWORD>" -AsPlainText -Force$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("<DOMAIN NAME>\CloudAdmin", $pwd)$psSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ip -ConfigurationName PrivilegedEndpoint -Credential $cred -SessionOption (New-PSSessionOption -Culture en-US -UICulture en-US)Invoke-Command -Session $psSession {Set-Telemetry -Enable}if($psSession){ Remove-PSSession $psSession}

Script to disable telemetry:

$ip = "<IP ADDRESS OF THE PEP VM>" # You can also use the machine name instead of IP here.$pwd= ConvertTo-SecureString "<CLOUD ADMIN PASSWORD>" -AsPlainText -Force$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("<DOMAIN NAME>\CloudAdmin", $pwd)$psSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ip -ConfigurationName PrivilegedEndpoint -Credential $cred -SessionOption (New-PSSessionOption -Culture en-US -UICulture en-US)Invoke-Command -Session $psSession {Set-Telemetry -Disable}if($psSession){ Remove-PSSession $psSession}

Next steps

Register Azure Stack Hub with Azure

Configure Azure Stack Hub telemetry - Azure Stack (2024)


How do I monitor my Azure stack? ›

Monitor Azure Stack HCI through the Monitoring tab
  1. Go to your Azure Stack HCI cluster resource page and select your cluster.
  2. On the Overview page of your cluster, select the Monitoring tab.
  3. On the Platform metrics pane, review the graphs displaying platform metrics.
Apr 22, 2024

How do I set up Azure Stack Hub? ›

  1. Download Azure Stack Hub tools from GitHub.
  2. Install Azure Stack PowerShell.
  3. Connect with Azure Stack PowerShell.
  4. Download the Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK)

What is telemetry monitoring in Azure? ›

Application Insights collects telemetry about your app, including web server telemetry, web page telemetry, and performance counters. This data can be used to monitor your app's performance, health, and usage. You can select the location when you create a new Application Insights resource.

What is the difference between Azure stack hub and Azure stack HCI? ›

While they share a mission, Azure Stack HCI and Azure Stack Hub differ notably in operational models, infrastructure requirements, and ideal use cases. Azure Stack HCI excels in situations requiring flexibility, minimal server footprint, access to Hyper-V features, and AVD.

How do I check my telemetry logs in Azure? ›

Viewing ILogger Telemetry

In the Azure Portal: Go to the Azure Portal and access your Application Insights resource. Click on the "Logs" section inside Application Insights. Use Kusto Query Language (KQL) to query ILogger messages, usually stored in the traces table.

How does Azure Stack Hub work? ›

The Azure Stack Hub architecture lets you provide Azure services at the edge for remote locations or intermittent connectivity, disconnected from the internet. You can create hybrid solutions that process data locally in Azure Stack Hub and then aggregate it in Azure for additional processing and analytics.

What is Azure hub stack? ›

Azure Stack is a portfolio of products that extend Azure services and capabilities to your environment of choice—from the datacenter to edge locations and remote offices. Build and deploy hybrid and edge computing applications and run them consistently across location boundaries.

How do I enable telemetry in Azure? ›

To enable Azure Monitor Application Insights, you make a minor modification to your application and set your "Connection String." The Connection String tells your application where to send the telemetry the Distro collects, and it's unique to you.

How to do telemetry monitoring? ›

A member of your health care team puts the pads in different places on your chest. These pads and wires pick up signals from your heart and send them to the telemetry unit. The unit changes these signals into a picture of your heart rhythm.

Where is telemetry in Azure? ›

Once you've instrumented your application and it's running, you can view telemetry data in the Azure Portal: Navigate to your Application Insights resource. Click on “Overview” to see high-level information about your application's performance and usage.

What are the limitations of Azure stack hub? ›

There is a limit on the total number of VMs that can be created. The maximum number of VMs on Azure Stack Hub is 700 and 60 per scale unit node. For example, an eight-server Azure Stack Hub VM limit would be 480 (8 * 60). For a 12 to 16 server Azure Stack Hub solution, the limit would be 700.

Which two Azure services can be used with Azure Stack? ›

What Azure services are supported by Azure Stack HCI?
  • Virtual Machines. Windows & Linux VMs.
  • Containers.
  • IoT Edge Runtime.
  • AKS on HCI.
  • Azure Services in Containers. Azure Stream Analytics. SQL / SQL DB Edge. Azure Functions. Azure Event Grid. Logic Apps. API Management. Azure Cognitive Services. Azure ML.
Feb 18, 2022

What is the Google equivalent of Azure stack? ›

Azure Stack, AWS Outposts and Google Anthos aim to integrate on-premises resources with the public cloud services on Azure, AWS and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), respectively. These hybrid cloud platforms provide a common workload deployment process and APIs for both on-premises and cloud-based environments.

How do I Monitor data pipeline in Azure? ›

You can monitor all of your Data Factory pipeline runs natively in Azure Data Factory Studio. To open the monitoring experience, select Launch Studio from your Data Factory page in the Azure portal, and in Azure Data Factory Studio, select Monitor from the left menu.

How do you Monitor Azure resources? ›

Azure Monitor tools
  1. Metrics explorer, a tool in the Azure portal that allows you to view and analyze metrics for Azure resources. ...
  2. Log Analytics, a tool in the Azure portal that allows you to query and analyze log data by using the Kusto query language (KQL).
Apr 5, 2024

How do I Monitor Azure pipelines? ›

You can monitor all of your pipeline runs natively in the Azure Data Factory user experience. To open the monitoring experience, select the Monitor & Manage tile in the data factory blade of the Azure portal. If you're already in the ADF UX, click on the Monitor icon on the left sidebar.

How do I Monitor my Azure usage? ›

Check usage in the Azure portal
  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Search for Subscriptions.
  3. Select the subscription that was created when you signed up for your Azure free account.
  4. The page shows your free service usage.
Mar 21, 2024

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