Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (2024)

Table of Contents
Compound Interest Excel Formula Compounding Once per Monthor 'T' Times per Year Compounding Every 'x' Months Calculating Compound Interest with FV Function $5000, 5%, 10 years, compounding once per year $5000, 5%, 10 years, compounding 4 times per year $5000, 5%, 10 years, compounding x times per year Compound vs. Simple Interest Compounding Effect Effect of Frequency on Compounding Interest Rate vs. Compounding Interest Rate vs. Compounding Graph Effect of Compounding with Regular Payments Rule of 72: Time to Double But what if I want to calculate the EXACT time it takes? Reverse of Compounding - The PV Function Reverse of Regular Compounding - PMT Function Compound Interest in Excel - VIDEO Example Workbook with Compound Interest Calculations Learn More Finance & Accounting Concepts Top 10 Accounting KPIs and How to Calculate them in Excel? Mortgage Calculator with Extra Payments – Excel Download Calculate CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) using Excel [Formulas] Offset() function to Calculate IRR for Dynamic Range NPV() function to calculate Present Value Get FREE Excel + Power BI Tips Welcome to How to calculate WEEKNUMBER in Month / Quarter / Year with Excel? Automatically Format Numbers in Thousands, Millions, Billions in Excel [2 Techniques] How to compare two Excel sheets using VLOOKUP? [FREE Template] Sales Analysis Dashboards with Power BI – 30+ Alternatives Announcing Power BI Dashboard Contest (win $500 prizes!) Related Tips Automatically Format Numbers in Thousands, Millions, Billions in Excel [2 Techniques] How to calculate the Gender Pay Gap using Excel Formulas? (Free Calculator Template) Weighted Average in Excel [Formulas] How to fix SPILL Error in Excel Tables (3 easy solutions) Loan Amortization Schedule in Excel – FREE Template One Response to “Compound Interest Formula in Excel” Leave a Reply FAQs
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Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (1)



Compound interest is defined as “the interest on savings calculated on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods.” Classically, known as “interest on interest”, this is the most common type interest used in every day finance situations.

To calculate compound interest

  • on principal amount P
  • at the rate of interest R
  • for the number of years N
  • and compounded T times per year
  • we can use the formula = P*(1+R/T)^(N*T)

In this article, let me explain the necessary Excel formulas to calculate compound interest using your data.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (2)

In this Article

Compound Interest Excel Formula

Let’s say you borrow $5,000 at 5% interest rate for 10 years. The compounded value at the end of 10 years can be calculated with below Excel formula.

  • Cell D4 has principal value: $5000
  • Cell D5 has interest rate: 5%
  • Cell D6 has years: 10

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (3)


We can also calculate just the interest portion with this formula:

=D4*(1+D5)^D6 - D4

Compounding Once per Month
or 'T' Times per Year

It is common for compounding to be done more than once per year. In such cases, you can use below Excel formula logic to calculate the compound interest.

Below example shows compounding 4 times per year (ie, once every quarter).

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (4)

' D20 has Principal Amount' D21 has Rate of Interest' D23 has number of years' D24 has compounding terms per years=D20*(1+D21/D23)^(D22*D23)

Compounding Every 'x' Months

If you want to calculate the effect of compounding every ‘x’ months, you can just below logic.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (5)

' D34 has Principal Amount' D35 has Rate of Interest' D36 has number of years' D37 has number of months per compounding=D34*(1+D35*D37/12)^(D36*12/D37)

Calculating Compound Interest with FV Function

Instead of using the P*(1+R/T)^(N*T) formula, you can use the FV () function (Future Value) to calculate the compounded value over time.

Here are a few examples:

$5000, 5%, 10 years, compounding once per year

'FV Syntax: FV(Interest Rate per term, Number of terms, , Principal Amount)=FV(5%, 10,, -5000)Output: $8144.47

$5000, 5%, 10 years, compounding 4 times per year

=FV(5%/4, 10*4,, -5000)Output: $8218.10

$5000, 5%, 10 years, compounding x times per year

'Cell A1 has the Compounding Terms x=FV(5%/A1, 10*A1,, -5000)

Compound vs. Simple Interest

Simple interest is defined as Principal x Interest Rate. It doesn’t change over time.

On the other hand, Compound Interest changes over time, as we calculateinterest ON interest too.

Here is a quick demo of how Simple & Compound Interests compare over 20 years time, for $5,000 borrowed at 5% rate of interest.


Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (6)

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (7)

“Compounding Effect”or that rapid growth of money over time often surprises people.

Imagine investing $5,000 at 5%, compounded annually for 20 years. Below table shows the effect of compounding on your money.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (8)

To calculate compounded value for various years, we can use below formulas.

'LIST OF 20 YEARS=SEQUENCE(20)'COMPOUNDED VALUE AT THE END OF EACH YEAR'Amount is $5000, Rate of interest is 5%=5000 * (1+5%)^SEQUENCE(20)

The compounding effect is starkly visible in the below graph.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (9)

Effect of Frequency on Compounding

You might think how often we compound would have an impact on the final value. But it does little.

For example, if we compare the outputs of $5,000 compounded at 5% at various frequencies, at the end of 20 years, the values would be:

  • Once a year compounding: $13,266.49
  • Twice a year: $13,452.32
  • 4 Times a year: 13,507.42
  • 6 Times a year: $13,535.21
  • Every month (12 times): $13,563.20
  • Every week (52 times): $13,584.88
  • Every day (365 times): $13,590.48

The value hardly changes.

Below table shows how this looks over various time periods.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (10)

Interest Rate vs. Compounding

Interest rate on the other hand has a dramatic effect on the result of compounding.

For example, $5000 invested at 8% will be almost $11 million in a century!

Compounding is CRAZY!!!
$5,000 invested today at 1% interest would be worth $13,500 in 100 years.
Same money, but invested at 8% would be a whopping $10.9 million!


We can see the dramatic impact of rising interest rates on the compounded value with this table.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (11)

'Compounded value at various interest rates'List of interest rates upto 20%=SEQUENCE(20)/100'COMPOUNDED VALUE AT VARIOUS RATES'Amount is $5000, Duration is 20 years'Compounded once per year=5000 * (1+SEQUENCE(20)/100) ^ 20

Interest Rate vs. Compounding Graph

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (12)

Effect of Compounding with Regular Payments

We can use Excel to figure out the compounded value with regular payments easily.

For example, if you invest

  • $500 every month
  • at 8%
  • for 20 years

the final amount will be $294,510.21

To calculate this you can use the FV function, as shown below:

'FV Function Syntax=FV(INTEREST_RATE, NUMBER_OF_PAYMENTS, PAYMENT_AMOUNT)'Example with $500 monthly payment for 20 years at 8%=FV(8%/12, 20 * 12, 500)'OUTPUT=$294,510.21

Here you can see the calculations and yearly balances for such regular (monthly) investments.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (13)

Rule of 72: Time to Double

A common thumb rule used in compounding isrule of 72.

To find out how long it takes for your money to double, divide 72 with rate of interest.
For example, at 8% interest rate, your money will double in 72/8 = 9 years.


You can use this when you don’t have the luxury of Excel or a calculator nearby to quickly calculate how long it takes for your money to double.

But what if I want to calculate the EXACT time it takes?

In such cases, you can use the formula =LOG(2) / LOG(1+Rate of Interest).

'Time to Double'Exact formula=LOG(2) / LOG(1+Rate_of_Interest)'Approximate formula=72/(Rate_of_Interest*100)'Example at 8%=LOG(2) / LOG(1+8%)=9.01=72 / (8% *100)=9

In below example, you can see the rapid decrease in time it takes to double as the interest rate (rate of return) goes up.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (14)

Reverse of Compounding - The PV Function

We can use the PV (Present Value) function in Excel to calculate the principal value, given a compounded value.

For example, you want to save $100,000 for your daughter’s wedding, which you expect to be in 20 years. You expect the rate of interest to be 5%.

You want to know how much to save now to get $100k after 20 years.

Using the PV function as below, we can get that result.

'Reverse of Compounding'Using PV Function to calculat the initial amount'FUTURE AMOUNT = $100,000'INTEREST RATE = 5%'DURATION = 20 YEARS'COMPOUNDING ANNUALLY=PV(5%, 20,,-100,000)=$37,688.95

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (15)

Reverse of Regular Compounding - PMT Function

And we can use the PMT function to calculate reverse of the regular compounding.

Going back to the “saving for daughter’s wedding” case, you want to save up $100k for your daughter’s wedding in 20 years. You expect the interest rate to be 5%.

How much should you save every year?

or every month?

We can use the PMT function to figure out the regular amounts.

Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (16)

'Reverse of Compounding with Regular Payments'Using PMT Function to calculat the regular payments from end value'FUTURE AMOUNT = $100,000'INTEREST RATE = 5%'DURATION = 20 YEARS'COMPOUNDING ANNUALLY=PMT(5%, 20,,, -100000)=$3,024.26

Compound Interest in Excel - VIDEO

Need to understand these formulas better?

Check out my quick and to-the-point video on Calculating Compound Interest in Excel.

Example Workbook with Compound Interest Calculations

I made an Excel file with over 20 examples (and more than 100 formulas). Click here to download the file and learn the concepts better.

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Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (20)

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Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (23)

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One Response to “Compound Interest Formula in Excel”

  1. Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (39)Alison Baz says:

    August 14, 2024 at 7:17 am

    Thank you so much for this as Excels FV function is impossible to understand if you are a novice. Your examples really helped me with the fundamentals and now I can grasp the whole concept - many thanks.


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Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples (2024)


Compound Interest Formula in Excel with Examples? ›

There are two basic formulas for calculating compound interest in Excel. The first formula is =P*(1+r/n)^(n*t) , where P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate, n is the compounding period, and t is the term. It is important to note that the compounding period and interest rate must be simultaneous.

How to do a compound interest formula in Excel? ›

Compound Interest Formula in Excel
  1. on principal amount P.
  2. at the rate of interest R.
  3. for the number of years N.
  4. and compounded T times per year.
  5. we can use the formula = P*(1+R/T)^(N*T)
Apr 2, 2024

What is a compound formula in MS Excel? ›

An easy and straightforward way to calculate the amount earned with an annual compound interest is using the formula to increase a number by percentage: =Amount * (1 + %) . In our example, the formula is =A2*(1+$B2) where A2 is your initial deposit and B2 is the annual interest rate.

How to calculate compound interest? ›

The formula we use to find compound interest is A = P(1 + r/n)^nt. In this formula, A stands for the total amount that accumulates. P is the original principal; that's the money we start with. The r is the interest rate.

What is the formula for interest in Excel with example? ›


The rate argument is the interest rate per period for the loan. For example, in this formula the 17% annual interest rate is divided by 12, the number of months in a year. The NPER argument of 2*12 is the total number of payment periods for the loan. The PV or present value argument is 5400.

What is the formula for compounding effect in Excel? ›

0.0525Nominal interest rate
4Number of compounding periods per year
=EFFECT(A2,A3)Effective interest rate with the terms above0.0535427

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Compound interest is calculated by multiplying the initial loan amount, or principal, by one plus the annual interest rate raised to the number of compound periods minus one. This will leave you with the total sum of the loan, including compound interest.

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Basic compound interest

For other compounding frequencies (such as monthly, weekly, or daily), prospective depositors should refer to the formula below. Hence, if a two-year savings account containing $1,000 pays a 6% interest rate compounded daily, it will grow to $1,127.49 at the end of two years.

How to calculate continuous compound interest? ›

The continuous compounding formula is nothing but the compound interest formula when the number of terms is infinite. This formula says, when an amount P is invested for the time 't' with the interest rate is r% compounded continuously, then the final amount is, A = P ert.

How do I calculate interest only in Excel? ›

The formula to be used will be =IPMT( 5%/12, 1, 60, 50000). In the example above: As the payments are made monthly, it was necessary to convert the annual interest rate of 5% into a monthly rate (=5%/12), and the number of periods from years to months (=5*12).

How to calculate present value with compound interest in Excel? ›

PV can be calculated in Excel with the formula =PV(rate, nper, pmt, [fv], [type]). If FV is omitted, PMT must be included, or vice versa, but both can also be included. Net present value (NPV) is different from PV, as it takes into account the initial investment amount.

What is the formula for compound annual return in Excel? ›

To calculate CAGR in Excel use the following formula: (Ending Balance/Starting Balance)˄(1/Number of Years) – 1.

What is the formula for compound interest in Excel and Google Sheets? ›


This formula represents the compound interest formula A(1 + r/n)^(nt), where A is the principal amount, r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of times interest is compounded per year, and t is the number of years.

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Calculate the monthly rate of return by dividing the annual rate by 12. 5. Apply the formula [Investment x (1+r)^(n-1)]/r to each monthly investment.

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