Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (2024)

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The pH scale is something we’re all familiar with; most people will remember it from school chemistry lessons. It’s the scale used to rank how strong an acid (or alkali) a solution is. The colours associated with each number correspond to the colour that universal indicator turns in solutions of that particular pH. A fair proportion of people probably don’t know the chemistry behind the pH scale, though – where exactly do these numbers come from?

The clues are actually partly hidden in the scale’s name. The ‘H’ in pH stands for the element, hydrogen. On a simple level, the pH scale can be thought of as a ranking of the amount of hydrogen ions in a solution: the more hydrogen ions, the lower the pH number. The ‘p’ in pH, to chemists at least, stands for the mathematical operation ‘-log10‘. pH, then, is simply equal to -log10[H+], where [H+] is the hydrogen ion concentration in a particular solution. (Note that, strictly speaking, we’d usually use H3O+ to represent hydrogen ions, as this is the form they take in solutions. However, to keep things simple, we’ll continue to use H+ here).

Looking at the graphic above, you can see that an increase in pH of one point actually involves a tenfold decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. The scale is what’s known as a logarithmic scale. Why do we bother with this mathematical manipulation in the first place? Well, it’s clearly a lot easier to state a single number when referring to the acidity (or alkalinity) of a solution than it is to quote the many-numbered hydrogen ion concentration. A pH of spot on 7 denotes a neutral solution (neither acidic or alkaline). Any pH below 7 is acidic, whilst any pH above 7 is termed alkaline.

Water molecules have the chemical formula H2O. However, these molecules are capable of splitting up slightly in solution, in H+ and OH(hydroxide) ions. In a neutral solution, the concentrations of these two ions are equal. However, the addition of an acid or alkali can cause them to vary. Acids are a source of hydrogen ions, and adding them to water increases the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution, lowering the concentration ofhydroxideions. For alkalis, the opposite is true: they decrease the concentration of hydrogen ions, whilst increasing the concentration of hydroxideions.

Something a lot of people don’t realise is that pH is temperature dependent. Strictly speaking, pure water only has a pH of 7 at ‘room temperature’ (25˚C). Above and below this temperature, it can vary: for example, at 100˚C, the pH of pure water is 6.14, whilst at 0˚C, it’s 7.47. This doesn’t mean that the pure water is becoming acidic or alkaline, but that, at these temperatures, those particular pH numbers represent the neutral point. As a side note, it’s also worth pointing out that the pH scale isn’t limited to the usual 0-14 range shown here – some strong acids and alkalis can fall outside this range, into negative pH values or values higher than 14.

Another common misconception about pH concerns the human body. Diets such as the alkaline diet claim that it is possible to affect the pH value of your body by altering your diet to include ‘alkalising’ foodstuffs that make the pH of your body more alkaline. Whilst what’s actually suggested, a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables, is certainly by no means unhealthy, it’s pretty much impossible for what you eat to change the pH of your body. I’m not going to go into too much detail, as Kat from The Chronicle Flask blog has already done an excellent job of debunking alkaline diets, but it’s worth reiterating a few key points.

The pH of the stomachcan vary, between 1.5 and 3.5 on the pH scale. However, this has no effect on the pH of our body, or, more specifically, our blood. Human blood has a pH value that’s always slightly alkaline, between 7.35-7.45. If we were able to purposefully change the pH of blood outside of this small range, we could actually cause ourselves a good deal of harm; even a pH change of 0.5 either way could result in irreversible cell damage. Luckily, the food we eat has next to no effect on blood pH.

What we eat can affect the pH of our urine. The pH of urine has an average value of around 6, but can range between 4.5 and 8. However, whilst you might be able to have the slightest effect on your urinary pH with your diet, it’s unrelated to the pH of your blood; this stays in the range previously stated, regardless of any change in urinary pH.

Moving on, and whilst we’re talking about acids, it’s worth talking about the strength of acids. Strictly speaking, it’s hard to place particularchemical compounds at specific points on the pH scale, as their positions vary depending on concentration. Concentration is a measure of how much of a substance is dissolved in a solution. If we have a lot of an acid dissolved in a relatively small amount of water, we’d say we have a solution with a high concentration. Similarly, if we had very little acid dissolved in lot of water, we’d have a solution with a low concentration.

Since concentration of solutions can easily be varied, solutions of varied concentration of the same acid can have different pH values. Some acids, however, are stronger than others. Hydrochloric acid, the same acid found in stomach acid, is a strong acid as it can easily split up into its component ions. On the other hand, acetic acid, the acid found in vinegar, is a comparatively weak acid – it doesn’t split up into its component ions easily. Another example of a weak acid is hydrofluoric acid; contrary to what a certain popular chemistry-themed TV show would have you believe, it’s actually a fairly weak acid, which certainly couldn’t dissolve a body. It’s an unpleasant compound for different reasons though.We can rank acids in terms of their strength (or how easily they split up into their component ions), but that’s a topic for another post!

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References & Further Reading

Tags: acids bases science universal indicator

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  • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (4)


    Posted July 9, 2015 at 8:53 pm 0Likes

    Always nice and instructive graphics as usual !
    Just one little point : negative values or values above 14 should be mentioned or at least one should give the impression that pH scale does not end at zero or 14.

    • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (5)

      Compound Interest

      Posted July 9, 2015 at 8:59 pm 0Likes

      You’re right – I actually intended to mention it in the post, then forgot! I’ve added mention of it in now. I might in the future develop a further graphic from this, showing acids/alkalis with pH values outside the ‘standard’ range.

  • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (6)

    Gerald Carey

    Posted July 10, 2015 at 11:25 am 0Likes

    Thank you. This is an excellent resource for high school chemistry and the introduction of acids and bases. I particularly like the columns showing the concentrations of the two ions. You don’t see that much….

  • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (7)

    Nick G

    Posted July 10, 2015 at 5:08 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for the great chart. The term Alkaline isn’t used as often in the US (favoring Basic). Are the two terms synonymous or is there some distinction?

    • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (8)

      Compound Interest

      Posted July 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm 0Likes

      In the UK, we use both – a base is used to describe a solid that reacts with an acid, such as a metal oxide. An alkali is a base that is soluble in water. So all alkalis are bases, but not all bases are alkalis!

  • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (9)


    Posted July 11, 2015 at 4:40 pm 0Likes

    Acid and alkaline graphics are a staple in many science labs and I predict that this graphic will be useful to many. Another great post.

    I believe there is a typo in the 9th paragraph from the top – “Movign on, and whilst we’re talking about acids”

    • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (10)

      Compound Interest

      Posted July 14, 2015 at 6:29 pm 0Likes

      There is, thanks for the spot! I’ll fix that one right away.

  • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (11)

    Stephen McNeil

    Posted July 14, 2015 at 1:53 am 0Likes

    Gorgeous and informative as always. One small suggestion: indicate explicitly on the graphic itself that the colour scale is based on the “universal” indicator mixture — it might currently give the impression that “all acids are red” or something. Or perhaps include multiple colour gradients, as per the pH indicators infographic (

    • Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (12)

      Compound Interest

      Posted July 14, 2015 at 6:29 pm 0Likes

      Yeah, you’re right, I’m intending to add in a mention that it’s the colour with universal indicator. I’d add other indicators too, but I don’t think there’d be enough space!

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Compound Interest: Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale (2024)


What is the pH scale for acids and alkalis? ›

Acids have a pH of 0–6.5 and alkalis from 7.5–14. The key to an acid, base or alkali's strength is what happens to it in solution (when dissolved in water) when it dissociates into ions.

What scale is the acidity and alkalinity of a compound represented on? ›

The pH scale is used to rank solutions in terms of acidity or basicity (alkalinity). Since the scale is based on pH values, it is logarithmic, meaning that a change of 1 pH unit corresponds to a ten-fold change in H ‍ ion concentration.

How do you know if a compound is an acid or alkali? ›

You can tell from the chemical formula whether it is likely to produce H+ protons (acid) or OH- hydroxides (base), but for something like NH3 you would have to see what is would do when adding water. When adding water, it would form NH4+ and OH-, which is a hydroxide, making NH3 a base.

What do acids and alkalis create when mixed together? ›

Acid–alkali reaction

When an acid reacts with an alkali salt (a metal hydroxide), the product is a metal salt and water. Acid–alkali reactions are also neutralization reactions.

What is the pH scale for acids? ›

The scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH less than 7 is acidic, and a pH greater than 7 is basic. Pure water is neutral, with a pH of 7.0.

What are 5 examples of alkaline? ›

Examples of common Alkalis
  • Sodium hydroxide, NaOH.
  • Potassium hydroxide, KOH.
  • Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2
  • Aqueous ammonia, NH3 (aq)
  • Magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2

What is the pH scale for alkalinity? ›

Each number represents a 10-fold change in the acidity/basicness of the water. Water with a pH of five is ten times more acidic than water having a pH of six. As this diagram shows, pH ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. pHs less than 7 are acidic while pHs greater than 7 are alkaline (basic).

What are the different indicators of acidity and alkalinity? ›

Table of Common Acid-Base Indicators
IndicatorpH RangeBase
Thymol blue8.0-9.6blue
32 more rows
Nov 4, 2019

How do you know the pH of a compound? ›

We can calculate the pH of a solution by taking the negative logarithm of the hydronium ion concentration, or pH = -log[H₃O⁺]. At 25°C, a solution with pH < 7 is acidic, a solution with pH > 7 is basic, and a solution with pH = 7 is neutral.

What are three common alkalis? ›

Common lab alkalis include:
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Potassium hydroxide.
  • Ammonia.

How to tell if something is alkali? ›

The substance is alkaline when: the red Litmus paper turns blue and the blue Litmus paper is unaffected.

What happens to pH when two acids are mixed? ›

Complete answer:

When we mix two acids of the same strength, we can see that no reaction occurs. It is because the resultant will be neutral and there will be no change in the pH. But if a weak acid is mixed with a strong acid then we can see a reaction occur.

What happens if a strong acid and a strong alkali are mixed? ›

Neutralization Reactions

When a strong acid and a strong base are combined in the proper amounts - when [H+] equals [OH−]\) - a neutral solution results in which pH = 7. The acid and base have neutralized each other, and the acidic and basic properties are no longer present.

Which two products are always formed when an acid and alkali react? ›

An acid and alkali will neutralise each other and produce a salt and water. This is called a neutralisation reaction. The name of the salt produced can be worked out from the names of the acid and the alkali.

What is the pH when all of an acid and alkali react? ›

The neutralization of a strong acid and strong base has a pH equal to 7. The neutralization of a strong acid and weak base will have a pH of less than 7, and conversely, the resulting pH when a strong base neutralizes a weak acid will be greater than 7.

What is alkaline pH? ›

That “seven” number is considered neutral or balanced between acidic and alkaline. If water is below 7 on the pH scale, it's "acidic." If it's higher than 7, it's "alkaline." EPA guidelines state that the pH of tap water should be between 6.5 and 8.5.

What is the pH scale for strong alkali? ›

When an acid is dissolved in water, the pH will be less than 7, while a base, or alkali, will have a pH greater than 7. A strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, at concentration 1 mol dm3 has a pH of 0, while a strong alkali like sodium hydroxide, at the same concentration, has a pH of 14.

What is the pH of an acid an alkali and a neutral? ›

Acids have a pH less than 7. Alkalis have a pH greater than 7 Neutral substances have a pH equal to 7. Metal oxides are alkaline, if soluble in water. Non-metal oxides are acidic, if soluble in water.

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