Colette (2024)

Colette (1)

"Colette has collected every single figurine, plushie, and toy of every single Brawler. Is she obsessed? Yes. But has she lost touch with reality? Also yes."

Colette (2)

Colette is an Epic Brawler who could be unlocked as a Brawl Pass reward at Tier 30 from Season 3: Welcome to Starr Park! or can be unlocked from the Starr Road. She has moderate health and variable damage output. She attacks by firing a projectile that deals more damage the more health her enemy has or a fixed amount against certain targets. For her Super, she dashes forwards and then back very quickly, damaging any enemies in her path based on their maximum health. Colette's first Gadget, Na-ah!, makes her next attack deal additional damage. Her second Gadget, Gotcha!, makes her shots heal her when she hits an enemy for the next 5 seconds. Her first Star Power, Push It, pushes Brawlers caught in her Super to its furthest point which stuns them until Colette turns back. Her second Star Power, Mass Tax, gives her an initial temporary shield when using her Super that increases the damage reduction for every enemy hit by the Super. Her Hypercharge, Teen Spirit, summons her spirit that follows Colette's Super, similarly damaging any enemies in its path.

Attack: Taxing Shot

"Colette fires a shot that takes what you owe! And the more you have, the more you owe."

Colette fires a heart-shaped projectile at long range, dealing 37% of the opponent's current health; thus she can do a large amount of damage to high-health targets such as Frank and El Primo but low damage to low-health targets like Piper or Tick. Power Cube buffs are applied after the base damage is calculated. The attack has a minimum damage amount, which increases based on Colette's Power Level. Colette's attack will deal the minimum damage amount once 37% of the enemy's health is lower than her minimum damage.

For special targets (such as Power Cube Boxes, the IKE, Heist Safes, spawnables, Big Brawlers in Big Game or other non-Brawlers), the attack will deal a fixed amount of damage that is equal to two times the minimum damage (also increasing based on Colette's Power Level). This is affected by outside buffs such as Power Cubes and 8-Bit's damage booster.

Super: Time To Collect

"Colette makes a dash forth and back, dealing taxing damage to everyone in her path, based on their maximum health."

Colette dashes forward a long distance until she reaches maximum range or is blocked by a wall, and then dashes back to her starting position. She can go over water while using her Super. If she hits an enemy Brawler, she deals 20% of their maximum health, both on her forward and on her return dash. Similar to her main attack, Power Cube buffs are applied after the base damage is calculated, and she will do twice as much damage to special targets as her main attack.



"Colette's next shot deals extra 1500 damage."

Colette (3)

Upon activation, Colette's next attack deals 1500 more damage. A Gadget symbol will glow above Colette's head signaling this Gadget's activation, as well as a glowing attack joystick. This Gadget's cool-down begins after the attack is used.


"On activation, Colette's shots heal herself for 5 seconds for 80% of the damage dealt."

Colette (4)

For the next 5 seconds, Colette will heal for 80% of the damage dealt by her attacks, and her damage to special targets is increased by 20%. The attack's projectile will also turn green during the Gadget's duration. A Gadget symbol will glow above Colette's head signaling this Gadget's usage, as well as a glowing attack joystick.

Star Powers

Push It

"All enemy Brawlers hit by Colette's charge are carried to the farthest point of the attack!"

Colette (5)

When using her Super, Colette drags enemies she hits to the maximum range of her Super. This will interrupt any attacks and Supers, such as Carl's or Frank's Super. Brawlers affected by this Star Power can be pushed across water as well. Brawlers carried to the farthest point of the attack will be hit twice.

Mass Tax

"Colette's Super gives her a 20% shield for 5.0 seconds. Every enemy Brawler hit by it will add 10% more protection."

Colette (6)

When using her Super, she will get an initial 20% damage reduction shield that increases by 10% with every enemy she hits, and the shield lasts for 5 seconds after using the Super. This can allow her to have a 100% damage reduction (immunity) if she hits 8 or more enemies with her Super. Note that this Star Power will not affect slows, stuns, or knockbacks.

Hypercharge: Teen Spirit

"Colette's spirit follows her during her dash, damaging enemies on the way."

Colette (7)

When activated, Colette's spirit follows her Super, which both dashes and damages enemies in the same direction as her Super at the same time. When the spirit hits an enemy Brawler, it deals 1000 damage, but when it hits a special target, it deals 5000 damage instead. Colette also gains a 26% speed boost, a 25% damage boost, as well as a 5% shield boost.


  • Colette is a fighter that specializes in countering tanks. Her attacks can deal massive amounts of damage to them, but without proper support and understanding of her abilities, she struggles to take enemies out in a short amount of time. Therefore, she synergizes with assassins like Crow as she can quickly bring enemies to low health and allow the assassins to finish them off.
  • Use walls and other obstacles to your advantage when using Colette's Super. Even without her Push It Star Power, Colette can still hit an enemy twice quickly if they are close to a wall while using her Super.
  • If she hits two quick shots and a Super, Colette can defeat every Brawler in the game provided that they do not have any shields or passive healing abilities. Her Super has a quick charging rate along with her attack, so she can do this multiple times. This can be aided with her Mass Tax Star Power, which protects her as she charges.
  • Colette's Super can be used to collect gems and return to cover, making her a good last-resort gem carrier in Gem Grab if your primary gem carrier is suddenly defeated. Her Super can also be used to collect Power Cubes in Showdown or Bolts in Siege.
  • Beware of using your Super against Brawlers with high burst damage like Bull since they can easily defeat you when you rush into them, so make sure to have exhausted their ammo before using your Super on them. With her Push It Star Power, however, you can briefly immobilize high-burst Brawlers while using your Super as well as finish them off when they are on sufficiently low health with two hits, so Push It is a safe way to use Colette's Super effectively against such Brawlers.
  • Colette with her Super is capable of defeating the enemy team. Her Super's large width can hit multiple enemies, and if she hits two Brawlers both when dashing forward and dashing back, she immediately charges another Super, effectively allowing her to use her Super again for massive amounts of damage.
  • Colette's Push It Star Power can be used like Gale's Super. In 3v3 modes, it can be used to either interrupt a Brawler's Super, like Frank's, or to push them away to help buy teammates some time to gain control of the center of the map. Another use is to remove the ball from an enemy in Brawl Ball. It also guarantees that the Colette can hit the enemy twice with her Super as the enemies are unable to dodge. Additionally, Colette can push Brawlers into the gas or meteors in Showdown and Knockout.
  • Be very careful when using Colette's Push It Star Power. When used against Brawlers that can outrange her, it may push them out of range of her main attack, which would give them an advantage against her. In this situations, it is recommended not to use this Star Power when facing these Brawlers.
  • When using Colette in Showdown, keep chipping off at enemies' health at a distance until you can use your Super or Na-ah Gadget to finish them off. Be mindful about how the enemy can counter your two shots and Super combo, such as shields, healing, or damage debuffs.
  • Colette is a very strong Brawler in Heist. The heist safe counts as a special target to Colette, meaning that at Power Level 11, she can do around 3000 damage per hit with her Super, effectively dealing 6000 damage, or around 10% of the safe's health, with one Super. She can also recharge her Super if she hits defending enemies along with the safe. Combined with her fast Super charge rate and Mass Tax Star Power, she can repeatedly use her Super on the safe while reducing damage taken so she survives longer. Alternatively, her Push It Star Power is useful as it can push enemies away from the safe while defending, and push defending enemies away when attacking the enemy safe (allowing shorter-ranged Brawlers to offend easier).
  • Colette also has an excellent synergy with Byron in Heist, as Colette can continuously get healed by Byron's attacks and Super while she repeatedly dashes into the safe with her own Super. This is even more effective if Colette uses her Mass Tax Star Power.
  • Colette can use her Na-ah! Gadget and a Super to take out any target under 4500 health. Remember this interaction to take easy kills on low-health Brawlers and ones that would otherwise counter her, such as Surge.

Voice Lines

SpawningIn The LeadReceiving DamageDefeating An EnemyDefeatedAttackingActivating A Super

"I'm gonna chase you, and I'm gonna find you."


  • 11/09/20:
  • 14/09/20:
    • Colette (9) Colette and her Trixie skin were added to the game.
  • 17/09/20:
    • Colette (10) Colette now deals fixed damage (from attack and Super alike) against spawnables such as Nita's bear and Jessie's turret (similar as against other "special targets" such as bosses in Special Events or Showdown boxes).
    • Colette (11) Her main attack damage percent was increased to 37% (from 35%).
    • Colette (12) Her main attack minimum damage was increased to 500 (from 200) and now scales with buffs.
    • Colette (13) Her Super fixed damage against special targets was increased to 2000 (from 1000) per hit.
    • Colette (14) Colette's Na-ah! Gadget was reworked from making her next attack deal 40% of Colette's current health as damage to making her next attack deal 37% of an enemy Brawler's maximum health and deal double the damage against special targets.
  • 02/10/20:
    • Colette (15) Colette's Mass Tax Star Power was added.
  • 22/10/20:
    • Colette (16) Colette's reload time was decreased to 1.6 seconds (from 1.8).
    • Colette (17) Colette's Super recharge rate was increased by 100%.
  • 15/12/20:
    • Colette (18) Colette's health was increased to 3400 (from 3200).
    • Colette (19) Colette's Mass Tax Star Power shield gain was increased to 20% (from 10%).
  • 05/02/21:
    • Colette (20) The Navigator Colette skin was added. It was featured as a Lunar Brawl 2021 skin.
  • 16/06/21:
    • Colette (21) Colette's Na-Ah! Gadget was reworked from making Colette's next attack deal 37% of the enemy's full health to making Colette's next attack deal 1000 more damage.
  • 15/10/21:
    • Colette (22) The Gladiator Colette skin was added. It was featured as a Supercell Make skin.
  • 27/10/21:
    • Colette (23) Colette's True Silver and True Gold skins were added.
    • Colette (24) Colette's class was changed to Damage Dealer (from Fighter).
  • 01/03/22:
    • Colette (25) Colette's Gotcha! Gadget was added.
  • 07/11/22:
    • Colette (26) The Inspector Colette skin was added. It was featured as a Power League exclusive skin for Brawl Pass Season 15.
  • 25/04/23:
  • 05/09/23:
    • Colette (28) All Brawlers' health and damage were increased from 5% to 10% with each Power Level.
  • 24/10/23:
    • Colette (29) Colette's Na-Ah! Gadget damage bonus was increased to 1200 (from 1000) and now scales with Power Levels.
    • Colette (30) Colette's Teen Spirit Hypercharge was added.
    • Colette (31) Colette's flavor text was changed from "Colette is going to get you! She taxes opponents' health and has fancy moves to boot." to "Colette has collected every single figurine, plushie, and toy of every single Brawler. Is she obsessed? Yes. But has she lost touch with reality? Also yes."
  • 12/12/23:
    • Colette (32) Colette's rarity was changed to Epic (from Chromatic).
  • 04/01/24:
    • Colette (33) The Pinku, Kiiro, and Midori Pawlette skins were added. They were featured as Brawl Pass Season 22 exclusive skins and Cartoon Studios skins.
  • 27/02/24:
    • Colette (34) Colette's Teen Spirit Hypercharge speed boost was decreased to 26% (from 30%).
    • Colette (35) Colette's Teen Spirit Hypercharge shield boost was decreased to 5% (from 15%).
    • Colette (36) All Brawlers' Hypercharges duration can no longer be extended.
  • 01/03/24:
    • Colette (37) The Fangirl Cony skin was added. It was featured as a Brown & Friends skin.
  • 25/03/24:
    • Colette (38) Colette's Teen Spirit Hypercharge rate was decreased to 30% (from 40%).


Skins (10)

Colette (39)


Colette (43)

Fangirl Cony (79 Gems)

Colette (44)

Colette (45)

Colette (46)

Gladiator (149 Gems or 5000 Bling)

Colette (47)

Colette (48)

Colette (49)

Colette (50)

Inspector (149 Gems or 5000 Bling)

Colette (53)

Colette (54)

True Silver (10000 Coins)

Colette (55)

Colette (56)

True Gold (25000 Coins)

Colette (57)

Colette (58)

Trixie (Brawl Pass Exclusive • E)

Colette (59)

Colette (60)

Colette (61)

Colette (62)

Pinku Pawlette (Brawl Pass Exclusive)

Colette (63)

Colette (64)

Colette (65)

Colette (66)

Kiiro Pawlette (Brawl Pass Plus Exclusive)

Colette (67)

Colette (68)

Colette (69)

Colette (70)

Midori Pawlette (Brawl Pass Plus Exclusive)

Colette (71)

Colette (72)

Colette (73)



Colette (74)

Colette (75)



Colette (76)



Colette (77)



Colette (78)



Colette (79)



Colette (80)



Colette (81)



Colette (82)



Colette (83)



Colette (84)



Colette (85)



Colette (86)

Colette (87)



Colette (88)



Colette (89)



Colette (90)



Colette (91)



Colette (92)



Colette (93)



Colette (94)



Colette (95)



Colette (96)

Colette (97)



Colette (98)

Colette (99)



Colette (100)

Colette (101)



Colette (102)

Colette (103)



Colette (104)

Colette (105)



Colette (106)

Colette (107)



Colette (108)

Colette (109)




Colette (110)



Colette (111)

Colette Hypercharge


Profile Icons

Colette (112)


Colette (113)


Colette (114)


Colette (115)

Pinku Pawlette

Colette (116)

Inspector Colette

Wiki Navigation
Super Rare

Colette (153)



Items in gray indicate content that has been removed from the game.

Wiki Navigation
Super Rare

Colette (305)



Items in gray indicate content that has been removed from the game.

Colette (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.