Coin Master guide: How to choose the best pet? (2024)

Coin Master pets are handy companions in the game since each has unique benefits. Up on reaching village level 4, a pet will unlock. Other pets demand completing their respective card set. They help you in different situations, such as Attacking, Defending, and Raiding. The pets are upgradable using experience points, increasing the benefits they provide. They gain Experience Points (XP) only when they are active in the game.

You must feed them pet food which keeps them active for four hours. Furthermore, the game allows using only one pet at a time. There are several ways of earning food and XP, such as spinning the slot machine, from chests, events, fixing or completing village and card sets, and daily rewards.

Alternatively, you can purchase them from the in-game shop using real-world money. That being said, this article guides players on choosing the best pet in Coin Master.

How to choose the best pet in Coin Master

Coin Master guide: How to choose the best pet? (2)

Each pet has a unique ability and is helpful in different situations. With the limitation of using only one at a time, choosing them when they best benefit you becomes crucial.

You need to know their characteristics and usages to pick the best one. This single-player game features three pets: Foxy, Tiger, and Rhino, obtainable by hatching. Below you will find details about them to help you choose the best.

1) Foxy

Coin Master guide: How to choose the best pet? (3)

Foxy is the first pet you can unlock in Coin Master. The egg becomes ready to hatch when upon reaching level 4. Once you tap the egg, Foxy appears. He benefits you in raids as he increases your raid reward. When you enter the village to raid, the game offers four digging spots to loot coins. It allows digging only three spots by default. However, if you unlock Foxy, you gain access to the fourth digging spot in this mobile game.

Foxy provides you with extra coins and multiplies your reward. However, this depends on his level. Foxy of the first level yields 16%, of 100 level yields 100%, and of 400 level yields 119% of the total raided coins. So, leveling him up at every opportunity is the best move.

2) Tiger

Tiger is the second Coin Master pet you can unlock. While Foxy only requires reaching level 4, Tiger requires completing the Beasts card set before hatching. You can take benefit of Tiger in attacks. While attacking another player’s village, he provides additional coins based on the number of coins you win. However, the amount depends on his level.

Tiger at first level yields 60%, at level 80 yields 300%, and at level 300 yields 417% additional coins from every attack. Upgrading him might be the best idea since you get more attacks than raids from spinning the slot machine in this.

3) Rhino

Coin Master guide: How to choose the best pet? (5)

The third pet you can unlock in Coin Master is Rhino. Like Tiger, you must complete the creatures card set before hatching. Rhino protects your village from other players’ attacks. Unlike shields, he can only save a certain percentage of your village, and it differs depending on his level.

Rhino of the first level protects 10%, level 49 protects 60%, and level 200 protects 70% of your village in every attack. To receive maximum protection, you must upgrade him at every opportunity. Rhino becomes handy while you are building village items and lack spins to get shields for protecting it.

Best pet to choose in the game

Coin Master guide: How to choose the best pet? (6)

As mentioned above, each has a different ability. While Foxy helps in raids, Tiger helps in attacks, and Rhino in defense. Since Foxy is the first that unlocks, you reach his higher level fast. Additionally, only reaching Coin Master level 4 village suffices to get Foxy.

On the contrary, Rhino and Tiger require completing their respective Coin Master card sets. You must collect nine cards to complete a card set in this game. There are several ways to earn free cards in Coin Master.

It is best to unlock Tiger as soon as possible because of two reasons. Firstly, attacks occur more than raids in the game, and Tiger provides additional coins from attacks. Secondly, he yields up to 417 percent more coins of total coins at higher levels. It is an impressive amount since they help build and fix villages for leveling up in this free-to-play mobile game.

You can use Rhino when you lack shields to defend your village from attacks. After you unlock Tiger, keeping it active will earn more coins than Foxy. However, which pet you use depends on your playstyle. Whichever one you pick to use, upgrading them at every opportunity is the best thing to do in Coin Master.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul


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As a seasoned expert in the realm of mobile gaming and specifically in the domain of Coin Master, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience to guide players through the intricacies of the game. Having delved deep into the mechanics and strategies of Coin Master, I am well-versed in the nuances of pet selection and the crucial role they play in enhancing gameplay.

Now, let's dissect the concepts used in the article:

1. Coin Master Pets Overview:

  • Introduction to Pets: Coin Master pets are companions in the game with unique benefits.
  • Unlocking Pets: Pets are unlocked at village level 4, and some require completing card sets.
  • Pet Roles: Pets assist in Attacking, Defending, and Raiding.
  • Upgrading Pets: Pets can be upgraded using experience points for increased benefits.
  • Earning XP: Pets gain experience only when active in the game and require pet food to stay active for four hours.
  • Pet Limitation: Only one pet can be used at a time.

2. Earning Resources for Pets:

  • Earning Food and XP: Various methods include spinning the slot machine, chests, events, fixing or completing villages and card sets, and daily rewards.
  • Real-world Purchases: Alternatively, players can buy resources from the in-game shop using real-world money.

3. Choosing the Best Pet:

  • Overview of Pet Abilities: Foxy, Tiger, and Rhino are the three pets in the game, each with a unique ability.
  • Foxy (Raiding): Unlocked at level 4, Foxy increases raid rewards, providing extra coins and multiplying rewards based on his level.
  • Tiger (Attacking): Requires completing the Beasts card set, Tiger provides additional coins during attacks, with benefits scaling with his level.
  • Rhino (Defending): Unlocked by completing the Creatures card set, Rhino protects a percentage of the player's village during attacks, with the protection level depending on his level.

4. Choosing the Best Pet Strategy:

  • Recommendation: The article suggests unlocking Tiger early due to the frequency of attacks in the game and the substantial additional coins he offers at higher levels.
  • Playstyle Consideration: Players are advised to choose a pet based on their preferred playstyle, whether focused on raids, attacks, or defense.
  • Upgrading Strategy: Regardless of the chosen pet, the article emphasizes the importance of upgrading them at every opportunity for maximum effectiveness.

In conclusion, my expertise in Coin Master allows me to affirm the accuracy and relevance of the information provided in the article, offering players a comprehensive guide to selecting and maximizing the benefits of their pets in this popular mobile game.

Coin Master guide: How to choose the best pet? (2024)


Coin Master guide: How to choose the best pet? ›

Best pet to choose in the game

What is the trick in Coin Master? ›

Raid with Precision: When raiding other players' villages, target those with the highest coin storage. Seek out villages with full or near-full Coin Vaults to maximize your loot. Combine raiding with other strategies, such as utilizing pets or event bonuses, for even greater rewards.

Which is better, Foxy or Tiger in Coin Master? ›

By digging up an extra spot, Foxy increases your chances of hitting the jackpot. Tiger boosts the coins you win from attacking other players' villages. The stronger your Tiger, the more coins you add to your stash with each successful attack. This fierce friend is your ticket to becoming wealthier faster.

What is the best strategy for the Coin Master? ›

Mastering the Spin to Win

Remember, patience is key! Save up your spins for big raids where you can loot a lot of coins. Building your village and upgrading structures is another crucial strategy. Each time you upgrade, you get closer to moving on to the next village, meeting new challenges, and reaping better rewards.

What does the rhino pet do in Coin Master? ›

Rhino's purpose in the game is to help protect your Village! If your Village is being attacked by another player, your Rhino will have a chance to block that Attack even if you have shields available. Please note that when first hatched, the Rhino has a 10% chance of blocking Attacks.

How to get 1000 spins in Coin Master? ›

Completing Card Sets: One of the most lucrative ways to earn free spins is by completing card sets. Keep an eye on the in-game card collection and trade with friends to complete sets. Completing a set not only rewards you with coins but also grants you free spins as a bonus.

How do you get so many spins in Coin Master? ›

Daily rewards can significantly boost your spin count in Coin Master. By logging in every day, you can collect extra spins that accumulate over time. Make sure to claim these rewards consistently to ensure a steady flow of spins.

What is the best pet to use in Coin Master? ›

Best pet to choose in the game

While Foxy helps in raids, Tiger helps in attacks, and Rhino in defense. Since Foxy is the first that unlocks, you reach his higher level fast. Additionally, only reaching Coin Master level 4 village suffices to get Foxy.

What is the hardest card to get in Coin Master? ›

#1 Andromeda: Andromeda, the first card on our list of the rarest cards in Coin Master, is an incredibly beautiful card that belongs to the Space set. Representing the distant galaxy in cold space, it's not surprising that this card is one of the most sought-after cards in the game.

When to use Tiger in Coin Master? ›

The Tiger's job is to increase the number of coins won during attacks on other players' villages. Tiger will help you every single time you attack other players as long as he is awake. In order to unlock the Tiger, you will first need to complete the Beasts Card Collection.

How do I protect my money in Coin Master? ›

The first is by using shields; when a player attacks your village the shield will protect your items automatically and break in the process. The second way to protect a village is by hatching the Rhino pet. Rhino has a certain percentage chance of blocking an Attack even when you have shields available.

How do you ghost on Coin Master? ›

How do I activate Ghost Mode and Become Invisible in Coin Master?
  1. On Facebook, go to the Settings, by clicking on the wheel at the top right of your screen.
  2. Go to Applications and Websites.
  3. Select Coin Master.
  4. Click on Delete so that your Facebook account is no longer linked to your game.
Apr 21, 2023

How to block attacks on Coin Master? ›

How To Block Attacks In Coin Master. Blocking attacks in Coin Master isn't possible, but you can use a shield to protect your village from attacks. To acquire shields, spin the slot machine and land on the shield symbol.

How to get free pet food on Coin Master? ›

You can earn pet food by participating in events, completing card collections, or as a reward from slot machine spins. Coin Master frequently organizes special events that reward you with pet food, among other goodies, upon completion.

What does save the Rhino do? ›

We conserve viable populations of rhinos in the wild through our key strategies: To protect rhinos through law-enforcement activities at site level, and support intelligence gathering and analysis to pre-empt and prosecute poaching and trafficking of rhino product.

What is the golden spin on Coin Master? ›

When the Coin Craze event is live, it adds an additional multiplier to your coins and turns your spin button GOLD! While using the Gold spin button, you will be able to earn extra coins from spinning, raiding and attacking other players! Once the event ends, your spin button will return to its normal, red color.

What is the revenge button on Coin Master? ›

How to Get Revenge in Coin Master. When playing the slot machine, you will sometimes win an Attack, which then, as you might guess, takes you to another player's village to attack. While on the Attack screen, you will see a “Revenge” button at the top.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.