Clonogenic assay: what, why and how (2024)

A clonogenic assay, also known as a colony formation assay

is an in vitro cell survival assay. It assesses the ability of single cells to survive and reproduce to form colonies1. This assay was first described in the 1950s, where it was used to study the effects of radiation on cancer cell survival and growth and has subsequently played an essential role in radiobiology2.

In order to measure clonogenicity, cells need to be seeded at very low densities and left for a period of 1-3 weeks for colonies to form. Colonies are then fixed, stained with crystal violet to make them visible, and counted. Cell survival curves are plotted to analyze the data. Today, clonogenic assays are used to answer a variety of experimental questions, especially in cancer biology.

This blog highlights:

  • The clonogenic survival assay
  • How to perform a clonogenic assay
  • Traditional protocol for clonogenic assays
  • How to analyze your clonogenic assay
  • Label-free, non-endpoint, semi-automated clonogenic assay protocol

The clonogenic survival assay

Clonogenic assays are widely used in the field of cancer research as the formation of clones is interpreted as a trait of cancer cells with tumor-initiating capabilities. While this assay was initially used in the field of radiobiology, it has become a standard tool in cancer research to evaluate cellular growth and the cytotoxic or genotoxic effects of various agents with potential clinical application. This includes chemotherapeutic agents and targeted therapies on their own or in combination3.


With CytoSMART Omni live-cell imager, you can analyze and quantify colony formation. Learn more about the Omni here.


Clonogenic growth is also used for evaluating the stemness of particular cell populations as stem cells are long-living cells with the potential for ongoing proliferation. This is particularly relevant to cancer research as cancer stem cells are often associated with chemoresistance, the formation of secondary tumors, and cancer recurrence. Therefore, investigating cancer-stemness using a clonogenic assay is a valuable and widely used tool to predict the efficacy of a particular therapy4.

Clonogenic assays measure the ability of cells to retain their reproductive integrity over a prolonged period of time. This is an important feature as it reveals phenotypic effects that require time and possibly several cell divisions to develop. When analyzing therapeutic resistance this is particularly important. Drug resistance cannot be identified using short-term cytotoxicity assays5.

How to perform a clonogenic assay

The information in this section is adapted from Franken et al. (2006) who published a clonogenic assay protocol in Nature Protocols1, combined with some insights from my own experience gained from performing over 60 clonogenic assays during my Ph.D.

Essentially, there are two different ways to perform a clonogenic assay:

(1) Cells can be seeded at low densities and then treated to examine the effect of the treatment on the clonogenicity of cells.

(2) Cells can be treated for a specified period and then re-plated at low densities in treatment-free media to test clonogenic ability.

The latter is often used to assess therapeutic resistance after treatment. Figure 1 summarizes the first approach which is the traditional method to perform a clonogenic assay. As it will become clear, this is a time-consuming method that provides no information on the progression of the experiment (endpoint only). We will discuss automated and non-endpoint alternative methods later.

Traditional protocol for clonogenic assays

Clonogenic assay: what, why and how (1)

Clonogenic assays are typically performed in 6-well or 24-well plates. Cells need to be sparsely and evenly plated so isolated colonies can form. Therefore, it is important to optimize your seeding density for your chosen well size before performing your clonogenic assay.

A good starting point is to look in the literature to see if any studies have performed clonogenic assays with your cell line and then test this seeding density and two or three others. During this optimization process, it is also important to consider your experimental endpoint (e.g. 7 days, 14 days, or 21 days) and cell growth rate as you don’t want colonies to merge, which will interfere with colony quantification and analysis. Seeding densities should be the same for all treatment conditions within your experiment.

Using the right controls is critical for the analysis stage. One should always use an untreated control as well as a vehicle-only control (this could be DMSO, PBS, or whatever solvent your treatment is dissolved in). For treatment conditions, a dilution series is often used. The treatment period and harshness of your treatment will help determine your concentration range - this is likely to require some optimization. Each control and experimental condition should be performed in triplicate.

During the colony-formation phase, you will need to monitor colony growth under all treatment conditions. A colony is considered to be 50 cells or more and they are only visible under a microscope. As this assay is typically carried out over a long period of time, you will need to change your cell media. Cells will be at a very low confluence to start with, so you will not need to change the media as regularly as normal. However, if you are seeding and then treating cells with a drug or compound, it is important to consider its half-life and add fresh treatment as needed.


For researchers that are interested in imaging the colony growth over time, we recommend looking at the CytoSMART Omni.


It is often the colonies under the control conditions that grow the fastest and therefore you can use these cells as an indication of your experimental endpoint, i.e. end the experiment before your colonies start merging and if this happens too quickly, rather use a lower seeding density for your experiment. It is important to end the experiment for all treatment conditions at the same time.

Once you have reached your experimental endpoint, cells need to be washed gently with PBS (add the PBS to the side of the well to not disrupt the colonies), fixed, and stained with the DNA intercalating dye, crystal violet (0.5% w/v) for at least 30 minutes. Removing the excess stain can be messy. The best technique is to gently dunk the plates in beakers immersed with water until all excess stain has been removed and you are only left with bright-purple colonies. Stained colonies can be counted up to 50 weeks after staining. Take high-resolution pictures of your wells to use for analysis, presentations, and publication figures.

To support researchers in the analysis and optimization of their colony formation assays, CytoSMART has introduced an application for the CytoSMART Omni to detect colonies in (time-lapse) images of entire well-plates at 10X magnification. In the incubator, time-lapse imaging can provide kinetic information rather than an endpoint, which can provide more detailed information about when the treatment starts to affect the cells. Label-free image analysis can be used to detect colonies, evaluate their size and circularity, as well as pinpoint when colonies are starting to merge and optimize the assay accordingly.

How to analyze your clonogenic assay

It really is as simple as manually counting your colonies for each treatment condition and representing the data as a survival curve (you should use at least three biological repeats for your curve).

A survival curve requires the surviving fraction (SF) of treated cells (this includes a ratio of colonies formed to cells seeded) to be calculated and plotted against the treatment dose. Before you can calculate the SF, the plating efficiency (PE) of your cells needs to be determined as different cell lines have different plating efficiencies and this affects the survival fraction calculation.

PE is the ratio of the number of colonies to the number of cells seeded in your untreated cells1. Figure 1 shows the PE and SF formulae and an example of a survival curve.

The manual counting of colonies is tiresome and can be prone to bias, so a number of freely available computerized image analysis tools have been developed for analyzing clonogenic assay images quickly and objectively. A worthy mention is the freely available software package developed by Brzozowska et al. (2019) that not only counts colonies but also plots their size distributions, which is another layer of useful cellular behavior information (Figure 2a)6.

An alternative to counting and quantifying individual colonies is determining the percentage of the well area that is covered by colonies (colony area percentage) to quantify clonogenic cell growth. Guzmán et al. (2014) developed a freely available ImageJ plugin called ColonyArea that does just this (Figure 2b)7. This is a useful tool to use if you have merged colonies that are difficult to count by eye or by colony counting software or if you want a quick and high-throughput analysis method.

Label-free, non-endpoint, semi-automated clonogenic assay protocol

A recent paper by Mayr et al. (2018) describes a new and modified clonogenic assay protocol that uses a 96-well microplate format and confluence detection to measure colonies. This method enables comprehensive experimental setups using a 96-well plate, it is label-free, has no staining endpoint, and the analysis is semi-automatic (Figure 3)8. Furthermore, time-resolved, non-endpoint confluence measurement of the same well showed that semi-automatic analysis was suitable for determining colony number and mean size.

This clonogenic assay method provides a time- and cost-effective alternative to the standard clonogenic assay protocol. With no endpoint fixation and staining required, this protocol enables continuous monitoring and analysis of clonogenic growth. Furthermore, additional metrics about the kinetics of colony growth can also be extracted during the experiment. The miniaturized format also opens up the opportunity to test expensive treatments, such as siRNA-based or CRISPR/Cas9-based therapies that would not be feasible with the volume of treatment required for a 6-well or 24-well plate. Ultimately, Mayr et al. demonstrated that label-free microscopy with confluence detection is a robust and viable option for measuring clonogenicity.

A label-free, non-endpoint, and automated solution for your clonogenic assays is the CytoSMART Omni with its colony detection algorithm. Colony formation is measured over time across an entire well with colony count, size, and circularity readouts. Your cells do not have to leave the incubator and cellular kinetic information during the process of colony formation can be obtained (Figure 4).

Clonogenic assay: what, why and how (2)


CytoSMART live-cell analysis platformenables scientists to continuously monitor colony growth over long periods of time instead of limiting data acquisition to a single time point.

Learn more about the clonogenic assay on Cytosmart imaging systems

Clonogenic assay: what, why and how (2024)


Why do we do clonogenic assay? ›

Clonogenic assay is the method of choice to determine cell reproductive death after treatment with ionizing radiation, but can also be used to determine the effectiveness of other cytotoxic agents. Only a fraction of seeded cells retains the capacity to produce colonies.

How does clonogenic assay work? ›

Basically, the clonogenic assay enables an assessment of the differences in reproductive viability (capacity of cells to produce progeny; i.e. a single cell to form a colony of 50 or more cells) between control untreated cells and cells that have undergone various treatments such as exposure to ionising radiation, ...

What is clonogenic survival assay? ›

The clonogenic cell survival assay determines the ability of a cell to proliferate indefinitely, thereby retaining its reproductive ability to form a large colony or a clone. This cell is then said to be clonogenic.

What is a clonogenic assay for anticancer drugs? ›

It basically tests the ability of each cell in a population to undergo unlimited division. This assay is commonly used to determine the reproductive death of a cancer cell and also to study the effectiveness of cytotoxic drugs or compounds.

What is the difference between a clonogenic assay and a MTT assay? ›

Clonogenic and MTT assays are well-known tests for evaluation of chemoradiation studies and radiosensitivity [1–4]. Clonogenic assays are commonly used to investigate survival of irradiated cancer cells, whereas MTT assays are well known to study chemosensitivity [5] or toxicity [6] of drugs in human tumor cell lines.

Why is clonogenic assay the gold standard? ›

It is considered the “gold standard” in measuring cellular reproductivity as it measures the sum of all modes of cell death, encompassing both early and late events.

What is the meaning of clonogenic? ›

adjective. (of a cell) able to clone itself and grow into a full colony of cloned cells.

What is clonogenic growth? ›

Since its development in the mid-1950s, the clonogenic assay has been used by numerous researchers to measure the self-renewing capacity of various mammalian cell model systems in vitro1,2,3,4. In this context, 'clonogenic' growth is conventionally defined as a cluster of ≥50 cells originating from one single cell.

What is clonogenic assay for suspension cells? ›

Clonogenic assay is otherwise also referred to as a “colony formation,” [1] this pertains to an in vitro process or survival analysis in order to determine a single cell's capability to form a specific colony [2].

What is clonogenic assay for cytotoxicity? ›

The clonogenic assay is the measurement of a drug's cytotoxic activity against a single cell population and is the most valid in vitro approach to predict the chemosensitivity of human cancers.

What is clonogenic potential of cells? ›

The clonogenic potential of these cells is defined by colony-forming unit-fibroblasts (CFU-F). It is well known that there is an interaction between hematopoietic cells and stromal cells in disease formation pathogenesis.

What is the best assay for cell viability? ›

The CellTiter-Glo® 3D Assay Reagent measures ATP as an indicator of viability and generates a luminescent readout that is much more sensitive than colorimetric or fluorescence-based methods. To measure cytotoxicity of a compound, the LDH-Glo™ Cytotoxicity Assay (Cat. # J2380) is ideal for use with 3D culture models.

What does assay mean in oncology? ›

A laboratory test to find and measure the amount of a specific substance.

What is the assay for anticancer? ›

The MTT/MTS in vitro cell proliferation assay is one of the most widely used assays for evaluating preliminary anticancer activity of both synthetic derivatives and natural products and natural product extracts.

What assays are used to determine cell cytotoxicity? ›

CyQUANT Cytotoxicity Assay Kits are colorimetric- or fluorescence-based detection methods to quantitively measure cytotoxicity through the release of LDH or G6PD, which act as biomarkers for cellular cytotoxicity.

How do you measure cell survival? ›

XTT Assay. The XTT assay is one example of a metabolic test to measure cell viability. In healthy cells, XTT is converted by mitochondrial enzymes into an orange formazan dye. Relative absorbance detected at 450 nanometers is then used to estimate the number of viable cells.

What is the difference between cell viability and cytotoxicity assay? ›

The RealTime-Glo® MT Cell Viability Assay is a nonlytic assay that s continually monitors cell viability over time based on the reducing potential of the cell. Cytotoxicity assays measure parameters associated with loss of membrane integrity upon cell death.

What is the difference between cytotoxicity and viability assay? ›

A cell viability assay measures the number (relative or absolute) of living cells in a sample. Viability is a function of cellular proliferation and death. Cytotoxicity assays measure the number (relative or absolute) of dead cells.

Why would you use the gold standard? ›

What Are the Advantages of the Gold Standard? The gold standard prevents inflation as governments and banks are unable to manipulate the money supply (e.g., overissuing money). The gold standard also stabilizes prices and foreign exchange rates.

What is the purpose of CFU assay? ›

CFU assays allow measurement of the proliferation and differentiation ability of individual cells within a sample. The potential of these cells is measured by the observation of the colonies (consisting of more differentiated cells) produced by each input progenitor cell.

What is the purpose of the gold assay? ›

A gold assay is a process to measure the purity of items containing gold. It helps to ensure that gold coins or bullion bars produced by a mint meet the correct purity and content standards. There are two common assaying methods.

Which cells are clonogenic? ›

Adult stem cells are defined as clonogenic, self-renewing progenitor cells that can generate one or more specialized types of cells.

What is clonogenic assay for radiosensitivity? ›

Clonogenic assays are the gold standard for determining reproductive cell death induced by ionizing radiation (IR) [1]. Multiple studies show that cellular radiosensitivity, as determined by clonogenic assay in cancer cell lines, is relevant to the tumor response to radiation therapy [2].

What is the density of a clonogenic assay cell? ›

Direct methods, based on the measurement of cloning efficiency of enzymatically disaggregated biopsies of human tumors in soft agar, suggest a clonogen density of approximately 1,500 clonogens per gram.

What is CFU growth? ›

The colony forming unit (CFU) is a measure of viable colonogenic cell numbers in CFU/mL. These are an indication of the number of cells that remain viable enough to proliferate and form small colonies.

What does it mean to assay cells? ›

Cell culture assays provide a means of quantitatively analyzing the presence, amount, or functional activity of a cell or tissue of interest. As cost-effective and reproducible research tools, both standardized and custom-made cell-based assays are widely used by scientists in numerous applications.

How do you know if suspension cells are confluent? ›

Suspension cells are usually maintained in culture flasks and reseeded when they reach confluency every 2 or 3 days. You can tell when suspension cells reach confluency because they will begin to clump together and float on top of the medium; the medium will change color slightly and appear more turbid.

What is cell assay for drug screening? ›

Cell-based assays allow researchers to investigate the potency of novel drugs in more complex systems after primary screening in biochemical assays. Cellular assays allow compound screening at physiologic pH, ion, and co-factor concentrations allowing meaningful conclusions before commencing animal testing.

How do you determine the cytotoxicity of a drug? ›

Cytotoxicity assay should be selected based on the drug compound and with careful consideration of cellular function. The most effective method for assessment of cytotoxicity of the drug compound is evaluating cell membrane integrity. Cells having cytotoxic effects often show signs of compromised membrane integrity.

What are the three types of cytotoxicity tests? ›

The ISO 10993-5 guideline recommends three types of cytotoxicity test methods: extract dilution, direct contact, and indirect contact test6. The extract dilution exposure method is applied to a wide variety of medical devices to detect toxins leached from exposed surfaces.

How do you determine cell cytotoxicity? ›

Measuring Cell Cytotoxicity

While it can be measured in a number of different ways, assessing cell viability through the use of vital dyes (formazan dyes), protease biomarkers or by measuring ATP content are some of the most commonly used methods in determining cytotoxicity.

What is cell viability in cell culture? ›

Cell viability is defined as the number of healthy cells in a sample and proliferation of cells is a vital indicator for understanding the mechanisms in action of certain genes, proteins and pathways involved cell survival or death after exposing to toxic agents.

What is the potential in stem cells? ›

Stem cells may have the potential to be grown to become new tissue for use in transplant and regenerative medicine. Researchers continue to advance the knowledge on stem cells and their applications in transplant and regenerative medicine.

What is viability of cultured cells? ›

Cell viability refers to the number of live, healthy cells in a sample [1]. Cell viability assays are used to measure the physical and physiological health of cells in response to extracellular stimuli, chemical agents, or therapeutic treatments [1–3], or when determining optimal growth conditions in cell culture.

What are the 3 methods of assessing cell viability? ›

Cell proliferation assays are performed using standard methods, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and high content imaging.

What is the difference between proliferation and viability assay? ›

Viability and proliferation are two distinct characteristics of cells. Viability is a measure of the number of living cells in a population whereas proliferation is a measure of cell division. It should be noted that not all viable cells divide.

What are the four types of assay? ›

The main types of assay used for blood screening are:
  • Immunoassays (IAs): — Enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) — Chemiluminescent immunoassays (CLIAs) — Haemagglutination (HA)/particle agglutination (PA) assays. — Rapid/simple single-use assays (rapid tests)
  • Nucleic acid amplification technology (NAT) assays.

What are the three types of assay? ›

Assays can be divided into three main categories based on the type of sample used – ligand-binding assays that measure binding between a ligand and a receptor, immunoassays that detect antibody-antigen binding, and bioassays that measure biological activity in response to certain stimuli.

What are the two main types of assay? ›

Types • Competitive immunoassays. Non-competitive immunoassays.

What are biomarkers for cancers? ›

Biomarker testing is a way to look for genes, proteins, and other substances (called biomarkers or tumor markers) that can provide information about cancer. Each person's cancer has a unique pattern of biomarkers. Some biomarkers affect how certain cancer treatments work.

Which diagnostic test is used to determine malignancy? ›

Biopsy. In most cases, doctors need to do a biopsy to be certain that you have cancer. A biopsy is a procedure in which the doctor removes a sample of abnormal tissue. A pathologist looks at the tissue under a microscope and runs other tests on the cells in the sample.

What are assays for tumor markers most important for? ›

Tumor marker tests are mainly used to learn more about a known cancer. But in certain cases, they may be used to screen for cancer or to help diagnose the disease.

What is the most common cytotoxicity assay? ›

These assays measure the activity of enzymes that leak into the extracellular medium on cell membrane damage. The most popular assay is for lactate dehydrogenase. LDH assay / Lactate dehydrogenase assay ab65393 and ab197004: LDH oxidizes lactate and a colored, or fluorescent (Ex/Em 535/587 nm) product is formed.

Why do we measure cytotoxicity? ›

Cytotoxicity is an in vitro test to determine whether the medical device will cause any cell death due to leaching of toxic substances or from direct contact.

What are the different types of cytotoxicity assay? ›

2: How different cytotoxicity assay namely DNA fragmentation/ladder assay, Comet assay, Necrosis assay, Enzyme assay, Proteomics assay, and Expression array assay are used when cells are exposed to cytotoxic agents.

What is the purpose of cell viability assay? ›

Cell viability assays are used to measure the physical and physiological health of cells in response to extracellular stimuli, chemical agents, or therapeutic treatments [1–3], or when determining optimal growth conditions in cell culture.

What is the purpose of cell migration assay? ›

Cell Migration Assays: Enables convenient and sensitive quantification of in vitro cell migration towards a chemical concentration gradient (chemotaxis) or ECM protein gradient (haptotaxis).

What is the purpose of cell-based assays? ›

Cell-based assays assess the efficacy of compounds in a cellular environment, which is crucial to understanding compound behaviors in a biological system and align readouts with a translatable biomarker.

What is colony morphology and why is it important in bacterial identification? ›

Observing colony morphology is an important skill used in the microbiology laboratory to identify microorganisms. Colonies need to be well isolated from other colonies to observe the characteristic shape, size, color, surface appearance, and texture. Another important characteristic of a bacterial colony is hemolysis.

Why do we need to count the bacterial colony? ›

The purpose of colony counting is ultimately to estimate the number of cells present based on their given ability to continue to grow and expand under certain conditions like temperature and the state of the nutrient medium.

Why do we use CFU instead of cells? ›

Not all bacterial cells produce colonies, as some bacteria tend to clump or aggregate, and some are nonviable. For this reason results are reported as colony forming units (CFU)/ml of bacterial culture.

What is the best assay for measuring cell viability? ›

ATP Cell Viability Assays

ATP can be used to measure cell viability since only viable cells can synthesize ATP.

What assay determines cell viability? ›

XTT Assay. The XTT assay is one example of a metabolic test to measure cell viability. In healthy cells, XTT is converted by mitochondrial enzymes into an orange formazan dye. Relative absorbance detected at 450 nanometers is then used to estimate the number of viable cells.

What are the advantages of cell culture assay? ›

The main advantage is the consistency and reproducibility of results that can be obtained from using a batch of clonal cells.

What assays measure cell migration? ›

Migration can be assessed by determining the number of cells that move across a microporous membrane (transwell migration assay) or by measuring the surface area that cells occupy over time after creating a 'cell-free' area (scratch assay) [8–10].

What is the difference between migration and invasion assay? ›

Cell migration is the process of normal cell movement in response to chemical signals. Cell invasion is the ability of cells to migrate and navigate through the extracellular matrix within the tissues and enter into neighboring tissues.

What are the two methods of cell migration? ›

Single-cell migration can roughly be divided into amoeboid and mesenchymal migration (Figure 1).

What is the purpose of an assay? ›

A laboratory test to find and measure the amount of a specific substance.

What is the purpose of assay is to determine? ›

An assay is a process of analyzing a substance to determine its composition or quality. The term is often used in the mining industry to refer to tests of ore or minerals.

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.