Class Notes - Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (2024)

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Sarah Ketenbrink Williams
111 Rose Ln
Greenwood, IN 46143-2443
(317) 499-2824

This year, I talked with Therese Roy Light, Jean Noonan Faulkner, Marie Merker Walsh, Mary Nardine Wheeler and left messages on Josephine “Jo” Storto Mago’s phone. We are all dealing with the age problems – arthritis, hearing and memory loss, etc.

The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) makes attending mass possible when going to church is not possible.

Most of all, we are grateful for children who visit and care for us.


Lois Patton Olzawski
2840 E 23rd St
Tulsa, OK 74114-3107
(918) 694-6941
[email protected]

Eleven members of the “United Class of ‘49” are on the list, and I (or my daughter) was able to make contact with families of six of them. We all wish you a happy rest of 2024!

Joan Kane Ryan was looking forward to a Ryan/Kane Reunion at Christmas!She promised a report while sending word that all is well with the Ryan Clan in St. Louis, Mo!

Joan Shoemaker Bey’s daughter, Anna Marie Witt, sent greetings to all for her.Joan is in Fisher, Ind.

Grace Hake McClorey’s son, Jeff, wrote for her that at 96, she’s doing well!He even sent a picture to prove himself!

My contact with Kathleen “Kitty” Hannon Morton has been by phone – when we could catch one another.She’s doing great – and very, very active!

Mary Menzie Myles’ daughter, Kathy Myles Clapper, sent me sad news that Mary is in a Colorado nursing home on hospice.She still enjoys news from The Woods!

Patricia “Pat” Abowd Saker’s son talked briefly with my daughter and told her Pat is not doing well and they prefer no contact.

Lois Patton Olzawki: We lost Vince, our eldest child, in July of 2022 and then lost Tom, my husband, suddenly in November of 2022.Daughter Susan has moved in with me, and we are still trying to combine two households!This last summer, I had many falls, which have left me with a fractured neck and back.Doing well though, with Susan as a driver!

Best wishes to all for a Blessed 2024!


Jane Antrobus
5135 Tarrytown Dr
Memphis, TN 38117-2125
(901) 685-7497
[email protected]

Each time I seek class news, there’s at least one surprise.This time it was a phone call from Mary Gail Reilly Grimfrom Charlotte, N.C. Gail was in our class freshman year and shares fond memories, even of being confined to campus for some misdemeanor. She finished her schooling closer to home and now lives in a retirement home which she enjoys and highly recommends.

KatheleenThorne Higgins was in our class for two years and remembers the different, simple, but blessed times.

In case anybody has misperceptions about sitting and rocking after 90, I am hearing more about cruising and traveling.Lucille “Lu” Restifo McGrath moved to a condo on Lake Erie after the death of her husband five years ago.(She isn’t missing taking care of the house and yard). She wrote to me from Florida and was planning a trip with her daughters to Sicily to check out where her Dad came from.

Miriam Courtney Pecora and her granddaughters like cruises and have taken many (35?) together.Miriam skipped Florida this year. She has welcomed her fifth great-grandchild.

Arlene O’Rourke Hamm is still in her home in Fishkill, N.Y. She has been active in the Fishkill Historical Society. Daughter Lisa is close enough for frequent visits. Arlene spent Christmas in Knoxville, Tenn., with daughter Karen’s family. She has welcomed her 20th great-grandchild.

I got a call from California from Dolores “Dee” Eisenbeil Humm.She and Dave have encountered some of our classmates in the San Francisco area, including Gay Wasas Ducharme.

Jane Antrobus – I am still able to stay in my house and to drive, though I’m sure a retirement home is not far in the future. Imagine, it will soon be seventy years since we graduated! How time flies.


Maureen Sullivan Brady
380 Church St Apt 3
St. Ignace, MI 49781-1600
(231) 675-8214
[email protected]

With my list of 34 classmates before me, I realized that many would not be able to respond and yet I desired to encourage a memory to come forth of something received from The Woods that stayed and was passed down and present-day updates.

Donaldeen “Donnie” Vinton Connealy is presently widowed and living in Elkhorn, New England with their seven children, one being a priest. She remembered her roommate Jean “Jeanie” Diver Buckley. (Who was also my roommate the senior year). We had a phone conversation as to which Maureen I was (the one from Saginaro, AKA Dirty Bird, from some fun tricks pulled on our wing). She still keeps in touch with Josephine “Jo” Green Timperman in Hilton Head, S.C.

Adelyn Langlois Grudier shared her not-so-happy situation, but needed to happen, as she moved to an independent facility. Her son and daughter-in-law also live there. She is plugging along because it is what it is. She misses the warmth of the South, traveling days are passed, including revisiting The Woods for Reunion time.

Sheila Hahn Murray shared her precious memory of discovering the Adoration Chapelher freshman year and began to visit almost every day. She believes those wonderful visits have gotten her through some rough times in her life, thinks of them as miracles. She hopes the Chapel is still used. Praying about this world her grandchildren are walking in. Amen.

Nancy Miller Beringer lost her husband, John, three years ago but is more than blessed by the beautiful life they had together. Now also blessed by their 10 children, 34 grandchildren and 23 greats. She is able to spend the winters in Naples and summers in Akron, Ohio. One of her daughters made a Woods visit and couldn’t believe how beautiful it is.

My update: after dietetic internship in 1957, met my husband. He was in college on the G.I. Bill. Seven children came in 11 years, and I was able to do some dietetic work but mostly loved my motherly calling. When four were in college, I did apply and got a hospital position. The five daughters graduated from The Woods (someone there 15 years ago). And my two sons graduated from the college my husband attended. All finished with Education, and all married. We went to Mao Island on our 35th anniversary, and I heard, “Welcome home.” I always loved the idea of living in a small town near water. My son, Kevin, with an MBA, ventured at 50 in 1994 to start a business in St. Ignace. Empiercing, antique and upholstery and decorating services. He now teaches in the High School shop is closed, but because of our contacts on the island, sewing work comes to be done at home with my love near. I recently picked up my sewing machine after repairs and the fellow showed me this fancy machine at $800. Now, would someone to be 90 years old in October buy a $800 machine? Shook hands and paid the bill.

All this to be condensed. At 15 my evening prayers seemed useless and myself, also until I heard in the room “I willed you to be born”/ I knew it was God the Father. Rats, He will be to become a Nun, and they don’t even like me. “No” then if it is to be marriage, then, you Lord will have to pick out my husband. Just keep me to be worthy of him. So now what we have is a kingdom. Seven children, 31 grandchildren, 23 great and expecting more. They know that the Lord is one step ahead making away if they listen.

Whatever that may be of value to share on my past.


Martha Jacob, OSU
128 North Peterson Ave
Louisville, KY 40206-2338
(502) 338-3331
[email protected]

Spring 2024. Hello to each classmate and members of other Woods classes who remember us! The most frequent event reported to me was the birth of a great-grandchild, followed by weddings of grandchildren.

Mary Frances “Fran” Fitzgerald Root announced the birth of her sixth great who is named Hudson Emmet. She says her friends and family are “keeping me busy.”

Angela “Angie” Miller McNamara was “graced” with a fifth great-grandson, Colman David McNamara in July, and grandson Kent McNamara’s bride in December. She claims, “a small amount of volunteering” and keeping the house, yard and pool “respectable.” Angie and daughter, Julie, managed visits to the Mississippi Gulf Coast in May and October.

Janis Rapier Brown, first-year classmate, is marking her “Happy, second anniversary at ‘the villa’.” She noted she was expecting her 12th great-grandchild in April 2024. She stays active in her Parish and at her residence.

Peggy Curl Doak reports “Two great, great granddaughters!” Three of her grandsons put travel on Peggy’s 2023 schedule: weddings in Iowa and Wisconsin, and the third, left tackle Charles Jagusah, to four Notre Dame football games, including the Sun Bowl in El Paso. She said it was wonderful!

Mary Howard Brown sent photos of her numbers 19 & 20 great-grandchildren: James Brown Prendergast and Clare Hazel Brown born in 2023.Granddaughter Rebecca was married in Knoxville, Tenn. “This has been a year of many happy events and a year of losses of family and friends.”

Mary Hayes Garvin “I am blessed with 18 grandchildren and second greats, who live all over the world. My memories of The Woods are always with me – the ice pond, the pool, grotto and Adoration Chapel. With love to all 1957ers.”

Julie Rice King retired at the end of September 2023, having worked in her parish’s office for 37+ years. I am curious about the direction in which I will be led.” Highlights of her year included: Elizabeth’s marriage on July 2 and Susie’s move from Rotterdam to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Camille Grafe Rust and husband, Bill, are still enjoying life in New Bern, N.C. “After 42 years I gave up my Therapeutic Massage business and am keeping out of trouble playing with a couple of Ukulele groups locally. Such fun.” Bill continues his flagpole business which keeps him happy.

Marilyn Marschall Antonik continues to divide her time between Wilmette and Virginia. Sometimes it’s challenging, but it’s a gift to spend time with both children and their families. Grands range from 16-21, so these are interesting times! My major causes are the Climate Crisis (for my Grands) and Indigenous Women.

Kathryn “Kay” Morrill Mancuso wonders how her children and grandchildren got to their ages, and “we haven’t changed a bit, -Oh maybe a little!” Kay had right knee replacement surgery in mid-January and was recovering well by February 1 (2024).

Martha Jacob, OSU I think I am doing well as I (we) near 90! I help where I can with events and matters of the Ursuline Sisters and am grateful that I no longer have major responsibilities. May 2024 be a year of many blessings for each of us!


Virginia Rose Reed
2850 N Sheridan Rd Apt 1221
Chicago, IL 60657-6145
(773) 477-6836
[email protected]

2023 was a difficult year for Letizia “Tish” Fiore Lowman with the death of her brothers and husband, David. David had a beautiful memorable Mass with many family members and friends in attendance. Tish had some good times – visiting the Woods with daughter Margaret and rejoicing over her granddaughter Ava’s acceptance at a culinary school in Switzerland.

Keith, one of Bernice “Bernie” Schmitt Ridgway’s sons called me with the news of her death. It was especially hard since it happened during the holidays.

Mary Ellen Bendel Hudson lost her sister to aspirational pneumonia in June. Her husband, Lew, had a bad fall and was hospitalized for several months but is recovering. They have three great-grandchildren, two girls and one boy, children of their grandson Lewis Hudson IV and his wife, Shelly, who live in Alabama.

Carole Lattus Liggett and her husband, Jim, are still driving and spending time at the gym. They play bridge, read a lot and visited her sister, Lucy, in Kentucky.

Ellen Narolewski Lau and her daughter, Margaret, visited Budapest and Prague in July 2023. In September 2022, she took a 15-day cruise through the Panama Canal. Ellen and six family members are planning a trip to Africa in May.

Carole Marzano Bersinger spent Christmas in Naples, Fla, then visited her husband’s grave at the National Cemetery. She plays golf at the Villages which has become the largest golf community in the world. She continues her ministry with her uke group at care facilities.

Sylvia Dickas Coma and Robert have become snowbirds and go to Saint Simons Island, Ga., for the winter. They retain their home in Indiana for the summer.

Mary Zavatone Pearl and her sister enjoyed a Great Lakes Cruise last summer and loved Mackinac Island. Mary is researching the origins of the name of their town, Upper Black Edy.

Virginia Senicka Wirtz told me of the death of Mary Ann Altschaeffl O’Hern.She is pleased that one of her great-granddaughters was named Virginia after her.

Janice “Jan” Lauber Hummel and Jim enjoy having many family members nearby and are grateful for modern technology to keep in touch with others. They are doing well healthwise.

Kathleen Petrunick Lendzion and I talk on the phone and share cold weather tales. They are doing well.

Sandra “Sandy” Chabot Landay continues to sing in choirs and teach voice. Her two dogs join the singing and keep the woeful world at bay.


Agnes Piszczek
6410 N Leona Ave
Chicago, IL 60646-4225
(773) 763-4775
[email protected]

Our condolences to JoAnn Roach Abrams on the death of husband, Jim, on August 8 and to Margaret Mulhollan Quinn on the death of husband, John, in June.Margaret sold her house and moved into a senior living community in Munster, Ind.Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families.

Donna Booth Salacuse and Jes traveled to London and Malta.They thoroughly enjoyed both places.

Jacqueline “Jackie” Chott Carey and Tim are healthy and well.They spent some time in Hawaii, one of their favorite vacation spots. They feel fortunate to be able to see their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren often.Son Bob, who resides in Florida, came for Christmas with his two sons.The entire family was together at granddaughter Erin Williams’s home.

Rosemary “Roe” Fratto Malec and Bruce had a full year of fun with their grandchildren.Kyle Neuville married Mollie Griffins at St. Hedwig’s Church in Milwaukee on August 5.Participating in the wedding party was two-year-old Beau, son of Grandson Ryan who resides in Philadelphia. Ryan’s daughter Mia also attended. Grandson Jack is an engineer in San Francisco. In September, the entire family spent a week in Door County, Wis., one of the family’s favorite vacation spots.While Roe and Bruce had some health issues, they are enjoying their senior living condo.

Mary Burtch Fetters reports she is not a couch potato. She continues to stay busy and always has something to do.

Patricia “Pat” Needham Burns and John remained home at Christmas with son, Ian, and family.Son David’s daughter is receiving a graduate degree in Geology from the University of Connecticut. Daughter number two is enjoying her second year of college.Ian’s boys are both in middle school (grades six and eight), keeping their parents busy with many activities. Quoting a high school classmate, “our social life has been reduced to grocery shopping and visits to doctors and the library.” As great baseball fans, we hope the Nationals will have a better season in 2024!

Joan Mellican Dickson and Bob enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving, celebrating the completion of repairs from the insurance claims from the November 2022 hurricane.Repairs were completed to the pool cage, Lanai roof, soffits, fascia and gutters.They traveled to Indiana for granddaughter Lia’s graduation from Purdue.After that, they drove to Weaverville, N.C., to visit son Craig and Christy, then flew to Paso Robles, Calif., to attend the graduation of granddaughter Morgan from Cal Poly Tech. The Dicksons returned to Punta Gorda to rest. In October, the entire family gathered in Palm Coast, Fla., to celebrate Bob’s birthday, to enjoy the beach, pool, hot tub, the state park and a memorable day visiting historic St. Augustine. Bob enjoyed some peace and quiet while Joan attended a three-day golf outing with 24 members of her gold league at Inn on the Lake in Sebring, Fla.

Kathleen “Kitty” Farrell Zink underwent back surgery following many months of dealing with sciatica on her right side. She is now pain-free following decompression and fusion surgery. From mid-May to mid-August, her family took turns spending 24/7 with her until she fully recovered. She is forever grateful to her family for all the love and support. In August she was finally able to go to her Michigan cottage to enjoy some rest and relaxation. On November 14 in Fort Wayne, Kitty welcomed her fifth great-grandchild, Catherine Rose, named after her deceased grandmother. Her father, Isaac, was Cathy’s oldest child.Kitty’s grandson Phillip, Paul’s son, plays in the Fisher Tigers Marching Band which played in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The family spent a week in New York City seeing the sights and having fun!

On May 13, 2023, Patricia “Trish” Slattery Henry and Mike celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Children Shele, Mike, Erin and Peter rented a chauffeured Coach and traveled from winery to winery. The day was tremendous as the six sipped, nibbled, laughed and were pampered! Trish values the union of their four children as a treasure.

Rosemary “Roz” Burke Ciaudelli became a great-grandmother in June when granddaughter Mary, Gina’s daughter, delivered a 9 lb. 1 oz. boy named Cameron Miles Maclean. Son Joe spent six weeks in Dubai on business and arrived home before Christmas. He represents a company on a UN panel concerning broadband allocation. For entertainment at an opening banquet, Joe suggested his band. The company agreed to bring seven band members to Dubai. It was his wildest rock star dream come true!Roz spent June in Myrtle Beach, S.C., with four of her granddaughters. In July, she visited daughter, Maria, in Bonita Springs, Fla.

Sally Maloney Discher wrote that they are simply living at home and rarely leave the house. Her necessary trip is to the Beauty Salon! Of course, they attend Sunday Mass or watch it on TV.

Gaye Salerno Kenny and Phil said that for many years their Christmas began in late September for their two-week trip to the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Phil traveled with a stack of books and golf clubs. Gaye brought boxes of Christmas cards and wrote Christmas letters while looking out at the lake, the changing colors of the trees, the fishermen and the loons. When Covid hit, they canceled their membership at the club so was forced to write letters in their apartment. Gaye said she values our friendships and the times shared.

Ellen Cooper Riddle wrote that she is experiencing some difficulty after her final surgery.Ellen and Ann Berger Frutkin ’60 walked together prior to Ellen’s surgery.Ellen reports that she has wonderful caregivers and her children have been extremely helpful.She loves company, especially spending time with Ann and another Woodsie, Gay Gallagher Scherrer ’64, who lives across the street and brings her the Eucharist.They reminisce about the fun times at The Woods and hope to return there soon.

Marilyn Rogge DiNardo reports that all is great there.Daughter Anne is building a home in Germantown so will be near daughter Katie and her.Anne kept a place in Chicago so Marilyn will visit there also. Marilyn attended a One-of-a-Kind Show at Chicago’s Merchandise Mart.She has four college grandkids – two at Notre Dame, one at Tufts and one at the University of Kentucky.

Carolyn Stower Edelmann underwent two shoulder replacements – one July 10 and the other November 8. Her physical therapist hero is thrilled with the “range of motion.” While she is pain-free in those joints, there are too many uncooperative joints.She is thankful for her “caring corps,” consisting of friends who transported her to and from, stayed overnight, brought food and treats, shared books and watched films. Carolyn is still writing poetry with the group she founded many years ago. One of her poems was published in the Women Poets Volume VII. Christmas was spent at Jersey Shore where they hiked Spring Lake Boardwalk in shorts!

Mary Ellen Gase reports that the highlight was a visit to Grand Rapids from her San Diego brother and wife who visited the three sisters. Mary Ellen’s youngest sister, Nancy Prunty is writing her fourth children’s book. The contents are humorous, true stories about her past and present pets.Sister Kate continues to attend the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra concerts.John Berendsen, husband of the late Nancy Kanady Berendsen and son visited Mary Ellen, sharing lunch and updates on the Evansville Woods friends. Her scholarship at the Saginaw College of Music continues to grow thanks to former students and friends.

Judith “Judy” Haley Giesen writes from her new home at Mount Carmel Bluffs, a friendly, happy “independent living” with the Mississippi River flowing by. She has the opportunity of walking the many trails while meditating. She was featured in the Fall issue of SALT Magazine published by the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Judy has challenges but adjusting well to apartment living and simply growing older. Memories of Jim continue to brighten their lives as he lives anew eternally. Thanksgiving was spent in Denver. Judy is thankful for a dedicated family, old friends, new friends and a bright future.

Rosemary “Dee” Cirando Coyne traveled to The Woods for Reunion when Margaret McElroy ’63 received the Mother Theodore Guerin award. She enjoyed seeing the new building and had a great time. While in Indianapolis, she saw Ellen Cooper Riddle and John.

Camille Filar Kopielski attends a weekly virtual book club. The group consists of 100 participants from all over the country. She finds it stimulating and does not have trouble reading a new book each week.

Laura “Lolly” Trauscht Holland gets her exercise by walking daily. Lolly and I meet for lunch occasionally and enjoy catching up on class news. Her daughter Jennifer and son Chris both live in the Chicago area so able to visit frequently.

Jeanne Cowden Meyer writes that she and Paul are doing as well as can be expected. Their yearly trip to Puerto Rico was canceled because Paul had a stroke. Fortunately, he was transported to the hospital quickly and has recovered quite well. It happened so fast but are grateful for the healing. Their children and grandchildren are fine also. Can’t believe our children are close to receiving Social Security!

Peggy Gardner Gallagher continues to ride her bike and works out daily at the gym. Peggy biked 1450 miles this year, surpassing her goal of 1000 miles. I admire her discipline! Daughter Megan lives close and is a big help. Megan’s husband, Paul Villez, recently retired from IT with the Green Bay Packers. Daughter Molly lives in Vail, Colo., and son John lives in Omaha. Peggy enjoys visiting both families. To celebrate their 87th birthdays, she plans a Caribbean Cruise with Mary “Maggie” Burns Gage and another childhood friend.

Marilyn Bosler Henley continues to receive excellent care at the Westwood Senior Living Facility in St. Paul. She is pleasant and remains active although her dementia has worsened. Her husband, Jan, passed away in Oct. 2022.

Janice “Jan” Searles Vanderhaar recently received an award from the Interfaith Community and the Muslims.She was honored for her work for peace and community work. Jan commented that she is still plugging along but a little slower at accomplishing tasks.

Grace Ann “Dace” Doran McLaughlin and Bob love living in their senior community. They have met so many fascinating people from all walks of life. They still go canoeing in the Adirondacks.In spring and fall, their canoe is always next to their car for easy accessibility. They are “learning to grow old.”

After a wonderful cruise through the Panama Canal, I returned home, and in the middle of the night, I fell. I suffered a compound fracture of the left hip.After surgery, I spent time in rehab to learn to walk. I am still using a walker and probably will for the rest of my life since my hip is weak. I have managed to meet friends for lunch and dinner and attend Maryville Board meetings. However, I do hope to return to water aerobics this year. Our 65th Reunion is May 31. Please plan to attend if able. Also, remember to support the Woods Fund so others can experience the memories we shared.


Mary Janice “Jan” Robertson Jacqua
52203 ETerra Fern Dr
Sandy, OR 96055
(503) 318-2104
[email protected]

Dolores “Dodie” Hoss Pflumm wrote, “All my news minus the sickness is great! (ed. note…she didn’t tell us the “sickness” but I’m sure we all know all too well what she means – the aches and pains of being 86). Our oldest daughter winters in Florida, and we drove to her home for Thanksgiving where we dined at her Club House. There I saw Lois Leinenbach Mootz and her family. Our husbands, who went to Cathedral (HS?) together, closed “the club,” singing the Cathedral Fight song. We now have two married grandsons.I play cards, do party exercise, and visit the sick.” Dodie says she is also taking a course on Vatican Two that her husband, Basil, designed.“I meet monthly with friends to share Scripture and a book.”

Lois Leinenbach Mootz – In June 2023, Pete and I moved to an Erickson Senior Community in Naples, Fla. It is about 25 minutes from where our daughter Martha and her husband Michael live. We also have a grandson living near.We have a fully equipped apartment and access to four restaurants (two in our building and two in the next building which is connected by a breezeway).I made sandwiches and a few casseroles during the football season… “Go Kansas City Chiefs”!!!, but mostly enjoy our meals here or in Naples with friends. This is everything we could ever want as far as security and total care when we need it. Vivian Larkowski Kozak and Al were here a few weeks ago to have cocktails in our apartment.

Mary Simmons Murphy – I have enjoyed meeting with the Cincinnati Alum Lunch Bunch on the first Saturday of the month. We have lots of fun reminiscing about The Woods.Sadly, I lost my beloved husband, Vincent, on January 11 after over 60 years of marriage.Our two daughters and one of our granddaughters live here in Cincinnati, and I am so blessed to have their love and support. We are big Bengals, Xavier and Buffalo Bills fans.Hope to be at Reunion next year.

Andrea “Andy” Unruh Linde – I continue to “kick”! Still play golf at least twice a week.We have MANY activities here at my independent home at Parkside with “inside friends” as well as lots of gatherings with my “outside friends” in Erie.Love and prayers to ALL!

Kathleen “Kak” Desautels, SPDorothy Wilson Felix was in the area this Fall and came to visit Mary Morley, SP and me.Mary and her companion dog “Mickey” continue to volunteer for all kinds of campus needs. This duo delights sisters and others by their visits to Providence health care where I continue to recuperate.Blessings to all of us, Love Kak

Jeanne Smith Rielly – Still kicking, if my right knee cooperates.My husband, Edward, and I had a wonderful week in Ireland with son Brendan and wife Erica, seeing Northern Ireland for the first time. We were delighted with Belfast with its walls and fences still painted with faces and messages, the Titanic museum, Giant’s Causeway, and cherished family memories in County Monahan.COVID-19 has not caused much grief.Our children and grandchildren are all based in Westbrook, Maine near us which is a treasure. I wish our country was not so full of anger and falsehood.Check out Michelle Norris and book Hidden Conversations.

Margaret Ann “Ann” Borelli Fent – I lost my husband, Jerry, in August as a result of his dementia.For some time we had been unable to travel, but we enjoyed our uneventful life together.Jerry was 89.We had been married 61 years.As he had said many times lately “We had a good ride.” In late September, I was able to go to Dallas to visit our son David and his family.David and I enjoyed a lovely lunch with Ann Brown Martin and Chuck in their retirement community. It was such fun to connect with them again and have lovely conversation.My son-in-law has offered to take me to a class reunion any year when we all decide to go. Sending you much love and prayers.

Donna Narolewski Bahadur – Donna sent news from Florida where she has been for five months every winter for 40 years.She is enjoying golf with her son who resides with her.“So far I’ve had a blessed year and hope it continues.Miles and I traveled last year to Niagara Falls Santa Fe, Phoenix and Mackinac Island.I’m still traveling while my legs are holding up and I can do it!Greetings to all my friends at SMWC – where have all the years flown by?”

Mary Morley, SPKathleen Desautels, SP and I had a great visit from Dorothy Wilson Felix and her cousin in December.We’re waiting for spring so we can be outside enjoying the beautiful woods in all its splendor.

Aurelia Duralski Constanza – Happy Birthday to all my 86-year-old classmates.This year is a lifestyle change for me. I will be leaving my Ogden Dunes home and moving into an independent living residence in Chesterton, Ind.It has been another difficult year after losing Joe.My daughter, Mia Regina, passed away due to ALS.I recommend our classmates to view The Boys in the Boat. I wish all good health and a happy year.

Nancy Kotowicz Williams – Nancy is still traveling the globe more than anyone I know.She has for years been active in an international photography group that takes her on adventures to exotic places in far-a-way countries on every continent.She stays busy when at home with her acre of gardens and with her garden club.She is also the head of the World Affairs Council of Rochester, putting on monthly dinners for 200+ and convincing speakers of great esteem and knowledge to discuss a global topic each month at the meeting. (You should see the list of experts – impressive). Nancy is, of course, always a mom and a wife and shared that she has begun to adjust to the changes that seem to be coming with husband Carl’s battle with neuropathy which is playing havoc on his travel abilities and bringing a lot of pain with it….and son, Chris’s, lifelong health challenges. Nancy recommends that we should read Palestine 1936 andThe Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA(she said she could have written some of it – as she lived it!). Of course, she says she still reads constantly.

Dorothy Wilson Felix – I would like to thank all who have been praying for me, and to say that I have two more chemo treatments, a couple of scans and I will be finished!!! So far all is well.Now for the family, Erica and Matt are doing well, and grandson Josh will graduate from OSU in May.He has applied for graduate school.Danny is in Chicago running the David Dharst Center for Social Justice. They do retreats for high school and college students, taking them to various parts of Chicago to learn about social issues. So proud of both of them.It’s been a while since I’ve traveled except to Clinton to visit my family and to Chicago.I do miss my dance and exercise classes, but I plan on going back ASAP. Am currently reading a tome called The Covenant of Water, a novel set in India.700+ pages, hence a tome.My love to all; hope to see you at the next Reunion.

Suzanne Dailey, SP – I live in Providence Hall at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.I manage the Resource Center there and have helped some college students in their studies.The Covid epidemic had a bad effect on usage of the Resource Center so I have been trying to find ways to attract more interest.I also collect books for our annual book sales.We regularly receive many book contributions for that sale which we appreciate greatly.

Ann Berger Frutkin – Ann wrote that she and Ren had attended the funeral of Bob Erzen, husband of Ellen Amer Erzen. She also passed on information from Ellen’s son, Mark regarding contact with Ellen. “Mom has moved to Vitalia Senior Living in Strongsville, Ohio.”He suggested that limited calling would be OK – (216) 269-2668.

Mary Janice “Jan” Robertson Jaqua – Even though we have snow on the ground, this is a magical garden time in the greenhouse.It is seed germination time! I’ve saved many of last year’s seeds to start early in this warm sanctuary.The mystery of life inside those tiny seeds baffles me, and I am humbled by the fact that with my little bit of help, life begins again. I sit in the greenhouse, all warm and cozy, and I am thrilled that the secret activity of life is asserting itself in a tiny pot. I am participating in a sacred ritual with the Divine. Jeff and I traveled to the four Scandinavian capitals last year and learned so much.They are such happy people and so devoted to the culture and art of their country.Their governments are very interesting.In general elections, before they ever vote for individuals, they vote for party platform (philosophy). It is a coalition type of government.Only after they have a victorious coalition do they name who will be president. This year, in October, we are going to Southern France and Barcelona for two or so weeks.I have long hoped to see those wonderful prehistoric cave paintings of which Lascaux ( or the rebuilt replica) is just one of many in France and Spain….and am really looking forward to Tapas Bars in Barcelona. I have gained so much inspiration from a book called The Field by Lynn McTaggert.It’s a read that makes you think about what our reality might be based on quantum physics. It’s a book we must ponder, but all of us can understand. That’s my story this snowy February day, and I’m stickin’ to it.Love you all. Keep kickin’! And please communicate!


Alice Steers Lingenfelter
4726 Carlene Way SW
Lilburn, GA 30047-4704
(404) 314-7907
[email protected]

Reading and digesting the class notes of former and later years exemplify the diversity of the women at SMWC. I tried all the forms of communication, phone calls, emails, texts, postal service and of course social media, to keep track of you all. It’s a challenge. Phone calls usually go well if the number is correct… Do you ever chat on the phone these days? Or a better question, do you own a landline phone? Remember those?

First, I would like to mention in the winter 2024 edition of “HOPE” the Sisters of Providence publication spotlighting two of our classmates, Janet Gilligan, SP and Barbara Ann Bluntzer, SP. Sister Janet works in the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Archives for the Sisters of Providence and documents the Sisters’ heritage. These sisters face challenges and are involved in risk-taking, breaking boundaries through education and their prayerful influence. Sister Barbara hosted four guests from Belgium including a Sister of Providence from Ruille-sur-Loir, France. As you may remember, the Sisters were founded in 1806. Wouldn’t you love to know the impression they had of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s place in the United States!

Speaking of impressions, I will share with you the diversity of opinions with our classmates, which seems to be sweeping through our country as you all are aware. Anne Kaczmarczyk Evans seemed to be having a traumatic year. She was not happy with the Israel/Gaza war having a nurse friend in Israel giving her reports. Added to that was the Invasion of Ukraine. To top off the conversation, she was unhappy with the previous research which Fauci did with HIV and Covid-19… “corruption in his works”. She told me to read Robert Kennedy’s book. Surprisingly, I realized we worked in the medical field in New York way back in the 60s while I was at Sloan Kettering.

Joan Reiter Carlsen checked in with a delightful phone call. She has sold her home in Florida and now “winters” in Minnesota. Her late husband was the one who loved Florida with his golf outings, but she likes to be around her family, and they are a prolific bunch. There must be a special gene in her family.

Sharon Wruble Miller shared she had her usual checkup and found breast cancer in April 2023. She had a family history of late cancer. All seems well with exercise at the YMCA. She sees Janice Hartman Gilleg once a month. She claims Barbara Langley is a bad communicator so no news from her. We laughed as she told me when she was a freshman, her parents came to visit, and they thought Nell and I were twins.

Maryanne O’Connor Donahue and I spoke on the phone. She seemed well but told me she had open heart surgery 20 years ago. I must have missed that event. She does keep up with Sally O’Connell who is still our Alaskan adventurer. She encouraged me to visit Boston area since it is one place I have never been.

Val Wilson Enghauser also had open heart surgery in 2017 with an aortic valve replacement and subsequently has had three heart procedures then a stroke last June 2023. God bless her! She is mainly homebound but sneaks out to Publix occasionally. Jay, her husband now does the “woman’s work” making bed, cooking meals etc. (Those quotes are mine) She still has her sense of humor! Did you know she was a systems engineer for IBM and has five children?

Sandra Duffin Hogan passed away on July 1, 2023, in Newport News, Va. Her last message to me was she loved reading about her friends at The Woods but was saddened to hear of her friends’ death. She had been widowed for five years after being married for 57 years. She spent most of her life in Burbank, Calif. Our condolences to her family.

Mary Jo Stewart McPherson reports she has a new pacemaker which keeps her busy with golf, book club and helping her dear friend, John recover from a stroke.

Patricia “Patti” O’Dowd Scholl and Ellen “Nell” Steers Dana have been comparing their shoulder replacement surgeries. We all seem to be on to be on that “road to recovery” stage in our life. Let’s keep each other in our prayers.

Valerie “Val” Dziubek Kuck always lifts my spirits when we chat. I was concerned with the mudslides in the Los Angeles area, so she reported they were terrible. She was safe on top of a hill and has been actively helping those who were less fortunate. She spent two weeks with her son, Justin, on a ship from Amsterdam to Zurich. He has one of those jobs that keep him going with no rest so it was a needed rest. Val’s new concern, as we all should be, on the pollution of plastics in our environment. She’s petitioning Proctor & Gamble to discontinue their use in all their products. Think of all those plastic bottles and plastic bags we use every day. Plastic, including microplastics, is now ubiquitous in our natural environment. I have paper straws and even a bamboo straw which is reusable. Thanks, Val for pursuing this issue.

Lili Li Lim’s family has bloomed to fifteen grandkids, two more on the way and they are in seven colleges around the world, three at University of Pennsylvania. She is bogged down by world news updates from one in NYU Shanghai, another in Edinburgh and one in Florence. Her health is not up to Frank’s, so travel is limited. She spends her free time listening to vintage Chinese Opera and rereading Chinese history. Her family history could be an entire library!

Karen Cashion Bish moved from Indianapolis to Cincinnati about fifteen years ago, making her closer to her three sons and a daughter. She and her husband have traveled extensively, spending seventeen winters in Kauai, Hawaii. The top of the list would be Alaska, and in 2000 they went to China. She has also visited all the National Parks (“Siri” says there are 63 national Parks) except one, Big Ben in Texas. Wasn’t Big Ben the clock town in London?

We all remember our days at The Woods when we met those special people in our lives. Jean McGregor Lauth and Barbara Bittorf Brennan met their husbands Tom Lauth and Drew Brennan. Tom and Drew passed away this year after sharing 60 years of marriage as well as their public and private service to our country. Tom, a Notre Dame graduate was the founding Dean of University of Georgia School of Public and International Affairs. There are too many of Tom’s accolades to give you here. Drew, a Wabash graduate, then received a St. Louis University medical degree before joining Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He served in Vietnam earning a Bronze Star for heroism. As a faculty member of Mayo’s, he helped set up their Jacksonville, Florida medical facility. As the saying goes, “Behind every great man there’s a great woman.”

As you may remember, our classmate Monica “Boo” Barber Gornell’s sister Mary Jo Barber Fitzerald died too young. Following her death, an endowment was set up by her husband J. Robert Fitzgerald. I thought you would like to know the progress of this endowment and the impact it has had on the recipients’ lives. I was receiving their “thank you’s” being the Georgia representative over the past 35 years. Some were first-generation attending college from small towns in the south. One wanted to play softball and study law enforcement, and others chose a degree in Music Therapy and another in Media Arts. Besides the relief of financial pressures, their enthusiasm rings loud in the praise of their “college experience”.

This past year has brought much happiness to me and my family, with weddings, ski trips, reunions, with college friends in Boca Grande, Fla., and a special time with my grandson, AO3 Samuel P Westergren (son of Leigh Lingenfelter Westergren ‘92) in the Navy with the Aircraft Carrier, USS Dwight D. Eisenhawer. God bless our military men and women!

In closing, I want to emphasize Sister Cathleen “Cathy” Campbell’s ’65 prayer, “You do not have to change the world; just spread the power of your kindness and care to those around you.” Thank you all for letting me share our class news. My prayers continue for you all.


Gail Sitzman Westhoven
401 Highland Ave
Neptune NJ 07753-5680
(732) 774-6885
[email protected]

Have you noticed that our “to do” list is getting longer?Longer for us to do what’s on it!!Not too many replies to my news request this time.I hope everyone is doing okay – or vacationing somewhere warm and sunny!

Celestine “Cel” Hamant’s 2023 year started with a bang – she was rear-ended at a stop light but fortunately, no injuries.Cel continues to attend her local dinner theatre several times a year.She commented that her “new home” is now 15 years old and “re” has been added to many projects – like repair, replace, restore.Cel and Judy Reich Hoyt attended the funeral of Meg Gremelspacher Spitznogle in Indianapolis, Ind.Meg died on January 6, 2024.Judy wrote that Meg loved learning and received two master’s and a Doctorate in Theology. Many of you may remember that Meg wrote a novena to say to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.

Judy Reich Hoyt and husband, Dan, always enjoy their frequent trips to visit their children and grandchildren scattered from Michigan to Florida.She and Dan don’t have far to go to go, since they live in Indianapolis, Ind., to spend time with seven of their grandchildren who also live there.

Ellen Goodrich Bondi was recuperating from January 2024 knee surgery and was looking forward to spring and walking in the sunshine in Issaquah, Wash., “with a knee that works!” Ellen’s granddaughter Paloma is finishing her third year at University of California at Berkeley studying cognitive science.Ellen commented, “I have no idea what that is.”

Madeline Honnigford Roe also has a grandchild in California, but hers is a brand-new grandson.Indiana Roe was born in February of 2023 to Madeline’s son Patrick and his wife Carli.Madeline mentioned that she was 40 when son Patrick was born, and Carli had Indiana at 40!

Barbara Millwater Herkner wrote that she had nothing unusual to report but did have good news.Her son Michael and wife Kathy, with toddler son, Hudson, moved to Barbara’s community of Buck Hill Farms in Pennsylvania in 2022. “What a joy to hug a baby who hugs right back!”Barbara is relishing participation in her parish’s redefined alignment that combined three rural parishes.

Elizabeth “Beth” O’Connellcombined surgery and travel as her main activities in 2023. She had knee replacements in March and December ’23.In between surgeries, Beth attended her nephew’s wedding on the Potomac, and when in Indiana, visited SMWC and the Ring Garden which honors 1962’s tribute to The Woods ring.A donor plaque in the newly refurbished Conservatoryacknowledged the contribution of the class of 1962.Beth wrote, “our class has been so special and supportive of our alma mater!”

Louise O’Neill Keefe and Bob did some traveling in 2023 but mostly enjoyed being home in Okeechobee, Fla. Louise’s oldest twin grandsons, Luke and Dylan, are freshmen at Florida State.Her younger twin grandchildren, Grace and Ethan, in middle school, keep their parents busy.Louise’s commitments include Eucharistic Minister duties and involvement with Florida Retired Educators.

Janet Eva Srebalus, MM doesn’t sit still and continues to give psychospiritual seminars to Sisters, teachers, women’s groups and youth.Giving seminars translates into a lot of bus travel around the Tanzanian countryside and Janet said she’s grateful she can still do that traveling. Her other duties include serving on the Board of the Maryknoll Affiliates and doing Vocation Accompaniment plus cooking for her community.

Margaret “Peggy” Piszczek Kloempken sent a brief message February 1, 2024, saying they were in the midst of movingfrom their house in Glenview to the Vi Senior housing, also in Glenview. She and Tom are looking forward to their new lifestyle. New address: 2500 Indigo Ln Unit 322, Glenview, IL 60026

Kathy Bogan Cannady wrote that within days of having a myelogram, she realized that the back pain she’s had for 50 years was gone.She surmised the position she maintained during the scan must have realigned her spine. Thus, she enjoyed a marvelous two-week Danube River Cruise.She retired from real estate at the end of 2023 and is quite busy finding new interests.

Marcia Chester Richey and Wayne sent word that they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in December 2023.They are keeping busy with their “to-do” list – and Marcia wrote that all is well in Wichita Falls, Texas.

Shari Wigle wrote that the sunrises and sunsets in Surprise, Ariz., are still spectacular was the plentiful sunshine of 2023.Her senior community has an amazing variety of activities, but Shari’s favorite is the Helping Hands group.“We use our time, talents and treasure to support people in need in our community.”

Wallette Garcia Pellegrino sent sad news of the death of her husband, Victor, who died January 9, 2024, from a brain tumor at their Noho’ana Farm in Hawaii.Wallette wrote that among the favorite memories her children and grandchildren have of their father and grandfather are all the special culinary creations Vic made for them.May he rest in peace.

Wally Shelley Nowicki was delighted to be feeling well enough to join her family for a trip to Shenandoah National Park. It was the first time that all five of her children had been together in ages. Three of her five grandchildren were also there.Wally continues to volunteer and keeps busy with many sewing projects.

Johanna Reichel Schuller wrote that she and Paul’s big trip this year was to Portugal and a visit to Fatima, “an unforgettable experience!”A trip to Salamanca in Spain concluded their overseas touring.Johanna wrote that Paul vows to show her the five states she hasn’t visited – keeping his pledge to show her all 50 states.

As for the Westhovens, we didn’t have to visit six states to see all our kids and grandkids in 2023 – on a sunny day in July, they all visited us – all 42 of them.Our six kids, with help from their spouses and 19 grandchildren and their spouses (and 2 great-grandchildren), threw a terrific surprise 60th Anniversary Party.Needless to say, it was a very special day!

Thank you for your letters. I’ll keep you updated on any news and hope you will do the same for me.


Anne Lenhard Benington
2564 Birchview Dr
Kewadin, MI 49648-9205
(614) 716-9104
[email protected]

Hurrah! Those of us reading this know we have made it to 2024! But sadly we did lose some dear classmates in 2023. Dwynn LaFontain Coury, Donna Mulvihill Cramer, Susan Wise and Kathryn Sharpwere welcomed into God’s loving arms. We and their families will miss them and pray for them.

On a happier note, our class joyfully recognized the amazing accomplishments of our former president, Dottie L. King, Ph.D., with a presentation at Reunion of a golden medallion and a crystal Legacy Award. These gifts were fortuitous and timely since we had no idea Dottie planned to retire! And we wish her well in her future endeavors.

We also were thrilled to have our classmate, Margaret “Margie” McElroy, receive the Mother Theodore Guerin Award, a well-deserved honor. Margie continues to reflect on meaningful memories of Woods days and class reunions. She is in good health, visits with friends, attends social and sports events and monitors the news. She adds that we must pray for each other and our changing world. Margie spoke with Mary Alice Dwyer Carroll who enjoys good health and always looks forward to her son’s regular visits.

Mary Campbell started at a volunteer site through Ignatian Volunteer Corps in Refugee Services in Falls Church, Va. She is a case aide to Housing Coordinator, helping find housing for refugees arriving from Afghanistan, families who helped our military. Mary says her two sisters, children and grandkids thankfully are healthy.

Judith “Judy” Scoggin McManmon continues to enjoy water aerobics daily and volunteers with Assistance League. In March, she had a knee replacement and did well. Her sister, Janet Scoggin Kerneralso had knee replacement surgery.

Nano Cloghessy Dubish still stays active walking, swimming, ushering at Butler University Clowes Hall Theatre, and oil painting with her 92-year-old teacher. She tutors a second-grade girl and a third-grade boy. She visited her 91-year-old sister in Rochester, N.Y., in May and attended a Bishop Noll Institute 64th High School reunion in October, reconnecting with Kathleen “Kathy” Ennis Patinkin, Joan Costanza Meister and Colleen Ward Mayes.

Barbara Clemento Savino writes that unfortunately, the day before Thanksgiving, she fractured two vertebrae. She had an injection of “bone glue” a week later and is recuperating. She is grateful for husband, Al, and two daughters, Cathy and Donna, for taking over her chores and daughter, Elaine, helped over Christmas.

Lydia Treadwell Blecksmith says that nothing special happened this year and Christmas was very quiet because her daughters and family were either visiting other in-laws or sick or too far away to travel. She wishes everyone a wonderful 2024.

Rosemary Lawler Wong had dinner at her daughter’s house on Thanksgiving with most family there: both daughters, both sons, all in-laws, and all seven grandchildren. On New Year’s Eve, she watched Midnight Lace with Doris Day, saying the first time she saw it was at The Woods!

Michelene “Mickey” Barraco McCormick had Christmas with her daughter, her children, her son and his sons. They all attended Mass on Christmas Eve, had dinner early and David returned to Minneapolis. Mickey is in good health and enjoyed our class reunion, hoping we can have one more! She tells that Mary Gail Stilwill had problems falling, and is now in a nursing facility.

Jane O’Rourke Anderson spends half the year in Connecticut and half in Hobe Sound, Fla. She and Tom play golf, but their excitement comes from their two oldest granddaughters and their swimming adventures. Both will go to the Olympic trials in Indianapolis in June, hoping to make the cut.

Mary Eppig Kelling went to California for Thanksgiving and traveled to their son’s in Florida in February. Her granddaughter, Erin, graduated with her doctorate in Physical Therapy in December. Mary says that she, like the rest of us, is hanging in there.

Mary Ellen Schneider Backer went to Paris in July with daughter Emily and granddaughter Grace, then to Italy with daughter Clare and grandsons Sam and Hayden in November. She plays duplicate bridge twice a week. Emily’s son Thomas is a Fullbright scholar teaching in Spain for this school year.

Mary Sue “Susie” Bachman Renn writes that she and Louie are making their way through the 80s, trying to stay healthy. They moved into a condo, so no steps make life easier.

Theresa Rosner White enjoyed Reunion in June, seeing everyone who was able to make it. She had a special treat, meeting Sarah Ketenbrink Williams48, a classmate of Theresa’s sister Jane Rosner Vail ’48. She had some nice memories of Jane.

Theresa “Tracy” Alig Dowling had a bad November, breaking her femur in two places. After two months in rehab, she is finally home and hobbling on a walker. The good news is having her son, daughter and grandson around to help.

Margot Rudge Sullivan says the highlight of the year was our Reunion, seeing friends and presenting Dottie King with our Legacy Award and having classmate Margaret McElroy receive the Mother Theodore Guerin Award! Margot is blessed to have family nearby in southern California, enjoying soccer, football and many grandchildren’s activities.

I was delighted to hear from Elaine Reiswho is happy to live in Milwaukee, Wis. She moved there in 1974, and it felt like home immediately. She enjoys the snow, and as retired person, living in a condo, she doesn’t have to shovel! She adds that it is good for an aging, yet very healthy woman.

Maureen “Mossi” SteedSullivan sadly writes that her husband, Jim, passed away after 57 years of marriage, so her life centers around her six children, eleven grandchildren and lovely sons and daughters-in-law. As she looks back on our Woods days, she is reminded of how fortunate and protected we were.

Kathleen “Kathy” Ennis Patinkin adds that she and her husband spend much time in doctors’ offices but keep busy spending time with family and friends and working out at the fitness center. She and Nano enjoy frequent phone calls!!! Kathy does what she can to help feed the homeless.

Elise Schirmer George needs a knee replacement, her issue for not attending Reunion, but duplicate bridge has opened up whole new social world. She is a novice at duplicate but has played bridge for decades. Her daughter, Jenny, lives close and she depends on her grandkids for help.

Janice “Jan” Gapen Dean feels blessed to be healthy and enjoying life in Indiana. She has six grandchildren in Florida whom she sees a few times a year. She still volunteers 15 hours a week at her church food pantry which she has done for more than 20 years.

Patricia “Pat” Langley Bray is in Arizona for the winter. Two of her three children and families visited there for Christmas, but COVID kept her son from Denmark from coming for the holiday, a disappointment. She and Judith “Judy” Briley Richelsenmet Mary Jo Carney Johnsonand Theresa Rosner Whitein Arizona for a Woods get-together. Pat still golfs twice a week and plays Mah Jongg every week.

Anne “Dee” O’Donnell says the highlight of her year was our Reunion. She still volunteers at Catholic Charities in Chicago, a reality check, encountering so many people in such dire straits. She enjoyed her Michigan lake house more in the off-season and went to Florida in February to survive the Chicago winter.

Isabel Vallecillo Del Valle says that she and Bill Barrett reconnected and have been together for 26 years. She dated him at the Woods. They live in Florida and love cruising, having just returned from Alaska. Two years ago she had a mild stroke in Puerto Rico but has recovered almost 89%.

Linda Hahus is in relatively good health and active in their independent living community. She and Tony are as busy as they want to be with social activities and looking after the small libraries in the complex. She reflects that The Woods is so much a part of whom she has become!

Ella Jean Marsh continues to receive residential nursing services. Her devoted cousin, Jan, and husband visit her regularly. Jan manages Ella’s medical care and all other matters. According to Jan, Ella is declining mentally but is good physically.

Another dear classmate, Kathleen Palousek, has responded! She is fully retired from USAA and her independent insurance work. She currently lives at the Village at Incarnate Word in San Antonio, and owns and manages her own farmland in Willacy County, carrying on her parents’ legacy. She enjoys visiting with friends and family and has fond memories of the Woods.

Sarah Joeris Alcorn is busy with bridge, canasta, book groups and volunteering. Sadly, her oldest grandson was killed in a work-related incident the day before his 24th birthday. However, on a happier note, in April she visited Scotland to see granddaughter, Sarah, attending St. Andrews, and studying for her Ph.D.

Kathleen “Boo” Finneran Valle was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis ocular which affects her vision. She is considering a second edition of her book, Old Fire Eyes, and is looking for a literary agent who can proceed and also help launch ten of her children’s stories which promote kindness, friendship, and unity. She also remains in touch with Theresa Troncale Mulligan Newell, Boo’s roommate freshman and sophomore years.

As for me, we enjoyed family at Christmas in Phoenix and Thanksgiving in Chicago. We were delighted when our daughter Sarah received her diplomain Creative Writing from Oxford University in March. I keep busy painting and exhibiting watercolors, volunteering with George at food pantries and visiting friends in Williamsburg, Va., this fall. I also shared great lunches in Chicago with classmates. We treasure these times when we are healthy and happy to see each other.


Anne Longtine
6613 Quail Ridge Le
Fort Wayne, IN 46804-2875
(260) 432-3470
[email protected]

It is with sadness that I report the death of Rosemary “Rosie” Messenger Kaul on March 31, 2023. Rosie was described as a groundbreaking photojournalist by the Los Angeles Times, having worked for that prestigious paper for several years during her storied career. Rosie had also received the World Press Photo Award.

The Class of 1964 held a mini-reunion September 21 -24, 2023 in Saint Joe, Mich., at the home of Mary Ann Kelly Hellmann. Mary Annhosted Rachel Eberle Ambrose, Juliet Muro Oeffinger, Gay Gallagher Scherrer, Mary Ellen Bires Natonski, Pauline Gattie Busby, Barbara “Babs” Reder, SP, Lois Fenlon Brinkman and Anne Longtine. We loved sharing news of family and other classmates, walking along the bluff above Lake Michigan, and a trip into St. Joe. Several of us headed straight for the bookstore to find the books that our classmates had suggested.

Joan Gibson reports that her health is generally good, but she has complicated eye issues, resulting in the loss of quite a bit of vision, but happily she is able to get around her Toronto, Canada neighborhood on foot with shopping, restaurants and great transit close at hand. Joan definitely has it covered: She lives one block from great daily shopping, three French bakeries, two regular, one Jewish, a butcher, convenience stores, a liquor store, a pot store – should it come to that – a greengrocer and a flower shop. Not to mention her pharmacy, exercise facilities, massage/physio/primary care doctor and great transit. Oh, and countless coffee shops, a Jamaican patty shop, Italian, Japanese, Thai, three Indian, plus one Persia!_ restaurants, a bistro or two, including one with a Michelin mention. Most of these are within a three-block radius and a few six blocks away. So, Joan says, you can see that I do not suffer from not driving.Joan’s son and family live upstairs in my duplex, and the grandies keep her on her toes. Audio books keep her up with the book clubs.

Carolyn Bossman Conniff shared that she and Jay have had a difficult 2023 since Jay has been in the hospital with health issues. Jay is spending time in rehab to gain strength and enjoying the visits of his son and nephew. They are hoping for a better 2024.

Maribeth Albers Smith tells of a wonderful Christmas holiday with their two sons and their families in Naples, Fla. After January and February in Naples, where they bought a residence in a retirement center, they return to Indianapolis. Maribeth has retired! Now there is time for reading and bridge.

Anne Coggins Humphrey is doing well with fairly good health. She keeps busy with volunteer work at an art center, gardening and playing “a ton” of bridge. Her book club and garden club keep her inspired. She is happy her knee replacement makes everything easier. Living close to family allows interaction with children and grandies. She looks forward to celebrating a family wedding and two graduations and hoping those dates do NOT coincide with our Sixty Year Reunion!

Terese “Terry” Robinson Herrera says that turning 80 knocked the wind out of her but solved that by having her sister, Kathy Robinson Goldstein ’66, move in with her. Now together, they can fight, watch movies, argue politics, take out the trash, play with their four cats and even travel together. They are planning to drive through the mountains of Utah, Wyoming and Colorado early in 2024.

Helen “Dickie” Talbot Rubin reports her doctor explained she has lots of “conditions” but no diseases. Hmm, sound familiar? All is well with her, her husband and family. They did a bit of traveling, mostly just a few days away, and also to North Carolina for a wedding. Dickie takes time for some volunteer work. She reminds us that she did NOT start playing bridge at The Woods but that she is now addicted to duplicate bridge and has attained the rank of Sapphire Life Master! She has also found wonderful friends while playing bridge.

Stella Cratty Bryant attends Tai Chi classes, having done so for almost thirty years, and also teaches an introductory Taoist Tai Chi once a week for a twelve-week program, finding it very rewarding helping others, especially seniors, to find flexibility, balance and peace of mind. She ushers at the Saturday evening Mass and helps with providing dinner every Sunday for homeless by welcoming 25-30 guests each week. Her own family is well, enjoying being together for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, treasuring her three grandsons who liven things up. Stella went to Ireland with family and found the place her grandparents were born.

Glorie “Gigi” Wegman Coen continues with her line dancing classes three days a week, and also her two-and-one-half mile walks EARLY in the morning every day except for bad weather or a very early commitment. Gigi still serves as lector at the 5:30 Saturday Mass. They joined family for a couple quick trips to Branson, Mo. Big news on the home front: A new roof for the house. Gigi is in better condition than the house!

Marcia Zeeck Spranger is dealing with physical therapy for sciatica, L5 bone spur and back pain. Her physical therapy urges her to make progress, then when Marcia does, he increases her work. Does this sound familiar? Marcia is wondering about that decision, long ago to buy a two-story house and one with such character that now means cost for repairs are through the roof – and the roof is what needs work! Keeping up with upkeep on the house and on her body is keeping Marcia very busy. But she still committed to a craft event, so Marcia has been busy making jewelry, but swears this is the last time ever for this kind of event. Marcia reports that her son Chris is back in Taiwan again, working as a stock trader and continuing to write and publish. She and Bob are hanging in there and glad to be alive and almost kicking!

Marianne Lautner Jones says an eight-day hospital stay has provided photos of her insides from every possible angle – and an ever-varying set of diets that fortunately worked and spared her from surgery. Marianne ruefully comments that her social life consists of doctor appointments and various medical tests. She did have time for a glorious family gathering to celebrate her eightieth birthday. Their grandies are flourishing so she and Tom are attending multiple school events. Marianne is involved with a local senior group for which she collects the dues and keeps track of the more than 200 members.

Our classmates,Stella, Gigi, Marcia, and Mariannehave found a perfect way to stay in contact. They have a Zoom session every month. They talk about what is going on in their families, current health issues, pets, house maintenance problems and more. They don’t always solve or resolve things, but it feels good just to air them.

Denise King Maddux got a new walker, and the new-fangled contraption brought disaster: a fall and a broken wrist. She is hoping for 80% recovery of that wrist. Now she uses a scooter she has nicknamed “Vespa.” Christmas with her sister and brother-in-law is always a delight. Denise continues to be very close with her family and David’s.

Pauline Gattie Busby has been on the move traveling between South Bend and Bloomington for visits with family and old friends who are like family. Back home in Chicago, walking in the park, seeing the tents in the cold weather has prompted her to knit polar fleece hats for the homeless and delivered a couple dozen to a nearby distribution center.

Giannina “Gini” Lombardo Hofmeister-Connolly says she and Jim, as many people, are challenged with health issues, but she likes to focus on happy things. She, Gay and Mary Ann will be enjoying time together, and the weather, for two weeks in West Palm Beach, Fla. In March. She also spends a week in Sarasota for the opera and theatre season. Gini takes great joy in having all 16 of her great-grandchildren close by, and she is teaching six of them piano and composition twice a week. By summer, two more of them will be old enough to begin lessons. With time spent teaching her grandies and coping with many doctor and physical therapy appointments plus making sure Jim is doing well, Gini says going AWOL to Florida with Gay and Mary Ann sounds delightful. With so many things on her plate, Gini asks for prayers.

Mary Margaret “Meg” Smith Schroeder reports that grandson Ross is holding his own, fighting brain tumors. Meg’s husband received a pacemaker and Meg stays healthy to take care of him! Daughter Amy has been transferred back to the States from Switzerland and Meg loves having her closer. Meg and Giles have loved River Boat cruises on the upper and lower Mississippi, the Columbia and Snake Rivers also, and they met some very good friends on those trips and are planning to go on another trip together.

Lois Fenlon Brinkman and Mike enjoyed a thirty-day Mediterranean cruise. Lois followed up with a five-day directed retreat and later took some short trips to Seattle for family visiting. Lois and Mike also went up to Stratford, Ontario, for Shakespeare and bridge with good friends. Volunteer work includes visiting a prison and also providing transportation for immigrants to meetings and doctor appointments. Lois is still involved in the Ignatian Spirituality Project in Detroit, and she visits monthly a recovery center for women. Double knee replacement equals NO pain – until she kneels down. Lois gives daily thanks for the many, many continuing blessings of her life.

Clara Anne McKenna reports that 2023 was better than last, even though she did have a couple of trips to the hospital. She is so thankful to have had a phone visit with Rosemary “Rosie” Messenger Kaul not long before Rosie died. Clara Anne enjoys the Irish Radio’s classic stream and also her local PBS classical station. She keeps in touch with Miriam Wanjiru Chege with phone visits. When we were concerned about an explosion in Nairobi, Clara Anne got in touch with Miriam right away and was able to reassure the rest of us that Miriam was not affected. Clara Anne had hoped to visit Patricia “Pat” Burckell Steinbronn but one of her times in the hospital got in the way. She reports that Saundra “Sandy” Agnew Braunbeck is still working with the adult disabled community. A good time was had when Rachel Eberle Ambrose came to visit.

Miriam Wanjiru Chege sent a brief note assuring us that she is well and loves having her three daughters and her grandchildren close at hand. She is definitely still “out and about” because when Clara Anne called to find out about the explosion, Miriam didn’t have time to talk because she was getting ready to leave for a wedding.

Bernadette “Bernie” Kwak Hogan loves Arizona no matter how hot it gets. When the temperature tops 100 degrees, she just retreats to the pool! She loves her Paper Arts Club and also the Glass Arts Club. Husband Jim is slowly recuperating from quadruple heart bypass. Bernie asks for prayers for her nephew and godson who has been diagnosed with brain cancer. Jim and Bernie have made multiple trips back to Chicago to take care of Jim’s brother who is now happily settled in a nursing home. Bernie and Jim met Anne Longtine and Marco for lunch in January when Anne and Marco were in Arizona for the warm weather.

Noreen Gorman Perrone and Jim are still working with their business which includes consulting, mentoring, and coaching. They also prepare training materials for organizations. In their free time, they try to see as many of granddaughter Mia’s volleyball games at Clemson University, and the big news is that Mia has been invited to attend the Olympic tryouts. When not cheering for Mia, the rest of the grandies get lots of attention: Jack, whose Loyola football team won the Illinois State Championship. James, as a high school freshman, was the starting quarterback at his school.

Karen Humphrey Deeter focused on husband, Dave, who broke a femur in February 2023, but complications ensued, which resulted in major surgery. Only now is he on the mend. With Dave’s situation, traveling has been out of the question as Karen has focused on taking care of him. Karen dropped her singing lessons but plans to get back to them soon. She did stay in the chorus and loved taking part in giving two concerts. Karen continues working part-time, from home as a solid waste consultant. They delight in still having their own chickens and enjoy their fresh eggs.

Frances “Fran” Froehlich is ever so grateful for generous friends who stayed with her partner, Mary Anne, allowing Fran to visit family in New York. These same wonderful people helped her clean up their flooded basement after a drenching rain. Fran continues her work at Poor People’s United Fund, responding to every call for help with food, rent payment, utilities or just someone to listen.

Sheila Nolan Whalen is buried under boxes, having moved from their home of more years than she can count to a senior living place. They are still in Northbrook, Ill. Sheila summed it up: “Chaos is an understatement.”

Gretchen Stipher Cain rejoices that she, Jim, their “all grown up children,” and their twelve grandies are all doing well. She and Jim are heading for Palm Beach at the end of January. They will be busy attending grade school, high school, and university graduations in spring. Gretchen smiles as she shares that of their twelve grandies, six have birthdays in December to celebrate along with baby Jesus.

Rachel Eberle Ambrose traveled this year from the rainforests of Costa Rica to three weeks in France. She arrived in Paris on the same day Susan “Suzz” Maxheim Carter was winding up a one-month Parisian stay. Rachel had to wait until December to see Suzz when Suzz hosted a Woodsalum Christmas party. Rachel also traveled to St. Joe, Mich., for the mini-reunion at Mary Ann’s. She hosted Juliet Muro Oeffinger who traveled to the West Coast to join Rachel at the Hollywood Bowl for conductor Gustavo Dudamel. She took a Thanksgiving trip to California’s Big Sur region with son, Josiah, and his family and spent a week taking in Broadway plays in New York City. She was fortunate that her trip to Maui was before the terrible fire there and was able to reconnect with Wallette Garcia Pellegrino ’62 Rachel makes liberal use of her annual Disneyland passport and keeps up with three book clubs and two film groups.

Elaine Sowko Babcock and Harry had a great year, traveling to New York and also other parts of Ohio, enjoying lots of time with their children and grandies who are studying or working all over the country. Elaine is part of their parish Holy Spirit Prayer Group and works on the CYO Fundraisers. She is active in two book clubs, the Ladies Gourmet Club and Bunco.

Barbara “Babs” Reder, SPwas a part of our Mini-Reunion in Michigan and also traveled to Cincinnati for two Reder sibling gatherings. She was on the road again to Cincinnati to spend Thanksgiving with her sister Marcia Reder Schmidt ’72. At The Woods, Babs is busy with many ministries and several committees. Babs works on 10,000 steps a day, trying to stay healthy.

Tel yo “Christine” Yoshida reports that her apartment in Tokyo did not suffer damage from the major earthquake that struck Japan, but the victims are in a disastrous situation with no homes. Tel advises me (Anne) to be patient when adjusting to my new hearing aids, and like me (Anne), she is thinking about cataract surgery. Most of us can identify with Tel’s comment, “Isn’t it quite an effort to maintain health?” Japan also had terrible heat this summer that killed some of the potted plants on her balcony, but referring to herself as “the old gardener” still has many to take care of. Tel lives simply, cooking for her brother and herself, and looks forward to going to their house in the mountains in spring.

Beverly “Bev” Snyder Thompson is still playing golf, working with the Equestrian Therapy Program, spending about six weeks in Naples, Fla, with Bill in the winter, and going to yearly multiple doctor appointments: GP, Cardio, Pulmonary, ENT, Derma, Neuro, Dentist, Ophthalmologist. Your class secretary thinks Bev is speaking for all of us! With doctor business out of the way, Bev and daughter Jill spent September 2023 in Italy, visiting Rome, Florence, Venice, Assisi and several other places in Tuscany. All the family gathers for Christmas. Grandson Jared won his club’s golf Championship this summer, but he doesn’t have anything on “granny” Bev who won her own club’s golf championship!

Juliet Muro Oeffinger shared a very special gathering of generations of Class of ’64 families. The Race Party, the night before the Indianapolis 500 took place this past May. In attendance was Sarah Moshe, daughter of Judith “Judie” Nemeth Stimson, RIP (who was our hostess for many years) and Heather Moebs, daughter of Elizabeth “Betty” Rysdon Moebs RIP. In October, Juliet hosted Gay Gallagher Scherrer, Mary Ann Kelly Hellmann, and Giannina “Gini” Lombardo Hofmeister-Connolly for a weekend in Kentucky. Later, Juliet had a visit with Fred Berger, husband of Gail Collins Berger RIP. Then off to California with Mary Ann, Gay and Gini to join Rachel. She had family time with her daughters and their families at Long Boat Key, Fla., but back home in Kentucky, she spent lots of time at grandies’ football and soccer games as well as band concerts.

Rosemary “Mickey” Hubeny has been “dog sitting” for her niece while niece and husband regularly go to New York City Sloan-Kettering for his cancer check-ups. Besides “dog sitting.” Mickey has added a new kitten to her household and is gradually introducing newcomer Mugsey to Meggie, her five-year-old. Aaah, the joys of sibling rivalry. Mickey walks regularly at the Holden Arboretum and also goes to the Y for Tai Chi and yoga. Jigsaw puzzles are also getting her attention.

Susan “Suzz” Maxheim Carter joined daughter Greer for four days in New Orleans, La. Then she was off to her annual month in Paris with her sister, Elizabeth “Leas” Maxheim Kamieniecki ’69. Suzz still volunteers with CHOC and the Strawberry Festival but is cutting back on others. Suzz hosted the SMWC annual Christmas gathering She’s hoping the implementation of a nerve stimulator will allow her to walk without pain.

Joyce Brown Pfaadt rejoiced that their grandson Brandon Pfaadt made the Majors with the Diamondbacks and then played in the 2023 World Series, with the entire immediate family in Phoenix to watch him pitch. Topping it off: Joyce is expecting their first great-grandchild in spring.

Margaret Ann Mathews O’Neill traveled to Ireland from where Patrick’s third great grandfather emigrated to New Orleans. While in Ireland they visited the O’Neill Castle! Back home in Virginia, they focus on their herb gardening and Farmer’s Market. Margaret Ann fell so her injuries meant she shared her news typing with her left hand.

Constance “Connie” Kramer, SP says her move to The Woods has been a wonderful life-giving gift, and she brought her grief ministry and spiritual direction/retreat work with her. She is now Treasurer of Providence Hall which is the independent living option for Sister of Providence. And she is, once again a member of the SMWC Board of Trustees, and a Board Member of Providence Health Care.

Katharine Yang reports in from New York that by using YouTube, she is able to access and enjoy Chinese programs. Her apartment is spacious, the food is good and better still, are the many times when son, Wellington, picks her up for an outing of lunch and shopping. A recent tumble has Katharine now using a rollator.

Rebecca “Becky” Caufield Peloff is always happy to have visitors so it was a delightful surprise when Rachel Eberle Ambrose and Juliet Muro Oeffinger came to call. An outing for lunch and ice cream was very sweet. And every once in a while, Juliet drives over from Versailles, Ky., for a luncheon date with Becky.

Therese “Terri” Grein Bivona and Mark have had a tough year. Each has had serious health problems. When times are good, they enjoy marathon-watching sessions with their favorite TV series. Recently, Terri’s inoperable spine and nerve issues have led to paralysis of both legs and is also affecting her right arm. She is hoping that time in a rehab facility with physical therapy and occupational therapy will alleviate the situation.

Ruthann Hofer McGarry explains that “trip” this year means traveling to Fort Wayne, Ind., to visit her sister. She and Matt winter in Florida, away from the snow and cold of Rochester, N.Y. Ruthann enjoys a weekly oil painting session but also works on sudoku and cipher puzzles in the evening when she wants frustration!

Gloriann Scorsone Harris retired recently, and that gives her time to spend with her close-knit family and dear friends. In Chicago, the Charter for Compassion hosted the Parliament of World’s Religions. Gloriann was honored to be a presenter at one of their sessions.

Mary Ann Kelly Hellmann spent lots of winter at home enjoying the lake scene. She is looking forward to a visit from a cousin, and also sharing a Florida get away with Gini and Gay.

Mary Ann joined Juliet at The Woods for the October Special Event honoring Sister Marie Brendan Harvey ’51, naming the Conservatory Auditorium for her. Happy News: daughter Katherine is engaged. A book by Pope Francis has her intrigued.

Lynda Paschke Cox and Tony took a tour down memory lane, visiting places in Germany where they lived early in their marriage and they took a cruise down the Atlantic Coast just for fun. They hope to stay healthy with their two-mile walk every day, rain, shine, snow or ice.

Cassandra “Sunnie” Hanula Reichart is grateful for good health she attributes to a swimming program and a healthy diet. Her nursing skills have been essential since her son has Multiple Sclerosis. She has spent several years caring for him. Now after weeks in the hospital with multiple complications, he will be moving to a nursing home. Sunnie is grateful for help from her daughter.

Carolyn Fahrmann says no new news. She and Marianne Lautner Jones stay in contact.

Joyce Schumacher Toothman and Gary keep busy golfing with friends, maintaining their big old house, and traveling coast to coast visiting their family. Joyce and her sister enjoy season tickets to San Francisco Broadway shows and an occasional opera. Joyce is enjoying the grandies, watching them perform in school musicals and going to soccer games. It seems that the “teacher tradition” follows Mom and Dad Toothman since granddaughter Kate is teaching in a middle school in Tokyo! They now mention that their “children” are enjoying retirement. How could that be possible! Joyce wraps up her news saying, “We are so lucky to be enjoying good health and many opportunities with friends and family.”

Anne Longtine and Marco continue to love January in Sun City, Ariz., and the opportunity to hike in the White Tank Mountains. An April 30-day Mediterranean Cruise was special, our favorite spot: Ephesus, Turkey. Classmates, colleagues and former students keep me supplied with book titles to read. So many books. So little time I end our Class Notes with words of Joan Gibson: “I am so very grateful for the excellent education I had and think of The Woods and Mother Theodore much more often that I would have expected.” I suspect the rest of us would say “Yes” to Joan’s.


Katherine Krider Satchwill
711 Mallard Head Ln
Mooresville, NC 28117-9790
(704) 517-3756
[email protected]

Our classmate, Cathleen “Cathy” Campbell, SP, wrote in the magazine, Breaking Boundaries, Creating Hope: “You do not have to change the world, just spread the power of your kindness and care to those around you…” In scouring online notes, photo Facebook posts and quotes, in phone chats, and in person around the world, our SMWC/SP relationships and friendships amaze me, ground me and often simply fill my days or long, worry-filled, multi-interrupted nights with quiet conversations about the Providence of all our accomplishments, contributions, deeply personal challenges, losses and connections.

As we mark our eighth decade (can you believe???), and as our 60th Reunion approaches in 2025, we frequently are reminded there is more time to look back on than to look forward to. Wow! is a three-letter understatement for the Class of 1965.

I’ll begin in Texas. Patricia “Pat” Pratka Womack emailed hermusings over 80 years: “Born in the greatest generation, Catholic educated, College bound,Dad worked, Mom stayed home, family middle-class economic status, kids worked, babysitting, cutting lawns and summer jobs. Howdy Doody,Roy Rogers, the Mickey Mouse Club; and Elvis, the Beatles and Rock and Roll. Then college,new friendships, expanding horizons, graduations, careers, jobs; marriages and births of children, deaths of family and losses, divorces. Now we look at the years, and we still support one another in caring, love, sharing and spiritual growth, encouragement, sadness and grief.”

Barbara ‘Lil’B’ Thier Morris emailed from South Carolina, “Hard to believe where the time went! Our oldest grandson, Kiernan, began his freshman year at Providence College. I celebrated my big 2-40s with a week of golfing and traveling in Ireland this June. A surprise gift from Bill. So excited, as I have never been to Ireland.”

Mary “Peggy” Smith Bodt admitted in her response, Finally, the guilts have succeeded in getting me to the computer.” She went on to say, “I do love hearing about everyone and keeping in touch. Jack and I have been living for one year now in Richmond, Va., after about twenty years in other areas (Delaware, Michigan, Phoenix).We’re here to spend more time with John, Laura and our three grandkids.Mike still works in the film business in New York and, thankfully, is back to work after the long writer’s and actor’s nine-month strike. Katie still lives and teaches in Madrid, Spain. I’ve been seriously sidelined since early spring when I developed a difficult case of sciatica that includes a cyst on a nerve. Very painful.Back surgery is a definite possibility; other therapies first. I miss seeing Barbara Roguski Mandal and Niall in Phoenix.Miss the mountains, hiking the trails and wandering in the West.Working on adjusting to life’s changes.Counting our blessings.

Mary Susan “Susie” Piszczek McPartlin and Larry celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by taking the family to Hawaii. “Although Larry and I had visited Pearl Harbor numerous times, it was exciting to watch our daughters and grandsons become engrossed in history. In April, Susie and her daughter Kelly spent a week in Hilton Head. Susie’s girls refer to her real life’s passion when she’s at home in the 15 years Suszie has been a tour guide for the Cranberry Fest. “Love meeting people from across the country” as I load folks onto the tour bus to visit the marsh–and the gift shop of course.”

Elizabeth “Liz” Benstent Tuttle was an early and newsy RSVP to Onyx Notes pleas. Liz and Rick have been at Westminster two years, but still have boxes to unpack! It’s been fun, Liz adds, to have dinner with Mary Helen Walker Clayton and Jim, recent Westminster move-ins. Rick gets around in his battery-powered chair, and they all enjoy the activities. Nancy Glaser Bray’s brother Jim sometimes joins them for dinner. I keep hoping Nancy and I will get together in North Carolina, but we are frequent Facebook posters. Nancy and John have a noteworthy environmental and science education center in the Raleigh area. (There’s also a super photo of Nancy and John. If you haven’t ever been there, check it out online right now) One of Nancy’s recent Facebook memes rings true for Woods women and men across the globe, “Friends are like family without a birth certificate.”

I see family photos and creative Eileen Janssens Nasif family newsletter updates online and got a happy “sent my check” response to our recent Woods Giving Day reminders. Hooray for all the successes of that day.

I learned first from Elizabeth “Liz” Benstent Tuttle that Cardinal Cupich of Chicago has commended Barbara “Barb” Fox Vanek and her parish for “loving our neighbor,” As Liz wrote, “welcoming the stranger, and giving shelter to the vulnerable. Isn’t that what we should be doing as Christians? Mary Susan “Susie” Piszczek McPartlin also had learned from nearby friends, as well as a letter from Barb ’s husband Wayne, that there have been some difficult challenges to meet with Barb’s recurring cancer. Martha “Marti” Sullivan O’Neill also mentioned the parish immigrant welcoming work that Barbhas spearheaded. Marti also passed along concerns that Barb’s health has become challenging. When I tried to call, Barb responded, “Kathy, I’m sorry. I’m going through a rough time right now, and just can’t respond to your request right now.” Sending hopeful prayers, Barb.

Martha “Marti” Sullivan O’Neill included in her newsy email and in a fun follow-up call, (I lost the original email!) what I’ll refer to as her “magnificent miler” report. She’s walking at least a mile and a half even in 20 below Lake Zurich temperatures as a member of a local Lifetime Fitness group. She will travel in June to Scotland, Wales and Ireland on a Collette Tour with a 50+ Active Senior Citizens Group. “Yes, still living alone and able to keep up with the big house so she can be hostess for regular cousins sleepovers. Susan “Susie” Shiel Newman lives close enough in Lake Zurich to meet up occasionally.They got together to see a play during the holidays and Marti reported that Susie frequently gets to Indy for family gatherings. Especially during the challenging years in support of Sally Shiel DeMars’ husband. His peaceful death ended some long and difficult complications from Alzheimer’s.

Marie Evans’ email response wins “best in class”to my query “how many of us have all original parts?”. I giggled out loud to “I do have all my original parts, i.e., no replacements yet but I fear the brain cells may be vanishing quicker than I want to admit. Having said that though, I still function very well.”

While she was on her annual summer sojourn back to Baltimore, Marie experienced some gynecologic symptoms and was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. It extended her stay for six months but Marie, as are many of us, is SO grateful for early diagnosis, removal, radiation and errant cells being eradicated.” She’s now back at home in New Mexico, resuming volunteer activities, and won’t celebrate her 80th until 2024–she’s just so young!

Paula Rolfes’ big news: “I moved to Atlanta in March. I have Lots of family here and It was the right time. Lots of downsizing, like 80% of my ‘stuff’which was hard but still the right thing to do. I’m now in a retirement center with my little apartment on the sixth floor, full food service, cleaning and laundry and many activities. So, life is good.’

Catherine “Cunns” Cunningham and Roz use frequent flier miles when possible but drove to visit film producer Jeremiah, and their family and friends on the East Coast. The cross-country trip was punctuated with a meetup at Hilton Head, sharing a beach house with a group of long-time “Oak Park friends,” including Barbara Fox Vanek. Cunns and Roz also took their 13-year-old granddaughter on a train trip to Montana and downsized again to move to Independent Living, Portland, Ore. “It was like going to college, meeting all kinds of people with great histories. A perfect decision” she says.

Bridget Allman Dederick called, and warmly shared some stories of Art, including his request for conversion and to receive the last rites at the end of life. She and I also had some serious “whatever happened to” commentary on some classmates she knew and some we remembered whose names are familiar, but with whom we just haven’t stayed regularly connected.

Mitzi Owens Jobes lived across the hall from me, and I was super delighted to learn that she and Bridget have been forever friends since meeting at The Woods all those many years ago.Bridget and I also reminisced and wondered, does anyone know Mary Elizabeth “Boop” Stone, Carolyn Kraus, Geraldine “Gerri” Fritsch Skarich or Donna Dufour Culotta? After our phone visit, Bridget pleaded with technological deficiencies but was able to send photos of her three beautiful grandchildren.

There’s also news from a happy recent newlywed, Jeanette Callahan Ellingsworth! More updates on college friends she’s kept connected to with visits, calls, notes etc. Carolyn Sheets Evans, Eileen Curley Kin, Robin Scott Harman and recently with Velma “Buki” Richardson Burke who calls to chat from Ventura, Calif. Jeanette visits in Terre Haute with Elizabeth “Liz” Benstent Tuttle and Rick, Mary Helen Walker Clayton and her husband, Jim. “He’s doing lots better, Jeanette added. Liz and Rick Tuttle.

Jeanette and her new husband Terry (he lived just two houses down the street) knew each other as neighbors. “We officially started dating, and after only three months,” Jeanette said, “we decided, why not?” They were married in the St. Mary’s Village Church. “I’ve been an on-and-off parish member there for 80 years,” Jeanette said. “It seemed perfect.” Their combined seven children, groomsmen and matrons of honor as witnesses, plus 21 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren keep them busy with visits and continuing celebrations.

Hopefully, there’s mostly good news, but it feels like there’s something always tough tugging at our hearts and minds. Kahtleen “Katie” Ryan Dougherty is “recovering from a 2nd spinal fusion.” As many of us know from surgical and other challenges of our esteemed status as elders-aging-in-place, Katie says, “Recovery is my full-time job. Eat, exercise, rest, repeat.” Katie continues to welcome friends and family to their wonderful home in Salt Lake City, Utah. “It’s crazy to be so busy at our age!” Katie’s ongoing support and fundraising efforts for the Woods through the George Floyd Scholarship is one more testimony to our Class of 1965 reputation for commitments and contributions to social justice across the decades.

Another extraordinary gift to note this year is an endowed scholarship honoring Juanita “Jonni” Garcia-Maldonado Sayres. There are several great stories, a fun photo of Jonni in her President’s Corps blazer, a beautiful family photo, and details of Jonni’s many contributions to education. “From serving in the Peace Corps to teaching for several years in Afghanistan, Sayres has always enjoyed helping students achieve their dreams.” In celebration of her 80th birthday, her daughter, Nikki, added, “Growing up in our household, the values of education and service were first and foremost for her and my father.” When Jonni’s five children presented her with the letter, Jonni said, “When they handed me the letter, I didn’t even react because I was so awestruck. I just thought, ‘Wow, this is a great idea.’ I think the kids realized how important it [The Woods] is to me.” Read the storyonline at

Elizabeth Borders McAndrews wrote,“I had a fabulous 80th birthday celebration the weekend of October 21. The next weekend I ended up with the paramedics rushing me off to the hospital. I ‘survived’ a five-day staywith a case of extreme dehydration, borderline sepsis, COVID-19, pneumonia and a UTI, etc.!Three of my “Irish Princess Warriors” came to my guard to make sure I got the care needed to get me out of there.Then my sister Patrice Borders McCarthy ’70 came and stayed with me for over a week to make sure that Mike and I got fed and took my meds as prescribed. It’s such a blessing to have a wonderful family! Recovery was slow, but I did make it back to The Woods for our traditional Thanksgiving and the marriage of my nephew Carl. All was going okay until I came down with the flu on Friday before Christmas. Needless to say, we had a very quiet Holiday.Now I seem to be on the mend and back to “normal”, whatever that is.I thank God we are moving along now and hope that 2024 is a healthy and happy year. I wish the same for all our classmates!!”

Anne ”Toni” Murphy noted, “All is good with me. My big trip this year was to Sardinia and the Cinque Terre. Both were beautiful and very different. I went to Massachusettsfor an entire week of celebration for my cousin’s birthday bash.Her brother and sister-in-law came from Seattle. You know, the big 80 for us. It was great to see everyone.”

After multiple phone tags, two-plus hours of live audio conversation with Judith “Judy” Lojek Mercer in Denver, Colo., were literally the grand finale of the ONYX news collection this spring. Judy reminisced about career changes and cross country and back again moves and the now frustrations of not being as easily able to ‘get in the car to go’ visit friends and family. “Since our college years, Sheila Donahue Reif and I have been ‘joined at the hip’,” Judy shared. Shelia’s journey after SMWC took their family to Tulsa, Okla., and her soldier husband returned from active duty in Vietnam Following some extraordinarily difficult years of multiple medical challenges from his wartime experiences, (“he literally had waded in Agent Orange,” Judy disclosed) Sheila’s husband died from cancer in October 2023. But, despite the years of struggle and caregiving, Shelia’s vibrant personality has never dimmed.

Judy’s still very active with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). In January, she joined those of us with replacement knees and laughed as we compared physical therapy notes. ”I had the Nurse Ratchett of therapists,” she said. With the help of a super Homymusy 40” ($8.98 Amazon) leg lifter, I charmed my ortho surgeon, home care and entertaining outpatient PTs by referring to me as a “poster-80-elder” of quick recovery.

Back in December, Barbara Roguski Mandal posted a holiday letter on In it, she noted, “The desire to travel is waning for us and health wise we’re fortunate, not heart problems, no cancer-but the ’80s have brought us aches in places I didn’t know were there.”Barb and Niall did get to Ireland in July for his sister and her husband’s 50 anniversary. “It took three days to fully celebrate, but a dinner celebration alone is not the Irish way.”

News from Katherine “Kate” Krider Satchwill, I’ve sold our house in Kannapolis, moved to a condo and then moved again to another condo in Mooresville, N.C. All of “My Three Sons’ joined my multiple fun 80th celebrations in June. (Bob was here for a month from Switzerland, friends and my family from across the USA.) He and 10-year-old Lily will visit the United States in April. Mostly though, I enjoy watching sunsets, sailboats, water skiers and loving life on Lake Norman with Tom Christiana, a retired IBM-er from upstate New York and California who moved here 40+ years ago. He mixes a great Manhattan dry Martini and has my retro-active gratitude for his historic role in writing procedures & policies for that wonderful IBM electric typewriter. Between us, we have lots of visitor space, so give us about an hour’s notice, and y’all come. Cocktails at five o’clock.


Mary Holtz Hathorn
911 Wildrose Pl
Erie, CO80516-7069
(303) 469-2208
[email protected]

I begin with a poem written for us by Carol Burger Schuler:
At This Age…
Parts are getting worn
Some don’t even work
Others been recycled
Now that’s a handsome perk!
Still it’s time to kick back and relax
Do fun things, or don’t do much at all
Give more time to a favorite cause
Or…what about pickleball??
Maybe try a NEW craft – or even take a cruise
I have heard, and I think it’s a fact
It’s important to keep up with the News –
Definitely NOT to give in to a ruse.
Guess the main thing at this age
Is just to stay in touch
With God – our family and neighbors
And friends who mean so much!

Happy 80th Birthdays, SMWC Class of 1966!

As I write this in January, I feel full of gratitude, affection and peace surrounding my life and all of you. Our time together at The Woods and since has been mostly blessed. We have overcome our challenges and emerged with maturity. I wish for each of you a healthy, enriching 2024!

July 2023 found me in La Haina, two weeks before the fire. Then, with my daughter and her family, we spent a week on the Big Island of Hawaii – such great fun! I read, puzzle, lunch with friends, lector at church and just enjoy life!

Clare Martin Phelan shares that she “is growing old and stiff, but my mind is okay for the moment! My seven grandchildren are, of course, the smartest and most beautiful people ever:two four-year-olds, two almost eight-year-olds, two elevens and one soon-to-be teenager. I pray for their parents’ sanity!”

Alice Beha Frerman writes, “In 2023 I sold my house and moved into an apartment, very near my two Colorado ‘adults.’ Providently the complex I chose has a significant number of seniors and I joined their active group, so have new friends with much in common and new activities. Risking the change was the right decision for me.”

From Gail Holland Chastain we hear she is “enjoying visiting my three great-grandchildren in Charlotte, N.C., grandchildren inAuburn, Ala., and visiting back and forth with my high school sweetheart in Vermont. When I sit too long, I get stiff, but can walk it off so things are good. Thank God.“

Margaret Curley Burk and Don enjoy and visit their three sons, wives and grandchildren scattered throughout the United States. Margaret is “having fun in the storytelling world: producing shows, writing, and telling stories throughout the Chicago area.” Don works to support the aging through community building and advocacy. Ireland was last June’s destination!

From Kansas City, Charlene Panozzo Manes writes “After Andy’s passing, I had so much time on my hands and had to re-invent myself. It was difficult after 55 years to cross over to the single widow chapter. In my new home closer to family, I have so much joy and laughter, the freedom to travel north to visit with my besties and dinner with Nana every Thursday.”

Linda Lewis Mayer’s last year was mostly about travel to stay connected with children, grandchildren and siblings. One significant change was that the church where she has been serving as Music Director was one of the many churches closed as a result of major archdiocesan restructuring. So, Linda decided that “it’s time for me to finally retire!”

Carol Kobar Moulton and Mike traveled to Omaha, New England, and Nashville, Tenn., to be with children’s families and on to Lake Como with extended family.She writes, “Mike and I continued on, dismissing our health concerns associated with high altitude, and traveled by train through the Swiss Alps, up to Zermatt and the Matterhorn.”

During this year Melissa Crider Andrea has been active in a couple of “fascinating art critique groups and a wonderful book club, always enjoying the lively interactions and rich learning environments they provide.” She also supports The Nature Conservancy which engages in important environmental projects in Arizona as well as nationally andinternationally.

Judith “Judy” White Stoffel’s year “was relatively calm.” She played bridge, visited at the federal prison every month, scheduled the lectors at St. Joe’s, and served as treasurer for the Terre Haute Symphony Orchestra. Two trips were four days in New York City, seeing two operas, Hamilton, and museums and a week in the Yosemite area of California.

Margaret Dooley Nitka says “This was the year I became a bionic woman – both hips replaced and finally back to walking again! Our family is very busy and lots of fun with eight grandchildren from ages 25 to four. We volunteer in our town and parish, and I am still writing and painting.”

Sheila McBride Beaupre met the deadline with a phone call! She was anticipating heart surgery (as I already alerted you) and promised an update. During 2023 she traveled to Frankfurt, Germany, to visit her daughter, to Munich for friends, to Vermont and Harlem for sisters and cousins and to North Carolina and Tennessee for friends.

Maureen Cassin Vadman had rotator cuff surgery and her husband has decortication surgery. Once summer arrived, they took their 1962 Morgan sports car on a rally with other enthusiasts and had a great time, fun people and great scenery, met friends for a wine-tasting tour and visited friends on Whidbey Island.

Marilyn Marks Oberhausen and David have moved from “our beloved home along the bayou in Pensacola to Azalea Trace, a Continuous Care Retirement Community (CCRC) here in Pensacola.We’re involved with pickleball, water aerobics, lots of other activities – and no weeds to pull! I’m especially liking that.”

Billie DeBeck Brunsman and Bill are home-creators. He has built two wooden nightstands and a sewing table. She loves to quilt for family and charitable donations. Despite a bad car accident, Bill is improving. They are weaning collections and making donations!

Annette McMullen and Lynn had health issues to deal with, including five visits to the local ER. She is fine, but Lynn has more chronic issues. Both grandsons are out of high school. Katherine “Katie” Meyer Cramer ’99 works from home as an editor. Maryanne is still in Philadelphia performing on and teaching harp.

Anne-Marie “Nene” Markosky Bouteiller and Roger are still living in their 1780 colonial house in Newtown, Conn. They travel to Vermont, where the children (Matt and Kate, their spouses, and their four-year-old granddaughter) live. A bonus is that Ann “Patti” Sharrer Bokermann lives in nearby New Hampshire and they get together for lunch in Woodstock or coffee and cookies at King Arthur Bakery in Norwich. “It is fun catching up and thenreminiscing about our time at SMWC.”

Kathleen “Kathy” Flynn Schmidt toured in Switzerland and Austria in late summer.The highlight of this trip was meeting Marilyn Gaudreau Hackett and her daughter Jill for dinner in a Swiss Chalet near Lake Lucerne. By traveling abroad, Kathy has established some amazing friendships with several gals from the University of Mary Washington.

Susan “Sue” Eichmuller Hamilton ’90G and Wayne celebrated grandchildren’s successes and cruised the Middle East in June. They continue their coordination of Marriage Prep in their parish, and she facilitates adult faith formation classes. Sue comments that “both of us have had some health challenges which slowed them down.”

Kathleen “Kathy” Dunne Alexis and Ron are now in Sarasota, Fla, for three months. They spent time with daughters Kelly (international flight attendant for American Airlines) and Meghan (librarian). The group also enjoyed five days in Disney World. They both go to Osher Life Learning Institute and Kathy is in a mysteries study group.

Geraldine “Gerri” Gornik has retired and sends us her greetings from Ohio: “Happy 80th birthday to most of us – it’s a big one, and we’re blessed to be yet on this side of the grass.Still healing from the accident, with a few new manageable complications and setbacks, but grateful to be alive. Blessings to All.”

Margarita “Maggie” Felipe Gonzalez shared the sad news that her “family is well, but adjusting, because Jorge, my husband, passed away of heart disease on November 22, 2023. My three children are a loving support, as well as my 13 grandchildren. My regards to everyone.” Our love and sympathies to you and the family, Maggie.

Bonita “Bonnie” Liosi Stevens writes that she and her husband are “sort of on permanent vacation now that we have retired in Florida.” They enjoy holiday visits from their daughter and her family and spent Christmas 2023 in Scottsdale, Ariz., with their son and his family. She identifies grandchildren as “a highlight of aging.” I know most of us agree!

My wish for all of you is that you treasure the “now” moments and remember our Woods friendships with a smile. Hopefully, we will gather in 2026 to celebrate our 60th Reunion. How can that be?!!


Barbara Gal
9 Ward Ct
Lakewood, CO 80228-5026
(303) 946-2996
[email protected]

Katherine “Kathy” Berger Hager – This summer we had an absolutely wonderful experience for our family. We were able to get all seven of us to Austria so our kids were able to see where Guenther was born and grew up. It was a whirlwind visit to family and some of the beautiful sites including the Benedictine monastery Admont, Riegersburg castle, the very special Hallstatt and its ancient salt mine, Salzburg, the largest ice cave in Austria, the Dachstein glacier and of course Vienna. It was truly a wonderful gift.

This is Carolyn “Susie” Shelton Schmidt in New Albany, Ind. This past year I had one grandson get married in April in Louisville, Ky., and my great nephew get married in June in Pennsylvania. Very special times and now a great, great nephew is on the way, probably arriving after you read this. Other than that, I just finished with a bout ofCOVID. Had it once back in 2019 but I guess it’s still floating around. Better now. I urge all to continue to be careful and avoid crowds if possible. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life!

Linda French Miller welcomed Patricia Staszak Kursell and her husband, Dick, for their spring visit. We have all been having a great time dancing, shopping, cards, swimming and of course eating. My chorus is getting ready for our spring concert at the end of March. We have a new director, and she is certainly challenging our abilities. Recently we had a concert with 10 other groups to raise funds for our local food bank. I am glad we are able to help. Hope you are all staying well, and you know my door is always open to any who comes this way.

Georgina Iglesias Brown is keeping busy in her pottery studio in Florida. She sends love to you all.

Marilyn Leerkamp Webb ’99G writes that life is full and she is thankful for her health. She went on a cruise through Germany in the fall. She continues to volunteer with the crisis office in Indy and enjoys her Associate relationship with The Woods.

Barbara “Barb” Angelos Emmons welcomed three great-grandbabies – in March, April and August – and wrote about the various successes of her children and grandchildren. Travels included a family reunion in Colorado. One of these days we’ll connect!

I had a huge show for Month of Photography last March, and am working on one for this year now, my 13th at NEXT Gallery. I, too, welcomed a great grand baby in April – and it’s the BEST!!! Went to France in July, walked miles around Paris every day, and finally made it to Monet’s Garden for two days and 1000 photos. Looking forward to a Gal Reunion of 50 people in Michigan in July, and connecting with Valerie “Val” Poray Collins ‘68 and Paul Hollenbeck(Husband of Pamela “Pam” Hodapp Hollenbeck and honorary ’68) in Chicago. Also sending love out from Judith “Judy” Lojek Mercer ’65, who lives in Denver and goes on art adventures with me. Life is good.


Marilyn Beckman Ward
8116 Wolf Creek Ct
Evansville, IN 47712-7623
(812) 306-4561
[email protected]

Kateri LaFontain DeMargel sent sad news. On December 31, 2023, her husband, A. Paul DeMargel, Jr. died of COVID and Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. It was May of 2023 when her sister, Dwynn LaFontain Coury’s ’63 husband died; then, in July, Kateri lost her only sister, Dwynn. Dear Kateri, we are so sorry for your devastating losses. Hugs and prayers to your family.

Retired in Fort Myers, Fla., and reading our class news in ONYX, Linda Forszt Strand ’84 discovered that, like herself, Mary McBride Knueven rode out Hurricane Ian in her Fort Myers condo. Linda was excited to try connecting with Mary and “talk to WOODS girl” in person. Linda spent freshman and sophomore years with us, graduating later through the WED program. She has a daughter and three grandchildren. Months after the hurricane, Linda had a former co-worker living with her, displaced by Ian’s damage to her house in Cape Coral.

In Scottsdale for the winter, Cheryl Van Zetten remembers a great reunion and feeling happy tohave Ellen “Ellie” Bergeson Parkerson able to join us. Pushing forward with a travel passion despite health issues, Cheryl said her week in London was fabulous. She spent three November weeks in Southeast Asia, observing changes in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos from her trip 25 years ago and ending in Bangkok.

Focused on adoptions of foster children, Ella Joan Fenoglio‘s law practice allows her to stay active, keep walking and do regular gym sessions. Putting her Spanish to good use, she volunteers with the immigration law center, assists asylum-seeker applicants, lobbies for homeless services and helps her church’s social justice committee. Italian conversational groups help keep her ready: Ella Jo will travel to Italy in April.

Between golf and duplicate bridge, Yvonne M. Shepard is determined to de-clutter their New Jersey home. After 15 years chairing the Board for HISPA,* Yvonne has decided to hand off the reins to someone younger “to keep the organization blossoming.” Her work with The League of Women Voters’s in-school program continues. *“Hispanics Inspiring Students for Performance and Achievement,”

When home, Christine “Chris” Roenitz may be at church, golfing or volunteering at the Aviation Heritage Center of Wisconsin. In January, Chris experienced Morocco! Highlights included new insight on the Berbers, a balloon ride, visiting “The Blue City” and the old medina. A Viking cruise in spring took her from Toronto to New York. She even revisited India and Nepal. (Records with the Travelers Century Club show that Chris has visited 122 countries!)

Two2023 highlights forJane O’Brien Argento and Phil: Theirson’swedding in the Netherlandshad all 17 family members, including sevengrandchildren, in attendance. On their trip in Mexico, two visits toa migrant shelter let them meeta Venezuelan refugee family whom they are now helping to resettle.

Mary McBride Knueven had a blast babysitting Granddaughter Abby last February in Indianapolis –especially fun since Mary’s sister Rose was “co-babysitter.” Parents vacationed in BonAire while kindergartener Abby had Grandma and Aunt Rose wrapped around her little finger! Julie returned to work, while Abby got to accompany Dad Ethel to visit family in Indonesia.

Fans Mary McCarthy Manthei and Jim still go to NHL Chicago Blackhawks games. They watch Michael and Jenny’s sons Blake, age 11, and Camden, age nine, after school and enjoy the boys’ basketball and hockey games. Their whole family went to Madrid and Barcelona on spring break, including daughter Kate’s fiancée Marcos. Seville and Gibraltar were added fun.

When daughter Julie Ward Wagner ‘92, visited Indiana from Oregon in June, Steve and Marilyn Beckman Ward managed a road trip to show granddaughter Clare the stables at SMWC. Ed, the equine instructor hosting us, was excited to share good news: two grants had just been confirmed, supporting the equine studies and development of a pre-veterinary program. A memorable storm cut short our campus tour (June 29).

Many classmates report staying relatively healthy–we are juggling along. Those attending our 55th Reunion at The Woods in June say they enjoyed a wonderful Reunion. I think we had 25, ‘tis good to reconnect, fun and interesting to witness the changes on campus. Many gals were lucky to stay in the new dorm! Midge Maroni agrees our class had a great time at Reunion in June, but brings little news from the snowy New York Catskills. Giovanni, her sweet 18-month-old golden retriever, is a training-work-in-progress.


Karen Erazmus McNeal
66 S Country Squire Rd
Palos Heights, IL 60463-1227
(708) 448-7540
[email protected]

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 55 years since we graduated from The Woods. Hopefully, we have fond memories of the friendships we made during our years there. With our reunion this year, we have a chance to renew some of those bonds, laugh about some of our antics, and remember those classmates who have passed on. Many of us are enjoying retirement and grandchildren, a few of us are still working and several are traveling or enjoying hobbies.

Mary Fran Roberts Bennett and husband, Richard, are pursuing their passion, traveling a lot. They have five trips to Europe planned for this year. They are also enjoying their two children.

Joan Wylie Hall enjoys weekly Facetime visits with her Atlanta granddaughters Hannah,6, and Amelia, 1. She’s still unpacking boxes from last summer’s move across Oxford, Miss., to a more convenient one-story house.Meeting Judith “Judy” Curtin and her cousin, Father Peter Major, in scenic Skaneateles, N.Y.., in October, was a highlight of the year.

Christine “Chris” Fleck Neva and her family has had a couple of hard years. Their son, Peter, had rectal cancer and two surgeries. The first was to remove 18” from his colon and put in an ileostomy bag. After six months, he had it removed, and, thankfully, the cancer had not spread.He’s doing very well now.Chris and Peter traveled to London in December. They did things independently and saw a lot of sites using the Underground.Chris and husband Richard’s daughter is getting married in October of 2025 in the Catskills.Even though she lives in San Jose, Calif., the groom’s family farm is in New York.Chris is feeling a little daunted being a 78-year-old year mother-of-the-Bride. Although she had a quick stint at the hospital in January for a bowel obstruction, she’s currently doing fine, and husband Richard’s Parkinson’s is stable.

Barbara “Barb” Wahnsiedler Klein reported that her children and everyone’s spouses are doing fine. Barb and her husband have a 26-year-old step-granddaughter who is married and living in Canada. They are expecting the first great-grandchild in April, a little girl, Nora. Barb’s son, David and his wife, Stephanie have a 12-year-old son, Brayden. Daughter Laurie and her husband, Matt, have a 12-year-old daughter, Olivia. Barb and her husband have been trying to keep up with and care for Barb’s mother, 98, and aunt, 99, who still live in their own homes, next door to each other.

Cynthia “Cindy” Evard Hodapp has been retired for 12 years. Along with her husband, she spends time going to grandchildren’s sporting events. They love doing that and feel blessed with their fourteenth grandchild due in June. They keep busy with doctor’s appointments and church groups. Cindy thinks fondly of all her Woods classmates and hopes everyone is doing well.

Marylin Seibert Leinenbach is still working teaching math. Her great-granddaughter, Leah Marie, who has Down Syndrome, is now 11 years old and is an inspiration to her every day.She deeply touches Marylin’s heart and inspired Marylin to write the book, Leah Marie and Santa. It came out on Amazon in November. Along with her writing partner, Anne, Marylin has been doing book signings and readings in classrooms and libraries.

Kathleen “Kathy” Shine Wright has a grandson at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology. Ryan is thriving there and is an SA for his floor this year. Her oldest grandson, Hunter, got engaged. Instead of babysitting for the grandkids now, she pet sits for her children’s families when they travel. Kathy is still volunteering at the Fatima Retreat Center and at her parish.

Lucille “Jenny” Broussard Croy has great companionship from her daughter, Denise, who, following her divorce, moved in with Jenny. Jenny is managing okay, but she really misses her late husband, Mike. After he passed away, Denise took Jenny’s husband place on a previously booked cruise. That was Denise’s first cruise, but she will be joining Jenny on The Woods Viking cruise in June.

Georgette Harber Schraeder has been an active secular Franciscan volunteer at the St. Francis Springs Prayer Center in North Carolina. She leads retreats such as “Valuing Women’s Voices and Choices”, “Inspiring Inclusion”, and “Relationship with Jesus”. In addition, Georgette helps with the laundry and bedmaking. She is grateful for the time she can spend with her three sons, who are all nearby, and for her friends.

Ellen Gidea Douglas wants everyone to know her new e-mail address: [email protected]

Anita Redoutey Bowlin volunteers, along with Ellen Gildea Douglas, with the Christ Child Society and the 50+ group at church. It gives them a good excuse to hang out together. Anita is keeping busy with her quilting group and being on-call for “grandma duty.”

Marsha Speth, SP is now living at Woodland Inn with a few other Sisters of Providence. She ministers as a Spiritual Director for the general public and as a companion to Sisters in healthcare when they have medical appointments. She says, “these ministries along with a few other volunteer activities are just enough for this age and stage of my life.”

Nancy Butler Bruck moved in November from her home of over 28 years. Her new place is in a small community about three miles from her old house in Oakwood. It is on one floor, which means no more schlepping laundry up two flights of stairs. It is flat, so she doesn’t have a hilly street or driveway to go up in the snow. Besides, the mayor of Kettering, where she now lives, is a Woodsie. Her husband, Morgan, had some health issues last Spring and Summer. Luckily most of that is behind them now. She often tells people she has six grandchildren, five grandsons and one princess who is ten.

Gloria Kirwan Gick spent two weeks in New Orleans visiting her son Paul and enjoying the Mardi Gras parades. In March 2023, she spent six days in the hospital with congestive heart failure. Her daughter Carrie stayed with her until her other children took turns staying with her for a while. By the end of April 2023, Gloria was able to visit daughter Allison in North Carolina. In June she went to her brother’s house in Duluth for a fun gathering of the Kirwan kids. It was the first time in eight years that all five surviving siblings had been together. Because of her health scare, Gloria decided it was no longer wise to try to handle her big house alone. She plans to move to New Orleans and is on the waiting list for a senior residence run by the archdiocese. Gloria now has the task of cleaning out and packing up years of stuff and plans to be out of her house by April.

Our class would like to offer condolences to Judith “Judy” Staszak Peterson on the death of her husband, Donald, in December. He was a good father and husband and so musically talented. Judy is staying active attending opera and other musical events. She enjoys her aerobics class and appreciates her supportive classmates.

Patricia “Pat” Bihl-Miranda has been enjoying gardening but has switched to containers since we all know how hard it getting up from the ground after being on our hands and knees. Pat’s favorite part of the day is a morning walk communicating with the birds, dogs and occasional person she runs across. Her husband, Fernando continues to travel but has cut down some. Their three children are all doing well. She finds it shocking to have grandchildren who are teenagers or older.

Jane Sitzman Clark’s children and grandchildren no longer live close by. They live in Austin, another has a ranch in east Texas, another in Colorado, and another in Wichita Falls. One just moved back to the United States from Patagonia. Her husband Larry will always be on immune suppressants for an autoimmune condition, so they stay away from crowds. Thankfully, they have wonderful neighbors and friends with whom they socialize and can depend if needed. Jane commented that “Life is still good.”

Margaret “Marge” Hanson Sleght’s highlight of the year was a trip to London with her two sisters. They visited several beautiful gardens and a few museums. Although London was fun, Marge was surprised that it was so crowded to be uncomfortable at times. She continues to play cards and Mah Jongg several days a week. She also volunteers with her service club, which holds fundraising events for local charities. For exercise, Marge power walks at least five days a week.

Kathy DeNovo Williams loves spending time exploring new places with her granddaughters, sons, and daughters-in-law. Her brother, his wife, and their children, and grandchildren all spent time in the Chicago area with Kathy. Nancy Butler Bruck and her husband Morgan usually manage to visit once a year too. Kathy enjoys catching up and has taken a few girls’ trips this year. She works a few days a week at a darling children’s store and still enjoys her yard, home, reading, cooking and lunch with friends.

Mary Romanyak Brown and husband, Mike, are doing well and enjoying retirement. They went on five different trips lately. First to Boston to go to a film festival where their son Jeff had one of the movies playing. Then they went to Door County with the entire family. In August, they traveled to Alaska. After that, it was to Michigan with Eric and his family. Finally, in October, they went to New York City to visit Jeff and his wife Shannon. A staycation is planned for the winter.

Patrcia “Pat” Doran Martini is still working full-time, remotely, as an electrical engineer. It keeps her sharp and busy. Her husband has some health issues, so it slows them down a little. Pat had her aortic value replaced in March, but it was done by the aver procedure, thus avoiding open heart surgery. She was lucky her problem was found before there were symptoms. Pat’s daughter, her husband, and only grandson are stationed in Minot, N.D., so Pat doesn’t get to see the family often. They had been stationed in Germany for almost four years, but the pandemic stopped Pat and her husband from visiting them there. Pat will be celebrating 53 years of marriage in April.

Susan “Susie” Starr Tomaszewski is excited about her oldest grandchild graduating from college this year. Time has gone too quickly for Susie. Her family went to Disney World recently and was able to cheer on her children and grandchildren as they ran in the Disney Marathons. She enjoyed having everyone together and hopes the family can do it again.

Mary Kay Campbell Watson and husband Alan are enjoying life in Southwest Florida. Mary Kay is still doing taxes for AARP and enjoys her Canasta groups. They took a 15-day cruise from London to Reykjavik and, while on the cruise, visited Belgium, Scotland, Orkney Island, Faroe Island and Iceland. They also traveled to Washington state to visit Mary Kay’s son Lee and his wife Corry. Our class wants to thank Mary Kay and Alan on their generous challenge on Woods Giving Day.

Anne Becherer Hambly is cancer-free and in remission from two different diagnoses. Anne and her husband are still in northern California while their daughter and family are in the Denver area.They have two granddaughters, 13 and a half and seven that keep them on their toes.They took the teenager to New York City for her 13th birthday.Broadway shows were the highlight. They also ventured to Niagara Falls and Toronto last Fall.Anne is still active with her volunteer activities for the American Cancer Society and TheatreWorks in Silicon Valley.

Karen Erazmus McNeal and husband, David, are still very busy traveling, working and volunteering at their parish. Karen is teaching math classes at a local college and David has his Counseling Practice. He recently retired from teaching sociology at the college. In between semesters, they try to travel. This year they managed a 10-day Caribbean cruise and one to Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Italy, and the Dardanelles. That trip included visiting the Virgin Mary’s home in Ephesus, climbing to the top of the Acropolis, and touring mosques in Istanbul. She’ll be missing Reunion this year since they will be spending several weeks in Alaska. Daughter Karleen McNeal, MD’92 and her husband Erlandas are doing well. Karen and David’s oldest grandson, Joseph, is attending Rose Hulman and grandson number two, Matthew is graduating from University of Illinois High School this May. Grandchildren David and Camille are in high school.

Please let me know if you change addresses or have a new e-mail address. My e-mail is [email protected]


Karen Swartzlander Fountain
9048 Berry Farms Xing
Franklin, TN 37064-1645
(253) 279-1461
[email protected]

Karen Kaelly Kiss
3 Highview Court
Wandana Heights
[email protected]

First off the ranks with a response was Mary Beth Rennels Strassel. She and Ray celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a brunch in July along with their four offspring and partners, plus six grandkids, all now living close by. Mary Patrice Slevin Haley, Carol Elberson Sutherland and Mike, Julie Leek Sullivan and John and Marilyn Foley Stephen and Scott were also in attendance. The event also celebrated Ray’s 78th birthday and his progress from his multiple myeloma diagnosis the previous September. Mary Beth is an active volunteer in several organizations apparently because, unlike her peers, she has computer skills.

Rosine Alfredo Kekelis reports after four years of tragic losses, she sold her home in the St. Louis area and moved to their vacation home in South Central Wisconsin. Her life is filled with her invaluable daughter, Kendra, her husband and a total of five grandchildren, ages 13 through 32. But the piece de resistance is the three-and-a-half great-grands! There’s nothing like little ones to infuse your life with joy! Rosine sews/quilts, indulges in streaming T.V. and has a passion for art and architecture. She sends love to all her Woodsie Sisters.

Barbara “Barb” Brugnaux and Carl returned to travel in 2023. Bangkok and Vietnam in January, the Netherlands in April (so she could spend her birthday with the tulips) and The Alps in October. For 2024, their plans include Mexico and Portugal. Sicily is on tap for October, to celebrate their 50th anniversary.The April trip was “iffy” after Barb was hit by a truck March 15th while crossing a street. (Maybe Barb, you should have considered the date and the IDES of MARCH.) Thanks to a good surgeon and dedicated physical therapists, they boarded a plane three days after the brace and stitches were removed from her knee.When home, they are busy with volunteer activities. Carl loves to talk about being a cuddler in a local hospital’s NICU!

Remember our 55th reunion is in 2025 so stay healthy (and don’t get hit by a F-150!)

Also, Bob and Carolyn are celebrating their 50th anniversary next year and have booked a 17-day tour of New Zealand next October … Moa Trek. It has been a goal for a long time.They may visit Australia before their return. Haven’t had many Class of 1970 visitors Carolyn Gallogly but we might get our own mini-reunion Down Under.

Mary Ann Uhl McElroy is feeling blessed to join Club 75. After her husband’s death 15 years ago, she moved to a lake community in Martinsville, Ind., to be close to family. This included her pontoon boat from her lake house in Wisconsin. So now summers are filled with visits from family and friends. Visitors have included Rachel Kirk Weger (who visits annually when she comes to Indiana from Arizona) and Julieanne “Julie” Hawkins Mund also visited a few years ago. Needless to say, wine cruises are frequent. She continues to be busy gardening, teaching a few piano students and volunteering at the SVDP food pantry.

Christine “Chris” Seelman Rochetti a confessed procrastinator, accepted the Kiss challenge to respond ASAP. She and Maureen Deaver Purcell and John met this past summer at the airport for brunch. Both her sons are dating nice girls but no marriages yet … but she is worried her residence might be in “THE HOME” before grandchildren ever arrive. Ha! Vacations have included visiting their son, Tim in Charlotte, including a trip visiting the Biltmore in Ashville, N.C. Matt, son number two lives in the Chicago area and manages to visit a lot, mostly around dinner time!

“I would like to say I am vigorously exercising every day BUT I’m not. Rick had his knee replaced a year ago in December, so we do LOTS of walking. We’re (thank God) in good health. CANNOT believe we’re 75!!! I still feel like a wild, crazy person, but I’m in an OLD GOAT body!!?!! Lol!”

Martha Crane reports 2023 was a good year. Her oldest son retired from the Army and all four children gathered together for the first time in five years. Quite a feat considering they are scattered to the four winds. I took up kayaking which I love and she continues hiking. Martha spent a month in El Paso for the holidays and visited and hiked three national parks.

2024 will see the birth of her newest grandchild. And it’s going to be a girl! Finally, another girl to making it six boys and two girls. Apart from the usual aches and pains of being three-quarters of a century, she is in good health.

Hopefully, you all love retirement as much as Jean “Jeannie” Marcellus Ferrone and Tony! They are taking full advantage of any opportunity to travel and spend time with family and friends. Her oldest grandson graduated from college in December, yay! The middle is a college junior, and the youngest is a sophomore. Jeannie’s son and his wife live less than an hour away, so they see them regularly throughout the year. Pilates, long walks (and Tony also golfs), and traveling keeps them mobile, and volunteering with our local Evanston Animal Shelter, Gilda’s Club Chicago and Connections for the Homeless is very fulfilling. The holidays were happily filled with large, chaotic family gatherings and lots of love. Wishing you all good health, happiness, peace and joy.

Natalie Moses and Doug are happily settled on the coast in Downeast Maine and love living year-round on the northern waters, minus the recent storms!They’re extremely fortunate to enjoy good health and a wonderful community. Natalie continues to be active with the concert association, a French conversation group, observing winter birds in the snow and some contra dances. Watching world politics is with sadness, and they are increasingly aware of their privilege.

Meghan Groeger DeVito the last year has been a good one for Meghan health-wise. She is managing her cancer successfully and has been able to return to working with students in her community who need support. Her Parish has an Outreach Program for children who are new to our country. The families are so appreciative, and it is a positive experience for all involved. Jim just celebrated turning 80 years young. They hope to get to Maine to celebrate with family.

The class of 1970 has HIT THREE QUARTERS OF A CENTURY (How scary is that? Remember, it is a privilege denied to many). Briefly, the Kiss family is well! Both girls and their other halves were with us for Christmas. Talk about Chaos! But great fun!

Michele, Lee and son David, aged almost eight ventured first to Sydney to visit her sister and family came together in the Geelong! They live in San Jose, Calif. but will join for a family holiday in April in Hawaii. Lee and Michele are finally getting married.

Maureen, Jamie and young Harry, 3, Bobby Michele, 1, live in Sydney and she works for an Australian company called Canva! David and I are well! I continue to hit the pool for laps and aqua classes and David prefers the walking and the gym, a little less lately.

As I send this off, I am about to celebrate 50 years to the day since my arrival to Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia, to teach at a small Catholic Girls’ College (High School). Where has that time gone?

Keep well and please feel free to join our SMW ’66-’70 Facebook group. Keep well friends! Karen Kelly Kiss.


Judith Larkin
4732 Lost Creek Ln
Bellingham, WA 98229-2574
(360) 366-3112
[email protected]

This is our 53rd year since we said goodbye to each other at Graduation. I am still thrilled to hear from all of you who have taken a few minutes to say hello and keep us up to date on your lives.

Joan Vincent O’Connell tells us her youngest son had a severe cardiac reaction to the COVID-19 shot. He has been struggling for the past 11 months. She is praying 2024 is a better year for him, and then it will be a better year for her. Sadly, Joan lost her mother at age 99.5 on Christmas Eve, last year. She misses her every day. She is retired from teaching now but is still providing free tutoring services through NH Home School. She is now 9+ years post-operative Breast Cancer, but she is still in active treatment due to the damage done with both surgery and treatment. Every day is a gift, she says. Joan is also still rescuing dogs: her latest is a hound mix from a high-kill shelter in Arkansas. She says he is settling in and learning the wild woods of NH, struggling to respect the fence, but is a smart and loving boy. Joan has rescued dogs for more than 55 years and has no plans to stop. Joan wishes us Peace and Health in 2024.

Edna Hannon Wintermantel tells us that 2023 was calm. She did a lot of “teen sitting” this year. She says they taught her how to play pickleball. This past fall, she took a freshman course in Arabic at St. Bonaventure University. She is in a class of five. “Nana and the college kids.” She still enjoys her retirement and says she’s lucky to have a good group of pals to play Mah Jong, travel, and go cross-country skiing. She does some volunteer work at St. Bona’s, her local parish. She says it’s amazing how time has flown, and she still has such fond memories of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She is sorry she couldn’t go to our 50th. She hopes she can make the 55th.

Mary Beth Roesinger Adams writes to us in her own words that, “Since John & I dated all during our college years & so many of you knew him, sadly, I need to pass on the news of his passing away this past September 29, 2023. He loved all of you, loved coming out to The Woods, and we always had so much fun on campus. What is all good and well in my life is the love and support from my family and friends. Wishing you all a wonderful, healthy 2024.” Our sincere condolences to you and your family, Mary Beth. May he rest in peace.

Patricia “Patti” Williams Essig and family are all well. She still teaches yoga twice a week. And participated as one of the five facilitators at the weeklong Women’s Contemplative Retreat at The Siena Retreat Center in Racine, Wis., this past July. Patti saw four attendees for Spiritual Guidance each day and gave a presentation on the first day of the retreat. Patti also taught yoga classes for the retreatants. She says it was a challenge that helped her grow in both facilitating and spiritual direction. She will also facilitate this year’s retreat. She and her husband are planning a trip to Italy in May and early June to celebrate their 75th Birthdays. Patti reports that the classes she has taken at The Well Spirituality Center in La Grange have helped renew an urgency for her to do more to restore our home, Mother Earth. She is planning to see Mary Botti Greenberg in February when she travels to Florida. Patti saw both Mary and her sister Patricia “at” Botti ’72 in January 2023. Patti sends Love and Light to all.

Ruth Kolcun Noack sent a brief note telling us that she is enjoying her five granddaughters, Rue, Mae, Josa, Margo and Lydia (ages 11 to 5) and two daughters who live close by.She sent a great picture of her family. Ruth is also a songwriter. She reports that she has written two songs and wishes us all a Happy New Year.

Mary Add Wilson Baker tells us that everything is good in Terre Haute. And all her family is doing fine! As with all of us at a “certain age,” she says, there are some health issues but none that can’t be dealt with…nothing to slow them down!! She and Jim have “crossed off” a few more places on their “bucket list” in 2023. Their big trip was to the Swiss Alps. She says it was a very enjoyable and beautiful trip, which took place in four different countries. She and Jim traveled with Barbara Brugnaux ‘70 and her husband Carl Bender. They also visited with Angeline “Angi” Dvorak Ishida when she was in town seeing relatives and doing family research. She and Ken and their families are doing well. She reminds us there are only two more years until we get to be together again for our 55th Reunion. She can’t wait! Mary Add plans to go out to this Reunion to see some members of our Big Sister class that she stays connected with.

Angeline “Angi” Dvorak Ishida tells us that all is well in Denver, which is their home base with daughter Mina and family, also in Chicago with Mika’s family. She and Ken spent two weeks in Israel last May touring the country and visiting granddaughter Kana who was there for a gap year program. She prays for peace in that troubled region. As do we all, Angi.

Lydia Ruiz Hull reports that there isn’t much going on in her neck of the “woods” at the Jersey shore. She and husband, Doug, are enjoying sharing the lives of their three children and eight grandchildren. Fortunately, all live within 10-15 minutes of their home, so they can watch their many sports events and attend their special occasions.

Lydia tells us that they traveled to a few places this past year. They went to Cape Canaveral, Fla., a cruise to Bermuda and of course, she says, Disney World. They have plans for a few more trips in 2024. Lydia says they have been blessed with good health for themselves as well as their family.

Susan “Sue” Connell Connor wrote everything about her wonderful dogs, knowing we have that in common. Her cousin sends her English Toys to Susan to expose them to her “chaos” of five dogs to socialize them and get them confident and “show ready.” Sue must be doing an excellent job, as one earned her championship already! Susan has one Barbet, one English Toy and three Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (one of whom is a rescue and one that is 15 years old). She says she’s not getting any more pups because at her age she doesn’t think it’s fair to them… “famous last words.” Susan tells us that this has been a year of new bones. She had a knee replacement and a hip replacement. She says she’s doing great with both, but it has sidelined her therapy dog visits with her Barbet as falling is always in the back of her mind. Hopefully, when spring comes, she can make up for her knee and hip, which prevented her from doing so much outside, Susan says she still mows her yard and although it usually takes two days, she doesn’t want to give that up. It’s her exercise because otherwise she is reading and watching tv, she says.

Juliann “Juli” Smiley Thrush can’t believe it’s this time of year again! She tells us their most memorable time this year was going to Indiana in July for a double reunion, seeing cousins by the dozens and staying at the newly renovated Cole Porter B and B which is the house where he was born. On the way there, she stopped to see Beverly “Bev” Birk-Cutshall at her house and had the best time, as usual. The two of them drove to SMWC and stayed at the Woodhaven Inn for the weekend and visited all their old places on campus. She says there in Florida, she spends time at church with the choir and women’s group and with the four youngest grandchildren, going to their school programs and activities, which she loves to do.

Mary Jo Trainer Pazak wishes all a Happy New Year! She reports that her year has been blessed…good health, travel and fun-filled times with family and friends. She and Red celebrated 51 years of a beautiful marriage in June. Their son Stephen returned safely in September from a 10-month Army deployment in Kuwait. Their granddaughter Madeline graduated from Baylor in May. Mary Jo says that is quite an accomplishment and high bar she has set for her brothers and cousins. James and his family moved to Colorado. James is now a football coach for Northern Colorado University. She says all are adjusting well. Mary Jo had lunch with Marjorie “Marnie” Luken in the spring and Tina Gnavi Collins in the fall. It was wonderful to see them, she says, and share their friendship and mutual love of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Mary Jo keeps busy with a Bible study group and volunteering with Little Pink Houses of Hope. And we are so glad to hear her days are full and happy.

Katherine “Kathy” Allen Gordon is still living in assisted living and is trying to find another place to move. She tells us all her children, grandchildren, and great-granddaughter came Christmas morning to see her, and they brought brunch. She tells us time of year when she gets to see them all, she reports. She talks to Constance “Connie” Nix Peelman about once a week, and she and Juliann “Juli” Smiley Thrush have been visiting on the phone. Kathy spends most days watching the birds eat from her bird feeders and watching TV. She says she watches a lot of the British Channels and a lot of the cooking shows. She says that is one thing she misses, and it makes her sad her beautiful kitchen is still waiting for her to move back home, but she thinks that won’t ever happen. Kathy says she always enjoys reading our class news together. Kathy hopes we hear from most of the class of ‘71.

Theresa “Terry” Jones Swayze has two grandsons who live nearby; one is 15 and a high school freshman, and the other is 14 and in eighth grade. She attends their basketball games which keeps her busy, but she says she loves watching them play and hardly misses a game. Come springtime, they’ll both be playing baseball. She also has two step-granddaughters who live in Atlanta. One is 16 and a sophomore and the other is almost 14 in the eighth grade. They are both involved in lacrosse, a sport that she was not familiar with until she watched them play last spring, traveling from Indiana to Atlanta for a long weekend. Terry and her girlfriends get together to attend dinner theatre plays/musicals throughout the year. Like so many of us, Terry has been completely retired for four years now, and she loves it. She says she stays up late and doesn’t get up too early; a wonderful reward after working for almost 50 years. She is in good health and tries to stay active by walking and various core-strengthening exercises.

Barbara “Barb” Weber Michael tells us that she and Greg are doing well, as are their four children, their spouses & thirteen grandchildren. They are now into high school graduations, but she is grateful that her children were thoughtful enough not to have cousins graduating the same year until 2030 when two do in different Texas towns. June of 2024 will take them to Washington (Kirkland) for their daughter Angie’s twin boys. Last year it was the Kalamazoo area, and next year, San Antonio! As in past years, visiting family and their church ministry commitments keep them busy! Greg’s dad turns 101 in February, so they will go to Illinois to celebrate with him. (He is doing quite well, living in an assisted living facility in the town where Greg’s sister Pam lives.) All twenty-three of her family, her sisters and their families are looking forward to a Weber reunion on Alabama’s Gulf Shores this July. She hopes all 42 can attend from all over the country! She says it’s getting harder with summer internships & jobs! She uses a picture from the last Weber get-together in 2021 in Cincinnati as her profile photo on Facebook. Look. Barb’s dad, at 101, had an unbelievably fun time, passing away about six weeks later. She says it was a wonderful memory. Barb hopes everyone is well.

Glenna Crews Orr writes “It was an honor for me to be contacted by Elizabeth Reel ’21, Content Marketing Manager, at SMWC, and to be interviewed by Elizabeth for the Onyx Anneau Fall 2023 Edition. Elizabeth and I spent hours discussing my personal and professional initiatives. Her story/article entitled, “Glenna Crews Orr and her journey” were showcased in the Onyx Fall online edition, and I am so grateful for Elizabeth’s thoughts and words…it is truly an honor!”She says her heart is her family and four-legged/three-legged dogs. Her work devoted to TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors), book writing and signings, and some church-related projects keep her plenty busy. She stays connected with Patti Essig and says, “That’s a good thing!” Glenna wishes each one good health and much joy in the New Year.

Diann L. Neu writes that this is the 40th Anniversary of WATER, the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual, the non-profit that she co-founded and co-directs with Mary E. Hunt. Four decades ago, they saw a need and took a risk that has helped to shape feminist/womanist/mujerista religious movements. They gathered thirteen diverse women – theologians, ministers, nuns, students, spiritual seekers, justice activists, and religious leaders – who listened to their hopes and created a place where the needs of women and marginalized people could be addressed and met. She says little did they know what they were doing! WATER was born and is now one of the key places feminists in religion look to for leadership in theology, ethics, and ritual. Sisters Jeanne Knoerle ’49, Barbara Doherty ’53, Ruth Eileen Dwyer ’60, Marie Brendan Harvey ’51, Mary Olive O’Connell, and, of course, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin were her mentors and guides. She is so grateful for her education at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College! Diann says, “Join us in toasting WATER 40 Years & Forward!”

Margaret “Meg” Deisher went to Virginia to visit a friend this year. She also visited relatives and friends in the Philly/Jersey area from where she originally comes. She and her sister also spent a couple of days in the Outer Banks, N.C., while east. Later in the year she spent a few days in Dallas before Christmas visiting family.

Elizabeth “Betsy” Carey Blameuser sent her Christmas letter with all her news. “Short version: We are doing well.” She lets us know that she and Larry celebrated their 52nd anniversary which her son Jeff and family attended. Their daughter Joy and family live in San Diego, and their granddaughter, Alessa, is sixteen. Betsy and Larry took two trips last year. One to Tennessee to see old Air Force friends, and the other to Atlanta where she and Larry attended the birthday parade for Jimmy Carter. Shey also visited some of Larry’s relatives. Betsy reports that she’s had some trouble with her leg, that is healing nicely. Larry still plays tennis with two good legs! Both are still active in their church in Niceville, Fla., and love the choir.

Giovanna “Vanna” Looney Gorham sent her news in a nice Christmas card. She is busy taking her grandchildren to school several days a week and describes the 13-year-old granddaughter as “a hoot”. She and her sister, Nancy, spent the summer going on short trips to lectures and concerts. Vanna went with her daughter and family to Washington, D.C. They visited Gettysburg and Annapolis as well. Sounds like fun!

Beverlyn “Bev” Birk-Cutshall came in just in time with a great letter. We both are wondering why it should take 10 days to send a letter from Indiana to Washington. Well since we can’t fix the mail, let’s get to the news. Bev says she and Phil no longer go to Florida for the winter, but she misses the sunshine. Indiana winters are “dark and cool.” With this, though, their health is fine. She wishes us a Happy New Year.

Shirley Lira Villarreal reports that she is doing well as is her husband, Jesse. They send greetings from Texas. She says she has nothing to report other than enjoying retirement and especially her after-school duties caring for her two grandchildren. They did a lot of traveling this past year, some for fun, some for family obligations.

Susan Welsh Conley tells us that all is well with her and Richard.They are enjoying their winter in Punta Gorda, Fla., spending time fishing and playing golf. Throughout the year they follow the activities and sports of our six grandchildren in Terre Haute and Louisville, Ky. Occasionally, she sees Anita Scioldo Osella. Richard and Susan traveled to Ireland this past fall. Anita’s daughter, Elizabeth Osella Davis ‘96, was the coordinator for the trip with St. Joseph University Parish in Terre Haute. She says that they are ready to go back. Ireland is beautiful. Susan hopes we all are doing well.

Susan “Scotty” Lambrix Schaller reports both she and Glenn are doing well. They are retired and spend five months in their Siesta Key, Fla., home, and the rest of the time traveling or in Orchard Park, N.Y. They just celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary. They have two children, Lynette, and Eric. They have seven grandchildren -one in college, four in high school and two in middle school. Glenn loves to golf, she is in a garden club and two book clubs, and she loves to cook and entertain. She keeps in touch with Anna Ferrara Donahue. Anna lost her husband of 50 years, John, last year. She still lives in Wyomissing, Pa. Anna has two boys, Shaun, and Bradley, and two granddaughters. They are planning to get together in Florida this February.

Christine “Chris” Mackey-Mason writes that she and Sheila lived in Oakland last time she wrote and has since moved back to Pasadena. They really missed all their friends. They got through COVID-19 without having it once! Their boys are doing well. Robert moved down to Pasadena after they moved back. Patrick will retire from the military next December. Chris tells us their Aussie, Kerri, keeps them entertained. That’s all the news from Southern California.

Linda Szempruch Aylward and husband, Gerry, are doing well, healthy, and happy!She tells us that Gerry is still working a day and a half a week at his orthodontic practice in Palatine, Ill. Gerry plays jazz saxophone as much as he can in his two bands. Linda is still making ceramics at Harper, the local community college. She mostly does hand-built functional pieces because throwing on the wheel is a little hard on her hands. Their only daughter, Brynna, lives in Toronto and is the Executive Creative Director of the Toronto office of an advertising agency. Her big news is that at 35, Brynna just got engaged at Christmastime to a wonderful guy who is from England. With Gerry being from Ireland, they have some great conversations about their similar cultures spoken with a couple of different cute accents! Linda says they are grateful that they are healthy and can work out most days. She likes classes on strength, Pilates, and yoga. She says Gerry is obsessed with pickleball as well. Linda says God has blessed them in so many ways and they feel incredibly bathed in happiness and gratitude for every day!

She sends prayers and blessings to all our classmates and their families. She invites us to reach out if we find ourselves near the northwest suburbs of Chicago. She’d love to connect, including those of us in more distant suburbs from North Barrington. She included her email: [email protected].

Christine “Chris” McCauley Stremel has had bone problems like many of us. She says 2023 was a fun year for “this retired Woodsie” …. family was the theme. There were lots of school activities, sports and long weekends with her daughter and son-in-law and her beautiful granddaughters (11 and 7). They all took a family cruise for Thanksgiving…it was the best. “Turkey at Sea!” THEN, she says, on December 18th, she fell and broke her leg. She’s had a nightmare since. She spent Christmas in the hospital, almost two weeks in the rehab hospital, and finally at home with a walker and, hopefully, leg healing. Chris says she is looking forward to 2024 being less exciting and getting back to playing bridge my usual three times a week. She wishes good health to all our classmates.

Dorothy Blakey Priester sends greetings from Fairfax Va. “All is well there. She is looking forward to her son Matthew’s wedding this September. She is also planning a trip to Spain this June with a basketball team and side trip to Scotland and Ireland. My husband, Fred, continues to coach girls’ basketball and is subbing.” Dorothy continues to enjoy her retirement and spends time with her grandchildren. She hopes everyone is healthy!

Patricia “Patti” Lenz Spaulding writes that her news for 2023 had two sides to it. Last March she had a total knee replacement and did so well until Easter night after spending a wonderful day with her family. She woke up during the night, didn’t grab her walker, took two steps and fell and broke her hip. She spent a week in the hospital with surgery and 2 1/2 weeks in rehab and then physical therapy the entire summer. August 2nd brought a true blessing to the year with the birth of her grandson, Oliver Patrick, a “true Joy”. She had a wonderful memorable family vacation with a week in Disney World in November with her on her scooter. Patti’s two daughters and their family’s granddaughters, Bria, 10, Ava, 8, and Mae, 5, and grandson, Oliver, 3 months old, were there. Patti counts her blessings every day. She wishes everyone a beautiful 2024 with many blessings.

Mary Ann Delehanty Latusek reports that her year has been uneventful, thank God. The family had their usual summer vacation in Hilton Head. She says it was a wonderful week with her children and grandchildren. Their oldest, Emily, started high school with her sister, Lauren in seventh grade. Michael started kindergarten and their youngest, Luke, is in preschool. Mike is semi-retired and working at Carlow University. Mary Ann still volunteers at their local hospital and watches the boys two days a week. She and Mike finally got to Ireland this past Spring with their daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband Ian. She says it was a wonderful trip that she had on her bucket list forever. Mary Ann hopes all our classmates are well.

Carol Conway writes that after a rough start to 2023, she found a great doctor who is handling her back issues. This enabled her to continue teaching “The Novels You Weren’t Ready for in High School’ (currently Great Expectations) and taking classes in memoir writing. Most importantly, she is part of a small group that started Catherine’s Caring Cause, Inc., an NFP to help aid the influx of asylum seekers in Chicago. (Email [email protected] for more info.)

Barbara “Barb” Jaspersen Hataway wrote through our Facebook page…Woodies ’71. She tells us that all is “fine and dandy here in Kansas.” Her life remains “LIFE IN THE FAST LANE” with the addition of her 10th great-grandchild! She now has eleven grandchildren and ten great-grands and an incomprehensible amount of time spent verbally hugging them. She has six grands here with just two of the great-grands, so she says daily life is simpler. It’s the holidays that leaves her “breathless and the happiest!”Barb reminds us she married later in life to a guy 16 years older than she, so she says, “all these lovies are inherited.” She says she has learned to say “no” sometimes, which is freeing. It’s been since before the pandemic that she’s traveled, so she’s hoping to do so in 2024. She goes to Dallas to see her siblings and has fallen in love with Colorado, so she goes there, too, but she has a longing for more. She wishes us the best in 2024!

Jena Worland Hartman writes a nice newsy note letting us know what she and her husband, Dale, have been through trying to help Dale get help with his chronic back pain. It was a year they had multiple doctors, surgery on his back and heel and more. It was a good thing that Jena’s background in the medical field helped her take care of him. Her big news was the marriage of their son, Kyle, to a lovely girl. Jena says she and Dale will cherish the memories. By sending a birthday card to Ruth Kolcun Noack, Jena was thrilled when Ruth called her back. She says it was an enjoyable conversation to catch up on missed years. Ruth and Joe still live in Edina, Minn. They are both retired but keep busy with their five grandchildren. Jena says Ruth was sweet as ever. Jena and Kathann “Kathy” Wyss Koehler chat occasionally on the phone. Kathy keeps busy with her position at Xavier. They are trying to meet when Kathann is in town.

Constance “Connie” Nix Peelman wrote a nice letter with plenty of news. She and Danny have been married for 53 years since last August. Connie says her kids, Greg and Lindsay, are well, as are her four grandchildren. Connie says her kids live in Connecticut but escape to their condo in Pensacola, Fla., in January and to the sunny island of St. Maarten in March. Connie says her kidsters are “brutal.”Since Danny had a major health scare last Labor Day, air travel has become more difficult. He had a massive pulmonary embolism and uses a walker slowly at times. Prayers and TLC helped a lot, she says. Her last comments I’ll quote, “Good to see SMWC has a women’s basketball team now!”Ah…a sports fan!

Helen McLaughlin Hinshaw is another letter writer. She even sent pictures. She wrote after a snowstorm that dumped eight inches of snow with higher drifts right in Cadillac, Mich. Helen reports that since COVID-19 struck, her two boys (men) are living and working from home… her home with their 65 lb. pup. They had other plans, but the lack of reasonable housing is hampering their search. Her daughter, Carrie, visited for several weeks over the holidays and left for her home in Seattle, Wash. Helen and Les keep up with doctor appointments, working out and meeting up with -friends. In the nicer months, Les golfs, and Helen has a garden club and her church book club. Her garden club did a Christmas Home Tour. Sounds right up her alley! Not many trips, but they have enjoyed pontoon boat trips to islands in Northern Michigan. Helen communicates with her five brothers by Zoom and marvels at the changes in our lifetime. Wishing us well, she ends with “We still have the BEST MUSIC!”

Anita Scioldo Osella rushed off a note to tell us that she and her family are doing fine. Anita and David had one granddaughter who got married last year, and two more are getting married this summer. She says she is so excited for them. Guess who was the flower girl for her granddaughter Catherine’s wedding? Yep! Anita.

Judith Larkin… “Well, the Larkin duo is doing very well, thank you very much. No exciting stuff going on, but boy am I busy! I am the President of the Pacific Northwest Gordon Setter Club and write their monthly newsletter that is posted on our website. Add to those tasks, I am also the Chair of our two annual Specialty Shows (just our breed shows). It’s that time to get applications done, trophies made, and judges nailed down. I am also reviewing a friend’s new novel due for publication in May. I haven’t made it to shows as Calliope is a finished champion. Going for an International title this Spring. Health-wise my heart keeps trucking along. Breathing issues, but that doesn’t stop me, though my physical activity is limited. I was so happy to hear from those Class of ’71 Woodsies who wrote this year. Only two years to our 55th Reunion. I’m game, are you? God Bless Us Everyone!


Barbara Cooney Anderson
13 Naramore Dr
Batavia, NY 14020-2725
(585) 409-7458
[email protected]

Greetings from the Class of 1973. Our response was limited this year, but was happy to hear from those of you who did respond.

Edith “Edie” Bird Breneman attended part of Reunion last June with Elizabeth “Beth” Flauaus Brock. She said it was good to see everyone, but who were those old ladies?! She and Matt still work some, he has sold NAPA auto parts for 52 years but now works only two days a week. Edie is an occasional sub at the local library. They watch their four-year-old granddaughter several days a week. They try to take a trip each year- last year, it was Savannah, and this year Mt. Rushmore. She also loves doing genealogy and credits that to Mr. Carver’s history class!

Lynn Bronikowski enjoyed a trip to Venice, Lucca and Florence, Italy, last fall and looks forward to a London-Liverpool this fall to visit various Beatles haunts.

Elizabeth “Liz” Card Oberley was very disappointed to miss the 50th Reunion, but their daughter was diagnosed with throat cancer, and they wanted to support her during her operation and recovery. She successfully completed six weeks of radiation, and a recent PET scan did not show anything new. She and Jim celebrated their 50th anniversary with a gathering at home with family and friends. Last October they took a 50+ mile biking trip with their new electric bikes and had a blast! They are at their winter home in Ft. Myers, Fla., until May. She wishes good health and happiness to all.

Mary Echsner Moore is still spending six months in Florida and six months in Indiana. She plays pickleball every day and rides her bike. She says Reunion was a blast and she enjoyed seeing everyone!

Helen Hegarty McGee wrote that her sister, Marie Hegarty’96, passed away last January 11. She stays busy with her grandchildren and making pottery.

Patricia “Patty” Kaperak Talen is still in Plymouth, Wis., with husband Tim, both retired, they have seven grandchildren, ages 1 to 9-year-old twins. She still freelances teaching and directing theater in the community. They both volunteer for Meals on Wheels and Food Bank. Visiting their children and grandchildren are their greatest treasures! She hated to miss the reunion since she’s from Terre Haute but says it looked like fun!

Ann Prox also says they had a great Reunion as the Golden Girls! She keeps busy swimming and thinking about a 55th high school reunion this year. She hopes to see Barbara Maggio in March on a trip to Arizona. She sees Catherine “Cathy” Purcell Card regularly and hopes all is well as we get older.

Kathleen “Kathy” Usher Rejent says Reunion was so much fun. The campus was beautiful, and the events were well planned and executed. The Woods is truly a special place, and she’s so glad she went there!

Colleen Wade Grady says it was such a blessing to go back to The Woods for 50th Reunion! She and Raleigh also celebrated their 50th anniversary. They took a 14-day Mediterranean cruise to Italy and Greece with a few days in Barcelona, Spain. JoAnn Joganic and husband, Barry Flynn, spent Thanksgiving with them, and they joined Judith “Judy” Rodino Harris and Dave for a wonderful dinner at their home. Life in Sun Lakes continues to be good. They feel grateful for all the good times and pray for continued blessings, health, and peace for all.

Mary Pat Williams Sharpe was sorry to miss Reunion but she was in France, the home of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. She had a small reunion in August with Brenda Lewis Treadway, Angela “Angie” Lorenzano Kiplinger, Patty Maxwell and Patricia “Trish” and Mary Elizabeth “Liz” Cawley Delucia ’74. She plans to meet Mary Domke McGrath for lunch in February when she’s in Florida. She lost her mom in 2022 at the age of 92 after she lived for many years with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Barbara Cooney Anderson – As for me, I stay busy watching my grandson three days a week. I feel so fortunate to live only 20 minutes from them, and Zaiden will have a baby brother in May! We also see the Pittsburgh crew several times a year. We continue to spend winter in Naples, Fla., where we enjoy golf and the pool, and look forward to a week-long visit each winter from both boys and their families- two granddaughters in Pittsburgh. I hated missing Reunion, but had family commitments that weekend. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy in 2024!


Lee Ann Schiller Knapp
7116 Darby Rd
Bethesda, MD 20817-2914
(301) 365-0974
[email protected]

Mary Clare Fox Dibb and Phil enjoyed a family trip to Disney, Universal, and the Space Center, then did the Kentucky Bourbon Trail with friends.They volunteer for the Church, Honor Flight, Hunger Task Force and Habitat for Humanity, and Phil marked 50 years of service with the VFD.

Debra “Debbie” Noe Johanningsmeier looks forward to seeing everyone at the reunion. She and Jim attend as many of their grandkids‘ basketball games (school and travel teams) as possible. Local “grands” are 16, 11, and 9. The Johanningmeiers also visit their Texas “grands” (14, 13 and 9) several times a year.

Although she wrote that she had no “new” news from Lafayette, Barbara “Barb” Reidy Maitland is enjoying life, and loves spending time with her daughter and her family — particularly her granddaughters, ages 2 and 6.Barb is also looking forward to seeing classmates at our upcoming reunion.

Trudy Ayer Mickey and Stan had “quite a 2023,” with Trudy experiencing several serious health challenges.Undeterred, she was able to see granddaughter Emma receive her Woods Ring, will be moving to Terre Haute permanently this summer, and will be at Reunion.You go, Trudy!

Busy SMWC Alumni Board Member Cheryl Erazmus Freeman and Dave “wintered” in Arizona with Dan, Stephanie, and two grandsons, and “summered” in Wisconsin with Adam and Erika.They also cruised to Antarctica and Hawaii, are hospital and food bank volunteers, pick citrus, and play golf, bocce and cards.

After vacationing in London and Scotland, Lynn Moore Delehanty and Tim purchased and are personalizing a summer home on Lake Michigan. The Delehanty’s will “summer” there and “winter” in The Villages, Fla. Lynn is perfecting cookie decorating skills, making cards and babysitting grandsons (ages 3 and 6) in California.

Arlene “Zipp” Margevich Hogan and Mike reported in from Naperville, Ill.Still working full-time and commuting daily into downtown Chicago, Zipp plans to keep working as long as she can. Our reunion on May 31 cannot get here fast enough for her … she is ready to party!

Susan Riedford Hughes and Peter have downsized to a condominium in La Crosse, Wis., and love it.Their kids and “grands” are all well — and the Hughes are grateful to see them all frequently. Hard to believe that three of their eight granddaughters will be in college next year!

In Washington State, Debra “Debbie” Furr Plastrik and Pete are exploring new areas and revisiting favorite spots.Totally recovered from a hip replacement, Debbie is happy wherever they are, noting that there is always something interesting to see in the mountains and Puget Sound.

While Carol Elledge Eads appreciates Zoom calls with SMWC friends, she is looking forward to seeing everyone in person at our upcoming reunion.She enjoys watching her great nephew, Wes, while his parents work…and helping him take care of his 37 sheep!

Now in Wilmette, Ill., Deborah “Debbie” Coughlin Morrin has moved to a one-level apartment in a former convent/school — the exterior of which resembles Le Fer.Debbie is still working as a CFO for a Chicago company (with an enviable 20-minute commute) and hopes everyone is happy and healthy.

Paula Allegra sends greetings to all and cannot believe it is our 50th!She enjoys her 4-day work schedule (and her days off!) and loved the transatlantic cruise she took in November with her sister and her husband —“a great combination of sightseeing and relaxing.”

Mary Lang Mindassends greetings to all and wrote “count me in!” for Reunion.

In Louisville, Anne Corcoran Reed and Paul are having fun with their “grands.”In addition, now that she is fully retired, Anne also has time for aqua fitness, travel and monthly lunches with school and hospital friends.

Diana Vasquez Kesheimer and Peter just returned from a magical family trip to Disney, making memories with their little granddaughter, Maddie, who loved seeing all of her favorite characters. Diana is looking forward to the reunion and cannot believe these friendships have spanned 50 (really 54) years!

Susan “Sue” Minich Zolvinski and Frank are happy to report that they have had a good year — lots of family time! They remain in good spirits and health (she credits gardening and daily walking) and volunteer for the church and other organizations. Sue wishes a wonderful reunion to all.

Hola to all from Gilda Gomez Collins. Congratulations to the Collins family on the recent birth of a new grandson. They are enjoying their vacation home in Orlando along with tennis, golf, and the amazing parks.Gilda sends her best wishes, blessings, and joy to all her classmates.

Re: the Knapps. Tom and I have six grandsons under age 7, and another due in March…fun! Two sons live near us – the other recently moved to Austin. Our daughter lives in Philadelphia. Tom and I are both still working, travelling, and volunteering, so (thankfully!) all is well.

Hope to see you at the Reunion — May 31 to June 2, 2024!


Lizabeth “Beth” Rybinski Haynes
11725 E 100 N
Sheridan, IN 46069-9028
(317) 370-6861
[email protected]

Wayne and I will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary in June. I split my time between traveling to Ohio to visit with my mother and to our houseboat in Kentucky. Mary Christman Llewellyn, Kathy Finley Olson and Mary Hess Schroeder spent a fun weekend in August at my home.

Ann Heckler Fetzer sends greetings to all! Ken is doing well, and she has completed four months of PT. In July, she fell at home, resulting in a total hip replacement. She is forever grateful to Susan “Sue” Homan, Sarah Snelson Armstrong and Ann Stineman Nick who came to visit and ended up caring for her! Here’s to 2024!

KathleenKate” Angelicchio Barth reports that not a lot is new at the Barth household. Mike is still working, and they both turned 70. The children are well, no grandchildren yet. They are looking forward to spending time in Ontario this summer. She wishes everyone well and is looking forward to our 50th reunion.

Mary Hess Schroeder is enjoying her grandsons and volunteering at the food pantry. She and Mike went to Ireland in April and Mary came home with Covid.Trips to Cancun, Palm Desert and Alaska/Yukon are on the agenda for 2024. They are trying to hit bucket list trips while they are still mobile!

Sarah Snelson Armstrong is doing well with only a few part-time jobs that keep her busy, traveling to do shows and trainings for Bernina Sewing Machines and Wonderfil. She sews when she is home.Her family is all good, and she is going to start traveling internationally this year.

Mary Hogan Weber states she isdoing well. She keeps busy with various clubs and visits to see her grandchildren. Her family will meet in Florida in March for Cardinal Spring training. Mary and Bob enjoyed the dedication of the Sr. Marie Brendan Harvey Auditorium at The Woods.

Mary Fisher Doerflein has two new knees and is back to being busy as sacristan at church and on several committees. Her daughters, siblings and nieces surprised her on her 70th with a wonderful week at the Outer Banks. Mary is traveling again and will meet her goal of 70 countries before turning 71.

Elizabeth “Libby” Maher had her third surgery in two years, a broken ankle repair from 2022 became infected, and all the hardware needed to be removed.Libby has been able to travel West with her sister in May and to Italy with her niece in June. Shehopes to travel to Great Britain next fall.

Catherine Cate” Bradley It’s been a rich, fast, hard and soft year for Cate.She is engaged with teaching a yoga teacher training program at the university. Cate often hikes in the Gila Wilderness and explores ways to be 70. Her brother Patrick passed away in August.He leaves a big hole.

Kathy Finley Olson is working as a part-time aide at the school where she used to teach. She and Paul enjoy spending time with their kids and grandkids, watching soccer games, baseball and softball games and dance recitals. Kathy can’t believe her oldest grandson is turning 20!

Tanya Zaylor Ashinhurst has had a busy year. She is working full-time (mostly remotely). In her me-time she spends time walking dogs, caring for two horses and volunteering at Kentucky Horse Park.Tanya spent her 70th birthday at an amazing Indian wedding of a friend, where she met so many wonderful people.

Susan “Sue” Homan surprised her daughter’s children in Vancouver with her first cruise with them to Alaska. She returned a second time to witness the Aurora Borealis in November. Sue welcomed her new grandson, Jake, to the family. Education is still in her blood, and she will be teaching US History next year.


Nancy Von der Schmidt Primus
142 John Pott Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23188-6333
(518) 796-5892
[email protected]

Linda Synder-Lundstrom
602 Black Horse St SE
Palm Bay, FL 32909-4144
(321) 345-4514
[email protected]

Bernadette “Berny” Newland Heitzman loves reading our class notes, so everybody keeps writing!! She enjoys retirement while Dave works another year or so. They visit their four kids and eight grandkids in Florida, Texas and Colorado often. “If I can ever get them in one place together, I’ll have a photo worth sending Christmas cards to everyone;). Peace and Joy to you all!”

Mary Reagan Bishop is volunteering and crafting in retirement. Her oldest grandson, Josh, joined the Army after high school. He graduated basic at Ft. Benning. Mary went and had a great time. He is trained in Black Hawk mechanics at Ft. Eustis and now serves at Ft. Bliss. Mary is very proud! She also said the rest of the clan is doing well, with the grands growing way too fast.

Jane Ternes Francis and Mary Reagan Bishop are now the leaders of the St. Louis Alumni Club planning several gatherings.

Jane Ternes Francis has remodeled a condo at the Lake of the Ozarks as a place to gather her sons and families or her girlfriends together. Jane and Marcella “Marci” Zurawski DeRoberts will be on the Alums’ Danube trip and to the SMWC Reunion 2024. On the last Alums’ trip, they had a blast and always enjoy Reunions. Her other plans include traveling the southern US.

Mildred “Mil” Long Hurley’s business, A Southern Gardener (Grosse Pointe, Mich.) celebrates 30 years with the best all-women’s crew, making gardens beautiful! Her husband Matt has successfully battled kidney cancer for two years. They love life visiting Ireland (2023) and New Mexico (2024). Mil enjoys watching Wells, 5, twice weekly. She looks forward to joining other “70ers” this July.

Annie Huggins Grissett-Broome writes, “I’m doing good. We lost my step-father August 2020 from dementia. My mom moved in with me, I’m taking care of her now. Nothing has changed with my children and grandchildren. They are working, in college, playing sports, etc. And I’m enjoying retirement, cruising once or twice a year!”

Donna Witte Murphy is now a certified senior fitness instructor, teaching classes at their YMCA! She and Dan spend time with their seven grandchildren and travel. Trips included Yellowstone, Grand Teton National Parks, Jackson Hole, Idaho, Salt Lake City and for Donna, a visit to Indy.

Victoria “Vicki” Weinert Yunker and Rick traveled to Mount Rushmore, the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan and to Gainesville, Fla. But they always enjoy being back home in Indiana spending time with their kids, three grandsons and friends. They have dinner with JoAnn “Joey” Tomer Weaver and John on occasion. Vicki and Donna both mentioned a fun weekend they had in Indianapolis at Joey’s home and look forward to doing it again!

Kimberly Aydt Dahlen and Michael are enjoying the sun in Florida. Their big news last year was that they became grandparents! Arden Julia Dahlen was born on August 31, 2023. Congratulations!

Marian Scully Ezren has relocated from Colorado to Illinois. She enjoys being “home” and seeing old friends. She hopes her condo/kitchen remodel is done by spring. Marian, Catherine “Cathy” Bisch Stephens, Sally Record Eck and Elizabeth “Betsy” Guiler Franklin are ushering in their “70th’s” together in Italy!

Catherine “Cathy” Bisch Stephens and Jon moved to Edwardsville, Ill., near their daughter, son-in-law and girls (11, 7 and 5). They get to Chicago once a month to see their son and daughter-in-law and grandkids (11 and 10). Cathy took her oldest granddaughters to London and went on an Alaskan cruise with all her family.

Holly Hilton D’Amour and Rich love life on French Broad River in North Carolina! They did a 2023 food tour of Spain and are heading for Greece in the fall. Holly has a message for all of us. “Asheville has 12 million visitors a year. If you happen to be one of them, please get in touch at [email protected] I’d love to get together!”

Lynn O’Linski has been on the SMWC Alumni Board of Directors, (ABOD) for four years, presently as President. Its members plan and promote events as well as support the Woods Giving Day and service activities. Lynn finds serving and collaborating with the board and connecting with alums throughout the country extremely rewarding and says, “If any 70’s grads are interested in becoming a member of the Alumni Board of Directors, please reach out.” All of this and she also continues to work with the Chicago White Sox doing softball camps and clinics for both coaches and players.

Maureen Fallon, SP wrote she has been Director of Providence Food Pantry in West Terre Haute since January 1, 2023. It also operates mobile pantries at Providence Housing Corp in West Terre Haute, and, most recently, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College! “In 2023, we distributed over 446,000 pounds of food, providing over 379,000 meals to our neighbors and friends in need. Of our 90 weekly volunteers, we have 10 Sisters, 2 Associates, and many graduates of SMWC! It takes a village…”

Jane Stewart Wilcox joined the ”70’s club” in December. “It’s only a number, thank goodness!” In honor of that, she got Molly, a mini-Labradoodle.“She’s a joy and a challenge!” Jane has worked for nine years at a jewelry store part-time. She and her boyfriend have been together five years. “My life is good for sure!”

Judith “Judy” Ryan Tribble and Jim wrote their 10th grandchild makes five of each gender. Judy works in their parish’s St. Vincent de Paul food pantry a couple of days a week and attends weekly Legion of Mary meetings. “I am President of our LOM praesidia. I enjoy getting together with others to pray and plan evangelization efforts.”

Having had back and hip issues for years, Margaret “Kim” Harrison had hip replacement and PT for her back in 2023. In spite of that and with a walker, she made it to St. Louis in September for a baby shower and back again at Thanksgiving to hold great-granddaughter Maggie. And, she still manages to volunteer at the county Humane Society and serve on the board. In August, she said farewell to one of her two beloved fur-babies.

Kathleen “Kathy” Scully Hayes ended 2023 by retiring after 35 years with the federal government! Fifteen years of that as Administrative Law Judge with the Social Security Administration. She and DJ are adjusting to retirement between homes in Baltimore and Vero Beach, Fla. They celebrate turning 70, with a complete family trip to Hawaii. Kathy’s mother, Barbara Scully, passed away in November at age 92, from breast cancer. “She was a happy, smiling inspiration right up to the end, and is sorely missed by her many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

I had a conversation with Nancy Von-der-Schmidt Primus. She is getting over laryngitis, so we kept it short. She still has some health issues but feels good. She offered to help with Notes if I need it. I’m good this year, Nancy. But who knows about next year?! Get well.

As for Matt and me, Linda Snyder-Lundstrom, life is quiet. Kids and grandkids are great. I visited New Orleans with my two sisters. Matt planned my 70th with a limo, dinner, cake and friends on one weekend and with our kids, grandkids, pizza and cake the next weekend. I will celebrate more with two other “70ers”, Anna McManamon with Gail McMillin Newman.

Our sympathies to those that lost loved ones, to Gail McMillin Newman, whose mother passed away in January 2023, Debra “Deb” Szymanowski Southworth and Donna Witte Murphy. Both lost their brothers in 2023.

Thanks to all that wrote. Often you tell us “thanks for doing this.” Neither Nancy nor I could do it without you! Keep it up. And don’t wait until you HAVE news. If you just write “Hi, I’m alive!” we’re thrilled! We gotta keep Berny happy!!


Elizabeth “Betsy” McDonald Moore
10015 E Sapphire Cir
Traverse City, MI 49684-7775
(734) 657-8361
[email protected]

Joining me last June at our 45th Reunion were: Michelle Tesar Barrentine ’16G, Alice Pisani Brown, Geralyn Cimino, Geri Leliaert Garrard, Carol Przybylski Kappes, Ingrid Burnett Kilpatrick, Geraldine “Gerry” Bush MacLeod, Barbara “Barb” Eggert Maloney, Reverend Cathy Behm Minor, Paula-Marie Read, Joann “Jo” Gonda Riner, Linda Makowski Squadroni, Mary K. Stadler, Lynn Starkey, Loretta Ryan Tuegel, MD, Mary Frances Cebuhar West, Tracy Wilson and Philomena “Peggy” Bowling Zitzer. I hope more can join us at our 50th Reunion in 2028! It is truly a trip down Memory Lane, and the Office of Alumni Relations welcomes us back with open arms. They placed us in the new dorm, which has every modern amenity (although I’m sentimental and still love Le Fer! The laughs and hugs are worth making the trip! Please plan now!

Kim Alexander and Karen Alexander Bianco ’79 lost their mother, Sue Alexander Shipman, January 19, 2024. Our condolences go to them and the entire Alexander family.

Alice Pisani Brown is “really close to retiring!” Both her sons are married. Life is good. She and husband, Bill, had a wonderful time at Reunion and she reconnected with many old friends including me and Philomena “Peggy” Bowling Zitzer! Alice’s former roomie Lynn Starkey joined in the fun, too!

Michelle Tesar Barrentine ’16G retires from Beginning Experience International Ministry in 2024 and hopes to resume traveling for fun! Reunion Weekend was a highlight in 2023.

Mary Catherine Doyle wished she could have joined us at our 45th Reunion but has every intention of making the trip from California for our 50th!

Mary Beth Fitzgerald Eisenhard now has 10 grandchildren, ages 8 months to 13 years!She attended a family reunion celebrating her mom – Frances Humm Fitzgerald ’50 turning 95! Fifty-one family members attended! All four of Mary Beth’s kids, their spouses, and grands came to Little Rock, Ark., for the event!

Susan “Sue” Finley retired in December 2023 after an award-winning 45-year writing/producing career. She knows she’ll explore something part-time but will bask in the flexibility retirement offers. Congrats, Sue! It seems like yesterday we were merely freshmen in the Guerin Hall Journalism Department!

Anne Franklin and Mike traveled to India. They took son, Tim, to England, Scotland, and Ireland. They also road-tripped to see four of six surviving siblings.Grandchildren and pickleball rule their calendar. Anne wrote a book via Storyworth. One “chapter” covers camping at McCormick Creek State Park our senior year!

Geri Leliaert Garrard retired and moved to Buffalo, N.Y., to finally join her honey of 17 years. They are renovating and living in Mike’s parents’ house and will sell and move where it’s warm!Geri attended a family reunion in Indiana with her 10 siblings including all four SMWC grads!

Ingrid Burnett Kilpatrick and husband, Michael, thoroughly enjoyed themselves at Reunion. Ingrid had not been back to a Reunion in decades—if ever! She highly recommends returning to The Woods.

Geraldine Bush MacLeod attended Reunion, retired from Eastern Carolina University (congrats!), and promptly had knee replacement surgery followed by complications and another replacement! This severely impacted her and Ken’s travel plans. Son, Greg, excels in landscaping in Columbia, S.C., and son, Tommy, teaches skiing and sharpens resort management skills in Utah.

Reverend Cathy Behm Minor and Kerry spend time with their children—including daughter Courtney Minor Moore’07— and grandchildren. Attending sports and performances tops the list of events. They also exercise and hike in retirement and appreciate their good health which allows them to do that!

Cynthia Noe and the Noe-Grices celebrate daughter Kathryn’s May graduation with an MPP from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Public Policy. They will report back where she chooses to work and live. Cindy’s sister, Debra Noe Johanningsmeier ’74, joined the festivitiesin Cambridge, Mass. Congrats, Kathryn!

Donna Sullivan Polky and Ken enjoy retirement in South Carolina. All three of their sons surprised Ken for his 70th birthday—a four-day celebration! Donna and Ken visited families in Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland & Florida. Their adorable preschool grandson spent the holidays with them. Such a gift!

Susan Record and I enjoyed a lovely visit at her Champaign home as I traveled to Reunion. She makes good progress with her health battles thanks to her partner, Paul, and all the Records. We hope and pray Susan can return to The Woods for a mini-reunion since she could not join us last June. Her sister, Sheila Record ’79, drove over to SMWC Reunion Weekend and she and I enjoyed a five-mile walk around campus accompanied by Reverend Cathy Behm Minor.

Mary Grace Sylvester visited with friend and fellow Buckeye Susan Finley when she made her annual trip back to Ohio from Tokyo. Thanks to WhatsApp and email, it’s easy to keep up with Mary Grace!

Loretta Ryan Tuegel, MD, and husband, Eric, enjoyed a seven-day river cruise on the Snake and Columbia Rivers in August followed by a seven-day bus tour of Glacier National, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton Parks. It was their first time seeing that part of the country, and they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Philomena “Peggy” Bowling Zitzer and I had so much fun at Reunion! We were wowed by the deluxe dorm, Les Bois. The room layouts are well-planned. I couldn’t even hear my roomie snore! Peggy, Mary Stadler, and I were able to visit with Kathleen Desautels, SP ’60 back in Providence. Many of us enjoyed visits with Rosemary Schmalz, SP ’63, ’02G, throughout the weekend, and she joined us at Sunday Brunch! Peggy continues teaching Special Education in the Chicago Public Schools. I hope she’ll retire soon and visit me in Traverse City!


Judith Anne Gilberti
300 Compass Ct
Neptune, NJ07753-5278
(732) 869-4156
[email protected]

Warm winter greetings from the New Jersey Shore!I hope that our Class Notes update finds you and your family happy, healthy and ready for the excitement of the New Year ahead.

The journey of our college life was filled with many challenges, memories and surprises – it was a “wonderful life.” We are fortunate to be entering a time filled with milestones that connect us to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.2022 marked the 100th Anniversary of the Woods Ring, 2023 commemorated the 100th Anniversary of the publishing of Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” and 2024 will find us returning to our college home and reunite to celebrate our 45th Reunion weekend.Although life now finds us in diverse locations throughout the world, “ … we have promises and miles to go.”So, let’s catch up!

Sharing in God’s miracles … Gail P. Size was the recipient of a double lung transplant in July 2022. She had been waiting years for this procedure and is recovering nicely. Please continue to keep Gail in your thoughts and prayers as she has a long road to recovery ahead of her. With all fingers crossed, we hope to see her in the spring of 2024 for our 45 Reunion Weekend at SMWC.Gail continues to keep in touch with Ellen Murphy,Nancy Hunter Miller, Ann Hartman Stolte, Kim Alexander ’78, Catherine “Cathy” Nolan Balay ’78, Susan Finley ’78 and Anne Walsh Walton ’78 via FaceTime and Zoom get-togethers.Needless to say, lots of fun, good laughs, fond memories and some tears are always present for their virtual meetings.

This was a year of change for Leisa Utsler Anslingerand Steve as they have relocated to Lebanon, Tenn., where they are closest to family … which includes four generations!Exploring new camping and hiking opportunities are added recreation activities in their new state.Steve took the plunge and is officially fully retired.Leisa is mostly retired but continues to coach and consult with the (arch) dioceses in the areas of stewardship and pastoral planning; she will continue to write while doing so from the comfort of her new home.Many congratulations are sent to Leisa as she was a recipient of the Christian Stewardship Award by the International Catholic Stewardship Council in 2022. We are all so very proud of you!

Another one bites the dust … Deborah K. “Debbie” Lary – is RETIRED!Debbie has been enjoying retirement since October 1, 2022, and returned for the SMWC Reunion Weekend 2023 to observe the milestone celebrations in preparation for our sapphire celebration in 2024!In March 2022, Debbie traveled to Ireland and Germany, with the highlight being the Oberammergau Passion Play, which was on her bucket list.Debbie continues to support and promote SMWC in many ways, as Class Agent for the Class of 1979, founder of the Eastern Illinois/Western Indiana Alumni Club, and a most frequent visitor to the SMWC Class of 1979 Facebook page.

Christine “Chris” Miller Retseckand Bill are enjoying their days as a retired couple.Bill hit a milestone birthday last year and after 47 years of dedication and loyalty at the bank, he was honored by his colleagues with the renaming of the computer room now known as the “Retseck Data Center.”A picture of Bill hangs outside the room – it was exciting and unexpected to receive such special recognition.Needless to say, Chris was very proud!The first projects on the list for these retirees will be to declutter the house and take care of some small projects that have been neglected. During this past year, Bill and Chriscontinue to travel and celebrate life’s adventures which included a visit with Deborah K. “Debbie” Lary andCatherine “Cathy” Jacikas Fox.

Rebecca “Becky” Penquite Hemmer and Greg reside in Santa Claus, Ind. They enjoy spending time with their children and are over the moon as grandparents.

Shirley Makowski McAlister and her sister, Linda Makowski Squadroni ’78, relished a quick trip to New York City in the fall 2022.Shirley holds the title of “grandma” and finds much pleasure in family-time gatherings.During the week, Shirley enjoys volunteering her time in diverse activities within her local community of Mishawaka, Ind.

Despite everything that is happening in the world these days Susan M. “Sue” Kuehl remains steadfast with her wonderful sense of humor.Sue has enjoyed a few short-distance trips but is looking forward to trying out a new suitcase like Hermione’s from the Harry Potter series, for long-distance travel in the fall 2024 and spring 2025. It looks small, but you can pack a lot of things in it.AARP advises to stay active with exercise and Sue follows that healthy guidance while keeping busy with her two dogs and recently as a “great aunt.” All the fun and running around is just beginning!Crafts and house maintenance keep Sue busy – she will be ready for company to visit at any time in Vincennes, Ind.

Kathryn “Kathy” Kelly Proffitt and John are both enjoying semi-retired part-time employment.After twenty years in the news business, then as a Catholic Parish Secretary, Kathy is putting her Spanish to good use as a bilingual cashier at the Contractor Services Desk at a Big Box Store/The Home Depot in Mattoon, Ill.John and Kathy enjoy being homebodies while tending to vegetable and flower gardens on their property.Life is good!

Though far and near, Norma Marie Honiball,Kathryn “Kathy” Jasinski and Julia Thompson Henry continue to keep in touch.Kathy is a great communicator and her cards and notes to classmates appear in their mailboxes at just the right time.Kathy stays connected with many classmates and faculty/staff from SMWC.The girls organize visits and travel time together which includes an annual week-long stay back to The Woods.A visit in 2022/2023 took place during the winter holiday break which was highlighted with a beautiful snowfall.

Catherine “Cathy” Jacikas Foxand Mike are doing well in southern Indiana.Since Cathy’s retirement in 2016, they have enjoyed time together while having fun fixing up the house and experimenting with different cooking techniques and recipes.While their children are all grown; Andy/Rachel, Christy/Rob, and Anthony/Iris, Cathy and Mike love spoiling their four grandchildren, Adaley, Oliver, Owen and Allie.Cathy and Mike remain active with ministries at Masses in Prince of Peace Church, Madison, Ind. Cathy enjoys keeping up with our classmates on social media.She wishes all of God’s Blessings for the SMWC Class of ’79!

Like many of us these days, Margaret “Margi” Owen Millerand Mike ran the gauntlets of Medicare-related decisions throughout the last 12 months and are now set with the items that required enrollment.Life as a retired couple is coming soon!The Millers have been busy caring for Mike’s parents, organizing and settling things for the sale of their family home, and moving them to a senior community center nearby St. Charles, Ill.Margi’s work position was eliminated in June 2022, became semi-retired and was asked to come back to work again in January 2023.Mike retired in October 2022 and was recently approached by two previous colleagues to mentor the younger and less experienced sales teams. Back to work … or head off to retirement? A few weeks in Big Sky, Mont., with their two dogs, skiing on the mountains and lots of family and friends to share the enjoyment of the winter season may help to make that big decision we have all been looking forward to – RETIREMENT!
Therese Minich Gavin
and Larry are the proud grandparents of four grandchildren.Granddaughter Reymarie Elizabeth Gavin-Helfrich has recently been added to the family roster.They are blessed to be able to spend time with her as she lives only two hours away from Lake Orion, Mich. Therese plans to retire for the second time this summer and looks forward to spending more time with family and friends.

Linda Lovellette McLeaish and Bob are enjoying the lifestyle of retirement and cherish family time with their children and grandchildren.They continue to travel everywhere … 2023 had plans for a visit to Hawaii and then back to their camper for another drive across the country – be prepared for unexpected company as their next stop may be in your neighborhood.Happy trails to you… and safe travels too!

After a week-long vacation along the beaches at the Florida Gulf Coast, Ellen Murphy returned home to Missouri and decided she wanted to retire from a long and successful 40+ year career as a paralegal at law firms.She continues to putter around the house and be involved with selling real estate to keep engaged and busy.Ellen enjoys family time with her siblings, nieces, and nephews – and reports that all are doing well.The annual “Woodsie” summer weekend gatherings with great friends from the Class of ’78 and the Class of ’79 was another highlight for Ellen in the year 2023.

The SMWC Class of 1979 Facebook Group is growing by leaps and bounds.Thirty-six class members keep connected including our newest alumnae friends: Jo Anne Prunty Ater,Mary L. Coleman, Pamela Etling Devine, Lisa McNeill Fyie, Rebecca “Becky” Penquite Hemmer, Norma Marie Honniball, Ellen Murphy and Judith Higgins Price.All SMWC alumni are welcome to join our group at any time.

The Class of 1979 is grateful to have Sarah Stultz Mahady ’05, SMWC Director of Alumni Relations, as a leader and guiding force to our alumni connections.Sarah continues to organize and update our class directory so that we are all able to stay connected with one another.In addition, Sarah sends the latest happenings about the SMWC campus (and there have been many) so that we can continue to be united with our alma mater.Our Class Gift will soon begin to grow for the next Reunion Weekend at SMWC in 2024.How blessed we are to have Sarah working so closely with all SMWC alumni!

As for me, Judith Anne “Judy” Gilberti… still working as a high school counselor… still judging at cheer/dance competitions… and still loving spending time with the family.As the nephews get older, Sundays are all about family, food, football and fun!The family is starting to grow by leaps and bounds as bridal showers, weddings and baby showers will occupy many weekends throughout the next 18 months – life is good! I enjoy keeping connected with the SMWC New Jersey alumnae most especially Madeleine Walsh Sullivan, Ph.D. ’65 and Lydia Ruiz Hull ’71.2023 was another quiet and peaceful summer spent at home while enjoying beautiful walks and bike rides along the beaches at the New Jersey Shore.I hope that you found beauty and peacefulness in your neighborhood as well!

Woods Giving Day is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, February 6, 2024! Class Agents, Deborah K. “Debbie” Laryand Christine “Chris” Miller Retseckwere very thankful for your generous contributions and support in 2023 and are hoping that you will continue the tradition in 2024.Throughout the last several years, the Class of 1979 increased annual donations and “socked” it to the Woods Fund. Hopefully, your personal SMWC gift socks displayed a new fashion statement while keeping your feet warm and toasty throughout the winter months. Thank you for sharing your latest news and activities with the SMWC community.Although family, social, work or retirement activities may keep you busier than usual, please be sure to check-in to say hello and let us know that “life is good!”Though our traditions are deeply rooted in our beloved Woods, the friendships and memories made have lasted nearly half a century.Wishing you and your family much sunshine, good health, happy times together and a blessed New Year in 2024.Please continue to keep in touch … and in touch with one another.ASPIREEVENHIGHER!


Catherine Ley Cornell
400 Cheetah Dr
Columbia, MO 65202-3790
(319) 371-5883
[email protected]

Maria Vega Prado Monhaut – The family celebrated our firstborn’s 40th birthday this summer with a trip to Disneyland, we rode every single rollercoaster! Visited Rose-Hulman for homecoming and a trip to The Woods, went back to California for Thanksgiving. We went to Colombia for a former student’s wedding. We also did the ‘Following the footsteps of Paul Pilgrimage’ to Greece and Türkiye. Right now, it’s good to be home.

Barbara Yu-Fonert Wan – So, here are the highlights of 2023 on my end – I am officially retired. Lots of traveling – Savannah, Ga; Miami/Key West; Portugal; Cape Cod; Boston-Canada cruise; Hong Kong and Egypt.I look forward to more travels next year.

Vicki Ross Fish – My Dad died in June at the age of 92. I officially retired July 1, 2023.I still direct handbells in one church and am now a permanent handbell sub at another.Also, practice my trumpet more and play trumpet for our church Easter service.I also joined the Joy Club at my church, and that is a service club, so that definitely keeps me busy. I hope everyone is fine!

Susan “Sue” Sedlacek Wilson – Ray and I are looking forward to traveling back to Fort Wayne for the birth of our third grandchild.RJ and Jamie are expecting their first child in January.I stay active doing water aerobics, cycling and traveling to the Caribbean whenever possible.

Mary Jeanne Schram Miller – I’m still trying to recover from back surgery last year. However, I was able to do my annual 18-mile overnight walk for suicide prevention just three weeks after my surgery, managing to walk eight miles! My niece, Lillie Gendel, Class of 2025 also walked with us in DC. We were able to do a bit of sightseeing there preceded by a stop in Cleveland for a mini family reunion. Lillie will be getting her Woods ring in April. My two sisters and I will attend the ceremony. I can’t wait!!! I am looking forward to our reunion next year and hope to see lots of our class there.

Marjorie “Margie” Feichter Brunner – I visited with Jane VandeWater, Joan “Joni” Dierkes-Bear, Patricia “Patty” Hand Curley in Madison, Wis., in October ‘23. It was so fabulous to be able to reconnect with them.My husband, Pat, passed away November 22, 2022, after a courageous battle with Parkinson’s Disease and dementia.

Jane T. VandeWater – I was thrilled to have a visit from Patty and Margie this fall.Joni came over, and we talked until well after midnight! I don’t like traveling very much, but Joni and I intend to visit Patty and Margie this summer. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s five years ago, but so far have not had to take meds for it.

Kathleen “Kathy” Archer Steele – Nothing newsy from us. I am involved with several volunteer organizations and am enjoying my retirement. Dave still writes code for Debian and has some freeware that gets used by people in various countries which keeps him up to date with the tech world. We’re thinking of visiting the campuses to see all the changes.

Joan Preske Frazer – I am doing well and still working as a teacher aide/school librarian for a Catholic elementary school near Evansville. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Mary Angela “Angel” Brown Menestrina – Rick and I spent January- April in Panama City Beach enjoying the warmer climate! In June, our house received damage when a derecho (strong winds) caused a tree to hit our house! Our two grandsons, Easton and Chandler, were staying with us that week with no electricity for 4-5 days! Our youngest grandson, Roman, started Pre-K and he loves school! Tony (our oldest son) and Tabatha got married this past September 12, and then shared the news with us that evening! Living within a mile of SMWC provides many opportunities to visit the chickens, the horses, and the alpacas with all of the grandsons!

Kathleen “Kathy” Wentland Lubeznik – A group of us enjoyed a trip to Egg Harbor, Wis., in September hosted at the home of Sandra “Sandy” Hall Wiederholt; Kathy , Frances “Fran” Christian Olender, Mary Antonsen Hoffman, Mary Coleman ‘79 and Sheila Record ‘79. In addition, Alice Kirwan Murray traveled from Los Angeles to Chicago for a quick visit with friends in the Windy City in December. As for myself and husband, Glenn, we sold the home we lived in for 30 years in Michigan City, Ind. We are now living in Naples, Fla., during the fall and winter months and in Indianapolis during the summer and for holidays; however, Michigan City will always be home in our hearts. Looking forward to our reunion in 2025…. Hope to see 45 classmates to celebrate our 45th!!!

Patricia “Patty” Hand Curley – There was a lot to celebrate in 2023. Our Colleen got married in July to Matt Meyers, with the reception in O’Shaughnessy. Bob and the girls gave me a great party when I retired after 40 years of teaching. I had a fun reunion in Madison with Jane, Margie and Joni.

Anita Marie Greer – Bill and I are still living in Lebanon Ohio. He is retired, and I am planning to work for another year and eight months (but who’s counting)! In addition to work, singing with the May Festival Chorus – 35 years this year (Cincinnati Symphony Chorus) and being on the May Festival Artistic Advisory Committee, I am my mom’s full-time caregiver- we celebrated her 100th birthday in January- I feel very blessed.

Jean Faulkner Smith – LP and I are doing well, as are our children. Visited with Christine Devine in Cape Cod and Lisa Gottschalk in Viriginia in 2023. We did a great deal of traveling and hope to continue that in 2024!

Catherine “Cathy” Ley Cornell – My Dad died in January, just three months short of his 100th birthday.Such an amazing man! Looking forward to the Solar Eclipse this year which is on his 100th birthday, we are planning to all get together for that; all eight kids & their spouses, 18 grandchildren & spouses, & four great-grandchildren.


Anne M. Keough
600 S Dearborn St. Apt1907
Chicago, IL 60605-1835
(312) 431-3119
[email protected]

Hi Classmates! I want to thank everyone who sent me their up-to-date contact info. I’ll certainly forward it on to the Office of Alumni Relations.

Mary Ann O’Malley Avery reports she and Alan are the proud grandparents of three boys and one girl. Their oldest grandchild, the girl, made her First Communion in Spring 2023 and the newest of the boys was baptized right around Christmas 2023. Life is good and she’s aiming for a retirement date of May 2027.

Linda Meeks Butchart is still working as a home healthcare nurse in Kokomo, Ind. Her daughter Hailey is still a social worker in Indianapolis. Her youngest daughter, Katie, got married to Cameron Fritz on October 21, 2023.

Barbara “Barb” Kain is enjoying retirement. She and her partner Carol have been doing some traveling, visiting family and have added two kittens to their household. Barb says she enjoyed our 40th Reunion and is looking forward to our 45th. I hope to make it to that one.

Kathleen “Kathy” Hahn Keiner is still working in the non-profit world, while her husband, Dave, has recently joined the ranks of the retired. Her son Danny is a chef, and her daughter Marie is a physician’s assistant. Her youngest son, Jacob, got married in April 2024.

I got a brief note from Sun-Ae Ma, informing me of her new address, and hoping I’m well and healthy. Sun works as Doctor of Optometry in Morton Grove, Ill.

Eva Gankiewicz Merkel says she continues to learn more than she ever thought she would about caregiving during chemotherapy and stem cell transplants. At Reunion ’23, where she received the Frances Murphy Rumely Award, she was very excited to reconnect with her old roomie, Michelle Mondello Bossong ’84, and looks forward to seeing her again at Reunion ’24.

Jacqueline “Jackie” Giordano Morgan had a fairly quiet 2023. She attended our 40th Reunion in June 2023 and Homecoming in October 2023, and said it’s always great to return to The Woods.

As for me, I broke my right scapula (a shoulder bone) while hiking in Sedona, Ariz., with my sister Mary in April 2023. Aside from that, I had a great time. Sedona is very scenic. Great hiking. It has grown greatly since my first visit in 1988. If you ever visit there, make sure to see Chapel of the Holy Cross. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, it faces directly out at Bell Rock. My visit to it was a powerful emotional experience. I hope you’re all doing well!


Jan Giddens Lorenzano
13246 Brandy Ln
Fishers, IN 46037-7449
(317) 257-4111
[email protected]

The class of 1984 is looking forward to celebrating their 40th Reunion in May.I have enjoyed getting the word out and making plans for a memorable weekend!

Vince and I are looking forward to his retirement in May, and to a quiet summer to spend more time with our children and now two grandchildren: Alphonse “Al”, 15 months, and Josephine “Josie” 4 months.Nine years ago, we downsized to a 55 and over community and have quickly figured out we now need a bigger house to accommodate our growing family and extended family!Hopefully, we will be in our new house in October!

Jane Kohanyi Villaroman is still teaching at Griffith High but hoping to retire maybe in two years.Her youngest, Mariah, is working in Spain as a teaching assistant, giving Jane and her older daughter, Hannah, a very good reason to take a vacation to Spain this June! Jane has not been to Europe, so is quite excited and hoping to visit Portugal as well.Jane attended Reunion last year with Janet Jayo ’83, in part to see Eva Gankiewicz Merkel ’83 receive the Frances Murphy Rumely Award.

Mary Bee Baroody Haworth writes that “All’s well up here in Ontario!”No more teens at our house! We are deep in the higher education phase of life with our three, and enjoying witnessing each of them as they find their way. In the height of COVID-19 times, our oldest informed us that we’d been mistaken in announcing their birth as a girl 24 years ago…it turns out we’re the parents of two sons and a daughter (rather than two daughters and a son). We are living the adventure of that journey with Mo and learning a lot!Christian and Mo are both pursuing grad school and Hannah’s living her own adventures in undergrad studying Music and education. Tony is three years off from retirement as a college professor and enjoying planning his exit. As for me, after 35 years of connection with L’Arche, I just dashed any chance of early retirement with Tony by saying yes to a new role in L’Arche as Community leader/ED! That’s keeping me busy as ever, but it feels like the right thing at the right time for me. I loved seeing Tracey Brown Baroody and her kids over Christmas – she’s welcoming grandbabies #3 and #4 soon, and I’m a happy great-auntie. I also love staying in WhatsApp-touch with Regina Hartman, Kathy Armstrong Rich, Jane Phillips Sharon and Jan Giddens Lorenzano.

2023 was a busy year for Regina Hartman as she took full advantage of retirement to spend more time with family and friends with trips to Portland, Seattle, Isle of Palms, Virginia Beach, Las Vegas, and a fantastic trip to wine country in the fall.Outside of the additional travel, she enjoyed being in two book clubs, serving on the Providence Associate Board and the Task Force for Racial Equity and Equality with the Sisters of Providence.Regina loves having more opportunities to visit our beloved Woods! Her family is doing well – Gregg plans to work for at least a couple more years, and daughter Alana, her husband Michael and grands Zuzu and Desmond moved from Portland to Seattle in July.They were able to come home for a week during the holidays, and Regina is making plans to visit them soon.Younger daughter Gabrielle is in her junior year at Xavier University studying Montessori education.It’s hard to believe that she’ll be 21 this June!

Traci Tucker writes the past two years have been an adventure for her and Sarah.We have made three major moves around Indiana only to return to Terre Haute this past May.At that time, I took the position of Chief Financial Officer with the College.In July 2023, my mom unexpectedly passed away, so we are working through all the first without her.I still get involved with music as much as possible including playing with the Hendricks Symphony Orchestra, Terre Haute Sinfonietta and Terre Haute Community Band.When possible, I play with the College’s concert band.Sarah and I (and sometimes Zoey our 13-year-old Shorkie) hiking in the various nearby parks and spending time on our deck.

Elizabeth “Betsey” Boldt Riedl and Jim moved from Houston to the Denver area – specifically Aurora but would love to move back to the Midwest. Youngest daughter, Jane, is a pediatric occupational therapist here, so they see her along with a few cousins and an aunt who live in the area.Betsey received her master’s in fine arts – Creative Writing – in January 2022 and is now looking for a college instructor position. Jim is working in Nutrition Services for one of the local school districts.It’s a change from the restaurant business, and he’s enjoying that. Oldest child, Ret, is a child-adolescent psychologist in Lacrosse, Wis., and is getting a very fine reputation for working with LGBTQ youth. They (Ret uses they/them) came out to visit last June and we were in the Denver Pride Parade. Son, Will, is moving from Pittsburgh back to Chicago in May. He is co-owner of a company that takes scientific information’ from scientists and creates fabulous presentations for said scientists to get funding for research and projects.

Elaine Walter-Shamdin made a side visit to see Betsey when visiting her daughter in Colorado Springs. They had a great time catching up.Betsey facetimes with Genevieve “Gen” Costello almost every weekend for 2-3 hours, talking about everything that comes to their heads! Betsey also talks with Regina Hartman and Karin Stratton occasionally.

Jane Phillips Sharon wrote, last summer I was able to spend a month abroad in Europe with my two older (stress OLDER), brothers, Ron and Randy, sister-in-law and cousin.We started in Venice, Italy for a few days and then cruised for about three weeks through Italy, Montenegro, Croatia and Greece.We then rented an apartment in Rome and felt like a local!We had not spent this amount of time together since we were kids.We all had a wonderful time and made a lot of memories. Sophia graduated university and has found employment starting her career in HR with a company that is based in Louisville.She gets to work from home and loves it. We are apartment hunting right now.I’m playing a lot of tennis and pickleball.I have also learned Mahjong and play routinely with a group of friends, and Sophia joins in as well. I’m looking forward to traveling more this year and next.

Loretta “Lori” Hieber-Girardet writes from a blast from the past, as it has been several years since she has been in touch with SMWC classmates.One of the reasons she is so out of touch is that she has been living in France for the past thirty years and has only been back to the Midwest once in that time.SMWC is often on her mind.Lori is not sure that she will be able to attend Reunion but would like to be more in touch and find out how everyone is getting along.40 years seems simply unbelievable!

Cheryl Yates has a 19-year-old that is experiencing his first job and now drives. Mom sure isn’t ready for that yet!Cheryl got together with Rita Mankus ’82 and Robert Novak, Kathleen “Kathy” Hahn Keiner ’83 and Jacqueline “Jackie” Giordano Morgan ’83 in December for a show at The Beef House. It was so fun and are planning another get-together for Spring. Cheryl has found a new love…. HIKING!! Being outdoors and hiking trails nearly every weekend, though not to the mountain goat level yet, but getting close.Cheryl is trying hard to keep moving to avoid knee replacements. So far so good!

Brenda Blake updated that she is busy with five children and eight grandchildren. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor, Certified EMDR (trauma) Therapist and Addiction’s Therapist, full time.Brenda enjoys time with her 91-year-old mother and siblings to include a brother and sister-in-law that golf with her and her husband.They like to travel and are starting to talk about retirement.Yippie!!!September 4, 2024, Brenda will celebrate 30 years of sobriety.

Life is good for Barbara “Barb” Haggerty Hoeft. Barb is in her final year of teaching and will cruise the Caribbean in March to celebrate! While she loves teaching, it’s time. Barb welcomed her fifth grandchild in early November and relishes time spent with all her children, grandchildren and family. She is blessed to be able to visit her mom in Central Illinois often and looks forward to catching up with old friends at Reunion and beyond!

Elizabeth “Beth” Dietzen Purcell is still enjoying retirement and keeps busy with walking, reading and volunteering. Looking forward to a trip to Key West in the spring and Alaska in the summer.Sandwiched in between those trips is Reunion.I am so excited to see everyone and cannot wait.

Patricia “Pat” Firestine Starling has been living in Virginia for the past 12 years.Before COVID-19 she toured France with her children and grandchildren.As a Master Gardener, Pat had the opportunity to see Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands during a two-week horticultural trip.Her motto: Keep plugin ‘til you can’t anymore!


Kymberli Huet Payonk
175 Charing Cross Rd
Terre Haute, IN 47803-9800
(812) 877-2899
[email protected]

I have to say one of the happiest themes I heard in news from classmates this year is that you’re finding ways to visit with friends from The Woods.I had the chance to visit with SMWC friends several times this year and it’s fantastic every time!

The highlight for Joan Frisz over the last couple of years has been trading visits with Paula Keeton. The distance from Louisville and Charlotte is not that great between friends! Joan had her bathroom remodeled and celebrated her 30th anniversary as Executive Director at Just Creations in 2023.

Jacqueline “Jacquie” Hutchinson Shukla traveled with siblings to visit their sister in Hawaii.She spent time in Paris with her children and grandchildren. She and Coke traveled to Prague and Vienna and also to San Antonio and Napa. They also took a family trip to Chicago to see granddaughter Mira dance in the Nutcracker.

Mary Collins Dove and Mark currently have three daughters in college and one at home. This summer they will visit her daughter Maura, who will be studying in Scotland. Mary teaches Middle School and is also Vice Principal. Angela White visited in January and they are hoping to meet up again soon, with Dawn Tomaszewzki, SP ’74 and Elizabeth “Beth” Dietzen Purcell ’84.

Angela Birkhead-Flight says 2023 was joyful as she switched to a part-time job to focus on music composition, which has been very successful with multiple publications. Her oldest graduated from law school, her youngest is in college, and Bill continues to like his computer programming job.

Lisa Robison Ellis writes, “Sarah is engaged, Chris got married, and Matt & I celebrated our 30th anniversary with a trip to Las Vegas, Arizona and California. I love my job, I love my job, I love my job! Oh, and now that I’m an empty nester, I am looking forward to more trips with my SMWC classmates.”

This summer Angela White will begin a new position of incoming President of the Eskenazi Health Foundation. EHF is a private charity that supports Eskenazi Health, the public access hospital in Indianapolis. Angela says, “I am excited to serve the most vulnerable of our community, and I credit S. Jeanne Knoerle ’49 for starting me on my career in philanthropy.”

Marijo Police would love to know if anyone has contact information for our classmate Mari Takeuchi Yoshioka ’85, who was a music major from Nagoya City, Japan. Marijo says they lost touch after leaving SMWC and she been trying to find her for the last 30 years.If anyone has news about Mari, please let us know.

Danielle Harrington and her horse have had a busy and successful show season, winning several awards including Champion and Reserve Champion near her home in Delaware, plus the Masters/Vintage Championship class at a venue in Pennsylvania.Sadly, Danielle’s father passed away in the fall of 2022, but the silver lining was a chance to see family and meet her young nieces.

Paula Keeton got to see Joan Frisz twice in 2023 and during the Louisville visit, also got to see Maria Price ’87. Paula recently joined other Woods alums in Charlotte at an alumni event hosted byCatherine “Cathy” Schueth Thomas ’88.Paula turned 60 in early January and will celebrate with a trip to England and Belgium in April.

Tara Burke McMurray was able to meet up with several alums in 2023 and is hoping for more alum sightings in 2024. She is most looking forward to meeting her first grandchild in 2024.

Barbara “Barb” Edgcomb Davis-Robinson writes, “I just celebrated my first work anniversary at RE/MAX Results,running the front office. My grandson Owenjust turned 8 and is busy with football, basketball, and baseball. He starts travel baseball this spring. Genevieve turns 4 in February, is taking gymnastics and loves it. They bring me such joy.”

Elizabeth Brown Zachary writes, “I have two children and their spouses, six grandchildren and their spouses, and will have my ninth and tenth great-grandchildren in 2024. I am active in some community organizations and church.”Elizabeth is retired after dual careers as a social worker and a minister and has been widowed since shortly before the pandemic.

Linda Peters says she is doing well in St. Louis. She had a wonderful visit recently to The Woods during frigid temps to visit & catch up with wonderful friends. She would love to meet up again, but perhaps in warmer weather and when more can join in. She wishes blessings to all from ’86.

Lisa Cox Towe says it was great to spend time recently with Eileen Galligan Guenther and Glen and all the kids. Lisa, her husband and her mom moved from Chicago to Nashville, Tenn., five years ago and are loving it. She still works at Northern Trust, and, when not working, they are traveling to see friends/family in the US/UK.

Mary Pat Sepanik Romine and Larry are enjoying retirement in beautiful northern Michigan.They are staying active and enjoy long hikes with Stephen and their pup, Boomer. She is happy to say that Billy, Maddie and Davy are all doing well, too.

Ann Roering Bak loved reconnecting with a few classmates recently and seeing what is new at The Woods.She is enjoying working part time as an ELL teacher with kids in grades K-12.She and George continue to follow their son around the world as he represents the United States in rowing.

Eileen Galligan Guenther sent a quick text from DC while traveling for the National Prayer Breakfast. She is happy to report that she has six grandchildren!Also, two of her grown kids and her parents have moved back to St. Louis, so it is nice to have them all nearby.

Jillmarie McGrew happily retired from the US Bankruptcy Court in San Diego in September 2023 after over thirty years of service.She enjoyed some travel following retirement to see family and friends, including a fun week in Las Vegas with Linda Peters!She is excited to be moving back to Indiana in May 2024.

Mary Beth Hunter West has enjoyed several trips to Scotland to visit her daughter studying abroad, including one special trip where she was joined by Lisa Robison Ellis. Now that her daughter has graduated, it is wonderful having all the family back in Massachusetts.In January, she enjoyed a weekend visit to SMWC with friends.

Kymberli – My husband and I are enjoying retirement together.This year we’ve embraced sleeping in, plenty of quality time with our grandkids and grown kids and lots of travel, including a 16-day cruise to Hawaii and trips to Disneyland and Disney World.


Nelleke Knarr
747 Fuller Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506-2672
(616) 610-1166
[email protected]

Nelleke Knarr moved (#22 since graduation!) to Grand Rapids, Mich., to live with her two daughters, which has been wonderful. She also returned to teaching private piano lessons, nearly full-time. Challenges with her parents’ health have required regular trips to Danville, Ind., lately. She enjoys walks, swimming, yoga and friends.

Nancy Watt Miller and husband, Keith, have an empty nest, but enjoy having all three grown children nearby.Their daughter, Therese, married her high school sweetheart in July of 2023.Nancy works for Mara Elephant Project USA (, a not-for-profit focused on reducing human/elephant conflict in Maasai Mara, Kenya.

Catherine “Cathy” Schueth Thomas and husband, Bill, moved to Charlotte, N.C., with Eli Lilly. Cathy works as an Interventionist in elementary schools and also serves on both the Alumni Board for SMWC and the Education Foundation Board of NC. Cathy recently hosted an SMWC Alumni gathering in downtown Charlotte.

Let us please send us prayers for our dear advisor/mentor/friend, Dr. Ellen Cunningham, SP ’61 who passed away a few years ago now, in 2020. Even after she retired from teaching, she volunteered in the alumni office, Mary Ann Tyl.

Florence “Christi” Ganzon Garcia enjoyed the 35th Reunion. She is excited about the upcoming Danube River Valley cruise in June where she will spend quality time with Colette Campau Gallagher, Margaret “Margie” Suchy Miller, Michelle “Shelly” Flittner Roberts, Nannette “Nan” Vonderahe Lockenour, Sheri Kurker Plantz, Mary Alice Cardis Clevenger, Susan Albrecht Sivore, and the Béchamps sisters, Anne-Thérèse Bechamps ’87 and Suzanne Bechamps ’89. She discovered Coldplay would be in Budapest. Margie, Susan, Shelly and she have tickets! The trip is an adventure of a lifetime!

Margaret “Peggy” McCormick-Platz ’21G and Tony welcomed grandbaby #4, Margaret, in October. Peggy works from home in Cincinnati for the Ursuline Education Network, and Tony works for Pike Engineering. Last year included their daughter Julie’s wedding followed by lots of travel visiting family and friends.

Brenda McCoy Hoodlebrink welcomed her first grandchild in October. She still works part-time and makes a lot of trips to Indianapolis where all of her children live. She stays busy traveling, visiting her kids and the new granddaughter and taking care of her two new pug puppies.

Anne Hicks Kaylor is busier than ever writing, editing and running Moonshine Review Press. She and James, who live in Harrisburg, N.C., with rescued greyhounds and a calico, will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary in May. She’s thrilled to discover classmate Catherine “Cathy” Schueth Thomas, lives three minutes away!

Susan Albrecht Sivore’s daughter graduated from the University of Dayton in May. An incredible vacation in Italy with her family in July. Yoga in her free time, where she met Amy Sonderman Woods ’90 daughter Elizabeth, who recognized her ring! Loves seeing and catching up with her Woods sisters throughout the year!


Jane Abbott
113 Prairie Ave Apt 1
Highwood, IL 60040-1700
(847) 687-9559
[email protected]

Greetings from the Class of 1990! I’m still working in Home Health Physical Therapy and greatly enjoy my work.This January I took a much-needed vacation to Gulf Shores, Ala., and loved being right on the Gulf.It was very relaxing, and I even put my toe in the Gulf of Mexico!

Jamie Hunt Kauff says that she and George are doing well. “We bought a camper this year and started camping. We love it. We still love spending time with our four kids and their spouses. We have six grandkids now, that are the light of lives. We are loving our carefree easy life.”

Kelley Reichert Ross and Jennifer “Jen” DeVoss Winkeljohn report in together.Jen is still working in financialservices. She is busy keeping up with her husband and adult kids. Jen and her husband enjoy traveling when their schedules allow.Kelley is still teaching high school business classes. She and her husband enjoy living in the Indianapolis area close to their two daughters and SIL. Kelley and Jen are both enjoying being Mimi and Nana to our grandbabies: Jen has two ~ Cassian, 20 months, and Lydia, 8 months; Kelley has 1 ~ Everlee, 21 months. We also trytomeet halfway between our homes for dinner as much as possible. This past May, we got to be with Michelle Garcia Coleman for the Indy 500.

Sheila Mitchell Johnson writes, “I wish I heard from more of our classmates. I enjoy reading Robin Arnold Kingery’s Christmas letter with her family updates.I do stay in contact with Christine Onder Hardenburg ’91.We enjoy talking about the kids and family.I do enjoy looking at all of our classmates’ accomplishments on LinkedIn.My son is in school for HVAC, and my daughter is in high school and just got her learner’s permit. I enjoy my mini golden doodle.She is the perfect passenger on my drive to work.

Amy Sonderman Woods writes: “My update is that Jeff and I moved to Plainfield, Ill., last year. I am now retired and living in a 55+ community and loving every minute of it. I am doing lots of traveling all around the world. My daughter Julie Woods Budz’20G lives 20 minutes away.

Carolyn Alexander Nelson-Griffin is keeping very busy.She has worked for the State of Illinois for over 29 years and is pet-sitting. Getting ready for her wedding in April this year to Deron Griffin! And just before Christmas, became a grandma to a beautiful girl, Rain Parker, daughter of her son Josh and wife, Maddie.She also got to see Ann Marie “Annie” Bisch Jansen this past fall at SMWC when transporting a new furry family member to her.

Leslie Lannigan sent in that she started a new position with the Corp of Army Engineers. Also, that her mother passed away in February of 2023.

Margaret Clement Slawin and Mike will celebrate their 25th anniversary in 2024. Their oldest daughter, Lauren, is doing freelance work in creative advertising and graphic design. Their youngest, Ellen, is a junior in college studying Psychology. Margaret brought her 90-year-old mother Gretchen Griffith Clement ’54 to The Woods this past summer to be part of their cousin Margaret McElroy ’63, receiving the Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Award. It was wonderful to be back on campus!

Amy Forsthoefel writes after a three-year hiatus because of COVID-19, I have been traveling again. I visited Iceland in February for the Northern Lights. In November I visited Portugal to see the Madonna Celebration Concert Tour. Visiting Portugal put me at country #30! I am in my 16th year working as a Research & Analysis Manager for our local parks and conservation agency and doing so mostly from home, which allows me to spend lots of time with my new puppy, Figgy Puddin. I keep up with Kathleen “Katie” O’Donoghue Ly, Julie Cavanaugh Pache and Julie Jerger Weinzapfel via group texts and occasional weekends at The Woods.


Beverly Randolph Fernandez
535 Altam Ave
Carmel, IN 46032-2210
(317) 430-5696
[email protected]

Beverly Randolph Fernandez is blessed to be on our Alumni Board and would love to know how to serve you better. Let’s plan now for our 35th Class Reunion in 2026!

Ericka “Jade” Hoke-Smith is busy with her church board, program committee and playing piano every other Sunday. Her mom has had some health issues since moving to Florida and will be getting a knee replacement at the end of December.

Angela “Ang” Dickson Yildiz and her husband, David, are enjoying the retired life in Englewood, Fla. She is still playing the violin and volunteering at church and the local food pantry.We had a great visit with Carolyn Miller ’90 while in Indiana last May. She is already looking forward to seeing everyone at our next reunion.


Susan “Sue” Yochum
821 Benet Dr Apt 201
Ferdinand, IN 47532-9562
(423) 617-2897
[email protected]

Chandra Dorsey – For improved life balance, I left my job for a smaller firm.Enzo has a sister now (Mazy – six-year-old blue pittie), she was our 14thfoster.David and I have taken up pickleball, and I am focused on planting natives in the yard.

From Sue – After a short health issue, the boys (cats, Chunk and Todd) are now living and working in Ferdinand, Ind. Last year’s reunion weekend was AMAZING fun, and it was great seeing everyone! I can’t wait for the next one!


Gail Baker Zwaska
839 Newberry Dr
Batavia, IL 60510-3278
(630) 730-7967
[email protected]

Gail Baker Zwaska continues to teach preschool for the Batavia Park District. She loves her part-time job which follows a school-year calendar! Gail and Bob keep busy chauffeuring their children (Patrick, 13, Abby, 10) to all of their activities in Chicago’s western ‘burbs.


Jenifer Shetley Slabaugh
811 Chestnut St
Columbus, IN 47201-5874
[email protected]

Theresa M. Snoderly daughter, Melanie Castle ‘’17G, , has recently completed her Ph.D. with Liberty University in Education Administration.I am so proud of her and want to sing it to the housetops. Theresa is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Liberty University, history major.


Danielle O’Connor Veach
682 E Private Road 265 N
Sullivan, IN 47882-7638
(317) 882-5476
[email protected]

Danielle and Tiffany O’Connor Veach found themselves traveling more this past year than they have since before they were married in 2019. Trips included: St. Louis, Mo. (twice!); Nashville, Tenn; Casey, Ill; a family trip to northern Indiana for their godson Luca’s 1st birthday! They also enjoyed live comedy shows in Bloomington, Ind. and St. Louis, Mo.

Erin Pugh Lucas recently started a new job as Development Director for the Mitch Daniels Leadership Foundation. She and her husband have settled in Hendricks County where they call Avon home with their two girls, Norah, 4, and Amelia, 2.

Melissa “Mel” Bowers Nicholson had Baby #3 this past year in addition to coaching the Robotics and STEM teams at the school where she teaches third grade.

Jennifer “Jen” Cassidy Bierhaus and her husband will besaying farewell to Alaska and moving to Spokane, Wash., this summer! Although she has enjoyed getting to know Woodsies in Alaska, she is looking forward to our new adventures!

Brittany Knapke Pearcy started a new position teaching sixth-grade English and Language Arts. She is also expecting Baby #3 this July!

Jeanna Clark earned a promotion at work which has offered a welcome amount of leadership opportunities as well as continued training. She and her partner love to watch their son Luca grow and learn more each day and cannot believe he will soon be 2 years old!

Jessica Dugger Celebucki and her family are all doing well. Her priority is her son’s education, but she is lucky to be able to work as a graphic designer from home!


Nathan Stroup
7060 N 020 W
Howe, IN 46746-9380
(260) 350-1682
[email protected]

Gladys Espinosa– I am proudly a 1st time-grandmother (aka GIGI) of the most beautiful granddaughter who will be one year in less than two weeks (February 2024).In July 2023, I was named Director of Admissions for Driveco CDL Learning Center (part of Education Affiliates/Fortis College) assisting in overseeing admissions at seven locations in the State of Indiana.We collaborate with Ivy Tech Community College in four of those locations.Meeting people and helping them realize their dreams, becoming successful and self-sustaining community contributors is what motivates me to come to work on a daily basis. I love what I do.

Nathan Stroup– In July 2023, I traveled with other Providence Associates on a pilgrimage throughout northern France in the footsteps of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. I am grateful for this spiritually enrichingexperience.


Emilee Roberts ’17G
3993 Riley Ave
Terre Haute, IN 47803-1920
(812) 249-6930
[email protected]

Emilee Roberts ’17G is continuing her education at SMWC, entering her third year of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program. In addition to the program, she also serves as the Program Engagement graduate assistant, for the Ph.D. program. Emilee is also incredibly excited about her upcoming wedding in June 2024!

Tai Blythe ’11G was recently named Executive Director for Pace Community Action Agency, Inc. headquartered in Vincennes and serving southwestern Indiana. She looks forward to using the knowledge she learned at SMWC to impact staff, clients and the community.

Anne Kolb ’18G continues her education as an SMWC Ph.D. student in the Global Leadership program! She recently joined her local Parks Department onan operational farmwhere a wagonload of characters enrich her life while working toward her degree. Away from the computer, she is excited for global travel, outdoor exploration, squeezing in hobbies and spoiling her critters.

Kevin Arnett ’17G is still married to his Woodsie wife, Alyssa Flynn Arnett ’12 and they recently celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. They are enjoying being busy parents to their four daughters. Kevin serves on the Southwest Schoolboard in Sullivan and works full-time as an investigator for the federal government. He is still mediocre at pickleball.

Emily Thornton ’22G currently resides in Louisville, Ky., working at Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS) as the Database Coordinator. She has also joined the Young Professional Association of Louisville and will soon begin their Emerging Leaders Program! In her spare time, she virtually advises the Delta Gamma chapter at ISU.

Julie Woods Budz ’20G married Jeffrey Budz in June of 2023 in a beautiful ceremony. The two are living in Joliet, Ill., with their rambunctious border collie, Dipper. Julie is also continuing her education at The Woods by working towards her MBA. She is looking forward to earning this degree and furthering her career in the business office at the Joliet Public School District.

Lisa S. Thatcher ’17G is wrapping up classroom content as part of the inaugural cohort of SMWC’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership. Between that, her position as a socio-behavioral sciences researcher at Indiana University, raising her children and navigating home renovations, she has no free time to speak of.

Susan Turner ’14G earned the 2023 Leading Tomorrow Award from the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce. This honor was awarded based on Susan’s work to advance the Terre Haute Community Plan and her efforts to organize A Total Eclipse of the Haute in 2024.

Christine O’Connor ’17G is proud to share that she recently earned her PMP (Project Management Professional) certification. Also, she was promoted to Program Manager with Franciscan Alliance, where she manages the technology portion of construction projects. She recently completed the construction of a new hospital in Crown Point, Ind., and will be opening a new Cancer Center in Lafayette, Ind., this month. When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her beautiful lab, Gabbee Mae, and her family.

Anita Gabbard ’09G has been living in Orlando, Fla., for almost eleven years now and loves it!While the mid-west is nice in the summer, she never liked snow and says moving to Florida was one of the best things that happened to her. She is the Program Director of the Division of Digital Learning focusing on the division strategy and engagement at the University of Central Florida.While Anita lives in Orlando, she is not a Disney fan.The ‘real theme parks’ are Florida’s 170 State Parks.Her hobby is to visit new ones every weekend with a goal to see them all.Thus far she has been to 33 of them.

Class Notes - Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.