Clan Creation Questionairre (2024)

Inspired by the Heroquest ones, and adapted from the one I did back then.

Clan Creation
Your clan has the following Attributes:

  • Diplomacy: How good your clan is at getting other clans to do what it wants and make deals with them.
  • Health: The general sturdiness of the clan and its plants and animals.
  • Lore: How much your clan *knows*.
  • Magic: How much magic your clan has.
  • War: Your ability to fight and defeat other clans
  • Wealth: How rich you are.

Each of these is rated from -2 to really high. They can be loaned to the PCs if they have the support of the Clan.

Example: The PCs are leading a raid, so they are loaned the clan's War ratiing, which they can add whenever making a relevant background check.

At the beginning of Clan Creation, every Attribute is set to -2, reflecting your wretched state in the Great Darkness, then rises or falls as you make choices.

Note: You may accumulate a LOT of temples from this; take the top 4 and the rest are just small shrines. The rating of the temple can be used to support activities supported by the temple.

Question 1: What rune were your original clan founders aligned with?

  • Air: You were members of the Storm Tribe from the start, aligned with Air. You worshipped Orlanth. +1 War and +1 Air, Orlanth Temple +1
  • Darkness: Your clan, under the protection of Trolls, got all the *gold* they didn't want. And the silver too. You worshiped Argan Argar, Troll God of Trade. +1 Wealth and +1 Darkness and Argan Argar Temple +1
  • Earth: You followed Ernalda into the Storm Tribe. +1 Health and +1 Earth and Ernalda Temple +1
  • Fire: You were of the Hyarlings, who followed Elmal into the Storm Tribe. You brought with you the astronomical wisdom of Peloria. +1 Lore and +1 Fire and Elmal Temple +1
  • Water: Once, you roamed the seas, but when the sea invaded the land, you were left behind once it retreated and needed new allies. But you kept the secrets you found in the many islands of the sea and it made your magic strong. Heler aided your joining the Storm Tribe. +1 Magic and +1 Water and Heler Temple +1
  • Communications: Guided by Issaries, your clan helped everyone get what they needed to survive and you made many friends. +1 Diplomacy and +1 Communications and Issaries Temple +1

Question 2: At the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, what did your clan do?

  • Drank the 100 Drinks: We got drunk off our ass and had fun. Orlanth Temple +1
  • Ended Feuds: We circulated, smoothing over conflicts and ensuring no one stabbed each other, working out deals for the future. Issaries Temple +1
  • Guard Duty: We stood guard over the stead, while the other men got drunk off their ass. Elmal Temple +1
  • Made Deals: We piled up wealth by making good deals with drunk fools. Argan Argar Temple +1
  • Made Alcohol: We ensured the 100 drinks were there to be drunk. Heler Temple +1
  • Ran the Feast: We helped run the whole ceremony, ensuring plenty of food and drink, housing, clothing, stopping brawls, and so on. Ernalda Temple +1

Question 3: Which great adventure was your clan involved in? Some of these were before Orlanth married Ernalda, others were after and some... happened but the God Time is confusing. (Your clan knows secrets of that myth as well as the bonus before)

  • The Contest of Barntar and Urox: You helped Barntar in a contest with Urox which ended with Urox having to pull Barntar's plow, leading his children to have to help plow in the future. +1 Wealth
  • Chalanna Arroy Heals the Scars: Your clan helped her perform her four great acts of mercy, in which she discovered the secret of Fighting Without Hurting. +1 Health
  • Ernalda Feeds the Tribe: When Ernalda's children went missing, your clan helped her find them and return them so the land and everyone would flourish. +1 Health
  • The Hill of Gold: When Orlanth met Elmal and brought him into the Storm Tribe, you were there. +1 Diplomacy
  • Issaries the Conciliator: You helped Issaries (Lhankhor Mhy and Storm Bull helped too, to be fair to them) resolve a trading dispute between the Long-Noses and the Big-Teeth, who were ruining the tulas of the Digging Stick People in the far south land of Pamelta. +1 Wealth
  • Lhankor Mhy Finds the Truth: Issaries traded the truth away for cows, because he can't stop trading any more than a drunk can stop drinking. So you helped Lhankor Mhy go to Pamelta and *find the truth* and get it back. +1 Lore
  • The Making of the Storm Tribe: You accompanied Orlanth as he went on a series of adventures which enabled him to unite many clans and form the Storm Tribe. +1 Diplomacy
  • Orlanth and Aroka: You helped Orlanth end a great drought by slaying Aroka, a dragon who had eaten Heler, God of Rain. +1 Magic
  • The Sword Story: Some of your ancestors helped Humakt come to understand the riddle of Death and helped bring him and Orlanth to a new understanding after Humakt severed his blood ties so he could wield Death impartially. +1 War
  • The Three Contests: You aided Orlanth in his taking on the Emperor in three contests over who should rule the world and absorbed some of the Emperor's power when he died. +1 Magic
  • Uralda's Blessing: Uralda first brought her cows to live with *your* clan! +1 Health

Question 4: Who came closest to wiping you out in the Great Darkness?

  • Corn Is Murder: The Elves demanded you hand over half your cleared land to them, and you refused. They then tried to turn all your fields and pasture into forest and nearly succeeded. It's a good thing you already knew the secret of FIRE. Unfortunately, a giant burning forest then killed most of your clan through smoke inhalation. This left no one happy. Ancient Enemy - Elves.
  • Death by Rock-Pipe: They demanded your clan's most precious artifact to 'repair the World Machine', whatever that means, and you refused, so they sent armies of rock-pipe armed troops to try to mow you down and you barely survived by poisoning their canisters of 'food' (it looked like some kind of mortar to you). Ancient Enemy - Dwarves
  • Death of a Star: In the Great Darkness, a Talking Star tried to force you to serve him, so you chopped him up and used his burning remains for many purposes. Then a bunch of people in star togas showed up and did some kind of rite with looking tubes which caused all the bits of Talking Star to explode, killing most of you. The looking tube people still hate you and vice-versa. Ancient Enemies - Dara Happans
  • Earthquake Extortionists: They demanded you make big, expensive sacrifices to their goddess. You refused, pointing to your temple of Ernalda. So half the Tula fell into a huge crack in the Earth one day. Damn them all. Ancient Enemy - Maran Gor cultists.
  • Invisible Bastards: The Invisible People, who served an equally invisible God, came to your tula, begging aid and offering lore. But those who learned it turned invisible like them. The last of you fled before you could be converted. You've heard they're visible now but their god is still invisible and they're still seductive. Ancient Enemy - Malkioni
  • Telmori Massacre: They ate all your livestock, ALL of it and burned your crops and danced in the ashes. They also killed and ate everyone. Only your clan hunters survived that disaster. Ancient Enemy - Telmori
  • The Egg-Parents' Revenge: You didn't *mean* to make their children into omelets, but they were so tasty. Okay, you did mean to make the omelets, but you didn't know they were talking Duck eggs; you'd never heard of such creatures. When you found a boat drifting past your tula on the river full of eggs the size of a human head, you were so hungry, you decided to eat them all. Then their parents showed up, enraged. After they cooked and ate most of your children, you would never forget. Or forgive. Ancient Enemy - Ducks
  • The Helian Expedition: Your defeat of the Helians brought no surcrease from your hunger, for your plants had died in the darkness and your livestock died and they had no food either, it turned out. So most of the clan ate the Helians and turned into ogres, then tried to eat those of you who refused to become monsters. So you fled into the night. Ancient Enemy - Ogres.
  • The FIRST Dragonkill: You *had* allied with them, but then they demanded you all kill yourselves for some reason and when your refused, they killed you. Even now, after many deaths and rebirths, you still sometimes dream of the great slaughter in the middle of the night. Your clan fought the EWF from square one, knowing this could only lead to being butchered by Dragonnewt bastards. Ancient Enemy - Dragonnewts.
  • The Great Horror: You try not to dwell on the horrors you suffered at the hands of the Broo, but your ancestors pretended to enjoy it, which caused the Broo to lose interest and leave while some of you remained merely injured and not so tainted with chaos you had to be burned alive. Some of you. Ancient Enemy - Broo.
  • The Pajamas Slayers: The Dragon-Sage came to you, teaching secrets to your clan; many followed him, but you knew Dragons eat people, so you hacked him to hamburger, then left his remains to be found and eaten by wild animals. Now, periodically, people in black show up and slaughter you. Bastards. You did what had to be done to save your clan! Ancient Enemy - Kralori.
  • Theft of Cattle: They demanded you feed them cows, when they lived in the middle of fruit trees and fields of wild wheat and barley! You refused of course, for you were barely surviving, so they mounted the biggest of all cattle raids, still remembered in the songs of your people. But you disguised enough of your livestock as stands of barley to slowly rebuild your stock. Ancient Enemies - Half-Folk
  • Trolls Found You Tasty: They demanded tribute. You refused, so they crushed you in battle, ate everything they could, even the Chief's Hall, then left you in the ruins. You still hate them. Ancient Enemy - Trolls. You cannot take this if you have a temple of Argan Argar.
  • Tusk-Riders: Look, some people are freaks, so you kicked them out of the clan and they stole a bunch of pigs. This was before the Great Darkness. Somehow they popped out of a cave during the Great Darkness which had been empty and wrecked so much havoc, you barely survived. Fortunately they were not too bright and some of you hid in the woods up trees because pigs can't climb trees. They rode off but they still find ways to reach and raid you *no matter where you go*. Freaks! Ancient Enemy - Tusk-Riders
  • Weird Animal Thieves: Your clan had accumulated many strange animals in the Great Darkness, abandoned when their clans who owned them died. The Praxians demanded you hand them over to them one day, and you said no, for you had grown used to them. Led by Wahahahahaha or whatever his stupid name is, they raided you and stole all your unusual animals to take home and have sex with. You're pretty sure that's why the Praxians ride freakish things now. Because your clan relied on these animals, you nearly starved, saved only by Ernalda's priestesses. Ancient Enemy - Praxians.
  • When the Sea Invaded the Land: When the sea invaded the land, they tried to turn your entire tula *into a lake*, but you survived on a small island until the sea retreated. But you still hate them for doing it. Ancient Enemy - Mer-Folk

Question 5: Who aided you in your hour of need?

  • A Dragon: Your original clan tula WAS a dragon, so its children, the Dragonnewts allied with you; when things were at their worst, they guided you through a ritual of death and rebirth; you all awoke in the soil of your tula and dug your way out into a world which had been reborn, green and bright. Your clan helped *start* the EWF, but you never went axe-crazy like other clans did with their lunatic 'turn half of Genertla into the World Dragon' plan. So the Dragonnewts warned you and you escaped in time to avoid the Dragonkill and once it was time to return, you lead the way, whatever the Colymar may claim.Ancient Allies: Dragonnewts.
  • Artifact Trade: They demanded your clan's most precious artifact to 'repair the World Machine', whatever that means, and you agreed, for you had seen that the world was falling apart and needed to be fixed. When your ancient enemies moved against you, the Dwarves took you in, sheltered you in their fortress and gave you a new precious artifact to help you after the Unity Battle.Ancient Allies: Dwarves
  • A Star Captain: While Elmal did his best, his light could not match that of his father and once the Great Darkness came, often you could not even see his light. But from the heavens, a star descended and shone over your tula, giving you the light you needed to survive. He taught you secrets and those secrets let you befriend Dara Happans, who accept you as brothers, despite the ancient feuds of Orlanthi and Dara Happans.Ancient Allies: Dara Happans
  • Gift of Cattle: They were starving and you gifted them cattle at cost to yourself because you pitied them, for they were starving in the midst of plenty, for they could only eat meat. They repaid you later, when you were starving, with gifts of the fruits and grains they could not eat. Since then, you have been trading partners and friends.Ancient Allies: Half-Folk
  • Maran Gor Worshippers: When earthquakes plagued your tula, they came to you and taught you how to worship Maran Gor, who kept the evil earthquakes sent by Chaos away and defended you by trapping your enemies in huge cracks in the Earth. In return, you make sacrifices to her.Ancient Allies: Maran Gor cultists.
  • Telmori Alliance: They eat meat; you can live on vegetables, though you do like meat. You shared your cattle with them and helped them hunt and they helped slay your enemies who wanted to steal your land. They eventually moved on, but both of you remember the old friendship when you saved each other in the Great Darkness. Your clan keeps dogs even if it pisses people off and you don't worship Yinkin.Ancient Allies: Telmori
  • The Call of the Sea: When the sea invaded the land, they flooded most of your tula, leaving you only an island in a lake; this, however, drove off the broo and other enemies and you learned to fish and make boats and befriended your new mer-folk neighbors. While the sea was driven back, some sea things remained in your tula and you have a miniature sea with sea creatures where you can worship the sea gods as well.Ancient Allies: Mer-Folk
  • The Dragon-Sage: When you were on the verge of hunger and death, a sage dressed like a dragon, but a man in body, came to you, and taught you how to transcend hunger. This enabled your ancestors to live without food until the Great Darkness ended. At times, he returns to you, bringing wisdom and help and teaching you strange mystic secrets.Ancient Allies: Kralori.
  • The Forest Pact: When your crops failed, you made a deal with the Elves, doubling the size of your tula's forest, but their powerful magics made the rest of your land bloom even without the sun. This enabled a remnant of your people to survive everything.Ancient Allies: Elves.
  • The Lost Children of Danmalstan: Desperate and hungry, they stumbled into your tula, begging you for help after demons sank their homeland of Danmalstan; you took them in, fed them, and helped them to find a land of their own to set up in. In gratitude, they taught you the existence of the Runes and how to use them and other secrets. You're still not sure why their god is invisible, but you have had many good interactions with them ever since.Ancient Allies: Malkioni
  • The People of the Abandoned Boat: You found an abandoned boat drifting down the river by your tula, full of huge eggs the size of a human head. You carefully put them in nests, keeping them warm at great cost, in hopes of getting giant chickens. Instead, Duck-People hatched from the eggs, and you raised them as your own to worship Orlanth. Their parents found them, eventually, and swore eternal friendship with you for your kindness to them and taught you secrets from their fallen homeland, Ganderland.Ancient Allies: Ducks
  • The Survival Trade: In the Great Darkness, Great Khan Waha came to you with his people and they traded you cows and horses in return for a bunch of weird animals you had that were harder to take care of than horses and cows. Weird animals still show up on your tula and you trade with Praxians once a year, getting horses and cows for these weird 'rhinos' and 'emu' and whatnot.Ancient Allies: Praxians.
  • Troll Alliance: Ezkanekko's people offered you protection against your foes in return for food. You took the deal and they protected you when the Darkness came; you still worship Argan Argar, who enables you to be friends with trolls. They are good friends if you keep them well fed and they fight Chaos with great power.Ancient Allies: Trolls
  • Tusk-Rider Deal: Their ancestors are *your* ancestors. When the clan got too big, you split into two groups and had three contests to see who would stay and who would go. They won all the pigs and rode off on them after losing the other two contests. But you remain friends and help each other out; you have new pigs they brought you during the time of the Unity Council. The *greatest* pigs. Half of them can never be eaten; they just go into the woods and vanish when they get old. But they all fertilize your fields and the ones you can eat are *so* tasty.Ancient Allies: Tusk-Riders

Question 6: What God stuck by your people during the Great Darkness to the very end?

  • Orlanth: Though he descended into the Underworld, you remained in touch with him and he still answered your prayers through the whole thing somehow. Orlanth Temple +1
  • Ernalda: She was not dead, merely sleeping and she talked in her sleep a lot, guiding you through everything. Ernalda Temple +1
  • Elmal: He stood guard over your stead through the Great Darkness, shining his light and making your crops grow. Elmal Temple +1
  • Babeester Gor: Ernalda was dead, but she stood by your side to guard Ernalda and together, you slew many, many foes. Babeester Gor Temple +1
  • Flamal: Many say he died in the Great Darkness, but you can't kill a plant; it just comes back when the sun and the rain return. You knew the songs which sustained him so he could sustain your crops and thus your livestock and thus *you*. Flamal Temple +1
  • Heler: Your streams never ran dry and he coaxed the crops and grass to grow so your livestock and you survived. He also brought you copious fish. Heler Temple +1
  • Humakt: Death can't die, so he remained alive and by your side, striking down Chaos and Death as they came for you. Food was a huge problem, but without him, you would have all perished. Humakt Temple +1
  • Mahome: Her cunning management enabled the clan to squeak through the darkness, while Ernalda slept. Mahome Temple +1

Question 7: Many clans collapsed in the Great Darkness. You took in the remains of a clan, helping to replenish your own losses. Who was it?

  • The Hengyang: They arrived on the back of a dragon, which then died. You took them in and they taught you secrets which strengthened your clan's magic. +1 Magic.
  • The Kavadartsi: Disciplined warriors from the North who taught you the secret of the Shield Wall, strengthening your fyrd and thanes. +1 War.
  • The Limoges: Refugees from the west, they served Lankhor Mhy and brought ancient secrets he had recorded. +1 Lore.
  • The Longbeards: Very short, heavily bearded humans who look sort of like the Mostali, but since they eat normal food, have normal sex, and don't act crazy, they can't be Mostali; your ancestors found them mining in a cave; they brought secrets of craftsmanship which helped you survive the Great Darkness and later made you rich. +1 Wealth.
  • The Nalda Bin: All they had left were sheep and healing lore. But those let you make warm clothing and heal the sick. +1 Health.
  • The Sanyani: Dark skinned and curly haired, they came from a distant land across the southern ocean; you found them stranded and confused and took them in. They were great tale-tellers and negotiators and they became your beloved envoys. +1 Diplomacy.

Question 8: What artifact do you retain from before the Great Darkness to the present day?

  • Amulet of Ernalda: Helps show you how to find another way to handle things with less violence. +1 Diplomacy
  • The Bag of Winds: Its bearer can command the winds. +1 Magic
  • The Book of the Sky: An ancient tome given to your ancestors by a Sky Captain with the lore of the stars and the sky. +1 Lore
  • The Book of Runes: A primer for knowledge of the Storm Age, copied from the writings of Lhankor Mhy. +1 Lore
  • The Dragon Chariot: A self-moving, dragon-decorated, roof-covered chariot which holds four and moves a day's walk in an hour. +1 Magic
  • Dwarf Food Maker: Nasty but nutritious, you have a machine into which you can pour slop and it produces a brown paste which is packed with what you all need... and tastes awful. But it still means more healthy food! +1 Health
  • Eurmal's Lucky Coin: It enhances your luck in gambling and trade. +1 Wealth
  • The Klanth of Orlanth: When your warleader carries it, your whole warband hits harder. +1 War. The Klanth can be loaned out to people who the clan supports; it functions as a +1 per tier of its wielder martial weapon; it does +1d8 damage per tier of the creature you hit with it.
  • Mahome's Oven: It bakes fresh, healthy bread on a grand scale. +1 Health
  • The Metal Mule: Warns you of bandit attacks. +1 Wealth
  • The Secret of the Thundershakers: Your thanes ride to war atop great armored beasts who shake the land when they move. +1 War
  • The Silver Tongue: Helps your leaders negotiate by giving them glib speech. +1 Diplomacy

Question 9: How did you survive the Great Darkness?

  • Babeester Gor Killing Everything: Babeester Gor roamed the lands of our tula in the Great Darkness, killing anything that entered from the outside. Enough of that was edible for us to survive. Babeester Gor Temple +1
  • Cat People: We were so closely allied to alynxes, you might have mistaken us for Hsunchen. Their aid, sent by Yinkin kept us alive. Yinkin Temple +1
  • The Cave of Maran Gor: We thought at first she was trying to kill us, but then we realized we'd been dropped into a cave with glittering gems in the ceiling and huge forests of fungi and running water. Life was hard, but we survived and raided the monsters of the caves to sacrifice them to Maran Gor. Maran Gor Temple +1
  • Cliff Dwelling: Zorak Zoran attacked your clan and ate half of it, then threw anyone and anything that didn't look tasty off a cliff. You all landed on a shelf partway down. For some reason, everything at the bottom of the cliff was on fire *all the time*... which gave you enough light and heat to grow crops and grass for your animals, and a waterfall brought you water. Eventually, Argan Argar found you and lead you back to the surface once the Great Darkness ended. Argan Argar Temple +1.
  • Conmen Supreme: You fooled a lot of stupid foreigners into dying in your stead, giving you things, etc. Eurmal Temple +1
  • Elmal's Light: Elmal shone over your clan lands, holding the Great Darkness at bay; it was rough, but you made it. Elmal Temple +1
  • FIRE: You kept the fires of Mahome's shrine lit by burning anything burnable and that light let you grow enough food and grass for you and your livestock to survive. Mahome Temple +1
  • Forged the Bronze Fortress: You built a great castle out of Bronze and lived in it, laughing at Chaos' pathetic efforts to break in, then raided for what you needed. Gustbran Temple +1
  • Guardians of Issaries' Wealth: When he joined the Lightbringers, Issaries asked you to guard his wealth. By cunning use of it, you kept yourself afloat *and* even increased it! Issaries Temple +1
  • Heroic Queens: Most of the men died, so the women had to take over; Vinga crowned a queen and your women did it all until the Great Darkness ended. Vinga Temple +1. Your clan still crowns Queens, though you now have an equal number of men and women. (If your Vinga temple is higher rated than your Orlanth temple, you *only* crown Queens.)
  • Hid in the Still Wind: You were strong allies to the spirits, so Kolat asked his daughter Brastalos to shelter you; she carried you off to her stead, a place no one ever thinks to look for Orlanthi, for she is the Goddess of Still Air, who defines Wind by being its opposite. There, you learned more of the ways of the spirits. Kolat Meadow +1
  • Hunting Skills: Your skill at hunting enabled you to get enough food when your animals and crops died. Also, you hibernated through the worst of it. Odayla Temple +1
  • Lightbringers: We went down into Hell with Orlanth and helped bring back the Sun! Orlanth Temple +1
  • The Light of Truth: Lhankhor Mhy entrusted us with The Truth before he joined the Lightbringer's Quest. Its light enabled us to find clever ways to sustain ourselves in the Great Darkness. Lhankhor Mhy Temple +1
  • We became fish: As evil closed in, you went to the river and prayed to Heler, and he transformed you into fish until the Great Darkness ended. Heler Temple +1
  • We became slumbering trees: You begged Lord Flamal to aid you and he turned you into trees; in that form, you could sleep out the long winter. Flamal Temple +1
  • We fought Chaos: It's kind of a blur, but you're pretty sure you ran around with Urox, killing everything that moved. Urox Temple +1
  • We lived in the Upland Marsh: Following Humakt, you battled undead, fished, and ate aquatic plants. This enabled you to survive even though you were following the God of Death. Humakt Temple +1
  • We slept like Ernalda: You found a cave and went to sleep and stayed asleep until the First Dawn awoke you. Ernalda Temple +1

Question 10: How did you contribute to the Unity Battle?

  • Fighting: We joined the army raised by Ezkankekko and cast down Chaos! +1 War
  • Healing: We healed the injured before, during, and after the battle. +1 Health
  • Sacrifice: We awakened the gods through powerful sacrifices so they fought alongside us all. +1 Magic.
  • Summoned Ancient Allies: We convinced our Ancient Allies to join the battle. They proved critical to victory. +1 Diplomacy
  • Teaching: We knew the weaknesses of Chaos and taught them to everyone. +1 Lore.
  • Weaponmaking: We had large stocks of bronze and copper, enabling us to arm everyone for battle. +1 Wealth.

Question 11: The World Council of Friends, known also as the First Unity Council, set out to bring the news of the Dawn and the end of the Great Darkness to those still living in Darkness. How did you contribute?

  • Book Bringers: We brought the Runes and literacy to all and helped circulate the most important books and scrolls. +1 Lore
  • Cleansing the Land: Led by Ernalda and her court, we helped cleanse the lands of Chaos and make everything bloom. +1 Health
  • Monster-Hunting: We hunted down the remaining monsters which oppressed people. +1 War
  • A Seat on the Council: We had a seat on the council! Top that, stupid neighbors! +1 Diplomacy
  • Spreading The Story of the Dawn: We brought the story of the Lightbringers to everyone and helped them get back in touch with the gods. +1 Magic
  • Trade: We built trade networks, so all could share what they had too much of and get what they lacked. +1 Wealth

Question 12: The World Council of Friends had to become the War Council, or the Second Unity Council, to defeat the Pentans who had conquered Peloria. Once that was finished, a new purpose was needed. Some of the council decided to turn a Cosmic Egg into a new God of Light to unite the world. The Dragonnewts and Trolls turned against this and so did many Orlanthi before it was done. This led to WAR. At the Battle of Night and Day, did your ancestors...

  • Join the Third Unity Council to defend the new God, Nysalor.: +1 Lore or +1 Magic, your choice.
  • Fight desperately against Nysalor and the Orlanthi traitor Lokamayadon.: +1 War or +1 Diplomacy, your Choice.
  • Stay home, tend your fields, sell things to both sides, get punished by the winner for doing so.: +1 Health or +1 Wealth, your choice.

Question 13: Out of the West came Arkat, who fought an endless war against Nysalor, who he called Gbaji, becoming a Knight, a Humakti, a Troll, probably a potato too. He mastered new secrets of Heroquesting and finally confronted Nysalor in Dorastor, leading to its ruin. Then he became human again and founded the Stygian Empire in Ralios, then ascended to godhood, or so his followers claim. Did your clan...

  • Reject Arkat as a freak trying to exploit the gods from the start: +1 Health because you didn't spend your time getting chewed up in wars.
  • Support him until he became a Troll, then bailed out: +1 Wealth because of the fat loot you collected.
  • Support Arkat the Troll in his war but you missed the final battle because he had you guarding something: +1 Diplomacy from exposure to other lands
  • Do Heroquesting with him before the final battle: +1 Lore
  • Take one good look at Dorastor as it sank into Chaos and decided to *get out*: +1 War from all the amazing fighting you did up to that point.
  • Fight Nysalor's Guards while Arkat went head to head with him: +1 Magic

Question 14: In the Second Age, the EWF spread the gospel of Draconic Mysticism, Draconizing religious cults, teaching Auld Wyrmish, and building a giant spiritual pyramid scheme. Did your clan...

  • Fight this from the start:+1 Magic
  • Go along with it for a while:+1 Wealth
  • Fight the Godlearners and rebels with your full strength to expand the EWF:+1 War
  • Hold fast to the EWF until the Dragonnewts betrayed it and its magic failed:+1 Lore
  • Lose most of your men in the Dragonkill, so the women took over:+1 Diplomacy
  • Do something that somehow killed everyone but you were reborn in a cave in Heortland and you still don't know what happened, but it may have involved friendly Dragonnewts, Eurmal, or both:+1 Health

Question 15: The Godlearners were evil sorcerors who tried to usurp divine power; in the end they were destroyed, but your ancestors may have fought them, worked with them, or even tried to become them. Everyone *claims* their ancestors hated them, but you know how that is. How did your ancestors interact with them?

  • Chaos-Slaying Monolith:There is a basalt monolith on your tula, possibly in someone's barley field, which can be invoked to gain benefits to fight Chaos. Your clan's War rating rises by 2 against Chaos.
  • Ever-Burning Flame:There is a hole in the ground and fire jets out of it all the time; it's probably inside your chief's hall now, keeping it warm and cooking food. Clan members gain +2 to hit with attacks that do fire damage.
  • Permanent Water Spout:There is a pond with a permanent water spout up to a perpetual cloud. You can ride it upwards and then walk around on the cloud; from here, you can see for a very long way and your clan has a permanent sentinel here. Getting down... surely Orlanth has blessed you with flight, right? Though if you're crazy strong, you can swim down the water spout. (Riding up the spout requires a DC 15 Strength or Dex check to not fall; swimming down is DC 20 Strength or Dex) Because your clan always has a sentinel, any roll to see if raiders are noticed rolls twice and takes the best result.
  • They forced you to learn sorcery:Sure they did. But whatever really happened, add +1 to the rating of your Lhankhor Mhy temple.
  • They tried to steal one of your treasures, but you stole one from them instead:Pick a treasure from Question 8; you don't get the stat bonus.
  • They tried to usurp one of your Heroquests, but you instead got better at it:Pick a myth from Question 3; you know the secrets of that myth; you don't get the bonus, though.
  • We beat them up and took their stuff:They never got near your home; you just stabbed them and looted their bodies. Your clan is good at killing sorcerors, gaining +2 to hit sorcerors and wizards and the like

Question 16: You lived in Heortland for several centuries, but when the Pharoah came in the 1300s, you fled Heortland into Dragon Pass, which had been depopulated in the late 1100s by the Dragonkill, then banned to humans. This forced you to start over in many ways. What kind of clan did you turn yourself into?

  • Peace Clan:Focused on producing crops and goods. +1 Health and +1 Wealth
  • War Clan:You focused on hunting, raiding, and mercenary work. +1 War and +1 Magic
  • Balanced:You do a mixture of both. +1 Diplomacy and +1 Lore

Question 17: What did you discover on your tula upon your return to it after long exile?

  • A cache of high quality weapons and armor:+1 War
  • A cavern where you can harvest runestones each season:+1 Magic
  • A cavern with ore which you turned into a mine:+1 Wealth
  • A variety of medical herbs in your forest:+1 Health
  • A wise talking stone who told you about your neighbors and still does:+1 Diplomacy
  • The ruins of a Lhankor Mhy Temple:+1 Lore

Question 18: What temple was still standing on your tula?
Pick one from:
Argan Argar, Babeester Gor, Barntar, Chalana Arroy, Elmal, Ernalda, Eurmal, Flamal, Heler, Humakt, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Mahome, Maran Gor, Odayla, Orlanth, Uralda, Urox, Vinga
Add +1 to the rating of that temple
Question 19: Who did you come to feud with in the new land? It must be someone different than your Ancient Enemy.

  • No Need For Flamal: The Elves had built a temple of Flamal on your tula. You demanded they leave. They refused but lost a fight with you. You burned it down, but now, every so often, they take shots at you. Too bad for them that violence is always an option. You cannot take this if you already have a rating in Temple of Flamal. New Enemy - Elves.
  • The Iron Mine: The old, crumbling shrine to Asriela now lead down into a mine. The Dwarves demanded you leave until they extracted all the ore. Instead, you extracted all the Dwarves. Now they periodically wreck havoc on your tula. New Enemy - Dwarves
  • Yelmalio to Helmalio: A bunch of Yelmalions showed up and tried to tell you what to do and treated your ladies badly. So you beat them up and gave them to the Esrolians, who you knew would make their lives hell. Unfortunately they apparently had a *lot* of kin and now every so often, Dara Happans come take a shot at you. It's especially bad because now the Dara Happans are flunkies of the Lunars and *take it out on you*. New Enemies - Dara Happans
  • Earthquake Extortionists: They demanded you make big, expensive sacrifices to their goddess. You refused, pointing to your temple of Ernalda. So half the Tula fell into a huge crack in the Earth one day. Damn them all. You can't take this if you have a Temple rating with Maran Gor. New Enemy - Maran Gor cultists.
  • The Sorceror King: A potent sorceror came out of the west, calling himself Guillame the Mighty. He turned your chief into a potato and made himself king, then tried to force you to live in this weird system of rules that made no sense. Also, he disapproved of alcohol and sex. To be fair, you could kick anyone's ass. But eventually, you couldn't take it any more and poisoned him, then chopped him into pieces and sent each piece to one of the corners of the Earth. You can't take this if you befriended the Malkioni in the Great Darkness. New Enemy - Sorcerors
  • Telmori Massacre: They stole a bunch of your cattle, so you raided their camp one winter and slaughtered them. Turns out there's more than one camp and they all hate you now. This made the years where they worked for the Kings of Sartar... kind of rough. Now it's easier to fight back. New Enemy - Telmori
  • Nest Wars: A bunch of them had taken over your tula and somehow turned it into wetlands. So you kicked their ass and dried out the land, but not too dry. Now, it's not safe to go near the water alone. New Enemy - Ducks
  • The Long Winter: The Long Winter basically started in late Earth Season, wrecking the harvest, then continued until *Fire Season*. Starvation set in and one of your bloodlines took up raiding and eating people from other clans, turning into Ogres. You killed most of them, but some escape and somehow, they keep turning up. New Enemy - Ogres.
  • Dragonnewt Chief Murder: Every so often, the Dragonnewts show up and stab your Chief to death, or a member of the Ring, or in one case, the *entire Ring*. So you hack them to pieces when you can. But you're cautious because you remember the Dragonkill. New Enemy - Dragonnewts.
  • Broo Feud: You killed off the Broo who had infested your tula. Their distant descendants show up every so often to try and reclaim it. You assume they're in Snakepipe Hollow, freebasing Gorp or something the rest of the time. Really, who wants to know? New Enemy - Broo.
  • Expedition Gone Wrong: In 1587, the Holy Country sent a fleet to Kralorela, after the Closing ended. Members of your clan went, seeking adventure and their ghosts returned and warned you they had been killed and most of the fleet's souls eaten by the evil dragon who rules Kralorela. Now, every so often, he sends monsters or people with strange powers to attack you. You want to retaliate... but it's kind of a loooong ways off. New Enemy - Kralori.
  • Theft of Cattle: They demanded you feed them cows, when they lived in the middle of fruit trees and fields of wild wheat and barley! You refused of course, for you were barely surviving, so they mounted the biggest of all cattle raids, still remembered in the songs of your people. But you disguised enough of your livestock as stands of barley to slowly rebuild your stock. New Enemies - Half-Folk
  • Cragspider: You were exploring Dragon Pass and found Cragspider's court, an ancient half-divine Troll-Spider-Thing. She ate all but one of your people and told the survivor to stay off her land. So when Trolls entered your land, you killed them and sent one back to tell her that you accepted the deal. But because she is a treacherous cannibal, she keeps sending Trolls to kill you. New Enemies - Trolls
  • Tusk-Riders: They keep raiding you; you keep killing them. It's a simple, traditional story. New Enemy- Tusk-Riders
  • FREAKS: The Praxians are a bunch of freaks who steal weird animals from each other so they can do freakish, inhuman things with them that even Broo won't stoop to. They keep raiding you, even though you only have normal animals. They don't even have any real treasure if you kill them. Admittedly, their weird animals *are* tasty. New Enemy - Praxians.
  • The Magical Lake: The Merfolk turned your *entire tula* into a lake; you destroyed the dam and it drained and those too dumb to follow the water away. Now you have recurring problems with any source of water much bigger than a barrel. Good thing Minlister invented beer! New Enemy - Mer-Folk
  • The Boring Book: This old holy man of the West came to you and preached at you about how you were all going to burn in the hells because you couldn't read his book. Your Lhankor Mhy priest studied it and pronounced it THE SOURCE OF THE GOD-LEARNERS. So you declared him an outlaw and he was eaten by a bear. Probably Odayla's revenge. But now periodically more 'Rokari' show up and start wrecking havoc, or worse, lecture you until you pass out from boredom. You can't take this if you befriended the Malkioni. New Enemy - Rokari.

Question 20:: Who did you first befriend in Dragon Pass in the Third Age?

  • Everyone Loves Flamal: The Elves had built a temple of Flamal on your tula. Conveniently, they built it in the woods, out of your way. (Or you added your artifacts to it if you already worshipped Flamal). So you worked together to rebuild the Tula; they live in the forest and you live in the meadows. New Friend - Elves.
  • The Iron Mine: The old, crumbling shrine to Asriela now lead down into a mine. The Dwarves demanded you leave until they extracted all the ore. You produced ancient contracts showing that while the Dwarves owned the Ore, you own the land over it. So you cut a deal where they pay you in bronze for the right to take the ore. New Friend - Dwarves
  • Reminded Them Of The Great Compact: A bunch of Yelmalions showed up and tried to tell you what to do and treated your ladies badly. So you taught them about the Great Compact and how Yelm and Orlanth had reconciled. They were very embarrassed and made good gifts of apology, then went home and every so often, they come stage the Reconciliation Festival with you. New Friends - Dara Happans
  • Treasures of the Earth: They demanded you make big, expensive sacrifices to their goddess. So you did... and then you found gems of greater value in the ravines of your tula! And sometimes you can make a deal to smite your foes. Everyone wins. Except your enemies. New Friend - Maran Gor cultists.
  • Friends From the West: Fleeing persecution, a group of sorcerers appealed to you for sanctuary. You got them all to convert to Lhankor Mhy worship and to help your tula and you gave them land and a nice hall. Various groups have come and gone but you have mystical friends you can call on for help. New Friend - Sorcerors. You might not want to advertise this to other clans, though!
  • Telmori Friendship: When King Sartar befriended them, your clan helped him do so and you've kept friendly ties ever since. New Friend - Telmori
  • Hidden Nest: When the dead hard pressed the Ducks, you guarded their eggs from attack. Now you are long allies who aid each other in the darkest hours. New Friends - Ducks
  • Dragonnewt Chief Murder: Every so often, the Dragonnewts show up and stab your Chief to death, or a member of the Ring, or in one case, the *entire Ring*. But each time they do this, you learn they were part of the Golden Horde which tried to murder all the Dragonnewts in a past life. Over time, this has happened less and less often. Further, the people they kill usually turn out to have been on the road to causing some disaster. So you let it happen and periodically, the Dragonnewts bring you gifts. Probably as weregild for the dead. Other clans think you're crazy but we'll see who's laughing when their chief goes bonkers and yours does not. New Friend - Dragonnewts.
  • Expedition Gone Wrong: The Sage of New Ways fled Kralorela when Sheng Seleris took it over. Your clan hid him and he taught you secrets and now every so often, people from his clan send you things or come help you or bring you wisdom, and being good people, you always send them home with gifts. New Friend - Kralori.
  • The Fruit Trade: They demanded you feed them cows, when they lived in the middle of fruit trees and fields of wild wheat and barley! So you taught them how to harvest the food and give it to you for cows! Everyone wins. New Friends - Half-Folk
  • Mother Night: Mother Night lives in a cave on your tula. As long as you let her kids visit her every so often, she helps protect your Tula and teaches you secrets of Darkness magic. No fearing night raids for you! New Friend - Trolls
  • Tusk-Riders: You kicked their ass... then refused to kill them, sending them home with gifts. This completely threw them for a loop. (Admittedly, it threw a lot of the clan for a loop). But your chief at the time told about how Orlanth had befriended Elmal and Heler, so why not befriend the Tusk-Riders too? Their pigs come each year to feed in your forest and they share some of their loot with you. And, well, the dung makes good fuel and fertilizer. New Friend - Tusk-Riders
  • The Exiled Bloodline: Defeated by other clans, the remnant of a clan found refuge on your tula. They're integrated into you now but you know how Praxians think and how to get along with them. New Friend - Praxians.
  • The Nymph Goddess: Your tula was flooded; you cut a deal with the Nymph Goddess to preserve a 'sacred lake', which is more like a pond and in return, her people aid you; you have to throw a lot of worms and plants and things as sacrifices, but hey, you know the game and how it's played. New Friend - Mer-Folk
  • Be All You Can Be: So this preacher came from far, far, far, far away. He preached about rising through all the stations of life to the top and... well, a lot of harder to understand things. But after he threw a spear through five broo, you knew he couldn't be all bad. You have a little shrine to his gods and sometimes other of his people come to worship at it and re-enact his broo-killing feat. They always bring gifts, so you welcome them. New Friend - Loksalmi

Question 21: What was your clan's greatest adventure before the coming of Sartar?

  • Descent Into Wonderhome:+1 Magic
  • Into the Heart of the Upland Marsh:+1 War
  • Raiding the Sky Dome:+1 Magic
  • The Cleansing of the Dark Bog:+1 Health
  • The Fourth Unity Council:+1 Diplomacy
  • The Lost Treasure of the Golden Horde: +1 Wealth
  • The Great Pilgrimage of Chalana Arroy:+1 Health
  • The Horseman With Five Heads:+1 Lore
  • The Invasion By Goldentooth:+1 War
  • The Journey to the West:+1 Lore
  • The Wedding of Ungrosh and Flintalia:+1 Diplomacy (Ungrosh is a male troll, Flintalia is a female dwarf.)
  • The Secret of the Silver Lode: +1 Wealth

Question 22: How did your clan help Sartar?

  • The Alliance with the Telmori:+1 Diplomacy
  • The Building of a City:+1 Health
  • The Building of the Roads:+1 Wealth
  • The Lighting of the Flame:+1 Magic
  • You bodyguarded Sartar:+1 War
  • You contributed to the Royal Library:+1 Lore

Question 23: What treasure did he give you?

  • Blacktail the Bull:An ageless bull who spawns strong young. +2 to any roll related to livestock. +1 Wealth
  • The Bronze Turtle:He once bore Vinga on his back on her adventures around the world, where she made many friends (and slew many foes). He can grow to the size of the Chief's stead and carry you and your goods and your friends inside his shell for water travel. +1 Diplomacy
  • The Chariot of Erenkos:A flying chariot! Great for traveling and battle. +1 War
  • The Ever-Flowing Keg:This produces endless ale, which is great if you want to party all the time or loosen people up. +2 Forward Ongoing to Carouse actions on your tula. +1 Diplomacy
  • The Giant's Rattle:They say this came from one of the Cradles on the Zora Fel. It brings health and prosperity to your children; you can reroll any bad random event which hits your children. +1 Health.
  • The Gift-Bracelet of Charlan:From this single bracelet, given him by his chief for slaying wolves that attacked the chief's herds, he rose from stick-picker to a wealthy Thane. Anyone who bears it can treat the clan's Wealth as 2 points higher than it is. +1 Wealth
  • The Golden Tablets:Inscribed in the Great Darkness by a Sky Captain; it lays out many ancient stories. It gives the secrets of a Heroquest of your choice. +1 Lore.
  • The Shrine of the Ancestors:This shrine helps your ancestors to manifest, so they can commune with you. +1 Lore.
  • The Seedbag of Ernalda:Your crops are always healthy and strong; if the clan gets a famine event, reroll the first time. +1 Health.
  • The Silver Sword:This is the Sword of Humakt. It adds +1 to hit and damage per tier of its user, and while the escalation die is 3+, you deal +1d8 damage whenever you hit with this weapon (champion: +2d8; epic: +4d8).. It does double damage to undead on a roll of 16+. +1 War.
  • The Star Seed:This contains an infant star, placed in red crystal by Elmal during the Great Darkness. It adds +1 per tier to any attack that inflicts fire damage and any fire damage you inflict adds +1d6 per tier of the target +1 Magic.
  • The Tears of Ernalda:This small vial contains the tears Ernalda shed just before going to sleep during the Great Darkness. It adds +2d6 per tier to any damage healed by its wielder. +1 Magic.

Question 24: When Monrogh of the Many Suns and his followers defected from Elmal to Yelmalio worship, your clan

  • added Yelmalio to your minor gods worshiped without abandoning Elmal. They're siblings!:+1 Magic
  • bought their old regalia for a pittance and sold it for a profit:+1 Wealth
  • couldn't understand Monrogh's babbling about Elmal and Yelmalio being the same god, but you built a little shrine to Yelmalio in your Elmal Temple just in case, so you're on good terms with them:+1 Diplomacy. If you have no Elmal Temple, add +1 Temple of Elmal. Weirdly, Elves sometimes come worship at it, calling him 'Halmalio'. It's... confusing.
  • prayed to Ernalda for guidance and she told you to stay out of the whole argument and focus on growing more fruit. So you did:+1 Health.
  • sent envoys to study about Yelmalio at the Jonstown Library. Your Lhankhor Mhy concluded that Yelmalio got his ass whipped at the Hill of Gold, where Elmal met Orlanth and they became friends. So you stuck with Elmal, but every so often, you hold a pity party for poor Yelmalio, who is now a eunuch:+1 Lore
  • was angered and began raiding the Yelmalio traitors: Remove any Yelmalio points you accumulated; if you had any, add +1 to your Elmal Temple. . +1 War
  • accepted Yelmalio as the real deal, flushed Elmal down the toilet. Convert any Elmal temple to Yelmalio, If you already had a Yelmalio Temple, add +1 to the new Yelmalio rating. +1 Magic.

Question 25:When the Lunars conquered Sartar, your clan

  • eagerly joined them, allowing the Red Goddess in:New Friend - Lunars and +1 Moon
  • stayed neutral and tried to negotiate but ultimately submitted:+1 Communications
  • allied with Trolls, but had to submit in the end:+1 Darkness
  • set several temples of the Seven Mothers ablaze before defeat:+1 Fire
  • fought guerrilla style, but eventually submitted:+1 Air
  • pretended to join them, betrayed them... got crushed hard:+1 Water
  • Surrendered to them quickly to protect your children, then counseled mercy to other clans:+1 Earth

Question 26:: During Starbrow's Rebellion in 1612, your clan

  • Helped crush the rebels!:New Friend - Lunars and +1 Moon
  • sold the Lunars what they would need to beat the Rebels:+1 Communications
  • kept your head down and avoided trouble:+1 Harmony
  • slew a major Lunar leader before defeat:+1 Death and New Enemy - Lunars
  • fought guerilla style against the Lunars, but eventually submitted:+1 Movement
  • acted as healers:+1 Fertility
  • stayed out of the fighting, avoiding defying either side:+1 Stasis
  • tried to play both sides against each other:+1 Disorder
  • hid your tula with magic:+1 Illusion
  • composed a grand history of the whole affair:+1 Truth

Question 27:When the Lunars put a bounty on Ducks, you...

  • stayed out of the whole affair:No change
  • Killed lots of Ducks:New Friend - Lunars and New Enemy - Ducks
  • Defended the Ducks:New Enemy - Lunars and New Friend - Ducks

Question 28: When Kallyr led a rebellion against the Lunars, did you join it?

  • We fought the whole time... and got crushed when she died: +1 War, -1 Health
  • We helped recruit other clans... but it was expensive: +1 Diplomacy, -1 Wealth
  • We burned a lot of magical resources, but learned a lot: +1 Lore, -1 Magic
  • We had many successful heroquests, but neglected our fighting skills: +1 Magic, -1 War
  • The Lunars paid us to aid them, which angered many: +1 Wealth, -1 Diplomacy
  • We neglected our lore studies to produce food for the armies: +1 Health, -1 Lore

Question 29: Did we support Argar before he lit the Flame of Sartar?

  • Yes: We gain Ally: Argath
  • We supported Queen Leika of the Colymar for the Throne. We gain Ally: Colymar Clan
  • We hid under a rock: +1 Health

Question 30: What horrible Chaos Creatures did we help fight at the Battle of The Stream-Creek River? (You gain hatred of that creature, +2 to hit such creatures).
Walktapi Jack-O-Bears The Crimson Bat!!
Five-Headed Pentans Scorpion Men Karshtkids
Tusk Riders Jar-Eel the Razoress Gorp
Karshtkids Beat-Pot Aelwin Zombie Hordes
Vampires Ghouls Elite Tork Forces
Bugbears General Pharedes Broo
The Rokari Beast Alchemical Giant Lunar Priests
Lunar Sorcerors Blue Moon Assassins Big Rats
Harrek the Berserk Chaos Spiders Chaos Half-Men

Question 31: What horrible Chaos Creature killed so many people it scares us? (You get a Fear of that creature, suffering -2 against it). Use the same list but pick something different.

Clan Creation Questionairre (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.