Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (2024)

Table of Contents
Exec Mode Commands cd Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands clear Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands clock Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands cms Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands configure Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands copy cdrom Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Related Commands copy compactflash Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Related Commands copy disk Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands copy ftp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands copy http Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands copy running-config Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands copy startup-config Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands copy sysreport Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands copy system-status Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands copy tech-support Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands copy tftp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands cpfile Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands debug Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands delfile Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands deltree Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands dir Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands disable Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands disk Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands dnslookup Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples enable Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands exit Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples find-pattern Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands help Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples install Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands less Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples lls Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands ls Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands mkdir Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands mkfile Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands ntpdate Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands no debug Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples ping Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples pwd Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands reload Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands rename Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands restore Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands rmdir Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands scp Syntax Description Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands script Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples setup Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples show aaa accounting Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show alarms Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show arp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples show authentication Syntax Description s Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show auto-register Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show bypass Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show cdp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show clock Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show cms Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show debugging Syntax Description Usage Guidelines Command Modes Examples Related Commands show device-mode Syntax Description Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show disks Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show flash Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples show hardware Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show hosts Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples show inetd Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show interface Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show inventory Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show ip access-list Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show ip routes Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show kerberos Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show logging Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show memory Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples show ntp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show policy-engine application Syntax Description Command Modes Examples Related Commands show policy-engine status Command Modes Examples Related Commands show print-services Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show processes Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples show radius-server Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show running-config Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show services Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples show smb-conf Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show snmp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show ssh Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show standby Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show startup-config Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show statistics authentication Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show statistics content-distribution-network Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples show statistics dre Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics dre connection Syntax Description Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show statistics dre peer Syntax Description Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics epm Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics icmp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics ip Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics netstat Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples show statistics radius Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics services Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics snmp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics tacacs Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics tcp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics tfo Syntax Description Command Modes Examples Related Commands show statistics udp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples show statistics wccp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show statistics windows-domain Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show sysfs Syntax Description Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related CommandsRelated Commands show tacacs Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show tcp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show tech-support Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples show telnet Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show tfo accelerators Command Modes Examples Related Commands show tfo auto-discovery Command Modes Examples Related Commands show tfo bufpool Syntax Description Command Modes Examples Related Commands show tfo connection Syntax Description Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show tfo filtering Syntax Description Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show tfo status Command Modes Examples Related Commands show transaction-logging Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands show user Syntax Description Command Default Command Modes Examples Related Commands show users administrative Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show version Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples show wccp Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Examples Related Commands show windows-domain Syntax Description Command Modes Examples Related Commands shutdown Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples snmp trigger Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands ssh Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands tcpdump Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands telnet Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands terminal Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands tethereal Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands traceroute Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands transaction-log Syntax Description Command Modes Examples Related Commands type Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands type-tail Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples undebug Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands wafs Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands whoami Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands windows-domain Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Related Commands write Syntax Description Defaults Command Modes Usage Guidelines Examples Related Commands

Exec Mode Commands

Use the EXEC mode for setting, viewing, and testing system operations. In general, the user EXEC commands allow you to connect to remote devices, change terminal line settings on a temporary basis, perform basic tests, and list system information.

The EXEC mode is divided into two access levels: user and privileged.

The user EXEC mode is used by local and general system administrators, while the privileged EXEC mode is used by the root administrator. Use the enable and disable commands to switch between the two levels. Access to the user-level EXEC command line requires a valid password.

The user-level EXEC commands are a subset of the privileged-level EXEC commands. The user-level EXEC prompt is the hostname followed by a right angle bracket (>). The prompt for the privileged-level EXEC command line is the pound sign (#). To execute an EXEC command, enter the command at the EXEC system prompt and press the Return key.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (1)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (2)You can change the hostname using the hostname global configuration command.

In the following example, a user accesses the privileged-level EXEC command line from the user level:

WAE> enable

To leave EXEC mode, use the exit command at the system prompt:

WAE# exit


To change from one directory to another directory in the WAAS software, use the cd EXEC command.

cd directoryname

Syntax Description


Directory name.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to navigate between directories and for file management. The directory name becomes the default prefix for all relative paths. Relative paths do not begin with a slash (/). Absolute paths begin with a slash (/).


The following example shows how to change to a directory using a relative path:

WAE(config)# cd local1

The following example shows how to change to a directory using an absolute path:

WAE(config)# cd /local1

Related Commands








To clear the hardware interface, statistics, and other settings, use the clear EXEC command.

clear cdp {counters | table}

clear ip access-list counters [acl-num | acl-name]

clear logging

clear statistics {all | authentication | history | icmp | ip | radius| running | tacacs | tcp | udp | windows-domain}

clear users administrative

clear windows-domain-log

Syntax Description


Resets the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) statistical data.


Clears the CDP counters.


Clears the CDP tables.

ip access-list

Clears the IP access list statistical information.


Clears the IP access list counters.


(Optional) Clears the counters for the specified access list, identified using an alphanumeric identifier of up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter.


(Optional) Clears the counters for the specified access list, identified using a numeric identifier (standard access list: 1-99; extended access list: 100-199).


Clears the syslog messages saved in the disk file.


Clears the statistics as specified.


Clears all statistics.


Clears the authentication statistics.


Clears the statistics history.


Clears the ICMP statistics.


Clears the IP statistics.


Clears the RADIUS statistics.


Clears the running statistics.


Clears the TACACS+ statistics.


Clears the TCP statistics.


Clears the UDP statistics.


Clears the Windows domain statistics.


Clears the connections (login) of authenticated users.


Clears the connections of administrative users authenticated through a remote login service.


Clears the Samba, Kerberos, and Winbind log files.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The clear logging command removes all current entries from the syslog.txt file, but does not make an archive of the file. It puts a "Syslog cleared" message in the syslog.txt file to indicate that the syslog has been cleared, as shown in the following example.

Feb 14 12:17:18 WAE# exec_clear_logging:Syslog cleared

The clear statistics command clears all statistical counters from the parameters given. Use this command to monitor fresh statistical data for some or all features without losing cached objects or configurations.

The clear users administrative command clears the connections for all administrative users who are authenticated through a remote login service, such as TACACS. This command does not affect an administrative user who is authenticated through the local database.

The clear windows-domain-log command removes all current entries from the Windows domain log file.


In the following example, all entries in the syslog.txt file are cleared on the WAAS device:

WAE#clear logging

In the following example, all authentication, RADIUS and TACACS+ information is cleared on the WAAS device:

WAE#clear statistics radius
WAE#clear statistics tacacs
WAE#clear statistics authentication

In the following example, all entries in the Windows domain log file are cleared on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear windows-domain-log

Related Commands

show interface

show wccp


To set clock functions or update the calendar, use the clock EXEC command. Use the no form of this command to clear clock functions and calendar.

clock {read-calendar | set time day month year | update-calendar}

Syntax Description


Reads the calendar and updates the system clock.


Sets the time and date.


Current time in hh:mm:ss format (hh: 00-23; mm: 00-59; ss: 00-59).


Day of the month (1-31).


Month of the year (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December).


Year (1993-2035).


Updates the calendar with the system clock.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

If you have an outside source on your network that provides time services (such as a NTP server), you do not need to set the system clock manually. When setting the clock, enter the local time. The WAAS device calculates the UTC based on the time zone set by the clock timezone global configuration command.

Two clocks exist in the system: the software clock and the hardware clock. The software uses the software clock. The hardware clock is used only at bootup to initialize the software clock.

The set keyword sets the software clock.


The following example sets the software clock on the WAAS device:

WAE# clock set 13:32:00 01 February 2005

Related Commands

show clock


To configure the Centralized Management System (CMS) embedded database parameters for a WAAS device, use the cms EXEC command.

cms {config-sync | database {backup | create | delete | downgrade [script filename] |
lcm {enable| disable} | maintenance {full | regular} | restore filename | validate} | deregister [force] | recover {identity word}}

Syntax Description


Sets the node to synchronize configuration with the WAAS CentralManager.


Creates, backs up, deletes, restores, or validates the CMS-embedded database management tables or files.


Backs up the database management tables.


Creates the embedded database management tables.


Deletes the embedded database files.


Downgrades the CMS database.


(Optional) Downgrades the CMS database by applying a downgrade script.


Downgraded script filename.


Configures local/central management on a WAAS device that is registered with the WAAS Central Manager.


Enables synchronization of the WAAS network configuration of the device with the local CLI configuration.


Disables synchronization of the WAAS network configuration of the device with the local CLI configuration.


Cleans and reindexes the embedded database tables.


Specifies a full maintenance routine for the embedded database tables.


Specifies a regular maintenance routine for the embedded database tables.


Restores the database management tables using the backup local filename.


Database local backup filename.


Validates the database files.


Removes the registration of the CMS proto device.


(Optional) Forces the removal of the node registration.


Recovers the identity of a WAAS device.


Specifies the identity of the recovered device.


Identity of the recovered device.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The WAAS network is a collection of WAAS device and WAAS Central Manager nodes. One primary WAAS Central Manager retains the WAAS network settings and provides other WAAS network nodes with updates. Communication between nodes occurs over secure channels using the Secure Shell Layer (SSL) protocol, where each node on the WAAS network uses a Rivest, Shamir, Adelman (RSA) certificate-key pair to communicate with other nodes.

Use the cms config-sync command to enable registered WAAS devices and standby WAAS Central Manager to contact the primary WAAS Central Manager immediately for a getUpdate (get configuration poll) request before the default polling interval of 5 minutes. For example, when a node is registered with the primary WAAS Central Manager and activated, it appears as Pending in the WAAS Central Manager GUI until it sends a getUpdate request. The cms config-sync command causes the registered node to send a getUpdate request at once, and the status of the node changes as Online.

Use the cms database create command to initialize the CMS database. Before a node can join a WAAS network, it must first be registered and then activated. The cms enable global configuration command automatically registers the node in the database management tables and enables the CMS. The node sends its attribute information to the WAAS Central Manager over the SSL protocol and then stores the new node information. The WAAS Central Manager accepts these node registration requests without admission control and replies with registration confirmation and other pertinent security information required for getting updates. Activate the node using the WAAS Central Manager GUI.

Once the node is activated, it automatically receives configuration updates and the necessary security RSA certificate-key pair from the WAAS Central Manager. This security key allows the node to communicate with any other node in the WAAS network. The cms deregister command removes the node from the WAAS network by deleting registration information and database tables.

To back up the existing management database for the WAAS Central Manager, use the cms database backup command. For database backups, specify the following items:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (3)Location, password, and user ID

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (4)Dump format in PostgreSQL plain text syntax

The naming convention for backup files includes the time stamp.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (5)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (6)For information on the procedure to back up and restore the CMS database on the WAAS Central Manager, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

When you use the cms recover identity word command when recovering lost registration information, or replacing a failed node with a new node that has having the same registration information, you must specify the device recovery key that you configured in the Modifying Config Property, System.device.recovery.key window of the WAAS Central Manager GUI.

Use the lcm command to configure local/central management (LCM) on a WAE. The LCM feature allows settings that are configured using the device CLI or GUI to be stored as part of the WAAS network-wide configuration data (enable or disable).

When you enter the cms lcm enable command, the CMS process running on WAEs and the standby WAAS Central Manager detects the configuration changes that you made on these devices using CLIs and sends the changes to the primary WAAS Central Manager.

When you enter the cms lcm disable command, the CMS process running on the WAEs and the standby WAAS Central Manager does not send the CLI changes to the primary WAAS Central Manager. Settings configured using the device CLIs will not be sent to the primary WAAS Central Manager.

If LCM is disabled, the settings configured through the WAAS Central Manager GUI will overwrite the settings configured from the WAEs; however, this rule applies only to those local device settings that have been overwritten by the WAAS Central Manager when you have configured the local device settings. If you (as the local CLI user) change the local device settings after the particular configuration has been overwritten by the WAAS Central Manager, the local device configuration will be applicable until the WAAS Central Manager requests a full device statistics update from the WAEs (clicking the Force full database update button from the Device Home window of the WAAS Central Manager GUI triggers a full update). When the WAAS Central Manager requests a full update from the device, the WAAS Central Manager settings will overwrite the local device settings.


The following example backs up the cms database management tables on the WAAS Central Manager named waas-cm:

waas-cm# cms database backup 
creating backup file with label `backup'
backup file local1/acns-db-9-22-2002-17-36.dump is ready. use `copy' commands to move the backup file to a remote host.

The following example validates the cms database management tables on the WAAS Central Manager named waas-cm:

waas-cm# cms database validate 
Management tables are valid

Related Commands

(config) cms

show cms


To enter global configuration mode, use the configure EXEC command. You must be in global configuration mode to enter global configuration commands.


To exit global configuration mode, use the end or exit commands. You can also press Ctrl-Z to exit from global configuration mode.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter global configuration mode.


The following example shows how to enable global configuration mode on a WAAS device:

WAE# configure 

Related Commands

(config) end

(config) exit

show running-config

show startup-config

copy cdrom

To copy software release files from a CD-ROM, use the copy cdrom EXEC command.

copy cdrom install filedir filename

Syntax Description


Copies a file from the CD-ROM.


Installs the software release file.


Directory location of the software release file.


Filename of the software release file.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy compactflash

To copy software release files from a CompactFlash card, use the copy compactflash EXEC command.

copy compactflash install filename

Syntax Description


Copies a file from the CompactFlash card.


Installs a software release file.


Image filename.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy disk

To copy the configuration or image data from a disk to a remote location using FTP or to the startup configuration, use the copy disk EXEC command.

copy disk {ftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename localfilename | startup-config filename}

Syntax Description


Copies a local disk file.


Copies to a file on an FTP server.


Hostname of the FTP server.


IP address of the FTP server.


Directory on the FTP server to which the local file is copied.


Name of the local file once it has been copied to the FTP server.


Name of the local file to be copied.


Copies the configuration file from the disk to startup configuration (NVRAM).


Name of the existing configuration file.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The copy disk ftp EXEC command copies files from a SYSFS partition to an FTP server. The copy disk startup-config EXEC command copies a startup configuration file to NVRAM.

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy ftp

To copy software configuration or image data from an FTP server, use the copy ftp EXEC command.

copy ftp {central {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename slotnumber [username username password | proxy {hostname | ip-address} proxy_portnum [username username password] | port port-num | md5 md5sum] | disk {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename localfilename | install {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename}

Syntax Description


Copies a file from an FTP server.


Copies a file to the software upgrade image repository.


Hostname of the FTP server.


IP address of the FTP server.


Directory on the FTP server where the image file to be copied is located.


Name of the file to be copied to the image repository.


Slot location (1-5) into which the upgrade image is to be copied.


(Optional) Specifies FTP authentication.


(Optional) Clear text of the username.


(Optional) Password for FTP authentication.


(Optional) Specifies proxy address.


(Optional) Hostname of the proxy server.


(Optional) IP address of the proxy server.


(Optional) Port number on the proxy server.


(Optional) Specifies the proxy server authentication username.


(Optional) Clear text of the username.


(Optional) Password for proxy server authentication.


(Optional) Specifies port at which to connect to the FTP server.


(Optional) Port number on the FTP server.


(Optional) Specifies MD5 signature of the file being copied.


(Optional) MD5 signature.


Copies a file to a local disk.


Hostname of the FTP server.


IP address of the FTP server.


Directory on the FTP server where the file to be copied is located.


(Optional) Name of the file to be copied to the local disk.


(Optional) Name of the copied file as it appears on the local disk.


(Optional) Copies the file from an FTP server and installs the software release file to the local device.


(Optional) Name of the FTP server.


(Optional) IP address of the FTP server.


Remote file directory.


Remote filename.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The copy ftp disk EXEC command copies a file from an FTP server to a SYSFS partition on the WAAS device.

Use the copy ftp install EXEC command to install an image file from an FTP server on a WAAS device. Part of the image goes to disk and part goes to flash memory. Use the copy ftp central EXEC command to download a software image into the repository from an FTP server.

You can also use the copy ftp install EXEC commands to redirect your transfer to a different location. A username and a password have to be authenticated with a primary domain controller (PDC) before the transfer of the software release file to the WAAS device is allowed.

Upgrading the BIOS

You can remotely upgrade the BIOS on the WAE-511, WAE-512, WAE-611, WAE-612, and the WAE-7326. All computer hardware has to work with software through an interface. The Basic Input Output System (BIOS) provides such an interface. It gives the computer a built-in starter kit to run the rest of the software from the hard disk drive. The BIOS is responsible for booting the computer by providing a basic set of instructions. It performs all the tasks that need to be done at start-up time, such as Power-On Self Test (POST) operations and booting the operating system from the hard disk drive. Furthermore, it provides an interface between the hardware and the operating system in the form of a library of interrupt handlers. For instance, each time a key is pressed, the CPU performs an interrupt to read that key, which is similar for other input/output devices, such as serial and parallel ports, video cards, sound cards, hard disk controllers, and so forth. Some older PCs cannot interoperate with all the modern hardware because their BIOS does not support that hardware; the operating system cannot call a BIOS routine to use it. This problem can be solved by replacing the BIOS with a newer one that does support your new hardware or by installing a device driver for the hardware.

All BIOS files needed for a particular hardware model BIOS update are available on as a single .bin package file. This file is a special <WAAS-installable>.bin file that you can install by using the normal software update procedure.

To update the BIOS version on a WAAS device that supports BIOS version updates, you need the following items:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (7)FTP server with the software files

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (8)Network connectivity between the device to be updated and the server hosting the update files

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (9)Appropriate .bin BIOS update file:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (10)511_bios.bin

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (11)611_bios.bin

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (12)7326_bios.bin

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (13)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (14)Be extraordinarily careful when upgrading a Flash BIOS. Make absolutely sure that the BIOS upgrade patch is the exact one required. If you apply the wrong patch, you can render the system unbootable, making it difficult or impossible to recover even by reapplying the proper patch.
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (15)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (16)Because a failed Flash BIOS update can have dire results, never update a Flash BIOS without first connecting the system to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

To install the BIOS update file, use the copy ftp install EXEC command as follows:

WAE# copy ftp install ftp-server remote_file_dir 7326_bios.bin

After the BIOS update file is copied to your system, use the reload EXEC command to reboot as follows:

WAE# reload

The new BIOS takes effect after the system reboots.


The following example copies an image file from an FTP server and installs the file on the local device:

WAE# copy ftp install // WAAS-4.0.0-k9.bin
Enter username for remote ftp server:biff
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...
printing one # per 1MB downloaded
Sending:USER biff FTP server (Version) Mon Feb 28 10:30:36 EST
2000) ready.
Password required for biff.
Sending:PASS ***** 
User biff logged in.
Sending:TYPE I
Type set to I.
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,244,55,156)
Sending:CWD //
CWD command successful.
Sending PASV
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,244,55,156)
Sending:RETR WAAS-4.0.0-k9.bin
Opening BINARY mode data connection for ruby.bin (87376881 bytes).
writing flash component:
The new software will run after you reload.

The following example shows how to upgrade the BIOS. All output is written to a separate file (/local1/.bios_upgrade.txt) for traceability. The hardware dependant files that are downloaded from for the BIOS upgrade are automatically deleted from the WAAS device after the BIOS upgrade procedure has been completed.

WAE-7326# copy ftp install upgradeserver /bios/update53/derived/ 7326_bios.bin
Enter username for remote ftp server:myusername
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...
printing one # per 1MB downloaded
Sending:USER myusername FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1-18) ready.
Password required for myusername.
Sending:PASS ********
Please read the file README_dotfiles
 it was last modified on Wed Feb 19 16:10:26 2005- 94 days ago
Please read the file README_first
 it was last modified on Wed Feb 19 16:05:29 2005- 94 days ago
User myusername logged in.
Sending:TYPE I
Type set to I.
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,240,57,37)
Sending:CWD /bios/update53/derived/
CWD command successful.
Sending PASV
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,240,146,117)
Sending:RETR 7326_bios.bin
Opening BINARY mode data connection for 7326_bios.bin (834689 bytes).
Fri Jan 7 15:29:07 UTC 2005
BIOS installer running!
Do not turnoff the system till BIOS installation is complete.
Flash chipset:Macronix 29LV320B
0055000.FLS:280000 [80000]
Erasing block 2f:280000 - 28ffff
Erasing block 30:290000 - 29ffff
Erasing block 31:2a0000 - 2affff
Erasing block 32:2b0000 - 2bffff
Erasing block 33:2c0000 - 2cffff
Erasing block 34:2d0000 - 2dffff
Erasing block 35:2e0000 - 2effff
Erasing block 36:2f0000 - 2fffff
Programming block 2f:280000 - 28ffff
Programming block 30:290000 - 29ffff
Programming block 31:2a0000 - 2affff
Programming block 32:2b0000 - 2bffff
Programming block 33:2c0000 - 2cffff
Programming block 34:2d0000 - 2dffff
Programming block 35:2e0000 - 2effff
Programming block 36:2f0000 - 2fffff
SCSIROM.BIN:260000 [20000]
Erasing block 2d:260000 - 26ffff
Erasing block 2e:270000 - 27ffff
Programming block 2d:260000 - 26ffff
Programming block 2e:270000 - 27ffff
PXEROM.BIN:250000 [10000]
Erasing block 2c:250000 - 25ffff
Programming block 2c:250000 - 25ffff
Primary BIOS flashed successfully
Cleanup BIOS related files that were downloaded....
The new software will run after you reload.

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy http

To copy configuration or image data from an HTTP server to the WAAS device, use the copy http EXEC command.

copy http {central {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename slotnumber [username username password | proxy {hostname | ip-address} proxy_portnum [username username password] | port port-num | md5 md5sum] | install {{hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename}[port port-num [proxy {hostname | ip-address} | username username password [proxy {hostname | ip-address} proxy_portnum]] | proxy {hostname | ip-address} proxy_portnum | username username password [proxy {hostname | ip-address} proxy_portnum]]}

Syntax Description


Copies the file from an HTTP server.


Copies a file to the software upgrade image repository.


Hostname of the HTTP server.


IP address of the HTTP server.


Directory on the HTTP server where the image file to be copied is located.


Name of the file to be copied to the image repository.


Slot location (1-5) into which the upgrade image is to be copied.


(Optional) Specifies HTTP authentication.


(Optional) Clear text of the username.


(Optional) Password for HTTP authentication.


(Optional) Specifies proxy address.


(Optional) Hostname of the proxy server.


(Optional) IP address of the proxy server.


(Optional) Port number on the proxy server.


(Optional) Specifies the proxy server authentication username.


(Optional) Clear text of the username.


(Optional) Password for proxy server authentication.


(Optional) Specifies port at which to connect to the HTTP server.


(Optional) Port number on the HTTP server.


(Optional) Specifies MD5 signature of the file being copied.


(Optional) MD5 signature.


Copies the file from an HTTP server and installs the software release file to the local device.


Name of the HTTP server.


IP address of the HTTP server.


Remote file directory.


Remote filename.


(Optional) Port to connect to the HTTP server (default is 80).


(Optional) HTTP server port number (1-65535).


(Optional) Allows the request to be redirected to an HTTP proxy server.


(Optional) Name of the HTTP server.


(Optional) IP address of the HTTP server.


(Optional) HTTP proxy server port number (1-65535).


Username to access the HTTP proxy server.


User login name.


Establishes password authentication.


HTTP server port: 80

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the copy http install EXEC command to install an image file from an HTTP server and install it on a WAAS device. It transfers the image from an HTTP server to the WAAS device using HTTP as the transport protocol and installs the software on the device. Part of the image goes to disk and part goes to flash memory. Use the copy http central EXEC command to download a software image into the repository from an HTTP server.

You can also use the copy http install EXEC commands to redirect your transfer to a different location or HTTP proxy server, by specifying the proxy hostname | ip-address option. A username and a password have to be authenticated with a primary domain controller (PDC) before the transfer of the software release file to the WAAS device is allowed.

Upgrading the BIOS

You can remotely upgrade the BIOS on the WAE-511, WAE-512, WAE-611, WAE-612, and the WAE-7326. All computer hardware has to work with software through an interface. The Basic Input Output System (BIOS) provides such an interface. It gives the computer a built-in starter kit to run the rest of the software from the hard disk drive. The BIOS is responsible for booting the computer by providing a basic set of instructions. It performs all the tasks that need to be done at start-up time, such as Power-On Self Test (POST) operations and booting the operating system from the hard disk drive. Furthermore, it provides an interface between the hardware and the operating system in the form of a library of interrupt handlers. For instance, each time a key is pressed, the CPU performs an interrupt to read that key, which is similar for other input/output devices, such as serial and parallel ports, video cards, sound cards, hard disk controllers, and so forth. Some older PCs cannot interoperate with all the modern hardware because their BIOS does not support that hardware; the operating system cannot call a BIOS routine to use it. This problem can be solved by replacing the BIOS with a newer one that does support your new hardware or by installing a device driver for the hardware.

All BIOS files needed for a particular hardware model BIOS update are available on as a single .bin package file. This file is a special <WAAS-installable>.bin file that you can install by using the normal software update procedure.

To update the BIOS version on a WAAS device that supports BIOS version updates, you need the following items:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (17)HTTP server with the software files

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (18)Network connectivity between the device to be updated and the server hosting the update files

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (19)Appropriate .bin BIOS update file:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (20)511_bios.bin

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (21)611_bios.bin

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (22)7326_bios.bin

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (23)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (24)Be extraordinarily careful when upgrading a Flash BIOS. Make absolutely sure that the BIOS upgrade patch is the exact one required. If you apply the wrong patch, you can render the system unbootable, making it difficult or impossible to recover even by reapplying the proper patch.
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (25)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (26)Because a failed Flash BIOS update can have dire results, never update a Flash BIOS without first connecting the system to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

To install the BIOS update file on a WAAS device, use the copy http install EXEC command as follows:

WAE# copy http install http-server remote_file_dir 7326_bios.bin [portnumber]

After the BIOS update file is copied to your system, use the reload EXEC command to reboot the WAAS device as follows:

WAE# reload

The new BIOS takes effect after the system reboots.


The following example copies an image file from an HTTP server and installs the file on the WAAS device:

WAE# copy http install // WAAS-4.0.0-k9.bin
Enter username for remote ftp server:biff
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...
printing one # per 1MB downloaded
Sending:USER biff FTP server (Version) Mon Feb 28 10:30:36 EST
2000) ready.
Password required for biff.
Sending:PASS ***** 
User biff logged in.
Sending:TYPE I
Type set to I.
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,244,55,156)
Sending:CWD //
CWD command successful.
Sending PASV
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,244,55,156)
Sending:RETR WAAS-4.0.0-k9.bin
Opening BINARY mode data connection for ruby.bin (87376881 bytes).
writing flash component:
The new software will run after you reload.

The following example shows how to upgrade the BIOS. All output is written to a separate file (/local1/.bios_upgrade.txt) for traceability. The hardware dependant files that are downloaded from for the BIOS upgrade are automatically deleted from the WAAS device after the BIOS upgrade procedure has been completed.

WAE-7326# copy ftp install upgradeserver /bios/update53/derived/ 7326_bios.bin
Enter username for remote ftp server:myusername
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...
printing one # per 1MB downloaded
Sending:USER myusername FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1-18) ready.
Password required for myusername.
Sending:PASS ********
Please read the file README_dotfiles
 it was last modified on Wed Feb 19 16:10:26 2005- 94 days ago
Please read the file README_first
 it was last modified on Wed Feb 19 16:05:29 2005- 94 days ago
User myusername logged in.
Sending:TYPE I
Type set to I.
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,240,57,37)
Sending:CWD /bios/update53/derived/
CWD command successful.
Sending PASV
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,240,146,117)
Sending:RETR 7326_bios.bin
Opening BINARY mode data connection for 7326_bios.bin (834689 bytes).
Fri Jan 7 15:29:07 UTC 2005
BIOS installer running!
Do not turnoff the system till BIOS installation is complete.
Flash chipset:Macronix 29LV320B
0055000.FLS:280000 [80000]
Erasing block 2f:280000 - 28ffff
Erasing block 30:290000 - 29ffff
Erasing block 31:2a0000 - 2affff
Erasing block 32:2b0000 - 2bffff
Erasing block 33:2c0000 - 2cffff
Erasing block 34:2d0000 - 2dffff
Erasing block 35:2e0000 - 2effff
Erasing block 36:2f0000 - 2fffff
Programming block 2f:280000 - 28ffff
Programming block 30:290000 - 29ffff
Programming block 31:2a0000 - 2affff
Programming block 32:2b0000 - 2bffff
Programming block 33:2c0000 - 2cffff
Programming block 34:2d0000 - 2dffff
Programming block 35:2e0000 - 2effff
Programming block 36:2f0000 - 2fffff
SCSIROM.BIN:260000 [20000]
Erasing block 2d:260000 - 26ffff
Erasing block 2e:270000 - 27ffff
Programming block 2d:260000 - 26ffff
Programming block 2e:270000 - 27ffff
PXEROM.BIN:250000 [10000]
Erasing block 2c:250000 - 25ffff
Programming block 2c:250000 - 25ffff
Primary BIOS flashed successfully
Cleanup BIOS related files that were downloaded....
The new software will run after you reload.

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy running-config

To copy a configuration or image data from the current configuration, use the copy running-config EXEC command.

copy running-config {disk filename | startup-config | tftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename}

Syntax Description


Copies the current system configuration.


Copies the current system configuration to a disk file.


Name of the file to be created on disk.


Copies the running configuration to startup configuration (NVRAM).


Copies the running configuration to a file on a TFTP server.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Remote filename of the configuration file to be created on the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the copy running-config EXEC command to copy the WAAS device's running system configuration to a SYSFS partition, flash memory, or TFTP server. The copy running-config startup-config EXEC command is equivalent to the write memory EXEC command.

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy startup-config

To copy configuration or image data from the startup configuration, use the copy startup-config EXEC command.

copy startup-config {disk filename | running-config | tftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename}

Syntax Description


Copies the startup configuration.


Copies the startup configuration to a disk file.


Name of the startup configuration file to be copied to the local disk.


Copies the startup configuration to running configuration.


Copies the startup configuration to a file on a TFTP server.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Remote filename of the startup configuration file to be created on the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The copy startup-config EXEC command copies the startup configuration file to a TFTP server or to a SYSFSpartition.

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy sysreport

To copy system troubleshooting information from the device, use the copy sysreport EXEC command.

copy sysreport {disk filename | ftp {hostname | ip-address} remotedirectory remotefilename | tftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename} [start-date {day month | month day} year [end-date {day month | month day} year]]

Syntax Description


Generates and saves a report containing WAAS system information in a file.


Copies system information to a disk file.


Name of the file to be created on disk. Note that .tar.gz is appended to the filename that you specify.


Copies system information to a FTP server.


Hostname of the FTP server.


IP address of the FTP server.


Remote directory where the system information file is to be created on the FTP server.


Remote filename of the system information file to be created on the FTP server.


Copies system information to a TFTP server.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Remote filename of the system information file to be created on the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


Start date of information in the generated system report.

day month

Start date day of the month (1-31) and month of the year (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). You can alternately specify the month first, followed by the day.


Start date year (1993-2035).


End date of information in the generated system report. If omitted, this date defaults to today's date. The report includes files through the end of this day.

day month

End date day of the month (1-31) and month of the year (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). You can alternately specify the month first, followed by the day.


End date year (1993-2035).


If end-date is not specified, today's date is used.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The copy sysreport command consumes significant CPU and disk resources and can adversely affect system performance while it is running.


The following example copies system information to the file mysysinfo on the local WAAS device:

WAE# copy sysreport disk mysysinfo start-date 1 April 2006 end-date April 30 2006

The following example copies system information by FTP to the file foo in the root directory of the FTP server named myserver:

WAE# copy sysreport ftp myserver / foo start-date 1 April 2006 end-date April 30 2006

Related Commands

show running-config

show startup-config


copy system-status

To copy status information from the system for debugging, use the copy system-status EXEC command.

copy system-status disk filename

Syntax Description

system-status disk

Copies the system status to a disk file.


Name of the file to be created on the disk.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The copy system-status EXEC command creates a file on a SYSFS partition containing hardware and software status information.

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy tech-support

To copy the configuration or image data from the system to use when working with Cisco TAC, use the copy tech-support EXEC command.

copy tech-support {disk filename | tftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename}

Syntax Description


Copies system information for technical support.


Copies system information for technical support to disk file.


Name of the file to be created on disk.


Copies system information for technical support to a TFTP server.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Remote filename of the system information file to be created on the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The copy tech-support tftp EXEC command can copy technical support information to a TFTP server or to a SYSFS partition.

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config



copy tftp

To copy configuration or image data from a TFTP server, use the copy tftp EXEC command.

copy tftp {disk {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename localfilename | running-config
hostname | ip-address} remotefilename | startup-config {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename}

Syntax Description


Copies an image from a TFTP server.


Copies an image from a TFTP server to a disk file.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Name of the remote image file to be copied from the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


Name of the image file to be created on the local disk.


Copies an image from a TFTP server to the running configuration.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Name of the remote image file to be copied from the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


Copies an image from a TFTP server to the startup configuration.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Name of the remote image file to be copied from the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


No default behaviors or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The copy tftp disk EXEC command copies a file from a TFTP server to disk.

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config




To make a copy of a file, use the cpfile EXEC command.

cpfile oldfilename newfilename

Syntax Description


Name of the file to copy.


Name of the copy to be created.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to create a copy of a file. Only SYSFS files can be copied.


The following example shows how to create a copy of a file.

WAE# cpfile fe511-194616.bin fd511-194618.bin

Related Commands









To monitor and record the WAAS application acceleration and the CIFS caching application functions, use the debug EXEC command. Use the no form of the command to disable debugging.

debug [option]

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (27)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (28)We recommend that you use the debug command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. (For more information, see the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section on pagexvii.) The performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command.

Syntax Description


Specifies the debugger type; see the "" section for valid values.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (29)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (30)The following debug command options are supported in the application-accelerator device mode only: dre, epm, print-spooler, tfo, wafs, and wccp.

Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section on pagexvii.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

Valid values for the option argument are as follows:

aaa accounting

Records AAA accounting actions.


Enables all debugging options.




Debugs authentication.

Debugs print services authentication.

Debugs the user login against the system authentication.





Debugs the buffer manager.

Debugs all buffer manager functions.

Debugs the buffer manager dmbuf.

Debugs the buffer manager dmsg.






Records CDP information and actions.

Records the CDP neighbor.

Records the CDP events.

Records CDP IP.

Records the packet-related CDP.





Debugs the CLI command.

Debugs all CLI commands.

Debugs the CLI command binary program.

Debugs the CLI command parser.


Debugs the CMS.





Debugs the data server.

Debuts all data server functions.

Debugs the data server client library module.

Debugs the data server module.


Debugs the DHCP.






aggregation acl

cache acl

core acl

message acl

misc acl




Enables DRE debugging.

Enables DRE chunk-aggregation debugging.

Enables the debugging of all DRE commands.

Enables DRE cache debugging.

Enables DRE connection debugging.

Enables DRE chunk-aggregation debugging for a specified connection.

Enables DRE cache debugging for a specified connection.

Enables DRE core debugging for a specified connection.

Enables DRE message debugging for a specified connection.

Enables DRE other debugging for a specified connection.

Enables DRE core debugging.

Enables DRE message debugging.

Enables DRE other debugging.


level debug-level

Debugs the embedded database.

(Optional) Specifies the debug level (0 through 16).



Debugs logging.

Debugs all logging functions.


Debugs NTP.






Debugs the print spooler feature.

(Optional) Debug the print spooler using all debug features.

(Optional) Debug the print spooler using only brief debug messages.

(Optional) Debug the print spooler using only the error conditions.

(Optional) Debug the print spooler using only the warning conditions.




Displays the remote procedure calls (RPC) logs.

Displays the RPC logs of priority "detail" level or higher.

Displays the RPC logs of priority "trace" level or higher.






Debugs the statistics.

Debugs all statistics functions.

Debugs the statistics collection.

Debugs the statistics computation.

Debugs the statistics history.




auto-discovery acl

comp-mgr acl

conn-mgr acl

filtering acl

netio-engine acl

policy-engine acl



Enables TFO debugging.

Enables TFO buffer manager debugging.

Enables TFO connection debugging.

Enables TFO connection debugging for the auto-discovery module.

Enables TFO connection debugging for the compression module.

Enables TFO connection debugging for the connection manager.

Enables TFO connection debugging for filtering module.

Enables TFO connection debugging for network input/output module.

Enables TFO connection debugging of application policies.

Enables TFO statistics manager debugging.

Enables TFO transaction log debugging.







Sets the notification level (debug, info, warn, error) at which messages from the WAAS software component and utilities are logged.

Sets the logging level for all software components and utilities at once.

Sets the logging level for the WAE that is acting as a core file engine.

Sets the logging level for WAE that is acting as an edge file engine.

Sets the logging level for the Device Manager.

Sets the logging level for WAAS utilities.









Debugs the WCCP information.

Debugs all WCCP functions.

Debugs the WCCP details.

Debugs the WCCP errors.

Debugs the WCCP events.

Debugs the WCCP keepalives that are sent to the applications.

Debugs the WCCP packet-related information.

Debugs the WCCP slow start.


The following example shows how to enable monitoring of user authentication, verify it is enabled, and then disable monitoring:

WAE# debug authentication user
WAE# show debugging
Debug authentication (user) is ON
WAE# no debug authentication user

The following example shows how to set the logging level to debug for the Core WAEs in your system, then return the logging level to its default (info):

WAE# debug wafs ?
 all log level for all components
 core-fe log level for Core FE
 edge-fe log level for Edge FE
 manager log level for Manager
 utilities log level for Utilities
WAE# debug wafs core-fe ?
 debug set log level to DEBUG
 error set log level to ERROR
 info set log level to INFO (default)
 warn set log level to WARN
WAE# debug wafs core-fe debug
corefe log level set to DEBUG
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (31)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (32)If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Related Commands

no debug

show debugging



To delete a file from the current directory, use the delfile EXEC command.

delfile filename

Syntax Description


Name of the file to delete.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to remove a file from a SYSFS partition on the disk drive of the WAAS device.


The following example deletes a temporary file from the /local1 directory using an absolute path.

WAE# delfile /local1/tempfile

Related Commands









To remove a directory along with all of its subdirectories and files, use the deltree EXEC command.

deltree directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory tree to delete.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to remove a directory and all files within the directory from the WAAS SYSFS file system. No warning is given that you are removing the subdirectories and files.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (33)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (34)Be sure you do not remove files or directories required for the WAAS device to function properly.


The following example deletes the testdir directory from the /local1 directory:

WAE# deltree /local1/testdir

Related Commands









To view details of one file or all files in a directory, use the dir EXEC command.

dir [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the directory to list.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to view a detailed list of files contained within the working directory, including names, sizes, and time created. The lls EXEC command produces the same output.


The following example displays a detailed list of all the files for the current directory:

WAE# dir  
size time of last change name
------------- ------------------------- -----------
 4096 Fri Feb 24 14:40:00 2006 <DIR> actona
 4096 Tue Mar 28 14:42:44 2006 <DIR> core_dir
 4096 Wed Apr 12 20:23:10 2006 <DIR> crash
 4506 Tue Apr 11 13:52:45 2006 dbupgrade.log
 4096 Tue Apr 4 22:50:11 2006 <DIR> downgrade
 4096 Sun Apr 16 09:01:56 2006 <DIR> errorlog
 4096 Wed Apr 12 20:23:41 2006 <DIR> logs
 16384 Thu Feb 16 12:25:29 2006 <DIR> lost+found
 4096 Wed Apr 12 03:26:02 2006 <DIR> sa
 24576 Sun Apr 16 23:38:21 2006 <DIR> service_logs
 4096 Thu Feb 16 12:26:09 2006 <DIR> spool
 9945390 Sun Apr 16 23:38:20 2006 syslog.txt
 10026298 Thu Apr 6 12:25:00 2006 syslog.txt.1
 10013564 Thu Apr 6 12:25:00 2006 syslog.txt.2
 10055850 Thu Apr 6 12:25:00 2006 syslog.txt.3
 10049181 Thu Apr 6 12:25:00 2006 syslog.txt.4
 4096 Thu Feb 16 12:29:30 2006 <DIR> var
 508 Sat Feb 25 13:18:35 2006

The following example displays only the detailed information for the logs directory:

WAE# dir logs
size time of last change name
------------- ------------------------- -----------
 4096 Thu Apr 6 12:13:50 2006 <DIR> actona
 4096 Mon Mar 6 14:14:41 2006 <DIR> apache
 4096 Sun Apr 16 23:36:40 2006 <DIR> emdb
 4096 Thu Feb 16 11:51:51 2006 <DIR> export
 92 Wed Apr 12 20:23:20 2006 ftp_export.status
 4096 Wed Apr 12 20:23:43 2006 <DIR> rpc_httpd
 0 Wed Apr 12 20:23:41 2006 snmpd.log
 4096 Sun Mar 19 18:47:29 2006 <DIR> tfo

Related Commands




To turn off privileged EXEC commands, use the disable EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The WAAS software CLI EXEC mode is used for setting, viewing, and testing system operations. It is divided into two access levels, user and privileged. To access privileged-level EXEC mode, enter the enable EXEC command at the user access level prompt and specify a privileged EXEC password (superuser or admin-equivalent password) when prompted for a password.



The disable command places you in the user-level EXEC shell (notice the prompt change).


The following example enters the user-level EXEC mode from the privileged EXEC mode:

WAE# disable

Related Commands



To configure disks on a WAAS device, use the disk EXEC command.

disk delete-partitions diskname

disk mark diskname {bad | good}

disk reformat diskname

disk scan-errors diskname


Deletes data on the specified disk drive. After using this command, the WAAS software treats the specified disk drive as blank. All previous data on the drive is inaccessible.


Name of the disk from which to delete partitions (disk00, disk01).


Marks a disk drive as good or bad.


Name of the disk to be marked (disk00, disk01).


Marks the specified disk drive as bad. Using this command makes data on this disk inaccessible. If later this disk is marked good, WAAS software treats it as a blank drive.


Marks the specified disk drive as good.


Performs a low-level reformatting of a SCSI disk drive and remaps bad sectors.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (35)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (36)Use this command with extreme caution to avoid loss of data.


Name of the disk to be reformatted (disk00, disk01).


Scans SCSI or IDE disks for errors and remaps the bad sectors, if they are unused.


Name of the disk to be scanned for errors (disk00, disk01).

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

A WAAS device can use two disk drives for either storage capacity increase or for increased reliability. This is known as Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) and is implemented in WAAS as a software feature.

RAID-1 is automatically applied to any WAAS device that is running the WAAS software and that have two or more disk drives. RAID-1 provides disk mirroring (data is written redundantly to two or more drives). The goal is higher reliability through redundancy. With RAID-1, file system write performance may be affected because each disk write must be executed against two disk drives.

RAID-1 (mirroring) is used for all file systems on the device. This setup ensures reliable execution of the software in all cases.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (37)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (38)The WAAS software uses the CONTENT file system for both the Wide Area File Services (WAFS) file system and the data redundancy elimination (DRE) cache.

Manually Marking and Unmarking WAE Disk Drives

A disk drive on a WAAS device can be marked as a good drive, one that is operating properly and being used, or as a bad drive, one that is not operating properly and will not be used after a reload command is executed.

The following scenario shows how to mark disk01 as bad, reload the WAAS device, and then mark disk01 as good so that it can be used again.

1. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (39)Mark disk01 as bad by entering the disk mark EXEC command as follows:

WAE#disk mark disk01 bad
disk01 is marked as bad.
It will be not used after reload.

2. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (40)Display the details about the disks by entering the show disks details EXEC command. Disk01 is now shown with an asterisk (*) because it was marked after the WAAS device was booted. Notice that Disk01 is reported as "Normal" (currently being used).

WAE#show disks details 
Physical disk information:
 disk00: Normal (h00 c00 i00 l00 - DAS) 76324MB( 74.5GB)
 disk01: Normal (h01 c00 i00 l00 - DAS) 76324MB( 74.5GB) (*)
(*) Disk drive won't be used after reload.
Mounted filesystems:
 / root /dev/root 34MB 28MB 6MB 82%

3. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (41)Reload the WAAS device by entering the reload EXEC command. When asked, press Enter to proceed with the reload. After the WAAS device is reloaded, Disk01, which is marked as a bad disk drive, will not be used.

Proceed with reload?[confirm]

4. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (42)After the reload is completed, display the details about the disks by entering the show disks details EXEC command. Disk01 is now shown as "Not used (*)" because Disk01 was detected as bad after the WAE was rebooted.

WAE#show disks details
Physical disk information:
 disk00: Normal (h00 c00 i00 l00 - DAS) 76324MB( 74.5GB)
 disk01: Not used
(*) Disk drive won't be used after reload.

5. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (43)Mark disk01 as good by entering the disk mark EXEC command.

WAE#disk mark disk01 good
disk01 is marked as good.
It will be used after reload.

6. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (44)Verify that Disk01 is now marked as "Not used" by entering the show disks details EXEC command. Reload the WAAS device by entering the reload EXEC command. When asked, press Enter to proceed with the reload. After the WAAS device is reloaded, Disk01, which is marked as a good disk drive, will be used again. Use the show disks details EXEC command to verify the disk is operating normally.

WAE#show disks details
Physical disk information:
disk00: Normal (h00 c00 i00 l00 - DAS) 76324MB( 74.5GB)
disk01: Not used
Proceed with reload?[confirm]
WAE#show disks details
Physical disk information:
 disk00: Normal (h00 c00 i00 l00 - DAS) 76324MB( 74.5GB)
 disk01: Normal (h01 c00 i00 l00 - DAS) 76324MB( 74.5GB)

Reformatting a SCSI Disk Drive

Use the disk reformat EXEC command to reformat a SCSI disk drive on a WAAS device. The SCSI drive cannot be in use when you execute this command.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (45)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (46)To avoid loss of data, use this command with extreme caution.
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (47)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (48)This command is only available on systems with SCSI drives: WAE-611 and WAE-7326.

The following scenario shows how to reformat a SCSI drive:

1. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (49)Mark the SCSI drive as bad. In this example, it is disk01.

WAE#disk mark disk01 bad

2. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (50)Reboot the WAAS device so that the bad disk is not in use.


3. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (51)Reformat the disk. On completion of this command the drive is blank.

WAE#disk reformat disk01

4. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (52)Reboot the WAAS device. Normal software RAID recovery is performed and the reformatted disk is prepared for use.


Removing All Disk Partitions on a Single Disk Drive

Use the disk delete-partitions EXEC command to remove all disk partitions on a single disk drive on WAAS device.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (53)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (54)After using the disk delete-partitions EXEC command, the WAAS software treats the specified disk drive as blank. All previous data on the drive is inaccessible.

Use this command when you want to add a new disk drive that was previously used with another operating system (for example, a Microsoft Windows or Linux operating system). When asked if you want to erase everything on the disk, specify "yes" to proceed, as follows:

WAE#disk delete-partitions disk01 
This will erase everything on disk. Are you sure? [no] yes

Related Commands

(config) disk

show disks


To resolve a host or domain name to an IP address, use the dnslookup EXEC command.

dnslookup {hostname | domainname}

Syntax Description


Name of DNS server on the network.


Name of domain.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




In the following three examples, the dnslookup command is used to resolve the hostname myhost to IP address, to IP address, and an IP address used as a hostname to

WAE# dnslookup myhost
official hostname:
WAE# dnslookup
official hostname:
WAE# dnslookup
official hostname:


To access privileged EXEC commands, use the enable EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The WAAS software CLI EXEC mode is used for setting, viewing, and testing system operations. It is divided into two access levels: user and privileged. To access privileged-level EXEC mode, enter the enable EXEC command at the user access level prompt and specify a privileged EXEC password (superuser or admin-equivalent password) when prompted for a password.

In TACACS+, there is an enable password feature that allows an administrator to define a different enable password per administrative-level user. If an administrative-level user logs in to the WAAS device with a normal-level user account (privilege level of 0) instead of an admin or admin-equivalent user account (privilege level of 15), that user must enter the admin password to access privileged-level EXEC mode.



Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (55)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (56)This caveat applies even if the WAAS users are using TACACS+ for login authentication.

The disable command takes you from privileged EXEC mode to user EXEC mode.


The following example shows how to access privileged EXEC mode:

WAE> enable

Related Commands




To terminate privileged-level EXEC mode and return to the user-level EXEC mode, use the exit command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

All modes

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This command is equivalent to the Ctrl-Z or the end command. The exit command issued in the user level EXEC shell terminates the console or Telnet session.


The following example terminates privileged-level EXEC mode and returns to the user-level EXEC mode:

WAE# exit


To search for a particular pattern in a file, use the find-pattern command in EXEC mode.

find-pattern {binary reg-express filename | case {binary reg-express filename | count reg-express filename | lineno reg-express filename | match reg-express filename | nomatch reg-express filename | recursive reg-express filename} | count reg-express filename | lineno reg-express filename | match reg-express filename | nomatch reg-express filename | recursive reg-express filename}

Syntax Description


Does not suppress the binary output.


Regular expression to be matched.




Matches case-sensitive pattern.


Prints the number of matching lines.


Prints the line number with output.


Prints the matching lines.


Prints the nonmatching lines.


Searches a directory recursively.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to search for a particular regular expression pattern in a file.


The following example searches a file recursively for a case-sensitive pattern:

WAE# find-pattern case recursive admin removed_core
-rw------- 1 admin root 95600640 Oct 12 10:27 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw------- 1 admin root 97054720 Jan 11 11:31 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw------- 1 admin root 96845824 Jan 11 11:32 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw------- 1 admin root 101580800 Jan 11 12:01 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw------- 1 admin root 96759808 Jan 11 12:59 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw------- 1 admin root 97124352 Jan 11 13:26 /local/local1/core_dir/

The following example searches a file for a pattern and prints the matching lines:

WAE# find-pattern match 10 removed_core
Tue Oct 12 10:30:03 UTC 2004
-rw------- 1 admin root 95600640 Oct 12 10:27 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw------- 1 admin root 101580800 Jan 11 12:01 /local/local1/core_dir/

The following example searches a file for a pattern and prints the number of matching lines:

WAE# find-pattern count 10 removed_core

Related Commands






To obtain online help for the command-line interface, use the help EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

EXEC and global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

You can obtain help at any point in a command by entering a question mark (?). If nothing matches, the help list will be empty, and you must back up until entering a ? shows the available options.

Two styles of help are provided:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (57)Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument (for example, show ?) and describes each possible argument.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (58)Partial help is provided when you enter an abbreviated command and you want to know what arguments match the input (for example, show stat?).


The following example shows the output of the help EXEC command:

WAE# help
Help may be requested at any point in a command by entering a question mark '?'. If nothing matches, the help list will be empty and you must backup until entering a '?' shows the available options.
Two styles of help are provided:
1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument.
2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered.


To install a new software image (such as the WAAS software) into flash on the WAAS device, use the install EXEC command.

install imagefilename

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (59)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (60)The install command does not accept .pax files. Files should be of the type .bin (for example, cache-sw.bin). Also, if the release being installed does not require a new system image, then it may not be necessary to write to Flash memory. If the newer version has changes that require a new system image to be installed, then the install command may result in a write to Flash memory.

Syntax Description


Name of the .bin file you want to install.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The install command loads the system image into flash memory and copies components of the optional software to the software file system (swfs) partition.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (61)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (62)If you are installing a system image that contains optional software, make sure that an SWFS partition is mounted on disk00.

To install a system image, copy the image file to the SYSFS directory, local1 or local2. Before executing the install command, change the present working directory to the directory where the system image resides. When the install command is executed, the image file is expanded. The expanded files overwrite the existing files on the WAAS device. The newly installed version takes effect after the system image is reloaded.


The following example loads the system image contained in the wae511-cache-300.bin file:

WAE# install wae511-cache-300.bin 

Related Commands

copy disk



To display a file using the LESS application, use the less EXEC command.

less file_name

Syntax Description


Name of the file to be displayed.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

LESS is an application that displays text files a page at a time. You can use LESS to view the contents of a file, but not edit it. LESS offers some additional features when compared to conventional text file viewer applications such as type. These features include:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (63)Backward movement—LESS allows you to move backward in the displayed text. Use k, Ctrl-k, y, or Ctrl-y to move backward. See the summary of LESS commands for more details; to view the summary, press h or H while displaying a file in LESS.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (64)Searching and highlighting—LESS allows you to search for text in the file that you are viewing. You can search forward and backward. LESS highlights the text that matches your search to make it easy to see where the match is.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (65)Multiple file support—LESS allows you to switch between different files, remembering your position in each file. You can also do a search that spans all the files you are working with.


To display the text of the syslog.txt file using the LESS application, enter the following command:

WAE# less syslog.txt


To view a long list of directory names, use the lls EXEC command.

lls [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the directory for which you want a long list of files.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This command provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory (including size, date, time of creation, SYSFS name, and long name of the file). This information can also be viewed with the dir command.


The following example provides a detailed list of the files in the current directory:

WAE# lls 
size time of last change name
-------------- ------------------------- -----------
 4096 Fri Feb 24 14:40:00 2006 <DIR> actona
 4096 Tue Mar 28 14:42:44 2006 <DIR> core_dir
 4096 Wed Apr 12 20:23:10 2006 <DIR> crash
 4506 Tue Apr 11 13:52:45 2006 dbupgrade.log
 4096 Tue Apr 4 22:50:11 2006 <DIR> downgrade
 4096 Sun Apr 16 09:01:56 2006 <DIR> errorlog
 4096 Wed Apr 12 20:23:41 2006 <DIR> logs
 16384 Thu Feb 16 12:25:29 2006 <DIR> lost+found
 4096 Wed Apr 12 03:26:02 2006 <DIR> sa
 24576 Sun Apr 16 23:54:30 2006 <DIR> service_logs
 4096 Thu Feb 16 12:26:09 2006 <DIR> spool
 9951236 Sun Apr 16 23:54:20 2006 syslog.txt
 10026298 Thu Apr 6 12:25:00 2006 syslog.txt.1
 10013564 Thu Apr 6 12:25:00 2006 syslog.txt.2
 10055850 Thu Apr 6 12:25:00 2006 syslog.txt.3
 10049181 Thu Apr 6 12:25:00 2006 syslog.txt.4
 4096 Thu Feb 16 12:29:30 2006 <DIR> var
 508 Sat Feb 25 13:18:35 2006

Related Commands





To view a list of files or subdirectory names within a directory, use the ls EXEC command.

ls [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the directory for which you want a list of files.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

To list the filenames and subdirectories within a particular directory, use the ls directory command; to list the filenames and subdirectories of the current working directory, use the ls command. To view the present working directory, use the pwd command.


The following example lists the files and subdirectories within the root directory:

WAE# ls

Related Commands





To create a directory, use the mkdir EXEC command.

mkdir directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory to create.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to create a new directory or subdirectory in the WAAS file system.


The following example creates a new directory, oldpaxfiles:

WAE# mkdir /oldpaxfiles

Related Commands









To create a new file, use the mkfile EXEC command.

mkfile filename

Syntax Description


Name of the file you want to create.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to create a new file in any directory of the WAAS device.


The following example creates a new file, traceinfo, in the root directory:

WAE# mkfile traceinfo

Related Commands









To set the software clock (time and date) on a WAAS device using a NTP server, use the ntpdate EXEC command.

ntpdate {hostname | ip-address}

Syntax Description


NTP hostname.


NTP server IP address.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use NTP to find the current time of day and set the current time on the WAAS device to match. The time must be saved to the hardware clock using the clock save command if it is to be restored after a reload.


The following example sets the software clock on the WAAS device using a NTP server:

WAE# ntpdate

Related Commands


(config) clock

show clock

show ntp

no debug

To disable the display of debugging information on a WAAS device, use the no form of a debug command.

no debug command

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (66)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (67)The following no debug command options are supported in the application-accelerator device mode only: dre, epm, print-spooler, tfo, wafs, and wccp.

Syntax Description

aaa accounting

Disables debugging of AAA accounting actions.


Disables all debugging options.




Disables authentication debugging.

Disables debugging of WAAS print services authentication.

Disables debugging of the user login against the system authentication.





Disables buffer manager debugging.

Disables debugging for all buffer manager functions.

Disables the buffer manager dmbuf debugging.

Debugs the buffer manager dmsg.






Disables the debugging of CDP information and actions.

Disables debugging of CDP neighbor adjacency.

Disables debugging of the CDP events.

Disables debugging of CDP IP.

Disables debugging of packet-related CDP.





Disables CLI command debugging.

Disables debugging of all CLI commands.

Disables debugging of the CLI command binary program.

Disables debugging of the CLI command parser.


Disables the debugging of CMS.





Disables the debugging of the data server.

Disables the debugging of all data server functions.

Disables the debugging of the data server client library module.

Disables the debugging of the data server module.


Disables the debugging of DHCP.






aggregation acl

cache acl

core acl

message acl

misc acl




Disables DRE debugging.

Disables the debugging of DRE chunk-aggregation debugging.

Disables the debugging of all DRE commands.

Disables DRE cache debugging.

Disables DRE connection debugging.

Disables DRE chunk-aggregation debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE cache debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE core debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE message debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE other debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE core debugging.

Disables DRE message debugging.

Disables DRE other debugging.


Disables the debugging of the embedded database.



Disables the debugging of logging.

Disables the debugging of all logging functions.


Disables the debugging of NTP.






Disables the debugging of the print spooler feature.

(Optional) Disables the debugging of the print spooler using all debug features.

(Optional) Disables the debugging of the print spooler using only brief debug messages.

(Optional) Disables the debugging of the print spooler using only the error conditions.

(Optional) Disables the debugging of the print spooler using only the warning conditions.




Disables the debugging of the remote procedure calls (RPC) logs.

Disables the debugging of the RPC logs of priority "detail" level or higher.

Disables the debugging of the RPC logs of priority "trace" level or higher.






Disables the debugging of the statistics.

Disables the debugging of all statistics functions.

Disables the debugging of the statistics collection.

Disables the debugging of the statistics computation.

Disables the debugging of the statistics history.




auto-discovery acl

comp-mgr acl

conn-mgr acl

filtering acl

netio-engine acl

policy-engine acl



Disables TFO debugging.

Disables TFO buffer manager debugging.

Disables TFO connection debugging.

Disables TFO connection debugging for the auto-discovery module.

Disables TFO connection debugging for the compression module.

Disables TFO connection debugging for the connection manager.

Disables TFO connection debugging for filtering module.

Disables TFO connection debugging for network input/output module.

Disables TFO connection debugging of application policies.

Disables TFO statistics manager debugging.

Disables TFO transaction log debugging.







Sets the notification level (debug, info, warn, error) at which messages from the WAAS software component and utilities are logged.

Sets the logging level for all software components and utilities at once.

Sets the logging level for WAEs acting as a core file engine.

Sets the logging level for WAEs acting as an edge file engine.

Sets the logging level for the Device Manager.

Sets the logging level for WAAS utilities.









Disables the debugging of WCCP.

Disables the debugging of all WCCP functions.

Disables the debugging of the WCCP details.

Disables the debugging of the WCCP errors.

Disables the debugging of the WCCP events.

Disables the debugging of the WCCP keepalives that are sent to the applications.

Disables the debugging of the WCCP packet-related information.

Disables the debugging of the WCCP slow start.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example disables monitoring of user authentication:

WAE# no debug authentication user


To send echo packets for diagnosing basic network connectivity on networks, use the ping EXEC command.

ping {hostname | ip-address}

Syntax Description


Hostname of system to ping.


IP address of system to ping.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

To use this command with the hostname argument, be sure that DNS functionality is configured the WAAS device. To force the timeout of a nonresponsive host, or to eliminate a loop cycle, press Ctrl-C.


The following example sends echo packets to a machine with address to verify its availability on the network:

WAE# ping
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=249 time=613 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=249 time=485 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=249 time=494 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=249 time=510 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=249 time=493 usec
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 0.485/0.519/0.613/0.047 ms


To view the present working directory on a WAAS device, use the pwd EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to display the present working directory of the WAAS device.


The following example displays the current working directory:

WAE# pwd

Related Commands






To halt and perform a cold restart on a WAAS device, use the reload EXEC command.

reload [force]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Forces a reboot without further prompting.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

To reboot a WAAS device, use the reload command. If no configurations are saved to flash memory, you are prompted to enter configuration parameters upon restart. Any open connections are dropped after you issue this command, and the file system is reformatted upon restart.

To save any file system contents to disk from memory before a restart, use the cache synchronize command.


The following example halts operation of the WAAS device and reboots it with the configuration saved in flash memory. You are not prompted for confirmations during the process.

WAE# reload force

Related Commands



To rename a file on a WAAS device, use the rename EXEC command.

rename oldfilename newfilename

Syntax Description


Original filename.


New filename.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to rename any SYSFS file without making a copy of the file.


The following example renames the errlog.txt file to old_errlog.txt:

WAE# rename errlog.txt old_errlog.txt

Related Commands



To restore the device to its manufactured default status, removing user data from disk and flash memory, use the restore EXEC command. This command erases all existing content on the device; however, your network settings are preserved and the device is accessible through a Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH) session after it reboots.

restore {factory-default [preserve basic-config] | rollback}

Syntax Description


Resets the device configuration and data to their manufactured default status.


(Optional) Preserves certain configurations and data on the device.


(Optional) Selects basic network configurations.


Roll back configuration to the last functional software and device configuration.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to restore data on disk and in flash memory to the factory default, while preserving particular time stamp evaluation data, or to roll back the configuration to the last functional data and device configuration.

Backing up the Central Manager Database

Be sure to back up the WAAS Central Manager database and copy the backup file to a safe location that is separate from that of the WAAS Central Manager, or change over from the primary to a standby WAAS Central Manager before you use the restore factory-default command on your primary WAAS Central Manager. You must halt the operation of the WAAS Central Manager before you enter the backup and restore commands.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (68)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (69)This command erases user-specified configuration information stored in the flash image, removes data on disk, user-defined disk partitions, and the entire Central Manager database. User-defined disk partitions that are removed include the SYSFS, WAAS, and PRINTSPOOLFS partitions. The configuration being removed includes the starting configuration of the device.

By removing the WAAS Central Manager database, all configuration records for the entire WAAS network are deleted. If you do not have a valid backup file or a standby WAAS Central Manager, you must reregister every WAE with the WAAS Central Manager because all previously configured data is lost.

If you used your standby WAAS Central Manager to store the database while you reconfigured the primary, you can simply register the former primary as a new standby WAAS Central Manager.

If you created a backup file while you configured the primary WAAS Central Manager, you can copy the backup file to this newly reconfigured WAAS Central Manager.

Rolling Back the Configuration

You can roll back the software and configuration of a WAAS device to a previous version using the restore rollback command. You would roll back software only in cases in which a newly installed version of the WAAS software is not functioning properly.

The restore rollback command installs the last saved WAAS.bin image on the system disk. A WAAS.bin image is created during software installation and stored on the system disk. If the WAAS device does not have a saved version, the software is not rolled back.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (70)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (71)While WAFS to WAAS migration is supported, rollback from WAAS to WAFS is not supported.


The following two examples illustrate the results of using the restore factory-default and restore factory-default preserve basic-config commands. Because configuration parameters and data are lost, prompts are given before initiating the restore operation to ensure that you want to proceed.

WAE# restore factory-default 
This command will wipe out all of data on the disks
and wipe out WAAS CLI configurations you have ever made. 
If the box is in evaluation period of certain product,
the evaluation process will not be affected though.
It is highly recommended that you stop all active services
before this command is run.
Are you sure you want to go ahead?[yes/no]
WAE# restore factory-default preserve basic-config 
This command will wipe out all of data on the disks
and all of WAAS CLI configurations except basic network 
configurations for keeping the device online.
The to-be-preserved configurations are network interfaces,
default gateway, domain name, name server and hostname.
If the box is in evaluation period of certain product,
the evaluation process will not be affected.
It is highly recommended that you stop all active services
before this command is run.
Are you sure you want to go ahead?[yes/no]
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (72)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (73)You can enter basic configuration parameters (such as IP address, hostname, and name server) at this point, or later through entries in the command-line interface.

In the following example, entering the show disks details command after the restore command is used verifies that the restore command has removed data from the partitioned file systems: SYSFS, WAAS, and PRINTSPOOLFS.

WAE# show disks details
Physical disk information:
 disk00: Normal (h00 c00 i00 l00 - DAS) 140011MB(136.7GB)
 disk01: Normal (h00 c00 i01 l00 - DAS) 140011MB(136.7GB)

Mounted filesystems:
 / root /dev/root 35MB 30MB 5MB 85%
 /swstore internal /dev/md1 991MB 333MB 658MB 33%
 /state internal /dev/md2 3967MB 83MB 3884MB 2%
 /disk00-04 CONTENT /dev/md4 122764MB 33MB 122731MB 0%
 /local/local1 SYSFS /dev/md5 3967MB 271MB 3696MB 6%
 .../local1/spool PRINTSPOOL /dev/md6 991MB 16MB 975MB 1%
 /sw internal /dev/md0 991MB 424MB 567MB 42%

Software RAID devices:
 /dev/md0 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/00[GOOD] disk01/00[GOOD]
 /dev/md1 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/01[GOOD] disk01/01[GOOD]
 /dev/md2 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/02[GOOD] disk01/02[GOOD]
 /dev/md3 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/03[GOOD] disk01/03[GOOD]
 /dev/md4 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/04[GOOD] disk01/04[GOOD]
 /dev/md5 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/05[GOOD] disk01/05[GOOD]
 /dev/md6 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/06[GOOD] disk01/06[GOOD]
Currently content-filesystems RAID level is not configured to change.

The following example shows how to upgrade or restore an older version of the WAAS software. In the first example below, version Y of the software is installed (using the copy command), but the administrator has not switched over to it yet, so the current version is still version X. The system is then reloaded (using the reload command), and it verifies that version Y is the current version running.

The final example shows that the software is rolled back to version X (using the restore rollback command), and the software is reloaded again.

WAE#copy ftp install server path waas.versionY.bin
WAE#show version
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software (WAAS)
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software Release 4.0.0 (build b340 Mar 25 2
Version: fe611-
Compiled 17:26:17 Mar 25 2006 by cnbuild
System was restarted on Mon Mar 27 15:25:02 2006.
The system has been up for 3 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes, 17 seconds.
WAE#show version last
Nothing is displayed.
WAE#show version pending
WAAS 4.0.1 Version Y
...... reloading ......
WAE#show version
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software (WAAS)
WAE#restore rollback
...... reloading ......

Because flash memory configurations were removed after the restore command was used, the show startup-config command does not return any flash memory data. The show running-config command returns the default running configurations.

Related Commands


show disks

show running-config

show startup-config

show version


To delete a directory on a WAAS device, use the rmdir EXEC command.

rmdir directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory that you want to delete.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to remove any directory from the WAAS file system. The rmdir command only removes empty directories.


The following example deletes the oldfiles directory from the local1 directory:

WAE# rmdir /local1/oldfiles

Related Commands









To copy files between network hosts, use the scp command. This command uses SSH for transferring data between hosts.

scp [1][2][4][6][B][C][p][q][r][v] [c cipher] [F config-file] [i id-file] [l limit]
[o ssh_option] [P port] [S program] [[user @] host : file] [...] [[user-n @] host-n : file-n]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Forces this command to use protocol 1.


(Optional) Forces this command to use protocol 2.


(Optional) Forces this command to use only IPv4 addresses.


(Optional) Forces this command to use only IPv6 addresses.


(Optional) Specifies the batch mode. In this mode, the scp command does not ask for passwords or passphrases.


(Optional) Enables compression. The scp command passes this option to the ssh command to enable compression.


(Optional) Preserves the following information from the source file: modification times, access times, and modes.


(Optional) Disables the display of progress information.


(Optional) Recursively copies directories and their contents.


(Optional) Specifies the verbose mode. Causes the scp and ssh commands to print debugging messages about their progress. This option can be helpful when troubleshooting connection, authentication, and configuration problems.


(Optional) Specifies the cipher to use for encrypting the data being copied. The scp command directly passes this option to the ssh command.


The cipher to use for encrypting the data being copied.


(Optional) Specifies an alternative per-user configuration file for Secure Shell (SSH). The scp command directly passes this option to the ssh command.


Name of the configuration file.


(Optional) Specifies the file containing the private key for RSA authentication. The scp command directly passes this information to the ssh command.


The name of the file containing the private key for RSA authentication.


(Optional) Limits the use of bandwidth.


The bandwidth to use for copying files in kbps.


(Optional) Passes options to the ssh command in the format used in ssh_config5.


See the ssh command for more information about the possible options.


(Optional) Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host.


The port to connect to on the remote host.


(Optional) Specifies the program to use for the encrypted connection.


Name of the program to use for the encrypted connection.


(Optional) Username.


(Optional) Hostname.


(Optional) Name of the file to copy.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The scp command prompts you for passwords or passphrases when needed for authentication.

Related Commands



To execute a script provided by Cisco or check the script for errors, use the script EXEC command.

script {check | execute} file_name

Syntax Description


Checks the validity of the script.


Executes the script. The script file must be a SYSFS file in the current directory.


Name of the script file.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The script EXEC command opens the script utility, which allows you to execute Cisco-supplied scripts or check errors in those scripts. The script utility can read standard terminal input from the user if the script you run requires input from the user.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (74)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (75)The script utility is designed to run only Cisco-supplied scripts. You cannot execute script files that lack Cisco signatures or that have been corrupted or modified.


The following example checks for errors in the script file

WAE# script check


To configure basic configuration settings (general settings, device network settings, and disk configuration) on the WAAS device, use the setup EXEC command. You can also use the setup EXEC command to complete basic configuration after upgrading to WAAS software.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

For instructions on using the setup command, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Quick Configuration Guide.


The following example shows the first screen of the wizard when you enter the setup EXEC command on a WAAS device that is running the WAAS software:

WAE# setup
Please choose an interface to configure from the following list:
1: GigabitEthernet 1/0
2: GigabitEthernet 2/0
Enter choice:
Press the ESC key at any time to quit this session

show aaa accounting

To display the AAA accounting configuration information for a WAAS device, use the show aaa accounting EXEC command.

show aaa accounting

This command displays configuration information for the following AAA accounting types:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (76)Exec shell

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (77)Command (for normal users and superusers)

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (78)System


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to display configuration information for the following AAA accounting types:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (79)Exec shell

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (80)Command (for normal users and superusers)

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (81)System


The following example displays the current AAA configuration:

WAE# show aaa accounting
Accounting Type Record event(s) Protocol
Exec shell start-stop tacacs
Command level 0 stop-only tacacs
Command level 15 disabled 
System start-stop tacacs

Related Commands

(config) aaa accounting

show alarms

To display information on various types of alarms, their status, and history on a WAAS device, use the show alarms EXEC command.

show alarms [critical [detail [support]] | detail [support]] | history [[start_num [end_num [detail [support]] | detail [support]] | critical [start_num [end_num [detail [support]] | detail [support]]] | detail [support] | major [start_num [end_num [detail [support]] | detail [support]]]] | [minor [start_num [end_num [detail [support]]] | detail [support]]]] |
major [detail [support]] | minor [detail [support]] | status]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays critical alarm information.


(Optional) Displays detailed information for each alarm.


(Optional) Displays additional information about each alarm.


(Optional) Displays information about the history of various alarms.


(Optional) Alarm number that appears first in the alarm history.


(Optional) Alarm number that appears last in the alarm history.


(Optional) Displays information about major alarms.


(Optional) Displays information about minor alarms.


(Optional) Displays the status of various alarms and alarm overload settings.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The Node Health Manager in the WAAS software enables WAAS applications to raise alarms to draw attention in error/significant conditions. The Node Health Manager, which is the data repository for such alarms, aggregates the health and alarm information for the applications, services (for example, the CIFS service) and resources (for example, disk drives) that are being monitored on the WAAS device. For example, this feature gives you a mechanism to determine if a WAE is receiving overwhelming number of alarms. These alarms are referred to as "WAAS software alarms."

WAAS software uses SNMP to report error conditions by generating SNMP traps. The following WAAS applications can generate a WAAS software alarm:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (82)Node Health Manager (Alarm overload condition)

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (83)System Monitor (sysmon) for disk failures

The three levels of alarms in WAAS software are:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (84)Critical—Alarms that affect the existing traffic through the WAE, and are considered fatal (the WAE cannot recover and continue to process traffic).

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (85)Major—Alarms which indicate a major service (for example, the cache service) has been damaged or lost. Urgent action is necessary to restore this service. However, other node components are fully functional and the existing service should be minimally impacted.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (86)Minor—Alarms which indicate that a condition that will not affect a service has occurred, but that corrective action is required to prevent a serious fault from occurring.

You can configure alarms using the snmp-server enable traps alarms global configuration command.

Use the show alarms critical EXEC command to display the current critical alarms being generated by WAAS software applications. Use the show alarms critical detail EXEC command to display additional details for each of the critical alarms being generated. Use the show alarms critical detail support EXEC command to display an explanation about the condition that triggered the alarm and how you can find out the cause of the problem. Similarly, you can use the show alarms major and show alarms minor EXEC commands to display the details of major and minor alarms.

Use the show alarms history EXEC command to display a history of alarms that have been raised and cleared by WAAS software on the WAAS device. The WAAS software retains the last 100 alarm raise and clear events only.

Use the show alarm status EXEC command to display the status of current alarms, and the WAAS device's alarm overload status and alarm overload configuration.


The following sample output for the show alarm history command displays all major alarms generated on the WAAS device since the last software reload:

WAE# show alarms history
 Op Sev Alarm ID Module/Submodule Instance
 -- --- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
 1 C Ma tfo_accl_wellness sysmon accl=CIFS
 2 C Cr wafs_edge_down wafs
 3 R Ma tfo_accl_wellness sysmon accl=CIFS
 4 R Cr wafs_edge_down wafs
 5 R Ma core_dump sysmon core
Op - Operation: R-Raised, C-Cleared
Sev - Severity: Cr-Critical, Ma-Major, Mi-Minor

The following sample output of the show alarm history command displays the complete details of alarms 1 through 3 in the alarm history event record:

WAE# show alarms history 1 3 detail support
 Op Sev Alarm ID Module/Submodule Instance
 -- --- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
 1 C Ma tfo_accl_wellness sysmon accl=CIFS
 Apr 12 20:25:58.119 UTC, Processing Error Alarm, #000003, 1000:445005
 The CIFS TFO Accelerator application has had a keepalive failure.
 Its wellness is in question.
 A TFO Accelerator application has had a keepalive failure.
 The System Monitor issues this to indicate that one of the
 TFO Accelerators is failing to perform a wellness update
 within the allotted time. The implications are that some
 connections may not be optimized properly by TFO and thus
 optimization performance may be reduced.
 Examine the status of the specified accelerator to verify it
 is still operating properly and make adjustments to return
 it to full health if necessary.

 2 C Cr wafs_edge_down wafs
 Apr 12 20:25:30.756 UTC, Processing Error Alarm, #000002, 10000:1000001
 WAFS Edge is down.
 WAFS Edge is down.
 This alarm is used to check if the Edge is working.
 Please reactivate the Edge component on the device.

 3 R Ma tfo_accl_wellness sysmon accl=CIFS
 Apr 12 20:24:43.127 UTC, Processing Error Alarm, #000003, 1000:445005
 The CIFS TFO Accelerator application has had a keepalive failure.
 Its wellness is in question.
 A TFO Accelerator application has had a keepalive failure.
 The System Monitor issues this to indicate that one of the
 TFO Accelerators is failing to perform a wellness update
 within the allotted time. The implications are that some
 connections may not be optimized properly by TFO and thus
 optimization performance may be reduced.
 Examine the status of the specified accelerator to verify it
 is still operating properly and make adjustments to return
 it to full health if necessary.

Op - Operation: R-Raised, C-Cleared
Sev - Severity: Cr-Critical, Ma-Major, Mi-Minor

This sample output for the show alarm status command displays the status of critical, major, and minor alarms and the alarm overload status and alarm overload configuration on the WAAS device.

WAE# show alarms status
Critical Alarms : 0
Major Alarms : 1
Minor Alarms : 0
Overall Alarm Status : Major
Device is NOT in alarm overload state.
Device enters alarm overload state @ 10 alarms/sec.
Device exits alarm overload state @ 1 alarms/sec.
Overload detection is ENABLED.

Related Commands

(config) alarm overload-detect

(config) snmp-server enable traps

show arp

To display the ARP table for a WAAS device, use the show arp EXEC command.

show arp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows the ARP table:

WAE# show arp
Protocol Address Flags Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet Adj 00:06:5B:FE:4D:05 ARPA GigabitEthernet1/0
Internet Adj 00:0F:F8:A0:9F:8A ARPA GigabitEthernet1/0
Internet Adj 00:00:0C:07:AC:01 ARPA GigabitEthernet1/0

The show arp command displays the Internet-to-Ethernet address translation tables of the Address Resolution Protocol. Without flags, the current ARP entry for the host name is displayed.

The following table describes the fields shown in the show arp display.



Type of protocol.


IP address of the host name.


Current ARP flag status.

Hardware Addr

Hardware IP address given as six hexadecimal bytes separated by colons.


Type of wide-area network.


Name and slot/port information for the interface.

show authentication

To display the authentication configuration for a WAAS device, use the show authentication EXEC command.

show authentication {print-services | user | content-request}

Syntax Description


Displays authentication configuration for WAAS print services.


Displays authentication configuration for user login to the system.


Displays content request authentication configuration information in the disconnected mode.



No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The WAAS software supports print service request authentication through the Windows domain server. A print service request authenticates the domain and password of a user with a preconfigured Windows domain server before allowing requests from the user to be served by the WAAS device. To display the authentication for a print services request, use the show authentication print-services EXEC command. To view user authorization for print services, use the show print-services admin-group EXEC command.

When the WAAS device authenticates a user through an NTLM, LDAP, TACACS+, RADIUS, or Windows domain server, a record of the authentication is stored locally. As long as the entry is stored, subsequent attempts to access restricted Internet content by the same user do not require additional server lookups. To display the local and remote authentication configuration for user login, use the show authentication user EXEC command.


To display the current administrative login authentication and authorization (authentication configuration) on a WAAS device, use the show authentication user EXEC command. The sample output shows the authentication and authorization schemes (for example, local, RADIUS, TACACS+, or Windows domain) that the WAAS device is configured to use to authenticate and authorize administrative login requests.

WAE# show authentication user
Login Authentication: Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session
----------------------------- ------------------------------
local enabled (primary)
Windows domain disabled
Radius disabled
Tacacs+ disabled
Configuration Authentication: Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session
----------------------------- ------------------------------
local enabled (primary)
Windows domain disabled
Radius disabled
Tacacs+ disabled

The following example displays the authentication and authorization information for WAAS print services:

WAE# show authentication print-services
Windows domain server authenticates the Print Services
WAE# show print-services admin-group
There is no configured administrator group for print-services.

The following example displays the content request authentication configuration information in the disconnected mode:

WAE# show authentication content-request
The content request authentication in disconnected mode is disabled

Related Commands

(config) authentication


show statistics authentication

show auto-register

To display the status of a WAE's automatic registration feature, use the show auto-register EXEC command.

show auto-register

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays the status of the automatic registration feature of a WAE:

WAE# show auto-register 
Auto registration is disabled.

Related Commands

(config) auto-register

show bypass

To display static bypass configuration information for a WAE, use the show bypass EXEC command.

show bypass list

Syntax Description


Bypass list entries. Maximum of 50.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The maximum number of static bypass entries is 50.


The following example displays a list of entries in the bypass list:

WAE# show bypass list
 Client Server Entry type
 ------ ------ ---------- any-server:0 static-config
 any-client:0 static-config

Related Commands

(config) bypass

show cdp

To display CDP configuration information, use the show cdp EXEC command.

show cdp [entry neighbor [protocol | version [protocol]] | holdtime | interface [FastEthernet slot/port | GigabitEthernet slot/port] | neighbors [detail | FastEthernet slot/port [detail] | GigabitEthernet slot/port [detail]] | run | timer | traffic]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information for a specific neighbor entry.


Name of CDP neighbor entry.


(Optional) CDP protocol information.


(Optional) CDP version.


(Optional) Displays length of time that CDP information is held by neighbors.


(Optional) Displays interface status and configuration.


(Optional) Displays Fast Ethernet configuration.


Fast Ethernet slot (0-3) and port number.


(Optional) Displays Gigabit Ethernet configuration.


Gigabit Ethernet slot (1-2) and port number.


(Optional) Displays CDP neighbor entries.


(Optional) Displays detailed neighbor entry information.


(Optional) Displays neighbor Fast Ethernet information.


Neighbor Fast Ethernet slot (0-3) and port number.


Detailed neighbor Fast Ethernet network information.


(Optional) Displays neighbor Gigabit Ethernet information.


Neighbor Gigabit Ethernet slot (1-2) and port number.


(Optional) Detailed Gigabit Ethernet neighbor network information.


(Optional) Displays the CDP process status.


(Optional) Displays the time when CDP information is resent to neighbors.


(Optional) Displays CDP statistical information.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following examples display CDP information regarding how frequently CDP packets are resent to neighbors, the length of time that CDP packets are held by neighbors, the disabled status of CDP Version2 multicast advertisem*nts, CDP Ethernet interface ports, and general CDP traffic information:

WAE# show cdp
Global CDP information:
 Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
 Sending a holdtime value of 180 seconds
 Sending CDPv2 advertisem*nts is not enabled
WAE# show cdp holdtime
180 seconds
WAE# show cdp interface gigabitethernet 1/0
GigabitEthernet1/0 is up, line protocol is up
 Encapsulation ARPA
 Sending CDP packets every 60 seconds
 Holdtime is 180 seconds
WAE# show cdp neighbors gigabitethernet 1/0 detail
Device ID: actona-core1-6513(L)
Entry address(es):
 IP address:
Platform: cisco WS-C6513, Capabilities: Router Switch IGMP
Interface: GigabitEthernet1/0, Port ID (outgoing port): GigabitEthernet5/30
Holdtime : 124 sec
Version :
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) c6sup2_rp Software (c6sup2_rp-PS-M), Version 12.1(26)E, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 24-Dec-04 08:02
advertisem*nt version: 2
VTP Management Domain: 'actona'
Native VLAN: 1
WAE# show cdp traffic
CDP counters :
 Total packets Output: 188242, Input: 186151
 Hdr syntax: 0, Chksum error: 0, Encaps failed: 0
 No memory: 0, Invalid packet: 0, Fragmented: 0
 CDP version 1 advertisem*nts Output: 188242, Input: 93072
 CDP version 2 advertisem*nts Output: 0, Input: 93079

Related Commands

(config) cdp

(config-if) cdp


show clock

To display information about the system clock on a WAAS device, use the show clock EXEC command.

show clock [detail | standard-timezones {all | details timezone | regions | zones region-name}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays detailed information; indicates the clock source (NTP) and the current summer time setting (if any).


(Optional) Displays information about the standard time zones.


Displays all of the standard time zones (approximately 1500 time zones). Each time zone is listed on a separate line.


Displays detailed information for the specified time zone.


Name of the time zone.


Displays the region name of all the standard time zones. All 1500 time zones are organized into directories by region.


Displays the name of every time zone that is within the specified region.


Name of the region.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The WAAS device has several predefined "standard" time zones. Some of these time zones have built-in summer time information while others do not. For example, if you are in an eastern region of the United States (US), you must use US/Eastern time zone that includes summer time information for the system clock to adjust automatically every April and October. There are about 1500 "standard" time zone names.

Strict checking disables the clock summertime command when a standard time zone is configured. You can only configure summertime if the time zone is not a standard time zone (that is, if the time zone is a "customized zone").

The show clock standard-timezones all EXEC command enables you to browse through all standard timezones and choose from these predefined time zones. This enables you to choose a customized name that does not conflict with the predefined names of the standard time zones. Most predefined names of the standard time zones have two components, a region name and a zone name. You can list time zones by several criteria, such as regions and zones.


The following example shows date and time information, such as day of the week, month, time (hh:mm:ss), and year in local time relative to Israeli Standard Time (UTC plus two hours):

WAE# show clock
Local time: Wed Apr 6 20:03:56 IST 2005

The following example shows optional detailed date and time information, including local time relative to UTC. In addition to the information shown in the previous example, show clock detail provides the UTC offset, and the local time zone.

WAE# show clock detail
Local time: Wed Apr 6 20:10:40 IST 2005
 UTC time: Wed Apr 6 18:10:40 UTC 2005
Epoch: 1112811040 seconds
UTC offset: 7200 seconds (2 hours 0 minutes)

The following example shows an excerpt of the output from the show clock standard-timezones all EXEC command. A partial list is shown. Each time zone is listed on a separate line.

WAE #show clock standard-timezones all


The following example shows an excerpt of the output from the show clock standard-timezones region EXEC command. As the example shows, all first level time zone names or directories are listed. All 1500 time zones are organized into directories by region.

WAE #show clock standard-timezones regions

The following example shows an excerpt of the output from the show clock standard-timezones zones EXEC command. As the following example shows, this command lists the name of every time zone that is within the specified region (for example, the US region).

WAE #show clock standard-timezones zones US
Zones within region US

The following sample shows an excerpt of the output from the show clock standard-timezones details EXEC command. The time zone is case-sensitive. As the following example shows, this command shows details about the specified time zone (for example, the US/Eastern time zone). The command output also includes the standard offset from the GMT.

WAE #show clock standard-timezones details US/Eastern
US/Eastern is standard timezone.
Getting offset information (may take a while) ...
Standard offset from GMT is -300 minutes (-5 hour(s)).
It has built-in summertime.
Summer offset from GMT is -240 minutes. (-4 hour(s)).

Related Commands


(config) clock

show cms

To display Centralized Management System (CMS) embedded database content and maintenance status and other information for a WAAS device, use the show cms EXEC command.

show cms {database content {dump filename | text | xml} | info | processes}

Syntax Description


Displays embedded database maintenance information.


Writes the database content to a file.


Dumps all database content to a text file.


Name of the file to be saved under local1 directory.


Writes the database content to a file in text format.


Writes the database content to a file in XML format.


Displays CMS application information.


Displays CMS application processes.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following two examples show the result of using the show cms info command on a WAAS device:

WAE# show cms info
CDN information :
Model = CDM4630
NodeId = 91
Device Mode = cdm
Current CDM role = Primary
CMS services information :
Service cms_httpd is running
Service cms_cdm is running

The following example shows the CMS application processes:

WAE# show cms processes 
Service cms_httpd running
Service cms_cdm running

The following example writes the database content to a file in text format:

WAE# show cms database content text 
Database content can be found in /local1/cms-db-12-12-2002-17:06:08:070.txt.

The following example writes the database content to a file in XML format:

WAE# show cms database content xml 
Database content can be found in /local1/cms-db-12-12-2002-17:07:11:629.xml.

Related Commands


(config) cms

show debugging

To display the state of each debugging option that was previously enabled on a WAAS device, use the show debugging EXEC command.

show debugging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays only the type of debugging enabled, not the specific subset of the command.

Command Modes


Device Modes




In the following example, the debug tfo buffer-mgr and the debug tfo connection commands coupled with the show debugging command display the states of tfo buffer-mgr and tfo connection debugging options:

WAE# debug tfo buffer-mgr
WAE# debug tfo connection
WAE# show debugging
tfo bufmgr debugging is on
tfo compmgr debugging is on
tfo connmgr debugging is on
tfo netio debugging is on
tfo statmgr debugging is on
tfo translog debugging is on

Related Commands



show device-mode

To display the configured or current device mode of a WAAS device, use the show device-mode EXEC command.

show device-mode {configured | current}

Syntax Description


Displays the configured device mode, which has not taken effect yet.


Displays the current device mode.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

In the WAAS software release and later releases, you must deploy the WAAS Central Manager on a dedicated appliance. The device mode feature allows you to deploy a WAAS device as either a WAAS Central Manager or a WAE. Because you must deploy a WAAS Central Manager on a dedicated appliance, a WAAS device can only operate in one device mode; either in central-manager mode or application-acclerator mode.

If the configured and current device modes differ, a reload is required for the configured device mode to take effect.


To display the current device mode of a WAAS device, enter the show device mode EXEC command:

WAE# show device mode

To display the current mode in which the WAAS device is operating, enter the show device-mode current EXEC command:

WAE# show device-mode current
Current device mode: application-accelerator

To display the configured device mode that has not yet taken effect, enter the show device-mode configured EXEC command. For example, if you had entered the device mode central-manager global configuration command on a WAAS device to change its device mode to central manager but have not yet entered the copy run start EXEC command to save the running configuration on the device, then if you were to enter the show device-mode configured command on the WAAS device, the command output would indicate that the configured device mode is central-manager:

WAE# show device-mode configured
Configured device mode: central-manager

Related Commands

(config) device mode

show disks

To view information about a WAAS device's disks, use the show disks EXEC command.

show disks {details | failed-sectors [disk_name] | SMART-info [details]}

Syntax Description


Displays currently effective configurations with more details.


Displays a list of failed sectors on all disks.


(Optional) Name of the disk for which failed sectors are displayed (disk00 or disk01).


Displays hard drive diagnostic information and information about impending disk failures.


(Optional) Displays more detailed SMART disk monitoring information.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The show disks details EXEC command displays the percentage or amount of disk space allocated to each file system, and the operational status of the disk drives, after reboot.

The WAAS software supports filtering of multiple syslog messages for a single, failed section on IDE, SCSI, and SATA disks. Enter the show disks failed-sectors EXEC command to display a list of failed sectors on all disk drives.

WAE#show disks failed-sectors

To display a list of failed sectors for a only a specific disk drive, specify the name of the disk when entering the show disks failed-sectors command. The following example shows how to display a list of failed sectors for disk01:

WAE#show disks failed-sectors disk01

If there are disk failures, a message is displayed, notifying you about this situation when you log in.

Proactively Monitoring Disk Health with SMART

The ability to proactively monitor the health of disks is available using SMART. SMART provides you with hard drive diagnostic information and information about impending disk failures.

SMART is supported by most disk vendors and is a standard method used to determine how healthy a disk is. SMART attributes include several read-only attributes (for example, the power on hours attribute, the load and unload count attribute) that provide the WAAS software with information regarding the operating and environmental conditions that may indicate an impending disk failure.

SMART support is vendor and drive technology (IDE or SCSI disk drives) dependent. Each disk vendor has a different set of supported SMART attributes.

Even though SMART attributes are vendor dependent there is a common way of interpreting most SMART attributes. Each SMART attribute has a normalized current value and a threshold value. When the current value exceeds the threshold value, the disk is considered to have "failed." The WAAS software monitors the SMART attributes and reports any impending failure through syslog messages, SNMP traps, and alarms.

To display SMART information, use the show disks SMART-info EXEC command. To display more detailed SMART information, enter the show disks SMART-info details EXEC command. The output from the show tech-support EXEC command also includes SMART information.


In the following example, enter the show disks details EXEC command to display detailed information about the current disk configuration on the WAAS device:

WAE# show disks details
Physical disk information:
 disk00: Normal (h00 c00 i00 l00 - DAS) 140011MB(136.7GB)
 disk01: Normal (h00 c00 i01 l00 - DAS) 140011MB(136.7GB)

Mounted filesystems:
 / root /dev/root 35MB 30MB 5MB 85%
 /swstore internal /dev/md1 991MB 333MB 658MB 33%
 /state internal /dev/md2 3967MB 83MB 3884MB 2%
 /disk00-04 CONTENT /dev/md4 122764MB 33MB 122731MB 0%
 /local/local1 SYSFS /dev/md5 3967MB 271MB 3696MB 6%
 .../local1/spool PRINTSPOOL /dev/md6 991MB 16MB 975MB 1%
 /sw internal /dev/md0 991MB 424MB 567MB 42%

Software RAID devices:
 /dev/md0 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/00[GOOD] disk01/00[GOOD]
 /dev/md1 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/01[GOOD] disk01/01[GOOD]
 /dev/md2 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/02[GOOD] disk01/02[GOOD]
 /dev/md3 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/03[GOOD] disk01/03[GOOD]
 /dev/md4 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/04[GOOD] disk01/04[GOOD]
 /dev/md5 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/05[GOOD] disk01/05[GOOD]
 /dev/md6 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/06[GOOD] disk01/06[GOOD]
Currently content-filesystems RAID level is not configured to change.

The following example shows the output of the show disks SMART-info EXEC command:

WAEA#show disks SMART-info
=== disk00 ===
Device: IBM-ESXS ST3146707LW FN Version: B26B
Serial number: 3KS2YL00000000000CM3
Device type: disk
Transport protocol: Parallel SCSI (SPI-4)
Local Time is: Fri Mar 31 13:06:08 2006 UTC
Device supports SMART and is Enabled
Temperature Warning Enabled
SMART Health Status: OK
=== disk01 ===
Device: IBM-ESXS ST3146707LW FN Version: B26B
Serial number: 3KS1ZTRH00000000CK61
Device type: disk
Transport protocol: Parallel SCSI (SPI-4)
Local Time is: Fri Mar 31 13:06:08 2006 UTC
Device supports SMART and is Enabled
Temperature Warning Enabled
SMART Health Status: OK

The following example displays more detailed SMART output from the show disks SMART-info details EXEC command:

WAE#show disks SMART-info details
=== disk00 ===
Device: IBM-ESXS ST3146707LW FN Version: B26B
Serial number: 3KS2YL94000000000CM3
Device type: disk
Transport protocol: Parallel SCSI (SPI-4)
Local Time is: Fri Mar 31 13:06:53 2006 UTC
Device supports SMART and is Enabled
Temperature Warning Enabled
SMART Health Status: OK
Current Drive Temperature: 33 C
Drive Trip Temperature: 65 C
Vendor (Seagate) cache information
 Blocks sent to initiator = 4048936465
 Blocks received from initiator = 100130496
 Blocks read from cache and sent to initiator = 56503638
 Number of read and write commands whose size <= segment size = 10124024
 Number of read and write commands whose size > segment size = 0
Error counter log:
 Errors Corrected Total Total Correction Gigabytes Tot
 delay: [rereads/ errors algorithm processed unc

Related Commands


(config) disk

show tech-support

show flash

To display the flash memory version and usage information for a WAAS device, use the show flash EXEC command.

show flash

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays flash memory information. Note that a new software image has been downloaded, but not yet deployed.

WAE# show flash
WAAS software version (disk-based code): WAAS-4.0.0-b340
System image on flash:
System flash directory:
System image: 107 sectors
Bootloader, rescue image, and other reserved areas: 24 sectors
256 sectors total, 125 sectors free.

show hardware

To display system hardware status for a WAAS device, use the show hardware EXEC command.

show hardware

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example lists the system hardware status, including the version number, the startup date and time, the run time since startup, the microprocessor type and speed, the amount of physical memory available, and a list of disk drives:

WAE# show hardware
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software (WAAS)
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software Release 4.0.0 (build b340 Mar 25 2
Version: fe611-
Compiled 17:26:17 Mar 25 2006 by cnbuild
System was restarted on Mon Mar 27 15:25:01 2006.
The system has been up for 3 days, 21 hours, 15 minutes, 13 seconds.
CPU 0 is GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (rev 4) running at 3002M
Total 1 CPU.
2048 Mbytes of Physical memory.
1 CD ROM drive (HL-DT-ST GCR-8240N)
2 GigabitEthernet interfaces
1 Console interface
Manufactured As: WAE-611-K9 [8836PBN]
BIOS Information:
Vendor : IBM

Related Commands

show hardware

show version

show hosts

To view the hosts on a WAAS device, use the show hosts EXEC command.

show hosts

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following show hosts example lists the name servers and their corresponding IP addresses. It also lists the host names, their corresponding IP addresses, and their corresponding aliases (if applicable) in a host table summary:

WAE# show hosts
Domain names:

Name Server(s):
Host Table:
hostname inet address aliases
-------- ------------ -------

show inetd

To display the status of TCP/IP services on a WAAS device, use the show inetd EXEC command.

show inetd

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The show inetd EXEC command displays status for the tftp service, but you can ignore this line because tftp is not supported on WAAS.


The following example displays the enabled or disabled status of TCP/IP services on the WAAS device:

WAE# show inetd
Inetd service configurations:
ftp enable
rcp disabled
tftp disabled

Related Commands

(config) inetd

show interface

To display the hardware interface information for a WAAS device, use the show interface EXEC command.

show interface {GigabitEthernet slot/port | ide control_num | PortChannel port-num | scsi device_num | Standby group_num | usb}

Syntax Description


Displays the Gigabit Ethernet interface device information (only on suitably equipped systems).


Slot and port number for the Gigabit Ethernet interface. The slot range is 0-3; the port range is 0-3. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/).


Displays the IDE interface device information.


IDE controller number (0-1).


Displays the port channel interface device information.


Port number for the port channel interface (1-2).


Displays the SCSI interface device information.


SCSI device number (0-7).


Displays the standby group information.


Standby group number (1-4).


Displays the USB interface device information.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays information for the Gigabit Ethernet interface slot 1/port 0 configured on the WAAS device:

WAE# show interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
Ethernet address:00:0D:60:84:30:84
Internet address:
Broadcast address:
Maximum Transfer Unit Size:1500
Packets Received: 49288883
Input Errors: 0
Input Packets Dropped: 0
Input Packets Overruns: 0
Input Packets Frames: 0
Packet Sent: 547899
Output Errors: 0
Output Packets Dropped: 0
Output Packets Overruns: 0
Output Packets Carrier: 0
Output Queue Length:1000
Collisions: 0
Base address:0x2000
Mode: autoselect, full-duplex, 1000baseTX

The following example displays information for the port channel interface configured on the WAAS device:

waas-cm# show interface PortChannel 1
Interface PortChannel 1 (0 physical interface(s)):
Ethernet address:00:00:00:00:00:00
Maximum Transfer Unit Size:1500
Packets Received: 0
Input Errors: 0
Input Packets Dropped: 0
Input Packets Overruns: 0
Input Packets Frames: 0
Packet Sent: 0
Output Errors: 0
Output Packets Dropped: 0
Output Packets Overruns: 0
Output Packets Carrier: 0
Output Queue Length:0
Collisions: 0

The following example displays information for the SCSI interface configured on the WAAS device:

waas-cm# show interface scsi 1
SCSI interface 0: LSI Chip sym00c000, device id 0xc, revision id 0x2

The following example displays information for the standby interface on the WAAS device:

WAE# show interface Standby 4
Standby Group: 4
 Description: This is an interface that acts as a backup
 IP address:, netmask:
 Member interfaces: none
 Active interface: none

Related Commands

(config) interface

show running-config

show startup-config

show inventory

To display the system inventory information for a WAAS device, use the show inventory EXEC command.

show inventory

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The show inventory EXEC command allows you to view the UDI for a WAAS device. Typically, a WAAS device contains the following three identification items, which make up the UDI:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (87)Product ID (PID)

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (88)Version ID (VID)

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (89)Serial number (SN)

This identity information is stored in the WAAS device's nonvolatile memory.

The UDI is electronically accessed by the product operating system or network management application to enable identification of unique hardware devices. The data integrity of the UDI is vital to customers. The UDI that is programmed into the WAAS device's nonvolatile memory is equivalent to the UDI that is printed on the product label and on the carton label. This UDI is also equivalent to the UDI that can be viewed through any electronic means and in all customer-facing systems and tools. Currently, there is only CLI access to the UDI; there is no SNMP access to the UDI information.

You can also use the show tech-support EXEC command to display the WAAS device's UDI.


The following example shows the inventory information for a WAE model WAE-511:

WAE# show inventory
PID: WAE-511-K9 VID: 0 SN: serial_number

In the preceding example, serial number is the serial number of the WAE. The version ID is displayed as "0" because the version number is not available.

Related Commands

show tech-support

show ip access-list

To display the access lists that are defined and applied to specific interfaces or applications on a WAAS device, use the show ip access-list EXEC command.

show ip access-list [acl-name | acl-num]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information for a specific access list, using an alphanumeric identifier up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter.


(Optional) Displays information for a specific access list, using a numeric identifier (0-99 for standard access lists and100-199 for extended access lists).


Displays information about all defined access lists.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip access-list EXEC command to display the access lists that have been defined on the WAAS device. Unless you identify a specific access list by name or number, the system displays information about all the defined access lists, including the following sections:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (90)Available space for new lists and conditions

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (91)Defined access lists

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (92)References by interface and application


The following example shows sample output from the show ip access-list command:

WAE# show ip access-list
Space available:
 47 access lists
 492 access list conditions
Standard IP access list 1 1 permit
 2 deny
 (implicit deny any: 2 matches)
 total invocations: 2
Extended IP access list 100
 1 permit tcp host any
 2 permit tcp host any
 3 permit tcp host any
 (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
 (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
 total invocations: 0
Standard IP access list test
 1 permit (10 matches)
 2 permit
 3 permit
 (implicit deny: 2 matches)
 total invocations: 12
Interface access list references:
 GigabitEthernet 1/0 inbound 100
Application access list references:
 tftp_server standard 1
 UDP ports: 69

The following shows sample output from the show ip access-list command for the access list named test:

WAE# show ip access-list test
Standard IP access list test
 1 permit (10 matches)
 2 permit
 3 permit
 (implicit deny: 2 matches)
 total invocations: 12
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (93)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (94)The system displays the number of packets that have matched a condition statement only if the number is greater than zero.

Related Commands


(config) ip access-list

show ip routes

To display the IP routing table for a WAAS device, use the show ip routes EXEC command.

show ip routes

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the IP routing table:

WAE# show ip routes
Destination Gateway Netmask
---------------- ---------------- ----------------

Number of route cache entries: 183

Related Commands

(config) ip

(config-if) ip

show kerberos

To display the Kerberos authentication configuration for a WAAS device, use the show kerberos EXEC command.

show kerberos

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

You can use the system message log to view information about events that have occurred on a WAAS device. The syslog.txt file is contained in the /local1 directory.


The following example displays the Kerberos authentication configuration on a WAAS device:

WAE# show kerberos
 Kerberos Configuration:
 Local Realm: WAE.ABC.COM
 DNS suffix:
 Realm for DNS suffix: WAE.ABC.COM
 Name of host running KDC for realm:
 Master KDC:
 Port: 88

Related Commands


(config) logging

show logging

To display the system message log configuration for a WAAS device, use the show logging EXEC command.

show logging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

You can use the system message log to view information about events that have occurred on a WAAS device. The syslog.txt file is contained in the /local1 directory.


The following example displays the syslog host configuration on a WAAS device:

WAE# show logging
Syslog to host is disabled
Priority for host logging is set to: warning
Syslog to console is disabled
Priority for console logging is set to: warning
Syslog to disk is enabled
Priority for disk logging is set to: notice
Filename for disk logging is set to: /local1/syslog.txt
Syslog facility is set to *
Syslog disk file recycle size is set to 1000000

Related Commands


(config) logging

show sysfs

show memory

To display memory blocks and statistics for a WAAS device, use the show memory EXEC command.

show memory

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays information about the blocks in memory:

WAE# show memory
Total physical memory : 510164 KB
Total free memory : 43220 KB
Total memory shared : 0 KB
Total buffer memory : 12768 KB
Total cached memory : 344472 KB
Total swap : 509940 KB
Total free swap : 509940 KB

show ntp

To display the NTP parameters for a WAAS device, use the show ntp EXEC command.

show ntp status

Syntax Description


Displays NTP status.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the current NTP parameters for a WAAS device. With the first attempt, it is determined that NTP has not been configured. After configuring NTP, the parameters are then displayed.

WAE# show ntp status 
ntp disabled
server list:
WAE(config)# ntp server
WAE(config)# exit
WAE(config)# show ntp status 
ntp enabled
server list:
 remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
============================================================================== 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00

The following table describes the fields shown in the show ntp status display.



Indicates whether NTP is enabled or disabled.

server list

NTP server IP and subnet addresses.


Name (first 15 characters) of remote NTP server.


In the remote column, identifies the system peer to which the clock is synchronized.


In the remote column, identifies a valid or eligible peer for NTP synchronization.


In the remote column, indicates that the peer was rejected. (The peer could not be reached or excessive delay occurred in reaching the NTP server.)


In the remote column, indicates a false tick and is ignored by the NTP server.


In the remote column, indicates a reading outside the clock tolerance limits and is ignored by the NTP server.


Clock reference ID to which the remote NTP server is synchronized.


Clock server stratum or layer. In this example, stratum 1 is the top layer.


Type of peer (local, unicast, multicast, or broadcast).


Indicates when the last packet was received from the server in seconds.


Time check or correlation polling interval in seconds.


8-bit reachability register. If the server was reachable during the last polling interval, a 1 is recorded; otherwise, a 0 is recorded. Octal values 377 and above indicate that every polling attempt reached the server.


Estimated delay (in milliseconds) between the requester and the server.


Clock offset relative to the server.


Clock jitter.

Related Commands


(config) clock

(config) ntp

show policy-engine application

To display application policy information for a WAE, use the show policy-engine application EXEC command.

show policy-engine application {classifier [app-classifier] | dynamic | name}

Syntax Description


Displays information about the specified application classifier. If no classifier is specified, this command displays information about all classifiers. Every application classifier with a single match is displayed in one line.


(Optional) The name of an application classifier. The name should not exceed 30 characters.


Shows the application dynamic match information.


Shows the application names list.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays information about the specified application classifier Oracle for a WAE:

WEA# show policy-engine application classifier Oracle
Oracle (0)
match (0, id=0) dst port eq 66
match (1, id=1) dst port eq 1521
match (2, id=2) dst port eq 1525

The following example displays application dynamic match information:

WEA# show policy-engine application dynamic
Dynamic Match Freelist Information:
 Allocated: 8192 In Use: 0 Max In Use: 0 Allocations: 0
Individual Dynamic Match Information:
 --No Application Dynamic Matches are currently active.--

The following example displays the application names list:

WEA# show policy-engine application name
Number of Applications: 12
 1) Authentication (15)
 2) Backup (18)
 3) Call-Management (17)
 4) Conferencing (8)
 5) Console (4)
 6) Content-Management (21)
 7) Directory-Services (6)
 8) Email-and-Messaging (12)
 9) Enterprise-Applications (13)
10) File-System (2)
 11) File-Transfer (16)
 12) Instant-Messaging (22)

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application classifier

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS accept

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

(config) policy-engine application map basic delete

(config) policy-engine application map basic disable

(config) policy-engine application map basic insert

(config) policy-engine application map basic list

(config) policy-engine application map basic move

(config) policy-engine application map basic name

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

(config) policy-engine application name

(config) policy-engine config

show policy-engine status

To display high-level information about a WAE's policy engine, use the show policy-engine status EXEC command. This information includes the usage of the available resources, which include application names, classifiers, and conditions.

show policy-engine status

Command Modes


Device Modes



To display high-level information about a WAE's policy engine:

WEA# show policy-engine status
policy-engine resources usage:
 Total Used Available
 ----- ---- ---------
Application names 256 28 228
Classifiers 512 146 366
Conditions 1024 321 703

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application classifier

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS accept

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

(config) policy-engine application map basic delete

(config) policy-engine application map basic disable

(config) policy-engine application map basic insert

(config) policy-engine application map basic list

(config) policy-engine application map basic move

(config) policy-engine application map basic name

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

(config) policy-engine application name

(config) policy-engine config

show print-services

To display administrative users who have access to configuration privileges, print services, or print service processes on a WAAS device, use the show print-services EXEC command.

show print-services {admin-group | drivers user username | process}

Syntax Description


Displays print services administrator group information.


Displays information about the print server and print spooler.


Displays printer drivers on this print server.

user username

Specifies a username that belongs to the print admin group.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




To view print service configuration information by administrative group:

WAE#show print-services admin-group
Administrator Group for print-services is : cupsAdmin

If there is no administrative group set, the output looks like this:

WAE#show print-services admin-group
There is no configured administrator group for print-services.

To view print service configuration information by the print service process:

WAE#show print-services process
Print server is not running.
Print spooler is not running.

Related Commands

(config) authentication

(config) print-services

show authentication


(config) windows-domain

show processes

To display CPU or memory processes for a WAAS device, use the show processes EXEC command.

show processes [cpu | debug pid | memory | system [delay 1-60 | count 1-100]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays CPU utilization.


(Optional) Prints the system call and signal traces for a specified process identifier to display system progress.


Process identifier.


(Optional) Displays memory allocation processes.


(Optional) Displays system load information in terms of updates.


(Optional) Specifies the delay between updates, in seconds (1-60).


(Optional) Specifies the number of updates that are displayed (1-100).


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the EXEC commands shown in this section to track and analyze system CPU utilization.

The show processes debug command displays extensive internal system call information and a detailed account of each system call (along with arguments) made by each process and the signals it has received.

Use the show processes system command to display system load information in terms of updates. The delay option specifies the delay between updates, in seconds. The count option specifies the number of updates that are displayed. This command displays these items:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (95)A list of all processes in wide format.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (96)Two tables listing the processes that utilize CPU resources. The first table displays the list of processes in descending order of utilization of CPU resources based on a snapshot taken after the processes system (ps) output is displayed. The second table displays the same processes based on a snapshot taken 5 seconds after the first snapshot.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (97)Virtual memory used by the corresponding processes in a series of five snapshots, each separated by 1 second.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (98)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (99)CPU utilization and system performance are severely affected when you use these commands. We therefore recommend that you avoid using these commands, especially the show processes debug command, unless it is absolutely necessary.


The following example displays information about overall system utilization:

WAE# show processes cpu
CPU average usage since last reboot:
 cpu: 0.20% User, 0.47% System, 1.41% User(nice), 97.92% Idle
----- ----- --- ------ ------ --------------------
 1 S 0 350 94 (init)
 2 S 0 0 0 (migration/0)
 3 S 19 0 0 (ksoftirqd/0)
 4 S -10 0 0 (events/0)
 5 S -10 0 0 (khelper)

The following example displays information about memory utilization:

WAE# show processes memory
Total Used Free Shared Buffers Cached
2120081408 786411520 1333669888 0 56590336 614592512
Swap Total Used Free
2107498496 0 2107498496
 PID State TTY %MEM VM Size RSS (pages) Name
------ ----- ------ ----- ---------- ----------- ----
 1 S 0 0.0 1445888 135 (init)
 2 S 0 0.0 0 0 (migration/0)
 3 S 0 0.0 0 0 (ksoftirqd/0)
 4 S 0 0.0 0 0 (events/0)

The following table describes the fields shown in the show processes displays.


CPU Usage

CPU utilization as a percentage for user, system overhead, and idle.


Process identifier.


Current state of corresponding processes.

R = running
S = sleeping in an interruptible wait
D = sleeping in an uninterruptible wait or swapping
Z = zombie
T = traced or stopped on a signal


Priority of processes.

User T

User time utilization in seconds.

Sys T

System time utilization in seconds.


Process command.


Total available memory in bytes.


Memory currently used in bytes.


Free memory available in bytes.


Shared memory currently used in bytes.


Buffer memory currently used in bytes.


Cache memory currently used in bytes.


Total available memory in bytes for swap purposes.

show radius-server

To display RADIUS configuration information for a WAAS device, use the show radius-server EXEC command.

show radius-server

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the RADIUS configuration information for the WAAS:

WAE# show radius-server
Radius Configuration:
Radius Authentication is on
 Timeout = 5
 Retransmit = 3
 Key = ****

The following table describes the fields shown in the show radius-server display.


Login Authentication for Console/Telnet Session

Indicates whether a RADIUS server is enabled for login authentication.

Configuration Authentication for Console/Telnet Session

Indicates whether a RADIUS server is enabled for authorization or configuration authentication.

Authentication scheme fail-over reason

Indicates whether the WAAS devices fail over to the secondary method of administrative login authentication whenever the primary administrative login authentication method.

RADIUS Configuration

RADIUS authentication settings.


Key used to encrypt and authenticate all communication between the RADIUS client (the WAAS device) and the RADIUS server.


Number of seconds that the WAAS device waits for a response from the specified RADIUS authentication server before declaring a timeout.


RADIUS servers that the WAAS device is to use for RADIUS authentication.


Hostname or IP address of the RADIUS server.


Port number on which the RADIUS server is listening.

Related Commands

(config) radius-server

show running-config

To display a WAAS device's current running configuration information on the terminal, use the show running-config EXEC command. This command replaces the write terminal command.

show running-config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command in conjunction with the show startup-config command to compare the information in running memory to the startup configuration used during bootup.


The following example displays the currently running configuration of a WAAS device:

WAE# show running-config
! WAAS version 4.0.0
device mode central-manager
hostname waas-cm
exec-timeout 60
primary-interface GigabitEthernet 1/0

Related Commands


copy running-config

copy startup-config

show services

To display services-related information for a WAAS device, use the show services EXEC command.

show services {ports [port-num] | summary}

Syntax Description


Displays services by port number.


(Optional) Up to 8 port numbers (1-65535).


Displays the services summary.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays a summary of the services:

WAE# show services summary
Service Ports
 CMS 1100 5256
 NLM 4045
 WAFS 1099
 emdb 5432
 MOUNT 3058
 MgmtAgent 5252
 WAFS_tunnel 4050
 CMS_db_vacuum 5257

show smb-conf

To view a WAAS device's current values of the Samba configuration file, smb.conf, use the show smb-conf EXEC command.

show smb-conf

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This command displays the global, print$, and printers parameters values of the smb.conf file for troubleshooting purposes. For a description of these parameters and their values, see "(config) smb-conf" command.


The following example displays all of the parameter values for the current configuration:

WAE# show smb-conf
Current smb-conf configurations -->
smb-conf section "global" name "ldap ssl" value "start_tls"
smb-conf section "printers" name "printer admin" value "root"
Output of current smb.conf file on disk -->

# File automatically generated

idmap uid = 70000-200000
idmap gid = 70000-200000
winbind enum users = no
winbind enum groups = no
winbind cache time = 10
winbind use default domain = yes
printcap name = cups
load printers = yes
printing = cups
cups options = "raw"
force printername = yes
lpq cache time = 0
log file = /local/local1/errorlog/samba.log
max log size = 50
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
smb ports = 50139
local master = no
domain master = no
preferred master = no
dns proxy = no
template homedir = /local/local1/
template shell = /admin-shell
ldap ssl = start_tls
comment = Comment:
netbios name = MYFILEENGINE
realm = ABC
wins server =
password server =
security = domain
path = /state/samba/printers
guest ok = yes
browseable = yes
read only = yes
write list = root

path = /local/local1/spool/samba
browseable = no
guest ok = yes
writable = no
printable = yes
printer admin = root

Related Commands

(config) smb-conf


(config) windows-domain

show snmp

To check the status of SNMP communications for a WAAS device, use the show snmp EXEC command.

show snmp {alarm-history | engine ID | event | group | stats | user}

Syntax Description


Displays SNMP alarm history information.


Displays local SNMP engine identifier.


Displays events configured through the Event MIB.


Displays SNMP groups.


Displays SNMP statistics.


Displays SNMP users.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This EXEC command provides information on various SNMP variables and statistics on SNMP operations.


The following example displays the SNMP alarm history information:

WAE# show snmp alarm-history
Index Type Sev Alarm ID ModuleID Category Descr
----- ---- --- -------- -------- -------- -----
1 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The rtspg service died.
2 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The mediacache service died.
3 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The sshdaemon service died.
4 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The cache service died.
5 R Ma 330003 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The ntpd service died.
6 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The mediacache service died.
7 R Ma 445001 1000 3 Raise-Alarm: Kernel Crash files and / or User Core files detected
8 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The cache service died.
9 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The mediacache service died.
10 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The rpc_httpd service died.
11 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The rpc_httpd service died.
12 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The cache service died.
13 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The mediacache service died.
14 R Ma 330003 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The ntpd service died.
15 R Ma 330003 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The ntpd service died.
16 R Mi 330004 2000 3 Raise-Alarm: nodemgr: The mediacache service died.

The following table describes the fields shown in the show snmp alarm-history display.



Displays serial number of the listed alarms.


Indicates whether the alarm has been Raised (R) or Cleared (C).


Levels of alarm severity: Critical (Cr), Major (Ma), or Minor (Mi)

Alarm ID

Traps sent by a WAE contain numeric alarm IDs.


Traps sent by a WAE contain numeric module IDs. (See the table below to map module names to module IDs.)


Traps sent by a WAE contain numeric category IDs. (See the table below to map category names to category IDs.)


Provides description of the WAAS software alarm and the application that generated the alarm.

The following table summarizes the mapping of module names to modules IDs.

Module Name
Module ID

















The following table summarizes the mapping of category names to category IDs.

Category Name
Category ID



Service Quality


Processing Error








The following examples display the SNMP engine ID and SNMP statistical data:

WAE# show snmp engineID 
Local SNMP Engine ID: 00000009000000A11A3829CE
WAE# show snmp stats
Contact: username, system admin, [email protected] 555-1111
Location: Building 2, Floor 1, LabA
146 SNMP packets input
 0 Bad SNMP version errors
 0 Unknown community name
 0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
 0 Encoding errors
 0 Number of requested variables
 120 Number of altered variables
 0 Get-request PDUs
 0 Get-next PDUs
 120 Set-request PDUs
146 SNMP packets output
 0 Too big errors
 2048 Maximum packet size
 0 No such name errors
 0 Bad values errors
 0 General errors
 146 Response PDUs
 0 Trap PDUs

The following table describes the fields shown in the show snmp stats display.


SNMP packets input

Total number of SNMP packets input.

Bad SNMP version errors

Number of packets with an invalid SNMPversion.

Unknown community name

Number of SNMP packets with an unknown community name.

Illegal operation for community name supplied

Number of packets requesting an operation not allowed for that community.

Encoding errors

Number of SNMP packets that were improperly encoded.

Number of requested variables

Number of variables requested by SNMP managers.

Number of altered variables

Number of variables altered by SNMP managers.

Get-request PDUs

Number of GET requests received.

Get-next PDUs

Number of GET-NEXT requests received.

Set-request PDUs

Number of SET requests received.

SNMP packets output

Total number of SNMP packets sent by the router.

Too big errors

Number of SNMP packets that were larger than the maximum packet size.

Maximum packet size

Maximum size of SNMP packets.

No such name errors

Number of SNMP requests that specified a MIB object that does not exist.

Bad values errors

Number of SNMP SET requests that specified an invalid value for a MIB object.

General errors

Number of SNMP SET requests that failed because of some other error. (It was not a No such name error, Bad values error, or any of the other specific errors.)

Response PDUs

Number of responses sent in reply to requests.

Trap PDUs

Number of SNMP traps sent.

The following example displays information about the SNMP events set using the "snmp trigger" command:

WAE# show snmp event
 Mgmt Triggers:
 (1): Owner: CLI
 (1): 01 , Comment: isValid == 0, Sample: Abs, Freq: 120
 Test: Boolean
 ObjectOwner: CLI, Object: CLI1
 Boolean Entry:
 Value: 0, Cmp: 2, Start: 1
 ObjOwn: , Obj: , EveOwn: CLI, Eve: CLI_EVENT
 Delta Value Table:
 (0): Thresh: , Exis: 1, Read: 0, OID: isValid.0 , val: 1
 (2): 02 , Comment: daysLeft, Sample: Abs, Freq: 120
 Test: Boolean
 ObjectOwner: CLI, Object: CLI2
 Boolean Entry:
 Value: 10, Cmp: 3, Start: 1
 ObjOwn: , Obj: , EveOwn: CLI, Eve: CLI_EVENT
 Delta Value Table:
 (0): Thresh: , Exis: 1, Read: 0, OID: daysLeft.0 , val: 99999
(3): 03 , Comment: esConTabIsConnected, Sample: Abs, Freq: 60
 Test: Boolean
 ObjectOwner: CLI, Object: CLI3
 Boolean Entry:
 Value: 0, Cmp: 2, Start: 1
 ObjOwn: , Obj: , EveOwn: CLI, Eve: CLI_EVENT
 Delta Value Table:
 (4): 04 , Comment: esConnectedSessionCount, Sample: Abs, Freq: 120
 Test: Boolean
 ObjectOwner: CLI, Object: CLI4
 Boolean Entry:
 Value: 80, Cmp: 5, Start: 1
 ObjOwn: , Obj: , EveOwn: CLI, Eve: CLI_EVENT
 Delta Value Table:
 (5): 05 , Comment: esCifsOpenFiles, Sample: Abs, Freq: 60
 Test: Boolean
 ObjectOwner: CLI, Object: CLI5
 Boolean Entry:
 Value: 4500, Cmp: 5, Start: 1
 ObjOwn: , Obj: , EveOwn: CLI, Eve: CLI_EVENT
 Delta Value Table:
 (6): 06 , Comment: esEvictedAge, Sample: Abs, Freq: 60
 Test: Boolean
 ObjectOwner: CLI, Object: CLI6
 Boolean Entry:
 Value: 120960000, Cmp: 3, Start: 1
 ObjOwn: , Obj: , EveOwn: CLI, Eve: CLI_EVENT
 Delta Value Table:
 Mgmt Events:
 (1): Owner: CLI
 (1)Name: CLI_EVENT, Comment: , Action: Notify, Enabled: 1 Status: 1
 Notification Entry:
 ObjOwn: , Obj: , OID: 0.0
 Object Table:Failures: Event = 0, Trigger = 0

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

show ssh

To display the status and configuration information of the Secure Shell (SSH) service for a WAAS device, use the show ssh EXEC command.

show ssh

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the status and configuration of the SSH service:

WAE# show ssh 
SSH server supports SSH2 protocol (SSH1 compatible).
Ssh service is not enabled.
Currently there are no active ssh sessions.
Number of successful SSH sessions since last reboot: 0
Number of failed SSH sessions since last reboot: 0
SSH key has not been generated or previous key has been removed.
SSH login grace time value is 300 seconds.
Allow 3 password guess(es).

Related Commands

(config) ssh-key-generate

(config) sshd

show standby

To display information about a standby interface on a WAAS device, use the show standby EXEC command.

show standby

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




In the following sample command output, one standby group (Standby Group 1) is configured on this WAAS device. The command output also shows which member interface is the active interface. In this case, the active interface is the Gigabit Ethernet slot 1/port 0 interface.

WAE# show standby
Standby Group: 1
 Description: This a backup for Gigabit Ethernet 1/0.
 IP address:, netmask:
 Member interfaces:
 GigabitEthernet 2/0 priority: 100
 Active interface: GigabitEthernet 1/0
 Maximum errors allowed on the active interface: 500
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (100)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (101)To display information about a specific standby group configuration, enter the show interface standby standby group_num EXEC command.

Related Commands

show interface

show running-config

show startup-config

(config-if) standby

show startup-config

To display the startup configuration for a WAAS device, use the show startup-config EXEC command.

show startup-config

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to display the configuration used during an initial bootup, stored in NVRAM. Note the difference between the output of this command versus the show running-config command.


The following example displays the configuration saved for use on startup of the WAAS device:

WAE# show startup-config
! WAAS version 4.0.0
device mode central-manager
hostname Edge-WAE1
exec-timeout 60
primary-interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
 ip address
interface GigabitEthernet 2/0

Related Commands


copy running-config

show running-config

show statistics authentication

To display authentication statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics authentication EXEC command.

show statistics authentication

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Authentication statistics display the number of access requests, denials, and allowances recorded. Use the show statistics authentication command to display the number of authentication accesses recorded.


The following example displays the statistics related to authentication on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics authentication
 Authentication Statistics 
 Number of access requests: 115
 Number of access deny responses: 12
 Number of access allow responses: 103

Related Commands

(config) authentication


show authentication

show statistics content-distribution-network

To display the status of a WAE or device group that are registered with a WAAS Central Manager, use the show statistics content-distribution-network EXEC command. This command is available on only WAAS Central Managers.

show statistics content-distribution-network device status device_id

Syntax Description

device status

Displays the status of a WAE or device group that is registered with the WAAS Central Manager.


Name or ID of the device or device group.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the show statistics content-distribution-network EXEC command to display the identification details about a WAE or WAEs in a device group, and verify if a WAE is online.


The following example displays the identification details of a WAE that that is registered with the WAAS Central Manager:

WAE# show statistics content-distribution-network device status edge-wae-11
Device id="CdmConfig_142" name="edge-wae-11" status="Online";

show statistics dre

To display Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE) general statistics for a WAE, use the show statistics dre EXEC command.

show statistics dre

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays DRE statistics:

WEA# show statistics dre
 Total disk: 47622 MB, RAM size: 297 MB, Status: Usable
 Used disk: 28 MB, Oldest Data (age): 23 days 20 hours
Completed Connections: 2030
 Overall: msg: 3620, in: 6181 KB, out: 5335 KB, ratio: 13.69%
 DRE: msg: 3620, in: 6181 KB, out: 6352 KB, ratio: 0.00%
 LZ: msg: 3619, in: 6321 KB, out: 5305 KB, ratio: 16.08%
 Bypass: msg: 3252, in: 4901 KB,
 Latency(Last 3 sec): max 3 ms, avg 0 ms
 Overall: msg: 7162, in: 4969 KB, out: 209 MB, ratio: 97.69%
 DRE: msg: 7162, in: 5056 KB, out: 209 MB, ratio: 97.65%
 LZ: msg: 510, in: 1073 KB, out: 1160 KB, ratio: 7.46%
 Bypass: msg: 29, in: 289 KB
 Latency (Last 3 sec): max 1 ms, avg 0 ms

Related Commands


show statistics dre connection

show statistics dre peer

show statistics dre connection

To display Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE) connection statistics for a WAE, use the show statistics dre connection EXEC command.

This command displays the statistics for individual TCP connections on which DRE compression is being applied. This information is updated in real time.

show statistics dre connection [active [client-ip {ip_address | hostname} | client-port port |
id connection_id | last | peer-no peer_id | server-ip {ip_address | hostname} | server-port port] | client-ip {ip_address | hostname} | client-port port | id connection_id | last | peer-no peer_id | server-ip {ip_address | hostname} | server-port port]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays all active connection statistics.


(Optional) Displays the connection statistics for the client with the specified IP address or hostname.


(Optional) Displays the connection statistics for the client with the specified port number.


(Optional) Displays the connection statistics for the connection with the specified identifier.


(Optional) Displays the last connection statistics.


(Optional) Displays the connection statistics for the peer with the specified identifier.


(Optional) Displays the connection statistics for the server with the specified IP address or hostname.


(Optional) Displays the connection statistics for the server with the specified port number.


The IP address of a client or server.


The hostname of a client or server.


The port number of a client or server (1-65535).


A number from 0 to 4294967295 identifying a connection.


A number from 0 to 4294967295 identifying a peer.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Using this command without any options displays a one-line summary of all the TCP connections on the WAE for which DRE is applied. To obtain detailed stastistics for a connection, use the command options to filter the connection.


The following example displays all active connection statistics:

WEA# show statistics dre connection
Conn-ID Client-ip:port Server-ip:port Encode-in Decode-in PID Status
1151 590 B 0 B 3 Closed-694s
1150 590 B 0 B 3 Closed-694s
1149 2440 B 0 B 3 Closed-694s

Related Commands


show statistics dre connection

show statistics dre peer

To display Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE) peer statistics for a WAE, use the show statistics dre peer EXEC command.

show statistics dre peer {context context-value [ip ip-address | peer-id peer-id |
peer-no peer-no] | ip ip-address [context context-value | ip ip-address | peer-id peer-id | peer-no peer-no] | peer-id peer-id [context context-value | ip ip-address | peer-no peer-no] |
peer-no peer-no [context context-value | ip ip-address | peer-id peer-id]}

Syntax Description


Displays peer statistics for the specified context.


(Optional) Specifies the IP address of the peer.


(Optional) Specifies the MAC address of the peer.


(Optional) Specifies the peer number.


The context (0-4294967295).


The IP address of the peer.


Peer ID (0-4294967295).


Peer number.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays DRE peer statistics:

WAE# show statistics dre peer
peer-no: 0 Hostname: dc-425-jsmith
Peer-IP: MAC-address: 00:0d:00:11:41:8e
 Used disk: 24 MB, Age: 23 days 21 hours
 Total (cumulative) : 67
 Concurrent (Last 2 min): max 23, avg 22
 Overall: msg: 278, in: 1290 KB, out: 1254 KB, ratio: 2.82%
 DRE: msg: 278, in: 1290 KB, out: 1301 KB, ratio: 0.00%
 LZ: msg: 277, in: 1271 KB, out: 1224 KB, ratio: 3.71%
 Bypass: msg: 25, in: 12638 B,
 Latency(Last 3 sec): max 3 ms, avg 0 ms
 Overall: msg: 42, in: 34694 B, out: 147 KB, ratio: 77.05%
 DRE: msg: 42, in: 121 KB, out: 147 KB, ratio: 17.62%
 LZ: msg: 42, in: 34694 B, out: 121 KB, ratio: 72.14%
 Bypass: msg: 0, in: 0 B
 Latency (Last 3 sec): max 1 ms, avg 0 ms

Related Commands


show statistics dre connection

show statistics epm

To display EndPoint Mapper (EPM) statistics for a WAE, use the show statistics epm EXEC command. This command displays the number of total requests and responses recorded.

show statistics epm

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays EPM statistics for a WAE:

WAE# show statistics epm
EPM statistics
Total requests = 1108
 success = 781
 fault = 0
Total responses = 781
 success = 0
 UUID not configured = 695
 service unavailable = 86
 fault = 0

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

show statistics icmp

To display ICMP statistic for a WAAS device, use the show statistics icmp EXEC command.

show statistics icmp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the ICMP-related statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics icmp
ICMP statistics
ICMP messages received = 1351
ICMP messages receive failed = 190
 Destination unreachable = 431
 Timeout in transit = 1
 Wrong parameters = 0
 Source quenches = 0
 Redirects = 0
 Echo requests = 729
 Echo replies = 0
 Timestamp requests = 0
 Timestamp replies = 0
 Address mask requests = 0
 Address mask replies = 0
ICMP messages sent = 2280
ICMP messages send failed = 0
 Destination unreachable = 1551
 Time exceeded = 0
 Wrong parameters = 0
 Source quenches = 0
 Redirects = 0
Echo requests = 0
 Echo replies = 729
 Timestamp requests = 0
 Timestamp replies = 0
 Address mask requests = 0
 Address mask replies = 0

Related Commands


show statistics ip

To display IP statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics ip EXEC command.

show statistics ip

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the IP-related statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics ip
IP statistics
Total packets in = 19959308
 with invalid header = 0
 with invalid address = 0
 forwarded = 0
 unknown protocol = 0
 discarded = 0
 delivered = 10074121
Total packets out = 44784
 dropped = 0
 dropped (no route) = 0
Fragments dropped after timeout = 0
Reassemblies required = 0
Packets reassembled = 0
Packets reassemble failed = 0
Fragments received = 0
Fragments failed = 0
Fragments created = 0

Related Commands


(config) ip

(config-if) ip

show ip routes

show statistics netstat

To display Internet socket connection statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics netstat EXEC command.

show statistics netstat

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the Internet socket connection statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics netstat
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State

show statistics radius

To display RADIUS authentication statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics radius EXEC command.

show statistics radius

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the RADIUS-related statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics radius
 RADIUS Statistics
 Number of access requests: 0
 Number of access deny responses: 0
 Number of access allow responses: 0
 Number of authorization requests: 0
 Number of authorization failure responses: 0
 Number of authorization success responses: 0
 Number of accounting requests: 0
 Number of accounting failure responses: 0
 Number of accounting success responses: 0

Related Commands


(config) radius-server

show radius-server

show statistics services

To display services statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics services EXEC command.

show statistics services

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the service-related statistics for each port on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics services
 Port Statistics
 Port Total Connections
 20 0
 21 0
 22 0
 23 0
 42 0
 49 0
 53 0
 69 0
 80 0
 123 0
 137 0
 138 0
 139 0
 161 0
 443 0
 514 0
 2048 0
 3130 0

Related Commands

show services

show statistics snmp

To display SNMP statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics snmp EXEC command.

show statistics snmp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the SNMP statistics:

WAE# show statistics snmp
Contact: Mary Brown, system admin, [email protected] 555-1111
Location: Building 2, Floor 1, LabA
146 SNMP packets input
 0 Bad SNMP version errors
 0 Unknown community name
 0 Illegal operation for community name supplied
 0 Encoding errors
 0 Number of requested variables
 120 Number of altered variables
 0 Get-request PDUs
 0 Get-next PDUs
 120 Set-request PDUs
146 SNMP packets output
 0 Too big errors
 2048 Maximum packet size
 0 No such name errors
 0 Bad values errors
 0 General errors
 146 Response PDUs
 0 Trap PDUs

See the "show snmp" commands for a description of the fields shown in the show snmp stats display.

Related Commands

show snmp

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

show statistics tacacs

To display TACACS+ authentication and authorization statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics tacacs EXEC command.

show statistics tacacs

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the TACACS+-related statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics tacacs 
TACACS+ Statistics
Number of access requests:3
Number of access deny responses:1
Number of acess allow responses:2
Number of authorization requests:1
Number of authorization failure responses:0
Number of authorization success responses:1

Related Commands


(config) tacacs

show tacacs

show statistics tcp

To display TCP statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics tcp EXEC command.

show statistics tcp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the TCP-related statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics tcp
TCP statistics
Server connection openings = 12
Client connection openings = 194
Failed connection attempts = 0
Connections established = 0
Connections resets received = 0
Connection resets sent = 7791
Segments received = 11368
Segments sent = 10895
Bad segments received = 0
Segments retransmitted = 28
Retransmit timer expirations = 28
Server segments received = 135
Server segments sent = 143
Server segments retransmitted = 0
Client segments received = 3438
Client segments sent = 10752
Client segments retransmitted = 28
TCP extended statistics
Sync cookies sent = 0
Sync cookies received = 0
Sync cookies failed = 0
Embryonic connection resets = 0
Prune message called = 0
Packets pruned from receive queue = 0
Out-of-order-queue pruned = 0
Out-of-window Icmp messages = 0
Lock dropped Icmp messages = 0
Arp filter = 0
Time-wait sockets = 10
Time-wait sockets recycled = 0
Time-wait sockets killed = 0
PAWS passive = 0
PAWS active = 0
PAWS established = 0
Delayed acks sent = 82
Delayed acks blocked by socket lock = 0
Delayed acks lost = 5
Listen queue overflows = 0
Connections dropped by listen queue = 0
TCP packets queued to prequeue = 0
TCP packets directly copied from backlog = 0
TCP packets directly copied from prequeue = 0
TCP prequeue dropped packets = 0
TCP header predicted packets = 324
Packets header predicted and queued to user = 0
TCP pure ack packets = 1340
TCP header predicted acks = 106
TCP Reno failures = 0
TCP SACK failures = 1
TCP loss failures = 0
TCP fast retransmissions = 0
TCP forward retransmissions = 0
TCP slowstart retransmissions = 0
TCP Timeouts = 12
TCP Reno recovery fail = 0
TCP Sack recovery fail = 0
TCP scheduler failed = 0
TCP receiver collapsed = 0
TCP DSACK old packets sent = 12
TCP DSACK out-of-order packets sent = 0
TCP DSACK packets received = 0
TCP DSACK out-of-order packets received = 0
TCP connections abort on sync = 0
TCP connections abort on data = 0
TCP connections abort on close = 0
TCP connections abort on memory = 0
TCP connections abort on timeout = 3
TCP connections abort on linger = 0
TCP connections abort failed = 0
TCP memory pressures = 0

Related Commands


show tcp

(config) tcp

show statistics tfo

To display Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) statistics for a WAE, use the show statistics tfo EXEC command.

show statistics tfo [application app-name | pass-through | peer | saving app-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays statistics per application.


The application name.


(Optional) Displays the pass-through statistics.


(Optional) Displays peer information.


(Optional) Displays savings for all applications.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays TFO statistics for the application Other on a WAE:

WAE# show statistics tfo application Other
Application In out
 ---------------------- ----------------------
 Bytes 0 0
 Packets 0 0
Non Optimized:
 Bytes 35448 22664
 Packets 554 531
Internal Client:
 Bytes 0 0
 Packets 0 0
Internal Server:
 Bytes 347701 1248795
 Packets 4759 4586
PT No Peer:
 Bytes 0 0
 Packets 0 0
PT Configured:
 Bytes 0 0
 Packets 0 0
PT Intermediate:
 Bytes 0 0

Related Commands

show tfo accelerators

show tfo bufpool

show tfo connection

show tfo status

show statistics udp

To display User Datagram Protocol (UDP) statistics for a WAAS device, use the show statistics udp EXEC command.

show statistics udp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the UDP-related statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# show statistics udp
UDP statistics
Packets received = 222616
Packets to unknown port received = 904
Packet receive error = 0
Packet sent = 25821

show statistics wccp

To display WCCP statistics for a WAE, use the show statistics wccp EXEC command.

show statistics wccp gre

Syntax Description


Displays WCCP generic routing encapsulation packet-related statistics.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

GRE is a Layer 3 technique that allows datagrams to be encapsulated into IP packets at the WCCP-enabled router and then redirected to a WAE (the transparent proxy server). At this intermediate destination, the datagrams are decapsulated and then routed to an origin server to satisfy the request if a cache miss occurs. In doing so, the trip to the origin server appears to the inner datagrams as one hop. Usually, the redirected traffic using GRE is referred to as GRE tunnel traffic. With GRE, all redirection is handled by the router software.

With WCCP redirection, a Cisco router does not forward the TCP SYN packet to the destination because the router has WCCP enabled on the destination port of the connection. Instead, the WCCP-enabled router encapsulates the packet using GRE tunneling and sends it to the WAE that has been configured to accept redirected packets from this WCCP-enabled router.

After receiving the redirected packet, the WAE does the following:

1. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (102)Strips the GRE layer from the packet.

2. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (103)Decides whether it should accept this redirected packet and process the request for the content as follows:

a. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (104)If the WAE accepts the request, it sends a TCP SYN ACK packet to the client. In this response packet, the WAE uses the IP address of the original destination (origin server) that was specified as the source address so that the WAE can be invisible (transparent) to the client; it acts as if it is the destination that the client's TCP SYN packet was trying to reach.

b. Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (105)If the WAE does not accept the request, it reencapsulates the TCP SYN packet in GRE and sends it back to the WCCP-enabled router. The router identifies that the WAE is not interested in this connection and forwards the packet to its original destination (the origin server).

For example, a WAE would not accept the request because it is configured to bypass requests that originate from a certain set of clients or that are destined to a particular set of servers.


The following example displays WCCP GRE statistics for the WAE:

WAE# show statistics wccp gre
Transparent GRE packets received: 3000622
Transparent non-GRE packets received: 0
Transparent non-GRE packets passed through: 0
Total packets accepted: 245
Invalid packets received: 0
Packets received with invalid service: 0
Packets received on a disabled service: 0
Packets received too small: 0
Packets dropped due to zero TTL: 0
Packets dropped due to bad buckets: 0
Packets dropped due to no redirect address: 0
Packets dropped due to loopback redirect: 0
Connections bypassed due to load: 0
Packets sent back to router: 168
Packets sent to another WAE: 0
GRE fragments redirected: 0
Packets failed GRE encapsulation: 0
Packets dropped due to invalid fwd method: 0
Packets dropped due to insufficient memory: 0
Packets bypassed, no conn at all: 0
Packets bypassed, no pending connection: 168
Packets due to clean wccp shutdown: 0
Packets bypassed due to bypass-list lookup: 0
Packets received with client IP addresses: 0
Conditionally Accepted connections: 0
Conditionally Bypassed connections: 0
L2 Bypass packets destined for loopback: 0
Packets w/WCCP GRE received too small: 0
Packets dropped due to IP access-list deny: 3000209
Packets fragmented for bypass: 0
Packets dropped due to no route found0

The following table describes the fields shown in the show statistics wccp gre display.


Transparent GRE packets received

Total number of GRE packets received by the WAE, regardless of whether or not they have been intercepted by WCCP. GRE is a Layer 3 technique that allows packets to reach the WAE, even if there are any number of routers in the path to the WAE.

Transparent non-GRE packets received

Number of non-GRE packets received by the WAE, either using the traffic interception and redirection functions of WCCP in the router hardware at Layer 2 or Layer 4 switching (a Content Services Switch [CSS] ) that redirects requests transparently to the WAE.

Transparent non-GRE packets passed through

Number of non-GRE packets transparently intercepted by a Layer4 switch and redirected to the WAE.

Total packets accepted

Total number of packets that are transparently intercepted and redirected to the WAE to serve client requests for content.

Invalid packets received

Number of packets that are dropped either because the redirected packet is a GRE packet and the WCCP GRE header has invalid data or the IP header of the redirected packet is invalid.

Packets received with invalid service

Number of WCCP version 2 GRE redirected packets that contain an invalid WCCP service number.

Packets received on a disabled service

Number of WCCP version 2 GRE redirected packets that specify the WCCP service number for a service that is not enabled on the WAE. For example, an HTTPS request redirected to the WAE when the HTTPS-caching service (service 70) is not enabled.

Packets received too small

Number of GRE packets redirected to the WAE that do not contain the minimum amount of data required for a WCCP GRE header.

Packets dropped due to zero TTL

Number of GRE packets that are dropped by the WAE because the redirected packet's IP header has a zero TTL.

Packets dropped due to bad buckets

Number of packets that are dropped by the WAE because the WCCP flow redirection could not be performed due to a bad mask or hash bucket determination.

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (106)A bucket is defined as a certain subsection of the allotted hash assigned to each WAE in a WAE cluster. If only one WAE exists in this environment, it has 256 buckets assigned to it.

Packets dropped due to no redirect address

Number of packets that are dropped because the flow redirection destination IP address could not be determined.

Packets dropped due to loopback redirect

Number of packets that are dropped by the WAE when the destination IP address is the same as the loopback address.

Connections bypassed due to load

Number of connection flows that are bypassed when the WAE is overloaded. When the overload bypass option is enabled, the WAE bypasses a bucket and reroutes the overload traffic. If the load remains too high, another bucket is bypassed, and so on, until the WAE can handle the load.

Packets sent back to router

Number of requests that are passed back by the WAE to the WCCP-enabled router from which the request was received. The router then sends the flow toward the origin web server directly from the web browser, which bypasses the WAE.

Packets sent to another WAE

Number of packets that are redirected to another WAE in the WCCP service group. Service groups consist of up to 32WAEs and 32 WCCP-enabled routers. In both packet-forwarding methods, the hash parameters specify how redirected traffic should be load balanced among the WAEs in the various WCCP service groups.

GRE fragments redirected

Number of GRE packets received by the WAE that are fragmented. These packets are redirected back to the router.

Packets failed GRE encapsulation

Number of GRE packets that are dropped by the WAE because they could not be redirected due to problems while encapsulating the packet with a GRE header.

Packets dropped due to invalid fwd method

Number of GRE packets that are dropped by the WAE because it was redirected using GRE but the WCCP service was configured for Layer 2 redirection.

Packets dropped due to insufficient memory

Number of GRE packets that are dropped by the WAE due to the failure to allocate additional memory resources required to handle the GRE packet.

Packets bypassed, no conn at all

Number of packets that failed to be associated with an existing flow because no TCP port was listening. WCCP can also handle asymmetric packet flows and always maintains a consistent mapping of web servers to caches regardless of the number of switches or routers used in a WCCP service group (up to 32 routers or switches communicating with up to 32 WAEs in a cluster).

Packets bypassed, no pending connection

Number of packets that failed to be associated with a pending connection because the initial handshake was not completed.

Packets due to clean wccp shutdown

Number of connection flows that are bypassed due to a clean WCCP shutdown. During a proper shutdown of WCCP, the WAE continues to service the flows it is handling but starts to bypass new flows. When the number of flows goes down to zero, the WAE takes itself out of the cluster by having its buckets reassigned to other WAEs by the lead WAE.

Packets bypassed due to bypass-list lookup

Number of connection flows that are bypassed due to a bypass list entry. When the WAE receives an error response from an origin server, it adds an entry for the server to its bypass list. When it receives subsequent requests for the content residing on the bypassed server, it redirects packets to the bypass gateway. If no bypass gateway is configured, then the packets are returned to the redirecting Layer 4 switch.

Packets received with client IP addresses

Number of packets that are associated to a connection flow that is being spoofed. By spoofing a client's IP address, the WAE can receive packets with the client IP (which is different from the WAE's own IP address) and send the packet to the correct application that is waiting for the packet.

Conditionally Accepted connections

Number of connection flows that are accepted by the WAE due to the conditional accept feature.

Conditionally Bypassed connections

Number of connection flows that are bypassed by the WAE due to the conditional accept feature.

L2 Bypass packets destined for loopback

Number of packets that are dropped by the WAE due to the destination IP address being the loopback address when the WCCP-enabled router or switch tries to perform Layer 2 redirection.

Packets w/WCCP GRE received too small

Number of packets transparently intercepted by the WCCP-enabled router at Layer 2 and sent to the WAE that need to be fragmented for the packets to be redirected using GRE. The WAE drops the packets since it cannot encapsulate the IP header.

Packets dropped due to IP access-list deny

Number of packets that are dropped by the WAE when an IP access list that the WAE applies to WCCP GRE encapsulated packets denies access to WCCP applications (the wccp access-list command).

Packets fragmented for bypass

Number of GRE packets that do not contain enough data to hold an IP header.

Packets dropped due to no route found

Number of packets that are dropped by the WAE because it cannot find the route.

Related Commands

(config) wccp access-list

(config) wccp cifs-cache

(config) wccp flow-redirect

(config) wccp router-list

(config) wccp shutdown

(config) wccp slow-start

(config) wccp tcp-promiscuous

(config) wccp tcp-promiscuous

show statistics windows-domain

To display Windows domain server information for a WAAS device, use the show windows-domain EXEC command.

show statistics windows-domain

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

After entering the show windows-domain EXEC command to view the Windows domain server statistics, you can clear the counters for these statistics by entering the clear statistics windows-domain EXEC command.


The following example displays the Windows domain server statistics:

WAE# show statistics windows-domain
Windows Domain Statistics 
 Number of access requests: 9
 Number of access deny responses: 3
 Number of access allow responses: 6
 Number of authorization requests: 9
 Number of authorization failure responses:3
 Number of authorization success responses:6
 Number of accounting requests: 0
 Number of accounting failure responses:0
 Number of accounting success responses:0

Related Commands


(config) windows-domain

show sysfs

To display system file system (sysfs) information for a WAAS device, use the show sysfs EXEC command.

show sysfs volumes

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The system file system (sysfs) stores log files, including transaction logs, syslogs, and internal debugging logs. It also stores system image files and operating system files.


The following example displays the disk volume number and its size:

WAE# show sysfs volumes
sysfs 00: /local/local1 17775600KB 96% free
sysfs 01: /local/local2 17782768KB 99% free
sysfs 02: /local/local3 17782768KB 99% free
sysfs 03: /local/local4 17782768KB 99% free
sysfs 04: /local/local5 15684592KB 99% free

Related CommandsRelated Commands


(config) disk

show tacacs

To display TACACS+ authentication protocol configuration information for a WAAS device, use the show tacacs EXEC command.

show tacacs

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the TACACS+ configuration on the WAAS device:

WAE# show tacacs 
Login Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: disabled
 Configuration Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: disabled
 TACACS+ Configuration:
 TACACS+ Authentication is off
 Key =
 Timeout = 5
 Retransmit = 2
 Password type: pap
 Server Status
 ---------------------------- ------ primary

The following table describes the fields shown in the show tacacs display.


Login Authentication for Console/Telnet Session

Indicates whether TACACS+ server is enabled for login authentication.

Configuration Authentication for Console/Telnet Session

Indicates whether TACACS+ server is enabled for authorization or configuration authentication.

TACACS+ Configuration

TACACS+ server parameters.

TACACS+ Authentication

Indicates whether TACACS+ authentication is enabled on the the WAAS device.


Secret key that the WAE uses to communicate with the TACACS+ server. The maximum number of characters in the TACACS+ key should not exceed 99 printable ASCII characters (except tabs).


Number of seconds that the WAAS device waits for a response from the specified TACACS+ authentication server before declaring a timeout.


Number of times that the WAAS device is to retransmit its connection to the TACACS+ if the TACACS+ timeout interval is exceeded.

Password type

Mechanism for password authentication. By default, the Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) is the mechanism for password authentication.


Hostname or IP address of the TACACS+ server.


Indicates whether server is the primary or secondary host.

Related Commands


show statistics tacacs

show tacacs

(config) tacacs

show tcp

To display TCP configuration information for a WAAS device, use the show tcp EXEC command.

show tcp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the TCP configuration on the WAAS device:

WAE# show tcp
==TCP Configuration==
TCP keepalive timeout 90 sec
TCP keepalive probe count 4
TCP keepalive probe interval 75 sec
TCP explicit congestion notification disabled
TCP cwnd base value 2
TCP initial slowstart threshold value 2
TCP increase(multiply) retransmit timer by 1
TCP memory_limit - Low water mark: 360 MB, High water mark (pressure): 380 MB,
High water mark (absolute): 400 MB

Related Commands


show statistics tcp

(config) tcp

show tech-support

To view information necessary for Cisco's TAC to assist you, use the show tech-support EXEC command.

show tech-support [page]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Pages through output.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view system information necessary for TAC to assist you with a WAAS device. We recommend that you log the output to a disk file. (See the "(config) logging" command.)


The following example displays technical support information:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (107)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (108)Because the show tech-support command output can be long, excerpts are shown in the this example.

WAE# show tech-support
------------------ version and hardware --------------------
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software (WAAS)
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Version: ce510-
Compiled 18:08:17 Feb 16 2006 by cnbuild
System was restarted on Fri Feb 17 23:09:53 2006.
The system has been up for 5 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours, 9 minutes, 49 seconds.
CPU 0 is GenuineIntel Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40GHz (rev 2) running at 2401MHz
Total 1 CPU.
512 Mbytes of Physical memory.
BIOS Information:
Vendor : IBM
Version : -[PLEC52AUS-C.52]-
Rel. Date : 05/19/03
List of all disk drives:
Physical disk information:
 disk00: Normal (IDE disk) 76324MB( 74.5GB)
 disk01: Normal (IDE disk) 76324MB( 74.5GB)

Mounted filesystems:
 / root /dev/root 31MB 26MB 5MB 83%
 /sw internal /dev/md0 991MB 430MB 561MB 43%
 /swstore internal /dev/md1 991MB 287MB 704MB 28%
 /state internal /dev/md2 3967MB 61MB 3906MB 1%
 /disk00-04 CONTENT /dev/md4 62539MB 32MB 62507MB 0%
 /local/local1 SYSFS /dev/md5 3967MB 197MB 3770MB 4%
 .../local1/spool PRINTSPOOL /dev/md6 991MB 16MB 975MB 1%

Software RAID devices:
 /dev/md0 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/00[GOOD] disk01/00[GOOD]
 /dev/md1 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/01[GOOD] disk01/01[GOOD]
/dev/md0 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/00[GOOD] disk01/00[GOOD]
 /dev/md1 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/01[GOOD] disk01/01[GOOD]
 /dev/md2 RAID-1 NORMAL OPERATION disk00/02[GOOD] disk01/02[GOOD]
Currently content-filesystems RAID level is not configured to change.

------------------ running configuration -------------------
! WAAS version 4.0.0
------------------ processes --------------------
CPU average usage since last reboot:
 cpu: 0.00% User, 1.79% System, 3.21% User(nice), 95.00% Idle
----- ----- --- ------ ------ --------------------
 1 S 0 20138 21906 (init)
 2 S 0 0 0 (migration/0)
 3 S 19 0 0 (ksoftirqd/0)
 4 S -10 0 0 (events/0)
 5 S -10 0 0 (khelper)
 17 S -10 0 0 (kacpid)
 93 S -10 0 0 (kblockd/0)

show telnet

To display Telnet services configuration for a WAAS device, use the show telnet EXEC command.

show telnet

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays whether or not Telnet is enabled on the WAAS device:

WAE# show telnet
telnet service is enabled

Related Commands


(config) telnet enable

(config) exec-timeout

show tfo accelerators

To display Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) accelerators information for a WAE, use the show tfo accelerators EXEC command.

show tfo accelerators

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays TFO accelerator information for the WAE:

WAE# show tfo accelerators
Name: TFO State: Registered, Handling Level: 100%
 Keepalive timeout: 3.0 seconds, Session timeouts: 0, Total timeouts: 0
 Last keepalive received 00.5 Secs ago
 Last registration occurred 11:21:43:38.4 Days:Hours:Mins:Secs ago
Name: EPM State: Registered, Handling Level: 100%
 Keepalive timeout: 5.0 seconds, Session timeouts: 0, Total timeouts: 0
 Last keepalive received 00.2 Secs ago
 Last registration occurred 11:21:43:36.7 Days:Hours:Mins:Secs ago
Name: CIFS State: Not Registered, Handling Level: 0%
 Keepalive timeout: 0.0 seconds, Session timeouts: 0, Total timeouts: 0
 Last keepalive received -Never-
 Last Registration occurred -Never-

Related Commands

show tfo auto-discovery

show tfo bufpool

show tfo connection

show tfo filtering

show tfo status

show tfo auto-discovery

To display Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) auto-discovery statistics for a WAE, use the show tfo auto-discovery EXEC command.

show tfo auto-discovery

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays TFO auto-discovery statistics for the WAE:

WAE# show tfo auto-discovery
Auto discovery structure allocations failure: 0
Auto discovery structure allocations success: 8207
Auto discovery structure deallocations: 8207
Auto discovery table bucket overflows: 0
Auto discovery table overflows: 0
Auto discovery table entry adds: 8207
Auto discovery table entry drops: 8207
Auto discovery table lookups: 8207
Auto discovery table entry count: 0
Packets sent during auto discovery: 8207
Packets received during auto discovery: 16414
Number of route lookup failures: 0
Number of successful route lookups: 0
Bind hash add failures: 0
Accept socket pair allocation failures: 0
Sock allocation failures: 0
Sock(u) allocation failures: 0
Connect socket lookup failures: 0
Auto discovery failures: 8207
Number of resets received during auto discovery: 0
Packet memory allocation failures: 0
Auto discovery failures due to insuff. option space: 0
Invalid connection state during auto discovery: 0
Auto discovery failures due to missing ack conf: 0
Successful auto discovery to internal server: 0
Successful auto discovery to external server: 0
Successful auto discovery for an internal client: 0
Successful auto discovery for an external client: 0
Intermediate device: 0
SYNs found with our device id: 0

Related Commands

show statistics tfo
show tfo accelerators
show tfo bufpool
show tfo connection
show tfo filtering
show tfo status

show tfo bufpool

To display Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) buffer pool information for a WAE, use the show tfo bufpool EXEC command.

show tfo bufpool {accounting | from-index index | owner-connection conn-id |
owner-module {RElib | tcpproxy} [from-index index | owner-connectionconn-id |
state {free | in-use} [from-index index | owner-connection conn-id | to-index index] |
to-index index] | state {free | in-use} [from-index index | owner-connectionconn-id |
to-index index] | to-index index}

Syntax Description


Displays the buffer pool overall usage.


The starting index of the buffer units to be displayed.


The owner connection of the buffer units.


The owner module of the buffer units.


The state (free or used) of the buffer units.


The ending index of the buffer units to be displayed.


Shows the buffer units owned by the RE-library.


Shows the buffer units owned by the TCP proxy.


Index of a buffer unit (0-4294967295).


The connection ID (0-4294967295).

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays TFO buffer pool information for the WAE:

WAE# show tfo bufpool accounting
Total buffer pool size: 80740352 bytes
Free buffer: 80740352 bytes, in 78848 units (unit size: 1024 bytes)
Used buffer: 0 bytes, in 0 units
 Buffer usage by module:
 Tcpproxy: using 0 bytes, in 0 units
 RElib: using 0 bytes, in 0 units
 LZlib: using 0 bytes, in 0 units
 Buffer usage by connection:

Related Commands

show tfo accelerators
show tfo auto-discovery
show tfo connection
show tfo filtering
show tfo status
show statistics tfo

show tfo connection

To display Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) connection information for a WAE, use the show tfo connection EXEC command.

show tfo connection [[summary] | [client-ip host-address | client-port port | peer-id mac |
server-ip host-address | server-port port]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays a summary list of connections.


(Optional) Source IP address.


(Optional) IP address of the source client.


(Optional) Displays the connection statistics for a specific peer.


(Optional) IP address of the destination server.


(Optional) Destination port number.


Hostname or IP address.


The MAC address of a peer host.


The port number on the client or server.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Using this command without options displays detailed information about each of the TFO connections for a WAE. To display a summary list of the connections, use the summary option.

For the listed connections that have the F, D or L optimization policy, you can find additional information on DRE statistics by using the show statistics dre connection command with the id option to identify a specific connection id.


The following example displays a summary of TFO optimized connections for the WAE:

WAE# show tfo connection summary
Optimized Connection List
Policy summary order: Our's, Peer's, Negotiated, Applied
F: Full optimization, D: DRE only, L: LZ Compression, T: TCP Optimization
Local-IP:Port Remote-IP:Port ConId PeerId Policy 21 00:11:25:ac:3e:04 F,F,F,F 22 00:11:25:ac:3e:04 F,F,F,F 23 00:11:25:ac:3e:04 F,F,F,F 24 00:11:25:ac:3e:04 F,F,F,F 25 00:11:25:ac:3e:04 F,F,F,F

Related Commands

show statistics dre connection

show statistics tfo

show tfo accelerators

show tfo auto-discovery

show tfo bufpool

show tfo filtering

show tfo status

show tfo filtering

To display information about the incoming and outgoing TFO flows that the WAE currently has, use the showtfofiltering EXEC command.

show tfo filtering [list]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Lists TCP flows that the WAE is currently optimizing or passing through.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command lists TCP flows that the WAE is currently optimizing. It also includes TCP flows that are not being optimized but that are being passed through by the WAE. A "P" in the State column indicates a passed through flow.


The following examples display TFO connection information for the WAE:

WAE# show tfo filtering
Number of filtering tuples: 2
Packets dropped due to ttl expiry: 0
Packets dropped due to bad route: 0
Syn packets dropped with our own id in the options: 0
Syn packets received and dropped on estab. conn: 0
Syn-Ack packets received and dropped on estab. conn: 0
Packets recvd on in progress conn. and not handled: 0
Packets dropped due to peer connection alive: 0
Packets dropped due to invalid TCP flags: 0

WAE# show tfo filtering list
E: Established, S: Syn, A: Ack, F: Fin, R: Reset
s: sent, r: received, O: Options, P: Passthrough
B: Bypass, T: Timedout, C: Closed
 Local-IP:Port Remote-IP:Port Tuple(Mate) State 0xcba709c0(0xcba70a00) E 0xcba70780(0xcba707c0) E 0xcba703c0(0xcba70b40) Sr 0xcba70400(0xcba70440) Sr 0xcba70600(0xcba70640) E 0xcba70480(0x0 ) PE 0xcba70f80(0x0 ) E 0xcba701c0(0xcba70180) E 0xcba70180(0x0 ) E 0xcba70240(0xcba70200) E 0xcba70900(0xcba70580) Sr 0xcba70100(0xcba70140) E 0xcba70740(0xcba70700) E 0xcba707c0(0xcba70780) E 0xcba70a40(0xcba70a80) E 0xcba70500(0xcba70540) E 0xcba70a00(0xcba709c0) E 0xcba70f40(0xcba70f80) E

Related Commands

show tfo accelerators

show tfo auto-discovery

show tfo bufpool

show tfo connection

show tfo status

show tfo status

To display global Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) status information for a WAE, use the show tfo status EXEC command.

show tfo status

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example displays global TFO status information for the WAE:

WEA# show tfo status
Optimization Status:
 Configured: optimize full
 Current: optimize full
 TFO is up since Sat Feb 25 13:18:51 2006
 TFO is functioning normally.
 Total number of optimized connections since start: 0
 Number of active connections: 0
 Total number of peers: 0

Related Commands

show statistics tfo

show tfo accelerators

show tfo auto-discovery

show tfo bufpool

show tfo connection

show tfo filtering

show transaction-logging

To display the transaction log configuration settings and a list of archived transaction log files for a WAE, use the show transaction-logging EXEC command.

show transaction-logging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

To display information about the current configuration of transaction logging on a WAE, use the showtransaction-log or show transaction-logging EXEC commands. Both of these EXEC commands display the same output. Transaction log file information is displayed for HTTP and WMT MMS caching proxy transactions and TFTP and ICAP transactions.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (109)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (110)For security reasons, passwords are never displayed in the output of the show transaction-log EXEC command.


The following example displays information about the current configuration of transaction logging on a WAE:

WAAE# show transaction-logging
Transaction log configuration:
TFO Logging is disabled.
TFO Archive interval: every-day every 1 hour
TFO Maximum size of archive file: 2000000 KB
TFO logging to remote syslog host is disabled.
TFO remote syslog host is not configured.
TFO facility is the default "*" which is "user".
Exporting files to ftp servers is disabled.

Related Commands



(config) transaction-logs

show user

To display user identification number and username information for a particular user of a WAAS device, use the show user EXEC command.

show user {uid number | username name}

Syntax Description


Displays user information based on the identification number of the user.


Identification number (0-65535).


Displays user information based on the name of the user.


Name of user.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following examples display user-specific configuration information based on username and user identification, respectively:

WAE# show user username jdoe
Uid : 1426
Username : jdoe
Password : *****
Privilege : super user
Configured in : Local database
WAE# show user uid 1426
Uid : 1426
Username : jdoe
Password : *****
Privilege : super user
Configured in : Local database

Related Commands


show users administrative

(config) username

show users administrative

To display users with administrative privileges to the WAAS device, use the show users EXEC command.

show users administrative

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays user who have administrative privileges:

WAE# show users administrative
 0 admin

Related Commands


(config) username

show version

To display version information about the WAAS software that is running on the WAAS device, use the show version EXEC command.

show version [last | pending]

Syntax Description


Displays the version information for the last saved image.


Displays the version information for the pending upgraded image.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the version information for the last saved image:

WAE# show version last
Saved version is WAAS 4.0.0-b330, built on 18:28:11 Mar 23 2006 by cnbuild
It can be restored by running restore rollback command

The following example displays the version information for the pending upgraded image:

WAE# show version
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software (WAAS)
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software Release 4.0.0 (build b340 Mar 25 2
Version: fe611-
Compiled 17:26:17 Mar 25 2006 by cnbuild
System was restarted on Mon Mar 27 15:25:01 2006.
The system has been up for 3 days, 21 hours, 26 minutes, 15 seconds.

show wccp

To display Web Cache Connection Protocol (WCCP) information for a WAE, use the show wccp EXEC command.

show wccp file-engines

show wccp flows {cifs-cache | tcp-promiscuous} [summary]

show wccp gre

show wccp masks {cifs-cache | tcp-promiscuous} [summary]

show wccp modules

show wccp routers

show wccp services [detail]

show wccp slowstart {cifs-cache | tcp-promiscuous} [summary]

show wccp status

Syntax Description


Displays which WAEs are seen by which routers.


Displays WCCP packet flows.


Displays CIFS caching service packet flows.


Displays TCP-PROMISCUOUS caching service packet flows.


(Optional) Displays summarized information about CIFS caching service packet flows or TCP-PROMISCUOUS caching service packet flows.


Displays WCCP generic routing encapsulation packet-related information.


Displays WCCP mask assignments for a given service.


Displays running status of WCCP registered modules.


Displays routers seen and not seen by this WAE.


Displays WCCP services configured.


(Optional) Displays detail of services.


Displays WCCP slow start state for the selected service.


Displays version of WCCP that is enabled and running.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example shows the output of the show wccp gre command:

WAE# show wccp gre
Transparent GRE packets received: 0
Transparent non-GRE packets received: 0
Transparent non-GRE packets passed through: 0
Total packets accepted: 0
Invalid packets received: 0
Packets received with invalid service: 0
Packets received on a disabled service: 0
Packets received too small: 0
Packets dropped due to zero TTL: 0
Packets dropped due to bad buckets: 0
Packets dropped due to no redirect address: 0
Packets dropped due to loopback redirect: 0
Connections bypassed due to load: 0
Packets sent back to router: 0
Packets sent to another CE: 0
GRE fragments redirected: 0
Packets failed GRE encapsulation: 0
Packets dropped due to invalid fwd method: 0
Packets dropped due to insufficient memory: 0
Packets bypassed, no conn at all: 0
Packets bypassed, no pending connection: 0
Packets due to clean wccp shutdown: 0
Packets bypassed due to bypass-list lookup: 0

For a description of the fields in the output of the show wccp gre command, see the show statistics wccp command.

The following example shows the output of the show wccp modules command:

WAE#show wccp modules 
Modules registered with WCCP on this WAE
Module Socket Expire(sec) Name Supported Services
------ ------ ----------- --------------- ------------------
0 18 3 ? CIFS Cache

The following example shows the output of the show wccp services command:

WAE# show wccp services
Services configured on this File Engine
 TCP Promiscuous 61
 TCP Promiscuous 62

The following example is partial output from the show wccp services detail command:

WAE# show wccp services detail 
Service Details for TCP Promiscuous 61 Service
 Service Enabled : Yes
 Service Priority : 34
 Service Protocol : 6
 Application : Unknown
 Service Flags (in Hex) : 501
 Service Ports : 0 0 0 0
 : 0 0 0 0
 Security Enabled for Service : No
 Multicast Enabled for Service : No
 Weight for this Web-CE : 0
 Negotiated forwarding method : GRE
 Negotiated assignment method : HASH
 Negotiated return method : GRE
 Received Values:
 Source IP mask (in Hex) : 0
 Destination IP mask (in Hex) : 0
 Source Port mask (in Hex) : 0
 Destination Port mask (in Hex) : 0
 Calculated Values:
 Source IP mask (in Hex) : 0
 Destination IP mask (in Hex) : 1741
 Source Port mask (in Hex) : 0
 Destination Port mask (in Hex) : 0
Service Details for TCP Promiscuous 62 Service
 Service Enabled : Yes
 Service Priority : 34
 Service Protocol : 6
 Application : Unknown
 Service Flags (in Hex) : 502
 Service Ports : 0 0 0 0
 : 0 0 0 0
 Security Enabled for Service : No
 Multicast Enabled for Service : No
 Weight for this Web-CE : 0
 Negotiated forwarding method : GRE
 Negotiated assignment method : HASH
 Negotiated return method : GRE
 Received Values:
 Source IP mask (in Hex) : 0
 Destination IP mask (in Hex) : 0
 Source Port mask (in Hex) : 0
 Destination Port mask (in Hex) : 0
 Calculated Values:
 Source IP mask (in Hex) : 0
 Destination IP mask (in Hex) : 1741
 Source Port mask (in Hex) : 0
 Destination Port mask (in Hex) : 0

The following example is the output from the show wccp routers command:

WAE# show wccp routers
Router Information for Service: TCP Promiscuous 61
 Routers Configured and Seeing this File Engine(1)
 Router Id Sent To Recv ID
 Routers not Seeing this File Engine
 Routers Notified of but not Configured
 Multicast Addresses Configured
Router Information for Service: TCP Promiscuous 62
 Routers Configured and Seeing this File Engine(1)
 Router Id Sent To Recv ID
 Routers not Seeing this File Engine
 Routers Notified of but not Configured
 Multicast Addresses Configured

The following example is the output from the show wccp status command:

WAE# show wccp status
WCCP version 2 is enabled and currently active

Related Commands

(config) wccp access-list

(config) wccp cifs-cache

(config) wccp flow-redirect

(config) wccp router-list

(config) wccp shutdown

(config) wccp slow-start

(config) wccp tcp-promiscuous

(config) wccp version

show windows-domain

To display Windows domain configuration information for a WAAS device, use the show windows-domain EXEC command.

show windows-domain

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays Windows domain configuration information:

WAE# show windows-domain
Login Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: disabled
 Configuration Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: disabled
 Windows domain Configuration:
 Net BIOS:
 WINS Server:
 Password Server:
 Security: domain
 Administrative groups:
 Super user group:
 Normal user group:

Related Commands


(config) windows-domain


To shut down the WAAS device use the shutdown EXEC command.

shutdown [poweroff]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Turns off the power after closing all applications and operating system.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

A controlled shutdown refers to the process of properly shutting down a WAAS device without turning off the power on the device. With a controlled shutdown, all of the application activities and the operating system are properly stopped on a WAE, but the power remains on. Controlled shutdowns of a WAAS device can help you minimize the downtime when the WAAS device is being serviced.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (111)
Caution Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (112)If a controlled shutdown is not performed, the WAAS file system can be corrupted. Rebooting the WAAS device takes longer if it was not properly shut down.
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (113)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (114)A WAAS device cannot be powered on again through the WAAS software after a software poweroff. You must press the power button once on a WAAS device to bring it back online.

The shutdown EXEC command facilitates a proper shutdown for WAAS device, and is supported on all WAE hardware models. The shutdown poweroff command is also supported by all of the WAE hardware models as they support the ACPI.

The shutdown command closes all applications and stops all system activities, but keeps the power on. The fans continue to run and the power LED is on, indicating that the device is still powered on. The device console displays the following menu after the shutdown process is completed:

================= SHUTDOWN SHELL =================
System has been shut down.

You can
0. Power down system by pressing and holding power button
1. Reload system by software
2. Power down system by software

The shutdown poweroff command closes all applications and the operating system, stops all system activities, and turn off the power. The fans stop running and the power LED starts flashing, indicating that the device has been powered off.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (115)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (116)If you use the shutdown or shutdown poweroff commands, the device does not perform a file system check when you power on and boot the device the next time.

The following table describes the shutdown-only operation and the shutdown poweroff operation for a WAAS device.


User performs a shutdown operation on the WAE

Shutdown poweroff

WAE#shutdown poweroff

User intervention to bring WAE back online

After a shutdown poweroff, you must press the power button once to bring the WAAS device back online.

File system check

Is not performed after you turn the power on again and reboot the WAAS device.

You can enter the shutdown EXEC command from a console session or from a remote session (Telnet or SSH version 1 or SSH version 2) to perform shutdown on a WAAS device.

To perform a shutdown on a WAAS device, enter the shutdown EXEC command as follows:


When you are asked if you want to save the system configuration, enter yes.

System configuration has been modified. Save?[yes]:yes

When you are asked if you want to proceed with the shutdown, press Enter to proceed with the shutdown operation.

Device can not be powered on again through software after shutdown.
Proceed with shutdown?[confirm]

A message appears, reporting that all services are being shut down on this WAE.

Shutting down all services, will timeout in 15 minutes.
shutdown in progress ..System halted.

After the system is shut down (the system has halted), a WAAS software shutdown shell displays the current state of the system (for example, "System has been shut down") on the console. You are asked whether you want to perform a software power off (the Power down system by software option), or if you want to reload the system through the software.

================= SHUTDOWN SHELL =================
System has been shut down.
You can either
 Power down system by pressing and holding power button
1. Reload system through software
2. Power down system through software

To power down the WAAS device, press and hold the power button on the WAAS device, or use one of the following methods to perform a shutdown poweroff:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (117)From the console command line, enter 2 when prompted, as follows:

================= SHUTDOWN SHELL =================
System has been shut down.
You can either
 Power down system by pressing and holding power button
1. Reload system through software
2. Power down system through software

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (118)From the WAAS CLI, enter the shutdown poweroff EXEC command as follows:

WAE#shutdown poweroff 

When you are asked if you want to save the system configuration, enter yes.

System configuration has been modified. Save?[yes]:yes

When you are asked to confirm your decision, press Enter.

Device can not be powered on again through software after poweroff.
Proceed with poweroff?[confirm]
Shutting down all services, will timeout in 15 minutes.
poweroff in progress ..Power down.


In the following example, the shutdown command is used to close all applications and stop all system activities.

WAE1# shutdown
System configuration has been modified. Save?[yes]:yes
Device can not be powered on again through software after shutdown.
Proceed with shutdown?[confirm]
Shutting down all services, will timeout in 15 minutes.
shutdown in progress ..System halted.

In the following example, the shutdown poweroff command is used to close all applications, stop all system activities, and then turn off power to the WAAS device.

WAE2# shutdown poweroff
System configuration has been modified. Save?[yes]:yes
Device can not be powered on again through software after poweroff.
Proceed with poweroff?[confirm]
Shutting down all services, will timeout in 15 minutes.
poweroff in progress ..Power down.

snmp trigger

To configure thresholds for a user-selected MIB object for monitoring purposes on a WAAS device, use the snmp trigger EXEC command. Use the no form of this command to return the setting to the default value.

snmp trigger {create mibvar [wildcard] [wait-time [absent [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE] | equal[absolutevalue [[LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE] | delta value [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE]] | falling[absolutevalue [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE] | delta value [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE]] | greater-than[absolutevalue [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE] | delta value [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE]] | less-than[absolutevalue [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE] | delta value [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE]] | on-change[[LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1][LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE]] | present[LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE] | rising[absolutevalue [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE] | delta value [LINE | mibvar1 mibvar1] [LINE | mibvar2 mibvar2] [LINE | mibvar3 mibvar3] [LINE]]]] | delete mibvar}

Syntax Description


Configure a threshold for a MIB object.


Name of the MIB object that you want to monitor or the MIB object for which you want to remove a monitoring threshold.


(Optional) Treat the specified MIB variable name as having a wildcard.


Number of seconds, 60-600, to wait between trigger samples.


(Optional) Apply the absent existence test.


Description of the threshold being created.

mibvar1, mibvar2, mibvar3

(Optional) Add a MIB object to the notification.

mibvar1, mibvar2, mibvar3

Name of the MIB object to add to the notification.


Apply the equality threshold test.


(Optional) Use an absolute sample type.


(Optional) Absolute or delta value for sample.


Use a delta sample type.


Apply the falling threshold test.


Apply the greater-than threshold test.


Apply the less-than threshold test.


Apply the changed existence test.


Apply the present test.


Apply the rising threshold test.


Remove a threshold for a MIB object.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Using the snmp trigger global configuration command, you can define additional SNMP traps for other MIB objects of interest to your particular configuration. You can select any MIB object from any of the support MIBs for your trap. The trap can be triggered based on a variety of tests:

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (119)absent—A specified MIB object that was present at the last sampling is no longer present as of the current sampling.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (120)equal—The value of the specified MIB object is equal to the specified threshold.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (121)falling—The value of the specified MIB object has fallen below the specified threshold value. After a trap is generated against this condition, another trap for this same condition is not generated until the sampled MIB object value rises above the threshold value and then falls below the falling threshold value again.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (122)greater-than—The value of the specified MIB object is greater than the specified threshold value.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (123)less-than—The value of the specified MIB object is less than the specified threshold value.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (124)on-change—The value of the specified MIB object has changed since the last sampling.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (125)present—A specified MIB object is present as of the current sampling that was not present at the previous sampling.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (126)rising—The value of the specified MIB object has risen above the specified threshold. After a trap is generated against this condition, another trap for this same condition is not generated until the sampled MIB object value falls below the threshold value and then rises above the rising threshold value again.

The threshold value can be based on an absolute sample type or on a delta sample type. An absolute sample type is one in which the test is evaluated against a fixed integer value between zero and 4294967295. A delta sample type is one in which the test is evaluated against the change in the MIB object value between the current sampling and the previous sampling.

After you configure SNMP traps, you must use the snmp-server enable traps event global configuration command for the event traps you just created to be generated. Also, to preserve SNMP trap configuration across a system reboot, you must configure event persistence using the snmp mib persist event global configuration command, and save the MIB data using the write mib-data EXEC command.


The following example shows how to create a threshold for the MIB object esConTabIsConnected so that a trap is sent when the connection from the EdgeWAE to the CoreWAE is lost:

WAE# snmp trigger create esConTabIsConnected ?
<60-600> The number of seconds to wait between trigger sample
 wildcard Option to treat the MIB variable as wildcarded
WAE# snmp trigger create esConTabIsConnected wildcard 600 ?
 absent Absent existence test
 equal Equality threshold test
 falling Falling threshold test
 greater-than Greater-than threshold test
 less-than Less-than threshold test
 on-change Changed existence test
 present Present present test
 rising Rising threshold test
WAE# snmp trigger create esConTabIsConnected wildcard 600 falling ?
 absolute Absolute sample type
 delta Delta sample type
WAE# snmp trigger create esConTabIsConnected wildcard 600 falling absolute ?
 <0-4294967295> Falling threshold value
WAE# snmp trigger create esConTabIsConnected wildcard 600 falling absolute 1 ?
 LINE Trigger-comment
 mibvar1 Optional mib object to add to the notification
WAE# snmp trigger create esConTabIsConnected wildcard 600 falling absolute 1 "Lost the connection with the core server."
WAE# configure
WAE(config)# snmp-server enable traps event

Once you have configured the WAE to send SNMP traps, you can view the results of these newly created traps using the show snmp events EXEC command.

You can also delete user-created SNMP traps. The following example shows how to delete the trap set for esConTabIsConnected that we created in the previous example.

WAE# snmp trigger delete esConTabIsConnected

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view


To allow secure encrypted communications between an untrusted client machine and a WAAS device over an insecure network, use the ssh EXEC command.

ssh options

Syntax Description


The options to use with the ssh EXEC command. For more information about the possible options, see Request for Comments (RFC 4254) at


By default, the Secure Shell (SSH) feature is disabled on a WAAS device.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

SSH consists of a server and a client program. Like Telnet, you can use the client program to remotely log in to a machine that is running the SSH server, but unlike Telnet, messages transported between the client and the server are encrypted. The functionality of SSH includes user authentication, message encryption, and message authentication.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (127)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (128)The Telnet daemon can still be used with the WAAS device. SSH does not replace Telnet.

Related Commands

(config) sshd

(config) ssh-key-generate


To dump network traffic, use the tcpdump EXEC command.

tcpdump [LINE]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies dump options.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

TCPdump is a utility that allows a user to intercept and capture packets passing through a network interface, making it useful for troubleshooting network applications.

During normal network operation, only the packets which are addressed to a network interface are intercepted and passed on to the upper layers of the TCP/IP protocol layer stack. Packets which are not addressed to the interface are ignored. In Promiscuous mode, the packets which are not intended to be received by the interface are also intercepted and passed on to the higher levels of the protocol stack. TCPdump works by putting the network interface into promiscuous mode. TCPdump uses the free libpcap (packet capture library).

Use the -h option to view the options available, as shown in this example:

WAE# tcpdump -h
tcpdump version 3.8.1 (jlemon)
libpcap version 0.8
Usage: tcpdump [-aAdDeflLnNOpqRStuUvxX] [-c count] [ -C file_size ]
 [ -E algo:secret ] [ -F file ] [ -i interface ] [ -r file ]
 [ -s snaplen ] [ -T type ] [ -w file ] [ -y datalinktype ]
 [ expression ]


The following example starts a network traffic dump to a file named tcpdump.txt:

WAE# tcpdump -F tcpdump.txt

Related Commands






To log in to a WAAS device using the Telnet client, use the telnet EXEC command.

telnet {hostname | ip-address} [portnum]

Syntax Description


Hostname of the network device.


IP address of the network device.


(Optional) Port number (1-65535). Default port number is 23.


The default port number is 23.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

UNIX shell functions such as escape and the suspend command are not available in the Telnet client. Multiple Telnet sessions are also not supported. This Telnet client allows you to specify a destination port.


The following examples show several ways you can log in to a WAAS device using the Telnet client:

WAE# telnet cisco-wae
WAE# telnet
WAE# telnet cisco-wae 2048
WAE# telnet 2048

Related Commands

(config) telnet enable


To set the number of lines displayed in the console window, or to display the current console debug command output, use the terminal EXEC command.

terminal {length length | monitor [disable]}

Syntax Description


Sets the length of the display on the terminal.


Length of the display on the terminal (0-512). Setting the length to 0 means there is no pausing.


Copies the debug output to the current terminal.


(Optional) Disables monitoring at this specified terminal.


The default is 24 lines.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

When 0 is entered as the length parameter, the output to the screen does not pause. For all nonzero values of length, the -More- prompt is displayed when the number of output lines matches the specified length number. The -More- prompt is considered a line of output. To view the next screen, press the Spacebar. To view one line at a time, press the Enter key.

The terminal monitor command allows a Telnet session to display the output of the debug commands that appear on the console. Monitoring continues until the Telnet session is terminated.


The following example sets the number of lines to display to 20:

WAE# terminal length 20

The following example configures the terminal for no pausing:

WAE# terminal length 0

Related Commands

All show commands


To analyze network traffic from the command line, use the tethereal EXEC command.

tethereal [LINE]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies options.


No default behavior values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Tethereal is the command line version of the network traffic analyzer tool Ethereal. Like TCPdump, it also uses the packet capture library (libpcap). Aside from network traffic analysis, Tethereal also provides facilities for decoding packets.

The following example shows the options available with the WAAS tethereal command:

WAE#tethereal -h
This is GNU tethereal 0.10.6
 (C) 1998-2004 Gerald Combs <[email protected]>
Compiled with GLib 1.2.9, with libpcap 0.6, with libz 1.1.3, without libpcre,
without UCD-SNMP or Net-SNMP, without ADNS.
NOTE: this build does not support the "matches" operator for Ethereal filter
Running with libpcap (version unknown) on Linux 2.4.16.
tethereal [ -vh ] [ -DlLnpqSVx ] [ -a <capture autostop condition> ] ...
 [ -b <number of ring buffer files>[:<duration>] ] [ -c <count> ]
 [ -d <layer_type>==<selector>,<decode_as_protocol> ] ...
 [ -f <capture filter> ] [ -F <output file type> ] [ -i <interface> ]
 [ -N <resolving> ] [ -o <preference setting> ] ... [ -r <infile> ]
 [ -R <read filter> ] [ -s <snaplen> ] [ -t <time stamp format> ]
 [ -T pdml|ps|psml|text ] [ -w <savefile> ] [ -y <link type> ]
 [ -z <statistics string> ]
Valid file type arguments to the "-F" flag:
 libpcap - libpcap (tcpdump, Ethereal, etc.)
 rh6_1libpcap - RedHat Linux 6.1 libpcap (tcpdump)
 suse6_3libpcap - SuSE Linux 6.3 libpcap (tcpdump)
 modlibpcap - modified libpcap (tcpdump)
 nokialibpcap - Nokia libpcap (tcpdump)
 lanalyzer - Novell LANalyzer
 ngsniffer - Network Associates Sniffer (DOS-based)
 snoop - Sun snoop
 netmon1 - Microsoft Network Monitor 1.x
 netmon2 - Microsoft Network Monitor 2.x
 ngwsniffer_1_1 - Network Associates Sniffer (Windows-based) 1.1
 ngwsniffer_2_0 - Network Associates Sniffer (Windows-based) 2.00x
 visual - Visual Networks traffic capture
 5views - Accellent 5Views capture
 niobserverv9 - Network Instruments Observer version 9
 default is libpcap

Related Commands



To trace the route between a WAAS device to a remote host, use the traceroute EXEC command.

traceroute {hostname | ip-address}

Syntax Description


Name of remote host.


IP address of remote host.


No default behavior values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Traceroute is a widely available utility on most operating systems. Much like ping, it is a valuable tool for determining connectivity in a network. Ping allows the user to find out if there is a connection between two end systems. Traceroute does this as well, but also lists the intermediate routers between the two systems. Users can therefore see the possible routes packets can take from one system to another. Use traceroute to find the route to a remote host, when either the hostname or the IP address is known.


The following example traces the route between the WAAS device and a device with an IP address of

WAE# traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1 ( 0.959 ms 0.678 ms 0.531 ms
 2 ( 0.665 ms 0.576 ms 0.492 ms
 3 ( 0.757 ms 0.734 ms 0.833 ms
 4 ( 0.683 ms 0.644 ms 0.544 ms
 5 ( 0.588 ms 0.611 ms 0.569 ms
 6 ( 0.746 ms 0.743 ms 0.737 ms
 7 ( 1.505 ms 1.101 ms 0.802 ms
 8 * * *
 9 * * *
29 * * *
30 * * *

Related Commands



To force the exporting or the archiving of the transaction log, use the transaction-log EXEC command.

transaction-log {export | tfo force archive}

Syntax Description


Forces the archiving of a WAE's transaction file.

tfo force archive

Forces the archiving of the Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) transaction log file.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example forces the archiving of the transaction file on the WAE:

WAE# transaction-log export

The following example forces the archiving of a WAE's TFO transaction log file:

WAE# transaction-log tfo force archive

Related Commands

(config) transaction-logs

show transaction-logging


To display a file, use the type EXEC command.

type filename

Syntax Description


Name of file.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to display the contents of a file within any file directory on a WAAS device. This command may be used to monitor features such as transaction logging or system logging (syslog).


The following example shows how to display the contents of the syslog.txt file:

WAE# type /local1/syslog.txt

Related Commands








To view a specified number of lines of the end of a log file, to view the end of the file continuously as new lines are added to the file, to start at a particular line in the file, or to include or exclude specific lines in the file, use the type-tail command in EXEC mode.

type-tail filename [line | follow | | {begin LINE | exclude LINE | include LINE}]

Syntax Description


File to be examined.


(Optional) Number of lines from the end of the file to be displayed (1-65535).


(Optional) Displays the end of the file continuously as new lines are added to the file.


(Optional) Displays contents of the file according to the begin, exclude, and include output modifiers.


Identifies the line at which to begin file display.


Regular expression to match in the file where you want to begin display, or that is to be included or excluded from display.


Indicates lines that are to be excluded from the file display.


Indicates lines that are to be included in the file display.


Last ten lines are shown.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This EXEC command allows you to monitor a log file by letting you view the end of the file. You can specify the number of lines at the end of the file that you want to view, or you can follow the last line of the file as it continues to log new information. To stop the last line from continuously scrolling as with the follow option, use the key sequence Ctrl-C.

You can further indicate the type of information to display using the output modifiers. These allow you to include or exclude specific lines or to indicate where to begin displaying the file.


The following example looks for a list of log files in the /local1 directory and then displays the last ten lines of the syslog.txt file. In this example, the number of lines to display is not specified, so the default of ten lines is used:

WAE# ls /local1
WAE# type-tail /local1/syslog.txt
Apr 17 00:21:09 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: unable to get https
equest throughput stats(error 4)
Apr 17 00:21:09 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: ds_getStruct got err
r : 4 for key stat/cache/ftp connection 5
Apr 17 00:21:09 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: ds_getStruct: unable
to get `stat/cache/ftp' from dataserver
Apr 17 00:21:09 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: unable to get ftp-ov
r-http request throughput stats(error 4)
Apr 17 00:21:09 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: setValues getMethod
all ...
Apr 17 00:21:09 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: setValues found...
Apr 17 00:21:48 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: ds_getStruct got err
r : 4 for key stat/cache/http/perf/throughput/requests/sum connection 5
Apr 17 00:21:48 edge-wae-11java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: ds_getStruct: unable
to get `stat/cache/http/perf/throughput/requests/sum' from dataserver
Apr 17 00:21:48 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-CMS-4-700001: unable to get http r
quest throughput stats(error 4)
Apr 17 00:23:20 edge-wae-11 java: %CE-TBD-3-100000: WCCP_COND_ACCEPT: TU
LE DELETE conditional accept tuple {Source IP [port] = [0] Destinatio
 IP [port] = [53775] }returned error: -1 errno 9

The following example follows the syslog.txt file as it grows:

WAE# type-tail /local1/syslog.txt follow


To disable debugging functions, use the undebug EXEC command. Also see the debug EXEC command. See the "debug" command for more information about debug functions.

undebug [aaa accounting | all | authentication [print-services | user] | buf [all | dmbuf | dmsg] | cdp [adjacency | events | ip | packets] | cli [all | bin | parser] | dataserver [all | clientlib | server] | dhcp | logging [all] | ntp | print-spooler [all | brief | errors | warnings] | snmp [all | cli | main | mib | traps] | wccp [all | detail | error | events | keepalive | packets | slowstart]]

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (129)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (130)The following undebug command options are supported in the application-accelerator device mode only: dre, epm, print-spooler, tfo, wafs, and wccp.

Syntax Description

Valid values for the option argument are as follows:

aaa accounting

Disables AAA accounting actions.


Disables all debugging options.




Disables authentication debugging.

Disables Print services authentication debugging.

Disables debugging of the user login against the system authentication.





Disables buffer manager debugging.

Disables all buffer manager debugging.

Disables only dmbuf debugging.

Disables only dmsg debugging.






Disables CDP debugging.

Disables CDP neighbor information debugging.

Disables CDP events debugging.

Disables CDP IP debugging.

Disables packet-related CDP debugging.





Disables CLI debugging.

Disables all CLI debugging.

Disables CLI command binary program debugging.

Disables CLI command parser debugging.


Disables CMS debugging.





Disables data server debugging.

Disables all data server debugging.

Disables data server client library module debugging.

Disables data server module debugging.


Disables DHCP debugging.






aggregation acl

cache acl

core acl

message acl

misc acl




Disables DRE debugging.

Disables DRE chunk-aggregation debugging.

Disables the debugging of all DRE commands.

Disables DRE cache debugging.

Disables DRE connection debugging.

Disables DRE chunk-aggregation debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE cache debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE core debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE message debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE other debugging for a specified connection.

Disables DRE core debugging.

Disables DRE message debugging.

Disables DRE other debugging.


Disables embedded database debugging.



Disables logging debugging.

Disables all logging debugging.


Disables NTP debugging.






Disables print spooler debugging.

(Optional) Debug the print spooler using all debug features.

(Optional) Debug the print spooler using only brief debug messages.

(Optional) Debug the print spooler using only the error conditions.

(Optional) Debug the print spooler using only the warning conditions.




Displays the remote procedure calls (RPC) logs.

Displays the RPC logs of priority "detail" level or higher.

Displays the RPC logs of priority "trace" level or higher.






Debugs the statistics.

Debugs all statistics functions.

Debugs the statistics collection.

Debugs the statistics computation.

Debugs the statistics history.




auto-discovery acl

comp-mgr acl

conn-mgr acl

filtering acl

netio-engine acl

policy-engine acl



Enables TFO debugging.

Enables TFO buffer manager debugging.

Enables TFO connection debugging.

Enables TFO connection debugging for the auto-discovery module.

Enables TFO connection debugging for the compression module.

Enables TFO connection debugging for the connection manager.

Enables TFO connection debugging for filtering module.

Enables TFO connection debugging for network input/output module.

Enables TFO connection debugging of application policies.

Enables TFO statistics manager debugging.

Enables TFO transaction log debugging.







Sets the notification level (debug, info, warn, error) at which messages from the WAAS software component and utilities are logged.

Sets the logging level for all software components and utilities at once.

Sets the logging level for WAEs s acting as a core file engine.

Sets the logging level for WAEs acting as an edge file engine.

Sets the logging level for the Device Manager.

Sets the logging level for WAAS utilities.









Debugs the WCCP information.

Debugs all WCCP functions.

Debugs the WCCP details.

Debugs the WCCP errors.

Debugs the WCCP events.

Debugs the WCCP keepalives that are sent to the applications.

Debugs the WCCP packet-related information.

Debugs the WCCP slow start.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

We recommend that the debug and undebug commands be used only at the direction of CiscoSystems technical support personnel.

Related Commands


show debugging


To backup, restore, or create a system report about the Wide Area File Services (WAFS)-related network configuration, plus the configurations of file servers, printers, users, and so forth, on a WAE, use the wafs EXEC command.

wafs {backup-config filename | restore-config filename |
sysreport [filename | date-range from_date end_date filename]}

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (131)

Note Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (132)Executing the wafs sysreport command can temporarily impact the performance of your WAE.

Syntax Description


Copies current WAFS-related configuration information to a file.


Name of the file, in xxxx.tar.gz format, where you want to save the WAFS configuration. This file is saved to the /local/local1 directory.


Loads saved WAFS-related configuration information from a file.


(Optional) Name of the file, in xxxx.tar.gz format, where the desired WAFS configuration information has been stored. This file should be in the /local/local1 directory.


Deprecated; use copy sysreport.


(Optional) Range of time that the system report is to cover.


Start date of information in the generated system report.


End date of information in the generated system report.


Name of the file, in xxxx.tar.gz format, in which the system information is to be stored.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The wafs backup-config EXEC command is used when back up of basic network configuration is not sufficient (performed using the copy running-config command), for example, when you want to back up system configurations before making any changes using the WAAS CLI global configuration mode and you want to protect the current configuration from loss of data by erroneous operations.

The wafs restore-config automatically performs a reload function. We strongly recommend that you re-register your WAE on completion of this command.

This wafs command is also useful when backup and system restoration, or generation of a system report, are not available from the WAAS Central Manager GUI.


The following example creates a backup file of the WAFS configuration information:

WAE# wafs ?
backup-config backup system configurations to a file.
 restore-config restore system configurations from a file. WARNING: After
 restoring configuration, the system needs to be restarted and
 sysreport system report to a file
WAE# wafs backup-config backup.tar.gz
system configuration is stored in file /local/local1/backup.tar.gz 

The following example restores a system with previously saved WAAS configuration information:

WAE# wafs restore-config backup.tar.gz
Restoring configurations ...
After upload is completed the File Engine will be reloaded. We strongly recommend you re-register after the engine is reloaded.

Related Commands

copy running-config


To display the username of the current user, use the whoami EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this EXEC command to display the username of the current user.


The following example displays your username:

WAE# whoami

Related Commands



To access the Windows domain utilities on a WAAS device, use the windows-domain EXEC command.

windows-domain diagnostics {findsmb | getent | net | nmblookup | smbclient | smbstatus | smbtree | tdbbackup | tdbdump | testparm | wbinfo}

Syntax Description


Enables selection of Windows domain diagnostic utilities.


Utility for troubleshooting NetBIOS name resolution and browsing.


Utility to get unified list of both local and PDC users and groups.


Utility for administration of remote CIFS servers.


Utility for troubleshooting NetBIOS name resolution and browsing.


Utility for troubleshooting the Windows environment and integration.


Utility for inspecting the Samba server status, connected clients, etc.


Utility for inspecting the Windows network neighborhood structure and content.


Utility for backing up, verifying and restoring Samba database files.


Utility for inspecting the Samba database files.


Utility to validate smb.conf file correctness.


Utility for Winbind and domain integration troubleshooting.


No default behavior or values

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to activate the selected Windows domain diagnostic utility.

The following example shows the options available for the Get Entity utility:

WAE# windows-domain diagnostics getent --help
Usage: getent [OPTION...] database [key ...]
getent - get entries from administrative database.
 -s, --service=CONFIG Service configuration to be used
 -?, --help Give this help list
 --usage Give a short usage message
 -V, --version Print program version
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional
for any corresponding short options.
Supported databases:
aliases ethers group hosts netgroup networks passwd protocols rpc
services shadow

The following example shows the options available for the NMB Lookup Utility for troubleshooting NetBIOS name resolution and browsing:

WAE# windows-domain diagnostics nmblookup -h
Usage: [-?TV] [--usage] [-B BROADCAST-ADDRESS] [-f VAL] [-U STRING] [-M VAL]
 [-i SCOPE] <NODE> ...

The following example shows the options available for the Samba Client Utility for troubleshooting the Windows environment and integration:

WAE# windows-domain diagnostics smbclient -h
Usage: [-?EgVNkP] [--usage] [-R NAME-RESOLVE-ORDER] [-M HOST] [-I IP] [-L HOST]
 [-t CODE] [-m LEVEL] [-T <c|x>IXFqgbNan] [-D DIR] [-c STRING] [-b BYTES]
 [-U USERNAME] [-A FILE] [-S on|off|required] service <password>

The following example shows the options available for the TDB Backup Utility:

WAE# windows-domain diagnostics tdbbackup -h
Usage: tdbbackup [options] <fname...>
 -h this help message
 -s suffix set the backup suffix
 -v verify mode (restore if corrupt)

The following example shows the use of the -u option of the WinBind Utility to view the information about a user registered in a Windows domain:

WAE# windows-domain diagnostics wbinfo -u
WAE# show user username user98
Uid : 70012
Username : user98
Password : *****
Privilege : super user
Configured in : Windows Domain database
WAE# show user uid 70012
Uid : 70012
Username : user98
Password : *****
Privilege : super user
Configured in : Windows Domain database

The following example shows how to register a Windows domain:

WAE# windows-domain diagnostics 
 net join -S<domain server> -U<domain admin username>%<domain admin password>

Related Commands

(config) windows-domain


To save startup configurations on a WAAS device, use the write EXEC command.

write [erase | memory | mib-data | terminal]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Erases startup configuration from NVRAM.


(Optional) Writes the configuration to NVRAM. This is the default location for saving startup information.


(Optional) Saves MIB persistent configuration data to disk.


(Optional) Writes the configuration to a terminal session.


The configuration is written to NVRAM by default.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to either save running configurations to NVRAM or to erase memory configurations. Following a write erase command, no configuration is held in memory, and a prompt for configuration specifics occurs after you reboot the WAAS device.

Use the write terminal command to display the current running configuration in the terminal session window. The equivalent command is show running-config.


The following example saves the current startup configuration to memory:

WAE# write memory

Related Commands

copy running-config

copy startup-config

show running-config

show startup-config

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Command Reference (Software Versions 4.0.1 and 4.0.3) - Exec Mode Commands [Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Software] (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.