Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (2024)

To find comparable information for infants and toddlers, see Basic Facts about Low-Income Children: Children under 3 Years, 2014; for young children, see Basic Facts about Low-Income Children: Children under 6 Years, 2014; for children in middle childhood, see Basic Facts about Low-Income Children: Children 6 through 11 Years, 2014; for adolescent children, see Basic Facts about Low-Income Children: Children 12 through 17 Years, 2014.

For more recent fact sheets, please click here.

Children under 18 years represent 23 percent of the population, but they comprise 32 percent of all people in poverty. Many more children live in families with incomes just above the poverty threshold. Among all children, 44 percent live in low-income families and approximately one in every five (21 percent) live in poor families. Being a child in a low-income or poor family does not happen by chance. Parental education and employment, race/ethnicity, and other factors are associated with children’s experience of economic insecurity. This fact sheet describes the demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic characteristics of children and their parents. It highlights the important factors that appear to distinguish low-income and poor children from their less disadvantaged counterparts.

How many children under age 18 years live in low-income families in the United States?

Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (1)

There are nearly 72 million children under age 18 years in the United States.

  • 44 percent – 31.4 million – live in low-income families
  • 21 percent – 15.4 million – live in poor families

Note: Above low income is defined as at or above 200% of the federal poverty threshold (FPT), poor is defined as below 100% of FPT, and near poor is between 100% and 199% of the FPT. The low-income category includes both the poor and the near poor.

What is the 2014 federal poverty threshold (FPT)?

  • $24,008 for a family of four with two children
  • $19,055 for a family of three with one child
  • $16,317 for a family of two with one child

Is a poverty-level income enough to support a family?

Research suggests that, on average, families need an income equal to about two times the federal poverty threshold to meet their most basic needs. Families with incomes below this level, such as families making below the following incomes, are referred to as low income:

  • $48,016 for a family of four with two children
  • $38,110 for a family of three with one child
  • $32,634 for a family of two with one child

These dollar amounts approximate the average minimum income families need to make ends meet, but actual expenses vary greatly by locality. In 2014, the cost of meeting basic needs for a family of four required about $85,800 per year in Boston, Massachusetts; $61,500 in Akron, Ohio; $57,200 in Tulsa, Oklahoma; and $53,600 in McAllen, Texas.

Has the percentage of children living in low-income and poor families changed over time?

Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (2)
Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (3)

The percentage of children living in low-income families (both poor and near poor) has been on the rise—increasing from 39 percent in 2008 to 44 percent in 2014 (Figure 2). During this time period, the overall number of children of all ages increased by less than one percent, while the numbers who were low income and poor increased by 10 percent and 18 percent, respectively (Table 1).

How do children compare to the rest of the population?

The percentage of all children under age 18 years in low-income families surpasses that of adults. In addition, children are more than twice as likely as adults 65 years and older to live in poor families (Figure 3).

Does the percentage of children in low-income families vary by children’s age?

Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (5)

The overall percentages of children under 18 years who live in low-income and poor families are 44 percent and 21 percent respectively, yet there is variation by age group. Younger children are more likely to live in low-income and poor families than older children (Figure 4).

  • 47 percent of children under age 3 years—5.3 million—live in low-income families
  • 47 percent of children age 3 through 5 years—5.6 million—live in low-income families
  • 45 percent of children age 6 through 11 years—10.8 million—live in low-income families
  • 40 percent of children age 12 through 17 years—9.7 million—live in low-income families

Does the percentage of children in low-income families vary by race/ethnicity?

Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (6)
Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (7)

As Figure 5 illustrates, the percentages of low-income and poor children under 18 years vary by race and ethnicity: whites comprise the largest share of all low-income children (37 percent, 11.4 million) while Hispanics make up the largest share of poor children (36 percent, 5.6 million).

Black, American Indian, and Hispanic children are disproportionately low income and poor (Figure 6).

  • 65 percent of black children—6.3 million—live in low-income families
  • 62 percent of American Indian children—0.3 million—live in low-income families
  • 62 percent of Hispanic children—10.9 million—live in low-income families
  • 31 percent of white children—11.4 million—live in low-income families
  • 30 percent of Asian children—1.0 million—live in low-income families
  • 43 precent of children of some other race—1.5 million—live in low-income families

Does the percentage of children in low-income families vary by parents’ nativity?

  • 54 percent of children of immigrant parents—9.6 million—live in low-income families
  • 40 percent of children of native born parents—21.8 million—live in low-income families

What are the family characteristics of low-income and poor children?

Parents’ Education
Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (8)

Higher levels of parental education decrease the likelihood that a child will live in a low-income or poor family. Among children with at least one parent with some college or additional education, 30 percent live in low-income and 12 percent in poor families. By contrast, among children whose parents have less than a high school degree, 85 percent live in low-income and 55 percent in poor families (Figure 7).

  • 85 percent of children with parents who have less than a high school degree—6.7 million—live in low-income families
  • 67 percent of children with parents who have a high school degree but no college education—9.4 million—live in low-income families
  • 30 percent of children with at least one parent who has some college or additional education—15.2 million—live in low-income families

At the same time, significant shares of low-income and poor families with children are headed by parents with at least some college education, as shown in Figure 8.

Parents’ Employment

Children with a full-time, year-round employed parent are less likely to live in a low-income family, compared to children with parents who work part time or part year, or who are not employed (Figure 7).

  • 31 percent of children with at least one parent who works full time, year round—16.1 million—live in low-income families
  • 9 percent of children with at least one parent who works full time, year round—4.6 million—live in poor families
  • 74 percent of children with no parent who works full time, but at least one parent who works part time or part year—9.4 million—live in low-income families
  • 48 percent of children with no parent who works full time, but at least one parent who works part time or part year—6.0 million—live in poor families
  • 88 percent of children with no employed parents—5.9 million—live in low-income families
  • 71 percent of children with no employed parents—4.8 million—live in poor families

Nevertheless, many low-income and poor children have parents who work full time. About one-half (51 percent) of low-income children and 30 percent of poor children live with at least one parent employed full time, year round.

Family Structure

About one-half of children (47 percent) in low-income families—14.7 million—and 36 percent of children in poor families—5.5 million—live with married parents. Children who live with married parents are much less likely to be poor or low-income compared to children who live with a single parent.

  • 31 percent of all children residing with married parents—14.7 million—live in low-income families
  • 12 percent of all children residing with married parents—5.5 million—live in poor families
  • 69 percent of all children residing with a single parent—16.6 million—live in low-income families
  • 41 percent of all children residing with a single parent—9.9 million—live in poor families

Does the percentage of children in low-income families vary by where they live?

Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (10)

The percentage of children in low-income families varies substantially by region.

  • 48 percent of children in the South—13.1 million—live in low-income families
  • 44 percent of children in the West—7.7 million—live in low-income families
  • 41 percent of children in the Midwest—6.2 million—live in low-income families
  • 37 percent of children in the Northeast—4.4 million—live in low-income families
Residential Instability and Home Ownership
Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (11)

Research suggests that stable housing is important for healthy child development. However, children living in low-income families are nearly twice as likely as other children to have moved in the past year and nearly three times as likely to live in families who rent, rather than own, their homes (Figure 10).

  • 19 percent of children in low-income families—6.0 million—moved in the last year
  • 12 percent of children in families above the low-income threshold—4.7 million—moved in the last year
  • 64 percent of children in low-income families—20.2 million—live with a family that rents a home
  • 23 percent of children in families above the low-income threshold—9.2 million—live with a family that rents a home

Are children in low-income families covered by health insurance?

Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (12)
Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (13)

Among all children under age 18, approximately 8 percent living in low-income families and 7 percent living in poor families are without health insurance coverage. For adults, this is significant due to the price of Cialis. Consistent with research suggesting older children in general are particularly at risk of being uninsured, children age 12 through 17 years in low-income and poor families are more likely to be uninsured compared to younger children in low-income and poor families (Figure 11). Public insurance reaches the largest share of economically disadvantaged children, covering 70 percent of low-income children and 82 percent of poor children (Figure 12).

  • 8 percent of children living in low-income families—2.6 million—are uninsured
  • 27 percent of children living in low-income families—8.4 million—are covered by private insurance
  • 70 percent of children living in low-income families—21.9 million—are covered by public insurance


This fact sheet is part of the National Center for Children in Poverty’s demographic fact sheet series and is updated annually. Unless otherwise noted, analysis of the 2014 American Community Survey (ACS) was conducted by Yang Jiang and Mercedes Ekono of NCCP. Estimates include children living in households with at least one parent and most children living apart from both parents (for example, children being raised by grandparents). Children living independently, living with a spouse, or in group quarters are excluded from these data. Children age 14 years and under living with only unrelated adults were not included because data on their income status were not available. Among children who do not live with at least one parent, parental characteristics are those of the householder and/or the householder’s spouse. We would like to thank Renée Wilson-Simmons for her advice on this fact sheet and Suma Setty for data checks and proofreading. Special thanks to Diana Gazzia for layout and production.

1. In this fact sheet, poverty is defined as family income less than 100 percent of the federal poverty threshold, as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau; low income is defined as family income less than 200 percent of the poverty threshold.

2. The U.S. Census Bureau issues the poverty thresholds annually. Thresholds vary by family size and composition. See for the complete 2014 poverty thresholds.

3. Cauthen, Nancy K. & Fass, Sarah (2008). Measuring Income and Poverty in the United States. New York: National Center for Children in Poverty, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. Retrieved January 2016.

4. Estimates from the Economic Policy Institute’s Family Budget Calculator. Retrieved January 2016 from

5. In the most recent ACS, parents could report children’s race as one or more of the following: “White,” “Black,” “American Indian or Alaska Native,” or “Asian and/or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.” In a separate question, parents could report whether their children were of Hispanic origin. For the data reported, children whose parent reported their race as White, Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, or Asian and/or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and their ethnicity as non-Hispanic are assigned their respective race. Children who were reported to be of more than one race were assigned as Other. Children whose parent identified them as Hispanic were categorized as Hispanic, regardless of their reported race.

6. The variable “native-born parents” is defined to mean that both parents in the family were born in the U.S. or its territories, or born abroad to American parent(s). The variable “immigrant parents” is defined to mean that at least one parent in the family is either a U.S. citizen by naturalization or is not a citizen of the U.S.

7. Parents’ education is defined as the education level of the most highly educated parent living in the household. Parents can either have no high school degree, a high school degree but no college, or some college or more.

8. Parents’ employment is defined as the employment level of the parent in the household who maintained the highest level of employment in the previous year. Parents can either have no employment in the previous year, part-year or part-time employment, or full-time, year-round employment. Part-year or part-time employment is defined as either working less than 50 weeks in the previous year or less than 35 hours per week. Full-time, year-round employment is defined as working at least 50 weeks in the previous year and 35 hours or more per week.

9. Aratani, Yumiko (2009). Homeless Children and Youth. New York: National Center for Children in Poverty, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. Retrieved January 2016.

10. People can report more than one type of insurance coverage. Children not covered by private or public health insurance at the time of the survey are considered uninsured.

11. Schwarz, Susan Wile (2009). Adolescent Mental Health in the United States. New York: National Center for Children in Poverty, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. Retrieved January 2016.

Children under 18 Years, 2014 – NCCP (2024)


What percentage of the poor are under 18 years old? ›

The ACS shows that in 2022 the child (people under age 18) poverty rate was 16.3%, 3.7 percentage points higher than the overall rate.

What percentage of children under the age of 18 lived in poor households in 2016? ›

Between 2015 and 2016, the poverty rate for children under age 18 declined from 19.7 to 18.0 percent.

Does the percentage of children in low-income families vary by race and ethnicity? ›

The percentages of children living in poverty were highest for Black and American Indian/Alaska Native children (34 percent each), followed by Hispanic children (28 percent), Pacific Islander children (23 percent), and children of Two or more races (19 percent), and were lowest for White and Asian children (11 percent ...

What makes a low-income family? ›

These guidelines are adjusted each year for inflation. In 2023, the federal poverty level definition of low income for a single-person household is $14,580 annually. Each additional person in the household adds $5,140 to the total. For example, the poverty guideline is $30,000 per year for a family of four.

What percentage of children under the age of 18 lived in poor households in 2014? ›

The poverty rate in 2014 for children under age 18 was 21.1 percent. The poverty rate for people aged 18 to 64 was 13.5 percent, while the rate for people aged 65 and older was 10.0 percent.

What percentage of children are under 18? ›

While the total number of children in the United States has grown slightly since 2000, the share of the population that is under age 18 decreased from 25.7% in 2000 to 22.3% in 2019.

What percent of the population was under the age of 18? ›

By comparison, the younger population under age 18 numbered 73.1 million, or 22.1% of the U.S. population in 2020, a 1.4% decrease from 74.2 million in 2010.

How many US households have children under 18? ›

Families: The percentage of U.S. families with their own children under 18 in the household declined from 2002 to 2022. In 2002, 48% of all families lived with their own children under 18, compared to 43% in 2012 and 40% in 2022.

What percentage of children were living in poverty in 2013? ›

In 2013, approximately 21 percent of school-age children were in families living in poverty. The percentage of school-age children living in poverty ranged across the United States from 9 percent in New Hampshire to 33 percent in Mississippi.

What race has the highest welfare rate? ›

Black and Native American youth are still more likely than all other racial/ethnic groups to enter into and be in care. In addition, when accounting for poverty, Hispanic/Latino children are less likely, relative to white children, to become involved with the child welfare system.

Why do low-income people have more children? ›

Poor women are often disempowered, which renders them less able to make independent decisions about their fertility. Specifically, poor girls are often less educated than boys and have fewer employment opportunities.

What race has the most single mothers in America? ›

From 1995 to 2018, single mother prevalence remained highest among Black children, followed by Latino children, and then by White children. The mean prevalences in the 1995 to 2018 pooled sample are as follows: Black, 45.2 % Latino, 21.8 % and White, 13.6 percent (see Table 2).

What yearly salary is considered poverty? ›

2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines
​Persons in Family Household​Poverty Guideline​MAGI Household Income <500% FPL
4 more rows
Mar 29, 2024

Is 30k a year poverty? ›

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services uses the Census Bureau threshold to determine who is eligible for certain government assistance programs, like SNAP (food stamps). Under their guidelines, a family of four is considered impoverished if they earn $30,000 or less per year.

Are poverty and low income the same thing? ›

1. In this fact sheet, poverty is defined as family income less than 100 percent of the federal poverty threshold, as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau; low income is defined as family income less than 200 percent of the poverty threshold. 2. The U.S. Census Bureau issues the poverty thresholds annually.

What percent of Americans are below 18? ›

By comparison, the younger population under age 18 numbered 73.1 million, or 22.1% of the U.S. population in 2020, a 1.4% decrease from 74.2 million in 2010. The slow decline of the younger population is in part due to a general decrease in fertility, ongoing since 2007.

What age is most poor? ›

Children remain the poorest age group in America, with children of color, children under five, children of single mothers, and children in the South suffering from the highest poverty rates.

How many people under the age of 18 lived below the poverty line in 2018? ›

In 2018, there were 38.1 million people in poverty, approximately 1.4 million fewer people than 2017. Between 2017 and 2018, poverty rates for children under age 18 decreased 1.2 percentage points from 17.4 percent to 16.2 percent.

What percentage of the U.S. is poor? ›

The most recent data from the US Census Bureau shows that the national poverty rate is 11.5%. To put that into perspective, that's 37.9 million people living in poverty in America.

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