Challenges of Online Learning vs Traditional Learning for Students (2024)

By Ervin Delas Peñas, UN SDSN Youth Philippines Volunteer | Published on August 19, 2020 3:08:12 PM

Educational institutions worldwide need to adapt to the barriers brought by the pandemic by transitioning to online platforms as an alternative place for learning. Some claim online learning is an indispensable alternative to making up for the lost presence in physical classrooms, while others struggle as they adjust to the digital environment. Here, we list down the advantages and disadvantages of each learning style.

Benefits of online learning. Other than the continued access to learning material brought by online platforms, there is research that suggests “interaction in an online environment promotes student-centered learning, encourages wider student participation, and produces more in-depth and reasoned discussions than a traditional classroom“. There are also indications that students would be less intimidated, and feel less time pressure participating online compared to the traditional setting. Research conducted by the U.S. Department of Education in 2009 showed that students who participated purely or mostly in online courses performed better in terms of grades than the students who took the same course but in the traditional setting.

It is also easy to imagine how flexible it is for students to learn at their own time, since one of the stark characteristics of online learning is that it is done asynchronously. Students are then free to pace themselves as they progress through the course. For some, synchronous sessions are up to the prerogative of the instructor, either making it optional for students to join in, or conduct none at all. As such, absences do not exist in online classes, unless the teacher requires the students to attend the sessions they hold online, if any.

Disadvantages of online learning. One drawback of online learning is the possibility of students not being able to connect or relate to their classmates, unlike in the classroom where students may ask their peers or teachers for immediate clarifications. This may cause stress and other mental problems among the isolated students. Another setback among students is that they may lose interest in the subject matter and thus become less effective learners. At times, it is also hard to obtain immediate feedback or other related concerns from teachers due to the asynchronicity.

Other than the social implications it has on students, the internet itself may require its users to be wary of its natural limitations.

Nicholas Carr’s book, The Shallows, was a Pulitzer finalist, and in it, he brilliantly illustrated the nature and effects of the internet as a medium. It includes a chapter where it discusses the limitations of the human mind in processing information we get and seek on the internet. Carr used an analogy to picture how short-term memory seeps into the long-term: like filling a bathtub with a tool as small as a thimble. The adjacent part reads "[w]ith the Net, we face many information faucets, all going full blast. Our little thimble overflows as we rush from one faucet to the next”. This echoes the fact that our ability to store and digest information is subject to our cognitive load, which refers to the information our working memory receives at any given moment. And so when we experience an overload—or as Carr says, “when the water overflows the thimble”—it’s a reflection of our natural inability to absorb multiple information at once, and thus the practice may hinder effective learning.

As an avid internet surfer myself, it’s difficult to stick to one task while maintaining another. Because of our tendency to open multiple tabs at once, our mind goes astray. One can imagine how jagged the progress is when we work on one thing, and then briefly move on to the next, like a dog following a trail of crumbs, only to end up nowhere. Multitasking inherently becomes a distraction, unless we focus and recall what it is we really have to work on.

Another obvious downside of online learning is that a prerequisite is to own an electronic device capable of connecting to the wifi. These two incur costs that some are not able to afford. According to a study that surveyed internet usage among Filipinos in 2018, 45% (46 million) do not have internet access, while 74% of (34,500) public schools suffer the same fate. Just recently, students have resorted to crowdfunding on social media—dubbed “PisoParaSaLaptop”—as efforts to prepare for the school year. Some students have to endure walking far lengths or crossing rivers just to gain internet access or signal. CNN reports an account on how one student climbed a mountain just to submit an assignment, while another died from a motorcycle accident while searching for wifi in nearby barangays. Unstable wifi connection also remains a persistent issue in many parts of the country, and others are paying an unjust price compared to what their family or personal livelihood provides them with, while in some cases, the subscription just doesn’t turn out as it should be.

There are also some students who claim that they do not have the luxury of private spaces for them to have a conducive place for learning, which may affect their motivation and attitude towards keeping up with the class.

As opposed to online learning, classes conducted in physical sites are synchronous, meaning the lecturer has to be present at the same time and place as the students. This has its own pros and cons.

Benefits of traditional learning. Live interaction makes it easier for students to communicate easier with their teachers, rendering study-related matters and inquiries easily addressed. Being able to read the teacher’s body language, as opposed to seeing just their faces on screen, may help students understand the lesson better and retain information more effectively. Furthermore, pedagogical devices that are made available in the classroom may serve as visual aids that the instructor can easily make use of, unlike in online platforms where the usage of applications is required to illustrate a point or explanation while subject to their technical limitations.

Classrooms may also serve as avenues for students to socialize and make friends, which may foster encouragement to learn together.. This may also encourage students to attend classes as they get to meet their peers, and ask for help if they feel shy in approaching the teacher. In addition, students will develop presentation and public speaking skills as teachers are given the option to assign such activities for the students to do, which would be quite unlikely or impractical to do in an online setting.

Other than presentation skills, students will have to develop organization skills by adapting and adjusting as they interact in an environment where they may be curating their impressions, or developing behavior that may influence others or the perception of their classmates towards them. This may inculcate life lessons that students would otherwise not have the chance or need to do when online where they have to maintain just themselves.

Disadvantages of traditional learning. According to certain academic literature, the possibility of students going absent may be the cause of conflicts in schedule, emergencies, medical conditions, and transportation issues among others. As a result, attendance and the required logistics to fulfill it may be draining for some students, especially those whose residences lie in an inconvenient distance from the school.

Behavior not conducive to learning may also be an issue among students. This includes sleeping in class, secretly using mobile devices, and chatting with peers. At times, the teacher may notice these and take proper disciplinary action that may incur delay for the entire class, leading to problems with pacing, and may evoke emotions among students that may discourage them from active or effective participation.

In contrast to online platforms, traditional learning follows a rigid schedule that the student must follow, else they face consequences set by their school or teacher’s policies.

How does the Philippines fare in this context? In cooperation with a foundation, the Department of Education has initiated a campaign to fund the distribution of printed learning packets containing reading materials to the elementary and secondary levels of schools (Grades 1 to 12) that have no internet connection. Other than the foundation, DepEd will be partnering with the “Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in mobilizing barangay officials to help bring the printed materials to households with limited or no access to internet or communication gadgets.” In line with the DepEd’s proposed Alternative Learning System (ALS), tapping into radio frequencies and TV channels is an option made available by their campaign “Oplan Balik Eskwela – Brigada Eskwela”, where teachers are to relay instructions and supplemental learning materials for those without gadgets or wifi.

In addition to DepEd’s publications regarding how distance learning will take place, their most recent publication, “Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources in the Implementation of the Basic Education Continuity Plan”, can be found here. DepEd published an infographic summarizing their plan:

Challenges of Online Learning vs Traditional Learning for Students (1)

Photo Courtesy of the Department of Education website

Despite this, affordable, ubiquitous, and fair distribution of network channels remains to be seen in the country as segments of the population lack the resources and capital to adjust to the country’s lack of infrastructure as we shift to distance learning. Furthermore, an article published by BusinessWorld last June elucidates this reality:

“Some can’t afford the computers or even smartphones needed, or to subscribe to Wi-Fi providers and master the use of the technology involved within a short two months. As some news reports have noted, some teachers are similarly unprepared, either because they don’t have the devices needed and can’t afford them, and/or are also as technologically challenged as their students.”

This plus the figure given by the article that some 5 million children may not be able to enroll this school year, while “9 million students in both private and public schools had enrolled online” by the end of June.

Last June, Manila City mayor Isko Moreno “earmarked P994 million for the purchase of tablets, laptops and internet connection for students and teachers which are necessary for distance learning”. Moreno specified the figures based on the DepEd’s prescriptions that each student and teacher is entitled to as provided for by the funds: one tablet for all 3 students in every household, incurring 4 hours of usage of the tablet twice a week, with a 10-gigabyte monthly load; each teacher will receive a laptop, and a pocket wifi unit to be loaded 10 gigabytes per month.

There are many other benefits and limitations that may have not been mentioned here, but what really matters is that students get to adjust to online education, while being able to address other needs that would help in doing so (depending on the circ*mstances). They should always seek support from their social support groups—be it friends, family or schoolmates—while actively trying to reach out to their teachers, and realize that the common good of staying healthy is what should be set as a priority in these trying times. Ultimately, there are many gaps in our system that the government has yet to fill or help with. Without authoritative intervention or direct aid, most of the country is left to their own capabilities, while some face the chances of not enrolling this year at all.

Ya N, A. (2013). Comparing the Effectiveness of Classroom and Online Learning: Teaching Research Methods. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 19(2). 199-215. Retrieved from:, A. (2018, October 18). Online vs. traditional learning in teacher education: a comparison of student progress. American Journal of Distance Education, 32(4), 248-266, Retrieved from:ć, J and Predrag, P. (2014, September 26). Students' perception of live lectures' inherent disadvantages. Teaching in Higher Education, 20(2), 143-157, DOI: by:
Nicole Ortiz
Volunteer, Data Churner
UN SDSN Youth Philippines

Graphic by:
Jazmin Jabines
UN SDSN Youth Philippines

Challenges of Online Learning vs Traditional Learning for Students (2024)


What are the challenges that students encountered in online learning? ›

What Are the Challenges of Online Learning for Students?
  • Ineffective Time Management.
  • Lack of Instant Communication.
  • Not Receiving Timely Feedback.
  • Not Receiving Clear Instructions or Expectations.
  • Share Time Management Apps and Resources for Students.
  • Utilize Educational Technology (“EdTech”)
  • Increase Peer Review.

What are the most common challenges for students in online classes? ›

Technical Issues

Low bandwidth and weak internet can affect how quickly you can connect and participate in class. It may be easy to find a free Wi-Fi location, but the quality of that internet connection may be spotty.

Is online learning more difficult than traditional learning? ›

#1: It takes time to adjust to online learning

In fact, in our end-of-course surveys, many students actually report that they find online courses to be at least as challenging — if not more so — than their face-to-face courses.

Which is more effective traditional or online learning? ›

Online learning is more effective than traditional learning because it gives you time freedom. One can open study videos at his/her own time. No need of going to an institution for attending lectures.

What are the challenges facing students today? ›

The Top Three Challenges Students Face
  • Financial. Most students can't write a personal check or dip into a savings account to pay for tuition, books, and other educational expenses. ...
  • Managing Commitments. Balancing work, school, and family is another major challenge students face. ...
  • Academic Preparedness.
14 Feb 2022

What are the biggest challenges of students in facing online education today? ›

There are 5 common problems faced by students in eLearning classes and which they need to be solved through proper initiatives for the students' future benefits:
  • Adaptability Struggle. ...
  • Technical Issues. ...
  • Computer Literacy. ...
  • Time Management. ...
  • Self-Motivation.
10 Jul 2015

What is the biggest challenge faced by students today pandemic? ›

College students are facing enormous challenges related to the pandemic, including feelings of isolation, an excess of free time, and unreliable internet connections. Learning during a pandemic is a unique experience to say the least.

Why do students struggle with online learning? ›

Flexibility puts pressure on students

Inherent in the flexibility afforded by online learning is more choice about the time and space dimensions of study. Not everyone has the capacity to make good judgements about their learning and act wisely on those judgements.

How is online learning affecting students? ›

Online learning can lead to students not developing the necessary communicative skills. In addition, students must have high-speed internet access at home, which can lead to complications if it is not available.

What is the most challenging part of learning online? ›

5 challenges of online learning — and how to overcome them
  1. Technical issues. Learners may not have access to the resources they need to log in and complete remote learning. ...
  2. Lack of interaction. ...
  3. Online distractions. ...
  4. Disabilities and special needs. ...
  5. Poor digital literacy.

Is traditional study less effective than online study? ›

Online learning is more effective than traditional learning because it gives students more time to learn. No need to go to a company to attend lectures. Compared to traditional learning, students can complete courses online at any time within their time frame.

Do students prefer online learning or traditional classroom? ›

70% of students agree that online classes are better than traditional classroom settings. A report from the University of Potomac has found a large percentage of its students prefer online learning over a traditional learning setting.

Which is better traditional learning or modern learning? ›

Since the traditional education system is more or less based on reciting and just learning by just memorizing all the concepts modern education is preferred as it helps the students to learn in the most effective and creative way.

Do students learn better online or face-to-face? ›

So, if you are well motivated and organized, prefer to study at a time and place that suits you and better your work skills, then online education can be just as good as face-to-face learning – if not better in some instances.

Which is more effective modern or traditional learning? ›

Conclusion. Because traditional techniques used repetition and memorisation of information to educate students, it meant that they were not developing their critical thinking, problem solving and decision-making skills. Modern learning encourages students to collaborate and therefore be more productive.

What was the biggest challenge as a student? ›

7 Common Challenges You May Face as a Student: Tips to Overcome...
  • Time Management. Time management for students is a universal problem. ...
  • Distance Relation with Parents. ...
  • Adjustment Problems. ...
  • Food Botheration. ...
  • Home Sickness. ...
  • Depression. ...
  • Distractions. ...
  • Some Effective Tips.
17 Jul 2021

What is the greatest challenge with students in school today? ›

It's challenging to juggle a job, school workloads, relationships, and summer programs. Many students try to jam all of these activities into one day, resulting in insufficient sleep. Students are prone to physical and mental health issues if they do not get enough sleep.

How can students overcome challenges? ›

Overcoming Challenges
  1. Manage your time. Invest in a daily planner and keep one calendar for assignments, exams and family events. ...
  2. Learn study skills. Ask questions and participate in class discussions. ...
  3. Seek academic advising. ...
  4. Manage your finances.

How can we solve online learning problems? ›

How to overcome the challenge? You should inform your parents and friends about the time of online learning so that there will be no distractions from their side. Restrict the study area for others to come during live sessions and video calls. Make sure you relax in the breaks set on the timetable.

How do you overcome the challenges of distance learning? ›

8 Ways to Overcome the Challenges of Distance Learning
  1. Apply for Independent Grants. ...
  2. Meet All Needs. ...
  3. Schedule Guest Appearances. ...
  4. Celebrate Success. ...
  5. Stay Connected. ...
  6. Find the Fun. ...
  7. Capitalize on Digital Tools. ...
  8. Collaborate.

How can we solve Distance learning problems? ›

These best practices work well as both blended and online school solutions.
Best Practices for Teaching Remote Learning
  1. communicating expectations clearly.
  2. building community and promoting collaboration.
  3. encouraging active learning.
  4. giving regular feedback.
  5. helping students stay on task.
  6. respecting differences in learning.
4 Apr 2022

How does online learning affect students social life? ›

In other words, some online learning spaces afford more social interactions, and therefore, are more sociable. In this regard, sociability can be defined as the degree an online learning environment can support the creation of an effective social space where learners trust each other and feel connected with the group.

What are the negative effects of online learning on student performance? ›

The lack of in-person interaction in online courses can lead to a sense of isolation and disconnectedness from a learning community (Picciano, 2002), and can make it more difficult for students to engage with and learn from peers and instructors (Friesen and Kuskis, 2013; Xu and Jaggars, 2014).

What are the positive and negative effects of online education? ›

Read on.
  • Online courses require more time than on-campus classes. ...
  • Online courses make it easier to procrastinate. ...
  • Online courses require good time-management skills. ...
  • Online courses may create a sense of isolation. ...
  • Online courses allow you to be more independent. ...
  • Online courses require you to be an active learner.

What is the greatest challenge today's students face 2022? ›

The 6 Biggest Challenges Facing Children in 2022
  1. Children Living in Conflict Zones. ...
  2. Unprecedented Global Hunger. ...
  3. Two Years of Disrupted Education. ...
  4. Climate Change. ...
  5. Children Crossing Borders. ...
  6. Child Mortality Due to COVID-19.

Does online learning better prepare students for the future? ›

This not only develops students' communication skills but also prepares them for the types of communication they'll encounter in the workplace (emails, video calls, instant messaging). They learn how to be more concise and focused, being able to tailor their messages to different audiences and contexts.

Is online learning is effective or not? ›

Online learning is not only more effective for students, but it is also better for the environment. Online courses consume 90% less energy and release 85% less CO2 per student than traditional in-person courses, according to the Open University in the United Kingdom.

Why do students prefer face to face learning than online learning? ›

The Advantages of Face to Face Learning in the Classroom

You'll be able to concentrate harder on your learning because there'll be less distraction than if you were at home. You may feel more comfortable and learn more easily in a familiar, traditional classroom situation.

Is classroom learning better than online? ›

The classroom environment is usually more dynamic and allows active debates and participation, whereas online learning may not have this much engagement. Online classes usually have one-way communication, in which the teacher provides required materials and instructions to the students.

Why Online study is important? ›

Online education enables you to study or teach from anywhere in the world. This means there's no need to commute from one place to another, or follow a rigid schedule. On top of that, not only do you save time, but you also save money, which can be spent on other priorities.

Do students in the classroom have a better learning experience than online students Why? ›

Research has shown that students in online learning performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction, but it has to be done right.

What is the difference between traditional learning and distance learning? ›

In distance learning, the courses are taken online which does not restrict the student to a particular location. In traditional learning, however, students must go to school or college for education. Here, there is a pre-assigned time at which students have to report daily for receiving their education.

Is online learning more difficult? ›

The truth is it depends a little on where your strengths lie. “Online classes may be more challenging for those with poor time management or lack of motivation,” explains Chris Lee, adjunct professor and founder of Purpose Redeemed.

Why are online classes more difficult? ›

The physical distance between students and teachers due to the online learning environment has made it difficult for students to be able to connect with their teachers. When working online it is much harder to show your teachers exactly what you are struggling to learn.

Is online school harder than regular? ›

So are online classes harder than traditional classes? Probably not. But they are different and those differences can sometimes make them more difficult for individuals. It's important to remember that online education is more self-directed.

Is online learning harder than face to face? ›

The Advantages of Face to Face Learning in the Classroom

You'll be able to concentrate harder on your learning because there'll be less distraction than if you were at home. You may feel more comfortable and learn more easily in a familiar, traditional classroom situation.

Why online class is more stressful? ›

Increased workload. Online learning comes with the expectation that a student will understand and properly navigate new technologies such as Zoom or WebEx. Physical strains. Staring at a screen all day, perhaps lacking a proper chair, squinting through glare — these can take a physical toll.

How do you overcome challenges in online learning? ›

5 Ways to Overcome the Challenges of Virtual Learning
  1. Create a Schedule and Stick to It. ...
  2. Find a Productive Workplace. ...
  3. Minimize the Technical Issues. ...
  4. Join Virtual Learning Communities. ...
  5. Make Use of Communication Platforms. ...
  6. Virtual Learning Doesn't Have to be Difficult.

Is it easier to learn online or in the classroom? ›

A: Online learning can be as good or even better than in-person classroom learning. Research has shown that students in online learning performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction, but it has to be done right.

Is online learning easier than classroom? ›

Online learning is great for those who want to manage studies with work and other life activities. With adjustable schedules and less burden, they can learn with ease. Classrooms require more discipline and active participation. Teachers get greater command over students in a traditional learning environment.

Is online learning worse than being in school? ›

Scientists looking at the effectiveness of distance learning found that in some studies, distance education students performed slightly better in exams and grades than traditional classroom students, but that overall the average performance outcomes weren't that different.

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