Chainlink Staking: Goals, Roadmap, and Initial Implementation (2024)

Chainlink Staking v0.1 is now live on mainnet.

Chainlink is foundational infrastructure for the smart contract economy, supporting nearly a thousand oracle networks that collectively secure tens of billions of dollars across hundreds of projects. With Chainlink continually being integrated on more blockchains and supporting new categories of oracle services, it’s important to further scale the security of Chainlink in order to match the increasing amount of value within Chainlink-powered applications. This new era of sustainable growth and security—Chainlink Economics 2.0—begins with staking.

Staking is a key mechanism that aims to bring a new layer of cryptoeconomic security to Chainlink, where crypto rewards and penalties are applied to help further incentivize the network’s proper operation. The overarching mission of Chainlink staking is to give ecosystem participants, including node operators and community members, the ability to increase the security guarantees and user assurances of oracle services by backing them with staked LINK tokens. The staking of LINK in turn enhances the ability for nodes to receive jobs and earn corresponding fees within the Chainlink Network.

The following blog post highlights the long-term goals underpinning Chainlink staking, the initial implementation planned for the second half of 2022, and a roadmap for its anticipated expansion over time.

The Long-Term Goals of Chainlink Staking

Chainlink staking is being built around four long-term goals. These goals serve as the guiding principles behind its development and will be the pillars upon which to define its success over time as the staking system matures.

1. Increase the Cryptoeconomic Security and User Assurances of Chainlink Services

The primary goal of Chainlink staking is to increase both the cryptoeconomic security and user assurances of Chainlink oracle services. This is achieved by enabling LINK tokens to be locked up as a form of service-level guarantee around network performance. If an oracle network fails to meet the obligations outlined in its on-chain service-level agreement (SLA), then a portion of staked LINK can be slashed and redistributed. Loss protection is also being explored, in which a certain amount of slashed LINK could be used to protect sponsors of Chainlink oracle services.

Staking introduces another powerful incentive and penalty mechanism for Chainlink nodes to consistently generate accurate oracle reports and deliver them to specific destinations in a timely manner. Staking serves as a part of a larger defense-in-depth approach to Chainlink security that already includes a multitude of other key safeguards including decentralization, cryptography, implicit incentives, future fee opportunity, and modular configurability.

Given the deep integration of Chainlink within leading smart contract applications, the increase in oracle security and user assurances brought about by staking will be key in helping the multi-chain smart contract economy scale to eventually secure multi-trillion-dollar markets across major global industries.

2. Enable Community Participation in the Chainlink Network

Another key goal of staking is empowering a greater number of community members to directly participate in the Chainlink Network by enabling them to stake their LINK tokens to support the performance of oracle networks. Importantly, stakers can raise alerts if they believe an oracle service has not met predefined performance standards, with the opportunity to earn a reward for timely and valid alerts. Community monitoring and alerting plays a key role in further decentralizing the Chainlink Network and enabling a robust reputation system and slashing mechanism.

Ecosystem participants including community members and node operators can stake their LINK tokens in distinct allotments within a staking pool. Furthermore, node operators can create or use a delegation system, serving as an additional avenue for community members to stake their LINK.

3. Generate Sustainable Rewards From Real Long-Term Use

The third goal of staking is the creation and distribution of rewards to stakers. We expect that there will be various sources of rewards provided to stakers over time. As network adoption increases and more protocol fees are generated, a greater portion of staking rewards can be sourced from non-emissions-based sources.

  • Native token emissions from the LINK token supply will be used to create an initial base level of rewards for stakers, with the goal of tapering off over time as other sources of rewards grow and begin to be directed to stakers.
  • User service fees from sponsors of Chainlink oracle services, with a portion directed to the stakers. The more users pay for Chainlink oracle services, the greater the amount of fees that can become available to reward stakers who help secure those services.

Another anticipated source of benefits for stakers is the Partner Growth Program (PGP)—an initiative where Chainlinked protocols and DAOs provide various incentives to accelerate their growth and facilitate cross-ecosystem participation. It’s expected that a number of projects benefiting from Chainlink’s security will take part in the Partner Growth Program.

Furthermore, we are exploring the possibility of loss protection, which would drive additional user service fees from sponsors of Chainlink oracle services seeking protection against supported oracle networks not abiding by their SLAs. The more value secured, the greater the potential demand for protection and the greater the amount of rewards potentially available to stakers.

4. Empower Node Operators to Access Higher-Value Jobs by Staking

The last goal of Chainlink staking is to establish a robust reputation framework for how nodes are selected to participate in Decentralized Oracle Networks (DONs). As Chainlink nodes approach parity in terms of their reliability and infrastructure security—reflected in metrics such as response time and accuracy—the next logical distinction for defining the node set within a DON is by the amount of LINK each node is willing to stake to back their oracle services. Over time, this will make staking a key mechanism for node operators wanting to gain access to higher-value jobs and more fee opportunities in the Chainlink Network.

Importantly, a reputation-and-stake-based node selection mechanism can bring even more cryptoeconomic security to end users of Chainlink oracle services. This evolution towards a holistic reputation system for node operators can also open up more insight for users regarding the performance and incentives of node operators.

Chainlink Staking: Goals, Roadmap, and Initial Implementation (1)

The Initial Implementation of Chainlink Staking

Before outlining some of the initial parameters and design decisions planned for launch, it’s important to note that Chainlink staking will evolve over time, especially as more oracle networks across a wider range of services accrue greater amounts of fees. The initial implementation is focused on creating a simple and secure foundation, through which feedback can be gathered prior to expanding scope and adding more complexity to the staking design.

The rollout of the staking mechanism will be similar to Chainlink Price Feeds, which went from a single ETH/USD Price Feed on Ethereum operated by three oracle nodes to now supporting nearly a thousand Price Feeds powered by 50+ leading node operators across twelve blockchains and layer-2 solutions. This pragmatic approach allowed risks and opportunities to be identified in the early stages of the implementation before scaling to meet growing user demand.

Following this approach, Chainlink staking will evolve across multiple versions, with the initial v0.1 release projected for later this year. This first release focuses on introducing a reputation framework and staker alerting system. After sufficient validation from in-production usage and community feedback, a v1 release will introduce additional functionality such as the slashing of stake for stronger cryptoeconomic security and the incorporation of user fees as rewards. Furthermore, a v2 release will explore introducing loss protection to help protect participating sponsors when a supported oracle network deviates from its SLA.

The below roadmap reflects an overview of the planned approach to rolling out some of the key functionalities of Chainlink staking across multiple versions. As user feedback and in-production data is collected, priorities in this roadmap may shift and features may change in order to better serve user requirements. Furthermore, specific functionalities within each version of staking may roll out on different schedules to manage risk and simplify deployment.

Chainlink Staking: Goals, Roadmap, and Initial Implementation (2)

Reputation and Alerting

The initial v0.1 release of Chainlink staking is focused on introducing a reputation framework and alerting system, which are key requirements for slashing and other planned functionalities that will roll out in later release versions. To ensure robustness in an in-production environment, these systems will be used to track the performance of the ETH/USD Price Feed on the Ethereum mainnet.

Importantly, stakers will have the opportunity to monitor the feed, raise an alert, and get rewarded if they successfully detect in a timely manner that the ETH/USD feed has not met the conditions of the SLA agreement. In v0.1, alerting conditions will be focused on feed uptime but will expand in scope in later versions.

Once an alert has been raised, an adjudication smart contract will automatically verify that the conditions of the smart contract SLA were breached and that the alert was valid. After this process is complete, the alerter will be issued a reward later in time. The results of a valid alert will then be fed into a reputation system where the individual reputation of the at-fault node operators is updated. In v1, it is planned for the reputation system to expand to track a greater number of key metrics around the performance of node operators and play an increasingly important role as the Chainlink Network scales.

Ultimately, v0.1 of Chainlink staking represents the core framework of the reputation and alerting system, which is planned to evolve to provide linear security guarantees, and later scaling to support super-linear security guarantees as described in the Chainlink 2.0 whitepaper.

Participation in Staking

The initial staking pool in v0.1 will be capped in size, offering distinct allotments to node operators, community members, and the coordinator of oracle networks. The pool will start with an aggregate size of 25M LINK tokens, with the planned goal of scaling to a pool size of 75M LINK tokens in the months after launch, based on demand. For future releases, it is planned for the pool size to further expand and for additional Data Feeds and oracle services to be supported.

To initially fill the community alerter allotment, a fair entry mechanism will be used to help ensure participation from a wide range of community members. This entry mechanism will aim to prioritize long-term token holders, who are most likely to actively participate in the alerting mechanism. Node operators that actively service Chainlink Data Feeds will be provided their own distinct allotments to fill. A third-party node delegation system is being explored and is currently planned to be supported in the v1 release.

Stakers participating in the v0.1 release will have their staked LINK locked until at least the release of v1, where they will then be able to choose commitment periods of varying lengths.

Staking Rewards

In v0.1, it’s expected that native token emissions directed to stakers will target a base level of annualized staking rewards of up to 5%. After the release of v1, annualized rewards will vary based on user fees and the length of the commitment period, with stakers choosing longer commitment periods having the opportunity to receive a greater share of the rewards.

Furthermore, stakers in v0.1 will also be eligible to earn additional benefits from the Partner Growth Program (PGP). This program is an initiative planned to launch alongside Chainlink staking where Chainlinked projects provide various benefits to accelerate their growth and align their economic incentives with the Chainlink community. This alignment creates incentives for Chainlink stakers to become active participants in a project’s ecosystem, providing an avenue for accelerated adoption. An early version of PGP is planned for v0.1, with a more complete version slated for v1. More details will be provided in the future.

As staking transitions to v1, it is planned that a portion of user fees will begin to be awarded to stakers, coinciding with the cryptoeconomic security provided by the slashing of staked LINK. Furthermore, fees associated with loss protection, which is being explored for v2, may become a source of rewards in addition to emissions, user fees, and PGP benefits. Additional details and specifics on each release version will be released over time.


The introduction of staking is a pivotal moment that marks the evolution to Chainlink Economics 2.0—a new era in Chainlink’s long-term security and network economics. While the initial implementation of Chainlink staking is designed to minimize risk for participants and create a strong foundation, the long-term goals revolve around scaling Chainlink into a global standard with a growing and sustainable user base, which in turn offers greater opportunity of rewards for stakers who increase the network’s cryptoeconomic security and user assurances.

Check your eligibility today for Chainlink Staking v0.1 Early Access.

If you want more technical context, we suggest you read the original Chainlink whitepaper, Chainlink 2.0 whitepaper, and developer documentation. To learn more about Chainlink, visit, subscribe to the Chainlink newsletter, and follow Chainlink on Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit.

Disclaimer: This post contains statements about the future, including anticipated product features, development, and timelines for rollout of these features. These statements are not guarantees, and they involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Community participation is necessary to conduct this next phase of testing and development, which will depend on successful testing and validation at each stage. Any contributors who choose to participate in the initial implementation do so at their own risk. There can be no assurance that actual results will not differ materially from those expressed in these statements, although we believe them to be based on reasonable assumptions. These statements may not reflect future developments due to user feedback or later events and we may not update this post in response.

AnnouncementsEconomics 2.0Staking

Chainlink Staking: Goals, Roadmap, and Initial Implementation (2024)


How much will Chainlink staking be? ›

The community stake portion of the pool is expected to have a baseline rate of 5% per year in LINK against their committed stake for helping secure the Chainlink Network.

How will Chainlink staking work? ›

Chainlink staking combines implicit staking in the form of oracle node reputation systems and future fee opportunities, and explicit staking in the form of node deposits subject to slashing by the terms and conditions laid out in SLA smart contracts.

How is Chainlink implemented? ›

Chainlink uses an economic model to achieve this with the LINK token. The LinkToken contract is an ERC20 token implementation so it offers the standard operations like transfer, approve and transferFrom.

Is Chainlink proof of stake? ›

The Chainlink network is secured by a similar concept to Proof of Stake (PoS), where its validator nodes stake LINK in order to obtain data contracts and be rewarded by the network.

What will Chainlink be in 5 years? ›

Chainlink Price Prediction 2027

Based on the analysis of the costs of Chainlink by crypto experts, the following maximum and minimum LINK prices are expected in 2027: $49.19 and $38.88. On average, it will be traded at $40.32.

Is Chainlink a long term hold? ›

As a valuable part of the crypto ecosystem providing an important service that will become more important as blockchain technology becomes increasingly integrated into the global economy, I view Chainlink as a long-term buy and hold.

Is Chainlink set to explode? ›

LINK has seen a significant rise over the years, and if it continues to keep its momentum, it is most likely to explode by the end of 2023. Thanks to the development team behind the project, smart contracts are made even smarter with Chainlink.

When can we stake Chainlink? ›

We're excited to announce that the beta of Chainlink Staking (v0. 1) is planned to go live on Ethereum mainnet on December 6, 2022 at 12PM ET. Addresses that qualify for Early Access will have the opportunity to stake up to 7,000 LINK in the capped v0. 1 staking pool.

Can you yield farm Chainlink? ›

To further boost the liquidity incentivization and fair distribution of tokens enabled by yield farming, smart contract developers can leverage additional infrastructure. Powered by decentralized oracle networks, Chainlink Price Feeds and Chainlink Automation can be used in a multitude of ways in yield farming.

What is the goal of Chainlink? ›

Chainlink can facilitate secure communications between Ethereum projects and various off-chain data. Because Chainlink's LINK token is built on the Ethereum platform, LINK is compliant with the Ethereum platform's protocols.

Will banks use Chainlink? ›

The SWIFT Chainlink integration will allow financial service providers to offer their customers traditional assets and crypto assets from one platform. Using the Chainlink cross-chain interoperability protocol (CCIP), SWIFT will connect more than 11,000 banks with almost every blockchain.

Is Polkadot better than Chainlink? ›

Polkadot allows information to be seamlessly transferred between parachains, effectively solving the blockchain scalability problem. Unlike Chainlink, which is built on the Ethereum blockchain, Polkadot is attempting to become a new Ethereum of sorts. As of 11 August 2022, there were 555 projects building on Polkadot.

Is Chainlink limited supply? ›

The total supply is capped at 1,000,000,000 LINK.

Is Chainlink truly decentralized? ›

Chainlink is a decentralized network of nodes that provide data and information from off-blockchain sources to on-blockchain smart contracts via oracles. This process, along with extra secure hardware, eliminates the reliability issues that might occur if using only a single centralized source.

What makes Chainlink unique? ›

How is Chainlink's oracle solution unique? High-quality data with premium APIs - The Chainlink Network has credential management capabilities, meaning it can fetch and deliver data to smart contracts from premium, password-protected data sources.

What will be the price of Chainlink in 2030? ›

How much will Chainlink be worth in May 2030? According to the Chainlink Price Prediction model above, LINK's price in May 2030 would be $216.43.

How high can Chainlink price go? ›

WalletInvestor: “The price of ChainLink may drop from 15.249 USD to 11.971 USD. The change will be -21.495%”. Price Prediction: “The price of 1 Chainlink is expected to reach [a] minimum level of $65.03 in 2025. The LINK price can reach a maximum level of $75.26 with the average price of $67.28 throughout 2025”.

Why Chainlink is the future? ›

Chainlink continues to garner significant appeal among developers, and it has completed over 300 integrations with nodes, data providers, DeFi, and blockchain-based projects. To date, every single Chainlink integration has bolstered LINK's market capitalization, and continued growth is expected.

Which crypto will explode in 2023? ›

1. Meta Masters Guild (MEMAG) - Overall Best Reddit Crypto to Invest in. Meta Masters Guild is a new project on the P2E (play-to-earn) scene. Its native token MEMAG is bound to be the next cryptocurrency to explode in 2023 according to Reddit.

Does Chainlink have competitors? ›

You may be seeking a more specialized offering, or considering things like reliability or ease of use. Corda, Kaleido, Ethereum, and Hyperledger are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Chainlink for reviewers from enterprise organizations.

Which crypto will survive long term? ›

Bitcoin and Ethereum will survive the crypto winter and thrive in the future, but if you are a risk-tolerant crypto investor looking for a name that's a bit out of left field and higher on the risk spectrum, Fantom would be a good bet to be one of the survivors of the crypto winter because of its long-term perspective, ...

Why is Chainlink a good investment? ›

From the perspective of the project, Chainlink as a network will gain more value. From the perspective of stakers, they will receive higher rewards from staking. This is a win-win situation because a valuable network will attract more stakers, and therefore, more investors.

What is Chainlink projected hit? ›

According to our current Chainlink price prediction, the value of Chainlink is predicted to drop by -5.58% and reach $ 5.27 by January 11, 2023. According to our technical indicators, the current sentiment is Bearish while the Fear & Greed Index is showing 26 (Fear).

Is Chainlink pump and dump? ›

The trading pattern of Chainlink's Link cryptocurrency suggests a suspicious “pump-and-dump” scam, or an attempt to manipulate the price of the cryptocurrency token, according to an analytics company.

How many link do you need to stake? ›

In order to begin staking LINK, you must: Hold your LINK tokens on the Ethereum mainnet in a self-custodial Web3 wallet or hardware wallet supported by Web3 wallets. Have at least 1 LINK to stake.

How many Chainlink will there be? ›

How Many Chainlink Coins Are There? There are currently 507,999,970 Chainlink coins circulating out of a max supply of 1,000,000,000.

What is Chainlink all time low? ›

About Chainlink

LINK is -3.46% in the last 24 hours. It is currently -7.81% from its 7-day all-time high of $6.07, and 3.12% from its 7-day all-time low of $5.43. LINK has a circulating supply of 508 M LINK and a max supply of 1 B LINK.

Is running a Chainlink node profitable? ›

Some of the top Chainlink nodes are earning almost 8,000 USD per day. Having said that, you will not earn that much money overnight but even if you earn a fraction of it that is a lot of money. In this post I will walk you through the step by step process of setting up a Chainlink account.

Is staking better than yield farming? ›

While both methods can be profitable, yield farming is generally considered to be riskier since the value of the tokens can fluctuate greatly. Staking, on the other hand, is more predictable since the rewards are typically paid out in the form of newly minted coins or a percentage of transaction fees.

Can Chainlink be cut in half? ›

Though it might look like a complicated job, it's actually not that difficult with the right tools. Use bolt cutters to snip through the links if you want to remove, replace, or shorten a section of the chain link. Use a reciprocating saw to cut the posts or rails if you want to shorten, remove, or replace them.

What problem is Chainlink solving? ›

Chainlink is a project that aims to address the challenges posed by the centralized oracles used by smart contracts. Chainlink has solved the oracle problem of smart contracts by creating a distributed pool of oracles, in each of which the oracles all strive to produce high-quality information.

Who owns Chainlink crypto? ›

Sergey Nazarov: Co-founder of Chainlink | #5 | Cointelegraph Top 100.

Does Cardano use Chainlink? ›

Cardano has announced a partnership with oracle solutions provider Chainlink to accelerate the development of its DeFi ecosystem.

Is Chainlink partnered with Google? ›

Chainlink Integrates Weather Data From the Google Cloud - CoinDesk.

Is Chainlink built on Cardano? ›

Sergey Nazarov, co-founder of Chainlink, said: “We're excited to leverage our extensive experience and expertise by establishing native support for Chainlink on the Cardano blockchain and supporting its next stage of growth into markets like DeFi and beyond.

What companies are working with Chainlink? ›

Chainlink TVE is calculated by taking the sum of the USD value associated with each transaction utilizing Price Feeds since the start of 2022, currently covering Avalanche, BNB Chain, Ethereum, Fantom, Gnosis Chain, HECO Chain, Metis, Moonbeam, Moonriver, Optimism, and Polygon.

Does Cosmos use Chainlink? ›

We are dedicated to the development and integration of Chainlink as the standard decentralized oracle framework used by smart contracts across any blockchain.

Is Chainlink built on cosmos? ›

For one, Polkadot and Cosmos coins run on native blockchains, whereas Chainlink is a token built on Ethereum.

Which coin has lowest supply? ›

YFI is a very low circulating supply cryptocurrency with a fixed supply of just 30,000 coins.

Is Chainlink even worth? ›

Chainlink is worth investing in for the following reasons: Chainlink is a well-established project within the crypto sphere with over 1,400 partnerships. Band Protocol had only 70 as of August, according to BeInCrypto.

Can Solana use Chainlink? ›

You can use Chainlink Data Feeds on the Solana network to connect your smart contracts to the real-world market prices of assets.

Is Chainlink a monopoly? ›

Chainlink is marching on as a dominant force among decentralized oracles.

What is Chainlink backed by? ›

Chainlink is a decentralized blockchain oracle network built on Ethereum.

How much will I make staking crypto? ›

Basically, staking allows participants to earn more crypto. Interest rates vary depending on the network, but participants can earn as much as 20% to 30% yearly. Many people stake crypto to earn passive income or invest their money.

How much can you make with Chainlink? ›

There are lot of opportunities with Chainlink because its powering a lot of DeFi applications. Some of the top Chainlink nodes are earning almost 8,000 USD per day.

How do you earn passive income with Chainlink? ›

Staking is one of the best ways to earn passive income with Chainlink, other than holding the crypto for long terms. The best and most often tested way to stake LINK is on any cryptocurrency exchange. Token holders can stake LINK using DeFi platforms like Aave.

How to stake Chainlink tokens? ›

To delegate your tokens, ensure that your LINK tokens are on the Metamask wallet and follow the steps below:
  1. Step 1: Go to the Chainlink Staking Dashboard and connect your wallet.
  2. Step 2: Enter the amount of LINK you want to stake and press 'Stake'.
  3. Step 3: Accept the T's & C's and sign the transaction.

Can you make a living off crypto staking? ›

The potential yields from crypto staking can be sky-high.

And there are multiple ways to make it, including investing in dividend stocks or real estate. Another potential approach to generating passive income is gaining momentum, though. Staking allows investors to earn rewards on the cryptocurrencies that they own.

Which crypto has highest staking rewards? ›

The cryptocurrencies with the highest staking market cap include ETH, SOL and ADA, in which the typical annual yield is around 4% to 5%. Note rewards on the Ethereum network are typically locked up until the Ethereum 2.0 network is complete. Also of note, more than 10% of Ethereum is staked.

Can you lose crypto by staking? ›

Still, it is possible to lose all of your stake if you delegate it to a malicious node. So this is one of those crypto pitfalls to avoid. You lose some of your stake. Another risk to staking is that you could lose some of your crypto, but not all.

Is Chainlink undervalued? ›

While Chainlink's price has tanked and its position in market cap rankings dropped, it is still one of the best out there. Its levels of adoption remain high relative to many other cryptocurrencies in the market today. This makes LINK massively undervalued.

Does polkadot use Chainlink? ›

By being the first Substrate-based oracle solution, Chainlink is set to become the first and primary oracle provider for all Substrate-based chains and eventually the entire Polkadot network....

What's the best cryptocurrency for passive staking profits? ›

Ethereum (ETH) - Excellent Crypto for Long-Term Staking

Ethereum used to operate on a PoW (proof of work) consensus, but after the recent “Ethereum 2.0” upgrade, ETH holders can now stake their tokens.

What is the best passive income in crypto? ›

Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano are three popular coins for earning passive income via staking. Staking is an increasingly popular way to earn passive income on your crypto holdings. If you're planning to buy and hold cryptos for the medium to long term, it could be an easy way to boost your overall portfolio returns.

What is the easiest crypto to stake? ›

The Best Coins to Stake
  • Binance Coin.
  • Cardano.
  • Ethereum.
  • Polkadot.
  • Polygon.
  • Solana.
  • Terra.
  • USDC.
Jul 14, 2022

Why is the Chainlink token needed? ›

The LINK token is used in the Chainlink network to compensate Chainlink Node operators for the retrieval of data from the external data sources, turning it to blockchain readable format, off-chain computation, and uptime guarantees.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.