Certified Quality Manager Exam (2024)

It Makes Good Career Sense

by Greg Hutchins
As jobs become scarcer,
ASQC certifications like the
CQM are becoming more popular.

Free agency is coming to the qualityprofession, and the impact will be as profound as it has been inprofessional sports. The downsizing of the 1990s has resulted insudden and massive layoffs. Company loyalty is scarce. Very few safeharbors of employment exist anymore. Dilbert is alive and well. We'reall vulnerable to these new marketplace and workplace pressures.

The statistics are stunning: Forty percent of the jobs held 10years ago no longer exist. What can you do? The best tool for workingwith significant change is to learn something new. Flexibility andthe ability to learn are critical competencies for life and careersuccess.

We all must anticipate changes, discern trends and predictbusiness needs in our industries. We then must make shrewd careermoves that will keep us ahead of the change curve and positionourselves for professional opportunities.

The American Society for Quality Control offers a number ofopportunities for career positioning, specifically throughcertifications such as Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), CertifiedReliability Engineer (CRE), Certified Quality Technician (CQT) and,most recently, Certified Quality Manager (CQM). Each of thesecertifications will be featured in Quality Digest, starting thismonth with CQM.

Why get certified?

What's in it for you? You've got to make the career cost-benefitdecision. Tough, fundamental questions should be addressed before youinvest time and money in a certification. What are some of thebenefits of ASQC certification?

Certified Quality Manager Exam (1)Certificationpays. According to the 1996 Quality Progress Salary Survey, CQAauditors earn $8,000 more than those who aren't certified; CQEs earnalmost $5,000 more than those who aren't; and CQMs earn $8,000 morethan those who aren't.

Certified Quality Manager Exam (2)Certificationgets you recognized. More companies are using tests andcertifications for promotion and employee training. If you don'tbelieve it, look at the back of any ASQC certification brochure tosee the companies that use certifications in their personnelpractices.

Certified Quality Manager Exam (3)Certificationgets you a leg up on the competition. As jobs become scarcer and thepool of qualified people grows, that additional certification maymean the difference in a promotion, new opportunities or a newclient. All other things being equal between you and other jobapplicants, that something extra may make the difference betweengetting the job or not.

Certified Quality Manager Exam (4)Certificationdemonstrates knowledge and abilities. We all know that lifetime jobsecurity is history. We need to develop portable, transferable andmarketable skills. We're going to be much more mobile as job securityand seniority-based wages disappear. ASQC certifications provide anexcellent way to demonstrate abilities and knowledge. For example,the CQM has a structured response section that demonstrates criticalunderstanding, thinking and problem solving.

Certified Quality Manager Exam (5)Certificationimplies credibility and, ultimately, marketability. ASQCcertifications are usually based on a thorough and widespreadanalysis of what quality managers and professionals do. Thecertifications are reality-based and tested.

Certified Quality Manager Exam (6)Certificationhelps communicate quality to others. Certifications can be used as ameans to communicate about quality. For example, the CQA incorporatesmany ideas found in the ISO 10000 series, the standards specifyingauditor training and auditing criteria.

CQM: What is it?

The CQM may be the ASQC's crown jewel certification. It is aformal recognition by ASQC that a person has demonstratedproficiency, knowledge and comprehension of the CQM body ofknowledge. For legal reasons, ASQC calls it a peer recognition, not aprofessional recognition or license.

ASQC defines the CQM as a: "professional who understands qualitystandards and concepts, can implement organizational assessment andmaintain customer satisfaction and focus. The Certified QualityManager should manage projects supporting strategic objectives andmotivate human resource in the support of organizational goals."

How and why did the CQM develop? Thomas Pyzdek, qualityprofessional and author, was involved from the beginning. He recentlynoted: "In recent years it became increasingly obvious that thereexisted a glaring certification omission from the ranks of certifiedquality professionals: the quality manager. The quality managersupervised the work of an array of certified professionals withoutneeding to be certified himself or herself. This situation could anddid lead to problems, especially when the quality manager was lessthan fully qualified for his or her position.

"When the demand for qualified professional quality managersexceeded the supply, the field was overrun with hacks andincompetents. The result was resentment on the part of the othercertified quality professionals and a general lack of respect for theability of the quality department to contribute to the success of theorganization."

Quality is everyone's business

ASQC's definition of a CQM is good, but it doesn't tell the wholestory. In our surveys and our CQM refresher classes, we've discoveredsomething interesting: Up to two-thirds of the people taking our CQMclasses were people from outside the quality profession. They werefirst-line supervisors, team facilitators, functional managers, ISO9000 administrators, operational supervisors and project improvementleaders. They had operational quality responsibilities and needed tounderstand the discipline. Many were from service and governmentorganizations. These people were new to quality. They had never beenexposed to quality. They wanted the quality information and knowledgebut weren't particularly interested in sitting for the exam. Anotherway to think about this startling revelation is that the ASQCdefinition of CQM can be applied to almost anyone in anyorganization.

Why are so many nonquality professionals attending CQM refreshercourses? The quality profession has been successful beyond itswildest expectations. Quality professionals have been preaching thesame message for years: A person or team responsible for an activityor process is truly responsible for the quality of his or herefforts. More companies realize this as they integrate ISO 9000 orQS-9000 systems into their organizations. Some organizationsunderstand that quality is everyone's business. Everyonequality-manages his or her process. That means that everyone shouldhave a basic understanding of quality.

Does that mean that everyone should or may become a CQM? Probablynot. The present experience requirements specify "at least five yearsin a decision-making technical, professional or management position"in the areas covered by the CQM body of knowledge. (See sidebar onpage 37.)

What's in it for you?

Steve Landenberger, quality assurance manager at Nelson Steel anda CQM instructor, sees two types of quality professionals sitting forthe exam: people without college degrees who are using the CQMcertificate to justify that they are qualified to hold or attain aquality manager position, and people with nontechnical degrees whoare using the certificate to supplement their knowledge and lendcredibility to their quality management status.

Companies are also using the ASQC certification process to assessand improve the abilities of their present employees as well as torecruit new employees. Bill Vance, quality systems manager atfurniture manufacturer Haworth, says that "the certification processprovides Haworth with the confidence that an individual beingconsidered for a particular position has a minimum understanding ofquality methods and techniques required in that position." Almostevery quality professional at Haworth has at least one qualitycertification, while many have up to four.

Fast-growing certification

The CQM is still relatively unknown. It has been out for a littlemore than a year. The number of people sitting for the exam has beenflat, and the pass rate remains relatively constant at about 44percent. However, this will change in 1997.

This year, ASQC is developing a number of CQM products and will bepromoting the certification heavily. Bill Wortman, a CQM instructorand author, reports that when he speaks to ASQC sections and inquireshow many have taken the CQM, about 5 percent raise their hands. Whenhe asks them how many plan to take the exam in the near future, about85 percent to 90 percent raise their hands. It's conceivable thatthousands of people will attempt the CQM exam each year.

It's not a slam dunk

The CQM is a difficult certification. Less than half of the peoplewho sit for the exam pass it.

The exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions and twoconstructed-response questions. The multiple choice questions areopen book and fairly straightforward, similar to the SAT. They aremore organizational, team and strategy oriented rather thantechnical. You won't get any questions like, "Given 5-percent AQL,what are the accept/reject numbers using MIL-STD 105E?"

When you work through the multiple-choice questions, you mustfocus on quality. Some questions are open to interpretation. There isalways a right quality answer, while there may be close businessanswers. So it is critical to interpret each question in terms of howyou, the quality manager, would deal with, respond to and work withthe situation described in the question. Typical multiple-choicequestions provided by ASQC include:

1. Which of the following is not an appropriate use of theBaldrige Award criteria?

a. Self-assessment model
b. Quality system registration
c. Quality award application
d. Quality system model

The correct answer is b. Quality system registration refers to ISO9000 quality systems registration -- the Baldrige Award wouldn't beused for this.

2. To ensure success in implementing quality initiatives, the mostimportant factor is:

a. An empowered work force
b. A training program that explains and promotes the quality initiative
c. Upper management support
d. A reward-and-recognition program

The correct answer is c. Any person who has driven or facilitateda companywide quality initiative or improvement project knows thatwithout a senior management sponsor, the initiative or project has amuch higher risk of failure.

The biggest challenge

The constructed response part of the certification is the mostchallenging element of the certification. One reason is because thispart of the CQM is closed book. Another reason is that many peoplehaven't written an essay in years. The fear factor sets in when beingtimed to get the right answer in two mini-essays within 45 minutes.

The ASQC certification brochure offers the following as a typicalproblem:

"A company that provides repair services to airlines has bothfield service for on-site repairs and a repair depot for otherrepairs and maintenance. Field service technicians, who report to themanager of field service, often replace major assemblies to getequipment back on-line as quickly as possible, sending the'defective' assemblies back to the depot. Depot technicians, whor*port to the depot manager, complain that too many of the'defective' field returns are diagnosed 'no trouble found.' Indicatewhat actions a quality professional should take to better understandand resolve this situation."

Scoring for the above problem is based on how you would approachthe problem. A higher score would be given to a solution thatintegrated:

Certified Quality Manager Exam (7)Data collection -- What is the scope of the problem?
Certified Quality Manager Exam (8)Problem solving -- How would you solve the problem?
Certified Quality Manager Exam (9)Cross-functional teams -- How would you implement the solution?

A low score would incorporate just one or two elements of theabove approach. Regardless of the question, follow a structuredapproach with your answer:

Certified Quality Manager Exam (10)Define the problem.
Certified Quality Manager Exam (11)Identify causes of the problem.
Certified Quality Manager Exam (12)Develop or select possible solutions.
Certified Quality Manager Exam (13)Develop an implementation plan.
Certified Quality Manager Exam (14)Follow up on the solution.
Who can take the exam

The ASQC determines who can sit for the exam by reviewingeducation and work experience. Certification as a quality managerrequires that you have at least 10 years of higher education and/orwork experience in one or more of the areas of the CQM body ofknowledge. Five years should be in a decision-making technical,professional or management position. Some of the experience can bewaived through certifications and degrees. For example, a bachelor'sdegree is worth five years toward the required 10 years.

What happens if you never held a quality manager's title butassumed quality management responsibilities are part of your job?This could qualify as having had a decision-making position.

How do I sign up?

Call the ASQC at (800) 248-1946 or (414) 272-8575 and request theCQM Certification Brochure B0070 for complete requirements. Theinformation packet is free. Pay attention to the application dates.

The exam costs are: $140 for an ASQC Member&endash;North America,$170 for an ASQC Member&endash;outside North America, $245 for anonmember&endash;North America and $275 for anonmember&endash;outside North America.

The CQM is offered twice a year, in March and October. The ASQC isfirm about application deadlines. The 1997 test dates are: March 1(application deadline: Jan. 10) and Oct. 18 (application deadline:Aug. 22).

Certified Quality Manager Body ofKnowledge

I.Quality Standards (eight questions)
A.Total Quality Management
B.Continuous Process Improvement
C.Cycle-Time Reduction
D.Supplier Management
E.Customer Service
F.Quality Award/Quality Standards Criteria (e.g., Baldrige Award, ISO 9000)
II.Organizations and Their Functions (12 questions)
A.Organizational Assessment
B.Organizational Structures (e.g., matrix, hierarchical)
C.Quality Functions Within the Organization
D.Communication Within the Organization
E.Change Agents and Their Effects on Organizations
F.Management Styles (e.g., by facts and data, by coach-ing/other leadership styles)
G.Business Functions
1.External: safety, legal and regulatory, product liability, environment, technology process
2.Internal: human resources, engineering, sales and marketing, finance, R&D, purchasing
III.Quality Needs and Overall Strategic Plans (18 questions)
A.Linkage Between Quality Function Needs and Overall Strategic Plan
B.Linkage Between Strategic Plan and Quality Plan
C.Theory of Variation (common and special causes)
D.Quality Function Mission
E.Priority of Quality Function Within the Organization
F.Metrics and Goals That Drive Organizational Performance
G.Formulation of Quality Principles and Policies
H.Resource Requirements to Manage the Quality Function
IV.Customer Satisfaction and Focus (30 questions)
A.Types of Customers (e.g., internal, external and end-user)
B.Elements of Customer-Driven Organizations
C.Customer Expectations, Priorities, Needs and "Voice"
D.Customer Relationship Management and Commitment (e.g., complaints, feedback, guarantees, corrective actions)
E.Customer Identification and Segmentation
F.Partnership and Alliances Between Customers and Suppliers
G.Communication Techniques (e.g., surveys, focus groups, satisfaction/complaint cards)
H.Multiple-Customer Management and Conflict Resolution
I.Customer Retention/Loyalty
V.Project Management (30 questions)
1.Integrated quality initiatives
2.Short- and long-term quality plans and objectives
3.Feedback loops
4.Performance measures
5.Relevant stakeholders
8.Cost-Benefit Analysis
1.Management support and organizational roadblocks
2.Short-term (tactical) plans
3.Cross-functional collaboration
4.Continuous review and enhancement of quality
5.Documentation and procedures
VI.Continuous Improvement (22 questions)
1.Quality control tools (charts and diagrams)
2.Quality management tools (diagrams and matrixes)
3.PDCA (plan, do, check, act)
B.Cost of Quality
C.Process Improvement
D.Trend Analysis
E.Measurement Issues
1.Reliability and validity
2.Sampling plans and other statistical analysis techniques
3.Specifications, calibration and process capability
F.Concurrent Engineering and Process Mapping
VII.Human Resource Management (15 questions)
A.Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
1.Conflict resolution
2.Professional ethics
B.Quality Staffing Issues
2.Performance evaluation
3.Professional development
4.Goals and objectives
C.Quality Responsibilities in Job/Position Descriptions
D.Post-Training Evaluation and Reinforcement
E.Team Formation and Evolution
1.Process improvement teams
2.Work groups
3.Other self-managed teams
F.Team Management
1.Facilitation techniques
2.Member roles and responsibilities
3.Performance evaluation
4.Recognition and reward
VIII.Training and Education (15 questions)
A.Importance of Top-Down Support and Strategic Planning for Quality Training
B.Training Subgroups and Topics
1.Management training&emdash;general quality principles
2.Employee training&emdash;implementation of quality plans
3.Facilitator training
C.Training Needs Analysis
D.Post-Training Evaluation and Reinforcement
1.Lectures, workbooks, case studies, on-the-job training
2.Use of technology in training (videos, computer- delivered instruction, etc.)

Suggested resources

CQM Primer by Bill Wortman, Quality Council of Indiana,(812) 533-4215.

The Quality Book by Greg Hutchins, QPE Inc., (800)266-7383.

The Complete Guide to the CQM by Thomas Pyzdek, QualityPublishing, (520) 749-9113.

About the author

Greg Hutchins is a noted author and lecturer on quality. Hisfirm, Quality Plus Engineering, offers internal CQM training. Hewrote The Quality Book, which is a sourcebook for the CQM. Itcan be ordered through QPE at (800) 266-7383.

© 1997 Greg Hutchins

Certified Quality Manager Exam (2024)
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