Certified Financial Advisor & Planner for Expert Financial Planning - Fincart (2024)

Table of Contents
Start planning What is Financial Planning? Types of Financial Planning 1. Investment Planning: 2. Tax Planning: 3. Retirement Planning: 4. Insurance Planning: 5. Education funding planning: 6. Budgeting: How to Do Financial Planning? Step-by-Step Guide Step 1: Set Clear Goals Step 2: Assess Your Current Finances Step 3: Determine Your Income and Expenses Step 4: Analyze Risk Tolerance Step 5: Build an Emergency Fund Step 6: Create a Debt Repayment Strategy Step 7: Develop an Investment Strategy Step 8: Consider Tax Planning Step 9: Review Insurance Coverage Step 10: Regularly Review and Adjust Importance and Benefits of Financial Planning 1. Clear Financial Goals: 2. Effective Resource Management: 3. Improved Financial Awareness: 4. Enhanced Savings and Investments: 5. Risk Mitigation: 6. Efficient Tax Management: 7. Debt Management: Who Is a Financial Adviser or Planner? How do Financial Planners/Advisers Work? How To Choose a Certified Financial Advisor? Why Choose Fincart Financial Services? What Do You Get in the Customised Financial Plan? Fincart's Financial Planning Process FAQ's on Financial Planning Is Financial Planning a one-time exercise? When should you begin financial planning? What is the minimum income to start financial planning? Can I make a financial plan on my own? Why should you hire a professional financial planner? What were the 4 components of financial planning? What are the 5 pillars of financial planning? What are the benefits of seeking financial advice? What services do financial advisors provide? How do I find a reputable financial advisor in India? How much does financial advice typically cost? FAQs






Start planning

What is Financial Planning?

Financial planning is like creating a roadmap for your financial future. It’s not just about managing money; it’s about setting goals, making smart decisions, and preparing for whatever life may throw your way. It involves looking at various aspects of your finances, such as investing, taxes, savings, retirement, estate planning, and insurance.

Fincart is here to make financial planning easy and accessible. It’s a platform that connects you with certified financial advisors who can guide you through the process. Think of them as your money mentors, helping you assess your current financial situation, set achievable goals, and develop a personalized plan.

Your financial future awaits – plan for it today!

Certified Financial Advisor & Planner for Expert Financial Planning - Fincart (3)

Types of Financial Planning

Different types of financial planning focus on specific areas of an individual’s or an organization’s financial life. Here are some common types of financial planning:

1. Investment Planning:

The goal of investment planning is to maximize returns while managing risk by strategically allocating your funds to various assets, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. A well-informed investment plan considers your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon to create a roadmap for growing wealth over time.

2. Tax Planning:

Tax planning involves arranging your financial affairs strategically to minimize your tax liability. In order to maximize tax benefits and credits, income, investments, and expenditures are analyzed. Tax planning ensures you keep more of your earnings while remaining compliant with tax laws.

3. Retirement Planning:

Retirement planning is the process of setting financial goals and strategies to ensure a comfortable and secure retirement. It involves estimating retirement expenses, evaluating potential income sources such as pensions and investments, and creating a savings plan to achieve your desired lifestyle after you stop working.

4. Insurance Planning:

In order to mitigate your risks, you must assess your potential risks and select appropriate insurance policies. Our services cover every aspect of insurance, whether it is life insurance, health insurance, or term insurance. Depending on your circ*mstances, insurance planning provides financial protection for you and your loved ones.

5. Education funding planning:

An education funding plan is a strategic approach to saving and investing for educational expenses. To do this, you need to estimate the cost of education for yourself, your children, or other dependents, and develop a savings strategy to cover tuition, books, and other related expenses. By doing so, you will be financially prepared to pursue academic goals without stress.

6. Budgeting:

The process of budgeting involves creating a financial plan outlining your income and expenditures. By tracking where your funds are allocated and controlling your spending, you can manage your money more effectively. Creating a budget ensures financial discipline, enabling you to reach your financial goals.

How to Do Financial Planning? Step-by-Step Guide

A financial plan is dynamic and should change as your life circ*mstances change. You can get financial advice from a financial advisor for a more detailed approach. Stay on track toward achieving your financial goals by regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to make a comprehensive financial plan:

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

As a financial planner, plan your short-term and long-term financial goals, such as buying a house, retiring comfortably, and funding your children’s education.

Step 2: Assess Your Current Finances

Take a look at all your financial documents, including bank statements, investment records, debts, and sources of income. Identify your current financial situation by calculating your net worth (assets minus liabilities).

Step 3: Determine Your Income and Expenses

Keep a detailed record of your income sources and expenses every month. Identify areas where you can cut costs and allocate more toward your goals by categorizing your expenditures.

Step 4: Analyze Risk Tolerance

Determine your comfort level with investment volatility by assessing your risk tolerance. By balancing risk and return, you will be able to make informed investment decisions.

Step 5: Build an Emergency Fund

Establish an easy-to-access savings account that holds three to six months’ worth of living expenses. In case of financial emergencies, this fund serves as a safety net.

Step 6: Create a Debt Repayment Strategy

Include all your debts, such as credit card balances, loans, and mortgages. Identify your high-interest debts and pay them off first.

Step 7: Develop an Investment Strategy

Create an investment portfolio that includes a mix of stocks, bonds, and real estate assets according to your goals and risk tolerance. Managing risk and potential returns is easier with diversification.

Step 8: Consider Tax Planning

Reduce your tax liability by investing tax-efficiently. Make the most of tax-advantaged accounts and deductions.

Step 9: Review Insurance Coverage

Identify your life, health, disability, and other insurance needs. Protect your financial well-being with adequate protection.

Step 10: Regularly Review and Adjust

Keep your financial plan up-to-date by reviewing it periodically. Adjust your budget and investment strategy as your life changes, and stay disciplined.

Importance and Benefits of Financial Planning

To achieve a secure & prosperous future the need for financial planning is there.In a world of uncertainties, the importance of financial planning offers the need for reassurance of preparedness and a roadmap to your financial aspirations. The need for financial planning portrays not only the need for money; it’s about securing your dreams and ensuring a brighter tomorrow. Proper financial planning ensures continuous growth and expansion over a certain period.

Financial planning plays a crucial role in achieving a secure and prosperous future. Let’s check out the benefits of financial planning:

1. Clear Financial Goals:

Financial planning provides a roadmap for your financial journey. Setting specific goals with a financial planner helps you work towards tangible objectives and measure your progress.

2. Effective Resource Management:

It ensures efficient allocation of your financial resources, helping you make informed decisions about income and expenses. This prevents overspending and promotes saving.

3. Improved Financial Awareness:

Financial planning, by a knowledgeable finance advisor, requires a deep understanding of your financial situation. This awareness empowers you to make well-informed choices and stay in control of your money.

4. Enhanced Savings and Investments:

Financial planning, guided by a financial consultant, encourages regular savings and structured investments. This disciplined approach helps your wealth grow over time and ensures you’re prepared for future expenses.

5. Risk Mitigation:

Through insurance planning and risk assessment, financial planning with a certified financial planner safeguards you against unexpected events like medical emergencies or loss of income.

6. Efficient Tax Management:

Effective tax planning helps you minimize your tax liability, preserving more of your earnings for savings and investments.

7. Debt Management:

By creating strategies to pay off debts efficiently, financial planner reduces the burden of interest payments and improves your credit score.

Who Is a Financial Adviser or Planner?

A financial planner is a professional who assists you in managing your finances and achieving long-term financial goals. These professionals provide expertise in various areas, including budgeting, investing, retirement planning, tax strategies, insurance, and estate planning. By gathering your financial information and analysing it, financial advisors develop personalized strategies to improve your financial well-being.

How do Financial Planners/Advisers Work?

Financial advisors are like financial guides who help with everything about your money. They don’t just pick investments or sell products; they look at your whole financial picture. They figure out what you want to achieve with your money, like saving for the future or planning for retirement. Then, they create a special plan just for you.

How To Choose a Certified Financial Advisor?

Choosing a certified financial advisor is an important decision that involves considering various factors.

1. Figure out what specific financial goals or concerns you have, whether it’s retirement planning or saving for education.

2. Look for advisors who have relevant certifications in financial planning.

3. Consider the advisor’s experience in the industry and their track record of helping clients with similar needs.

4. Check the range of services the advisor provides. Ensure they cover the areas you need assistance with, whether it’s investment management, tax planning, or estate planning.

5. Ask for references from current clients or look for online reviews. This can give you insights into the advisor’s reputation and the experiences of others.

6. Ensure the advisor is registered with relevant regulatory bodies.

7. Lastly, choose an advisor with whom you feel comfortable and compatible. Trust and a good working relationship are essential for a successful financial partnership.

Fincart, with a team of certified financial advisors, is known for offering expert financial advice and is among one of the best financial advisors in India.

Why Choose Fincart Financial Services?

  • Draw a financial plan that would help you achieve your life goals confidently with our financial advisory services.
  • Strong researched-backed investment products that are beyond Mutual Funds.
  • Our team of trained professionals acts like a coach & gives financial advice by tracking your financial progress to ensure that you achieve your life's financial goals
  • We educate, empower and enable clients to achieve their goals, leaving them in a much better situation from where we acquired them. We have a strong client-centricity that thrives on ethical advice & being responsive. We believe that consistently delivering to clients' expectations will help us to build excellence in our service. We have acronymed these values as E-SPIRE

What Do You Get in the Customised Financial Plan?

With our financial planning service, you will receive a tailored roadmap for achieving your financial goals. In addition to detailed analyses of your current financial situation, this comprehensive financial plan includes personalized savings, investment, retirement, education funding, tax optimization, and risk management strategies.In other words, it’s a blueprint that will help you accomplish your goals.

The financial plan includes

  • Emergency Fund
  • Risk protection via Insurance Planning (Health / Life / Asset / Critical Illness Insurance)
  • Goal Planning - Estimating how much money you would need to achieve your goals. ● Investment Planning - These are the best-suited investment products based on your risk profile and life financial goals
  • Retirement Planning - How much money do you need to save to ensure that you have a good retirement?
  • Tax Planning & Saving - The investment plan tries to reap the dual benefit of saving tax and helping you achieve your goals.
  • Reviewing and seamlessly integrating your existing investments (if any) without incurring short-term capital gains tax and exit load charges
  • Estate Planning - Providing you with a solution to transfer your hard-earned money to your legal heir seamlessly.

Fincart's Financial Planning Process

Financial Planning is synonymous with a pyramid that stands for STABILITY We follow a Proper 3 Proprietary method of Financial Planning!

  • Method 1: DRAWN To fulfill your Dreams, we take a reality check to understand how far your dream is at present. Then we utilize the Available resources optimally to help you achieve your goal. The way forward is the action plan. Navigation is regularly reviewing your plan & investment to ensure that you remain on track to achieving your goals.
  • Method 2: ERGRE We help you create an Emergency Fund for all money-related uncertainties. The Risk-Protection ring fences your life risks via Insurance planning. Goal planning provides you with the road map to achieving your goals confidently. Retirement planning factors inflation to ensure you accumulate a decent corpus to live a self-reliant and comfortable life. Estate planning seamlessly transfers your hard-earned money to your legal heir
  • Method 3: RAISE We ascertain your risk profile, that's the starting point for creating an optimal asset allocation. We review your existing investments and integrate them after filtering the good ones. The scheme selection is carefully researched and suggested based on your risk profile and your goal's time horizon. Our job does not end here, we regularly evaluate your portfolio and re-balance them to ensure that they help you achieve your life goals confidently.

FAQ's on Financial Planning

No, Financial Planning is an ongoing exercise, it gets revised based on the changing life situations, lifestyles and life milestones. We do quarterly interaction to review your plan and the life situations.

You should start financial planning after receiving your first earnings. It ensures that you don’t experiment with your hard earned money and it gets invested in the right way. as it is one of the crucial steps toward a stable financial future.

We are not rigid about income, you can start financial planning by picking a single goal or covering your risk to start with. You kick start your financial planning by putting phone block at a time. This will make you money confident.

Yes, you can make your financial plan independently. We have provided you with a simple tool called “Numberless Finance”. This provides you with a basic structure to self curate your own financial plan. However, if you wish to seek help then our trained personnel will be available to help you out.

Hiring a professional financial planner acts like a coach tracking your financial progress to ensure that you achieve your life’s financial goals. We spend a lot of time understanding your requirement, then we draw a customized financial plan for you that is best suited for you and your financial goals.

1. Income Management: Evaluating and managing your income sources effectively.

2. Expense Management: Tracking and controlling your expenses to align with financial goals.

3. Investment Planning: Strategizing investments to grow wealth over time.

4. Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating potential financial risks through insurance and other measures.

1. Financial Goal Setting: Defining clear and achievable short-term and long-term financial objectives.

2. Budgeting and Expense Management: Creating a budget to monitor and control spending patterns.

3. Saving and Investing: Strategically setting aside funds and investing wisely to achieve financial growth.

4. Debt Management: Effectively managing and reducing debts to maintain financial stability.

5. Risk Management and Insurance: Protecting against unexpected events through insurance and risk mitigation strategies.

  • Expertise: Professionals provide expert insights tailored to your financial situation.
  • Goal Clarity: Advisors help define and prioritize financial goals, creating a clear roadmap.
  • Optimized Strategies: Customized plans optimize investments, taxes, and overall financial decisions.
  • Risk Management: Advisors suggest ways to manage risks and safeguard your financial future.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have a well-informed plan brings confidence and reduces stress.
  • Financial Planning: Creating comprehensive plans aligned with your goals and circ*mstances.
  • Investment Advice: Recommending suitable investment options based on risk tolerance and objectives.
  • Retirement Planning: Designing strategies to ensure a comfortable retirement.
  • Tax Planning: Optimizing tax liabilities through legal strategies.
  • Estate Planning: Structuring assets for effective transfer to heirs.
  • Risk Management: Identifying potential risks and suggesting insurance solutions.
  • Debt Management: Advising on strategies to manage and reduce debt effectively.

We, Fincart Financial Planners are the best when it comes to providing financial planning services to our clients. We have helped more than 10K+ people achieve their life’s goals.

Our consultation services are Free. However, financial advice depends on companies to companies.

Certified Financial Advisor & Planner for Expert Financial Planning - Fincart (2024)


What's the difference between a certified financial planner and a certified financial advisor? ›

Generally speaking, financial planners address and keep tabs on multiple areas of their clients' finances. They develop long-term, strategic plans in these areas and update them on a regular basis over the years. Financial advisors tend to focus on specific transactions and short-term situations.

Is it worth getting certified financial planner? ›

Not everyone needs help with their finances, but for those who do, having a CFP in your corner can be invaluable. If you aren't sure how to organize your finances, navigate investing or balance your financial priorities, a CFP can help. The Kitces Report. How Financial Planners Actually Do Financial Planning (2023).

What is better, CFA or CFP? ›

When it comes to CFA vs. CFP certificants, a CFA helps high net-worth clients and corporations grow their wealth, while a CFP helps individual clients prepare for their future and meet their financial goals.

What is the equivalent of a certified financial planner? ›

Like a CFP, a Chartered Financial Consultant can provide services ranging from tax advice to retirement planning. In fact, ChFC's and CFP's often take the same education and training courses.

Who makes more money, a financial planner or a financial advisor? ›

The average pay for a financial planner is about $58,000 per year. The average salary for a financial advisor is around $80,000 per year. While it's easy to see how similar a financial advisor vs. financial planner is, they are actually quite different.

How hard is certified financial planner? ›

That said, becoming a CFP is no cake walk. The certified financial planner exam is likely the hardest test you'll ever take, Dorsainvil says. "Think of the hardest exam you took in college then times it by 10." Preparing to take the CFP exam begins months or even years before you actually sit to take the test.

What is the pass rate for certified financial planners? ›

CFP Board today announced the results of the November 2023 CFP® Certification Exam. The exam was administered during an October 31 to November 7 testing window to 3,386 candidates, with 4% of candidates testing remotely. The pass rate for the November exam was 64%.

How much does a CFP make in the US? ›

CFP Salaries

The average salary for CFP is $1,02,996 per year in the United States. The average additional cash compensation for a CFP in the United States is $21,148, with a range from $15,861 - $29,607. Salaries estimates are based on 10 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by CFP employees in United States.

Is a certified financial planner always a fiduciary? ›

At all times when providing Financial Advice to a Client, a CFP® professional must act as a fiduciary, and therefore, act in the best interests of the Client. The following duties must be fulfilled: Duty of Loyalty.

Who gets paid more, CFA or CFP? ›

– The CFA Institute says a CFA charter holder can earn between $126,000 and $177,000. – Comparably.com data from Feb. 2023 shows the average CFP salary in the U.S. is $121,099. The total range is between $39,300 and $187,200.

Which pays more CFP or CPA? ›

CFA vs CPA Salary: Everything You Need to Know. The average salary for a CFA charterholder ranges anywhere from $51,000 to over $274,000, while CPAs may earn an annual salary ranging from $50,000 to upwards of $240,000.

Should I get both CFP and CFA? ›

For those who already hold the CFA® designation, earning CFP® certification makes you more attractive to employers and clients alike. Holding both designations demonstrates that you're committed to serving your clients, and that you offer added expertise and specialization in your profession.

What is the most recognized and respected financial planning certification? ›

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

The certification is administered by the CFA Institute, which calls the CFA credential “the most respected and recognized investment management designation in the world.” The program requires candidates to master 10 investment topics and also pass three levels of rigorous exams.

What is the easiest finance certification to get? ›

Some of the easiest short-term certification courses in finance include financial modeling, certified financial planner, and certified financial analyst.

What is the highest level of financial advisor? ›

The CFP designation is the highest professional standard in the financial planning industry. CFP denotes that a financial planner has extensive training and knowledge, as there are rigorous education requirements and a lengthy certification exam to earn the certification.

Should I meet with a financial planner or advisor? ›

Financial planners can help you set realistic goals, manage your income, and make a plan for the future. When it comes to managing your finances, you might be inclined to take matters into your own hands, but working with a professional can help you see your personal finances through a different lens.

Which is harder to get CFP or CFA? ›

Exam Difficulty

CFA charter exam topics are broadly categorized as financial concepts, portfolio management, financial analysis, and accounting. Comparatively, the CFP is easier to obtain than the CFA charter. The historical pass rate has been above 60% and looking as recent as 2022, it is around 46%.

What is the difference between advisor and planner? ›

Remember, financial advisers are more likely to oversee investment portfolios, whereas financial planners are more often engaged in the long-term planning aspects of one's finances. Think of advisers as looking at your finances through a more nuanced microscope, where planners focus on the big picture and endgame.

What is higher than a CFP? ›

Key Takeaways

Common certifications for financial planners and investment advisors include the CFP (certified financial planner), CFA (chartered financial analyst), and ChFC (chartered financial consultant). Other designations include the CPA (certified public accountant) and the CLU (chartered life underwriter).

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.