Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Electronic Lock | 3 Cubic Feet (2024)


Cennox / FireKing


$1,168.75 USD$2,262.00 USD

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[email protected] with any questions.

Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Electronic Lock | 3 Cubic Feet (2)

Make quick, secure cash drops with ease.

In store operations, you need a secure environment for your cash. Our Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe provides a convenient and reliable form of security from theft and shrinkage in your retail setting. Easy under-the-counter installation means that your safe is in a location that promotes operational efficiency. The mail box drop enables you to easily make bank bag type drops. The mailbox is designed to accept bulky drops and deposit them into the safe. This allows you to make those types of drops without opening the main door to the safe.

The safe is fit with either one or two electronic locks, one for each compartment. Each electronic lock is programmable with unique user codes, limiting access to only those who are authorized. Some models have locks that will also allow you the capability to set a time delay, further deterring theft and armed robbery. All of these features, coupled with outstanding customer service and live technical support when you need it, give you the confidence that you seek.

Cennox FireKingoffers6modelsofB-RatedDepository Safe:

  • Cennox FireKing MB2014-FK1| Electronic Lock | 1.07CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1| Electronic Lock |3 CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2720ICH-FK1|Inner Compartmentwith Electronic Lock | 3.57 CF
  • Cennox FireKing MB2720ICHF1SG40| Inner Compartmentwith Key Lock| 3.57 Cubic Feet
  • Cennox FireKing MB3020-FK1| Double Door | Electronic Lock | 3.39 CF
  • Cennox FireKing B5325DM-FK1SG40| Double Door| Electronicand Dual Key Lock |13.67 CF

      CA Residents: SeeProp 65 Warning


      • B-Rated construction
      • Accepts bulky packages
      • SR2electronic control lock standard
      • Spring-loaded re-locker
      • Time delay feature available as robbery and theft deterrent
      • 24/7/365 live technical support when needed


      Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Electronic Lock | 3 Cubic Feet (3)Electronic Lock
      • With Time Delay Feature that strongly deters theft and armed robbery
      • Programmable with unique user codes

      Weight & Dimensions

      Weight (lbs)260
      Outside2612" 2012"20"
      Inside1634"20" 1512"
      Storage Space[cf]3


      Locking Mechanism3 rounded Locking Bolts
      Relocker TypeSpring Loaded
      Burglar RatingB-Rated


      Get in touch with us

      Text or Call :888-717-4819or simply start a live chat with our experts.

      Average response time is 41 seconds. We are open 7 days a Week; 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM EST

      [email protected]

      6 Reasons Why Clients Recommend Us:

      You may also like

      Free Shipping Available

      Live Chat Support

      Easy Financing Options

      No Restocking Fees


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        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}-{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endif %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endif %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endfor %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}{% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %} {% comment %}

        {% endcomment %}

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      {{ translate.filter_by }}

      {% assign filterIndex = forloop.index0 %}

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      {% comment %}

      {% endcomment %}


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      {% endif %}

      {% endif %}

      {% endfor %}

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      View 0 Products

      {{ show_label }}

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      • {{ limit }}
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      • {{ sort.label }}
      • {% endfor %}

      {% endif %}

      {% if init %}--{% else %}({{ data[search_type.value].total }}){% endif %}
      Cennox FireKing MB2020-FK1 Depository Safe | B-Rated | Electronic Lock | 3 Cubic Feet (2024)
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      Article information

      Author: Edwin Metz

      Last Updated:

      Views: 6237

      Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

      Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Edwin Metz

      Birthday: 1997-04-16

      Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

      Phone: +639107620957

      Job: Corporate Banking Technician

      Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

      Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.