Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (2024)

Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IPaddress classes

Jim McIntyre

Beforetwo or more computers can communicate with each other, a set of rules has to bein place describing the procedures for each host or router on the network tofollow when sending data to—or receiving data from—other hosts or routers. Thisset of rules is referred to as a protocol, and TCP/IP is the most commonset of rules in use for computing today. To understand computer networking aswell as internetworking, you must understand the TCP/IP protocol suite. In thisarticle, I'll provide you with an introduction to the TCP/IP protocol suite.

IP addresses
The TCP/IP protocol suite uses an Internet address, or IP address, to uniquelyidentify each host or router on an internetwork. Whatmakes IP addresses unique is that each address identifies only one host orrouter on the Internet. Any host or router that wants to be connected to theInternet must use the addressing scheme used by TCP/IP.

An IP address is a 32-bit (4-byte) number written in dot notation, which simplymeans that each byte is separated by a dot, or period. A typical IP address indot notation would look like this:

The same address written in binary format would be:

As you can see from the binary example above, each byte in an IP address canrepresent any number from 0 to 255. With 4 bytes used in each IP address, thismeans that the total number of IP addresses available is 232, or4,294,967,296 possible IP addresses. Every IP address contains two distinctparts:

  • The netid identifies the network.
  • The hostid identifies the host on that network.

IP address classes
Although a lot of IP addresses are available, you don't just pick out anyaddress for use with your company network and assign addresses however youlike. Depending on your networking requirements, you are assigned (by yourservice provider) a specific class of IP address.

There are five classes of IP addresses: A, B, C, D, and E. In the followingsections, I'll discuss each class.

Class A addresses
Class A networks are assigned to organizations with very large numbers ofcomputers—including servers and routers—attached to their networks. Agovernment department or a Fortune 500 corporation would be examples of thistype of network. The following characteristics apply to class A networks:

  • Class A addresses range from to
  • The leftmost bit in a class A network is always 0.
  • The first 8 bits (first byte) define the netid.
  • The remaining 24 bits define the hostid.

It wouldappear that because the first 8 bits define the netid,the maximum number of class A networks available wouldbe 27, or 128 networks. However, a netidwith all bits set to 1 and a netid with all bits setto 0 are reserved for special use. This means that the actual number of class A networks available is 27 minus 2, or 126networks.

As I mentioned earlier, class Aaddresses use 24 bits to define the hostid. Intheory, there is a maximum of 224, or 16,777,216, hostids available. Like netids, ahostid with all bits set to 1 and a hostid with all bits set to 0 are reserved for special use.This means that the actual maximum number of hostidaddresses on a class A network is 224 minus2, or 16,777,214.

This limitation applies to all IP address classes. I'lldiscuss the limitation in more detail later.

Class B addresses
Class B networks are also assigned to organizations with large networks. ClassB networks have the following characteristics:

  • Class B network addresses range from to
  • The first 2 bits in a class B address are always 10 (128).
  • In a class B network, the netid is determined by the first 8 bits (first 2 bytes).
  • The hostid is determined by the last 8 bits (last 2 bytes).
  • There are 216 (65,536) possible IP addresses for each class B network.
  • The netids to are reserved for special use. This makes the actual maximum number of class B netids 216 minus 2, or 65,534.

Class C addresses
Class C networks are assigned to organizations with small to medium networks.The class C network is the most common network in use today. Class C networkshave the following characteristics:

  • Class C network addresses range from to
  • Class C networks use the first 24 bits to determine the netid.
  • The three leftmost bits in a class C network are always 110 (192).
  • The next 21 bits are used to define network.
  • There are 216, or 2,097,152, possible class C networks.
  • In class C networks, 8 bits are used to define the hostid. Because an address with all bits set to 1 or all bits set to 0 is not allowed, the maximum number of hostids on a class C network is 28 minus 2, or 254 hostids.

Class D IP addresses
Class D IP addresses are reserved for multicasting. Class D networks have thefollowing characteristics:

  • Class D network addresses range from to
  • In class D addresses, the first 4 bits are always 1110 (224).
  • The remaining 28 bits are used to define multicast addresses.
  • There is no netid or hostid in a class D address. The whole address is used for multicasting.

Class E IP addresses
Class E addresses are reserved for special use on the Internet. There is no netid or hostid in a class Eaddress. Class E network addresses range from to Thefirst 4 bits in a class address are always 1111 (240).

Determining the addressclass
For any given IP address, the address class is easy to determine. If theaddress is written in binary format, the leftmost bits in the address willdefine the class.

  • If the first bit is 0, the address is a class A address.
  • If the first bit is 1 and the second bit is 0, the address is a class B address.
  • If the first 2 bits are 1 and the third bit is 0, the address is a class C address.
  • If the first 3 bits are 1 and the fourth is 0, the address is a class D address.
  • If the first 4 bits are 1, the address is a class E address.
  • If the address is written in decimal format, the first number determines the address.
  • If the first number is between 0 and 127 inclusive, the address is class A.
  • If the first number is between 128 and 191 inclusive, the address is class B.
  • If the first number is between 192 and 223 inclusive, the address is class C.
  • If the first number is between 224 and 239 inclusive, the address is class D.
  • If the first number is between 240 and 255 inclusive, the address is class E.

Determining the netid and hostid
Determining the netid and hostidcontained within any given IP address is not difficult. Once you've determinedthe class of the IP address, use the following process:

  • If the class is class A, the first byte is the netid and the remaining 3 bytes are the hostid.
  • If the class is class B, the first 2 bytes are the netid and the remaining 2 bytes are the hostid.
  • For a class C address, the first 3 bytes are the netid and the last byte is the hostid.
  • For a class D address, there is no netid or hostid. All class D addresses are reserved for multicasting.
  • For class E addresses, there is no netid or hostid. All class E addresses are reserved for special uses.

Thetable below lists the number of netids and hostids available for each IP address class.


Number of network addresses

Number of host addresses


27 - 2 (126)

224 – 2 (16,777,214)


214 –2 (16,384)

216 – 2 (65,534)


221 –2 (2,097,152)

28 – 2 (154)







We've listed the number of netids and hostids available foreach IP address class.

Special IP addresses
Classes A, B, and C each have addresses set aside for special purposes. Youshould become familiar with six special addresses, which I'll describe in thefollowing sections.

Network address
In class A, B, and C addresses, any address with a hostidwith all bits set to 0 is used to define the network address. This address isnever assigned to a host. This simply means that your network itself is givenan IP address with all the hostid bits set to 0. Thisis not the same as the netid. The network address isalways an address with the host bits set to 0. For example, if a host on anetwork has an IP address of, the network address is:

This host on this network
If an IP address consists of all zeros, the address refers to this host on thisnetwork. A host uses this address when it is booted, but the host does not knowits IP address. This address is always a class Aaddress, regardless of the network configuration.

Specific host on this network
An IP address with all netid bits set to 0 refers toa specific host on this network. Setting the netidbits to 0 ensures that any IP information sent using this address is notrouted. The information will remain within the local network. For example, ifmy IP address is and I know I am on the 216.120.46 localnetwork, I could send information to the host with the IP address using the address

Direct broadcast address
Any class A, B, or C address with the hostid set toall ones is known as a direct broadcast address. Routers sending information toall hosts on a specific network use this address. For example, if you sent IPinformation to, all hosts on the network wouldreceive the information sent.

Limited broadcast address
Any class A, B, or C address with all bits set to 1 ( is usedto send information to all other hosts on the same network as the host sendingthe information. In other words, this address sends IP information to all hostson your local network.

Loopback address
Any IP address with the first byte set to 127 is used for the loopback address. The loopbackaddress is used to test the TCP/IP software on a computer; it does not provideany information on the configuration of a network interface. The most common loopback address is When you run the command

you can determine whether your TCP/IP software is running properly. A childprocess on a computer may also use the loopbackaddress to send a message to its parent process.

Private IP networks
There are three blocks of IP addresses that may be used by any organization forTCP/IP networking. These IP addresses are nonroutable,meaning they are limited to use within the local network only. The three groupsof nonroutable IP addresses are listed in the tablebelow.

Address Block




A –

B –


The three groups of nonroutable IP addresses are shown according to class.

Any organization may use any address from the blocks listedabove without registering the IP addresses used on its network.

The TCP/IP protocol suite provides the foundation for internetworking. In thisarticle, I introduced you to the TCP/IP protocol suite.

Getting to know your IP addresses

Todd Lammle

TheInternet Protocol (IP) was developed in the 1960s to provide packetfragmentation and reassembly across a packet-switched network. Thispacket-switched network became what we now call the Internet.

IP addressing is used to uniquely identify hosts on an internetwork. An internetwork ismade of LANs and WANs that are connected with a router or routers. To send datafrom a host on network A to a host on network B, a logical network addressingprotocol must be used. IP is the most popular logical addressing protocol.However, IPX in the Novell stack and Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP) in theAppleTalk stack can also be used. Although you can find many other types ofrouted protocols that provide the same functionality as IP, in larger networksthey aren't as efficient as IP.

The dreaded IP address
Before we conquer IP addresses, I want to define some of the terminology usedin this article:

  • Bit: One digit; either one or zero.
  • Byte: 8 bits. This term is interchangeable with octet.
  • Octet: 8 bits. This term is interchangeable with byte.
  • Network address: Address with all host bits turned off.
  • Broadcast address: Address with all host bits turned on.

To fullyunderstand IP addressing, you must be familiar with binary-to-decimalconversion. To find the decimal equivalent of a binary number, you must add thebinary values. Binary numbers use eight bits to create a byte. Each bit in thebyte has a certain value, and if a bit is turned on (assigned a value of 1),then the byte takes on that decimal value. Each bit has a value that starts at1 and doubles in value from right to left. Table 1 shows an example ofconverting a byte to a decimal value.

Table 1









Decimal value




Binary number

This table shows an example of convertinga byte to a decimal.

In the above example, there are three bits that are turnedon (1s). Add each of these values to get the bytes decimal value (16+8+2=26).Let's take a look at another example in Table 2.

Table 2









Decimal value




Binary number

In the above example, there are threebytes that are turned on (64+32+8=104).

The IP address
IP addressing is not hard-coded into a machine. It is known as a software orlogical address because of the way an administrator must statically configureeach host (either manually or with DHCP). The basic design of an IP addressallows hosts on different networks to communicate with each other, regardlessof the type of network on which they are located.

The IP address is 32 bits long and is divided into dotted decimal. An exampleof an IP address is: Each of the decimals is known as abyte and is 8 bits long. Therefore, an IP address is 4 bytes, or 32 bits long.

An IP address is hierarchal in design and is divided into two parts: networkand host. An IP address not only defines the host on the internetworkbut also describes the network on which the host is located. In the exampleabove, 10 is the network and 205.34.2 is the host address.

The job of a router is to get packets to a network using the logical address.To get a packet to a host, the hardware address is used. If a packet has adestination IP address of, the routers in the internetworkwill forward the packet to network 10. If the routing tables do not have anentry for network 10, the routers will discard the packet.

An IP address can only be configured within certain ranges. Although an IPaddress can be displayed in decimal from to, onlycertain addresses can be used to configure hosts on an internetwork.It is imperative that you can look at an IP address and know whether it's avalid host address.

Classes of IP addresses
The original designers of the IP stack came up with a hierarchical addressingscheme with five ranges, called classes. These ranges are named:

  • Class A: IP address range from 0-127 in the first byte designed for very large companies.
  • Class B: IP address range from 128-191 in the first byte designed for medium-size companies.
  • Class C: IP address range from 192-223 in the first byte designed for small companies.
  • Class D: IP address range from 224-239 in the first byte reserved for multicast addressing. Not used in the public sector.
  • Class E: IP address range from 240-255 in the first byte reserved for scientific studies. Not used in the public sector.

Class A
In the four-byte Class A IP address, only the firstbyte is used to identify the network. The last three bytes are used to describethe hosts on each network: Class A range is 0-127 in the first byte. Only 1-126 can be used toidentify Class A networks because 0 and 127 are reserved.

To find the valid host addresses in a Class A network,you must find the network and broadcast address in the IP range. Since theClass A address only uses the first byte to identify the network, the lastthree octets are host bits.

To find the network and broadcast address, turn off the host bits and then turnthem on again. For example, if we want to use the Class A network address of10, the network address, broadcast address, and valid hosts are determined asshown:

  • is the network address because all of the host bits are turned off (0). The last three octets are zeros because the first octet is a 10, which is in the Class A range of 1-126.
  • To find the broadcast address of the IP address, turn on the host bits:
  • The valid hosts are the numbers in between the network address and the broadcast address: through

Class B
The Class B range is 128-191. For example, if you find an IP address thatbegins with 152, then you know that it's a Class B address. Class B addresses use the first two bytes to define the network and the lasttwo bytes to define the hosts on each network:

For example, in the IP address, 152.93 is the network address and10.5 is the host address. In this example, what are the network address,broadcast address, and valid host range? Remember, all you have to do is to findthe host bits and turn them all off and then turn them all on. In a Class Baddress, the host bits are the third and fourth octets by default.

  • is the network address (all host bits off).
  • is the first valid host.
  • is the last valid host.
  • is the broadcast address (all host bits on).

Class C
In a Class C IP address, only the fourth octet is used to address hosts. Thefirst three octets are used to define the network:

An example of a Class C address is By glancing at this address,you can see that the network address is 200.10.10 and the host address is 59.To find the valid host range, turn all of the host bits off and then turn themon.

  • is the network address because all host bits are off.
  • is the first valid host.
  • is the last valid host.
  • is the broadcast address because all host bits are on.

Subnet masks
Subnet masks are used in IP configurations to tell hosts on the network whichpart is the network address and which part is the host address of an IPaddress. You cannot configure an IP address on a host without also configuringthe subnet mask information.

Remember that a Class A IP address uses only the firstbyte to describe the network address and three bytes to describe the hostaddresses. In a subnet mask, the network portion consists of all ones (1s) andthe host portion is all zeros (0s). Therefore, a default Class A subnet maskmust be Since the entire first byte is the network portion and mustbe all 1s, the decimal value is 255. IP will examine this mask to determine thehost and network bits in an address.

In a Class B IP address, the first two bytes represent the network portion andthe last two bytes are the host portion. Therefore, the default mask is255.255.0.0.

In a Class C IP address, the first three bytes represent the network portionand the last byte is the host portion. The default mask is

This is an example of a Class A configuration of a host where 10 is the networkaddress and 59.135.4 is the host address:

This is an example of a Class B configuration of a host where 130.59 is thenetwork address and 135.4 is the host address:

Here is an example of a Class C configuration of a host where 210.59.135 is thenetwork address and 4 is the host address:

The default gateway address is typically configured but is not required. It isthe router address on the network. If no default gateway address is configuredon the host, the host won't be able to communicate outside its own localnetwork.

In today's computing age, IP addressing is critical in every network. To becomecertified in any network program, you must have a fundamental understanding ofIP addressing. If you want a networking job, it's imperative that you'refamiliar with IP addressing. You should be able to determine a valid IP addressjust by glancing at the IP address and mask. To do this, you must be able toquickly and efficiently determine the network and broadcast addresses.

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (1)<![endif]>

Using variable-length subnettingwith TCP/IP networks

Jim McIntyre

Theprocess of subnetting large networks is oftenrestricted by the network mask (netmask) employed.Quite often, we are required to create several subnetworks,each with a different number of host computers (workstations). Problems likethis are often solved using variable-length subnetting.With variable-length subnetting, the administratoruses two or more subnet masks and each mask is a different length. In thisarticle, we will look at how variable subnetting maybe used to solve some typical subnetting problems.

Subnetting and subnet masking
Subnetting is the process of dividing a network intosmaller subnetworks, each with its own subnetwork address.

When a network needs to be subnetted, there must be away to determine which network an IP address belongs to. Let's assume aworkstation with the IP address is located on the and wants to send an IP packet to a workstation with the address192.168.1.130. The computer on the network needs to know if192.168.1.130 is on the same network or if the IP packet needs to be sent tothe router, where it will be forwarded to another network.

The subnet mask is used to determine whether or not this IP packet belongs tothe local network.

Subnet masking is a process used to extract the physical network address froman IP address. Actually, masking may be done whether there is a subnet in placeor not. If there is no subnet, masking extracts the network address. If thereis a subnet, masking extracts the subnetwork address.

The problem with subnet masking is that all of the subnets created are the samesize. Subnet masking works well if the administrator needs to create several subnetworks with the same number of hosts on each subnet,but problems can arise when the number of hosts on each subnet is different.Variable-length masking provides administrators with an efficient way to createthese subnets.

Variable-length subnetmasking
Due to the rapid growth of the Internet, the number of available IP addressesis quickly being depleted. This is due to both the number of new networks andbecause IP addresses are often assigned to organizations where they areinefficiently used. For example, an organization might be assigned an entireblock of more than 65,000 class B IP addresses whenaddresses are required for only 500 hosts.

To solve this problem, variable-length subnet masks (VLSMs)were developed. VLSMs allow network and subnetwork identifiers (netid andsubnetid). By using VLSMs,administrators are able to build flexibility into their IP addressing systemsand are able to assign IP addresses in a more efficient manner.

Let's look at a typical situation a network administrator might have to dealwith. In this example, the administrator is granted a Class C TCP/IP networkaddress, From this initial address, the organization needs foursubnets created; three of the subnets will have 50 hosts each and two will have20 hosts each. The original Class C network is shown in Figure A.

Figure A

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (2)<![endif]>

Our original Class C network can quickly become limiting.

The administrator must first consider which subnet maskswill work in this situation. The best approach here is to look at thelimitations of Class C subnet masks. The limitations include:

  • If the standard Class C netmask of is used, only one network is possible, with a maximum of 256 hosts. Using this mask eliminates any subnets.
  • If the mask is used, only one subnet with a maximum of 128 hosts is possible.
  • Using two bits in the subnetid section of the IP address,, allows four subnets, each with a maximum of 62 hosts (256 / 4 – 2 = 62). Sixty-two hosts are more than we will have on any one subnet, but this allows for only four subnets. The situation requires five subnets.
  • The next subnet mask,, allows for eight subnets to be created, but each subnet is limited to 30 hosts (256 / 8 =32, and 32 –2 = 30).

Thesolution is to use variable-length subnetting. Whenvariable-length subnetting is employed, the router issupplied with two subnet masks. These masks are applied one after the other. Inthis situation, the administrator first creates four subnets using the mask255.255.255.192. The original subnet mask is, written in binaryas:

and the original network IP address was, writtenin binary as:


Now, by applying the new subnet mask of,written in binary as:


we have added two bits to the network identifier section (netid) of the original IP address. This allows theadministrator to create up to four (22) subnetworksfrom the original network address. Each of these newly created subnets may holdup to 64 (26) hosts.

Once the new subnet mask is determined, the administratoruses the following to create the subnets required:

  1. The first step is to apply the mask to the original network address. This new mask creates four new subnetworks (subnets). The subnetwork identifiers (subnetid) available to the administrator are:
    Three of the new subnetworks will each contain 60 hosts. When these first three subnetworks are created, our original Class C network,, looks like the example in Figure A.
  2. To create two more subnets, a second subnet mask of is applied. This divides the remaining subnet into two separate subnets. With five bits remaining to be used as host identifiers (hostids), each of these new subnets may hold up to 32 (25) hosts. Once this step is completed, the network now takes on the configuration shown in Figure B.

Figure B

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (3)<![endif]>

Here's our original network subnetted with two subnet masks.

With that step completed, we have now solved our originalproblem of how to create five subnetworks with 50hosts on three of the subnets and 20 hosts on the two subnetworkscreated using variable-length subnet masking.

The rapid growth of the Internet has led to many situations where Class Cnetwork addresses are the only ones available to administrators. The ability tocreate subnetworks using the procedures outlined inthis article will allow administrators more flexibility in how solutions areapplied to some common networking problems.

Subnetting a Class C network address

Todd Lammle

Let'sface it, some day you are going to have to subnet a network. Although IPaddressing isn't a network administrator's favorite task, it's a critical skillthat you must have. In this article, I will explore the process of taking alarge IP address range and dividing it into smaller, more manageable pieces.Since this is a complicated, involved process, I will only discuss the processof breaking up Class C networks. First, however, I need to discuss why you'dwant to subnet a network and the advantages of doing so.

Why subnetting?
By creating smaller IP networks (instead of having one large network), you canobtain better security, smaller collision and broadcast domains, and greateradministrative control of each network. Think of a network like streets in acity. Each house on this network is known by the street and by the address.Think of the addresses on the houses as the hardware addresses of a host. ForIP to communicate with a host, the IP address must be known, and the routerconnected to the network on which this host is located must also know thehardware address of the house.

What if a city didn't have many blocks but just one long street? The mailcarriers would go crazy trying to get the mail delivered to each housecorrectly because they would have to know the address of every house. It's thesame scenario with IP. By creating smaller networks, you can more effectivelyget data to each host.
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Subnetting a Class C network
So you understand why you want to subnet, but how do you do it? Your goal is tolook at an IP address and subnet mask of a host and then determine three thingsquickly:

  1. The subnet the host is located in
  2. The broadcast address of the subnet
  3. The valid host range of the subnet used to configure hosts

Once the subnet is determined, the broadcast address mustbe found. Why? Because these are not valid host addresses and cannot beassigned to host configurations. Also, by determining the subnet and broadcastaddresses, you can easily determine the host addresses because the valid hostrange is always the numbers between the subnet address and the broadcastaddress.

If you use the default subnet mask with a Class C networkaddress, then you already know that three bytes are used to define the networkand only one byte is used to define the hosts on each network.

The default Class C mask is: To makesmaller networks, called subnetworks, you will borrowbits from the host portion of the mask. Since the Class C mask only uses thelast octet for host addressing, you only have 8 bits at your disposal.Therefore, only the following masks can be used with Class C networks (TableA).

Table A



# Subnet bits

# Host bits

































Class C masks

You can see in Table A that the bits that are turned on(1s) are used for subnetting, while the bits that areturned off (0s) are used for addressing of hosts. You can use some easy math todetermine the number of subnets and hosts per subnet for each different mask.

To determine the number of subnets, use the 2x-2,where the x exponent is the number of subnet bits in the mask.

To determine the number of hosts, use the 2x-2,where the x exponent is the number of host bits in the mask.

To determine the mask you need for your network, you mustfirst determine your business requirements. Count the number of networks andthe number of hosts per network that you need. Then determine the mask by usingthe equations shown above—and don't forget to factor for growth.

For example, if you have eight networks and each requires10 hosts, you would use the Class C mask of Why? Because 240in binary is 11110000, which means you have four subnet bits and four hostbits. Using this math, you'd get the following:
24-2=14 subnets
24-2=14 hosts

Many people find it easy to memorize the Class Cinformation because Class C networks have few bits to manipulate. However,there is an easier way to subnet.
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Easy subnetting
Instead of memorizing the entire table (Table A), it's possible to glance at ahost address and quickly determine the necessary information if you'vememorized key parts of the table. First, you need to know yourbinary-to-decimal conversion. Memorize the number of bits used with each maskthat are shown in Table A. Second, you need to remember the following:

Once you have the two steps memorized, you can begin subnetting.Our first example will use the Class C mask of Ask five simplequestions to gather all the facts:

  1. How many subnet bits are used in this mask?
  2. How many host bits are available per subnet?
  3. What are the subnet addresses?
  4. What is the broadcast address of each subnet?
  5. What is the valid host range of each subnet?

You already know how to answer questions one and two. Toanswer question three, use the formula 256-subnetmask to get the firstsubnet and your variable. Keep adding this number to itselfuntil you get to the subnet mask value to determine the valid subnets. Once youverify all of the subnets, you can determine the broadcast address by lookingat the next subnet's value. The broadcast address is the number just before thenext subnet number. Once you have the subnet number and broadcast address, thevalid hosts are the numbers in between.

Here are the answers using

  1. How many subnet bits are used in this mask?
    Answer: 2
    22-2=2 subnets
  2. How many host bits are available per subnet?
    Answer: 6
    26-2=62 hosts per subnet
  3. What are the subnet addresses?
    Answer: 256-192=64 (the first subnet)
    64+64=128 (the second subnet)
    64+128=192. However, although 192 is the subnet mask value, it's not a valid subnet. The valid subnets are 64 and 128.
  4. What is the broadcast address of each subnet?
    Answer: 64 is the first subnet and 128 is the second subnet. The broadcast address is always the number before the next subnet. The broadcast address of the 64 subnet is 127. The broadcast address of the 128 subnet is 191.
  5. What is the valid host range of each subnet?
    Answer: The valid hosts are the numbers between the subnet number and the mask. For the 64 subnet, the valid host range is 64-126. For the 128 subnet, the valid host range is 129-190.

Let's do a second example using the Class C mask of255.255.255.224. Here are the answers:

  1. How many subnet bits are used in this mask?
    Answer: 3 bits or 23-2=6 subnets
  2. How many host bits are available per subnet?
    Answer: 5 bits or 25-2=30 hosts per subnet
  3. What are the subnet addresses?
    Answer: 256-224 =32, 64, 96, 128, 160 and 192 (Six subnets found by continuing to add 32 to itself.)
  4. What is the broadcast address of each subnet?
    Answer: The broadcast address for the 32 subnet is 63. The broadcast address for the 64 subnet is 95. The broadcast address for the 96 subnet is 127. The broadcast address for the 160 subnet is 191. The broadcast address for the 192 subnet is 223 (since 224 is the mask).
  5. What is the valid host range of each subnet?
    Answer: The valid hosts are the numbers in between the subnet and broadcast addresses. For example, the 32 subnet valid hosts are 33-62.

Let's do a third example using the Class C mask of255.255.255.240. Here are the answers:

  1. How many subnet bits are used in this mask?
    Answer: 4 bits or 24-2=14 subnets
  2. How many host bits are available per subnet?
    Answer: 4 bits or 24-2=14 hosts per subnet
  3. What are the subnet addresses?
    Answer: 256-240 =16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208, and 224 (14 subnets found by continuing to add 16 to itself).
  4. What is the broadcast address of each subnet?
    Answer: Here are some examples of the broadcast address: The broadcast address for the 16 subnet is 31. The broadcast address for the 32 subnet is 47. The broadcast address for the 64 subnet is 79. The broadcast address for the 96 subnet is 111. The broadcast address for the 160 subnet is 175. The broadcast address for the 192 subnet is 207.
  5. What is the valid host range of each subnet?
    Answer: The valid hosts are the numbers in between the subnet and broadcast addresses. The 32 subnet valid hosts are 33-46.

Let's do a fourth example using the Class C mask of255.255.255.248. Here are the answers:

  1. How many subnet bits are used in this mask?
    Answer: 5 bits or 25-2=30 subnets
  2. How many host bits are available per subnet?
    Answer: 3 bits or 23-2=6 hosts per subnet
  3. What are the subnet addresses?
    Answer 256-248 =8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, and so forth. The last subnet is 240 (30 subnets found by continuing to add 8 to itself).
  4. What is the broadcast address of each subnet?
    Answer: The broadcast address for the 8 subnet is 15. The broadcast address for the 16 subnet is 23. The broadcast address for the 48 subnet is 55.
  5. What is the valid host range of each subnet?
    Answer: The valid hosts are the numbers in between the subnet and broadcast addresses. For example, the 32 subnet valid hosts are 33-38.

Let's do a fifth example using the Class C mask of255.255.255.252. Here are the answers:

  1. How many subnet bits are used in this mask?
    Answer: 6 bits or 26-2=62 subnets
  2. How many host bits are available per subnet?
    Answer: 2 bits or 22-2=2 hosts per subnet
  3. What are the subnet addresses?
    Answer: 256-252 =4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and so forth. The last subnet is 248 (62 subnets found by continuing to add 4 to itself).
  4. What is the broadcast address of each subnet?
    Answer: The broadcast address for the 4 subnet is 7. The broadcast address for the 8 subnet is 11. The broadcast address for the 12 subnet is 15. The broadcast address for the 20 subnet is 23.
  5. What is the valid host range of each subnet?
    Answer: The valid hosts are the numbers in between the subnet and broadcast addresses. For example, the 16 subnet valid hosts are 17 and 18.

How do I use thisinformation?
Let's take a look at an example that will highlight how the above informationis applied.

A host configuration has an IP configuration of are the subnet, broadcast address, and host range that this host is amember of? The answer is: 256-248=8, 16, 24. This hostis in the 16 subnet, the broadcast address of the 16 subnet is 23, and thevalid host range is 17-22. Pretty easy!

Here is an explanation of this example: First, I used 256-subnetmask to get thevariable and first subnet. Then this number was repeatedly added to itselfuntil the host address was passed. The subnet is the number before the hostaddress, and the broadcast address is the number right before the next subnet.The valid hosts are the numbers in between the subnet and broadcast address.

Let's examine a second example. A host configuration has an IP configuration of192.168.10.37 What are the subnet,broadcast address, and host range this host is a member of? The answer is:256-240=16, 32, 48. This host is in the 32 subnet, thebroadcast address of the 32 subnet is 47, and the valid host range is 33-46.

Let's go through a third example: A host configuration has an IP configurationof What are the subnet,broadcast address, and host range this host is a member of? The answer is:256-224=32, 64. This host is in the 32 subnet, the broadcast address of the 32subnet is 63, and the valid host range is 33-62.

Here's a fourth example: A host configuration has an IP configuration of192.168.10.17 What are the subnet,broadcast address, and host range this host is a member of? The answer is:256-252=4, 8, 12, 16, 20. This host is in the 16subnet, the broadcast address of the 16 subnet is 19, and the valid host rangeis 17-18.

Let's go through a final example. A host configuration has an IP configurationof What are the subnet, broadcast address andhost range this host is a member of? The answer is: 256-192=64, 128. This hostis in the 64 subnet, the broadcast address of the 64 subnet is 128, and thevalid host range must be 65-126.

It is important to be able to subnet quickly and efficiently. After studyingthe examples presented in this article, you should be familiar with thisprocess with Class C addresses. Practice your subnetting as much as possible, and the process will geteasier and easier.

Class B subnets
As you know, Class C network addresses only have eight bits to manipulate intosubnets. However, a Class B address has 16 bits to play with. This will allow moresubnets with more hosts per subnet than a Class C network ever could.

Table 1 lists all of the possible Class B subnets:

Table 1




Hosts per subnet











































All possible Class B subnets

There are quite a few more masks we can use with a Class Bnetwork address than we can with a Class C network address. Remember that thisis not harder than subnetting with Class C, but itcan get confusing if you don't pay attention to where the subnet bits and hostbits are in a mask. This takes practice!

In this article, we will use the same techniques we usedin "Subnetting a Class C network address" to subnet anetwork. We'll start with the Class B subnet mask of and figureout the subnets, broadcast address, and valid host range. You will need toanswer the same five questions that you answered for the Class C subnet masks:

  1. How many subnets does this mask provide?
  2. How many hosts per subnet does this mask provide?
  3. What are the valid subnets?
  4. What is the broadcast address for each subnet?
  5. What is the host range of each subnet?

Before answering these questions, there is one differenceyou need to be aware of when subnetting a Class Bnetwork address. When subnetting in the third octet,you need to add the fourth octet. For example, on the mask, the subnetting will be done in the third octet. To create avalid subnet, you must add the fourth octet of all 0s and all 1s for thenetwork and broadcast address (0 for all 0s and 255 for all 1s).
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Example 1: Answers for the mask

  1. 22-2=2 subnets
  2. 214-2=16,382 hosts per subnet
  3. 256-192=64.0, 128.0
  4. Broadcast for the 64.0 subnet is 127.255. Broadcast for the 128.0 subnet is 191.255.
  5. The valid hosts are:




first host



last host






Notice that the numbers in the third octet are the same numbersyou used in the fourth octet when subnetting the 192mask. The only difference is that you add 0 and 255 in the fourth octet.

For the 64.0 subnet, all the hosts between 64.1 and127.254 are in the 64 subnet. In the 128.0 subnet, the hosts are 128.1 through191.254.

Work through a few more with me, and it should start tobecome clearer.

Example 2:

  1. 24-2=14 subnets
  2. 212-2=4,094 hosts per subnet
  3. 256-240=16.0, 32.0, 48.0, 64.0, etc.
  4. Broadcast for the 16.0 subnet is 31.255. Broadcast for the 32.0 subnet is 47.255, etc.
  5. The valid hosts are:






first host





last host










Example 3:

  1. 25-2=30 subnets
  2. 211-2=2,046 hosts per subnet
  3. 256-248=8.0, 16.0, 24.0, 32.0, 40.0, 48.0, 56.0, 64.0, etc.
  4. Broadcast for the 8.0 subnet is 15.255. Broadcast for the 16.0 subnet is 23.255, etc.
  5. The valid hosts are:










first host









last host


















Example 4:

  1. 26-2=62 subnets
  2. 210-2=1,022 hosts per subnet
  3. 256-252=4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0, 28.0, 32.0, etc.
  4. Broadcast for the 4.0 subnet is 7.255. Broadcast for the 8.0 subnet is 11.255, etc.
  5. The valid hosts are:










first host









last host


















Example 5:

  1. 28-2=254 subnets
  2. 28-2=254 hosts per subnet
  3. 256-255=1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, etc.
  4. Broadcast for the 1.0 subnet is 1.255. Broadcast for the 2.0 subnet is 2.255, etc.
  5. The valid hosts are:










first host









last host


















That last example was pretty simple. You should notice apattern now. All the numbers were basically the same except we added the fourthoctet into the address.

The more difficult process of subnettinga Class B network address is when you start using bits in the fourth octet for subnetting. For example, what happens when you use thismask with a Class B network address: Is that valid?Absolutely! There are nine bits for subnetting andseven bits for hosts. That is 510 subnets, each with 126 hosts. However, it isthe most difficult mask to figure out the valid hosts for.

Example 6: The Class B subnet mask:

  1. 29-2=510 subnets
  2. 27-2=126 hosts per subnet
  3. For the third octet, the mask would be 256-255=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.
  4. For the fourth octet, the mask would be 256-128=128, which is one subnet if it is used. However, if you turn the subnet bit off, the value is 0. This means that for every subnet in the third octet, the fourth octet has two subnets: 0 and 128, for example 1.0 and 1.128.
  5. Broadcast for the 0.128 subnet is 128.255; the broadcast for the 1.0 subnet is 1.127. Broadcast for the 1.128 subnet is 1.255, etc.
  6. The valid hosts are:










first host









last host


















The thing to remember is that for every subnet in thethird octet, there are two in the fourth octet: 0 and 128. For the 0 subnet,the broadcast address is always 127. For the 128 subnet, the broadcast addressis always 255.

Let's continue with more subnettinginto the fourth octet. This is exactly like subnettinga Class C network address, but the third octet is part of the subnet address.
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

Example 7: Class B network

  1. 210-2=1,022 subnets
  2. 26-2=62 hosts per subnet
  3. 256-255=1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc. for the third octet. 256-192=64, 128, 192 for the fourth octet. For every valid subnet in the third octet, we get four subnets in the fourth octet: 0, 64, 128, and 192.
  4. Broadcast for the 1.0 subnet is 1.63, since the next subnet is 1.64. Broadcast for the 1.64 subnet is 1.127, since the next subnet is 1.128. Broadcast for the 1.128 subnet is 1.191, since the next subnet is 1.192. Broadcast for the 1.192 subnet is 1.255.
  5. The valid hosts are as follows:










first host









last host


















On this one, the 0 and 192 subnets are valid, since we areusing the third octet as well. The subnet range is 0.64 through 255.128. 0.0 isnot valid since no subnet bits are on. 255.192 is notvalid because then all subnet bits would be on.

Example 8: Class B network

  1. 211-2=2,046 subnets
  2. 25-2=30 hosts per subnet
  3. 256-255=1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc. for the third octet. 256-224=32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192 for the subnet value. (For every value in the third octet, we get eight subnets in the fourth octet: 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224.)
  4. Broadcast for the 1.0 subnet is 1.63, since the next subnet is 1.64. Broadcast for the 1.64 subnet is 1.127, since the next subnet is 1.128. Broadcast for the 1.128 subnet is 1.191, since the next subnet is 1.192. Broadcast for the 1.192 subnet is 1.255.
  5. The valid hosts are:










first host









last host


















For this subnet mask, the 0 and 224 subnets are valid aslong as not all subnet bits in the third octet are off or all subnet bits inthe fourth octet are on.

When would you use this valuable information? All thetime! For example, if you have a host configuration of, what subnet, broadcast address, and valid host range is thishost a member of? (We would solve this question with the information presentedabove.)

256-224=32, 64

Bingo! In the fourth octet, the host address is 33. Thatis between 32 and 64, so the host is in the 32 subnet, which has a broadcastaddress of 63, and the valid host range is 33-62. Easy.Just remember that the subnet is 10.32 because the third octet is part of thesubnet address.

Let's try a host configuration of What subnet, broadcast address, and valid host range is this host a member of?

Since we did not go through this mask in this article,you'll have to figure it out on your own. It is done the same way as all theothers.

256-240=16, 32, 48

Bingo! The host is in the 10.32 subnet, which has abroadcast address of 10.47 and a valid host range of 10.33 through 10.46.

Let's keep going: Consider a host configuration of172.16.10.33 What subnet, broadcast address, and valid hostrange is this host a member of?

256-248=8, 16, 24, 32,40

Bingo! The host is in the 10.32 subnet, which has abroadcast address of 10.39 and valid host range of 10.33 through 10.38. Easy, huh?

One more: You have a host configuration of What subnet, broadcast address, and valid host range is this host a member of?

256-252=4, 8, 12, 16,20

Bingo! You have a subnet of 10.16, with a broadcast of10.19 and valid host range of 10.17 through 10.18.

TCP/IP suite
The TCP/IP suite is composed of several protocols, as noted in the TCP/IP stackmodel:


Application layer

  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  • Telnet


  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol)


  • ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
  • RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
  • IP (Internet Protocol)
  • ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
  • IGMP (Internet Group Membership Protocol)
  • RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

NetworkAccess layer

  • Physical Transmission Layer (Cat 5, etc.)
  • Framing Protocols (Ethernet, etc.)

The Application layer
Let's start at the top. The Application layer runs its services via the layerimmediately below it—the Transport layer. In essence, it exploits TCP and UDPto deliver its goods. The Application layer is no slouch, however, as itfunctions to infiltrate and interact. DNS (Domain Name System) and FTP performat this level, as does HTTP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMP (Simple Network ManagementProtocol), and a myriad of other applications. Windows Sockets operate here inthe Microsoft scheme.

The Transport layer
The Transport layer provides communication between host computers for datadelivery that's dependent on either of the two Transport protocols: TCP or UDP.

TCP is the antithesis of IP. It's like the yin to the yang of IP, whereas itprovides guaranteed delivery of its packets—but at a cost of speed.Comparatively speaking, there's a bit of overhead as it goes through the stepsof establishing a connection—reducing a file into manageable packets and reconstructingthese packets at the recipient's end, and the "return receiptrequired" or acknowledgement (ACK) that the packet was received in auseable form. FTP and Telnet come into play here, but we'll discuss thoselater.

UDP is like IP in that it doesn't guarantee delivery of packets, but it doeshave very low overhead. No acknowledgement of receipt is required, noretransmission, and so on. If you've used streaming media technology—RealNetworks' RealPlayer, for example—you've experiencedthe best UDP has to offer. UDP is fast, but performance suffers because ofskips and gaps in the data transmissions.

The Internet layer
The Internet layer isn't only responsible for routing packets and datagrams, it's also responsible for letting the NetworkAccess layer know where to route them to. In order to do this, it utilizes ARPto grab MAC (Media Access Control) addresses to deliver to and from and RARP toprovide delivery to diskless computers.

ICMP relays all information relating to bad delivery, problems, and errors tothe host computers. IGMP provides data to just about everyone willing tolisten—multicasting is the "shout-out" of the suite.

RIP takes care of routing across networks. It finds out how to deliver packetsto its recipient. IP addresses and routes packets to and from host computers.It doesn't guarantee delivery; however, it will do whatever it can to deliverits packets.

The Network Access layer
The Network Access layer is the equivalent of a loading dock, where the dataframes are put on the 10Base-T (or media of your choice) by token ring (orEthernet, etc.), and are also taken off.

TCP/IP tools andutilities
TCP/IP is rather practical but it isn't fail-safe. On the upswing, there aremany tools and utilities available beyond simply surfing and grabbing pages offthe Internet via HTTP.

Essentially, TCP/IP tools and utilities can be broken into four groups:Diagnostic, Data Transfer, Remote Execution, and Printing. Within each of theseare subsets of utilities specific to each. I'll explore some of the more commonones.

Diagnostic utilities
Every good mechanic has a toolbox; if you're going to fix a problem, you needto know at what root it lies in order to troubleshoot it. TCP/IP is noexception.

PING (Packet Internet Groper) is perhaps the simplest and most commonly useddiagnostic tool of all. Run at the command line (as all of these tools are),


basically sends out four ICMP packets that aredirected at a particular host; it requests an echo reply from this host. Thesyntax is as follows (where is the IPaddress and is the recipient):


If successful, you'll get a reply. If not, you'll get the message "Requesttimed out" for each packet that failed along the way. Several common


switches are shown in Table A.

Table A


Resolves addresses to host names.


PINGs a specific host until you tell it to quit. Referred to as the "Ping of Death."


Specifies the number of echo packets to send out (default 4).


Indicates the size of the echo packets (default 64 bytes).

Here are some common PING switches.

The most under-utilized aspect of PINGis its ability to diagnose the local machine. To do this, type either ping127.0.0.1 or ping localhost at the commandprompt. This will send a packet down the loopbackaddress and back up without sending it out on the network. A successfulresponse will verify that TCP/IP is installed on your local machine.

As you may have guessed, IPCONFIG is short for IP Configuration. It's almostexclusively used in DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) networks. DHCPis the way to manage and administer IP addressing among your clients on yournetwork.

IPCONFIG (and to an extent, its Windows 9x cousin, WINIPCFG) will provide thevitals of a TCP/IP configuration:
&#61623; IP Address
&#61623; Subnet Mask
&#61623; Default Gateway

You can also utilize the switches shown in Table B, [where (x) is youradapter].

Table B


Displays everything about your IP configuration.

/release (x)

On a DHCP network, lets go of its IP address lease, disabling TCP/IP communications.

/renew (x)

Again, on a DHCP network, regains a dynamically assigned IP address lease.

Here are some common IPCONFIGswitches.

On Windows 9x boxes, WINIPCFG will perform these functionsin a neat little GUI package.

ROUTE tells you everything you want to know about routes and routing at thelocal level. Not only does it provide you with data to view, it also allowsroute modification. Some of the most common switches are shown in Table C.

Table C


Add, change, delete, and print.


Specifies the host's end.


Deletes gateway entries.


Specifies gateway.


Displays the network mask ( by default).


Forces a persistent route.

Here are some common ROUTE switches.

TRACERT is my personal favorite. As the name implies, it discovers, or TRACE ROUTEs the path from your local host to your destinationhost. It helps designate failed or slow links, as well as provides informationabout where all your packets travel on their way to a particular destination.Common TRACERT commands are shown in Table D.

Table D


If you need fast tracing, use this switch to exclude the resolution of IP addresses to host names.


Followed by your specified number, this switch provides routing information via the amount of hops it takes to reach a particular destination.


Waiting time for replies.

Here are some common TRACERTswitches.

The Address Resolution Protocol will resolve IP addresses to MAC addresses.It's useful in discovering network configurations on the fly. Common ARPswitches are shown in Table E.

Table E

-a, -g

Displays the cached entries of IP to MAC addresses; add the inet_addr for a certain host.


Deletes the inet_addr specified in the ARP list.


Provides the IP address.


Provides the MAC address in hex.

Here are some common ARP switches.

HOSTNAME provides your local host's name, which is useful to know if you'regoing to PING from it.

NETSTAT provides Network (protocol) statistics and their current state. Thiscan encapsulate details for the following protocols: TCP, IP, ICMP, and UDP.Several commands you can use for NETSTAT are shown in Table F.

Table F


Displays all connections and open ports.


Same as –a, but shows connections and open ports numerically.


Displays designated protocol information for either of the Transport layer protocols (TCP, UDP).


Displays statistics for TCP, IP, UDP, and ICMP.


Displays active connections and routes.

Here are some common NETSTATswitches.

As with NETSTAT, NBTSTAT provides network protocol statistics; however, it willalso provide NetBIOS over TCP/IP statistics. It's also useful for updating theLMHOSTS cache. Common NBTSTAT switches are shown in Table G.

Table G


Provides a remote computer's name table via its computer name.


Provides a remote computer's name table via its IP address.


Provides host's name table.


Provides IP address and name table of a remote cache.


Provides name resolution statistics of names broadcast or by WINS (only if WINS is enabled).


Purge and reload of a remote cache name table; these are taken from the LMHOSTS file (only if LMHOSTS lookup is enabled).

Here are some common NBTSTATswitches.

NSLOOKUP (Name Server Lookup) roughly looks up entries from DNS databases. TableH shows a limited list of common NSLOOKUP switches.

Table H

option -

Used to specify commands, such as the ones below.


Displays remote host information. Very informative.


Takes you to the domain name space's root server.


Switches a specified DNS from the default server.


Displays DNS domain records.


Changes settings for various NSLOOKUP commands.

Here are some common NSLOOKUPswitches.

Data transfer tools
This is what networking is all about—the sharing of data. Of course, you haveto move data from point A to point B and back again. Throwing a floppy diskacross the office is not acceptable. Across a TCP/IP connection, FTP is the wayto go. FTP allows for the transfer of information when you either download itfrom or upload it to a remote host. The data transfer commands are shown in TableI.

Table I

?, help

Lists FTP commands.


By default, file transfer is set to this.


Changes file transfer to binary.


Lists files and subdirectories in a directory.


Changes directories.


Deletes files.


Retrieves and copies files from a host to your local computer.


Copies/uploads your file to the remote host.


Shows the file transfer type.

bye, quit

Logs you off from an FTP session.

Here are some common data transfercommands.

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) is similar to FTP;however, while FTP demands authentication from the user, TFTP does not. TFTPsimply transfers data.

Remote execution tools
In order to control or merely interact with a remote host, you'll need to workfrom an interface. Telnet is perhaps the best-known and most widely usedprotocol. Its flexibility can provide access across server ports. RSH (RemoteShell) provides access to run commands on UNIX hosts. REXEC allows remoteexecution on remote hosts.

Printing utilities
The commands shown in Table J are used primarily to interact with lineprinters.

Table J


Line Printer Remote: Prints at a remote host.


Line Printer Daemon: The host handling LPR print jobs. Sends them out to the device.


Line Printer Queue: Provides print queue information.

Troubleshooting TCP/IP

Talainia Posey

TheTCP/IP protocol is the backbone of the Internet. It's also heavily used in widearea networks. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of large networks, it canbe especially difficult to obtain an accurate diagnosis when problems occur. Inthis article, I'll explain several techniques that you can use to troubleshootTCP/IP when things go wrong.

Why troubleshootTCP/IP?
So, why is troubleshooting TCP/IP such a big deal? TCP/IP isn't one of thosecomponents that you can say is either working or not working. Instead, TCP/IPmay be partially functional, thus giving the illusion that it's working. Thissituation is possible because TCP/IP consists of many subcomponents.

Some backgroundinformation
Before I go blazing gung-ho into the diagnostic procedure, it's important tounderstand some basics about the way that TCP/IP works. Unlike most otherprotocols, TCP/IP requires some configuration. This configuration may beautomatic (through a DHCP server) or manual.

The most basic parts of the TCP/IP configuration are the IP address and thesubnet mask. The IP address is a series of four numbers separated by periods.An IP address looks something like this: A portion of theaddress contains the actual address that's assigned to the PC, while anotherportion defines a number assigned to the network. If this idea seems strange toyou, imagine that you have a Web server. For users on the other side of theworld to access that Web server, they must know the general location (thenetwork number) before they can find the specific server within the network.

The portion of the address that makes up the network number is defined by thesubnet mask. The subnet mask also consists of four numbers separated byperiods, such as A subnet mask like this one tells TCP/IP that twoof the numbers make up the network number (147.100) and the other two numbers(100.62) are the computer's number. Keep in mind that this explanation issimplified. In real life, subnets may divide individual networks into smallerpieces. However, for the purposes of this article, you need only be familiarwith the basic concept.

Another configurable parameter in TCP/IP is the WINS settings. As you may know,WINS is a service that provides NetBIOS name resolution on the local network.The WINS fields enable you to enter the IP addresses of a primary and a backupWindows NT Server that's running the WINS service on your network segment.

Like the WINS field, the DNS fields allow you to enter the IP addresses of aprimary and a backup Windows NT Server that's running the DNS service. DNS isresponsible for resolving domain names. For example, the name TECHREPUBLIC.COMwould be resolved through a DNS server.

Where do I begin?
Now that you have a basic understanding of some of the major portions ofTCP/IP, you may be puzzled as to where to begin the troubleshooting process.When troubleshooting TCP/IP, I recommend starting close to home and workingoutward. Basically, that means making sure that your own machine is functional,testing your network in general, and then checking your Internet connection.

The local address
The first step in the troubleshooting process is to verify that your PC has avalid IP address with which to work. As I mentioned earlier, most of the PCs ona network can use either a static or dynamic IP address. To determine whichcategory your PC falls into, open Control Panel and double-click the Networkicon. When you see the Network properties sheet, select the copy of TCP/IPthat's bound to your network card and click the Properties button. When you do,you'll see the TCP/IP properties sheet, as shown in Figure A.

Figure A

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (4)<![endif]>

Determine whether your PC is using a static or dynamic IP address.

If the Specify An IP Addressradio button is selected, you should make sure that valid entries have beenmade in the IP Address and Subnet Mask boxes. If, on the other hand, the ObtainAn IP Address Automatically radio button has beenselected, you must verify that you're receiving an IP address from a DHCPserver.

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and it's a service thatcan run on one or more Windows NT Servers within your organization. When theObtain An IP Address Automatically radio button isselected, Windows will scan your network automatically for a DHCP server andobtain an IP address. There are a couple of ways to find out if you're gettingan address from the DHCP server. The easiest method involves opening an MS-DOSprompt window. If you're running Windows 9x, type WINIPCFG and press[Enter]. When you do, you'll see a summary of your TCP/IP configuration asWindows sees it. As you can see in Figure B, the IP Configuration dialogbox contains a drop-down list of your system's various adapters. Make sure thatyou've selected the correct network adapter from the list before you jump toany conclusions. It's easy to select a nonexistent dial-up adapter by mistake.

Figure B

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (5)<![endif]>

Take care to select the correct network adapter from the drop-down list.

If you're using Windows NT, the command is slightlydifferent. Windows NT users should type IPCONFIG. Doing so will displaya summary of the configuration information for all network devices, as shown inFigure C.

Figure C

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (6)<![endif]>

Windows NT displays all TCP/IP configuration information.

If you're trying to use a DHCP server to configure TCP/IPbut aren't having any luck, there are some things that you should check. First,try reloading TCP/IP on your computer. It's possible that a file has becomecorrupted. If that doesn't solve the problem, verify that the DHCP server isrunning and that it's part of the same domain and subnet as your workstation.Next, check to see whether your co-workers' PCs are functional. If they arefunctional and rely on the DHCP server, it's a good bet that either the DHCPserver has run out of addresses or that there's a physical problem with yourmachine, such as a bad network card or a disconnected network cable.

Go ping yourself
Once you've determined your IP address, you need to make sure that the basicTCP/IP components are functional. To do so, open an MS-DOS prompt window andtry to ping yourself by typing ping and your IP address. For example,you might type ping

Under normal circ*mstances, pinging should generatefour reply messages, as shown in Figure D. If you get an error messageinstead, such as Destination Host Unreachable, there's a good chancethat Windows is messed up. If the ping is successful, it's time to move on tothe next phase of the troubleshooting process.

Figure D

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (7)<![endif]>

The ping should generate four reply messages.

IP address conflicts
As you probably know, each PC on your network must have a unique IP address.Duplicate addresses can cause all sorts of problems for your TCP/IPenvironment. Fortunately, IP address conflicts aren't quite as difficult totrack down as most people think. If you suspect an IP address conflict, turnoff your PC. If your network uses static IP addresses, when you turn the PCback on, you may receive a warning that the address is already in use. However,if you don't get the warning or if you use dynamic IP addresses, just leaveyour PC turned off for about an hour. Then, go to another PC and try to pingyour IP address. If the ping comes back with a reply, there's a good chancethat the address is in use by another PC. Double-check to make sure that yourPC is still turned off (since many newer PCs come with a "Wake onLAN" feature). If your PC turns itself back on during the ping, tryunplugging it and running the test again.

If you determine that an IP conflict exists, the ARP command can help youfigure out which PC is the culprit. On some network configurations, the ARPcommand can resolve the IP address to the computer's host name. Often, the hostname described the computer in some sort of detail. For example, a host namemight be MARY, or Accounting2, or Basem*nt.

To check for a host name, type the command arp –a address where address isthe IP address that you want to test. If your network isn't configured to workwith host names, this command will return the physical ethernetaddress of the machine.

The rest of the network
Once you've established with reasonable certainty that no IP address conflictsexist, that there isn't a problem with Windows, and that your networkconnection isn't unplugged, it's time to see if your computer can talk to therest of the LAN. One of the easiest ways of doing so is to log on. If thecomputer logs on, that's a step in the right direction. Next, check NetworkNeighborhood to see if any other computers show up. If they do, you're probablyokay on the local level. However, you should double-check to make sure that youdon't have any other protocols loaded. That way, you can be certain that it'sactually TCP/IP that's allowing you to see the other computers on your network.

If you can't see the other computers on your network, it may be due to a breakdownin WINS. Check to make sure that TCP/IP is configured to use a WINS server.Remember that you should check through WINIPCFG or IPCONFIG because they reportthe configuration as Windows sees it, rather than simply regurgitating theinformation that you've entered.

If your WINS entries look fine, check for more obvious problems likedisconnected cables or bad network cards. If the physical hardware checks out,try pinging your WINS server, first by IP address and then by name. You don'thave to be logged on to the domain for it to work. An example would be if youhad a WINS server named Animal with an address of First, trypinging If the ping is successful, you've established thatTCP/IP is definitely functional on your PC and that the physical link betweenyour PC and the WINS server is good. Next, try pingingthe WINS server by name, such as ping Animal. If this ping issuccessful, it means that the WINS server is functional and that your PC isusing it correctly. Obviously, if you can ping the WINS server by number butnot by name, there's a breakdown in the basic WINS service functionality.

The Internet
If everything so far has checked out, you're well on your way to solving theproblem. The next step is to examine your Internet or wide area network (WAN)connectivity. Doing so uses the same basic principle as testing your localnetwork. The main difference is that you'll be testing Domain Name Server (DNS)functionality rather than WINS functionality. The DNS is responsible forresolving domain names like

To test your DNS, open an MS-DOS prompt window and try to ping a favoriteInternet site by name. For example, try typing ping

If the ping returns, then your DNS is working fine. Ifit doesn't return, try pinging another site, just tomake sure that the first site you pinged wasn't down. If neither site generatesa return, try pinging by the site's IP address. For example, to test your linkto the TechRepublic Web site, type ping208.49.160.19

If that ping returns, then there's a breakdown in yourDNS service. Try pinging your DNS server to make surethat it's available. If it's available but isn't functioning, try attaching toa different DNS server until you can fix your primary DNS server.

Is the host available?
If a numerical ping won't work, there are several possible causes. For example,your local router could be malfunctioning, the site that you're trying toaccess could be down, or a router somewhere on the Internet could bemalfunctioning.

To find the culprit, try using Tracert (

Trace Route

).Running Tracert will tell you where the breakdown is.Open an MS-DOS prompt window and type tracert, followed by the IP address of the site that you're tryingto access. Basically, Tracert will perform a ping onevery router that it must use to get to that site. If a router is downsomewhere, Tracert will fail, but it will tell youwhich router has the problem. You can see an example of Tracertin action in Figure E.

Figure E

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (8)<![endif]>

Tracert can help you to find problems on the Internet.

IP routing in 40 short steps

Todd Lammle

This article will zoom in on the principle of moving packets of data fromone network to another network using a router and the IP protocol. This iscalled routing, and I'm going to demonstrate an IP routing example in 40 steps.Why 40? Well, I really could give it to you in 10 steps or so, but that wouldbe more of a summarized approach. And since I really want you to thoroughlyunderstand this process, I'm going to cover thedetails of how a packet is actually handled when it's sent through an internetwork.

Because we're taking an in-depth approach here, you'll find it helpful to befamiliar with the following:

  • IP addressing and subnetting
  • The difference between a router and a switch
  • How collision and broadcast domains work within an internetwork

IPaddressing, subnetting, and IP routing are veryimportant fundamentals; once you have a good grasp on them you can move on toexploring more advanced, really exciting subjects like supernettingand Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM)!

Move that data!
Okay, you know routers are hardware devices that employ software to perform thetask of routing packets throughout an internetwork,and you know that routing is the term used to describe the process of taking apacket of data from a device on one network and switching it through thatrouter over to another device on a different network—packet distribution anddelivery. So if your network has no routers, you're not routing.

Figure A

<![if !vml]>Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (9)<![endif]>

Did you notice that a LAN and two WANs are connected to the 2600A router?

Figure A highlights the routing raison d'etre: to make it possible to connect multiple networks,thereby creating an internetwork so that all hostswithin that internetwork can communicate with eachother by sending and receiving data.

Now take a closer look at Figure A so we can gostep-by-step through the IP routing process. Let's begin by pretending that HostA wants to send a ping request (packet internet groper)to HostB.

By looking at the IP networks and addresses in the figure,we can see that HostA is on the networkand that the /27 is a subnet block of 32. What this tells us is that our validhosts are 33-62. Also, notice that HostA's IP addressis with a configured default gateway of

HostB is on the subnet and it has an IP address of192.168.10.98 with a configured default gateway of It's veryimportant to make sure that a host's default gateway is configured correctlybecause it's used to tell the host how to send packets out of the localnetwork.

Okay, that said, let's type a ping request to192.168.10.98 from HostA at the command prompt andfollow it through from beginning to end. Here's what happens, starting at HostA (these are our 40 steps to IP routing):

  1. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) creates an echo request payload (which is just the alphabet forward and backwards).
  2. ICMP hands that payload to IP, which then creates a packet. At a minimum, this packet contains an IP source address, an IP destination address, and a protocol field with 01h. All of that tells the receiving host whom to hand the payload to—in this example, ICMP.
  3. Once the packet is created, IP works with the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to determine whether the destination IP address is on the local network or on a remote one.
  4. Since this is a remote request, the packet needs to be sent to the default gateway. The registry in Windows is parsed to find the configured default gateway.
  5. The default gateway of host is To be able to send this packet to the default gateway, the hardware address of the router's interface Ethernet1 (configured with the IP address of must be known. Why? So the packet can be handed down to the Data Link Layer, framed, and sent to the router's interface for the network.
  6. Now, the ARP cache is checked to see if the IP address of the default gateway has been already resolved to a hardware address. If it has, the packet is then free to be handed to the Data Link Layer for framing. (The hardware destination address is also handed down with that packet.)
  7. If the hardware address isn't already in the ARP cache of the host, an ARP broadcast will be sent out onto the local network to search for the hardware address of The router will respond to the request and provide the hardware address of Ethernet1, and the host will cache this address. The 2500A router will also cache the hardware address of HostA in the ARP cache.
  8. Once the packet and destination hardware address are handed to the Data Link Layer, the LAN driver is used to provide media access via the type of LAN being used. (In this example, it's Ethernet.) A frame is then generated, encapsulating the packet with control information. Within that frame are the hardware destination and source address, plus an Ethernet-Type field that describes the Network Layer protocol that handed the packet to the Data Link Layer (in this case, IP). At the end of the frame is the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field, which houses the answers to the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
  9. Once the frame is completed, the frame is handed down to the Physical Layer to be put on the physical medium (in this example, twisted-pair wire), one bit at a time.
  10. Every device in the collision domain receives these bits and builds the frame. They each run a CRC and check the answer in the FCS field. If the answers don't match, the frame is discarded. If the CRC matches (in this example, it is the router's interface Ethernet1), then the hardware destination address is checked to see if it matches too. If it's a match, then the Ethernet-Type field is checked to find the protocol used at the Network Layer.
  11. The packet is pulled from the frame and the frame is discarded. The packet is handed to the protocol listed in the Ethernet-Type field, meaning it's given to IP.
  12. IP receives the packet and checks the IP destination address. Since the packet's destination address doesn't match any of the addresses configured on the receiving router itself, the router will look up the destination IP network address in its routing table.
  13. The routing table must have an entry for the network or the packet will be discarded immediately and an ICMP message will be sent back to the originating device with a Destination Network Unavailable message.
  14. If the router does find an entry for the destination network in its table, the packet will be switched to the exit interface—in this example, interface serial 0.
  15. Serial interfaces don't use Ethernet framing techniques, but by default, Cisco routers use something called High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) to frame the packet. When serial interfaces are used, though, it's not called framing; it's known as "encapsulating." And because this is a point-to-point circuit, hardware addresses aren't used or needed. Instead, HDLC encapsulation is sent out one bit at a time to the next router.
  16. Serial 0/0 on 2600A then extracts the packet from the HDLC encapsulation and checks the IP destination address. Since the IP addresses of the different router interfaces do not match, the router will check its routing to determine whether it knows how to get the packet over to the destination network.
  17. The routing table will show that to get to network, it must use exit interface FastEthernet 0/0 so the packet is switched to interface FastEthernet 0/0.
  18. The FastEthernet interface has the packet in the buffers and needs to send the packet to HostB, or IP address, but the hardware address must be known in order to deliver the packet to the correct host. The router checks the ARP cache, and if no match is found, an ARP broadcast is sent out interface FastEthernet 0/0.
  19. HostB will respond with its hardware address, and the packet and destination hardware address are both sent to the Data Link Layer for framing.
  20. The Data Link Layer will create a frame with the destination and source hardware address, Ethernet-Type field, and a FCS field at the end of the frame. The frame is handed to the Physical Layer to be sent out on the physical medium one bit at a time.
  21. HostB receives the frame and immediately runs a CRC. If the answer matches what's in the FCS field, the hardware destination address is then checked. If it finds a match, the Ethernet-Type field is then checked to determine where the packet should be received on the Network Layer.
  22. At the Network Layer, IP gets the packet and checks the IP destination address. Since there's finally a match made, the protocol field is checked to find out to whom the payload should be given.
  23. The payload is handed to ICMP, which understands that this is an echo request. ICMP responds to this by immediately discarding the packet and generating a new payload as an echo reply.
  24. A packet is then created including the source and destination address, protocol field, and payload.
  25. ARP then checks to see if the destination IP address is a local device on the local LAN or if it's a device on a remote network. Since the destination device is on a remote network, the packet needs to be sent to the default gateway.
  26. The default gateway address is found in the registry of the Windows device, and the ARP cache is checked to see if the hardware address has already been resolved from an IP address.
  27. Once the hardware address of the default gateway is found, the packet and destination hardware address are handed down to the Data Link Layer for framing.
  28. The Data Link Layer frames the packet of information and includes the following in the header: the destination and source hardware address, Ethernet-Type field with IP in it, and the FCS field with the CRC answer in tow.
  29. The frame is now handed down to the Physical Layer (of the OSI model) to be sent out over the network medium one bit at a time.
  30. The router's FastEthernet 0/0 interface will receive the bits and build a frame. The CRC is run, and the FCS field is checked to make sure the answers match.
  31. Once the CRC is found to be okay, the hardware destination address is checked. Since the router's interface is a match, the packet is pulled from the frame and the Ethernet-Type field is checked to see what protocol at the Network Layer the packet should be delivered to.
  32. That's determined to be IP, so it gets the packet. IP runs a CRC check on the IP header first and then checks the destination IP address. (Note: IP does not run a complete CRC like the Data Link Layer—it only checks the header for errors.) Since the IP destination address doesn't match any of the router's interfaces, the routing table is checked to see if it has a route to If it doesn't have a route over to the 32 network, the packet will be discarded immediately. (This is the source point of confusion for a lot of administrators. When a ping fails, most people think the packet never reached the destination host. But as we see here, that's not always the case! All it takes is for just one of the remote routers to be lacking a route back to the originating host's network and POOF! The packet is dropped on the return trip, not en route to the host.)
  33. But Router 2600A does know how to get to network—the exit interface is serial 0/0—so the packet is switched to serial interface 0/0.
  34. The serial interface builds an HDLC encapsulation and sends the packet inside an HDLC encapsulation method out interface 0/0, one bit at a time, to the 2500A router. The 2500A router receives the HDLC encapsulation and hands over the packet to IP.
  35. IP checks the destination address, and since no interface on the router matches, the routing table is checked for a path to network
  36. The routing table tells IP that the path to network is out interface Ethernet1, so over it goes—the packet is switched to interface Ethernet1.
  37. The hardware address must first be found in order to send the packet to the destination IP address of, and the ARP cache is checked for that first. Since the address is in the ARP cache, the packet and the destination hardware address are sent to the Data Link Layer to be framed.
  38. The frame adds the hardware source and destination address and the Ethernet-Type field, and puts the CRC answer in the FCS field.
  39. The frame is then given to the Physical Layer to be sent out onto the local network, one bit at a time.
  40. The destination host receives the frame, runs a CRC, checks the destination hardware address, and then looks in the Ethernet-Type field to find who to hand the packet to. IP, at the Network Layer, is the designated receiver, and after the packet is handed to IP at the Network Layer, it checks the protocol field for further direction. IP finds instructions to give the payload to ICMP, and ICMP determines the packet to be an ICMP echo reply. It acknowledges that it has received the reply by sending an exclamation point (!) to the user interface. ICMP will then attempt to send four more echo requests to the destination host.

Only one ping?

Five pings are sent by default, but I don't think we need to go there! For those individuals in the audience who want this article to describe the process exactly as it actually happens in the real world, just start back at step one and read through to number 40 four more times!

The beauty of IP routing is that no matter how many more routes we might decideto put into this example, the process would never change! The packet is justsent from hop to hop until it reaches the destination network.

Remember to keep these important points in mind:

  • Some things never change, and this includes packets. They never change in any way; they are only encapsulated in control information to enable them to be sent from one router to another.
  • Routers are impersonal; they do not keep host addresses in their routing tables. Routers only care about networks and the best path to each one.
  • Each and every hardware address is unique. These are what devices use to find a unique host on a local network.
Catching up with TCP/IP fundamentals: IP address classes (2024)
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