Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (2024)

  • ByCharlie Lord
  • September 5, 2013

Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (1)

Captain Edward Smith was born on January 27, 1850 in Hanley, Staffordshire, England. He is most noted as the captain of the Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (2)doomed passenger ship the Titanic, which went down in April 1912. Captain Smith was responsible for over 2,200 passengers and crew, more than 1,200 were killed that fateful night of April 14. Titanic was built to the highest standards of the day and was deemed unsinkable. The ship was built in the Harland & Wolfe shipyard in Belfast, Ireland, before setting sail to pick up its passengers in Southampton, England. “She was fine when she left here” is a standard Irish refrain which is still used in Belfast today when conversation turns to the subject of the tragic Titanic. Others say the Titanic was “built by Irishmen and sunk by an Englishman.” Captain Smith was ultimately found “not responsible” for the sinking of the Titanic on her maiden voyage, but is that completely true? There are a few reasons to call into question the qualifications and attentiveness of Captain Smith.


Captain Smith was born the son of a potter and was taking training to follow suit at a school that was sponsored by the famous Wedgwood pottery works. Smith finished school at 12 years old and took to the sea as a teenager. There’s not much known as to what he did during the years between leaving school and becoming a sailor. He did work his way up the ranks and earn certifications in handling cargo vessels, but that had nothing to do with the enormous responsibility that goes along with carrying human freight, or passengers. He certainly had no formal Royal Navy training. It might have been over-reaching to think that 12 year old school drop out could handle the tasks of being captain to some of the largest passenger vessels ever created.

The Olympic

Captain Smith was involved in another disaster, the year before the Titanic accident, involving a sister ship of the Titanic called the Olympic. He was captain of the Olympic and had been in post one year prior to the Titanic disaster when the Olympic was seriously damaged during sea trials in Belfast Lough in Ireland. The Hawke, a British Royal Navy cruiser crashed into the side of the Olympic, and while he was not formally declared responsible, there were investigations. Years later observers say this accident was also his responsibility.

There’s nothing anyone can do to turn back the clock and demand a more thorough investigation of the events that lead up to a Royal Naval cruiser plowing into the side of a huge vessel like the Olympic, but a closer look at the events on the night of April 14, 1912 might suggest that not heeding warnings and obvious dangers could have played a key role in the Olympic mishap.

The Grand finale: Titanic

After the historic launch of the “unsinkable” Titanic which was to make its way from England to New York, did tragedy strike due to the negligence and improper management of Captain Smith? On the night of April 14th 1912, The Coronia, Baltic, Californian and Mesaba all sent warnings to the Titanic that there were icebergs in the area. There are accounts that Captain Smith willingly chose to ignore seven warnings he received about the dangers in the ocean. It is said he ordered the crew to plow through the treacherous icy waters at full speed without any change in course as he should have done in response to the serious danger warnings. Unfortunately we all know the tragic ending of the unheeded warnings.

The Titanic was built in Belfast, Ireland, before it sailed over to Southampton in England. We are pretty clear when it comes to apportioning blame for the Titanic disaster. The ship was fine when it left Ireland.

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  1. May 31, 2021

    I agree, all the way. The captain is ALWAYS responsible for his vessel, crew, and passengers. Period! Even if his crew failed to relay later messages of dangers to him, THAT failure is the captain’s fault as HIS crew are under HIS orders, and if they were lacking in their duties it is HIS responsibility to get them up to full competence.
    No excuses!


    1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (4)Lucy

      August 6, 2021

      Get the facts Joe – Smith was chosen for the job. It was always planned to sink the vessel – that’s why it set sail with a fire burning midships. Do your own DD but don’t use Google or Wiki.


      1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (5)Doug B

        March 10, 2022



      2. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (6)Brian Garry

        June 21, 2023

        You are spot on, with your note: regarding the Fire, in the Coal storage bins, below decks, A-Mid Ship.
        Secondly, as Captain, Smith should have reduced speed, when approaching an Ice Berg field…caution & safety first, while underway, especially at night.
        With little or no Formal Seamanship school, of His Majesties HMS Naval Service, the choice of Edward Smith was a bad leadership decision.
        Many fore warnings were suggested, yet ignored by Man in charge.
        Regretfully, HMS TITANIC, remains intombed, in “Davey Jone’s Locker”.


    2. January 30, 2022

      Hello Joe , the greatest ship of its era ,sank possibly due unprofessional attitude’s and arrogance.
      The ships owner would have had great influence over the ships voyage.
      The blue ribbon would have been the goal of the day.
      That’s only my thinking of the sinking
      The seaman ship was sloppy and reflects on the Skipper so he is accountable.
      Great comment’s from you all .
      I have been interested in the diving and recovery of articles from this ship the filming being incredible .
      Regards Jack


    3. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (8)Gregory Lobalsamo

      April 29, 2022

      he knew the risks yes, but at the time this was the biggest thing, he was able to “drive” the TITANIC not to say he def got paid for it, not knowing a ice berg is miles away isn’t HIS fault, its EVERYONES FAULT. can’t blame a captain for doing what he was doing at the time, while there were other crew members onboard to see it and still relayed the message late. he doesn’t pick these crew members to get on board with him if he didn’t think he couldn’t trust him? It’s like saying your team lost because your best player didn’t score all the goals? Makes no sense to blame an individual rather than blame the whole crew, they trained and experienced, ALL should take responsibility.


      1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (9)Kahiau

        May 14, 2022

        It’s definitely his fault. His crew didn’t relay the message late, other ships sent warnings to the Titanic about larger icebergs in the area well before the Titanic could’ve hit one. He just chose to ignore them and ORDERED his crew to continue at full speed instead of changing course. Because when the CAPTAIN of a ship orders you to do something, you just do it since the job of a captain is to literally take responsibility for all lives on the ship, and you would assume that they wouldn’t do anything to put people’s lives at risk. That’s the whole point of a captain, he’s the one that takes full responsibility for anything that happens on the ship and he knew it when he signed up, yet still chose to endanger his crew and passengers which led to one of the biggest tragedies ever. 110% of the fault all lies on him.


      2. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (10)Kendal

        June 21, 2023

        He knew the d@mn ship was going to sank before it even set sail. He received a message and ignored it. He then proceeded to say God Himself couldn’t sank this ship. His ignorance was expected due to the fact he wrecked the first ship “Olympic”. Titanic was literally made in replacement of the other ship.


      3. You obviously DON’T listen. It was explained on how the Captain ignored ALL 7 of the warnings, and he told his men to speed up through the icy cold water. I’m not fully blaming him but he could have at least cared more about the safety of his passengers.


    4. June 19, 2022

      Wow, I’m watching the movie, and it’s always interesting to know some truth, rather than a fictional account.
      How sad that the warnings from four other ships were ignored.
      When I fell off a paddle board I almost died in an ice cold mountain river. It was shocking how quickly I was unable to use my arms for swimming, they froze up within 5 minutes , and my life jacket was on the board which flew far away. So, my point is that those people in the icy water didn’t suffer long, More tragic tho is the truth that a number of the life boats were not full & they didn’t allow people in the water to get in the boats. Shame on them & we all get our karma for good or bad in this life or the next.


      1. May 4, 2023

        It took about 2 hours for every almost everyone to finally die.


      2. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (14)Nora Bentley

        May 24, 2023

        I agree with “K” and Ms. “J” above: The Captain ignored warnings of danger, putting all life on the ship at risk AND those people in the life rafts were selfish to say the least by not allowing more people in them and saving more lives, shame on them. Hope Karma got them, “what goes around, comes around, the good and the bad “ that’s the universe , n my view, and no one escapes it. And this Captain should never have been Captain, also n my view. It’s good that he @ least chose to go down with the ship.


    5. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (15)meh

      May 10, 2023



    6. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (16)Kyle

      September 9, 2023

      Sinking the Titanic was an Assassination of many wealthy men that were agains the US having a Central Bank. Most notably, Jacob Astor the wealthiest man in America at the time was completely against Central Bank control. JP Morgan wanted the central bank and owned the White Star company, owner of Titanic. JP was also a last minute cancelation on this cruise. All to coincidental. I know but 1 year later USA had a Central banking AND the 16th Amendment.


  2. January 30, 2022

    Wow all these years on and still not clear what happened.
    The bulk head fire I assume is storage coal.
    Is that a regular accurance ?
    Replays welcomed .
    Thank you Jack


  3. January 30, 2022

    Wow all these years on and still not clear what happened.
    The bulk head fire I assume is storage coal.
    Is that a regular accurance ?
    Replays welcomed .
    Thank you Jack


    1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (19)Ann

      May 7, 2022

      Idk what happened all I know is the titanic eventually sank because of an iceberg


  4. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (20)Trudy Kay Dunbar

    March 7, 2022

    It is always the Captain’s responsibility to run the ship. All orders come from him. He failed to acknowledge the ice warnings that came from not 1 but several other ships! I feel he was highly incompetent for some reason and he had been a captain of the Olympia when it had tragic consequences also just a month before the Titanic!


    1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (21)Crazylegs

      April 5, 2022

      The man was incompetent and had another White Star Captain been in charge, the Titanic would have stopped to respect the horrific iceberg situation before the tragedy! At least Smith went down with the ship and didn’t jump in a lifeboat!


      1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (22)Ethan King

        May 19, 2022

        He was at least loyal and Brave, any other would probably take a lifeboat for himself.


      2. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (23)J Stone

        June 26, 2022

        Could it have been captain Smith had a drink before the ship set sail?


        1. May 4, 2023

          Would have had to been one large drink to have still been the reason for his inebriation 4 days later…


  5. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (25)Steve jones

    April 16, 2022

    He intended to go through the ice at full speed.
    He and the shipbuilders believed the ship was unsinkable but it turned out to be WRONG.


  6. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (26)Ann

    May 6, 2022

    Captain E.J. Smith should have paid attention to the warnings so I agree it was his fault I’m doing a project on the titanic and who’s fault it was that it sank and I think it was his fault because he didn’t pay attention to the warnings and kept speeding not slowing down and he is the captain and all this Information is very helpful now I really believe it was his fault


    1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (27)Azaan

      June 1, 2022

      I agree that Captine Edward smith is to fault for the titanic sinking. I am doing a prject that is about the ttanic and the captin should have payed more attention to the iceburg that caused the boat to sink.


      1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (28)Dialectic

        June 11, 2022

        Watch ‘Titanic’ from 1953. It is taken from documents of the tragedy. The lack of binoculars, the deflection of keep on course by the captain, the mistakes in tracking incoming wires of different icebergs, the lack of safety boats, etc. All rest upon a negligent Captain who should not have sailed until the basics, bots/binoculars were fixed. Completely avoidable. Tragic


  7. May 14, 2022

    the fire literally did not do anything and did not weaken the iron as you think. The captain guy was given orders from bruce ismay to go faster. This is one of the biggest reasons bruce ismay was always blamed. They also could not find their binoculars which is another whole story but the binoculars could have spotted the iceberg earlier.


  8. May 17, 2022

    He was the Captain. He made the decisions! HIS FAULT!!!!


    1. May 4, 2023

      His only fault was not having the coward ismay locked in the brig for the remainder of the trip after DEMANDING he light the last of boilers.


  9. February 6, 2023

    why’s everyone going against Joe
    he was just saying his opinion guys. Calm down.


    1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (33)izzyplaz

      May 1, 2023

      he was doing an argumentative


  10. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (34)Tanya Pauls

    February 22, 2023

    I just saw the epic Titanic movie by James Cameron again for about the 5th time since 1997 and it what a wonderful portrayal on the Titanic, though so tragically sad about all the lives needlessly lost.
    There are also so many unanswered questions:
    Why did the Captain Smith under pressure from Bruce Ismay?
    Was there a special jewel of the sea?
    Was there a love affair between a Rose and Jack or some kind of romance between a 1st class and 3rd class passenger?
    Why couldn’t Rose move over so Jack could lay beside her on the piece of wood when they were in the freezing water?
    Why did Rose keep the special Jewel and then throw it overboard all those years later?
    Of the millions of gold/jewels/art sunk how much has been reclaimed?


    1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (35)Ellie

      February 27, 2023

      because with both jack and rose on the wood peice is was tip over and both would fall into the water again


  11. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (36)Ellie

    February 27, 2023

    I strongly disagree with this!!! smith was asleep when it happend and is not responsible for the sinking.


  12. April 28, 2023

    The people who made the titanic were the shipbuilding company, “Harland & wolff”. Harland and wolff are one of the main reasons that the titanic sank on that moonless night in the atlantic ocean. That reason is because they used a very weak type of iron that becomes weaker when it is in low temperature “Olympic and Titanic were built using Siemens-Martin formula steel plating” So that is one of the main reasons why the titanic sank and killed 1,500 people on that ship that harland and wolff made. If I was the judge i would sue their company.


  13. April 28, 2023

    also titanic is a really good movie


  14. May 4, 2023

    6 warnings of ice and the captain still didn’t turn around!!!


    1. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (40)meh

      May 10, 2023

      I know right he was stupid


  15. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (41)meh

    May 10, 2023

    Captain is the one to blame


  16. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (42)Joe

    May 16, 2023

    I still think the captain was solely responsible for sinking of the titanic. First he is the last man to make orders and his orders like in the army are almost executed to the word. Although he was under pressure from Bruce Ismay, he was the captain and was in charge and responsible for the over 2,200 passengers and crew, of whom he lost the souls of more than 1,200 that fateful night of April 14. He was responsible to making his crew to take orders from the chain of command and that did not include Bruce Ismay. He ignored warnings from other ships (4 of them), and having and this lenders the unavailability of binoculars almost irrelevant. Why should you see with a binoculars to believe? At full speed with all boilers burning, including the one meant for redundancy, and all producing full steam, the binoculars distance of view wouldn’t have been enough too (my opinion) to both slow down and steer away from the icebergs. The only sensible thing was to heed advice and both slow down and steer away from the already known course of the icebergs that he was warned of.
    – He was not qualified with formal Royal Navy training to handle a large passenger vessel, but just apprentice training in handling cargo vessels.
    – He was negligent and overambitious whose main aim was to make a name and a record for himself and the Titanic
    – He already had a history of wrecking a vessel, the Olympia, again due to not heeding warning, which should have disqualified him for this job in the first place
    – He failed to be in full command, and to use judgement and reason as captain. He bent to arrogancy, ambition, and demands from the ship owners.
    – As captain he failed from the set go as the vessel was not equipped with enough life boats, no accessible binoculars nor adequately trained staff for an orderly evacuation protocol


  17. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (43)Nikki

    June 24, 2023

    IMO it was the Captain- it always is for he is ultimately responsible for the safety of his ship and passengers. The other person responsible for making a huge mistake was Robert Hitchen- His granddaughter claims that an error in steering on the bridge of the Titanic led to the collision with the iceberg. According to Ms. Patten, the ship had plenty of time to miss the iceberg, but the helmsman turned wheel the wrong way in a moment of confusion. She also says a subsequent order to steam slow ahead rather than stopping the ship, given by the owner Bruce Ismay, chairman of the White Star Line, owners of the Titanic, may have dramatically accelerated the flooding and markedly reduced the time the Titanic remained afloat.


  18. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (44)Arthur Brown.(A L ).

    January 1, 2024

    The Captain was trying to win the Prise for the record for a liner to record the fasted time from England to New York , its called some colord Riben.


  19. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (45)bob

    May 8, 2024

    caption smith did sink the boat because the other boat gave him warnings


  20. Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (46)kamiya

    May 8, 2024

    Captain Edward was the blame because he heard them on the radio say BE AWARE THERE IS BIG ICEBERGS AHEAD and he just turned off the radio as if that changed anything.From the beginning, some blamed the Titanic’s skipper, Captain E.J. Smith, for sailing the massive ship at such a high speed (22 knots) through the iceberg-heavy waters of the North Atlantic. Some believed Smith was trying to better the crossing time of Titanic’s White Star sister ship, the Olympic.


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Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic (2024)


Captain Edward Smith Responsible For Sinking The Titanic | Titanic? ›

Smith was accused of ignoring ice warnings from other ships and failing to reduce the ship's speed to fit the conditions at hand. The British inquiry essentially exonerated him, saying he did nothing other captains wouldn't have done.

Why was Captain Edward Smith blamed for the sinking of the Titanic? ›

He had ordered passengers and crew to muster, but from that point onward, he failed to order his officers to put the passengers into the lifeboats; he did not adequately organise the crew; he failed to convey crucial information to his officers and crew; he sometimes gave ambiguous or impractical orders and he never ...

Why was Captain Lord responsible for the sinking of the Titanic? ›

Although Lord was faulted in two widely publicized inquiries for failing to respond to Titanic's distress signals, there may have actually been a medical reason for his behavior because he suffered from chronic renal disease and most likely had some secondary cognitive impairment due to this disease.

Who got the blame for the Titanic sinking? ›

From the beginning, some blamed the Titanic's skipper, Captain E.J. Smith, for sailing the massive ship at such a high speed (22 knots) through the iceberg-heavy waters of the North Atlantic. Some believed Smith was trying to better the crossing time of Titanic's White Star sister ship, the Olympic.

Who caused the Titanic to sink? ›

The ship had 16 watertight compartments designed to keep it afloat if damaged. This led to the belief that the ship was unsinkable. However, only four days into its maiden voyage, the Titanic struck an iceberg near Newfoundland, Canada. The collision damaged the ship and its watertight compartments.

Whose fault was it that the Titanic sank? ›

Captain E.J. Smith: As the Captain of the Titanic, many people point to E.J. Smith has the immediate subject to blame for the 1912 disaster.

Was the captain of the Titanic drunk? ›

One of the many myths surrounding the 1912 tragedy is that the 62-year-old captain was drunk, although no evidence has ever been produced to support this. However, the newly found account of second-class passenger Richards does appear to support this theory.

Who was controlling the Titanic when it sank? ›

Smith (born January 27, 1850, Hanley [now in Stoke-on-Trent], Staffordshire, England—died April 15, 1912, at sea, northern Atlantic Ocean) was the British captain of the passenger liner Titanic, which sank in 1912. Smith began working on boats while he was a teenager.

What ship ignored the Titanic? ›

American and British inquiries accused the SS Californian and its captain, Stanley Lord, of abandoning the Titanic. Decades later, the discovery of Titanic's wreck exonerated Lord and the Californian's role in the disaster, re-opening accounts that implicate another ship.

Did the captain of the Titanic save himself? ›

Captain Edward Smith didn't survive. It's generally assumed he went down with his ship but a couple of conflicting reports suggest he shot himself first and another one that he swam with a child to a lifeboat, got the child on board and then slipped under the water, but either way, he went with his ship.

Who went to jail for the Titanic sinking? ›

More notably, Robert Hichens, the quartermaster who was actually at the helm of the Titanic when he tried – unsuccessfully – not to hit the fatal iceberg, served four years for attempted murder later in 1933.

What were the last words of the captain of the Titanic? ›

"As the waters rose to the bridge, his last command rang out to his officers and men: 'Be British'," the Rev Gordon told the mourners at Shelton church. "When next seen he is holding a little child in his arms, and handing it into one of the boats, saved. His last greeting was, 'Good luck, and God bless you. '

Who was supposed to be on the Titanic and didn't go? ›

Those who held tickets for a passage, but did not actually sail, include Theodore Dreiser, Henry Clay Frick, Milton S. Hershey, Guglielmo Marconi, John Pierpont Morgan, John Mott, George Washington Vanderbilt II, Edgar Selwyn.

Did Captain Smith go down with the Titanic? ›

Captain Smith did indeed perish when the Titanic sank. Some survivors reported seeing him inside the wheelhouse of the bridge as Titanic sank, whilst others claim to have seen Smith commit suicide using a pistol.

Does the Titanic iceberg still exist? ›

On its way into the Atlantic and also after the collision, the iceberg melted because of the water temperature. An iceberg exists for about two to three years. Accordingly, if the fatal iceberg calved in 1910 or 1911, it may not have disappeared until the end of 1912 or even during 1913.

Was the captain of the Titanic found? ›

Edward Smith's body was never recovered, and his final moments remain a mystery—with no shortage of conflicting accounts. No one knows exactly where Captain E.J. Smith was at 11:40 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, 1912.

Was Harland and Wolff to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? ›

The scientists discovered that Harland and Wolff also used steel rivets — but only on the Titanic's central hull, where stresses were expected to be greatest. Iron rivets were chosen for the stern and bow. And the bow, as fate would have it, is where the iceberg struck.

Why did Captain Smith ignore iceberg warnings? ›

Therefore, preparation for such a disaster as an iceberg field was thought to be superfluous. Icebergs that time of year and in that area were simply unheard of. The pride of the captain and facade of the blue sky caused him to disregard the several iceberg warnings he received and increase the speed anyway.

Who said God couldn't sink the Titanic? ›

The phrase was originally "practically unsinkable" and was from an obscure engineering journal, but after a while it didn't matter. On top of that, someone claims to have heard ship Capt. Edward John Smith say "Even God himself couldn't sink this ship," Foster said.

Why was Bruce Ismay to blame for the sinking of the Titanic? ›

Countless wire stories asserted Ismay's guilt at manipulating the Titanic's master into driving his ship faster than he wanted; of cowardice in taking the place of a passenger in one of the lifeboats; and of resigning from the company after the disaster rather than face the public.

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