Capital Markets: Meaning, Types, Instruments and Examples (2024)

Which comes to your mind when you hear the wordmarkets?Do you picture a vendor selling goods in exchange for money?Capital Markets: Meaning, Types, Instruments and Examples (1)Well, we are all familiar with this type of market. But, you will be surprised to learn that some important markets are not available in the form of stores. In fact, there is a market where buyers and sellers probably never meet in person. This market also has a huge significance on our economy. It is called thefinancial markets.

What is a Financial Market?

A vegetable market is a place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange vegetables for cash. Similarly, a financial market is a place where lenders and borrowers of money meet.In our economy, you will always find a set of individuals who have surplus funds and are looking to invest. These individuals are known as investors. While there are others who are in need of money. They are known as borrowers.The role of the financial market is to bridge the gap between the two.So, the market in which the individuals with surplus money meet the individuals who need money is called a financial market.Watch this video to know everything about the financial market

There are two types of financial markets:

  • Capital Markets: Here borrowers raise funds for more than a year.
  • Money Markets: Here borrowers raise funds for less than a year.

In this article, let’s focus and learn everything about capital markets including:

  1. What are capital markets?
  2. History of capital markets in India
  3. Basic structure of capital markets
  4. Types of capital markets
  5. Role of SEBI in capitalmarkets

It is just like any other market, but the instrument being traded between the buyer and the seller iscapital (money).This capital is raised for more than a year. Hence, it is also called along term investment.

But why do we need capital markets?

Simply because capital is the core of any company. A business will not be able to produce goods if there is no capital. It will not be able to pay its employees and other liabilities without capital.Even governments need capital to build roads, bridges and conduct other welfare activities for their citizens.So, it’s safe to say that capital is at the core of any economy. It helps the country improve its standard of living. Hence, having a capital market is crucial.

History of Capital Markets in India

To explore the roots of capital markets, we need to go back to 1947. During the time of independence, India was an underdeveloped country. Most households were poor and had little to no savings.Companies used to approach banks to raise capital. But with low savings rate, even banks were unable to provide huge loans.Looking at this situation, the government had to set up financial institutions like theIndustrial Development Bank of India(IDBI). Over the period of time, IDBI played the role of being the apex institution for lending loans. It also helped industries in planning and development of new projects.After globalisation of the Indian economy in 1991, many foreign institutional investors (FII’s) from across the world started to invest in India through the securities markets. This led to its massive growth.But in 1992, theHarshad Mehta Scamrevealed the inadequacies of our capital markets. This was a turning point for Indian capital markets. It led to the formation of theSecurities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).Mr P Chidambaram (former Finance Minister) abolished the long-term capital gains (LTCG) tax on securities and kept short-term capital gains tax at 10% in 2005. He did it to encourage retail participation in the stock markets. The Indian capital markets have seen tremendous growth in technology and the S&P BSE Sensex has surpassed 50,000 levels despite LTCG tax being reintroduced in 2018.Let us now understand the structure of capital markets and how the capital markets work.

Basic Structure of the Capital Markets

In capital markets, there is an exchange of capital. Let’s try to relate this with cricket for better understanding.Take a look at the picture below.Capital Markets: Meaning, Types, Instruments and Examples (2)

  • The bowler is the lender of the capital.
  • The batsman is the borrower.

Following are all the possible lenders and borrowers in the real world scenario.Lenders of capital:

  1. Retail investors (Investors like you and me)
  2. Institutional investors (Mutual fundcompanies and insurance companies)
  3. Foreign Institutional Investors (Investors from other countries who wants to invest in the Indian stock markets)

Borrowers of capital:

  1. Entrepreneurs who wish to issue shares of the company.
  2. Entrepreneurs who wish to issuedebt securities.
  3. Government who wants to borrow money by issuing debt.

While watching cricket we do see a person standing behind the bowler. This person is known as the umpire. He provides the guidelines of the game and ensures that the standards of the game are maintained.Similarly, in capital markets, SEBI acts as the umpire.Apart from lenders, borrowers andSEBI, we also need a few intermediaries to make the process easier.Borrower of Capital

  • Entrepreneurs who wish to issue shares of companies in the stock market
  • Entrepreneurs who wish to issue debt securities.
  • Government who wants to borrow money by issuing debt.
  • An entrepreneur who wishes to borrow money from the bank.

Lenders of Capital

  • Retail Investors who would directly invest in equity shares of the company.
  • Institutional investors such as mutual fund companies and Insurance companies.
  • Foreign Institutional Investors (FII)


  • Stock exchanges like theNational Stock Exchange (NSE)and theBombay Stock Exchange (BSE). They facilitate the exchange of equity shares
  • Brokers help institutional investors with transactions in the stock exchange.
  • Registrars, transfer agents anddepository participants.
  • Banks andnon-banking financial institutions (NBFCs).

#Question_time: If a company approaches a bank for a loan, why is the bank not known as the lender of capital but the intermediary?That’s because the money which the bank is lending is actually deposits. It is collected from the general public. So, the lenders of capital are the depositors and the bank is a channel through which the funds are distributed in the form of loans.Now let’s explore the various types of capital markets.

Types of Capital Markets

There are two types of capital markets.

  1. Equity markets
  2. Debt markets

Let’s explore each one in detail.1. Equity MarketsAn equity market is a place where shares of a company are traded. It is popularly known as the stock market or share market.As the name suggests, it is a marketplace where buyers and sellers meet to trade in stocks ofpublicly listed companies. The investors who invest in these stocks become part owners of the company. They are exposed to risks and rewards earned by the company.Equities are further divided into two.A. Primary marketsThis is a market where companies issue their shares for the very first time. It is also known as new issue market.Here are the methods of raising funds through primary markets.a.Initial Public Offering (IPO)Let us understandIPOwith a simple example.Mr Winter is the owner of Winter Textiles Ltd. He makes a deal with Chanel to export textile cloth to their manufacturing unit. However, his company is currently operating at full capacity and has no room for new orders. To fulfil this new order, he will have to set up a new industrial unit. This new project would cost a huge sum.Now to raise capital, Mr Winter decides to list the shares of Winter Textiles for the first time on the stock exchange. This method of raising capital through the primary market is known asInitial Public Offering(IPO).The primary market allows companies like Winter Textiles Ltd to issue shares of their business to potential investors. In return, the investors own a small portion of the company.To explore the process of issuing an IPO –Click here.b. Follow on Public Offer (FPO)When a public company issues additional shares after issuing an IPO, it is called an FPO.For example: After a successful IPO, Winter Textiles Ltd received big orders from Gucci and Zara. To finance these activities, they require additional capital. Hence, they decide to issue additional shares or FPO of Winter Textiles.To know the key difference between IPO and FPO –Click here.c. Rights IssueWhen a company is looking to expand their business and need more funds, they first turn to their existing investors. These existing shareholders are given the right to buy new shares at a discounted rate before the general public.The shareholder has the right to refuse rights issue. In this case, these shares are offered to the general public.To know more about rights issue –Click hered. Private placementWhen a company offers its securities to a small group of private investors, it is called private placement. These securities may be bonds or stocks. Here the company raises funds by selling its shares privately to high net individuals (HNIs), Domestic Institutional Investors etc.e. Preferential issueThis is one of the quickest methods for a company to raise capital. These shares are issued to financial institutions, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) and other lending firms. Retail investors are rarely offered preference shares. The minimum investment amount is Rs 10 lakhs. In preferential allotment, the shareholders receive dividends before equity shareholders.To explore more about preference shares –Click here.B. Secondary MarketsA secondary market is a platform through which the shares of companies are traded among investors.Continuing the above example, suppose Winter textiles Ltd has distributed shares of Rs 100 crores. Upon listing, the shareholders are free to buy and sell these shares through thestock exchanges. This trading is done in the secondary markets.#Question_time: Suppose you had bought a share of Winter Textiles Ltd and sold it in less than a year, then how is it a part of capital markets?Capital raised by companies during an IPO stays with them till the time of liquidation. While its shares are tradable in the secondary market. This means you have an option to sell your shares to another buyer in exchange for money. But there is no way to ask the company to buy the share back apart from their own will. Hence the raised capital is perpetual.2. Debt marketDebtis a loan on the company. If a company does not wish to dilute its ownership by issuing equity shares, it issues debentures or bonds.A. BondsBondsare fixed income instruments. It is an instrument where investors provide loans to the bond issuer. In return, the issuer promises to pay a fixed interest rate and return the principal amount on maturity. These bonds are traded in the secondary markets.Bonds are majorly divided into two types.

  1. Government securities (G sec)

G sec or government securities are issued by central and state governments of India. They are supervised by theReserve Bank of India(RBI). These bonds are issued when the government needs funds for an upcoming project or infrastructural development. They pay fixed interest to its bondholders at regular intervals. These bonds carry almost zero default risk.

  1. Corporate bonds

Corporate bonds are issued by large companies. It is a very popular method through which companies raise capital at low cost. These bonds carry more risk than government bonds but provide higher interest rates too.To explore more about bonds –Click here.B. DebenturesDebentures are instruments issued to raise debt capital. Here individuals like you and me, provide a loan to a company. The only difference between bonds and debentures is that bonds are mandatorily secured by a collateral. Whereas, debentures may be secured or unsecured.

  • Secured debentures are backed by collateral. If the company is unable to pay the interest or principal amount, then the collateralised asset can be liquidated.
  • Unsecured debentures are bought based on trust. There is no collateral. To explore more about debentures –Click here.

Role of SEBI in Capital Markets

SEBIis the regulator of the Indian capital markets. It was established after the Harshad Mehta scam in 1992. It works to protect interest of investors.Following are the roles of SEBI:

  1. SEBI regulates the functioning ofdepositories,credit rating agenciesand other participants.
  2. It strictly monitors and curbs insider trading practices. This keeps the market fair and transparent.
  3. It monitors company takeovers and acquisitions.
  4. SEBI takes care of research and development to ensure the securities market is efficient at all times.
  5. It designs guidelines and a code of conduct for the proper functioning of financial intermediaries.
  6. It conducts inquiries and audits of thestock exchanges.

Final Thoughts

As a company, capital markets offer you the opportunity to develop and grow your business. Whereas as individual investors, you get to enjoy superior returns in the form of capital gains, dividends and interests. All you need to have is aDemat account.To build a strong 30 storey building, you first need construct a strong base. Similarly, to excel in the journey of the stock markets, having a strong knowledge base is a must.Understanding capital markets is the first step in the world of stock markets. To make your knowledge base stronger read our next article on –How does the stock markets work? It will help you understand the stock market better.In the next chapter we will explore more about money markets.

Tagged: Capital Markets

Capital Markets: Meaning, Types, Instruments and Examples (2024)


Capital Markets: Meaning, Types, Instruments and Examples? ›

Capital markets are financial markets that bring buyers and sellers together to trade stocks, bonds, currencies, and other financial assets. Capital markets include the stock market and the bond market. They help people with ideas become entrepreneurs and help small businesses grow into big companies.

What are types of capital market instruments? ›

Funding instruments traded in the capital markets include debentures, shares, bonds, debt instruments, ETFs, etc. The securities exchanged here are typically long-term investments. The capital market includes the securities market and the bond market.

What is the meaning of capital market and types? ›

The term “capital market” is a broad one that's used to describe the in-person and digital spaces in which various entities trade types of financial instruments. These venues can include the stock market, the bond market, and the currency and foreign exchange (forex) markets.

Which of the following is an example of an instrument in the capital market? ›

Capital market instruments are financial securities used by entities to raise long-term funds. They include stocks, bonds, and derivatives. They play critical roles in resource allocation, risk management, and price discovery and help businesses and investors hedge against various risks.

What are the three main types of markets for financial capital are? ›

The types of markets for financial capital are the loans markets, bond markets, and stock markets. The firms can speculate in these markets for raising funds for fulfilling their capital requirements. Loan markets help the firms to get loans at an interest rate with a maturity period.

What is an example of a capital market? ›

Capital markets are financial markets that bring buyers and sellers together to trade stocks, bonds, currencies, and other financial assets. Capital markets include the stock market and the bond market. They help people with ideas become entrepreneurs and help small businesses grow into big companies.

What is a market instrument? ›

Money market instruments like certificates of deposit, treasury bills, etc., are highly liquid short-term assets. Such financial instruments are traded for less than a year. On the other hand, capital market instruments like bonds and shares are traded for the long term (1 year or more).

How to answer why capital markets? ›

Capital markets allow companies to raise money for expansion by allowing traders to purchase and sell stocks and bonds. Since they have trustworthy markets where they can receive money, businesses also have less risk and expenditure when acquiring financial resources.

What are the types of capital and examples? ›

The four major types of capital include working capital, debt, equity, and trading capital; trading capital is used by brokerages and other financial institutions.

How do capital markets work? ›

Capital Markets allow businesses to raise long-term funds by providing a market for securities, both through debt and equity. Capital Markets offer a whole range of sometimes complicated products which allow businesses and banks not just to raise capital but also to hedge (or protect) against risks.

What is a capital instrument? ›

a security in the form of shares, bonds, etc. that a company sells to raise the money it needs to operate: Legally, capital instruments are debt and should therefore be disclosed within liabilities. (Definition of capital instrument from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Is a Treasury bill a capital market instrument? ›

Money Market Instruments and Capital Market

Common examples include Treasury Bills, Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Paper and Banker's Acceptance. Treasury Bills are short-term government securities with a maturity of less than one year, providing a secure and highly liquid investment option.

Which are not capital market instruments? ›

Hence, commercial paper is not the instrument of capital market in India.

What are the 3 common types of capital market securities? ›

Capital market securities are financial instruments that are issued by corporations and governments to raise capital. These securities can be in the form of debt securities, equity securities, and derivatives.

What are the three functions of capital market? ›

The capital market functions include raising long-term funds for businesses and governments, facilitating investment opportunities for individuals and institutions, and ensuring liquidity by trading securities like stocks and bonds.

What do capital market instruments include both? ›

Capital market instruments include both long-term debt and common stocks. Who is considered to be the second most powerful person in the United States, after the President? borrower-spenders.

Is common stock a capital market instrument? ›

The instruments used in capital markets include the following: Stocks, which represent ownership of a company. Bonds, in which bond holders (or creditors) have essentially extended a loan to the company.

Is a mortgage a capital market instrument? ›

Most capital market instruments, including mortgages (loans on real estate collateralProperty pledged as security for the repayment of a loan.), corporate bonds, government bonds, and commercial and consumer loans, have fixed maturities ranging from a year to several hundred years, though most capital market ...

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