Capital Markets In India: Concepts, Examples and Practice Questions (2024)

Capital Markets

The capital market provides the support to the system of capitalism of the country.The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), along withthe Reserve Bank of India are the two regulatory authority for Indian securitiesmarket, to protect investors and improve the microstructure of capital markets in India. With the increased application of information technology, the trading platforms of stock exchanges are accessible from anywhere in the country through their trading terminals.

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Capital Markets In India

India has a fair share of the world economy and hence the capital markets or the share markets of India form a considerable portion of the world economy.The capital market is vital to the financial system.

The capital Markets are of two main types. The Primary markets and the secondary markets.In a primary market, companies, governments or public sector institutions can raise funds through bond issues. Alos, Corporations can sell new stock through an initial public offering (IPO) and raise money through that. Thus in the primary market, the party directly buys shares of a company. The process of selling new shares to investors is called underwriting.

In the Secondary Markets, the stocks, shares, and bonds etc. are bought and sold by the customers. Examples of the secondary capital markets include the stock exchanges like NSE, BSE etc. In these markets, using the technology of the current time, the shares, and bonds etc. are sold and purchased by parties or people.

Broad Constituents in the Indian Capital Markets

Fund Raisers

Fund Raisers are companies that raise funds from domestic and foreign sources, both public and private. The following sources help companies raise funds.

Fund Providers

Fund Providers are the entities that invest in the capital markets. These can be categorized as domestic and foreign investors, institutional and retail investors. The list includes subscribers to primary market issues, investors who buy in the secondary market, traders, speculators, FIIs/ sub-accounts, mutual funds, venture capital funds,NRIs, ADR/GDR investors, etc.


Intermediaries are service providers in the market, including stock brokers, sub-brokers, financiers, merchant bankers, underwriters, depository participants, registrar and transfer agents, FIIs/ sub-accounts, mutual Funds, venture capital funds, portfolio managers, custodians, etc.


Organizations include various entities such as MCX-SX, BSE, NSE, other regional stock exchanges, and the two depositories National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Securities Depository Limited (CSDL).

Market Regulators

Capital Markets In India: Concepts, Examples and Practice Questions (9)

Market Regulators include the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and the Department of Company Affairs (DCA).

Role And Importance Of Capital Market In India

The capital market has a crucial significance to capital formation. For a speedy economic development, the adequate capital formation is necessary. The significance of capital market in economic development is explained below:

Mobilization Of Savings And Acceleration Of Capital Formation:

In developing countries like India, the importance of capital market is self-evident. In this market, various types of securities help to mobilize savings from various sectors of the population. The twin features of reasonable return and liquidity in stock exchange are definite incentives to the people to invest in securities. This accelerates the capital formation in the country.

Raising Long-Term Capital

The existence of a stock exchange enables companies to raise permanent capital. The investors cannot commit their funds for a permanent period but companies require funds permanently. The stock exchange resolves this dash of interests by offering an opportunity to investors to buy or sell their securities, while permanent capital with the company remains unaffected.

Promotion Of Industrial Growth

The stock exchange is a central market through which resources are transferred to the industrial sector of the economy. The existence of such an institution encourages people to invest in productive channels. Thus it stimulates industrial growth and economic development of the country by mobilizing funds for investment in the corporate securities.

Ready And Continuous Market

The stock exchange provides a central convenient place where buyers and sellers can easily purchase and sell securities. Easy marketability makes an investment in securities more liquid as compared to other assets.

Technical Assistance

An important shortage faced by entrepreneurs in developing countries is technical assistance. By offering advisory services relating to the preparation of feasibility reports, identifying growth potential and training entrepreneurs in project management, the financial intermediaries in capital market play an important role.

Reliable Guide To Performance

The capital market serves as a reliable guide to the performance and financial position of corporate, and thereby promotes efficiency.

Proper Channelization Of Funds

The prevailing market price of a security and relative yield are the guiding factors for the people to channelize their funds in a particular company. This ensures effective utilization of funds in the public interest.

Provision Of Variety Of Services:

The financial institutions functioning in the capital market provide a variety of services such as a grant of long-term and medium-term loans to entrepreneurs, provision of underwriting facilities, assistance in the promotion of companies, participation in equity capital, giving expert advice etc.

Development Of Backward Areas

Capital Markets provide funds for projects in backward areas. This facilitates economic development of backward areas. Long-term funds are also provided for development projects in backward and rural areas.

Foreign Capital

Capital markets make possible to generate foreign capital. Indian firms are able to generate capital funds from overseas markets by way of bonds and other securities. The government has liberalized Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the country. This not only brings in the foreign capital but also foreign technology which is important for economic development of the country.

Easy Liquidity

With the help of secondary market, investors can sell off their holdings and convert them into liquid cash. Commercial banks also allow investors to withdraw their deposits, as and when they are in need of funds.

Practice Questions

Q 1: With reference to the capital markets of India, pick the incorrect statement from the following:

A)Capital markets make possible to generate foreign capital.

B)Capital Markets provide funds for projects in backward areas.

C)The existence of a stock exchange enables companies to raise permanent capital.

D) Intermediaries includevarious entities such as MCX-SX, BSE, NSE, other regional stock exchanges.

Ans:D) Intermediaries includevarious entities such as MCX-SX, BSE, NSE, other regional stock exchanges.

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Capital Markets In India: Concepts, Examples and Practice Questions (2024)


What is the concept of capital market in India? ›

Capital markets serve the dual purpose of providing avenues for investors to grow their wealth over time and offering fund-seekers the means to raise capital for various endeavours, such as business expansion, infrastructure development, and government projects.

What are the problems faced by the Indian capital market? ›

The problems faced by the Indian capital market are as follows: Inadequate disclosure of information. Price manipulation. Insider trading.

How can the capital market in India be broadly classified into different categories? ›

10.5. 1 Capital market statistics for convenience are divided into five broad areas namely, primary market, private placement market, secondary market, mutual funds, and operations of foreign institutional investors (FIIs).

How does Sebi affect the capital market in India? ›

This not only enhances transparency but also instills investor confidence. The legal framework governing capital markets, including regulations promulgated by SEBI, plays a pivotal role in shaping the conduct of market participants, ensuring fair practices, and maintaining market integrity.

Who is the father of capital market in India? ›

Dhirubhai is widely regarded as the father of India's capital markets. In 1977, when Reliance Textile Industries Limited first went public, the Indian stock market was a place patronised by a small club of elite investors which dabbled in a handful of stocks.

What factors have contributed to the growth of the capital market in India? ›

Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) have played a significant role in the growth of the Indian capital market. The liberalization of the Indian economy and the opening up of the capital account in the 1990s has led to a surge in foreign investments, with FIIs investing in both equity and debt securities.

How capital markets affect economic growth in India? ›

Capital markets are vital for India's economy because they provide a platform for mobilizing and allocating funds for productive activities. Capital markets facilitate the flow of savings from investors to entrepreneurs, who use them to finance their projects and create jobs, income, and growth.

How is Indian capital market different from stock market? ›

Capital markets describe any exchange marketplace where financial securities and assets are bought and sold. Capital markets may include trading in bonds, derivatives, and commodities in addition to stocks. A stock market is a particular category of the capital market that only trades shares of corporations.

What are the main deficiencies in the development of capital market in India? ›

Poor growth in the secondary market. Prevalence of insider trading and front running. Manipulation of security prices. Existence of unofficial trade in the primary market, prior to the issue coming into the market.

Who are the regulators of capital markets in India? ›

The Ministry of Finance (MoF), the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI), and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are the three regulatory authorities governing Indian capital market regulators.

What are the recent trends in the Indian capital market? ›

Amplified Digitization in the Captial Market

Investors are no longer limited to traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds. The rise of alternative investments such as private equity, venture capital, real estate, and cryptocurrencies has reshaped the investment landscape.

What are the types of securities in Indian capital market? ›

The four types of security are debt, equity, derivative, and hybrid securities. Holders of equity securities (e.g., shares) can benefit from capital gains by selling stocks.

What is the role of stock exchange in capital market in India? ›

Stock exchanges function as 'continuous auction' markets where traders consummate transactions through electronic trading platforms. It is a stock market where listed securities of companies, government, and semi-government organizations are traded.

What does the capital market in India deal with? ›

Capital markets are venues where savings and investments are channeled between the suppliers who have capital and those who are in need of capital. The entities that have capital include retail and institutional investors while those who seek capital are businesses, governments, and people.

What is the role of capital market in Indian financial system? ›

Capital Markets provide funds for projects in backward areas. This facilitates economic development of backward areas. Long-term funds are also provided for development projects in backward and rural areas.

What is the concept and idea of capital market? ›

Capital markets are financial markets that bring buyers and sellers together to trade stocks, bonds, currencies, and other financial assets. Capital markets include the stock market and the bond market. They help people with ideas become entrepreneurs and help small businesses grow into big companies.

What is the market capital of India? ›

Market Capitalization by Country Comparison
India (USD mn)5,522,274.973 Jul 2024
Indonesia (USD mn)850,624.593 Aug 2024
Iran (USD mn)1,743,023.000 Sep 2023
Ireland (USD mn)157,585.158 Feb 2023
96 more rows

What is the capital market in the Indian financial system? ›

The Indian financial market is made up of a variety of markets, including the stock market, the bond market, the derivatives market, the foreign exchange market, and the money market. Financial intermediation is the process of bringing these two groups together.

What is the best example of a capital market? ›

What are examples of capital markets? The New York State Exchange, NASDAQ, London Stock Exchange, and the American Stock Exchange are some highly organized capital markets. NASDAQ offers electronic trading as opposed to the other capital markets.

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