Can You Make Money Writing eBooks and How to Get Started (2024)

Can you make money writing eBooks? We all want to make money with our blogs, but we’re told that we need a ton of traffic if you want to make money with ads.

While I am a huge believer in having multiple income streams on your blog. If you browse around on my blog, you’ll see that at this time I am monetizing my blog with ads, affiliate marketing, and my ebooks and my Pinterest Templates.

It’s important to use different income streams if you want to create income from your blog. You never want to have all your income coming from just one source.

If you started your blog with the hopes of turning it into a full-time business, then you’re in the right place.

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Maybe you haven’t started your blog because you don’t know how to begin? Well, I have a step-by-step tutorial that will help you get your blog started in just 5 minutes.

Can You Make Money Writing eBooks Absolutely

Can You Make Money Writing eBooks and How to Get Started (1)

Even if you never thought you had it in you to write an ebook and sell it online. You’re wrong.

If you can write a blog post, then you can write an ebook. In this post, I am going to share how I wrote my first ebook and how I sell it on my blog as well as selling on the Amazon Kindle platform.

You’ll have everything you need to write an ebook fast and hopefully, start making money.

Let’s get started.

How to Write An eBook

One of the reasons that most bloggers refuse to write their first eBook is because they don’t think that they have it in them to write a full-blown eBook.

It’s funny how we all tend to focus on our limiting beliefs of what we can and can’t do. I’ve done it too and it took me a while to get my first eBook published. I think I waited a year before publishing my first eBook.

The truth is that you already have everything you need to publish an eBook. If you’ve been writing blog posts, then you can turn those blog posts into an eBook.

Now I know what you’re thinking, people can read that information for free on my blog. Why would anyone pay me for the same information in an eBook?

Method #1 Use One Existing Blog Post and Expand On It

The first method is to turn a blog post that is already proven to be popular and turn it into an eBook. All you have to do is check your top blog posts in Google Analytics to find out which posts your audience loves.

Once you find out which blog post is popular ask yourself these questions:

  • How can I make it even more valuable?
  • What can I add to the content to add value?

I know this can be confusing and you might think that no one is going to pay for an ebook that you used already written blog posts.

But the truth is that you’re not going to just be turning your blog posts into an ebook as is.

Most blog posts are around 1,500 – 3,00 words long, especially, if you are writing long-form content.

This means that you already have what it takes to turn your blog posts into an eBook. An eBook is nothing more than a piece of long-form high-value content about a particular subject in your niche.

Method #2 Create a Bunch of Related Articles and Put Them Into An eBook

If you have been writing blog posts for awhile, this means that you already ready have a huge blog archive. Chances are you already have several blog posts that are related to each other.

For instance, let’s say that your blog is about running and you did a series on how to get in shape for your first marathon.

You most likely have some articles that are related like this:

How to start training for your first marathon

What you should eat to get into shape for your first marathon

Marathon training schedule for beginners

I’m not a marathon runner so I have no clue what it takes to run a marathon. But you can see that all the articles are interrelated.

Well, instead of having your readers browse your blog archives for all the information. You can take all the blog posts that are related and create an eBook from them.

Either method works for turning your blog posts into an eBook. You just want to make sure that if your readers are getting something valuable for their money.

How to Turn Your Blog Post to A PDF

Can You Make Money Writing eBooks and How to Get Started (2)

Once you decide which post or blog posts you want to turn to a PDF, it’s time to get started. You can use a site like to create your pdf for free. Or you can use something like that makes it so easy to turn a blog post to a PDF.

Make sure that everything looks good. Not everything is going to look good when you convert it to an eBook.

Create Your Table of Contents

Use the post titles to create your table of contents. If they are too long, cut them down the character length.

Make sure that organize your chapters for easy reading and proper flow. Your table of contents will show you whether you are covering the topic in depth or not.

You may realize that you might need to write an extra chapter to help you cover an entire topic or cover something more in depth. That’s okay, it happens to all of us who sell an eBook.

Add Content to Your eBook

  • Cover/Title Page
  • TOC and Page Numbers
  • What your reader will learn
  • A little bit about you
  • Copyright Information
  • How to use the book
  • Resources and links
  • Disclosures (if you need any)
  • Footnotes (sources if any)
  • Additional Resources

Revise and Edit Your eBook

If you are like me, you love writing. I personally love publishing new blog posts and writing eBooks, but suck at proofreading and editing. That’s actually why I personally love using Grammarly whenever I sit down to write a blog post.

It’s nice to have someone watching my back and looking out for Grammar Errors. Now you can use Grammarly to help you write your eBook as well.

But the truth is that you want to make sure that your eBook makes sense and flows well. This can be hard to do if you’re the one proofreading your own eBook.

Your Blog Posts May Have Grammar Errors

Turning your blog posts into an eBook is not as simple as just copying and pasting the information into a PDF and converting it into an eBook.

Most of us have grammar issues in our blog posts. (I know I do)

Your eBook needs to be a little more formal than your blog posts. I am not saying that it needs to be stuffy and boring. But since people are handing over their money for it, you want to make sure that it’s not just a bunch of fluff.

Creating An eBook Cover

Before you can start selling your eBook on your blog then you need to create an eBook cover. The cool thing is that you can use Canva as they already have some pre-made covers that you can use for your new eBook.

Of course, you can outsource your eBook cover to Fiverr. I’ve personally never done that, but I know there are people who will be happy to take care of it for you.

Either way, you need to remember that your eBook cover will play a huge part in whether or not you make any sales.

If your eBook cover sucks, then you will struggle to make it a bestselling ebook.

Where to Sell Your eBook?

Once you have everything completed and your gorgeous ebook cover created, it’s time to tell the world about your new ebook.

Do you sell it on your blog or do you sell it on the Amazon Marketplace?

Well, the truth is that you can do both if you want. Today, I am going to discuss how to sell your eBook on your blog and on the Amazon Kindle Marketplace.

Even if you have never self-published your own ebook on Amazon, trust me it’s not hard. If I was able to figure it out, so can you. Check out this site as it has a ton of valuable information to help you get started with your first Kindle ebook.

How to Sell Your eBook On Your WordPress Blog

You already have a place to sell your eBook. Chances are you have been blogging for a while and may even have started building your email list of subscribers.

Well, why not just sell your ebook from your blog? If you are using WordPress, there are several plugins that will make selling an ebook so easy.

Of course, you can use a third party solution like Gumtree or SendOwl.

It’s really not hard to find a third party solution that will help you sell your ebook. Personally, I have only sold my ebooks on my blog and at Amazon. So I can’t say which third-party solution is the best to go with.

You’re just going to have to do your due diligence and find the right one that doesn’t take a huge chunk of your commissions.

I personally use Easy Digital Downloads to sell my ebook on my blog. Maybe I’ll create a step-by-step tutorial later to show you how easy it is to set it up.

Why I Love Easy Digital Downloads

I am a control freak and I don’t really like using 3rd party solutions to sell my products if I can find a reliable plugin to help me sell my products.

With Easy Digital Downloads, I just set up the eBook once on my blog and that’s it. Then all I have to do is focusing on promoting my blog and work on growing the traffic and the sales start to come in.

Can You Make Money Writing eBooks and How to Get Started (3)

I love the fact that Easy Digital Downloads allows me to accept payments via both Stripe and Paypal.

If you need help growing your traffic, here are some articles to help you out:

  • How to Grow Your Blog With Pinterest
  • How to Promote Your Blog The Truth About Blog Growth
  • Blog Post Checklist: 12 Things You Need to Do After Publishing A Post

Selling Your eBook On Amazon

Can You Make Money Writing eBooks and How to Get Started (4)

One of the cool things about selling your eBook on Amazon is that it’s a huge marketplace. Once you get your eBook added to the marketplace, you have the opportunity to start making sales right away.

Now from my personal experience on selling eBooks on Amazon is that the sales don’t come in as soon as you upload your eBook.

Just like anything else you do online, you need to promote your ebook and let others know about it. When I released my WordPress Complete Beginners Guide I ran an experiment to see if I could get the word out about my new book.

You know what I found?

If you want people to know about your new eBook, you’re going to have to give it away for free for a couple of days.

There are several sites that you can list your eBook for free. I personally don’t have that time to list my ebook to a bunch of free sites. So I used this service to help me get the word out about my new eBook.

Now I know what you’re thinking, why would you pay to give your eBook away for free?

Well, it helps get the word out about your ebook and hopefully, you’re using your ebook to help you grow your email list.

Plus once the promotion period is over, then the sales come in without you having to do a lot. I now make passive income from my blogs on the Kindle Marketplace without doing a whole lot.

Can You Make Money Writing eBooks and How to Get Started (5)

What to Do If My eBook Doesn’t Sell?

Converting your blog posts to an ebook does take some work. You’re going to have to make sure that everything looks good and proofread and possibly add some content.

This might take you a couple of days or a week to write your first ebook. No one wants to put in all that work and not make any money.

Unfortunately, it’s going to happen. Not ever ebook that you create is going to sell like hotcakes. We all create dud products every now and then.

But you can’t scare that from creating your first info-product.

If you create your ebook and it doesn’t sell, then here are some things you can do to see if it sells:

  • Create a fresh ebook cover (maybe people don’t like the one you have)
  • Change the price of the ebook
  • Work on improving the sales page of your ebook

If it still doesn’t sell and you’re doing the proper promotion. Then maybe you should stop selling it and put it inside of your resource library to help you grow your email subscribers.

Either way, it’s not a waste of time converting your blog posts to an ebook. You can always give away your ebook for free and add value to your subscribers.

Final Take Away

If you have been blogging for a while, then you have a ton of blog posts that you can turn into an ebook. Why not take some of your best content and repurpose it into an ebook that makes you money.

You’ve already done all the hard work of writing the content for your posts. Now it’s time to start earning passive income from your blog by selling ebooks.

Just remember that your ebooks will not sell unless you are getting out there and working the promotion and growing your traffic to get in front of your readers.

Hand Picked Articles for You

  • Money Making Tips What You Should Focus On As A New Blogger
  • 11 Blogging Sites That Pay Good Money For Your Articles
  • Convert Blog to PDF Ultimate Way to Make The Most of Your Traffic

Have you ever wondered if you can make money writing an ebook? Now that you know it’s possible, do you think you will write one? Let me know, I’d love to hear about it.

Can You Make Money Writing eBooks and How to Get Started (2024)


Can You Make Money Writing eBooks and How to Get Started? ›

There are several online marketplaces where you can sell your ebooks. Some of the best ones to consider — Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Smashwords, Kobo, Libraries, and Gumroad. I sell on multiple platforms. Check my detailed article here for self-publishing.

Can you really make money writing ebooks? ›

Yes, ebooks can be profitable, but success depends on factors such as quality of content, effective marketing, target audience, and pricing strategy. With lower production and distribution costs compared to traditional print books, ebooks have the potential to generate decent profits if properly executed.

How much does the average eBook writer make? ›

An Ebook Writer in your area makes on average $40 per hour, or $1.17 (30.148%) more than the national average hourly salary of $38.94. ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for Ebook Writer salaries.

How do you write an eBook for beginners? ›

Before you get started with writing and publishing your very own eBook, there are a few steps to consider and keep in mind along the way.
  1. Identify your target audience. ...
  2. Choose a topic. ...
  3. Do your research. ...
  4. Outline chapters. ...
  5. Write each chapter. ...
  6. Edit your eBook. ...
  7. Design your eBook.

What type of eBook sells the most? ›

The most popular categories for best-selling fiction books are as follows:
  • Romance.
  • Crime/Mystery.
  • Science fiction/fantasy.
  • Horror.

What kind of ebooks make money? ›

Short stories are a popular genre for eBooks. They're also one of the most profitable, as you can make more per sale than with longer books. The most popular type of short story is fiction, but nonfiction and poetry have their place on Amazon as well too.

How much does the average ebook sell for? ›

The average price of an ebook ranges from $9 to $19. But many ebooks sell for $5, and others have a price tag of $100 or more. How can that be? With other products, especially physical products, the cost of production is usually the culprit.

How much do first time authors make? ›

A first-time author of a traditionally published book can usually expect an advance of $1,000 to $10,000 and a 5% to 18% cut of the royalties. Many self-published authors have reported earning up to 70% in royalty fees for their ebooks although they do not receive any advance payment.

Can you make a living selling ebooks? ›

Remember, though they may be a paid product, ebooks are rarely a huge earner, especially in the short run. Most ebook sellers price them low to get people into their marketing funnel and sell them pricier stuff — their consulting, premium courses, and the like.

How many pages should an eBook be? ›

There are no official guidelines for the number of pages when it comes to publishing ebooks. However, consider the average ebook length of 50-100 pages and Amazon's eBook list price if you're planning to sell on Amazon Kindle. Ultimately, your ebook length will depend on the niche that you're writing about.

How do authors get paid for ebooks? ›

When it comes to ebooks, the retailer pays the publisher a percentage of the recommended retail price (taking a discount in line with that for printed books) and the author receives 25% of the monies paid by the retailer to the publisher.

How do I make an eBook to sell? ›

10 Simple Steps to Create and Sell eBooks Online -
  1. Step 1 – Plan your ebook and it's audience.
  2. Step 2 – Writing content for your ebook.
  3. Step 3 – Formatting.
  4. Step 4 – Editing and Proofreading.
  5. Step 5 – Cover image of your ebook.
  6. Step 6 – Converting the ebook.
  7. Step 7 – Compatibility Check.
Mar 1, 2024

What should be on the first page of an ebook? ›

What should be on the ebook cover page? There are only two important design elements that should be on your ebook cover page. These are the title and your name, as the author. However, there are optional information and details you can add as well.

What is the best platform to write a ebook? ›

Check this out and see which software suits you best.
  • Draft2Digital. ...
  • Adobe InDesign. ...
  • Designrr. ...
  • Pressbooks. ...
  • Kotobee. ...
  • Vellum. ...
  • Kindle Create. Kindle Create is a free eBook maker from Amazon. ...
  • 9 Best Canva Alternatives That Are Way Better. Karen Garces, April 1, 2024.
Jan 18, 2023

How long should your first ebook be? ›

If you're putting together an ebook for the first time and want to test the waters, short ebooks are a great way to get your feet wet. Short ebook lengths land anywhere from a few pages to several thousand words. The Write Practice considers a short print book to average 25,000 words , which is around 100 pages.

How much can you earn from a self-published eBook? ›

Self-published writers on Kindle make around $150 per month on the lower end to more than $20,000 per month on the higher end.

Do authors make more money from eBooks or print? ›

Royalities – Self-Published

They keep control of their book, as well as the rights. Self-published authors receive royalties on a monthly basis, with a delay of about three months on the sale. eBooks bring in more royalties than print books, so you may find a lot of self-published authors only offer that format.

Who is the richest eBook writer? ›

The writing world is abuzz about Amanda Hocking, the 26-year-old self-published author who sold over 450,000 copies of her e-books in January alone, mostly priced between 99 cents and $2.99. She's now a millionaire.

Do Kindle writers make money? ›

There are galaxies and galaxies of opportunity, and when it comes to Kindle publishing, you can make money creating anything from eBooks and paperbacks to hardcovers, novels, comics, cookbooks, children's books, journals, poetry books, and textbooks. That being said, some niches are more profitable than others.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.