Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (2024)

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  • Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (3)
  • Can someone clarify the difference between "arrived at shipper" and "arrived at stop"?

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John M.'s Comment

Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (4)

John M.

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5 years, 5 months ago

Mentor keeps explaining it but I'm not following


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David F.'s Comment

Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (5)

David F.

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5 years, 5 months ago

Arrived at shipper is your origin. Where you pick up your load to be delivered. Arrived at stop is used once your loaded and have arrived at your first stop if you have more than one stop IE split load. If you only have one delivery you would just use arrived at final destination. Then when empty you send in an empty call. Hope this helps.

Mentor keeps explaining it but I'm not following


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.


Operating While Intoxicated

000's Comment

5 years, 5 months ago

The shipper is the person/company loading your trailer. When you arrive there you are being loaded.

Some loads have multiple stops and you have to put in whatever macro you use for deliveries and the stop number for that delivery.

At Prime we have arrived at shipper which is macro 3. Then arrived at reciever which is macro 4. Within those macros, they ask you which number stop it is. 01. 02, 03, with 90 being the final destination.

Hope that helps.


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.

Suicide Jockey's Comment

Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (7)

Suicide Jockey

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5 years, 5 months ago

For Prime arriving at any location is macro 1. You then fill in what stop location it is you have arrived at.

Macro 2 is departure macro for shippers, and macro 3 is departure macro for receivers.


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.

Suicide Jockey's Comment

Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (8)

Suicide Jockey

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5 years, 5 months ago


Wrong numbers lol.

3 is depart shippers and 4 depart receiver.


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.

JuiceBox's Comment

Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (9)


Clarksville, TN

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5 years, 5 months ago

For what company? That may yield a more specific answer

Grumpy Old Man's Comment

Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (10)

Grumpy Old Man

Grand Island, NY

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5 years, 5 months ago

Stop for us is for multiple consignee or receiver loads.

For instance you arrived at shipper and got a load with half going to one place and the rest going elsewhere. The first delivery would be a stop, the second would be arrived at final destination.

Single stop loads use arrived at consignee.


The customer the freight is being delivered to. Also referred to as "the receiver". The shipper is the customer that is shipping the goods, the consignee is the customer receiving the goods.


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.

Sid V.'s Comment

Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (11)

Sid V.

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5 years, 5 months ago

Shipper is the origin of the trip. Receiver(consignee)is the end of the trip.

Stops are the deliveries or pickups in between the shipper and the reciever.


The customer the freight is being delivered to. Also referred to as "the receiver". The shipper is the customer that is shipping the goods, the consignee is the customer receiving the goods.


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.

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Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (12)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (13)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (14)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (15)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (16)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (17)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (18)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (19)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (20)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (21)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (22)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (23)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (24)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (25)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (26)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (27)Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (28)


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Can Someone Clarify The Difference Between 'arrived At Shipper' And 'arrived At Stop'? - Page 1 (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.