Can I Graduate If I Fail a Module? (2024)

A common question that learners ask is, “can I graduate if I fail a module?” Well, a student might not submit work or fail a module for some reason. However, this shouldn’t make you panic because most universities allow students to retake their failed modules and receive a maximum grade of 40%.

The university decides when to reassess learners and the exam or reassessment method to use. If you failed because of an unexpected event or an illness during the assessment, the learning institution might allow you to apply for an Exceptional Circ*mstance. A successful Exceptional Circ*mstance claim permits the learner a relevant reassessment or a further initial opportunity.

But what happens if you fail a re-sit exam at university? Well, if a learner doesn’t pass that one time, they are likely to retake the failed module in the following year. But, this comes with additional financial costs, and a learner can’t progress to the next academic year of the course.

Before exploring what happens when a learner fails a module, it’s crucial to answer the question, “what is a module?” Well, every university study program has modules that can be optional, compulsory, or discovery. Each module comes with a credit value, and a learner must complete adequate credits to progress in their program.

At Uni, a module refers to a group of courses that offer a certain understanding level in a subject area. A regular undergraduate degree program like BSc, BA, and BMSc can have four module types. Essentially, every study subject in a college comprises modules. Failing university modules means:

  • Not meeting the criteria’s minimum overall pass for after taking a referral
  • Academic misconduct

Perhaps, the question you’re asking now is, “what happens if you fail a module at uni first year?” Well, a failed one module in first year means a student can re-sit it. A re-sit refer to a second attempt at a module assessment without additional tuition. Universities cap the marks for the re-sit at a pass.

But what happens if you fail a module a second time? Well, your professor will assist you in ensuring that you don’t fail the module a second time. And this includes showing you how to study and complete all tasks, including writing an essay or paper that is part of the module. That means a second failed uni module is quite unlikely. Maybe you re-sat a module but didn’t pass. So, what next for you?

Failing university modules means a learner doesn’t meet the Progression and Award Requirements during their second attempt. Consequently, most universities require learners to repeat the module. Repeating a module means re-enrolling on the failed module in the next academic session. Thus, the university will reassess the learner in every component of the failed module fresh with a total mark cap at the pass mark.

What Happens If You Fail a Resit Exam At University?

Failing in a re-sit and a repeat module means the learner may have to leave the program. Moreover, the learner can’t re-enroll on the failed uni module or program after re-sitting and repeating several modules. Nevertheless, a student can be eligible for the following, based on their study program:

  • Award of a different study field’s qualification
  • Transfer to another program
  • Interim qualification

Perhaps, you’ve failed after re-sitting a module, and you’re wondering, have I failed my degree? Well, you can explore these options to progress in your studies or career.

What are the Module Requirements?

Every module has its learning syllabus, outcomes, a unique code, and assessment schedule.

The module code comprises four letters, showing the school that offers it, and the module number, containing four digits. Universities require undergraduates to pass about 120 credits or 180 credits for postgraduates to progress to the next academic year.

Every academic year has two semesters. Students must finish specific modules every semester. The credit value for every module ranges between 10 and 60 credits. Perhaps, the question in your mind now is, do you have to pass all modules first year? You should balance your credit numbers over the semesters, and you can’t take over 70 credits in a single semester.

If pursuing an Integrated Masters or a Bachelor’s degree, your module grade will count to passing that program year 1. And this grade will contribute to your degree classification in years 2, 3, and 4, where applicable. When pursuing a Diploma of Higher Education or a Foundation Degree, which can be a two-year program, every module you take during the program will count towards its classification. University regulations do not permit learners to enroll for a module they’ve completed entirely in the previous academic year.

How Many Modules Are There in Each Academic Year?

The number of modules in an academic year varies depending on the program that a learner pursues. As hinted, each module has explicit and coherent assessment criteria and learning outcomes. What’s more, each module has its credit value. For instance, the total credit value for undergraduate study modules is 120 credits every study year. On the other hand, the total value for postgraduate study modules is 180 credits.

Typically, a degree comprises first-year courses, a module or several modules, and options. Each university has a degree structure chart that indicates the modules that a professor, school, or department can put together every academic year.

What Happens if You Fail a Module at Uni First Year?

Usually, universities allow students to re-sit a failed module. If a learner doesn’t pass the failed module after a re-sit, the learning institution will let them repeat or retake that module in the next academic year. However, this comes with financial costs, and a learner might not progress to the next year of their course. But, how many modules can you fail in first year? In most cases, passing the first year at university requires learners to get 120 credits in combined modules. To excel in a degree, a student should get 360 credits. SITS calculates the module mark and grade according to the modules’ grading structure of the learning institution.

What Happens If You Fail Second Year at University?

Typically, universities allow students to re-sit their failed modules, meaning failing the second year at the university shouldn’t mark the end of your academic journey. After all, passing your first year should favor you because it tells the learning institution that you’re capable.

Here’s what happens if you fail second year at university:

First, you can apply for a re-sit. When you re-sit a module, the university will reassess you under the first attempt’s syllabus. Thus, the professor will use the same assessment methods, including practical, exams, and essays. Consequently, you can seek professional writing help to ensure that you won’t fail the module during the re-sit.

Secondly, you can repeat the module. Essentially, something can happen, and you fail your re-site module. Failing to pass in the re-sit means you may retake the module in the next academic year. Retaking the module means you will re-enroll and attend classes. What’s more, you will do every assignment as the other learners. The university can also permit provisional progress while you repeat the failed modules in tandem with a maximum of 30 credits in the next academic year. A failed second year of university means a learner could not meet the minimum credit score for their degree program in the re-sit and repeat modules.

So, what happens if you fail a module in second year for the second time? Usually, universities allow students to re-sit failed modules once. If a student doesn’t pass this time, they may retake the module. If they also fail in the retake attempt, the university may consider them illegible for the course. Worth noting is that the student finance retake year, additional costs.

What Happens if You Fail Your Degree Modules in the Third Year?

The final university year is the most stressful because it has high percentages that weigh the learner’s overall grade. This year may comprise writing dissertations and research projects. At the same time, students must focus on modules, do exams, and attend lectures. What’s more, learners must think about life after education and their career paths. All these reasons explain why a learner can end up with a failed final year university module.

Luckily, learners have several options to consider when they fail their third year at the university. For instance, a student can seek professional support and guidance. Alternatively, they can re-do the academic year or take a year out of the learning institution.

If you failed a module in final year and opted to re-sit the exam, meet your lecturer first to get their feedback. That way, you can learn from the mistakes you made during your first attempt and avoid them again. What’s more, consider changing how you revise for exams and new ways to learn to prepare adequately before re-sitting the exams.

The pressure and stress that come with requirements for multiple assignments can be a reason for failing a module in final year. Therefore, talk to experts about your mental health if you think this could be a reason for your failure. If you have difficulties completing writing assignments in your final year, consider using a professional essay writing service. And this is particularly essential if you’re an ENL student.

However, failing a module in third year shouldn’t prompt you to drop out of university. That’s because you’re almost at the end of your degree program. While you’re entitled to make your decision, consider this move carefully after weighing all the options.

However, a marginal fail shouldn’t be a reason for dropping out of university. That’s because it means you failed your exam by a tiny margin. Thus, you can re-sit the exam and pass in your second attempt after allocating adequate time to prepare for it.

But if you find the degree program difficult for you and it’s not about something you feel like you’ll enjoy pursuing in the future, you may opt to drop out of university. However, you’ll have come too close to the end to think about this in your third year. That’s why you should think about dropping out of university in your third year extensively.

What Happens After Failing a Masters Module?

When pursuing a master’s program, you can’t dispute the awarded mark. That’s because universities have mechanisms for ensuring marking standards and quality, involving external and internal academics.

However, the learning institution can provide feedback for awarding you the mark you didn’t expect. Hopefully, the feedback sheet will answer your questions. If not, you can request additional feedback. But if compensation regulations fail to apply this way, the Award Assessment Board can allow any of the following:

  • A reassessment of the failed modules in part of the assessment elements or the entire module at the convenience of the Award Assessment Board
  • A repeat of the failed module when the student has an opportunity

Higher learning institutions allow students a maximum of two attempts at the level 7 modules. Unless a student reaches the maximum attempts, the Award Assessment Board won’t require you to withdraw.

What to Do If You Fail Uni

Perhaps, you did your best to complete your degree program but still didn’t pass. A personal problem like mental health could be the reason you didn’t pass your exam. You could have even missed your last exam, and therefore, can’t graduate. Well, you’re not alone in such a situation. Many students don’t know how to handle such life-changing decisions due to their young age. Thus, some guidance and assistance can make a significant difference in the lives of such students.

Instead of dropping out because you failed one or several modules, consider retaking it. While this can potentially be stressful and expensive, it can help learners achieve their academic and career goals. For instance, learners can apply for mitigating circ*mstances if mild illnesses, financial difficulties, and other eligible reasons contributed to their failure.

What’s more, learners shouldn’t fear seeking help with academic tasks like dissertation writing from friends, relatives, and even reliable online resources. Today, learners have access to many resources to complete writing assignments and other projects whose pressures can lead to their failure. For instance, a student can use a professional service to write an essay or a dissertation when unwell. That way, they can pass university with good grades and without spending more money.

Don’t Want To Drop Out Of University?

Failing a module can be the reason you will not graduate. However, you can explore several options to ensure that you don’t perform poorly in any module or exam. For instance, you can re-sit the module or retake it in the following academic year. Nevertheless, you can avoid this by seeking professional, custom help with your academic assignments. Whether you’re pursuing a graduate or postgraduate program at a university, you can get help with your homework from friends, relatives, and even writing companies. An online writing service is the best option for most learners because it’s available 24/7. That means students can get quick assistance with their assignments anytime, anywhere.

Can I Graduate If I Fail a Module? (2024)


Can I Graduate If I Fail a Module? ›

Yes you can still graduate from college with one failure. If it is a mandatory course for your degree, you will need to repeat the course until you pass.

What happens if you fail a module? ›

When you fail a module, most universities provide an opportunity to resit the exam or redo the assignment. University can be stressful and failing an exam can happen to all of us so don't panic, being able to resit your exams is used for exactly this.

Can you graduate if you're failing a class? ›

Many undergraduates fail a class in college and still go on to graduate. If you're at risk of failing, talk to your professor and meet with an academic advisor. Check your school's policies about retaking courses to remove an F from your transcript. Failing a class is a wake-up call that you may need to make changes.

Can I graduate if I fail one semester? ›

Yes, you can still graduate if you fail a semester. However, it will depend on your school's policies and how many credits you have earned by the end of your senior year. In general, you will need to make up the failed class in order to graduate.

What happens if I fail my finals? ›

Course progression: Depending on your school's policies, failing a final exam in a prerequisite course could impact your ability to move on to the next level or sequence within a specific subject. In this case, you may need to retake the class or undergo summer school to complete the requirement.

What is the minimum grade to pass a module? ›

For undergraduate modules and some postgraduate modules, you need to achieve an overall score of 40 or more to pass the module.

What happens if I fail one semester but pass the other? ›

It will still show as an F on your transcript and count in your GPA. Your only ways to deal with it are (a) work hard in other classes to try to compensate for that F in your GPA, and (b) if it is allowed, retake the class: it would reset your GPA, although the F would still be on your transcript.

Can you fail math and still pass? ›

If you fail 12th-grade maths, you can still earn your diploma if your school is not super stringent with passing conditions. However, failing in core subjects like math or English may complicate the situation, and repeating the grade could be the only option.

Can you graduate if you fail? ›

Students who have failed can go on to pass re-sits and still graduate with a good degree. The important thing is for you to try to understand why you failed, learn what you can do about it and take action to get back on track.

Is it better to withdraw or fail? ›

While a “W” on a transcript is better than a failing grade, it might negatively impact future opportunities for graduate school.

Who cares if I fail my finals? ›

My senior yearbook quote would be "Who cares if I'm pretty if I fail my finals?" This quote is from an episode of Gilmore Girls, said by the main character Rory Gilmore. Rory says this to her mother while sitting at the kitchen table cramming for her senior year finals.

Can you fail exams and still pass? ›

A lot of professors make their syllabus so that one failed exam won't make or break your grade. They can do this by including an exam drop or using your final exam score to replace your lowest exam score, provided it is better.

How much do finals affect your GPA? ›

Normally, final exams are worth 20% of your report card grade. If you are in high school, the first quarter and second quarter grades are worth 40% each.

Can you pass a module if you fail an assignment? ›

Although, it's important to remember that just because you've failed one piece of work, it doesn't mean you can't receive a good grade overall. Grades will vary from university and courses, but most of the time you don't have to re-sit an assignment to end up passing the module or even the year.

What happens when you fail a module at cut? ›

If a student fails a specific module, the module must first be repeated in the next year (in the semester in which the module is presented). The student may continue with the next years' modules, with the condition that the student first repeat the modules previously failed.

What happens if you fail a resubmission? ›

If you fail a resubmission, chances are you have run out of options for the time being. Any major steps you have to take will probably occur several weeks from now. When you have completed all official arrangements, you may need to give yourself a break.

What to do if you failed an exam? ›

Failed an Exam? 5 Essential Steps to Take
  1. Don't Panic. If you've always done well in school — or even if you haven't — a failing grade can come as a shock. ...
  2. Carefully Review Your Exam. When I failed my chemistry exam, I barely looked at the test. ...
  3. Make a Plan. ...
  4. Go to Office Hours. ...
  5. Prepare for the Next Exam.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.