Can a felon own a gun in California? (2024)

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Felon with a Gun | CA Penal Code 29800 PC

If you get convicted of any felony offense, you will lose your gun rights in California. In fact, if you have a felony conviction on your criminal record, it is itself a felony offense to own, purchase, receive, or possess a firearm.

Convictions carry up to 3 years in prison. However, there are several ways for you to get your firearms rights restored.

“Felon With a Firearm” Law

In California, if you have a prior conviction for a felony offense, you cannot own a gun. Doing so violates California Penal Code section 29800 PC – the state’s “felon with a firearm” law.

If you are a felon, this statute also prohibits you from:

  • purchasing,
  • receiving, or
  • having possession, custody, or control

of a firearm.

To convict you under this statute, California district attorneys have to prove the following elements:

  • you owned, purchased, received, or possessed the firearm,
  • you knew that you had done it, and
  • you are a felon or someone else covered by the statute.1

They have to prove these elements beyond a reasonable doubt.

To be considered a “felon” under the law, you must have been convicted of a felony offense. That conviction can be anywhere in the United States. It can also be a felony conviction for a violation of federal law.2 It can even be a juvenile court finding.3

However, the law is not strictly confined to convicted felons. The statute also forbids you from owning or possessing a firearm if:

  • you have an outstanding warrant for a felony offense,
  • you are addicted to a narcotic drug, or
  • you have been convicted of a violent firearm crime, even if it is a misdemeanor.4

A “firearm” is any device intended to be used as a weapon and that uses an explosion or combustion to expel a projectile through a barrel. It does not need to be loaded or even in working order.5

A “firearm” includes:

  • long guns,
  • handguns, and
  • concealed firearms.

Possessing the firearm does not necessarily mean that it was on your person or in your hand. Possession includes both

  • actual and
  • constructive possession.

Actual possession is when you knowingly have direct physical control over something. You have constructive possession over something when you can knowingly control it, whether directly or through someone else.6

For example: Gerald puts a sawed-off shotgun in the backseat of his car, gets out of the vehicle, and closes the door.7

However, possession of a firearm requires more than just momentary possession. It is not considered possession if you can show that, by a preponderance of the evidence, you:

  • possessed the weapon for only a momentary or transitory period of time,
  • had the gun in order to dispose of it, and
  • did not intend to prevent law enforcement from seizing the weapon.8

If convicted under California’s “felon with a firearm” law, you can face up to 3 years in prison. Once released, a common condition of probation for this offense is to not possess firearms.

Misdemeanor Convictions

Certain prior misdemeanor convictions can also strip you of your right to own or possess a firearm for life. Many more misdemeanor offenses will lead to a 10-year prohibition against owning or possessing a firearm.

Prior misdemeanors that lead to a lifetime ban against owning or possessing a firearm are:

  • two or more prior convictions for brandishing a firearm or weapon (Penal Code 417 PC), or
  • violent use of a firearm under Penal Code 23515 PC, which includes:
    • assault with a firearm (Penal Code 245(a)(2) PC),
    • assault with a machine gun or assault weapon (Penal Code 245(a)(3) PC),
    • assault with a firearm, machine gun, or assault weapon on a peace officer or firefighter (Penal Code 245(d) PC), and
    • shooting at an inhabited dwelling or an occupied vehicle (Penal Code 246 PC).9

Some of these offenses are wobblers. They can be prosecuted as either a felony or as a misdemeanor.

If any conviction was a felony, it will strip you of your gun rights. If the conviction was a misdemeanor, but was for one of these criminal offenses, it will still deprive you of your gun rights for life.

Many other misdemeanor offenses can carry a 10-year ban against firearm possession in the state of California. Some of these include:

  • assault (Penal Code 240 PC),
  • assault with a deadly weapon (Penal Code 245(a)(1) PC),
  • violation of a protective order or restraining order (Penal Code 273.6 PC),
  • criminal threats (Penal Code 422 PC), and
  • possession of firearms in a school zone (Penal Code 626.9 PC).

Out-of-State Federal Convictions

Out-of-state or federal convictions can count for California’s firearm laws, as well.

If the out-of-state conviction was a felony in that state, it will prevent gun ownership in California.

However, if the conviction was for a federal offense, it will strip you of your right to bear arms if:

  • a conviction for a similar offense in California could only be considered a felony, or
  • you were sentenced to a federal prison for more than 30 days, or were fined more than $1,000, or both.10

Therefore, if the federal offense would have been a wobbler under California law, it should not implicate your gun rights.

However, there is an important exception for misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence. California state law imposes a 10-year ban on firearm possession for domestic violence offenses.

Federal law, though, imposes a lifetime ban and trumps California’s law.11 Anyone with one of these misdemeanor offenses on your criminal history can commit a federal firearms offense if you possess a gun. Convictions carry up to 10 years in federal prison.12

(Scroll down for more discussion about federal firearm laws.)

Restoring Gun Rights

Under California’s gun laws, there are three ways for you to restore or preserve your gun rights:

  1. get a reduction in the criminal charge,
  2. expunge the conviction, and
  3. obtain a Certificate of Rehabilitation and a Governor’s pardon.

Establishing an attorney-client relationship with a criminal defense attorney from a reputable law firm and getting their legal advice is the best way to restore your gun rights.

Reduce the original charge

Reducing the original charge can preserve or restore your right to bear arms.

This can happen during the criminal case, often through a plea deal. If you are charged with a felony, you may be able to plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor offense. If this works, your right to own a gun may be protected.

If the criminal offense was a wobbler, the prosecutor pursued it as a felony, and you got convicted, then you can petition the court, later on, to reduce the felony to a misdemeanor. If the court grants the petition, it can restore your gun rights.


Expungement is the act of setting aside a conviction and sealing the record of it. When there is no record of the conviction, you do not have to deal with the hardships that come with the blemish on your criminal history.

However, not all crimes can be expunged in California. Importantly for Second Amendment rights, many convictions that led to time in state prison (which includes many felonies) are ineligible for expungement. Therefore, many felony convictions cannot be expunged.

Certificate of Rehabilitation and pardon

Certain felony offenses can be pardoned. This process requires you to apply for a Certificate of Rehabilitation. If the court grants this application, it will issue a court order declaring that you are rehabilitated.

The Certificate of Rehabilitation is forwarded to the Governor’s Office. There, it becomes an application for a pardon from the Governor. If granted, your gun rights will be restored.

Having a Gun & Living With a Felon

You can still own a gun if you live with a felon in California. However, it is not a good idea to keep your gun in your home; instead, you should keep it in an offsite storage unit under only your name.

If you keep a gun in your home, the felon you live with could potentially be charged with constructive possession of the firearm – even if you keep the gun locked in a safe. Plus a prosecutor may try to charge you with aiding and abetting a felon to obtain a firearm.13

Federal Firearm Ban

Federal law prohibits you from possessing a firearm if either:

  • You have been convicted of a crime punishable by at least one year of prison (this includes both federal and state felonies as well as certain misdemeanors that are punishable by more than two years in prison);
  • You are the “adverse party” in a domestic violence restraining order;
  • You have been convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence;
  • You are addicted to a controlled substance;
  • You have been adjudicated as mentally defective or committed to a mental institution;
  • You are an undocumented person;
  • You have been dishonorably discharged from the military; or
  • You have renounced your U.S. citizenship14

You can try to get your firearm rights restored through a presidential pardon. However, these are rarely granted. Plus even if you get a presidential pardon, it applies only to federal offenses: It does not affect state laws that may still prohibit you from possessing firearms.15

Additional reading

For more in-depth information, refer to these scholarly articles:

Legal References:

  1. California Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) No. 2510.
  2. California Penal Code 29800 PC.
  3. CALCRIM No. 2510.
  4. California Penal Code 29800 PC.
  5. CALCRIM No. 2510.
  6. People v. Azevedo, (1984) 161 Cal.App.3d 235.
  7. Facts from People v. Azevedo.
  8. CALCRIM No. 2510. See also People v. Reyes (Cal. App. 1st Dist. 2019), 247 Cal. Rptr. 3d 247, 35 Cal. App. 5th 538.
  9. California Penal Code 29800(a)(1)-(2) PC.
  10. California Penal Code 29800(c) PC.
  11. 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(9).
  12. 18 U.S.C. 924(a)(2).
  13. See also People v. Jeffers (Cal. App. 5th Dist. 1996), 41 Cal. App. 4th 917, 49 Cal. Rptr. 2d 86.
  14. 18 U.S.C. 922(g) & 921(a).
  15. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Pardon Attorney, “Frequently Asked Questions.”

About the Author

Can a felon own a gun in California? (1)

Neil Shouse

A former Los Angeles prosecutor, attorney Neil Shouse graduated with honors from UC Berkeley and Harvard Law School (and completed additional graduate studies at MIT). He has been featured on CNN, Good Morning America, Dr Phil, The Today Show and Court TV. Mr Shouse has been recognized by the National Trial Lawyers as one of the Top 100 Criminal and Top 100 Civil Attorneys.

Can a felon own a gun in California? (2024)


Can a felon own a gun in California? ›

Being convicted of a crime under California State law can impact your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms under both California and federal law. In general, a conviction for any felony offense will result in a lifetime ban on your ability to possess or own a gun.

Can a felon buy a gun after 10 years in California? ›

What Does California Law Say About Felons Owning a Firearm? California Penal Code 29800 PC imposes a lifetime ban on gun ownership or control by convicted felons. It applies to anyone convicted of a felony in any state or country.

What guns can a felon have in California? ›

If you get convicted of any felony offense, you will lose your gun rights in California. In fact, if you have a felony conviction on your criminal record, it is itself a felony offense to own, purchase, receive, or possess a firearm. Convictions carry up to 3 years in prison.

Can my wife own a gun if I'm a felon in California? ›

Can You Be Married to a Convicted Felon and Own a Firearm? To be clear, there are no rules that prohibit the spouse of a convicted felon from owning a firearm. Being married to someone who committed a crime does not mean you should or can be punished by the law for doing so.

What disqualifies you from owning a gun in California? ›

Has been convicted of any one of a number of enumerated crimes (including both felonies and misdemeanors) involving violence, hate crime offenses, child or elder abuse, the unlawful misuse of firearms, or violation of California laws regarding safe storage of firearms around minors and people who cannot legally access ...

Can I buy a gun in California if my felony was expunged? ›

Expungement of a criminal record in California does not remove the ban on owning or possessing firearms.

How does a felon get his civil rights restored in California? ›

A person convicted of a felony loses the rights to vote, to run for state office, and to sit on a jury. After a first felony conviction, these rights are restored automatically upon completion of sentence if all restitution has been paid.

How do you restore gun rights in California? ›

In general, there are two basic options to have your gun rights restored after a conviction. They include having your felony case reduced to a misdemeanor and receiving a pardon from the Governor of California.

How long does a felony stay on your record in California? ›

Felonies stay on your criminal record for the rest of your life. However, if you seek expungement, it is possible to clear your record of the offense.

Can a felon go to a gun range in California? ›

Originally Answered: Can a felon shoot a gun at a firing range in California? No. A felon may not have a firearm in their possession, even just holding it is a federal felony.

Can a felon be around someone who owns a gun? ›

Under federal law, felons are prohibited from owning or possessing firearms. Some states return a felon's civil rights to own a gun after serving their sentence or a waiting period. If you live with a felon, you have to make sure gun access is limited so they don't have constructive possession.

Does the 2nd Amendment protect felons? ›

After considering the Supreme Court's new test on the scope of the Second Amendment right to possess firearms, the Tenth Circuit reaffirmed its longstanding precedent upholding the constitutionality of a federal statutory ban on convicted felons' possession of firearms, even for nonviolent felons.

Can a felon get a hunting license in California? ›

Firearm Considerations - if you plan to hunt with a firearm, be sure you are legally allowed to do so. We often get asked, Can a felon get a hunting license? Yes, they can, but they cannot own or use a firearm, so their hunting will be restricted to non-explosive weapons like bows and arrows.

Can a felon own a BB gun in California? ›

It is also illegal for any person who is prohibited from possessing or owning a firearm to possess ammunition. Antique firearms and BB guns do not qualify as a firearm in California.

Who is exempt from CA gun laws? ›

Firearm purchases require a Firearm Safety Certificate and proof of residency unless the individual purchasing the firearm is active duty military, honorably retired military, or a peace officer under Penal Code Section 830. Military reservists must provide proof of residency in order to purchase a firearm.

What guns can you own in California without a license? ›

It is therefore important to understand the laws of each state when purchasing and carrying a firearm. The State of California does not require a permit to purchase rifles, shotguns and handguns.

Can you get your gun rights back in California? ›

In general, there are two basic options to have your gun rights restored after a conviction. They include having your felony case reduced to a misdemeanor and receiving a pardon from the Governor of California.

Can a felony be expunged in California? ›

California has allowed expungements of misdemeanors and some lower-level felonies, but not crimes that would be serious enough to send the offender to prison.

How much time does a felon with a firearm carry in California? ›

A felony conviction for felon with a firearm carries a fine up to $10,000 and three years in jail.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.