California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (2024)

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California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (1)

California is a large and diverse state with many habitats. Because of its size and location, California includes coastline habitats, desert, grasslands, wetlands, scrublands and forests.

On the coast there are many habitats including the tidal zones, coastal strand, and coastal salt marshes.

The tidal zones (or intertidal zones) are broken down into four areas that describe the level of the tides and water coverage - which affects the kinds of life that can survive there. This is also called the tide pool habitat. To read more about intertidal zones and the animals and plants that live there, go to: LINK

The coastal strand is the habitat just above the highest intertidal zone (the spray zone). It is a windy habitat that receives some salt spray, but does not experience any wave action (except perhaps in a storm surge).

Above the coastal strand, you find scrublands that are protected from the wind, so shrubs, like sage can take root. This habitat is referred to as coastal sage scrub.

Salt marshes are found at the mouths of rivers where they empty into the Pacific Ocean or where they enter bays. Here the tides bring salt water in to mix with freshwater marshes. Plants and animals have to be able to tolerate brackish water.

Inland, much of southern California includes dry, hot habitats and some even extends into parts of the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. Plants and animals in these habitats must be well adapted to dry, hot conditions. In higher elevations, however, these deserts can grow quite cold at night. The wind can also contribute to both cold and drying out of the plants. Adaptations for extreme conditions is important for survival here. Plants like cacti are covered with a waxy cuticle to protect then from drying out.

California's grasslands are not like the prairies of the central states. More like scrublands, these dry, open areas may have many species of grass, shrub and wildflowers – but all are sparse in their dry habitat.

With a little more rain and ocean fog, the habitat becomes chaparral. Chaparral has a mix of shrubs and small trees. This is also sometimes called brushland as the plants tend to be "brushy" like scrub oak, sage, poison oak, and yucca.

The areas in southern California with enough rainfall do have mixed forests of maples, oaks, beech, ash and hickory.

Northern California has forests with some of the oldest and largest trees on Earth. The California redwoods are found in the coastal range fed by fog and moisture off the Pacific Ocean in summer and up to 100 inches of rain throughout the year. The thick canopy creates a temperate rain forest habitat for giant sword ferns, Pacific rhododendron, vine maple and salmonberry. It is a rich habitat for mushrooms, ferns and many species of bird, mammal and amphibian.

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (2)

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Coloring the Animals of this State

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (3)

Labeling the Animals of this State

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (4)

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List of Mammals for this State

Land Mammals:

  • antelope (blackbuck)
  • antelope (pronghorn)
  • badger
  • bat (Allen's long-eared)
  • bat (big brown)
  • bat (big free-tailed)
  • bat (California)
  • bat (cave)
  • bat (guano)
  • bat (hoary)
  • bat (hog-nosed)
  • bat (Indiana)
  • bat (leaf-nosed)
  • bat (little brown)
  • bat (long-legged)
  • bat (pallid)
  • bat (pocket free-tailed)
  • bat (silver-haired)
  • bat (southwestern yellow)
  • bat (spotted)
  • bat (Townsend's long-eared)
  • bat (western mastiff)
  • bat (western pipistrelle)
  • bat (western red)
  • bat (western small-footed)
  • bat (Yuma)
  • bear (black)
  • beaver (American)
  • beaver (mountain)
  • bobcat
  • burro (feral)
  • chipmunk (alpine)
  • chipmunk (chaparral)
  • chipmunk (least)
  • chipmunk (lodgepole)
  • chipmunk (long-eared)
  • chipmunk (Merriam's)
  • chipmunk (Panamint)
  • chipmunk (redwood)
  • chipmunk (shadow)
  • chipmunk (Siskiyou)
  • chipmunk (Sonora)
  • chipmunk (Uinta)
  • chipmunk (yellow-pine)
  • coyote
  • deer (axis)
  • deer (mule)
  • deer (fallow)
  • deer (sambar)
  • deer (white-tailed)
  • elk
  • fisher
  • fox (island)
  • fox (kit)
  • fox (gray)
  • fox (red)
  • ground squirrel (Belding's)
  • ground squirrel (California)
  • ground squirrel (golden-mantled)
  • ground squirrel (Mojave)
  • ground squirrel (Nelson's Antelope)
  • ground squirrel (round-tailed)
  • ground squirrel (Townsend's)
  • ground squirrel (white-tailed)
  • hare (snowshoe)
  • hog (feral)
  • horse (feral)
  • kangaroo mouse (chisel-toothed)
  • kangaroo mouse (dark)
  • kangaroo mouse (pale)
  • kangaroo rat (big-eared)
  • kangaroo rat (California)
  • kangaroo rat (desert)
  • kangaroo rat (giant)
  • kangaroo rat (Heerman's)
  • kangaroo rat (Merriam's)
  • kangaroo rat (narrow-faced)
  • kangaroo rat (Ord's)
  • kangaroo rat (Pacific)
  • kangaroo rat (Panamint)
  • kangaroo rat (San Joquin)
  • kangaroo rat (Stephen's)
  • jackrabbit (black-tailed)
  • jackrabbit (white-tailed)
  • lemming (southern bog)
  • lynx (Canadian) - rare
  • marmot (yellow-bellied)
  • marten (American)
  • mink
  • mole (broad-footed)
  • mole (coast)
  • mole (shrew)
  • mole (Townsend's)
  • mountain lion
  • mouse (brush)
  • mouse (cactus)
  • mouse (canyon)
  • mouse (deer)
  • mouse (meadow jumping)
  • mouse (northern grasshopper)
  • mouse (parasitic)
  • mouse (Pacific jumping)
  • mouse (pinyon)
  • mouse (salt marsh harvest)
  • mouse (southern grasshopper)
  • mouse (western harvest)
  • mouse (white-footed)
  • mouse (western jumping)
  • mouse (woodland jumping)
  • muskrat
  • nutria
  • opossum (Virginia)
  • otter (river)
  • otter (sea)
  • porcupine
  • pika
  • pocket gopher (Bott's)
  • pocket gopher (Mazama)
  • pocket gopher (northern)
  • pocket gopher (Townsend's)
  • pocket mouse (Bailey's)
  • pocket mouse (California)
  • pocket mouse (desert)
  • pocket mouse (Great Basin)
  • pocket mouse (little)
  • pocket mouse (long-tailed)
  • pocket mouse (San Diego)
  • pocket mouse (San Joquin)
  • pocket mouse (spiny)
  • pocket mouse (white-eared)
  • pocket mouse (yellow-eared)
  • rabbit (Audobon's cottontail)
  • rabbit (brush)
  • rabbit (eastern cottontail)
  • rabbit (European)
  • rabbit (Nuttall's cottontail)
  • rabbit (pigmy)
  • raccoon
  • rat (Arizona cotton)
  • rat (black)
  • rat (Norway)
  • rat (hispid cotton)
  • ringtail
  • sheep (Barbary)
  • sheep (bighorn)
  • shrew (desert)
  • shrew (fog)
  • shrew (Inyo)
  • shrew (marsh)
  • shrew (montane)
  • shrew (ornate)
  • shrew (Pacific)
  • shrew (Preble's)
  • shrew (Trowbridge's)
  • shrew (vagrant)
  • shrew (water)
  • skunk (spotted)
  • skunk (striped)
  • squirrel (Douglas's)
  • squirrel (eastern gray)
  • squirrel (fox)
  • squirrel (northern flying)
  • squirrel (rock)
  • squirrel (western gray)
  • tahr (Himalayan)
  • vole (California meadow)
  • vole (California red-backed)
  • vole (California red tree)
  • vole (creeping)
  • vole (heather)
  • vole (long-tailed)
  • vole (Montane)
  • vole (sagebrush)
  • vole (Townsend's)
  • vole (white-footed)
  • vole (woodland)
  • weasel (long-tailed)
  • weasel (short-tailed)
  • wolverine
  • woodrat (bushy-tailed)
  • woodrat (desert)
  • woodrat (dusky-footed)
  • woodrat (white-throated)

Sea Mammals:

  • dolphin (blue and white)
  • dolphin (bottle-nosed)
  • dolphin (common)
  • dolphin (Pacific spotted)
  • dolphin (Risso's)
  • dolphin (rough-toothed)
  • dolphin (white-sides)
  • seal (Guadalupe fur)
  • seal (harbor)
  • seal (northern elephant)
  • seal (ribbon)
  • seal (ringed)
  • sea lion (California)
  • sea lion (Stellar's)
  • whale (Baird's beaked)
  • whale (Blainville's beaked)
  • whale (blue)
  • whale (Bryde's)
  • whale (Cuvier's beaked)
  • whale (false killer)
  • whale (fin)
  • whale (ginko-toothed beaked)
  • whale (gray)
  • whale (Hector's beaked)
  • whale (Hubb's beaked)
  • whale (humpback)
  • whale (killer)
  • whale (minke)
  • whale (northern right)
  • whale (pilot)
  • whale (pygmy sperm)
  • whale (sei)
  • whale (sperm)
  • whale (Stejneger's beaked)

For more information about California Mammals (including Latin names) click on individual animal links or for another (off-site) resource: American Society of Mammalogists

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Coloring Mammals of this State

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (5)

Labeling Mammals of this State

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (6)

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List of Amphibians & Reptiles for This State


  • bullfrog (American)
  • Ensatina (large-blotched)
  • Ensatina (Monterey)
  • Ensatina (Oregon)
  • Ensatina (painted)
  • Ensatina (Sierra Nevada)
  • Ensatina (yellow-blotched)
  • Ensatina (yellow-eyed)
  • frog (African clawed)
  • frog (California red-legged)
  • frog (coastal tailed)
  • frog (Columbia spotted)
  • frog (foothill yellow-legged)
  • frog (lowland leopard)
  • frog (northern leopard)
  • frog (northern red-legged)
  • frog (Oregon spotted)
  • frog (Rio Grande leopard)
  • frog (Sierra Nevada yellow-legged)
  • frog (southern leopard)
  • frog (southern mountain yellow-legged)
  • newt (California)
  • newt (red-bellied)
  • newt (rough-skinned)
  • newt (Sierra)
  • salamander (arboreal)
  • salamander (barred tiger)
  • salamander (black-bellied slender)
  • salamander (Breckenridge Mountain slender)
  • salamander (California giant)
  • salamander (California slender)
  • salamander (California tiger)
  • salamander (Channel Islands slender)
  • salamander (clouded)
  • salamander (coastal giant)
  • salamander (desert slender)
  • salamander (Del Norte)
  • salamander (Dunn's)
  • salamander (Fairview slender)
  • salamander (Gabilan Mountains slender)
  • salamander (garden slender)
  • salamander (gregarious slender)
  • salamander (Hell Hollow slender)
  • salamander (Inyo Mountains slender)
  • salamander (Kern Canyon slender)
  • salamander (Kern Platteau slender)
  • salamander (King's River slender)
  • salamander (lesser slender)
  • salamander (limestone)
  • salamander (Mount Lyell)
  • salamander (northwestern)
  • salamander (northwestern long-toed)
  • salamander (relictual slender)
  • salamander (San Gabriel slender)
  • salamander (San Simeon slender)
  • salamander (Santa Cruz black)
  • salamander (Santa Cruz long-toed)
  • salamander (Santa Lucia Mountains slender)
  • salamander (Scott Bar)
  • salamander (Sequoia slender)
  • salamander (Shanta)
  • salamander (Siskiyou Mountains)
  • salamander (southern long-toed)
  • salamander (southern torrent)
  • salamander (speckled black)
  • salamander (Tehachapi slender)
  • salamander (wandering)
  • spadefoot (Couch's)
  • spadefoot (Great Basin)
  • spadefoot (western)
  • treefrog (Baja California)
  • treefrog (California)
  • treefrog (northern Pacific)
  • treefrog (Sierran)
  • toad (arroyo)
  • toad (Arizona)
  • toad (black)
  • toad (boreal)
  • toad (California)
  • toad (Great Plains)
  • toad (red-spotted)
  • toad (Rocky Mountain)
  • toad (Sonoran desert)
  • toad (Woodhouse's)
  • toad (Yosemite)


  • chameleon (Jackson's)
  • chameleon (yellow-crested Jackson's)
  • chuckwalla (common)
  • gecko (desert banded)
  • gecko (Mediterranean house)
  • gecko (Moorish)
  • gecko (Peninsular banded)
  • gecko (Peninsular leaf-toed)
  • gecko (San Diego banded)
  • gecko (Switak's banded)
  • gecko (western banded)
  • Gila monster
  • Gila monster (banded)
  • iguana (desert)
  • iguana (northern desert)
  • lizard (Baja California brush)
  • lizard (Baja California collared)
  • lizard (Baja California night )
  • lizard (Blainville's horned)
  • lizard (banded rock)
  • lizard (blunt-nosed leopard)
  • lizard (California alligator)
  • lizard (California legless)
  • lizard (Coachella Valley fringed-toed)
  • lizard (Coast Range fence)
  • lizard (Colorado fringed-toed)
  • lizard (Colorado River tree)
  • lizard (common sagebrush)
  • lizard (Cope's leopard)
  • lizard (desert night)
  • lizard (desert spiny)
  • lizard (flat-tail horned)
  • lizard (granite night)
  • lizard (granite spiny)
  • lizard (Great Basin collared)
  • lizard (Great Basin fence)
  • lizard (island fence)
  • lizard (island night)
  • lizard (Italian wall)
  • lizard (long-nosed leopard)
  • lizard (long-tailed brush)
  • lizard (Mearn's rock)
  • lizard (Mojave fringed-toed)
  • lizard (Nevada side-blotched)
  • lizard (northern alligator)
  • lizard (northern desert horned)
  • lizard (northern sagebrush)
  • lizard (northwestern alligator)
  • lizard (northwestern fence)
  • lizard (Oregon alligator)
  • lizard (ornate tree)
  • lizard (Panamint alligator)
  • lizard (pygmy horned)
  • lizard (San Clemente night)
  • lizard (San Diego alligator)
  • lizard (sandstone night)
  • lizard (San Francisco alligator)
  • lizard (San Joaquin fence)
  • lizard (San Nicolas night)
  • lizard (Shasta alligator)
  • lizard (Sierra alligator)
  • lizard (Sierra fence)
  • lizard (Sierra night)
  • lizard (southern alligator)
  • lizard (southern desert horned)
  • lizard (southern sagebrush)
  • lizard (southern Italian wall)
  • lizard (western fence)
  • lizard (western side-blotched)
  • lizard (western zebra-tailed)
  • lizard (yellow-backed spiny)
  • rattlesnake (Baja California)
  • rattlesnake (Great Basin)
  • rattlesnake (Mojave)
  • rattlesnake (northern Mojave)
  • rattlesnake (northern Pacific)
  • rattlesnake (Panamint)
  • rattlesnake (red diamond)
  • rattlesnake (southern Pacific)
  • rattlesnake (southwestern speckled)
  • rattlesnake (speckled)
  • rattlesnake (western diamond-backed)
  • sea turtle (green)
  • sea turtle (leatherback)
  • sea turtle (loggerhead)
  • sea turtle (olive Ridley)
  • sea turtle (Pacific hawkbill)
  • skink (Coronado)
  • skink (Gilbert's)
  • skink (greater brown)
  • skink (northern brown)
  • skink (Skilton's)
  • skink (variegated)
  • skink (western)
  • skink (western red-tailed)
  • snake (Alameda striped racer)
  • snake (aquatic garter)
  • snake (Baja California coachwhip)
  • snake (Baja California lyresnake)
  • snake (Brahminy blindsnake)
  • snake (California glossy)
  • snake (California kingsnake)
  • snake (California mountain kingsnake)
  • snake (California nightsnake)
  • snake (California red-sided garter)
  • snake (California striped racer)
  • snake (checkered garter)
  • snake (Coast Mountain kingsnake)
  • snake (coast patch-nosed)
  • snake (Colorado desert shovel-nosed)
  • snake (Colorado desertsidewinder)
  • snake (common garter)
  • snake (coral-bellied ring-necked)
  • snake (desert glossy)
  • snake (desert nightsnake)
  • snake (desert patch-nosed)
  • snake (desert striped whipsnake)
  • snake (desert threadsnake)
  • snake (Diablo Range garter)
  • snake (Great Basin gopher)
  • snake (forest sharp-tailed)
  • snake (long-nosed)
  • snake (Marcy's checkered garter)
  • snake (Mojave desert sidewinder)
  • snake (Mojave glossy)
  • snake (Mojave patch-nosed)
  • snake (Mojave shovel-nosed)
  • snake (Monterey ring-necked)
  • snake (mountain garter)
  • snake (Nevada shovel-nosed)
  • snake (North American racer)
  • snake (northern rubber boa)
  • snake (northern watersnake)
  • snake (northwestern garter)
  • snake (northwestern ring-necked)
  • snake (Oregon garter)
  • snake (Pacific gopher)
  • snake (Pacific ring-necked)
  • snake (red coachwhip)
  • snake (regal ring-necked)
  • snake (rosy boa)
  • snake (San Bernardino Mountain kingsnake)
  • snake (San Bernardino ring-necked)
  • snake (San Diego gopher)
  • snake (San Diego Mountain kingsnake)
  • snake (San Diego nightsnake)
  • snake (San Diego ring-necked)
  • snake (San Francisco garter)
  • snake (San Joaquin coachwhip)
  • snake (Santa Cruz garter)
  • snake (Santa Cruz gopher)
  • snake (Sierra garter)
  • snake (Sierra Mountain kingsnake)
  • snake (Smith's Black-headed)
  • snake (Sonoran gopher)
  • snake (Sonoran lyresnake)
  • snake (southern rubber boa)
  • snake (southern water)
  • snake (southwestern threadsnake)
  • snake (spotted leaf-nosed)
  • snake (St. Helena Mountain kingsnake)
  • snake (two-striped garter)
  • snake (valley garter)
  • snake (variable groundsnake)
  • snake (western Black-headed)
  • snake (western groundsnake)
  • snake (western lyresnake)
  • snake (western patch-nosed)
  • snake (western shovel-nosed)
  • snake (western terrestrial garter)
  • snake (western threadsnake)
  • snake (yellow-bellied sea)
  • tortoise (desert)
  • turtle (Pacific pond)
  • turtle (painted)
  • turtle (red-eared slider)
  • turtle (snapping)
  • turtle (Sonoran mud)
  • turtle (spiny softshell)
  • whiptail (Belding's orange-throated)
  • whiptail (California)
  • whiptail (coastal)
  • whiptail (Great Basin)
  • whiptail (orange-throated)
  • whiptail (tiger)

For more information about California Amphibians and Reptiles (including Latin names) click on individual animal links or for another (off-site) resource: LINK

Coloring the Reptiles of this State

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (7)

Labeling the Reptiles of this State

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (8)

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Coloring the Amphibians for This State

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (9)

Labeling the Amphibians for This State

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (10)

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Bird List for This State

To look up individual birds go to the Exploring Nature Birds Database.

  • albatross (black-footed)
  • albatross (Laysan)
  • albatross (light-mantled)
  • albatross (short-tailed)
  • albatross (shy)
  • albatross (wandering)
  • anhinga
  • ani (groove-billed)
  • auklet (Cassin's)
  • auklet (crested)
  • auklet (least)
  • auklet (parakeet)
  • auklet (rhinoceros)
  • avocet (American)
  • bittern (American)
  • bittern (least)
  • blackbird (Brewer's)
  • blackbird (red-winged)
  • blackbird (rusty)
  • blackbird (yellow-headed)
  • bluebird (mountain)
  • blackbird (tricolored)
  • bluebird (western)
  • bluetail (red-flanked)
  • bluethroat
  • bobolink
  • booby (blue-footed)
  • booby (brown)
  • booby (masked)
  • booby (red-footed)
  • brambling
  • bunting (indigo)
  • bunting (lark)
  • bunting (lazuli)
  • bunting (little)
  • bunting (painted)
  • bunting (rustic)
  • bunting (snow)
  • bunting (varied)
  • bushtit
  • caracara (crested)
  • cardinal (northern)
  • catbird (gray)
  • chickadee (black-capped)
  • chickadee (chestnut-backed)
  • chickadee (mountain)
  • chuck-will's-widow
  • coot (American)
  • condor (California)
  • cormorant (Brandt's)
  • cormorant (double-crested)
  • cormorant (neotropic)
  • cormorant (pelagic)
  • cowbird (bronzed)
  • cowbird (brown-headed)
  • crane (sandhill)
  • creeper (brown)
  • crossbill (red)
  • crossbill (white-winged)
  • crow (American)
  • cuckoo (black-billed)
  • cuckoo (yellow-billed)
  • curlew (bristle-thighed)
  • curlew (little)
  • curlew (long-billed)
  • dickcissel
  • dipper (American)
  • dotterel (Eurasian)
  • dove (common ground-)
  • dove (Eurasian collared)
  • dove (Inca)
  • dove (mourning)
  • dove (Oriental turtle-)
  • dove (ruddy ground-)
  • dove (spotted)
  • dove (white-winged)
  • dowitcher (long-billed)
  • dowitcher (short-billed)
  • duck (American black)
  • duck (American wigeon)
  • duck (Baikal teal)
  • duck (black-belled whistling)
  • duck (black scoter)
  • duck (barrow's goldeneye)
  • duck (blue-winged teal)
  • duck (bufflehead)
  • duck (canvasback)
  • duck (cinnamon teal)
  • duck (common goldeneye)
  • duck (common eider)
  • duck (common pochard)
  • duck (king eider)
  • duck (Eurasian wigeon)
  • duck (falcated)
  • duck (fulvous whistling)
  • duck (gadwall)
  • duck (garganey)
  • duck (green-winged teal)
  • duck (greater scaup)
  • duck (harlequin)
  • duck (lesser scaup)
  • duck (northern pintail)
  • duck (northern shoveler)
  • duck (redhead)
  • duck (ring-necked)
  • duck (ruddy)
  • duck (smew)
  • duck (Stellar's) eider)
  • duck (surf scoter)
  • duck (tufted)
  • duck (white-winged scoter)
  • dunlin
  • eagle (bald)
  • eagle (golden)
  • egret (cattle)
  • egret (great)
  • egret (snowy)
  • falcon (peregrine)
  • falcon (prairie)
  • finch (black rosy-finch)
  • finch (Cassin's)
  • finch (common rosefinch)
  • finch (house)
  • finch (gray-crowned rosy-finch)
  • finch (purple)
  • flicker (gilded)
  • flicker (northern)
  • flycatcher (alder)
  • flycatcher (ash-throated)
  • flycatcher (brown-crested)
  • flycatcher (Cordilleran)
  • flycatcher (dusky)
  • flycatcher (dusky-capped)
  • flycatcher (fork-tailed)
  • flycatcher (gray)
  • flycatcher (great-crested)
  • flycatcher (Hammond's)
  • flycatcher (least)
  • flycatcher (Nutting's)
  • flycatcher (olive-sided)
  • flycatcher (Pacific)
  • flycatcher (scissor-tailed)
  • flycatcher (sulfur-bellied)
  • flycatcher (taiga)
  • flycatcher (vermillion)
  • flycatcher (willow)
  • flycatcher (yellow-bellied)
  • frigatebird (great)
  • frigatebird (lesser)
  • frigatebird (magnificent)
  • fulmar (northern)
  • gallinule (common)
  • gallinule (purple)
  • gnatcatcher (black-tailed)
  • gnatcatcher (blue-gray)
  • gnatcatcher (California)
  • godwit (bar-tailed)
  • godwit (Hudsonian)
  • godwit (marbled)
  • goldfinch (American)
  • goldfinch (Lawrence's)
  • goldfinch (lesser)
  • goose (Brant)
  • goose (Cackling)
  • goose (Canada)
  • goose (Emperor)
  • goose (great white-fronted)
  • goose (Ross's)
  • goshawk (northern)
  • grackle (common)
  • grackle (great-tailed)
  • grèbe (Clarke's)
  • grèbe (eared)
  • grèbe (horned)
  • grèbe (least)
  • grèbe (pied-billed)
  • grèbe (red-necked)
  • grèbe (western)
  • greenshank (common)
  • grosbeak (black-headed)
  • grosbeak (blue)
  • grosbeak (rose-breasted)
  • grouse (greater sage-)
  • grouse (ruffed)
  • grouse (sharp-tailed)
  • grouse (sooty)
  • guillemot (pigeon)
  • gull (Belcher's)
  • gull (Bonaparte’s)
  • gull (black-headed)
  • gull (Califonia)
  • gull (Franklin's)
  • gull (glaucous)
  • gull (glaucous-winged)
  • gull (Heermann's)
  • gull (herring)
  • gull (Iceland)
  • gull (ivory)
  • gull (laughing)
  • gull (lesser black-backed)
  • gull (little)
  • gull (mew)
  • gull (ring-billed)
  • gull (Ross's)
  • gull (Sabine's)
  • gull (slaty-backed)
  • gull (swallow-tailed)
  • gull (Thayer's)
  • gull (western)
  • gull (yellow-footed)
  • gyrfalcon
  • harrier (northern)
  • hawk (broad-winged)
  • hawk (common black)
  • hawk (Cooper's)
  • hawk (ferruginous)
  • hawk (Harris's)
  • hawk (red-shouldered)
  • hawk (red-tailed)
  • hawk (rough-legged)
  • hawk (sharp-shinned)
  • hawk (Swainson's)
  • hawk (zone-tailed)
  • heron (great blue)
  • heron (green)
  • heron (little blue)
  • heron (tri-colored)
  • heron (black-crowned night)
  • heron (yellow-crowned night)
  • hummingbird (Allen's)
  • hummingbird (Anna's)
  • hummingbird (black-chinned)
  • hummingbird (blue-throated)
  • hummingbird (broad-billed)
  • hummingbird (broad-tailed)
  • hummingbird (calliope)
  • hummingbird (Costa's)
  • hummingbird (green violetear)
  • hummingbird (ruby-throated)
  • hummingbird (rufous)
  • hummingbird (violet-crowned)
  • hummingbird (Xantus's)
  • ibis (glossy)
  • ibis (white)
  • ibis (white-faced)
  • jaeger (long-tailed)
  • jaeger (parasitic)
  • jaeger (pomarine)
  • jay (blue)
  • jay (Clark's nutcracker)
  • jay (island scrub)
  • jay (pinyon)
  • jay (Stellar's)
  • jay (western scrub)
  • junco (dark-eyed)
  • kestrel (American)
  • kestrel (Eurasian)
  • killdeer
  • kingbird (Cassin's)
  • kingbird (Couch's)
  • kingbird (eastern)
  • kingbird (thick-billed)
  • kingbird (tropical)
  • kingbird (western)
  • kingfisher (belted)
  • kinglet (golden-crowned)
  • kinglet (ruby-crowned)
  • kite (Mississippi)
  • kite (swallow-tailed)
  • kite (white-tailed)
  • Kittiwake (black-legged)
  • Kittiwake (red-legged)
  • lark (horned)
  • lark (shy)
  • longspur (chestnut-collared)
  • longspur (Lapland)
  • longspur (McCown's)
  • longspur (Smith's)
  • loon (Arctic)
  • loon (common)
  • loon (Pacific)
  • loon (red-throated)
  • loon (yellow-billed)
  • magpie (black-billed)
  • magpie (yellow-billed)
  • merlin
  • merganser (common)
  • merganser (hooded)
  • merganser (red-breasted)
  • mockingbird (northern)
  • murre (common)
  • murre (thick-billed)
  • murrelet (Craveri's)
  • murrelet (Kittlitz's)
  • murrelet (long-billed)
  • murrelet (long-billed)
  • murrelet (marbled)
  • murrelet ((Xantus's)
  • nighthawk (common)
  • nighthawk (lesser)
  • nightjar (buff-collared)
  • nuthatch (pygmy)
  • nuthatch (red-breasted)
  • nuthatch (white-breasted)
  • oriole (Baltimore)
  • oriole (Bullock's)
  • oriole (hooded)
  • oriole (orchard)
  • oriole (Scott's)
  • oriole (streak-backed)
  • osprey
  • ovenbird
  • owl (barn)
  • owl (barred)
  • owl (elf)
  • owl (flammulated)
  • owl (great gray)
  • owl (great horned)
  • owl (long-eared)
  • owl (northern pygmy)
  • owl (northern saw-whet)
  • owl (short-eared)
  • owl (snowy)
  • owl (spotted)
  • owl (western screech)
  • oystercatcher (American)
  • oystercatcher (black)
  • parrot (red-crowned)
  • partridge (chuckar)
  • petrel (Bulwer's)
  • petrel (Cook's)
  • petrel (great-winged)
  • petrel (Hawaiian)
  • petrel (mottled)
  • petrel (Murphy's)
  • petrel (Parkinson's)
  • petrel (Stejneger's)
  • petrel (white-chinned)
  • parula (northern)
  • pelican (American white)
  • pelican (brown)
  • pewee (eastern wood)
  • pewee (greater)
  • pewee (western wood)
  • phainopepla
  • phalarope (red)
  • phalarope (red-necked)
  • phalarope (Wilson's)
  • pheasant (ring-necked)
  • phoebe (black)
  • phoebe (eastern)
  • phoebe (Say's)
  • pigeon (band-tailed)
  • pigeon (rock)
  • pine siskin
  • pipit (American)
  • pipit (olive-backed)
  • pipit (red-throated)
  • pipit (Sprague's)
  • plover (American golden)
  • plover (black-bellied)
  • plover (greater sand)
  • plover (lesser-sand)
  • plover (mountain)
  • plover (Pacific golden)
  • plover (piping)
  • plover (semipalmated)
  • plover (snowy)
  • plover (Wilson's)
  • poorwill (common)
  • puffin (horned)
  • puffin (tufted)
  • purple martin (swallow)
  • quail (California)
  • quail (Gambel's)
  • quail (mountain)
  • rail (clapper)
  • rail (king)
  • rail (Virginia)
  • rail (yellow)
  • raven (common)
  • red knot
  • redpoll (common)
  • redshank (spotted)
  • redstart (American)
  • redstart (painted)
  • roadrunner (greater)
  • robin (American)
  • robin (rufous-backed)
  • turnstone (black)
  • turnstone (ruddy)
  • ruff
  • sanderling
  • sandpiper (Baird's)
  • sandpiper (buff-breasted)
  • sandpiper (curlew)
  • sandpiper (least)
  • sandpiper (pectoral)
  • sandpiper (rock)
  • sandpiper (semipalmated)
  • sandpiper (sharp-tailed)
  • sandpiper (solitary)
  • sandpiper (spotted)
  • sandpiper (stilt)
  • sandpiper (terek)
  • sandpiper (upland)
  • sandpiper (western)
  • sandpiper (white-rumped)
  • sandpiper (wood)
  • sapsucker (red-breasted)
  • sapsucker (red-naped)
  • sapsucker (Williamson's)
  • sapsucker (yellow-bellied)
  • shearwater (black-vented)
  • shearwater (Buller's)
  • shearwater (Cory's)
  • shearwater (flesh-footed)
  • shearwater (great)
  • shearwater (Manx)
  • shearwater (pink-footed)
  • shearwater (short-tailed)
  • shearwater (sooty)
  • shearwater (streaked)
  • shearwater (Townsend's)
  • shearwater (wedge-tailed)
  • shrike (loggerhead)
  • shrike (northern)
  • shoveler (northern)
  • skimmer (black)
  • skua (south polar)
  • sora
  • snipe (jack)
  • snipe (Wilson's)
  • sparrow (American tree)
  • sparrow (Baird's)
  • sparrow (black-chinned)
  • sparrow (black-throated)
  • sparrow (Brewer's)
  • sparrow (Cassin's)
  • sparrow (chipping)
  • sparrow (clay-colored)
  • sparrow (field)
  • sparrow (fox)
  • sparrow (golden-crowned)
  • sparrow (grasshopper)
  • sparrow (Harris's)
  • sparrow (lark)
  • sparrow (LeConte's)
  • sparrow (Lincoln's)
  • sparrow (Nelson's)
  • sparrow (rufous-crowned)
  • sparrow (sage)
  • sparrow (Savannah)
  • sparrow (song)
  • sparrow (swamp)
  • sparrow (vesper)
  • sparrow (white-crowned)
  • sparrow (white-throated)
  • spoonbill (roseate)
  • stilt (black-necked)
  • stint (little)
  • stint (long-toed)
  • stonechat
  • stork (wood)
  • storm-petrel (ashy)
  • storm-petrel (black)
  • storm-petrel (fork-tailed)
  • storm-petrel (Leach's)
  • storm-petrel (least)
  • storm-petrel (ringed)
  • storm-petrel (Tristram's)
  • storm-petrel (wedge-rumped)
  • storm-petrel (Wilson's)
  • surfbird
  • swallow (bank)
  • swallow (barn)
  • swallow (cave)
  • swallow (cliff)
  • swallow (northern rough-winged)
  • swallow (purple martin)
  • swallow (tree)
  • swallow (violet-green)
  • swan (trumpeter)
  • swan (tundra)
  • swan (whooper)
  • swift (black)
  • swift (chimney)
  • swift (Vaux's)
  • swift (white-collared)
  • swift (white-throated)
  • tanager (hepatic)
  • tanager (scarlet)
  • tanager (summer)
  • tanager (western)
  • tattler (gray-tailed)
  • tattler (wandering)
  • tern (arctic)
  • tern (black)
  • tern (bridled)
  • tern (Caspian)
  • tern (common)
  • tern (elegant)
  • tern (forester's)
  • tern (gull-billed)
  • tern (least)
  • tern (royal)
  • tern (sandwich)
  • tern (sooty)
  • tern (white-winged)
  • thrasher (Bendire's)
  • thrasher (brown)
  • thrasher (California)
  • thrasher (Crisssal)
  • thrasher (curve-billed)
  • thrasher (LeConte's)
  • thrasher (sage)
  • thrush (eyebrowed)
  • thrush (gray-cheeked)
  • thrush (hermit)
  • thrush (Swainson's)
  • thrush (varied)
  • thrush (wood)
  • titmouse (juniper)
  • titmouse (oak)
  • towhee (Albert's)
  • towhee (California)
  • towhee (green-tailed)
  • towhee (spotted)
  • tropicbird (red-billed)
  • tropicbird (red-tailed)
  • tropicbird (white-tailed)
  • turkey (wild)
  • veery (thrush)
  • verdin
  • vireo (Bell's)
  • vireo (blue-headed)
  • vireo (Cassion's)
  • vireo (gray)
  • vireo (Hutton's)
  • vireo (Philadelphia)
  • vireo (plumbeous)
  • vireo (red-eyed)
  • vireo (warbling)
  • vireo (white-eyed)
  • vireo (yellow-green)
  • vireo (yellow-throated)
  • vulture (black)
  • vulture (turkey)
  • wagtail (eastern yellow)
  • wagtail (gray)
  • wagtail (white)
  • warbler (bay-breasted)
  • warbler (black and white)
  • warbler (blackburnian)
  • warbler (blackpoll)
  • warbler (black-throated blue)
  • warbler (black-throated gray)
  • warbler (black-throated green)
  • warbler (blue-winged)
  • warbler (Canada)
  • warbler (Cape May)
  • warbler (Cerulean)
  • warbler (chestnut-sided)
  • warbler (Connecticut)
  • warbler (golden-cheeked)
  • warbler (golden-winged)
  • warbler (Grace's)
  • warbler (hermit)
  • warbler (hooded)
  • warbler (Kentucky)
  • warbler (Lucy's)
  • warbler (MacGillivray's)
  • warbler (magnolia)
  • warbler (mourning)
  • warbler (Nashville)
  • warbler (orange-crowned)
  • warbler (palm)
  • warbler (pine)
  • warbler (prairie)
  • warbler (prothonotary)
  • warbler (red-faced)
  • warbler (Tennessee)
  • warbler (Townsend's)
  • warbler (Virginia's)
  • warbler (Wilson's)
  • warbler (worm-eating)
  • warbler (yellow)
  • warbler (yellow-rumped)
  • warbler (yellow-throated)
  • waterthrush (Louisiana)
  • waterthrush (northern)
  • waxwing (Bohemian)
  • waxwing (cedar)
  • wheatear (northern)
  • whimbrel
  • whip-poor-will (eastern)
  • whip-poor-will (Mexican)
  • willet
  • woodpecker (acorn)
  • woodpecker (black-backed)
  • woodpecker (downy)
  • woodpecker (gila)
  • woodpecker (gilded)
  • woodpecker (hairy)
  • woodpecker (ladder-backed)
  • woodpecker (Lewis's)
  • woodpecker (Nuttall's)
  • woodpecker (pileated)
  • woodpecker (red-headed)
  • woodpecker (white-headed)
  • wren (Bewick's)
  • wren (cactus)
  • wren (canyon)
  • wren (Carolina)
  • wren (house)
  • wren (marsh)
  • wren (Pacific)
  • wren (rock)
  • wren (sedge)
  • wren (winter)
  • wrentit
  • yellowlegs (greater)
  • yellowlegs (lesser)
  • yellowthroat (common)

For more information about California birds (including Latin names) click on individual animal links or for another (off-site) resource: LINK

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.