C# | Static Class - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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C# | Static Class - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 20 Sep, 2023



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In C#, one is allowed to create a static class, by using static keyword. A static class can only contain static data members and static methods. It is not allowed to create objects of the static class and since it does not allow to create objects it means it does not allow instance constructor. Static classes are sealed, means you cannot inherit a static class from another class.


static class Class_Name
// static data members
// static method

In C#, the static class contains two types of static members as follows:

  • Static Data Members: As static class always contains static data members, so static data members are declared using static keyword and they are directly accessed by using the class name. The memory of static data members is allocating individually without any relation with the object.
static class Class_name 
public static nameofdatamember;
  • Static Methods: As static class always contains static methods, so static methods are declared using static keyword. These methods only access static data members, they can not access non-static data members.
static class Class_name {
public static nameofmethod()
// code

Example 1:


// C# program to illustrate the

// concept of static class

using System;

namespace ExampleOfStaticClass {

// Creating static class

// Using static keyword

static class Author {

// Static data members of Author

public static string A_name = "Ankita";

public static string L_name = "CSharp";

public static int T_no = 84;

// Static method of Author

public static void details()


Console.WriteLine("The details of Author is:");



// Driver Class

public class GFG {

// Main Method

static public void Main()


// Calling static method of Author


// Accessing the static data members of Author

Console.WriteLine("Author name : {0} ", Author.A_name);

Console.WriteLine("Language : {0} ", Author.L_name);

Console.WriteLine("Total number of articles : {0} ",






The details of Author is:Author name : Ankita Language : CSharp Total number of articles : 84

Example 2:


// C# program to demonstrate

// the concept of static class

using System;

// declaring a static class

public static class GFG {

// declaring static Method

static void display()


Console.WriteLine("Static Method of class GFG");



// trying to inherit the class GFG

// it will give error as static

// class can't be inherited

class GFG2 : GFG {

public static void Main(String[] args) {



Compile Time Error:

prog.cs(20,7): error CS0709: `GFG2′: Cannot derive from static class `GFG’

Explanation: In the above example, we have a static class named as Author by using static keyword. The Author class contains static data members named A_name, L_name, and T_no, and a static method named as details(). The method of a static class is simply called by using its class name like Author.details();. As we know that static class doesn’t consist object so the data member of the Author class is accessed by its class name, like Author.A_name, Author.L_name, and Author.T_no.

Difference between static and non-static class

Static ClassNon-Static Class
Static class is defined using static keyword.Non-Static class is not defined by using static keyword.
In static class, you are not allowed to create objects.In non-static class, you are allowed to create objects using new keyword.
The data members of static class can be directly accessed by its class name.The data members of non-static class is not directly accessed by its class name.
Static class always contains static members.Non-static class may contain both static and non-static methods.
Static class does not contain an instance constructor.Non-static class contains an instance constructor.
Static class cannot inherit from another class.Non-static class can be inherited from another class.


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C# | Static Class - GeeksforGeeks (4)

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C# | Static Class - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is the use of static class in C#? ›

A static class can be used as a convenient container for sets of methods that just operate on input parameters and don't have to get or set any internal instance fields. For example, in the . NET Class Library, the static System.

What is static and non-static in C#? ›

In static class, you are not allowed to create objects. In non-static class, you are allowed to create objects using new keyword. The data members of static class can be directly accessed by its class name. The data members of non-static class is not directly accessed by its class name.

How to call a static method in C#? ›

You invoke a static method by referencing the name of the type to which the method belongs; static methods don't operate on instance data. Attempting to call a static method through an object instance generates a compiler error. Calling a method is like accessing a field.

What is the difference between static and sealed classes in C#? ›

Static classes are loaded automatically by the . NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) when the program or namespace containing the class is loaded. A sealed class cannot be used as a base class. Sealed classes are primarily used to prevent derivation.

What is the difference between static class and normal class in C#? ›

A static class is one that cannot be instantiated. Therefore, it cannot be used as a 'template" for multiple instances of some object that conforms to the class definition as a normal class can.

Can a static class inherit another class in C#? ›

Any class which does not contain instance contructor, cannot be inherited. Static class by default do not have non-static contructor (instance contructor) and that is why you cannot inherit it. Not possible to inherit static class in c#.

Can a static class have a constructor in C#? ›

A static class can only have static members — you cannot declare instance members (methods, variables, properties, etc.) in a static class. You can have a static constructor in a static class but you cannot have an instance constructor inside a static class.

Can we override static methods in C#? ›

(1) Static methods cannot be overridden, they can however be hidden using the 'new' keyword. Mostly overriding methods means you reference a base type and want to call a derived method. Since static's are part of the type and aren't subject to vtable lookups that doesn't make sense.

Can a static class be instantiated in C#? ›

A static class is a high-level concept in C# programming language that doesn't need an instance for referring to its members. Plus, you cannot instantiate them.

Can we override sealed class in C#? ›

No - in order to override a method, you have to derive from it, which you can't do when the class is sealed. Basically, you need to revisit your design to avoid this requirement... You can't inherit from a sealed class, so no inheritance, no override.

Why are sealed classes faster in C#? ›

Sealed classes prevent derivation. Because they can never be used as a base class, some run-time optimizations can make calling sealed class members slightly faster.

How many types of classes are there in C#? ›

There are four types of classes in C#.

Why would you use a static class? ›

Static classes and members are usually used for data or functions that do not change in response to object state, or for utility functions that do not rely on object state at all. One common use of static classes is to hold application-level data, such as configuration settings.

Why we use static in main in C#? ›

The Main() method is the entry point a C# program from where the execution starts. Main() method must be static because it is a class level method. To invoked without any instance of the class it must be static. Non-static Main() method will give a compile-time error.

What does using static do C#? ›

C# using static directive helps us to access static members (methods and fields) of the class without using the class name.

What is the purpose of static in C? ›

A static variable possesses the property of preserving its actual value even after it is out of its scope. Thus, the static variables are able to preserve their previous value according to their previous scope, and one doesn't need to initialize them again in the case of a new scope.

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