Buying and Selling | Help Center (2024)

You can purchase items that are available in primary sales (including ‘drops’) or secondary sales. Pay with a credit/debit card, your account balance, or with Pay - via the App or using a wallet that supports ERC20 tokens (e.g. Metamask, WalletConnect).

Regardless of primary sales or secondary sales, there are 2 pricing models for all our listings:

  • Buy Now

  1. You can purchase an item at its fixed price.

  2. Click “buy” or “buy now” to purchase a single item right away.

  3. Click “add” or “add to cart” to add items to a shopping cart. Then, once you’re ready, click the shopping cart icon on the top right corner of the screen to review all your added items and begin the checkout process

  • Auction

  1. You can place a bid on an auction item by inputting a bid amount which must be equal to or higher than the minimum bid amount.

  2. The bid has to be higher than the previous highest bid by 5% or $10, whichever is higher. Please note the highest bidder cannot cancel his/her bid.

  3. When the auction ends, the current top bidder wins the bid. If it ends without any bids, the item goes back to "Not for sale" status.

If you have accumulated some account balance, you can use it to make purchases once you have your App account activated (KYC required). For more information on the App, please refer here.

Please note that you must have the same email address for NFT and App. If you use different email addresses, we recommend you to change the email address on the App. You can click the gear icon located in the top left of the App homepage and then click into your profile to change your email address.

If you would like to use Pay, please click the ‘ Pay’ button on the payment method page to proceed to checkout. You will then see a pop-up page with various wallet options. Once you have chosen your preferred wallet, please scan a pop-up QR code and/or follow the on-screen instructions to connect your wallet and complete the payment. Please visit our FAQ for more details.

Why are there unavailable items in my shopping cart?

An item that has been added to your shopping cart may become unavailable if it has already been purchased by another user or delisted by the owner. Please note that when you check out, items in your cart that have become unavailable will be excluded from your purchase.

How many items can I add to my shopping cart?

You can add as many as 20 items.

Why are the items I have purchased with a shopping cart not showing up all at once?

After you complete your payment, the system will attempt to obtain each cart item for you individually. Processing times of each NFT may vary depending on their origin chain and network usage. You will be informed of your order status via email throughout the process:

  • You will receive a payment confirmation email immediately after your purchase to confirm that we have received your order

  • Later on, you will receive a final confirmation email after the system has obtained all NFTs in your order

We have different weekly limits for credit/debit card purchases depending on whether you buy directly from drops or from the marketplace.

Drop purchases:

Marketplace purchases:

  • $500 weekly card limit if your account is verified through SMS

  • $1,000 weekly card limit if you have an activated App account (KYC required)

  • $10,000 weekly card limit if you have an activated App account (KYC required) that is staking CRO and/or holds a Ruby Steel Visa Card (or higher card tier)

We have implemented a queueing system for limited-time drops in order to ensure stable performance and improve your purchase experience.

60 minutes before the drop starts, you will be taken into a waiting room with other users looking to purchase the drop. 10 minutes before the drop starts, people in the waiting room will be taken to the queue where queue numbers get assigned randomly before the beginning of the event. Once you are redirected to the drop event page, you can start the purchase process.

Those of you who join the queue after the numbers are assigned (i.e. later than 10 minutes before the drop begins) will be directly assigned a number at the back of the queue.

When you are in the queue, please do not close the queue page. You will lose your spot in the queue if you leave this page. Please make sure you join the queue with only one tab. Don’t try joining the queue from multiple tabs or devices.

For payments with a credit/debit card, please check with your card issuer on the supported currencies.

For payments with Pay, please refer to our FAQ for a full list of supported currencies on Pay.

Sellers can select one of 2 pricing models when they list a collectible for sale:

Fixed price model

  1. The seller sets a fixed price for the item.

  2. The seller can optionally set an expiration date, with a maximum of 6 months period from the listing date. If no expiration date is set, the listing will expire automatically 6 months after being listed.#

  3. The buyer purchases the item at its fixed price.

# The expiration policy is effective from DDMMYYYY [Time]. Expired listings will be delisted from NFT, but may be relisted by the seller at any time. Any existing listings are applicable to the new policy, based on the following:

  • NFTs listed for six or more months as of the aforementioned effective date will expire and be delisted on the effective date. You are encouraged to relist such NFTs with a new price.

  • NFTs listed for less than six months as of the effective date will expire and be delisted at the end of the six months period from their listing date. You can view the expiration date below the ‘Cancel Listing’ button.

Auction model*

  1. The seller puts an item up for auction by inputting the end date and minimum bid amount.

  2. The buyer places a bid, which has to be higher than the previous highest bid by 5% or $10, whichever is higher. Please note the highest bidder cannot cancel his/her bid.

  3. Sellers can choose to end the auction earlier by a) canceling the auction, and the current top bidder gets refund or b) terminating the auction early, and the current top bidder wins the bid**. When the auction ends, the current top bidder wins the bid. If it ends without any bids, the item goes back to "Not for sale" status.

* Each edition can be a standalone auction, meaning that a collectible with 100 editions can at most have 100 auctions happening simultaneously.

** Auctions cannot be ended (canceled or terminated early) by sellers within 24 hours prior to the expiration time.

We offer a variety of filtering and sorting options in our marketplace, collection, and brand pages to find the best NFTs for you.

Filter Options:



Listing Type

Filters collectible based on the listing type.

When the “Buy Now” filter is applied, fixed priced collectibles available for purchase are displayed.

When the “Auction” filter is applied, collectibles under auction are displayed.


Filters Curated and Non-Curated collectibles.

When the “Curated” filter is applied, whitelisted cross-chain collections and collectibles initially sold from curated drops are displayed.

When the “Non-Curated” filter is applied, collectibles from non-curated creators are displayed.


Filters collectible by price.

Minimum price takes each collectible’s edition currently listed at the lowest price* and only includes the collectible as part of the filtered results if this figure is above the applied min price.

Maximum price takes each collectible’s edition currently listed at the lowest price* and only includes the collectible as part of the filtered results if this figure is below the applied max price.


Filters collectible by collection.

Enter collection name in the search bar and click collection checkbox to apply filter.


Filters collectible based on the chain it was natively minted on.


Filters collectible based on the genre of NFT.

Sorting Options:



Most Relevant

Sort collectibles based on popularity


  • Most Relevant sorting only available under Marketplace page

Recently Listed

Sort collectibles based on its listing time


Sort collectibles based on when they were created

Price: Low to High

Takes the price of each collectible’s edition currently listed at the lowest price* and uses this figure as the basis to sort collectibles (from low to high)

Price: High to Low

Takes the price of each collectible’s edition currently listed at the lowest price* and uses this figure as the basis to sort collectibles (from high to low)

Auction Ending Soon

Takes each collectible’s edition currently listed for auction with the soonest end time, and uses this end time as the basis for determining its order amongst other collectibles


  • If “Auction Ending Soon” is applied, collectibles with no editions listed for auction will not be part of the filtered results

  • Please note that even if “Auction Ending Soon” is applied, when clicking into a collectible, you will still be directed to the edition of that collectible listed for the lowest price, rather than the edition listed for auction that is ending the soonest

Most Likes

Sort collectibles based on its number of likes

Most Views

Sort collectibles based on its number of views

* Takes into account both auction and fixed price listings. For editions listed for auction, the value of its current bid (or “starting bid”, if the edition has no bids yet) is considered

A ‘drop’ is a limited-time event, where you can purchase items directly from creators you like. We will publish our drop schedule regularly on our official social media channels. Registered users can also subscribe to email newsletters on upcoming drops.

Buyers do not pay additional fees for making purchases. Simply select the NFT you like and pay the exact amount of the listed price.

For secondary sales, if you are the seller, a 1.99% processing fee will be deducted from the total purchase amount to cover the operational costs of the platform.

In addition, royalties will be deducted and shared with the creator of the item. The exact amount of royalties (as a percentage of the total purchase amount) is decided by the creator.

Royalties are paid to creators whenever their work is sold on the secondary market (resale), allowing them to be recognized and compensated for their work.

When curated creators put an item up for sale, they can specify how much royalties to charge as a percentage of the listed price for each secondary sale. For example, if the curated creator had set royalties at 10% for an NFT, then the NFT is sold on the secondary market (resale) for $5,000, then the curated creator will receive $500 as royalties.

For non-curated creators royalties are fixed at 10% for resales of collectibles created directly on the platform.

Click your account name in the top right corner and select ‘Account Activity’ to view your balance. You can then withdraw your balance to your associated App account (KYC required). Withdrawals to the App account are in USDC.

For more information on App, please refer here.

Please note that you must have the same email address for NFT and App to connect the two. If you use different email addresses, we recommend you to change the email address on the App. You could click the gear icon located in the top left of the App homepage and then click into your profile to change your email address.

You may buy non-curated items from non-curated creators as per usual.

However, please note that these items may not be pre-screened by and face the risk of being a prohibited sale item, as stated in our Sale Item Guidelines. This means that the item could be delisted if found to be in violation and that all transactions relating to such items shall be final and no refund shall be due.

These items shall also be prohibited from withdrawal for a period of 30 days from the date the non-curated user receives minting privileges.

When you attempt to purchase such items, you are asked to click a checkbox to acknowledge these considerations and that you have done your research into the origin of the items.

Buying and Selling | Help Center (1)

It is always suggested to research the creator and the item to make sure you are purchasing an NFT made by an established creator producing original works.

To help users identify genuine creators and collections, blue checkmark badges are added to indicate that NFT has verified their authenticity.

Account and collection verification is currently reviewed and approved by internal staff only. A collection verification application process will be made available in the near future.

When do refunds occur?

Refunds occur when you get outbid in an auction or when you paid for a collectible/pack but failed to get assigned one. How the funds are returned works differently depending on the initial method of payment.

  1. In the case of outbid:

  • If you used your NFT account balance, the money held up for the bid will be released back to your account within 24 hours.

  • If you paid via the App, the funds will return back to your App wallet instantly, and the currency is based on the refund currency inside your App settings, with USDC being the default.

  • If you paid using an external wallet (i.e. Metamask), you will receive an email with a link to claim the refund, where you can choose to deposit the funds back to your App or to an external wallet. Claiming the refund this way may incur a processing fee. Refund ETAs depend on the chain the transaction was made.

  • If you paid using credit/debit card, the pre-authorised payment will be voided*. Please allow for up to 1 week** for the funds to be released.

*For auctions, users can only place bids with credit/debit card if the auction is ending within 96 hours.

**If not refunded after 7 days, please contact your bank.

2. In the case of an order failure, where you paid for a collectible/pack but failed to get assigned one:

  • If you used your NFT account balance, the money held up for the purchase will be released back to your account balance

  • If you paid via the App, the amount held up for the purchase will be released back to your App account wallet

  • If you paid using an external wallet, you will receive an email with a link to claim the funds. Claiming the refund this way may incur a processing fee.

Note that:

  • All refunds will be subject to the exchange rate at the time of refund in cases where the paid currency is different from the refund currency.

  • If you were not assigned an item after you paid for a shopping cart, you will get refunded almost immediately for that particular item only. You will get to keep all other assigned items from the same cart order.

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I'm an expert in the field of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs, with a deep understanding of the ecosystem and the dynamics of the NFT marketplace. My expertise is grounded in a combination of academic knowledge and hands-on experience in the blockchain space.

Now, let's delve into the concepts outlined in the provided article:

  1. Primary and Secondary Sales:

    • Primary sales involve purchasing items directly, including limited-time events called 'drops.'
    • Secondary sales involve buying items from other users.
  2. Payment Options:

    • Purchase using credit/debit cards, account balance, or Pay.
    • Pay is available via the App or compatible wallets (e.g., Metamask, WalletConnect).
  3. Pricing Models:

    • Buy Now: Fixed price for immediate purchase.
    • Auction: Place bids, and the highest bidder at the end wins.
  4. Checkout Process:

    • Items can be added to a shopping cart for a single or batch purchase.
  5. Account and Payment Limits:

    • Weekly limits vary based on purchase method and account verification.
  6. Queueing System:

    • Implemented for limited-time drops to ensure stability and a smooth buying experience.
  7. Filtering and Sorting Options:

    • Various options available in the marketplace for finding NFTs, including by type, curation, price, collection, chain, and more.
  8. Seller Pricing Models:

    • Fixed price with optional expiration.
    • Auction with specified end date and minimum bid.
  9. Refund Policies:

    • Refunds occur when outbid or order failure, depending on the payment method.
    • Refund processes vary based on the initial payment method.
  10. Verification and Badges:

    • Blue checkmark badges indicate verified creators and collections.
    • Account and collection verification is performed by internal staff.
  11. Refund Process:

    • Refunds for outbid or order failure depend on the payment method and may incur processing fees.
  12. Related Articles:

    • Mention of additional articles related to NFT creation, App, privileged drop access, and NFT rarity.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for navigating the NFT platform effectively, ensuring a seamless buying experience and adherence to relevant policies. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any of these topics, feel free to ask.

Buying and Selling | Help Center (2024)


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To make cryptocurrency withdrawals, you can use your passkey if it is set up. If you haven't set up a passkey, you will be required to verify withdrawals with 2FA and an SMS OTP. To safeguard your funds, you are recommended to enable the 24-hour withdrawal lock, please refer to the details here.

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The Exchange supports bank transfers and credit/debit cards. Navigate to the trading section of the platform and select the cryptocurrency pair to trade. Choose whether to buy or sell the cryptocurrency, and enter the amount to trade. Set the preferred price and order type.

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We provide 24/7 live customer support.

It's our priority to help you make the most of your experience.

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How to submit a USD withdrawal request?
  1. Go to “Fiat Wallet” from Menu Button or the Accounts Menu. Tap “Transfer” > “Withdraw” > “USD”
  2. Tap on your USD balance and Withdraw USD.
  3. Tap Add Bank Account or select the preferred bank account if it has already been added.

How do I cash out my crypto to my bank account? ›

To cash out your balance:
  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Select My Assets.
  3. Select your local currency balance.
  4. Select the Cash out tab and enter the amount you want to cash out.
  5. Select Transfer to and choose your cash out destination.
  6. Select Review.
  7. Select Withdraw cash to complete your transfer.

How much does crypto com charge to cash out? ›

Is there a withdrawal fee for USD? Yes, charges retail users a withdrawal fee of US$45. This fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.

How much does it cost to sell on Crypto com? ›

For secondary sales, if you are the seller, a 1.99% processing fee will be deducted from the total purchase amount to cover the operational costs of the platform.

How do you buy and sell crypto for beginners? ›

How to Trade Crypto In 6 Steps
  1. Step 1: Open a Crypto Exchange Account. You can't simply buy crypto using your bank account to start trading cryptocurrency. ...
  2. Step 2: Fund Your Account. ...
  3. Step 3: Choose a Cryptocurrency to Trade. ...
  4. Step 4: Pick a Strategy. ...
  5. Step 5: Start Trading. ...
  6. Step 6: Store Your Coins.
Mar 21, 2024

How to bypass crypto com 24 hour wait? ›

To disable the 24-hour Withdrawal Lock:
  1. Open the Menu and go to “Settings”
  2. Click “24-hour Withdrawal Lock” under the “Security” tab.
  3. Toggle off the 24-Hour Withdrawal Lock.
  4. Click “Disable” to confirm your decision.
  5. Enter your passcode or confirm using a biometric ID.

Is a Chinese company? › is a cryptocurrency exchange company based in Singapore that offers various financial services, including an app, exchange, and non-custodial DeFi wallet, NFT marketplace, and direct payment service in cryptocurrency.

Is having issues? ›

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. No incidents reported. No incidents reported.

How do I sell my crypto for cash? ›

Here are five ways you can cash out your crypto or Bitcoin.
  1. Use an exchange to sell crypto.
  2. Use your broker to sell crypto.
  3. Go with a peer-to-peer trade.
  4. Cash out at a Bitcoin ATM.
  5. Trade one crypto for another and then cash out.
  6. Bottom line.
Feb 9, 2024

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How to sell Crypto to Fiat?
  1. Open the app.
  2. Tap on "Accounts"
  3. Select "Fiat Wallet"
  4. Select "Sell Crypto"
  5. Select the cryptocurrency you'd like to convert to Fiat.
  6. Select the 'Cash' option.
  7. On the "Sell Cryptocurrency" screen, you can enter the amount you wish to convert.

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To move money out of a card, users can only spend money, transfer it to other users, or withdraw it from an ATM.

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How Long Does It Take to Withdraw From It takes about 1 to 2 business days to process fiat withdrawals from the exchange, and cryptocurrency withdrawals are usually processed within 2 to 3 hours.

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The app is indeed a safe cryptocurrency platform for cryptocurrency exchange. This safety is underpinned by the platform's comprehensive security measures, which include advanced MFA, real-time monitoring for suspicious activities, and substantial insurance coverage to protect user funds and assets.

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DeFi Earn on the DeFi Wallet App

You can now grow your crypto assets on the DeFi Wallet App using our new decentralized finance offering, and earn passive income with a few simple steps.

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Log in to your exchange account and go to the withdrawals section, which might be under transactions, balances, or wallet. Select the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw, and choose the right network. For example, withdraw the USDT ERC20 token to the ERC20 address you copied from Tangem).

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Article information

Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5281

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.