Business Policy: What Is It & How To Create It in 8 Steps? (2024)

Table of contents

  • What is a business policy?
  • What are the different types of business policies?
  • How to Implement a Business Policy
  • What Common Mistakes in Creating Business Policy?
  • Examples of Successful Business Policies

Business Policy: What Is It & How To Create It in 8 Steps? (1)

Eric RenaudEric is in charge of content and SEO at La Growth Machine. A specialist in Outreach topics for over 8 years, Eric has written for numerous French and English blogs, sharing his experiences, hacks, and other use-cases. A trainer and speaker in his spare time, he is a reference for all topics related to B2B prospecting and automation.

Business policies play a crucial role in shaping the way organizations operate. A business policy is a set of guidelines and principles that govern decision-making and actions within a company.

It acts as a roadmap, providing direction and ensuring consistency across different departments and levels. In this article, we will explore what business policies entail and how you can create effective ones for your organization.

What is a business policy?

Before we dive into the process of creating a business policy, it is important to understand what exactly it entails. A business policy is a formal statement that outlines the rules, regulations, and processes that guide the behavior and decision-making of employees within an organization. It establishes a framework for consistency, ensuring that everyone is on the same page when it comes to key aspects of the business.

Business policies are essential for organizations of all sizes and industries. They provide a set of guidelines that help maintain order, promote ethical behavior, and ensure compliance with legal requirements. These policies cover a wide range of areas, including but not limited to:

  • human resources,
  • finance,
  • operations,
  • marketing,
  • information technology.

More precisely, a business policy can involve the use of a specific tool, or process. For example, your business policy could define whether you should prospect manually or with the help of automation, as a salesperson.

Business Policy: What Is It & How To Create It in 8 Steps? (2)

Manual or automated sales prospecting?

We’ve written an amazing post about the differences between manual and automated prospecting strategies as a salesperson. In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about it.

Find out about our sales strategy recommendation!

Within the realm of human resources, business policies may include guidelines on recruitment and selection processes, sales performance evaluations, compensation and benefits, and employee code of conduct. These policies are designed to create a fair and inclusive work environment, where employees are treated with respect and given equal opportunities for growth and development.

Example 🔍

In the finance department, business policies may address financial reporting procedures, budgeting and forecasting processes, expense reimbursem*nt guidelines, and financial controls. These policies aim to ensure transparency, accuracy, and accountability in financial matters, safeguarding the organization’s assets and maintaining the trust of stakeholders.

In the end, keep in mind that business policies serve as a roadmap for organizations, providing a framework for decision-making and behavior. They cover various aspects of the business, ensuring consistency, compliance, and ethical conduct.

Related Post 📝

A sales policy is different from a business policy, that implies a much broader framework, at the whole company level.

You can read our post about sales policy to get more insights on this topic.

What are the different types of business policies?

Now that we have a clear understanding of what a business policy is, let’s explore the various types that exist.

#1. Organizational or Corporate Policies

These policies set the tone for the entire organization and outline its values, mission, and vision. They provide a broad framework within which all other policies are created and implemented.

Organizational or corporate policies play a crucial role in shaping the culture of a company. They define the expectations and behaviors that employees are expected to adhere to. These policies often cover areas such as ethical conduct, diversity and inclusion, and corporate social responsibility.

Example 🔍

For example, an organizational policy may emphasize the importance of maintaining a respectful and inclusive work environment, promoting teamwork and collaboration, and upholding the highest standards of integrity in all business dealings.

#2. Operational Policies

Operational policies focus on specific processes and procedures within the company. They provide guidelines on how different tasks should be executed to ensure efficiency and consistency.

Operational policies are essential for streamlining day-to-day operations and ensuring that employees have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. These policies may cover areas such as inventory management, quality control, customer service, and information technology.

Example 🔍

For instance, an operational policy may outline the steps involved in the order fulfillment process, including how to receive and process orders, how to package and ship products, and how to handle customer inquiries and returns.

#3. Strategic Policies

Strategic policies are concerned with long-term planning and decision-making. They outline the company’s overall strategy, objectives, and goals, and guide sales management in making strategic choices.

Strategic policies are crucial for ensuring that the organization is aligned with its long-term vision and objectives. These policies may cover areas such as market positioning, product development, mergers and acquisitions, and international expansion.

Example 🔍

For example, a strategic policy may define the company’s approach to innovation and research and development, outlining the resources and investments allocated to developing new products or technologies.

#4. Contingency Policies

Contingency policies are designed to deal with unexpected events or situations. They provide guidelines on how to handle crises, disruptions, or emergencies effectively.

Contingency policies are essential for ensuring that the organization can respond swiftly and effectively to unforeseen circ*mstances. These policies may cover areas such as business continuity planning, disaster recovery, and crisis management.

Example 🔍

For instance, a contingency policy may outline the steps to be taken in the event of a natural disaster, including evacuation procedures, communication protocols, and alternative work arrangements.

#5. Procedural Policies

Procedural policies outline the step-by-step processes for accomplishing specific tasks or activities within the organization. They ensure consistency and clarity in the execution of various operations.

Procedural policies are crucial for maintaining standardization and efficiency in the organization’s day-to-day activities. These policies may cover areas such as procurement, project management, financial processes, and employee onboarding.

Example 🔍

For example, a procedural policy may outline the steps involved in the recruitment and selection process, including how to advertise job vacancies, how to conduct interviews, and how to make job offers.

#6. Functional or Departmental Policies

Functional or departmental policies outline the specific guidelines and principles that apply to individual departments or functional areas within the organization. They address the unique challenges and requirements of each department.

Functional or departmental policies are essential for ensuring that each department operates in alignment with the organization’s overall goals and objectives. These policies may cover areas such as marketing, finance, operations, human resources, and information technology.

Example 🔍

For instance, a marketing policy may outline the guidelines for brand management, advertising and promotions, market research, and customer relationship management within the marketing department.

#7. Human Resources Policies

Human resources policies cover a range of issues related to employees, such as recruitment, compensation, training, performance management, and employee benefits. They ensure fair and consistent treatment of employees.

Human resources policies are crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment and ensuring that employees are treated fairly and equitably. These policies may cover areas such as equal employment opportunity, anti-discrimination, employee development, and work-life balance.

Example 🔍

For example, a human resources policy may outline the company’s approach to performance management, including how performance evaluations are conducted, how feedback is provided, and how performance-based rewards and recognition are determined.

How to Implement a Business Policy

Now that we have explored the different types of business policies, let’s delve into the process of creating and implementing them effectively:

Step 1: Identify the Need

The first step in implementing a business policy is to identify the specific need or problem it aims to address. This could be an issue related to operations, customer service, compliance, or any other area that requires clarity and consistency.

For example, let’s say a company has been experiencing a high turnover rate among its employees. After conducting an analysis, the management identifies that the lack of a clear career development policy is contributing to this issue. Therefore, the need to implement a business policy that focuses on employee career growth becomes evident before building their sales team.

Step 2: Define the Policy’s Purpose and Scope

Once the need is identified, it is essential to define the purpose and scope of the policy. This involves clearly articulating the objectives and limitations of the policy to ensure it addresses the identified need effectively.

In the case of the career development policy, the purpose would be to provide employees with a structured framework for their professional growth within the company. The scope would include outlining the various opportunities available, such as mentorship programs, training workshops, and promotion criteria.

Step 3: Research and Consult

Before drafting a policy, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and consult with relevant stakeholders. This includes gathering information on best practices, legal requirements, and industry standards. Consulting with employees, managers, and subject matter experts can provide valuable insights and ensure buy-in from key stakeholders.

In the context of the career development policy, the research phase would involve studying successful career development programs implemented by other companies in the same industry. It would also include consulting with employees at different levels to understand their career aspirations and expectations.

Step 4: Draft the Policy

Based on the research and consultation, it’s time to draft the policy. Clearly define the guidelines, procedures, and responsibilities outlined in the policy. Use clear and concise language to ensure complete understanding and avoid ambiguity.

In the case of the career development policy, the draft would include specific criteria for eligibility, guidelines for accessing training and mentorship programs, and a clear outline of the responsibilities of both employees and managers in supporting career growth.

Step 5: Approve the Policy

Once the policy is drafted, it should go through an approval process. This involves getting feedback from relevant stakeholders, making revisions if necessary, and obtaining final approval from appropriate authorities or management.

For the career development policy, the draft would be shared with the human resources department, senior management, and even a focus group of employees for feedback. Revisions would be made based on the input received, and the final version would be presented to the executive team for approval.

Step 6: Communicate the Policy

Once the policy is approved, it must be communicated effectively to all employees. Use multiple communication channels, such as meetings, email, and intranet, to ensure widespread awareness and understanding of the policy. Provide training and resources to support employees in implementing the policy correctly.

In the case of the career development policy, a company-wide meeting could be held to introduce the policy and its benefits. Additionally, an email communication could be sent to all employees with detailed information and links to resources such as online training modules and career development guides.

Step 7: Implement the Policy

With the policy communicated, it’s time to put it into action. Ensure that employees have the necessary tools and resources to comply with the policy. Monitor adherence regularly and address any challenges or questions that arise along the way.

In the case of the career development policy, managers would be responsible for ensuring that employees have access to the training programs and mentorship opportunities outlined in the policy. Regular check-ins and progress assessments would be conducted to monitor the implementation and address any issues that may arise.

Step 8: Monitor and Review

Implementing a policy is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor its effectiveness and assess whether it is achieving its intended goals. Collect feedback from employees and make necessary adjustments to keep the policy-relevant and up-to-date.

For the career development policy, regular surveys and feedback sessions could be conducted to gauge employee satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. The policy would be reviewed annually to ensure it aligns with the evolving needs of the employees and the organization.

Step 9: Document and Update

Finally, it is crucial to document the policy and keep it easily accessible to all employees. Regularly review and update the policy to reflect any changes in the business environment, legal requirements, or organizational needs.

In the case of the career development policy, it would be documented in the company’s employee handbook and made available on the intranet for easy reference. Updates would be made as needed, such as incorporating new training programs or revising promotion criteria based on industry trends.

What Common Mistakes in Creating Business Policy?

While creating a business policy, it is important to avoid common pitfalls that can undermine its effectiveness. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

Lack of Clarity

A policy that is vague or poorly defined can lead to confusion and inconsistent implementation. Clearly articulate the purpose, guidelines, and expected outcomes to ensure complete understanding among employees.

For example, imagine a company that introduces a new policy regarding expense reimbursem*nt. If the policy simply states that employees can be reimbursed for business-related expenses without providing clear guidelines on what constitutes a business-related expense, employees may submit reimbursem*nt requests for personal expenses that are unrelated to their work. This lack of clarity can create confusion and potentially lead to misuse of company funds.

When taking the time to clearly define what is considered a business-related expense, providing specific examples, and outlining the process for submitting reimbursem*nt requests, the policy becomes more effective and ensures that employees understand the boundaries.

Ignoring Employee Feedback

Employees are the ones directly affected by policies, so it’s essential to involve them in the policy creation process. Solicit feedback and suggestions from employees to ensure their perspectives are considered and increase their buy-in.

For instance, a company may decide to implement a new policy regarding remote work. Instead of simply dictating the terms of the policy without consulting employees, the company can conduct surveys or hold focus groups to gather insights and opinions. By involving employees in the decision-making process, the company can address concerns, identify potential challenges, and ultimately create a policy that is more likely to be embraced and followed by the workforce.

Furthermore, by actively seeking employee feedback, companies can foster a culture of transparency and open communication, which can lead to increased employee engagement and satisfaction.

Overly Complex Policies

A policy filled with jargon and complexity can be overwhelming for employees and hinder its implementation. Keep the policy language clear, concise, and easy to understand. Break down complex concepts into actionable steps.

Consider a company that introduces a new policy on data security. If the policy is written using technical terms and complex language that the average employee may not understand, it becomes challenging for them to comply with the policy’s requirements.

Instead, the company can simplify the language, provide examples, and break down the policy into step-by-step instructions. This approach ensures that employees can easily grasp the policy’s expectations and take the necessary actions to comply with data security protocols.

Moreover, providing training sessions or workshops to explain the policy in simple terms can further enhance employees’ understanding and facilitate smooth implementation.

Examples of Successful Business Policies

As a B2B sales and growth expert, I have encountered many examples of successful business policies throughout my career. One particular example comes to mind when a company I worked with implemented a transparent pricing policy for a client in the pharmaceutical industry. This policy provided potential customers with clear and upfront pricing information, which helped build trust and streamline the B2B sales process. The policy was communicated effectively to the sales team, who were equipped with the necessary tools to answer pricing-related questions confidently.

Another example is a human resources policy implemented by a software development company. The policy focused on promoting a healthy work-life balance and provided flexible work arrangements for employees. This policy not only attracted top talent but also contributed to higher employee satisfaction and productivity.

These examples highlight the power of well-designed business policies in driving positive outcomes and creating a conducive work environment.

In conclusion

Business policies are essential tools in guiding decision-making and ensuring consistency within organizations. By understanding the different types of policies and following a systematic approach to their creation and implementation, organizations can achieve greater clarity, efficiency, and employee satisfaction.

Business Policy: What Is It & How To Create It in 8 Steps? (2024)


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  • Step 1: Executive summary. ...
  • Step 2: Company description. ...
  • Step 3: Market analysis. ...
  • Step 4: Organizational structure & management. ...
  • Step 5: Explain your product or service. ...
  • Step 6: Marketing & sales strategy. ...
  • Step 7: Financial plan & projections. ...
  • Step 8: Appendix.
Mar 12, 2021

How do I create a business policy? ›

How to Develop and Implement a New Company Policy
  1. Step 1: Identify the Need for a Policy. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine Policy Content. ...
  3. Step 3: Obtain Stakeholder Support. ...
  4. Step 4: Communicate with Employees. ...
  5. Step 5: Update and Revise the Policy.

What is a business policy? ›

A business policy is a formal statement that outlines the rules, regulations, and processes that guide the behavior and decision-making of employees within an organization. It establishes a framework for consistency, ensuring that everyone is on the same page when it comes to key aspects of the business.

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How To Start a Business In 8 Key Steps
  1. DETERMINE IDEA. You can't start a business without a good idea. ...
  7. STAFFING. ...
Dec 30, 2013

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Build A Strategic Business Plan In 8 Steps
  1. Consider Your Mission and Vision Statements. ...
  2. Do A SWOT Analysis. ...
  3. Outline Your Goals. ...
  4. Calculate Your Human Resource Requirements. ...
  5. Do A Resource Assessment. ...
  6. Develop Strategies. ...
  7. Create Action Plans. ...
  8. Determine Success.

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In Summary
  • Analyze the business's current environment.
  • Determine business future vision.
  • Define strategic goals.
  • Break down strategic goals into portfolios of projects and initiatives.
  • Conduct regular review meetings.
  • Define benchmark targets to track progress.
  • Write out the strategic plan.
  • Put your plan into action.

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Policy Writing Guidance
  1. Keep it simple. Policies should be written in plain language – not legalese. ...
  2. Keep it general. Policies cannot contemplate all possible situations. ...
  3. Make it relevant. ...
  4. Check for accuracy and compliance. ...
  5. Ensure the policy can be enforced. ...
  6. Clearly state who does what. ...
  7. Less is more.

How to develop business policy? ›

Here are the key steps involved in creating an effective business policy:
  1. Define the purpose and scope of the policy. ...
  2. Gather relevant information and input. ...
  3. Draft the policy content. ...
  4. Review and approve the policy. ...
  5. Communicate and implement the policy. ...
  6. Review and update the policy regularly.
May 22, 2024

What does a business policy look like? ›

This part of the company policy includes specific rules, guidelines and regulatory changes that employees should follow. For example, “Employees are expected to dress in store uniforms from Monday until Friday. Staff are permitted to follow a business casual dress code on Saturdays.”

What are the essentials of a business policy? ›

A good policy for business is: Clear and specific: It's essential that lower management and other members of staff can read and understand a policy for business in full, with no room for ambiguity. This means that the implementation of the policy is consistent across the company.

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The rationale behind business policy is to provide guidance and direction to personnel, to ensure uniformity in decision-making, and to safeguard the organization from legal liabilities, while strategy deals with the plan of action employed to reach the desired goals.

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A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a company's goals, strategies, and financial projections. It provides a detailed description of the business, including its products or services, target market, competitive landscape, and marketing and sales strategies.

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How to develop an action plan
  • Set objectives. ...
  • Assess the objectives. ...
  • Identify action required to achieve the objective. ...
  • Work out how to evaluate the activity. ...
  • Agree a time frame. ...
  • Assess the action plan. ...
  • Finalise the action plan.

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8 steps to build a project management timeline
  • Write a project scope statement.
  • Create a work breakdown structure (WBS)
  • Break each work package into tasks.
  • Determine project dependencies.
  • Determine total time needed for each task.
  • Identify resource availability.
  • Identify important milestones.

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  • Evaluating an Opportunity. Market Opportunity. Solution Feasibility. Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Founding Team. Risk/Reward Profile.
  • Creating a Strategy.
  • Execution in a New Venture. Primary Market Research.

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8 Steps to Validate Your Business Idea
  • Solve a 'Real' Problem. ...
  • Understand Your Value Proposition. ...
  • Know Your Customer. ...
  • Talk to Potential Customers. ...
  • Market Dynamics. ...
  • Who's the Competition? ...
  • Business Model (How You Make Money) ...
  • Launch an MVP & Test the Market.
Jan 22, 2020

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.