Business Location Strategy: A Complete Guide to Finding Your Optimal Location (2024)

Business Location Strategy: A Complete Guide to Finding Your Optimal Location (1)

You have a great idea for a business. The plan is ready to go, and you have your financing lined up. Now, you just need to choose your location to get started—but the right decision is not always obvious and calls for careful analysis.

In this guide, we’ll explain the concept behind business location strategy and some key considerations to keep in mind when choosing the best spot for your business. Plus, we’ll provide some examples of real business owners’ location strategies and how they worked out.

What Is a Business Location Strategy?

A business location strategy is your plan to find the optimal location for an organization. This requires an analysis of company goals and objectives and finding a location that meets them. Your company’s location strategy should align with any overriding corporate structure or strategy.

Some businesses require foot traffic, such as retail and restaurants. Medical practices and other healthcare facilities might prioritize patient access or proximity to growing neighborhoods. Yet others serve B2B customers, so location objectives may focus more on expense reduction.

Why Is a Business Location Strategy Important?

Having a strategy in place for choosing your business’ location is important because it allows you to make better decisions about choosing a location that balances all the things you need.

Business location, regardless of your industry, affects your operating costs and your stakeholders.

Think About Your Customers

Think about the type of customer you hope to attract. If your business location is off the beaten path, is difficult to find, or does not offer parking, that can be an issue. If you’re not in a safe neighborhood or one that’s well-lit and you have hours after dark, that can also be a problem.

An urgent care clinic, for example, may be fine in a strip mall with enough parking. However, a surgery center may need a more discreet location.

If your business caters to locals, you may be fine in a city center or congested area. If people travel from out of town, you’ll probably want to be near a major roadway.

If you run a B2B business, most of your business dealings might be handled face-to-face, online, or on the phone. In that case, where your business is located might not matter to your customers.

Think About Your Employees

Your business’ location can make a big difference in attracting and retaining employees.

For example, easy access to free parking or public transportation to and from can play a role. If an employee has to pay for parking every day, it cuts into their paycheck. You may prefer to open your business in a location with restaurants or coffee shops nearby to make it easy for employees to grab a meal or take a break.

Think About Your Suppliers

If your business needs to store substantial inventory, think about your supply chain. Faster delivery cuts down on your costs and gets products back in stock more quickly. Locations without street parking or in a difficult-to-access area may increase costs for deliveries.

How to Choose a Business Location

“Site selection is a process of elimination,” said Christine Wong Rambo, CEcD, MBA, certified economic developer, and president and founder at the economic development marketing firm Upsize Marketing Strategies.

Data should be your guide when choosing real estate for your business.

Data-Driven Site Selection

“The site selection process is driven by data,” said Rambo. “Collecting this type of data may be challenging if a company is not using a site selection consultant. Companies can partner with state, regional, or local economic development organizations to gather this information based on the company’s criteria.”

For example, in the healthcare sector, it’s common to do cohort analysis to find patterns in patients and care. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality provides detailed information on medical expenditures for cohort analysis.

Site selection criteria include a range of attributes, including:

  • Location
  • Size
  • Real estate costs
  • Site work needed
  • Cost of doing business, including taxes
  • Market potential
  • Safety
  • Competition
  • Potential for future expansion
  • Neighborhood reputation
  • Zoning
  • Visibility
  • Available infrastructure

Consider Key Metrics

The elements or metrics most important to your business will determine your ideal business location. However, nearly every organization will have some common themes.

According to Rambo, most optimal locations will:

  • Meet consumer or production demands
  • Improve operational efficiency and costs due to proximity to other resources
  • Lower overall business costs
  • Offer sustainability and potential for growth
  • Meet workforce requirements
  • Provide a more favorable business climate

Consumer businesses that carry large inventories will want to consider the cost of warehouse space and distance from shipping hubs.

Access to a Skilled Workforce

“For the professional services sector, the ability to recruit a skilled workforce and proximity or access to a major client would be important considerations,” said Rambo.

Healthcare facilities, clinics, and medical practices may want to be located near hospitals or universities that train medical professionals for easier access to potential employees. Field service businesses may want to be near a community college, vocational tech school, or career training center. Businesses with a less-skilled labor force that pays lower wages may need to be near public transportation.

Access to Customers

“Your business can optimize its operations and market reach if it’s located in the right location,” said Michael Hammelburger, CEO at business consulting firm The Bottom Line Group. “This is especially true for retailers and food-related establishments that take advantage of heavy foot traffic in areas during rush hour. When situated in the right location, they can reach more people and thus have the potential to sell more.”

For consumer-facing businesses, accessibility and safety for customers are key considerations. The same applies to healthcare facilities. Patients have to be able to access your facility easily and feel safe when doing so.

Consider the Long-Term Implications

Your business location strategy should be far-ranging to accommodate your future plans. If you are open to the possibility of expanding your footprint in the future, you want to make sure there’s enough real estate nearby to make that a reality—even if it may be years down the road.

“When you start a business, you may have assumptions on what business you are in, where you are located, and where your customers are,” said Joseph Meyer, financial consultant and business strategist at The Dollar Soldier. “These assumptions are locked in for your business. If you try to change those assumptions after you start, the risk of business failure grows.”

The assumptions you make today about your business location strategy can help or hinder your efforts down the road.

Examples of Business Location Strategies That Worked and Why

For businesses that rely on foot traffic or get regular visits from customers or patients, location is crucial. For example, 62% of patients said they selected a physician based on the convenience of the location. Fifty-eight percent of patients that had a choice of hospitals to use said they prioritized locations as a key factor in their choice.

The only factor that was more important than location was whether a practice or facility accepted a patient’s health insurance. After that key consideration, location ranked second.

For businesses that don’t rely on foot traffic or customer visits, the location selection strategy is quite different. Mold Busters, a field service company that handles mold removal, wanted a central location that was close to their customers.

“Our teams out in the field may gather supplies and equipment in the morning then travel to customers,” said Charles Leduc, Mold Buster’s COO. “A location that provides minimal miles in between locations or jobs helps keep expenses down.”

Ralph Severson, president at Flooring Masters, agreed.

“Our crews must be able to get the equipment and supplies that they need each morning with minimal travel time,” Severson said.

At the same time, Severson said they wanted a location that balanced the convenience with lower costs.

“We chose our location because it is only 10 minutes from Louisville, Kentucky, the most densely populated city in the area, but we are north of the Ohio River in Indiana, where overhead costs are lower,” he said.

Final Thoughts

The right location for your business plays an important role in your success. Businesses need to assess their overall goals and think carefully about how they are serving their customers and employees to optimize their strategy.

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Image courtesy of Alija

Last updated on Jul 24, 2024.
Originally published on Aug 25, 2021.


  • Small Business
  • Mental Health
  • Nurse
  • Dental
  • Technology
  • CRNA
  • Real Estate
  • PT
  • OT
  • PA
  • NP
  • Optometrist

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Paul Dughi is a contributing writer for Berxi, as well as a journalist and freelance writer. He has held executive management positions in the media industry for the past 25 years.

Business Location Strategy: A Complete Guide to Finding Your Optimal Location (2024)


Business Location Strategy: A Complete Guide to Finding Your Optimal Location? ›

A business location strategy is a plan used to find the best location for your business to reach its goals and objectives. Business location analysis is a process wherein businesses compare different location characteristics in order to select the location best suited to your business.

How do I find the best location for my business? ›

8 business location factors to consider
  1. Geographic location. Firstly, your business location needs to be in an area that positions you in close proximity to your target market. ...
  2. Operational needs. ...
  3. Rent cost. ...
  4. Security. ...
  5. Competition. ...
  6. Growth potential. ...
  7. Accessibility.
Oct 5, 2022

What is the location strategy of a business? ›

A business location strategy is a plan used to find the best location for your business to reach its goals and objectives. Business location analysis is a process wherein businesses compare different location characteristics in order to select the location best suited to your business.

What are the 5 factors that you have to consider when choosing a location? ›

These location factors will help you decide whether or not a community is ideal for your business:
  • Market and Demographics. It's important to know who your ideal customers are when choosing a business location. ...
  • Traffic. ...
  • Accessibility. ...
  • Competition. ...
  • Costs. ...
  • Growth Potential.

What are the four strategic location considerations? ›

Maximizing potential market share, reducing costs and risks, identifying corporate requirements, and consulting with stakeholders to become comfortable with location analysis are key objectives.

What is a good business location example? ›

The most common type of business locations are: Shopping centers – Great places for retail space, grocery stores, restaurants, and salons. Business parks – Best for offices spaces. Coworking spaces – Best for knowledge-based workers that need a quiet space to work and to meet clients.

How do you analyze a business location? ›

It is composed of the following:
  1. Demographic Analysis. This includes the analysis of population in the region in terms of total population (in numbers), age distribution, per capita income, level of education, occupational structure, etc.
  2. Trade Area Analysis. ...
  3. Competitive Analysis. ...
  4. Traffic Analysis. ...
  5. Site Economics.

What are the three 3 factors that affect location choice? ›

The main factors that affect location decisions include regional factors, community considerations, and site-related factors.

What are the 7 location factors for industry? ›

The 7 factors which influence the decision of establishing an industry are: availability of raw materials, labour, capital, access to markets, availability of abundant power supply, modes of transportation like railways, roadways for transportation of finished goods, and raw materials; and availability of land.

What are the key factors in location analysis? ›

One of the most widely used methods for location analysis is the factor rating method. This method involves identifying the relevant factors that affect the location decision, such as labor availability, land costs, taxes, infrastructure, market access, and quality of life.

How to build a location strategy? ›

The typical steps in BCI's location strategy development approach are:
  1. Analysis of the business strategy.
  2. External factors analyses.
  3. Definition of location scenarios.
  4. Location scenario analyses. financial assessment. ...
  5. Analysis and review of all location scenarios.
  6. Business case and recommendation.

What are the key success factors in location strategy? ›

Factors influencing the effectiveness of a location strategy in business include economic freedom, income redistribution, growth opportunities, visual communication design, business environment, location costs, spatial agglomeration, and access to resources [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].

What are the considerations in choosing the best locator system? ›

Top 10 Things to Consider When Choosing a GPS Tracking System
  • Real-time tracking vs. Periodic tracking.
  • Tracking features.
  • Hardware compatibility and installation.
  • Battery life or power source.
  • Software interface and accessibility.
  • Scalability.
  • Security and privacy.
  • Customer support.
Jul 22, 2024

Where is the most ideal location to suit your business? ›

How To Choose The Best Location For Your Business
  • Consider Your Business Type.
  • Research Demographics and Market Demand.
  • Consider Accessibility and Visibility.
  • Evaluate Costs and Budget Constraints.
  • Assess the Competition and Complementary Businesses.
  • Examine Legal and Zoning Requirements.
  • Consider Future Growth and Expansion.
May 8, 2024

What is the most ideal location to situate your business? ›

  1. It Is Closest to Your Customers. Your business must be where most, if not all, of your clients are based. ...
  2. It Is Closest to Your Talents. Your talents, or your employees, are just as important as the clients of your business. ...
  3. It Is Near Transport and Public Infrastructure. ...
  4. It Fits Your Budget. ...
  5. It Is Expandable.

How does a business choose its location? ›

Ideally, the location should be convenient for your customers, employees, and suppliers - without being too expensive for your business. You should weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of various locations when deciding on a suitable place for your business property.

How to identify a location for establishing an industry? ›

The 7 factors which influence the decision of establishing an industry are: availability of raw materials, labour, capital, access to markets, availability of abundant power supply, modes of transportation like railways, roadways for transportation of finished goods, and raw materials; and availability of land.

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