Business Location: Meaning, Examples & Strategies (2024)

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Business Location

“In business, wrong location leads to suffocation.” - Mokokoma Mokhonoana

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Business Location: Meaning, Examples & Strategies (4)

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Business Location: Meaning, Examples & Strategies (5)

“In business, wrong location leads to suffocation.” - Mokokoma Mokhonoana

For businesses, whether big or small, location is crucially important. Business location not only affects a company's costs and revenue as well as its ability to serve the customer. Getting the wrong location can have serious consequences for the business. In this article, you will learn what makes a good business location and how to set up a location strategy to ensure success.

Definition of business location

First, let's find out what a business location is and why it is important for a business.

Business location is defined as a place or structure occupied by a firm to run its operations. This includes any structure or establishment used in conducting a business.

Starbucks places its coffee houses in high-street, high-visibility locations in various settings, including downtown and suburban areas. You can also find Starbucks in office buildings, university campuses, and off-street highway locations.1

A good business location aims to provide an advantage to your business by creating a balance among:

  • Operational costs (the daily costs incurred to run your business),

  • Potential revenue

  • Target customers.

Some examples of good business locations include the M4 corridor for tech companies, tourist attractions for hotel businesses, and the city centre for coffee shops.

Business location factors

Factors influencing the choice of a business location can be split into:

  • Supply factors

  • Demand factors

Business Location: Meaning, Examples & Strategies (6)Figure 1. Factors that influence business location choices, StudySmarter

1. Supply factors

Supply factors examine the cost of running your business operations in a location. Some of these supply factors include:

  • Labour - The cost of employing labour to carry out the same task differs according to location. An excessive presence of labour in a particular location can increase the cost of employment, as opposed to a location with little available labour.

  • Land cost - Due to rentals or outright purchases, land cost varies among different locations. The facilities provided after rentals/purchase or development can also affect land costs.

  • Non-financial factors - Non-financial factors like political stability, language, social amenities, and governmental support can influence the choice and cost of hiring a business location.

  • Energy cost - The cost of energy varies among countries, types of business production and the number of employees hired. For example, the energy costs in the UK are different from those in Germany.

  • Transportation cost - This includes the cost of transporting raw materials, stocks, finished products, and other necessary business input from/to a business location. It is necessary that a business location be close to its raw materials or services supply to reduce transportation costs. An example of this is the food processing industry, where business locations are usually close to the farm.

2. Demand factors

Demand factors affect services provided to your customers and your business revenue. These include:

  • Skilled labour - Businesses prefer locations where the right expertise can be found. An example is an M4 corridor in the UK which houses the majority of the UK technology sector.

  • Location suitability - Some businesses perform better in a certain environment. For example, in the hospitality sector, hotels are usually found in popular tourist attractions.

  • Customer ease - A business has to be located where its customers will have ease of access to its products or services. For example, a coffee shop creates ease through its location in the city centre.

  • Future expansion - A location that doesn’t provide the flexibility for future expansion might not provide a good business location. An example is a manufacturing business that has a lot of potential for growth and expansion. Choosing a larger venue in the beginning will give the business more flexibility to expand its facility later.

Importance of business location

Choosing the right business location is vital to business operations and success. Here are some key benefits of a good business location:

  • Attract and retain workers with the required skills and talent.

  • Provide a balance between business costs and business revenues.

  • Offer the necessary infrastructure for your business growth. These infrastructures include a good transport system, gas pipes, and road networks.

  • Position your business to fully benefit from government policies, grants, or loans.

  • Ensure the smooth running of your business operations.

  • Provide an ideal location to get enough traffic for your business or to keep your business confidential.

Business location strategy

A business location strategy is a plan used to find the best location for your business to reach its goals and objectives. A good business location strategy usually involves location analysis.

Business location analysis is a process wherein a business compares different locations' characteristics in order to select the most suitable location. Here is what is included in such an analysis:

1. Demographic analysis

This considers the population of a location. It takes into account the population's average age, age composition, income, skill level, education level, and occupation, as well as regional governance.

2. Location area analysis

This type of analysis considers the potential areas that will provide the most customers to your business. It also analyses the ease with which these customers can reach your business location.

3. Competition analysis

This examines the presence of competitors in the chosen business locations, especially in terms of strengths and weaknesses.

4. Traffic analysis

This analysis compares the number of people passing your different business locations during working hours. These include both automobile and foot traffic. The goal is to find a location that will provide your business with the greatest exposure.

5. Economics of location analysis

The analysis aims to reduce the cost of operations and investment for your business. Operational costs are those involved in the daily running of your business.

In conclusion, a good location is essential for the growth and success of your business. The ideal business location should provide the least risk, low operational costs, a big market presence, and less competition. It should also provide your business with advantages to help achieve your business goals.

Business location - Key takeaways

  • A business location is defined as a place or structure occupied by a firm to run its operations. This includes any structure or establishment used in conducting a business.
  • A good business location aims to provide an advantage to your business by creating a balance of the following:
    • Business operational cost - the daily costs incurred to run your business

    • Potential revenue

    • Target customers

  • Business location factors that influence the choice of a business location can be broadly grouped into:

    • Supply factors

    • Demand factors

  • A business location strategy is a plan used to find the best location for your business to reach its goals and objectives.

  • Business location analysis is a process wherein businesses compare different location characteristics in order to select the location best suited to your business.


1. Nithin Geereddy, Strategic Analysis Of Starbucks Corporation, Scholar Harvard Education, 2013.

2. Staff, 10 Reasons Why Location is Important in Business,, 2022.

3. Staff, Factors to Consider When Choosing a Business Location,, 2022.

4. Matt D'Angelo, Tips on Choosing The Right Location for Your Business,, 2021.

5. Alex Saez, The Key Features of an E-Business,, 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions about Business Location

A business location is defined as a place or structure occupied by a firm to run its operations. This includes any structure or establishment used in conducting a business.

Choosing the right business location is vital to business operations and success. A good location helps to :

  • Attract and retain workers with the required skills and talent.

  • Provide a balance between business costs and business revenues.

  • Offer the necessary infrastructure for your business growth. These infrastructures include a good transport system, gas pipes, and road networks.

  • Position your business to fully benefit from government policies, grants, or loans.

  • Ensure the smooth running of your business operations.

  • Provide an ideal location to get enough traffic for your business or to keep your business confidential.

A good business location aims to provide an advantage to your business by creating a balance of the following:

  • Business operational cost - the daily costs incurred to run your business
  • Potential revenue

  • Target customers

Business location factors that influence the choice of a business location can be broadly grouped into:

  • Supply factors

  • Demand factors

The supply factors include labour, land cost, non-financial factors, energy cost, and transportation cost.

The demand factors include skilled labour, location sustainability, customer ease, and future expansion.

Starbucks places its coffee houses in high-street, high-visibility locations in various settings, including downtown and suburban areas. You can also find Starbucks in office buildings, university campuses, and off-street highway locations.

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Define business location Business location is defined as a place or structure occupied by a firm to run its operations. This includes any structure or establishment used in conducting a business. Market advantage provided by a good business location to businesses includes Market advantages provided by good business location good business locations include -Reducing a business operational costBoosting potential revenue that can be generated,Bringing customers the business operations are targeting. Give three examples of good business locations Examples of good business locations include the M4 corridor for Technology business, a tourist attracting location for hospitality business, and a city centre for a coffee shop. What are the factors that influence choice of business location? The factors include labour, future expansion, location sustainability, transportation cost, land cost, customer ease and energy cost. What do the demand factors examine? Demand factors examine factors that affect services provided to your customers, and your business revenues. Factors examined by the supply factor are? Labour cost, energy cost, land cost, transportation cost, non-financial factors

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  • Influences On Business
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Business Location: Meaning, Examples & Strategies (2024)


Business Location: Meaning, Examples & Strategies? ›

Business location is defined as a place or structure occupied by a firm to run its operations. This includes any structure or establishment used in conducting a business. Starbucks places its coffee houses in high-street, high-visibility locations in various settings, including downtown and suburban areas.

What are location strategies in business? ›

Location strategy describes the process companies use to determine where their offices and employees should be located. While business and economic incentives certainly play a public role in site selection (Amazon HQ2, anyone?), successful location strategy incorporates far more than that.

What are the 5 key factors in selecting a business location? ›

These location factors will help you decide whether or not a community is ideal for your business:
  • Market and Demographics. It's important to know who your ideal customers are when choosing a business location. ...
  • Traffic. ...
  • Accessibility. ...
  • Competition. ...
  • Costs. ...
  • Growth Potential.

What are the different types of business locations? ›

Types of business premises include:
  • warehouses, manufacturing plants or storage facilities.
  • retail premises.
  • home offices for home-based businesses.
  • shared commercial offices, hubs or co-working spaces.
  • temporary premises, such as market stalls or pop-up businesses.
Jan 18, 2024

What is an example of a location advantage in business? ›

What are location advantages and how can they help my company?
  • Trade Access. One of the biggest location advantages for a company that sells physical products is access to a comprehensive trade network. ...
  • Consumer/Market Proximity. ...
  • Adjacent Business Communities. ...
  • Proximity to Talent Sources. ...
  • Lower Costs.

What is an example of a location strategy? ›

Your business' location can make a big difference in attracting and retaining employees. For example, easy access to free parking or public transportation to and from can play a role. If an employee has to pay for parking every day, it cuts into their paycheck.

What is an example of a strategic location? ›

The mountain commands everything in its sight and was therefore a strategic location for both sides during the war. The town remained prosperous through trade and its strategic location. Because of its strategic location near the mouth of the river, the town gradually increased in importance.

What are the factors of location strategy? ›

A comprehensive location strategy is informed by real-time market research and labour workforce data and takes several factors into consideration, such as talent, the surrounding ecosystem and quality of life.

What is the importance of location in business? ›

The Importance of Location for Attracting Customers

At its core, the importance of location for a business boils down to visibility and accessibility. Whether your business serves the general public or a specific niche, being within easy reach of your customers is paramount.

What are the 7 location factors for industry? ›

The 7 factors which influence the decision of establishing an industry are: availability of raw materials, labour, capital, access to markets, availability of abundant power supply, modes of transportation like railways, roadways for transportation of finished goods, and raw materials; and availability of land.

What are the 8 factors to consider when choosing a business location? ›

8 business location factors to consider
  • Geographic location. Firstly, your business location needs to be in an area that positions you in close proximity to your target market. ...
  • Operational needs. ...
  • Rent cost. ...
  • Security. ...
  • Competition. ...
  • Growth potential. ...
  • Accessibility.
Oct 5, 2022

Where is the best location for a business? ›

Below are some key factors to consider to help you find a good location for your business.
  1. Type and size of your operation. ...
  2. Location's history. ...
  3. Customer demographics. ...
  4. Foot traffic and walk-ins. ...
  5. Proximity to competition. ...
  6. Location accessibility. ...
  7. Zoning ordinances and restrictions. ...
  8. The building's infrastructure.

What is the main location of business? ›

A principal place of business generally refers to where a corporation's officers direct, control, and coordinate the corporation's activities.

What are the benefits of strategic location? ›

Here are some benefits of choosing a strategic office location, namely:
  • Simplify Marketing. ...
  • Increasing Company Profit. ...
  • Reducing Operational Costs. ...
  • Providing Easy Access.

What is the value of business location? ›

However, one important factor that may not get enough attention is the location of your business. The state in which your business is situated can affect everything from the cost of living to the local tax laws, making it a critical factor when it comes to success.

How does location affect small business? ›

Everything from demographics, foot traffic, competition, and accessibility to your customer base can influence the success of your business, and all of these factors are associated with location.

Why is location strategy important in business? ›

Having a good location strategy allows you to obtain the optimal location aligned to your organization's needs and objectives, one that allows your firm to maximize opportunity while minimizing costs and risks.

What is location strategy in marketing? ›

Location-based marketing allows organizations to target consumers at a granular, person level with online or offline messaging based on their physical location. Using location data, marketing teams are able to reach consumers based on qualifiers like proximity to a store, events happening in their region, and more.

What are the 7 factors affecting location strategy? ›

The seven factors affecting a location decision in operations management are facilities, competition, logistics, labor, community and site, political risk and incentives, according to Reference for Business.

How to determine location strategy? ›

The typical steps in BCI's location strategy development approach are:
  1. Analysis of the business strategy.
  2. External factors analyses.
  3. Definition of location scenarios.
  4. Location scenario analyses. financial assessment. ...
  5. Analysis and review of all location scenarios.
  6. Business case and recommendation.

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