Business Letter Format: How to Write a Business Letter? (2024)

Business Correspondence

Business Letter is a letter which is used by organizations to communicate in a professional way with customers, other companies, clients, shareholders, investors, etc. Business letter uses formal language and a specific format.

Companies use it to convey important information and messages. An individual can also use it while writing an application for a job, cover letters, or any formal document. In this article, we will learn how to write business letter in a professional way, parts of business letter with some samples and examples.

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Business Letter Definition

A letter written for business purpose is a business letter. Inquiry letter, offer letter, order letter, cover letter, notices, termination of employment are some of the business letters. Suppose a person wants to write any of these business letters. The main question is to how to write a business letter?

There is a pre-specified format for writing a business letter. There are some parts of a business letter and rules associated with them. Let us start to know how to write a business letter by knowing the parts of a business letter.

Browse more Topics Under Business Correspondence

  • Meaning and Importance of Business Correspondence
  • Essential Qualities of a Good Business Letter
  • Parts of a Business Letter
  • Human Resource Correspondence
  • Goodwill Letters
  • Purchase Correspondence
  • Tender Process and Notices
  • Handling Complaints
  • Sales Correspondence
  • Accounts Correspondence
  • Insurance Correspondence

Parts of Business Letter

A business letter will be more impressive if proper attention is given to each and every part of the business letter.

There are 12 Parts of Business Letter

  • The Heading or Letterhead
  • Date
  • Reference
  • The Inside Address
  • Subject
  • Greeting
  • Body Paragraphs
  • Complimentary Close
  • Signature and Writer’s Identification
  • Enclosures
  • Copy Circulation
  • PostScript

Let us discuss the parts of a business letter.

1. The Heading or Letterhead

It usually contains the name and the address of the business or an organization. It can also have an email address, contact number, fax number, trademark or logo of the business.

2. Date

We write the date on the right-hand side corner of the letter below the heading.

3. Reference

It shows the department of the organization sending the letter. The letter-number can also be used as a reference

4. The Inside Address

It includes the name, address, postal code, and job title of the recipient. It must be mentioned after the reference. One must write inside address on the left-hand side of the sheet.

5. Subject

It is a brief statement mentioning the reason for writing the letter. It should be clear, eye catchy, short, simple, and easily understandable.

6. The Greeting

It contains the words to greet the recipient. It is also known as the salutation. The type of salutation depends upon the relationship with the recipient.

It generally includes words like Dear, Respected, or just Sir/Madam. A comma (,) usually follow the salutation.

7. The Body Paragraphs

This is the main part of the letter. It contains the actual message of the sender. The main body of the mail must be clear and simple to understand. The body of the letter is basically divided into three main categories.

  • Opening Part:The first paragraph of the mail writing must state the introduction of the writer. It also contains the previous correspondence if any.
  • Main Part:This paragraph states the main idea or the reason for writing. It must be clear, concise, complete, and to the point.
  • Concluding Part:It is the conclusion of the business letter. It shows the suggestions or the need of the action. The closing of the letter shows the expectation of the sender from the recipient. Always end your mail by courteous words like thanking you, warm regards, look forward to hearing from your side etc.

8. The Complimentary Close

It is a humble way of ending a letter. It is written in accordance with the salutation. The most generally used complimentary close are Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, and Thanks & Regards.

9. Signature and Writer’s Identification

It includes the signature, name, and designation of the sender. It can also include other details like contact number, address, etc. The signature is handwritten just above the name of the sender.

10. Enclosures

Enclosures show the documents attached to the letter. The documents can be anything like cheque, draft, bills, receipts, invoices, etc. It is listed one by one.

11. Copy Circulation

It is needed when the copies of the letter are sent to other persons. It is denoted as C.C.

12. PostScript

The sender can mention it when he wants to add something other than the message in the body of the letter. It is written as P.S.

Learn how to write a formal letter here in detail.

How to Write Business Letter

Suppose you are writing a business letter for the very first time. You will ask yourself the question ‘how to write a business letter‘. There is no need to scratch your head.

All Business letters follow a fixed format. The answer to the question of how to write a business letter is broadly classified into four categories.

Business Letter Format: How to Write a Business Letter? (10)

Beginning the Letter

  • Know the format:There are some business standards that need to be followed. One must use a common font to type a business letter. One must use indentation, paragraphs, margins, etc. The text must be typed in black color only.
  • Choose the Right Kind of Paper:One must print a letter in a letter-sized paper. The standard size of the paper is A4.
  • Include information about the Company:One must clearly state the name and the address of the company. Try to use a letterhead of the company for any business use.
  • Include the date:Writing the date helps the person to have a record of the on-going business.
  • Add the Recipient’s Information:In a business letter, one must clearly type the name, address, and job title of the recipient to remove any ambiguity.
  • Choose a Salutation:It is a way of showing respect towards the recipient. One can also use ‘To Whom It May Concern’ if he doesn’t know the person addressed.

Composing the Body

  • Strike the Right Tone:The tone of the letter must be formal, clear and polite. Do not use fancy, lengthy, and big words. One must be persuasive in the letter.
  • Use of Personal Pronoun:One can use personal pronouns in a business letter. If writing on behalf of the organization one must use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’.
  • Write Precisely and Clearly:The content of the letter must be precise, clear, brief, and easily understandable.
  • Use the Active Voice: Always write your letter in an active voice.
  • Be Courteous:Always write a letter in a polite and respectful way. Always use courteous words.
  • Use Additional Pages: If the matter is not fitting in one page of the letterhead, use the second page. One must keep in mind to include the page number on the second and subsequent pages.

Closing the Letter

  • Choose a Closing:One must use a proper closing in a business letter. Use a comma (,) after it.
  • Sign the Letter:Always sign the letter in ink. If sending a printed copy, always affix the scanned signature.
  • Make Note of Enclosure:One must properly enclose a list of attached documents with the letter. One can use the abbreviation of the enclosure, i.e., Encl. or Enc.
  • Use of C.C.:For persons other than the recipient, include their name on the letter by typing C.C.

Finalizing the Letter

  • Edit and Review:Once you are finished writing the letter, try to look for errors. Check for spellings, punctuations, grammatical errors.
  • Don’t Staple the Letter:Use a paperclip on the top of the left corner if there are many pages. The use of staple doesn’t look nice for a business letter.
  • Posting of the Letter:Always use clear and correct spelling for mentioning the name and address of the recipient.

Solved Examples onBusiness Letter

Problem: Which of the following punctuation mark belongs in the salutation and closing of a business letter?

  1. Colon
  2. Comma
  3. Semi-Colon
  4. Question Mark

Solution: 2. Comma

Problem: What does the inside address contain?

  1. Only the name of the company that receives the letter.
  2. Only the name of the company or the person to receive the letter.
  3. Both the name and the address of the company/person receiving the letter.
  4. All of the above.

Solution: 3. Both the name and the address of the company/person receiving the letter.

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Business Letter Format: How to Write a Business Letter? (2024)


Business Letter Format: How to Write a Business Letter? ›

Most business letters must include a return address (letterhead or your name and address), date, an inside address (receiver's name and address), a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing.

What is the proper format for a business letter? ›

Most business letters must include a return address (letterhead or your name and address), date, an inside address (receiver's name and address), a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing.

What are examples of a business letter? ›

Examples of business letters are job offer letters, cover letters that you submit on job posting sites, sales letters, investor interest letters, resignation letters, business circulars, shareholder letters, letters of recommendation, etc.

How can I write a good business letter? ›

How to write a business letter
  1. Determine the recipient. Begin by establishing who you're sending the letter to. ...
  2. Establish your purpose. Know why you're writing the letter. ...
  3. Format your letter. ...
  4. Introduce yourself. ...
  5. Include details. ...
  6. Close effectively. ...
  7. Use a complimentary closing. ...
  8. Proofread and edit.
Mar 10, 2023

Do and don'ts of business letter writing? ›

The dos and don'ts of a persuasive business letter
  • Adopt a formal and courteous style. ...
  • Be concise. ...
  • Use plain and direct language. ...
  • Ponder over every word. ...
  • Maintain a firm and authoritative tone Your letter will have far better chances of being taken seriously if it is written with authority. ...
  • Be polite and respectful.

What is the simplified format for a business letter? ›

Unlike block and modified block, simplified format does not include a salutation. The recipient's name will typically be worked into the first sentence of the letter. Also, simplified format does not include a complimentary closing.

What is the structure of a business letter? ›

Letterhead: The letterhead contains the company's logo, name, and contact information. Date: The date the letter is written. Inside Address: The inside address contains the recipient's name, title, and address. Subject: The subject is a one line statement about what your letter is going to talk about.

How to begin a business letter? ›

The salutation (or greeting) in a business letter is always formal. It often begins with “Dear {Person's name}.” Once again, be sure to include the person's title if you know it (such as Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Dr). If you're unsure about the person's title or gender then just use their first name.

How should a professional letter look? ›

Writing a Professional Letter
  1. Before You Begin - Consider Format. Choose a professional and easy to read font like Times New Roman, Ariel, or Calibri. ...
  2. Identify Your Address. ...
  3. Add the Date. ...
  4. Identify Your Recipient. ...
  5. Greet Your Reader. ...
  6. Close the Letter. ...
  7. Proofread.

What is the layout of a formal letter with an example? ›

2 Start With a Proper Format: Formal letters have a specific layout that includes the sender's address, date, recipient's address, salutation, body, close, and signature. Align your text to the left and use a professional font like Times New Roman or Arial.

What are the 7 C's of writing a business letter? ›

The indicators of a good letter are completeness, conciseness, consideration, concreteness, clarity, courtesy, and correctness. These are called the Seven C's.

What is a good opening for a business letter? ›

You can address the recipient by starting with "Dear" followed by a personal title, such as "Mr." or "Ms." If you have the full name of the recipient of your business letter, you can enhance the formal nature of the letter by starting with "Dear" followed by a personal salutation, such as "Dear Ms. Levatson."

Which of these must be avoided in business letters? ›

Which of these must be avoided in business letters? Explanation: Words which are non-standard or usage of slang must be avoided. Abbreviations constitutes non- standard usage. For example, use advertisem*nt instead of advt.

What is not allowed in a business letter? ›

A business letter needs to be concise and clear. Being too wordy is the biggest downfall in this form of writing. Keep sentences short and precise. Avoid over using adjectives and adverbs that distract from the focus of the message.

What should be avoided in business letter? ›

Here are five common trouble areas to watch for in your business writing:
  • Not Getting to the Point Quickly and Effectively. ...
  • Spelling Errors. ...
  • Unbearably Long Sentences. ...
  • Apostrophe Abuse. ...
  • Error Pattern Blindness.

What are 3 rules when creating business letters? ›

There are a few general points to remember regarding good business letter writing. You should always keep your tone formal and polite. Be concise and stick to what's relevant; don't clog up your letter with pleasantries or irrelevant information. Make sure your spelling and grammar are correct.

What is the correct format for a formal letter? ›

2 Start With a Proper Format: Formal letters have a specific layout that includes the sender's address, date, recipient's address, salutation, body, close, and signature. Align your text to the left and use a professional font like Times New Roman or Arial.

How many spaces should be after sincerely? ›

Leave three spaces between your closing (such as "Sincerely" or "Sincerely Yours") and typed name. Leave a space between your heading (contact information) and greeting (such as, "Dear Mr. Roberts") Either align all paragraphs to the left of the page, or indent the first line of each paragraph to the right.

What is the proper way to address a business letter? ›

The most widely used salutation is “Dear,” and is recommended if you've never met the intended recipient. The salutation is followed by the person's name and punctuated with a colon or comma. If you do not know whether the recipient is a man or a woman, it is safe to use “Dear Sir or Madam” followed by a colon.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.