Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (2024)

Businesses today are faced with two very stark realities—the world is hyper-competitive, and data drive it. Companies that have the best information make the fewest mistakes, which in turn helps them to stay ahead of the pack.

Today’s digital society, through the explosion of Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT), has produced a ton of information. The challenge is to make any sense of all this data. With all of that information, who can sort out what’s useful and what’s not? That’s why business analytics is essential for today’s industries, and business analysts are in high demand. Today, we’re taking a look at popular business analytics applications, and some of the often-used cases.

Business Analytics Defined

Before launching into the meat of the matter, let’s take a moment to review. What’s the definition of business analytics? Business analytics involves the collating, sorting, processing, and studying of business-related data using statistical models and iterative methodologies. The ultimate goal is to glean practical and actionable business insights to solve an organization’s problems—boosting efficiency, productivity, and revenue.

Note that there’s a difference between business analytics and business intelligence (BI), though they are related. Business intelligence falls within the discipline of business analytics, the process of gathering the needed data from all sources, and preparing it for use by business analysts. In short, BI tells you what’s going on, and business analytics tells you why it’s happening and when it will occur again. So, a business analyst identifies a company’s weak areas, collects and sifts through data, creates a plan based on those findings, and helps to implement it.

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    Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis

    • Certificate from Simplilearn in collaboration with Purdue University
    • Become eligible to be part of the Purdue University Alumni Association

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Here's what learners are saying regarding our programs:

  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (3)

    Sauvik Pal

    Assistant Consultant at Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Consultancy Services

    My experience with Simplilearn has been great till now. They have good materials to start with, and a wide range of courses. I have signed up for two courses with Simplilearn over the past 6 months, Data Scientist and Agile and Scrum. My experience with both is good. One unique feature I liked about Simplilearn is that they give pre-requisites that you should complete, before a live class, so that you go there fully prepared. Secondly, there support staff is superb. I believe there are two teams, to cater to the Indian and US time zones. Simplilearn gives you the most methodical and easy way to up-skill yourself. Also, when you compare the data analytics courses across the market that offer web-based tutorials, Simplilearn, scores over the rest in my opinion. Great job, Simplilearn!

  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (4)

    Vy Tran

    I was keenly looking for a change in my domain from business consultancy to IT(Business Analytics). This Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis course helped me achieve the same. I am proficient in business analysis now and am looking for job profiles that suit my skill set.


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Applications of Business Analytics in Various Industries

Although business analytics is being leveraged in most commercial sectors and industries, the following applications are the most common.

1. Banking

Credit and debit cards are an everyday part of consumer spending, and they are an ideal way of gathering information about a purchaser’s spending habits, financial situation, behavior trends, demographics, and lifestyle preferences.

2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Excellent customer relations is critical for any company that wants to retain customer loyalty to stay in business for the long haul. CRM systems analyze important performance indicators such as demographics, buying patterns, socio-economic information, and lifestyle.

3. Finance

The financial world is a volatile place, and business analytics helps to extract insights that help organizations maneuver their way through tricky terrain. Corporations turn to business analysts to optimize budgeting, banking, financial planning, forecasting, and portfolio management.

4. Human Resources

Although HR is often the punchline of many office jokes, its value in keeping a company successful is not to be underestimated. Great businesses are composed of a great staff, and it’s HR’s job to not only find the ideal candidates but keep them on board. Business analysts help the process by pouring through data that characterizes high performing candidates, such as educational background, attrition rate, the average length of employment, etc. By working with this information, business analysts help HR by forecasting the best fits between the company and candidates.

5. Manufacturing

Business analysts work with data to help stakeholders understand the things that affect operations and the bottom line. Identifying things like equipment downtime, inventory levels, and maintenance costs help companies streamline inventory management, risks, and supply-chain management to create maximum efficiency.

6. Marketing

Which advertising campaigns are the most effective? How much social media penetration should a business attempt? What sort of things do viewers like/dislike in commercials? Business analysts help answer these questions and so many more, by measuring marketing and advertising metrics, identifying consumer behavior and the target audience, and analyzing market trends.

As you can see, business analytics plays a valuable role in many different industries. You may also notice that some of the applications merge into each other, but that’s hardly surprising. By leveraging business analytics, multiple departments and teams can coordinate their efforts based on the information gathered and processed. It’s up to the business analyst to identify roadblocks and areas that need improvement, helping different departments to work together to achieve a common goal.

Business Analytics Applications

1. Customer Segmentation

Customer segmentation is a vital business analytics application that helps companies group their customers based on shared characteristics such as demographics, buying behavior, and preferences. By analyzing customer data, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies, product offerings, and customer service to target specific segments effectively, increasing customer satisfaction and overall profitability.

2. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics leverages historical and real-time data to forecast future trends and events. This application is used extensively in industries like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce for tasks such as predicting stock prices, patient outcomes, and product demand. It enables proactive decision-making, risk mitigation, and optimization of business operations.

3.Supply Chain Optimization

Businesses utilize analytics to optimize their supply chains by analyzing data related to inventory levels, supplier performance, transportation logistics, and demand forecasting. By identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the supply chain, companies can reduce costs, improve product availability, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

4.Fraud Detection

Fraud detection analytics employs advanced algorithms and machine learning models to identify and prevent fraudulent activities, such as credit card fraud, insurance fraud, and cyberattacks. By analyzing transactional data patterns and anomalies, organizations can minimize financial losses and maintain the trust of their customers.

5.Market Basket Analysis

Market basket analysis involves examining customer purchase history to discover patterns in product co-purchases. Retailers use this application to optimize product placement, cross-selling, and promotional strategies. By understanding which products are frequently bought together, businesses can increase sales and enhance the customer shopping experience.

6.Churn Analysis

Churn analysis focuses on identifying and reducing customer churn, which is the rate at which customers stop using a company's products or services. By analyzing customer behavior and feedback, businesses can implement retention strategies to retain valuable customers and reduce revenue loss.

7.A/B Testing

A/B testing is a fundamental analytics application for optimizing digital marketing campaigns and website performance. It involves conducting controlled experiments by randomly assigning users to different versions of a webpage or marketing content. By comparing the performance of these versions, companies can make data-driven decisions to improve conversion rates and user engagement.

8.Employee Performance Analytics

Employee performance analytics helps organizations evaluate the productivity and engagement of their workforce. By analyzing data on key performance indicators (KPIs), attendance, and employee feedback, companies can make informed decisions about talent management, training, and workforce optimization.

9.Quality Control and Process Improvement

In manufacturing and production industries, analytics is employed to monitor product quality, detect defects, and optimize production processes. By analyzing data from sensors and production lines, businesses can reduce defects, improve efficiency, and minimize waste.

10. Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, uses natural language processing and machine learning techniques to assess public sentiment and opinions from sources like social media, customer reviews, and surveys. Companies can gain insights into how their brand is perceived and use this information to shape marketing strategies and product development.

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These business analytics applications collectively empower organizations to make data-driven decisions, improve operations, enhance customer experiences, and stay competitive in today's data-centric business landscape.

Become a Business and Leadership Professional

  • Top 10 skills in demandBusiness Analysis As A Skill In 2020
  • 14% Growth in JobsOf Business Analysis Profile By 2028
  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (5)

    Business Analyst

    • Industry-recognized certifications from IBM and Simplilearn
    • Masterclasses from IBM experts

    11 months

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  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (6)

    Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis

    • Certificate from Simplilearn in collaboration with Purdue University
    • Become eligible to be part of the Purdue University Alumni Association

    6 months

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Here's what learners are saying regarding our programs:

  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (7)

    Sauvik Pal

    Assistant Consultant at Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Consultancy Services

    My experience with Simplilearn has been great till now. They have good materials to start with, and a wide range of courses. I have signed up for two courses with Simplilearn over the past 6 months, Data Scientist and Agile and Scrum. My experience with both is good. One unique feature I liked about Simplilearn is that they give pre-requisites that you should complete, before a live class, so that you go there fully prepared. Secondly, there support staff is superb. I believe there are two teams, to cater to the Indian and US time zones. Simplilearn gives you the most methodical and easy way to up-skill yourself. Also, when you compare the data analytics courses across the market that offer web-based tutorials, Simplilearn, scores over the rest in my opinion. Great job, Simplilearn!

  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (8)

    Vy Tran

    I was keenly looking for a change in my domain from business consultancy to IT(Business Analytics). This Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis course helped me achieve the same. I am proficient in business analysis now and am looking for job profiles that suit my skill set.


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Usage of Business Analytics

Business analytics helps organizations run more efficiently and profitably. Here are six cases where business analytics proves its worth in the commercial sector.

1. Churn Prevention

Churn is the customer attrition rate, a percentage of subscribers, or customers who stop doing business with a company. Successful companies must keep the churn rate low and replace any customer losses that inevitably occur. Furthermore, it’s more expensive to acquire new customers than it is to retain existing ones. By using predictive analysis, a business analyst helps identify customer dissatisfaction and the most likely risks or departure.

2. E-Commerce Personalization

Online businesses, like Amazon, collect, process, and analyze customer data to personalize their customers’ shopping experiences. By customizing the experience, vendors can make recommendations and increase the likelihood of further sales.

3. Predictive Maintenance

Companies must face the inevitability of equipment maintenance, both scheduled and unplanned. Business analysts work with data to create metrics about maintenance lifecycles to predict future maintenance needs and avoid costly unplanned downtime.

4. Insurance Fraud Detection

Insurance fraud is costly to companies and their customers alike. This is especially true in the medical insurance industry, where fraud costs organizations in the US approximately $68 billion a year. Business analysts use big data to process billions of claims and billing records, enabling investigators to identify and mitigate any fraudulent activity.

5. Automated Candidate Placement

As mentioned earlier, hiring new staff comes with its share of risks and uncertainty. Business analysts leverage data-driven recruitment platforms to get a better picture of any given candidate—improving the likelihood of a successful job match much faster. In some cases, the information can even help anticipate job needs before a position is posted.

Become a Business and Leadership Professional

  • Top 10 skills in demandBusiness Analysis As A Skill In 2020
  • 14% Growth in JobsOf Business Analysis Profile By 2028
  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (9)

    Business Analyst

    • Industry-recognized certifications from IBM and Simplilearn
    • Masterclasses from IBM experts

    11 months

    View Program

  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (10)

    Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis

    • Certificate from Simplilearn in collaboration with Purdue University
    • Become eligible to be part of the Purdue University Alumni Association

    6 months

    View Program


Here's what learners are saying regarding our programs:

  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (11)

    Sauvik Pal

    Assistant Consultant at Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Consultancy Services

    My experience with Simplilearn has been great till now. They have good materials to start with, and a wide range of courses. I have signed up for two courses with Simplilearn over the past 6 months, Data Scientist and Agile and Scrum. My experience with both is good. One unique feature I liked about Simplilearn is that they give pre-requisites that you should complete, before a live class, so that you go there fully prepared. Secondly, there support staff is superb. I believe there are two teams, to cater to the Indian and US time zones. Simplilearn gives you the most methodical and easy way to up-skill yourself. Also, when you compare the data analytics courses across the market that offer web-based tutorials, Simplilearn, scores over the rest in my opinion. Great job, Simplilearn!

  • Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (12)

    Vy Tran

    I was keenly looking for a change in my domain from business consultancy to IT(Business Analytics). This Post Graduate Program in Business Analysis course helped me achieve the same. I am proficient in business analysis now and am looking for job profiles that suit my skill set.


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Become a Business Analyst

Simplilearn’sPost Graduate Program in Business Analysis, in partnership with Purdue University, provides a unique Blended Learning method, which will equip you with all the latest skills and methodologies you will need to create a fantastic career in business analysis. You will also get to work on real-world projects with guidance from top experts from Purdue University and in the industry. Enroll today to become an AI-powered business analytics professional!

Business Analytics Applications | Uses of Business Analytics | 2024 (2024)


What are the applications of analytics in business? ›

In our modern, data-driven world, analytics play a crucial role in almost every business's success. Analytics allow business owners to track their ROI, gain insight into their target audience, plan for the future and sharpen their decision-making.

What is the use of business analytics in business? ›

Data-driven decision-making: Business analytics provides organizations with the tools and insights needed to make data-driven decisions. By using data to inform decision-making, organizations can optimize their operations, improve efficiency, and achieve their goals more effectively.

What are the three core applications of business analytics? ›

There are three types of analytics that businesses use to drive their decision making; descriptive analytics, which tell us what has already happened; predictive analytics, which show us what could happen, and finally, prescriptive analytics, which inform us what should happen in the future.

What is the use of doing business analytics? ›

Business analytics is the application of data to solve business challenges and help the company make strategic business decisions. “Business analytics professionals focus on creating solutions and solving existing challenges that are unique to the business,” Jiang Li, Ph.

Which of the following is an application of business analytics? ›


Business analytics can be used in customer relationship management to understand the customer base better and therefore, implement corresponding strategies. This helps significantly drive sales and amplifies the organization's profits.

What is the most used business analytics tool? ›

Below are the top ten most widely used business analytics tools and solutions designed for modern enterprises.
  • SAS Business Analytics (SAS BA) ...
  • QlikView. ...
  • Board. ...
  • Splunk. ...
  • Sisense. ...
  • Microstrategy. ...
  • KNIME. ...
  • Dundas BI.
Jan 16, 2024

What are the 4 types of business analytics? ›

These four types of analytics all work together and can be used together to help improve business performance.
  • Descriptive Analytics. Descriptive analytics can show “what happened” and is the foundation of data insights. ...
  • Diagnostic Analytics. ...
  • Predictive Analytics. ...
  • Prescriptive Analytics.

What is the main role of business analytics? ›

Business analytics focuses on data, statistical analysis and reporting to help investigate and analyze business performance, provide insights, and drive recommendations to improve performance.

What is the primary goal of business analytics? ›

Business analytics, on the other hand, aims to inform changes to a business through utilization of predictive models that provide insight into the outcome of proposed changes. Business analytics utilizes big data, statistical analysis, and data visualization to implement organization changes.

What is an example of a business analysis? ›

One example of business analysis is a manufacturer that could conduct a BIA to assess the impact that losing a significant supplier would have on business operations and revenue.

What is the application of business analytics in HR? ›

HR analytics allows the HR department to cut through this complexity. For example, HR managers can analyze the profiles of their top performers, identify their characteristics (e.g., they have MBA's, were involved in high-level athletics, or are introverts) and align their staffing processes accordingly.

Why is business analytics important in now a day? ›

Leveraging business analytics allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your business operations, customer behavior, market trends, and internal processes. This helps you identify opportunities, optimize business strategies, mitigate risks, and enhance your organization's overall efficiency and profitability.

How is business analytics used in business? ›

Business analytics is the process of transforming data into insights to improve business decisions. Data management, data visualization, predictive modeling, data mining, forecasting simulation, and optimization are some of the tools used to create insights from data.

What is a business analytics tool? ›

Business analytics tools are types of application software that retrieve data from one or more business systems and combine it in a repository, such as a data warehouse, to be reviewed and analyzed.

Why is business data analytics important? ›

Data analytics is important because it helps businesses optimize their performances. Implementing it into the business model means companies can help reduce costs by identifying more efficient ways of doing business.

What are the four types of analytics used in business? ›

Expertise in business analytics is essential if you want to use the information at your fingertips to help you make smarter business decisions. The four forms of analytics—descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive—help organizations get the most from their data.

Where is analytics used in business? ›

Businesses utilize analytics to optimize their supply chains by analyzing data related to inventory levels, supplier performance, transportation logistics, and demand forecasting.

What is data analytics used for in business? ›

Data analytics converts raw data into actionable insights. It includes a range of tools, technologies, and processes used to find trends and solve problems by using data. Data analytics can shape business processes, improve decision-making, and foster business growth.

How to apply analytics in business? ›

4 Types of Data Analytics and How to Apply Them
  1. Describe past results.
  2. Diagnose why past results occurred.
  3. Predict what might happen in the future.
  4. Recommend actions for the organization's next steps.
Mar 28, 2024

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Name: Duane Harber

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.