Bulk Metallic Glasses: Corrosion & Properties (2024)

Understanding Bulk Metallic Glasses: A Comprehensive Guide

Mankind's progress in materials science has brought us to a new frontier in the world of specialised alloys known as Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs). These fascinating materials exhibit unique characteristics that make them highly desirable in various industries.

The Complex Composition of Bulk Metallic Glasses

Bulk Metallic Glasses are multi-component alloys that have a disordered atomic structure. Unlike their crystalline counterparts, BMGs are unique in maintaining an amorphous, or non-crystalline, solid state.

Non-crystalline, in this context, means the atoms are not arranged in a long-range, repeating pattern.

The Various Metals Involved in Bulk Metallic Glasses Composition

BMGs get their unique properties from their complex composition. They're typically made up of several elements. The most common constituents are:

  • Zirconium
  • Beryllium
  • Titanium
  • Nickel
  • Copper
  • Aluminium

The Pivotal Role of Glass Transition in Bulk Metallic Glasses Composition

Critical to the understanding of BMGs is the concept of glass transition temperature \(T_g\). This mysterious phase change, where the material transitions from a hard and relatively brittle 'glassy' state into a soft and plastic state, is not yet fully comprehended.

Significant Properties of Bulk Metallic Glasses

Exceptional mechanical strength, high elasticity, and impressive resistance against wear and corrosion: all these attributes make BMGs very attractive for practical applications.

Mechanical Properties of Bulk Metallic Glasses

BMGs are prized for their high yield strength. Yield strength is defined as the stress needed to deform the material permanently.

An example of a bulk metallic glass material is Vitreloy 1, which has a yield strength of over 2 GPa. This alloy is considerably stronger than high-strength steel, a result of the lack of structural defects where stress can concentrate.

Optical and Thermal Properties of Bulk Metallic Glasses

Especially intriguing are the optical and thermal properties of BMGs. Though not as transparent as conventional glass, certain BMGs can transmit light, particularly in the infrared spectrum.

The Potential Downsides: Disadvantages of Bulk Metallic Glass

Despite their compelling attributes, Bulk Metallic Glasses do have their drawbacks, notably manufacturing challenges and questions regarding their durability.

Manufacturing Challenges with Bulk Metallic Glass

Creating BMGs necessitates very specific conditions. The required rapid cooling rates, between \(10^6\) and \(10^{12}\) Kelvin per second, are far beyond what traditional casting methods can accomplish. This process results in a very limiting maximum achievable thickness.

Durability Concerns: Disadvantages of Bulk Metallic Glass

While BMGs are highly resilient, they do share a weakness common to other glasses - brittleness. Under high strain rates or at low temperatures, they can experience a sudden, catastrophic failure known as "brittle fracture."

Interestingly, it's not the brittleness itself that's the problem, but the way the material fails. Unlike ductile materials that deform or stretch before breaking, brittle materials have almost no plastic deformation before failure, leading to sudden, unexpected fractures.

Hopefully, this comprehensive guide provides a deeper insight into the complexity, properties and potential limitations of Bulk Metallic Glasses, opening your imagination to their many intriguing applications.

Exploring Practical Applications of Bulk Metallic Glasses

The world of materials engineering has seen a rapid uptake in the use of Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs) in a wide array of applications.

The Influence of Bulk Metallic Glass in the Medical Field

In the medical realm, BMGs are swiftly finding their niche, and for a host of compelling reasons. Superior strength coupled with high corrosion resistance makes them ideal candidates for use in various medical devices.

The Role of Bulk Metallic Glass in Surgical Instruments

From intricate endoscopes to razor-sharp scalpels, surgical tools need to be tip-top performers under extreme conditions. BMGs hit the mark with their impressive strength and wear resistance. Also, their smooth, glass-like finishes make them easy to clean and sterilise, significantly lowering the risk of patient infection.

Wear resistance is defined as the ability of a material to resist degradation or damage due to friction.

Furthermore, the softening behaviour of BMGs, which occurs around the glass transition temperature, can be harnessed to create highly complex shapes, allowing for a greater range of surgical tool designs, enhancing functionality and ergonomics.

Bulk Metallic Glasses in Medical Implants

From a biocompatibility standpoint, certain BMGs outshine their metallic counterparts when used for medical implants. Implants placed in the human body should not elicit a negative immune response or cause toxicity issues.

Zirconium-based BMGs are perfect examples, thanks to their low allergenic potential and excellent biocompatibility.

BMGs also offer high strength-to-weight ratios, a critical attribute for load-bearing implants. However, it's worth remembering that the features that make BMGs attractive for implants also pose challenges. The brittle fracture behaviour could potentially lead to premature implant failure.

Bulk Metallic Glass in High-Tech Industry

BMGs are quietly revolutionising the high-tech sector. From electronics to aerospace engineering, their unmatched array of unique properties is rewriting the rules of material suitability.

Importance of Bulk Metallic Glass in Electronics

Electronics expose materials to stringent demands. Components need to be small, durable, and resistant to a host of environmental stresses. This where BMGs, with their superb toughness, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability find their calling.

BMG's property of magnetic softness is vital for their electronic applications. This property refers to their low coercivity, which allows quick and seamless changes in magnetisation—a key factor in reducing energy losses in electromagnetic devices.

A notable realm where BMGs show up is in the production of thin-film magnetic heads used for high-density magnetic recording, contributing to the ongoing miniaturisation trend in the electronics industry.

Utilisation of Bulk Metallic Glass in Aerospace Engineering

The space domain is another field that presents stringent demands on materials, combining the need for high strength, low density, and resistance to extreme conditions. Thanks to their high strength-to-weight ratio, coupled with their enormous elasticity, BMGs are up to this challenge.

Vitalloy, a BMG, has been successfully tested in satellite gears, showcasing its toughness, excellent wear resistance, and reduction of noise and vibration in operation.

Despite their current limitations, including their brittle nature and required intensive production conditions, Bulk Metallic Glasses' winning combination of unique properties beckons an exciting future in advancements across various industries. The medical and high-tech sectors are just the spy holes into the full spectrum of their potential applications.

Combatting Corrosion in Bulk Metallic Glasses

In the practical application of Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs), one of the great challenges faced is the issue of corrosion. It poses severe drawbacks limiting their use across many industries. A solid understanding of BMGs corrosion and its mitigation strategies will allow us to unlock their immense potential further.

The Imminent Threat of Bulk Metallic Glasses Corrosion

When one considers the prospects of BMGs, a salient issue rears its head—the threat of corrosion. This undesirable process, in which a metal deteriorates due to chemical reactions with its environment, serves as a significant stumbling block affecting its reliability and longevity.

Causes of Bulk Metallic Glasses Corrosion

BMGs are composed of several metallic elements, leading to a great diversity in the possible corrosion mechanisms at play. The primary cause of BMGs corrosion can be attributed to their multi-component nature interacting with an aggressive environment under specific conditions.

  • Environmental Interaction - Various environmental factors can trigger BMGs corrosion. Exposure to electrolytes, humidity, and some specifically corrosive environments like seawater can significantly influence BMGs corrosion.
  • Electrochemical Processes - These processes commonly cause corrosion in metals. For example, oxygen reduction or hydrogen evolution reactions are prime examples of electrochemical processes leading to BMGs corrosion.
  • Galvanic Coupling - Galvanic corrosion, a result of the electrochemical contact between two dissimilar metals or alloys, can occur in some BMGs due to their multi-component nature.

Impact of Bulk Metallic Glasses Corrosion on Its Applications

Corrosion puts constraints on the widespread application of BMGs. Aside from the fact that it physically wears the material down, impeding its structural integrity, it also impacts the aesthetic value of the material, reducing consumer attractiveness in many applications. When it comes to functional applications, such as in electronics or medical implants, corrosion can lead to performance degradation and even failure of the devices.

Corrosion is the gradual destruction of a material, usually a metal, by a chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment.

Strategies to Mitigate Bulk Metallic Glasses Corrosion

The true potential of BMGs can only be realised with effective strategies to manage their corrosion. Several methodologies are under research, from protective coatings to innovative alloy design.

Protective Coatings: A Solution to Bulk Metallic Glasses Corrosion

One common approach to addressing the corrosion of BMGs is the application of protective coatings. These coatings could range from simple passive oxides to complex layered systems. Specific examples include:

  • Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) coatings
  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) coatings
  • Electroless Nickel Plating

The success of this approach hinges on achieving a durable bond between the coating and the BMG substrate, ensuring that the coating remains intact under operating conditions and adequately shields the substrate from the environment.

Innovation in Alloy Design to Resist Bulk Metallic Glasses Corrosion

In the face of corrosion issues, a promising strategy is the development of more corrosion-resistant BMGs through innovative alloy design.Recent research efforts are directed towards achieving this by manipulating the multi-component nature of BMGs. The strategy is based on the understanding of the atomic-scale mechanisms contributing to corrosion in BMGs. By adjusting their composition, it's possible to mitigate the initiation of these unwanted reactions, effectively enhancing the corrosion resistance trait of these glasses. Achievements to date offer a glimpse into the future where Bulk Metallic Glasses, free of the corrosion constraint, can forge their way to newer applications and possibilities.

Bulk Metallic Glasses - Key takeaways

  • Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs) are multi-component alloys with a non-crystalline or amorphous solid state, meaning their atoms are not arranged in a long-range, repeating pattern.
  • BMGs exhibit significant properties like exceptional mechanical strength, high elasticity, and impressive resistance against wear and corrosion, making them ideal for various practical applications.
  • The potential disadvantages of BMGs include manufacturing challenges due to the need for very rapid cooling rates and questions regarding their durability, especially their brittleness which can lead to sudden failure known as "brittle fracture".
  • BMGs have found applications in medical and high-tech industries. In the medical field, they are used in surgical tools and implants due to their strength, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. In the high-tech industry, BMGs are used in electronics and aerospace engineering for their toughness, corrosion resistance, thermal stability and unique properties like magnetic softness.
  • Corrosion, the deteriorating process in which a metal breaks down due to chemical reactions with its environment, serves as a chief drawback limiting the use of BMGs; nevertheless, there are innovation strategies to combat this, such as the application of protective coatings or by refining the alloy design to enhance corrosion resistance.
Frequently Asked Questions about Bulk Metallic Glasses

What are the disadvantages of metallic glass?

Metallic glass has some disadvantages, such as poor ductility at room temperature, which can lead to brittleness. Additionally, these materials are relatively expensive to produce and hard to shape via traditional forming methods.

What are the properties of metallic glass?

Metallic glasses possess high strength and toughness, excellent wear resistance, large elastic limit, high corrosion resistance and excellent formability near their glass transition temperature. Additionally, they have a non-crystalline, amorphous structure contributing to their unique properties.

What are bulk metallic glasses used for?

Bulk metallic glasses are primarily used in applications requiring high strength and corrosion resistance. This includes making sports equipment, biomedical devices, precision springs, and protective coatings. They're also used in the production of jewellery due to their distinctive shiny appearance.

Of what are bulk metallic glasses made?

Bulk metallic glasses are made of multi-component metallic alloys, typically consisting of several metals such as zirconium, aluminium, copper, nickel and titanium, cooled rapidly to avoid the formation of crystalline structures.

What is bulk metallic glass?

Bulk metallic glass is a type of advanced, non-crystalline material, typically an alloy, which differs from traditional metals due to its disordered atomic structure. It's known for its high strength, elasticity, and corrosion resistance.

Bulk Metallic Glasses: Corrosion & Properties (2024)


What are the properties of bulk metallic glasses? ›

The mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses, including their superior strength and hardness, and excellent corrosion and wear resistance, combined with their general inability to undergo hom*ogeneous plastic deformation have been a subject of fascination for scientists and engineers.

What are the disadvantages of bulk metallic glasses? ›

The disadvantages are: 1)High viscosity of BMG's results in low fluidity which makes casting difficult. 2)Internal stresses are developed due to rapid cooling that is required to form BMG's.

What are the properties and characteristics of metallic glass? ›

Metallic glass is a metallic alloy that has a unique set of characteristics, such as high strength, flexibility, and corrosion resistance. Having been commercialized in the 1980s, it has a relatively short history, and not many uses have been established.

Are bulk metallic glasses brittle? ›

Instead, brittle fracture occurs, with the formation of nanoscale corrugations and the material exhibits low fracture toughness. Some glassy alloys display a very large compressive strain to failure, thereby suggesting high fracture toughness e.g., Zr59Cu18Ni8Ta5Al10 shows about 20% plastic strain [49].

What are the characteristic and properties of glasses? ›

The main properties of glass are: Amorphous shape, variable density, malleable in liquid state, variable textures depending on the components, corrosion-resistant, excellent optical properties of light transmission, good thermal properties, and the capacity to be recycled.

How is bulk metallic glass made? ›

At present, the bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are generally prepared by rapidly quenching of the molten metal with a sufficiently steep cooling rate (e.g. 106 K/s) to avoid the nucleation and crystallization and obtain the glassy state.

Does metallic glass rust? ›

Metallic glass's corrosion resistance

Metallic glass, however, doesn't have grain boundaries, and a continuous passive film forms on the surface. Therefore, it doesn't corrode easily, even in harsh environments.

What are the advantages of metallic glasses? ›

Metallic glasses also have an incredible ability to store and release elastic energy, which makes them perfect for sports equipment, like tennis racquets, golf clubs, and skis. They're resistant to corrosion, and can be cast into complex shapes with mirror-like surfaces in a single molding step.

Is metallic glass stronger than steel? ›

Robert Richie is the materials scientist who led the Berkely contribution to the research. In a press release, he says the new glass is stronger than steel because "that glass undergoes extensive plasticity in response to stress, allowing it to bend rather than crack."

Can metallic glass break? ›

When enough force is applied, metallic glasses can break. Vacant spaces–microscopic bubbles–are left behind at the site where metallic glasses break. The spontaneous formation of tiny bubbles under high negative pressures is a process known as cavitation, which plays a key role in the failure of metallic glasses.

What company makes metallic glass? ›

Major key players in the bulk metallic glass market are:

Heraeus Holding. Eutectix LLC. Hitachi Metals, Ltd. Liquidmetal Technologies, Inc.

What are 3 typical properties of metallic substances? ›

Very Good Conductors of heat and electricity. Malleable (can be made into different shapes without breaking) Ductile (can be molded into wiring) Metallic luster (shiny)

What are the disadvantages of bulk metallic glass? ›

Pure bulk metallic glasses also exhibit cyclic fatigue from repeated stress. Because of their high elasticity and low plasticity, catastrophic failure occurs after only a small amount of plastic deformation.

What are some of the impressive properties of bulk metallic glasses? ›

Bulk metallic glasses hold great promise for structural and functional applications and are viewed as one of the most important metallic materials owing to their unique properties of extreme strength at room temperature and high flexibility at high temperature.

How thick is bulk metallic glass? ›

Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are defined as non-crystalline (glassy) solids that are produced with a section thickness larger than 1 mm by rapid cooling from the liquid state [1–5].

What is the difference between packed glass and bulk glass? ›

Bulk glass shipped directly from the factory removes the process and materials associated with the standard case repack process, therefore reducing labor costs and time. Since no secondary packaging is employed at the factory, the end user is not paying for corrugated as part of their packaging.

What are the properties of giant metallic? ›

Metals are giant lattices of positive ions arranged in regular layers, with delocalised electrons free to move throughout the structure. Their properties include: high melting and boiling points. High temperatures are required to break strong metallic bonds.

What is the difference between metal and metallic glass? ›

The crystalline structure of metals is one of their key weaknesses—the boundaries between grains are typically where a metal will be the weakest. But amorphous metal—metallic glass—doesn't have those boundaries, so it's much stronger and more wear-resistant.

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