Building a House? The Pros and Cons (2024)

Home Buying

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Building a Home

13 Min Read | Aug 22, 2024

Building a House? The Pros and Cons (1)

By Rachel Cruze

Building a House? The Pros and Cons (2)

Building a House? The Pros and Cons (3)

By Rachel Cruze

Getting brand-new things—especially when they’re custom-made—feels good, right? You can tell a designer or builder exactly what you want, and voila! They’ll make it just for you. The problem is, custom-made things tend to cost more and take longer to make than anything store-bought or mass produced—especially when it comes to houses.

Time and money are two important things to consider when you’re deciding whether you should buy or build a house. To help you make the best choice, I broke down the costs and pros and cons of building a house.

Let’s check them out!

Is It Cheaper to Buy or Build a House?

In a survey by the National Association of Home Builders, the average cost to build a new home in 2022 was $644,750.1 (New home means one you build yourself or one a builder constructs.)

Meanwhile, the average cost to buy an existing home (one that’s already built) in 2022 was about $535,500.2When you do a little quick math, you’ll see buying an existing home instead of a new one could save you about $109,250. That’s a lot of money! (Just think of all the Disney trips you could take with the difference.)

Now,prices have gone upfor both existing homes and new builds in the last couple of years. But building a new house is usually going to cost you more than buying one. And that makes sense, right? Buying something new (whether it’s a purse, a car or anything else) is almost always more expensive than buying something pre-owned. Think about what a pair of jeans from a thrift shop costs compared to buying them new from a department store. That’s an extreme example, but you get the idea—it’s cheaper to buy used!

And thanks to inflation and supply chain problems, builders are also paying more for building materials and resources they need to build houses, like workers and fuel. All that to say, building a house isnotcheaper than buying!

Building a House? The Pros and Cons (4)

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Building Your Own House vs. Buying a House

Now, you’re probably checking out Zillow listings and wondering,How much does it cost to build a house?Is it better to build or buy a house? Maybe the price tag is worth it. . . And you may be right! Or building a house could be a terrible idea for you. Whether building or buying a house is a better option really depends on your situation.

Whenever I have a big decision to make (and what’s bigger than buying a house?), I like to weigh the pros and cons. So, here are some pros and cons of building a house to help you decide if that’s the best way to go.

Pros of Building a House

To start off, let’s look at why building a house can be a good idea.

  • Customization:Building a house from the ground up lets you personalize it to suit your lifestyle and tastes—everything from the layout, cabinets and flooring to the sinks, lighting and doorknobs can be custom picked! Even tract homes built within subdivisions allow for some customization in color choices, flooring and certain finishes. So, whether you’re after a rustic feel or a fancy art deco vibe, you can make these style choices early on.
  • Low to no competition:The real estate market isn’t as competitive as it was in 2022 when some homes sold just days after getting multiple offers. But when you own land to build your home on, you obviously have zero competition with other buyers!
  • Little maintenance:Since new homes must meet current building codes and have up-to-date technology, you probably won’t have to worry about big repairs or maintenance issues for the first few years—no leaky roofs or failing HVAC systems for you. Plus, you don’t have to worry about finding the last owner’s bad duct-tape repairs.
  • Low energy costs:New homes often feature the latest energy-efficient systems and materials, which usually lead tolower energy billswoo-hoo!
  • Newness:You get to start fresh as the first owner of your home and enjoy brand-spanking-neweverything. I love that new house smell, don’t you?

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Cons of Building a House

Okay, we already know one disadvantage of building a house is that it costs more than buying an existing home. That’s not so bad if you’re able to budget for it, but that extra expense can be a real hang-up for some people. Let’s consider the other cons of building a house:

  • The wait:It takes an average of seven months toconstruct a new house—not counting the planning and approval stages.3But closing on an existing house usually only takes 30 to 45 days. Plus, you’ll have to pay to live somewhere until your new home is ready—that means if you’re building, you could get stuck paying your current rent or mortgage plus the construction costs for several months. Ouch.
  • Nonnegotiable price: Most buyers go into an existing home purchase hoping to negotiate a lower price. While that’s super common in the resale market, there isn’t much leeway onclosing costsor purchase price with a newly built home—unless your real estate agent gets creative at the negotiating table. But even then, you’ll probably get more bang for your buck with an existing home.
  • Noise and mess:If you build a house where other new homes are being built, you might have to deal with construction noise, traffic and globs of mud along your commute. Worse yet, you could end up with a roofing nail or a screw in your tire. Sure, the neighborhood will eventually calm down as other homes get completed, but it’s something to think about if loud noises and neighborhood construction get on your nerves.
  • Stress:When you build a house, you’ll have to purchase land, decide on a home design, and pick out flooring, fixtures, cabinets, countertops, interior trim, exterior trim, and on and on—all while staying within your budget. Managing all the details and nickel-and-dime expenses of building a house takes time and effort. Don’t underestimate the stamina and patience you’ll need to make sure it’s all done the right way.

And be careful! All those little details and decisions caused Jayson, a member of our Ramsey Baby Steps Community on Facebook, to get caught up in the excitement of building a new home and spend more money than he originally planned.

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“During the building process I got so stuck in the moment with how everything was looking and wanted higher-end furnishings, tile lines in the showers and extra details that cost more,” Jayson said. “I figured why not? If I'm going to do it, I might as well do it now.”

  • Hidden costs:Those dollar signs you see on things like countertops, fixtures and appliances are just the tip of the iceberg. Upgrades and unforeseen problems can quickly drive up the price of your new home, and those costs may or may not be rolled into your contract price. Play it safe by budgeting to pay cash for those unexpected expenses. And don’t forget about post-move costs like landscaping and blinds—they’ll sneak up on you too.

For Sarah, a member of our Baby Steps Millionaires Facebook community, building a house in a rural area came with expensesshe wouldn’t have had if she had bought an existing home.Before construction even began, she spent about $100,000 on land, a barn,running utilities (electric and water) and installing a septic system.

All right, now let’s look at the pros and cons of buying an existing home.

Pros of Buying an Existing House

I already mentioned the biggest advantage of buying an existing home—the price! An existing home with similar features to a new home will cost you less. But when you compare the price of a new home to an existing home, make sure it’s an apples-to-apples comparison. Don’t just consider square footage or number of bedrooms. Location also plays a huge factor in price! Here are some other benefits of buying an existing home:

  • Quick close: When you buy an existing home, you won’t be stuck waiting around for your builder to install cabinets or floors before you move in. Most transactions close within 30 to 45 days. (That’s just enough time to start packing!)
  • Room to negotiate: As a buyer, you can negotiate the price with the seller. You can also negotiate on things like repairs that need to be done to the house.
  • Location: The money you save by buying an existing home could help you afford a home in that neighborhood you’ve always loved. And as they say in the real estate biz, the three most important things to consider when buying a house are: location, location, location.

Cons of Buying an Existing House

There are two sides to everything, and buying an existing home isn’t all sunshine and roses. Here are some of the cons you might not have considered:

  • Repairs: As homes get older, they need repairs. Jobs like a new roof or HVAC system could set you back thousands of dollars. So always keep the age of a house in mind when shopping. An old, inefficient HVAC system could also cost you a lot more when it comes to your utility bill.
  • Compromises: You probably won’t find a house that checks off every single need and want on your wish list, and you might have to settle for some things you don’t like.
  • Updates: The previous owner loved their purple bedroom with a stenciled horse border, but that’s just not your taste. Same goes for the golden swan faucets and a seashell sink in the bathroom. So, expect to spend some money updating your new space (just don’t paint anything neon green).
  • Environmental concerns: If you buy a really old home, you might run into a situation where you have to take care of harmful chemicals, like lead paint or asbestos tile.
  • Hidden problems: Even though you got ahome inspection, you could still find problems the inspector missed. And I 100% recommend getting ahome inspectionbefore you buy a house. Don’t skip that part!

I hope you’re getting a better idea of whether you want to buy or build a house. Next up, let’s look at the cost of building a home.

A Breakdown of the Average Cost to Build a House

Like I said earlier, theaveragesales price for a newly built home is $644,750. That’s a big price tag, but keep in mind this is the average cost. Plenty of homes are built for less than this, but the larger, more expensive custom homes skew the average cost.

So, here’s a rundown of the costs of building a house.

Building a House? The Pros and Cons (8)Average Cost Based on Location

A lot of a home’s price is based on its location. Building a house in a desirable neighborhood could be twice the price of building the same house somewhere out in the sticks.

The cost of living—and that includes the cost of housing—also fluctuates a lot from city to city and state to state.

If you’re looking to relocate to astate with a low cost of living, I’ll give you a tip: Stay away from the East and West coasts. Midwestern and Southern states usually have a lower cost of living. Also, work with alocal real estate agentwho knows the market.

But let’s not focus too much on the nitty-gritty details, because you’re probably just wondering,Rachel, what’s the best way to pay for a home?

Tips to Pay for a Newly Built Home or an Existing Home

Whether you build or buy, make sure you stick to a house you can actually afford. That means getting a house with a monthly payment that’s no more than 25% of your take-home pay—otherwise, you’ll be house poor!

That 25% limit includes principal, interest, property taxes,homeowners insuranceand, if your down payment is lower than 20%,private mortgage insurance(PMI). And don’t forget to budget forhomeowners association (HOA)fees if your new home is in an HOA.

Want to see what home prices fit your budget? Try our freemortgage calculator. And for a mortgage you can pay off fast, talk to our RamseyTrusted friends atChurchill Mortgageabout getting a 15-year fixed-rate conventional loan. (Weonlyrecommend these loans because any other type of mortgage will drown you in interest and fees and keep you in debt for decades.)

Should I Buy or Build a House?

Maybe you’re still on the fence about whether to buy or build a house. I get it—it’s a big decision, and you want to make the right choice!

If you’re afirst-time home buyer, I like to recommend going the more affordable route and buying an existing house. You’ll save money and get some homeownership experience before you take on the challenge of building a new house. It’ll also give you time to buildequity(your home’s value minus how much you owe on it). When you sell your first home, you can use that equity to help pay to build your next home.

If you’re an experienced home buyer, then building a house could be a fun adventure for you (just as long as you can stay within that 25% limit and still handle all the other homeownership costs like maintenance and utilities).

Ginny, a member of our Baby Steps Millionaires Facebook community, and her husband saved moneyon their new homeby doing a lot of work themselves.

“We contracted it out ourselves and did some work ourselves—trim, painting, stained concrete floors, installed cabinets, etc.” she said.

So, if you’re handy, getting your hands dirty with some DIY projects could be a great cost-saving option!

Whether you buy or build, owning a house you can afford is an incredible way to build wealth.

Buy or Build With Confidence

The best way to decide whether you should buy or build a house is to talk it over with an experienced real estate agent. They’ll know where to find the best deals in long-standing neighborhoods or in up-and-coming communities. And they’ll help you decide if building a house or buying an existing home will suit your needs best.

If you want a real estate agent who will do whatever it takes to help you find the perfect home or lot to build on, try our RamseyTrusted agents. They’re top performers who share our mission to help you reach your financial goals!

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Next Steps

  • Write down how much you have saved for a down payment.
  • Decide where you want to live—are you relocating or staying local?
  • Ask an expert if buying a home in that area is a smart choice or a bad move.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Lots of things go into building a house. Some big expenses include laying the foundation, framing, plumbing, and finishing the interior. But your biggest expense might have nothing to do with construction—it’s land! The median price for a lot is $55,000.4 But depending on the size of your lot and its location, you might spend over six figures for it.

If you’re borrowing money to build your house, you’ll need to get what’s called a construction loan. This is a short-term, high-interest loan that allows you to draw out funds for each phase of construction—site prep, framing, finishing, etc. Once the house is finished, most homeowners convert the loan into a home mortgage.

When you’re building a house, you should expect some unexpected costs. Building permits could set you back a couple of thousand dollars. Or your builder might hit rock while digging your basem*nt—and that could add thousands of dollars in excavation costs. Raw materials also could jump in price. (Lumber prices have been especially crazy the last few years.) Whatever the case, make sure you have money in your budget for hidden and unexpected costs.

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About the author

Rachel Cruze

Rachel Cruze is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, financial expert, host of The Rachel Cruze Show, and co-host of Smart Money Happy Hour. Rachel writes and speaks on personal finance, budgeting, investing and money trends. As a co-host of The Ramsey Show, America’s second-largest talk radio show, Rachel reaches millions of weekly listeners with her personal finance advice. She’s appeared on Good Morning America and Fox News and been featured in TIME, REAL SIMPLE and Women’s Health, among others. Through her shows, books, syndicated columns and speaking events, Rachel shares fun, practical ways to take control of your money and create a life you love. Learn More.

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Building a House? The Pros and Cons (2024)


Building a House? The Pros and Cons? ›

Cons of Building a Home

Building a home can be a lengthy and expensive process. It requires careful planning, design, and construction, which can take months or even years to complete. This can also be a stressful process, as unforeseen issues can arise and delay the project.

What are the negatives of building a house? ›

Cons of Building a Home

Building a home can be a lengthy and expensive process. It requires careful planning, design, and construction, which can take months or even years to complete. This can also be a stressful process, as unforeseen issues can arise and delay the project.

Is it financially smart to build a house? ›

(New home means one you build yourself or one a builder constructs.) Meanwhile, the average cost to buy an existing home (one that's already built) in 2022 was about $535,500. When you do a little quick math, you'll see buying an existing home instead of a new one could save you about $109,250. That's a lot of money!

Is it cheaper to build a home or buy a home? ›

Overall, it's cheaper to build a home than to buy one in California, with 13 out of the 20 counties saving you money if you decide to build your house from scratch. Budget-wise, building is more favorable in Southern California whereas Central California caters best to those interested in buying.

What is the hardest part of building a house? ›

In this scenario, the hardest parts of building a house are likely not what you thought they were.
  1. Deciding to Build. ...
  2. Finding the Right Piece of Land. ...
  3. Deciding Between Wants and Needs. ...
  4. Creating a Realistic Budget. ...
  5. Finding Reliable and Knowledgeable Professionals. ...
  6. Being Patient. ...
  7. Dealing with Delays and Issues.
Aug 15, 2022

What is not included when you build a house? ›

Some builders include appliances like refrigerator, dishwasher, range/stove and washer/dryer. Others do not include these and you will need to pay extra for them. You also want to find out what brand and model comes standard if the builder includes these appliances.

Is it harder to get a loan to build a house? ›

In general, it is harder to qualify for a construction loan than for a traditional mortgage. Most lenders require a credit score of at least 680 — which is higher than what you'd need for most conventional VA and FHA loans.

How much money should I have saved to build a house? ›

Average Cost To Build A House By State
46 more rows
Dec 27, 2023

Is it cheaper to move a house or build one? ›

That's significantly more than the cost to move an existing house. While the cost of land may increase the total cost to move a house above that $200,000 average, in most cases, it will be more affordable to physically move a house you love than it would be to build or buy a new one.

Is it wise to build a house in 2024? ›

Based on what we're seeing, our team of experts here at Heartland Builders believes that 2024 will be a good time to build your custom forever home. We have seen pricing and interest rates stabilize, and there is talk that the Federal Reserve may decrease rates this year instead of raising them.

Is it cheaper to build a house or a barndominium? ›

Current estimates value an average 2000 square foot barndominium at around $200,000 USD making the average cost per square foot about $100.00. This is at the lower end of the price range for a similar traditionally built home, which is estimated to be between $110.00 to $170.00 dollars per square foot.

How stressful is building a house? ›

It's a huge commitment in both time and money; and with a lot at stake, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Decisions begin to pile up, changes inevitably come up, and little-by-little so does your blood pressure.

How difficult is it to have a house built? ›

Building a home is a multi-step process that may take months. In 2022, the average construction time for a contractor-built, single-family home was just over 10 months from start to finish, according to the US Census Bureau. Before you build, find and purchase land and begin the home design process.

How can I save money on a custom built house? ›

Value Engineering
  1. Reducing Square Footage. One way to dramatically reduce costs is to just reduce the square footage of the entire home. ...
  2. Choosing a Stock Design. ...
  3. Reducing Lineal Feet of Logs. ...
  4. Opt for a Simple Roof System. ...
  5. Use Drywall on Interior. ...
  6. More Modest Kitchen. ...
  7. Don't Take a Bath on Your Bath. ...
  8. Avoid Change Orders.

What are the negative effects of building construction? ›

Pollution – Construction causes both air and water pollution. Harmful chemicals used during construction can be harmful to both workers and the environment. Waste – The process of constructing new infrastructure produces a lot of waste that ends up in landfills.

What are the negative effects of houses? ›

Lead poisoning irreversibly affects brain and nervous system development, resulting in lower intelligence and reading disabilities. Substandard housing such as water leaks, poor ventilation, dirty carpets and pest infestation can lead to an increase in mold, mites and other allergens associated with poor health.

What are the disadvantages of inhouse? ›

The main disadvantage of in-house operations is the cost of maintaining an additional team, that may be outside of the company's core business. Many companies outsource their payroll, IT, or other technical work, because the companies are too small to justify hiring full-time staff for these roles.

What is the downside of construction? ›

Safety Risks

On a construction site, even a minor slip or fall can cause serious injury. And while work sites are much safer now than in the past, dangerous work conditions are still something you may want to consider before choosing a construction labour job.

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.