Budget Grocery Shopping Tips That Will Save You Thousands Each Year (2024)

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Are you having trouble finding extra money in your budget to save or pay off debt? Did you know that one of the easiest categories to cut is your food budget? Most families drastically overspend on food each month but there are many ways to do budget grocery shopping and stretch your food budget without feeling deprived.

The real problem is that most people have no idea how much they’re actually spending on food?!

If you don’t know exactly what you are spending on food, groceries, and restaurants each month, it’s a good idea to track your spending for a month. Hang a piece of paper on the fridge and write down every single cent you spend on food, whether it be your weekly grocery trips, the drive-through, the coffee and donut you grab on your way to work most mornings…all of it.

Track all your food spending. And at the end of one month, I can almost guarantee you will be shocked when you add it all up.

21 Budget Grocery Shopping Tips

These simple budget grocery shopping tips will help you stretch your food budget further than you ever thought was possible and save thousands of dollars each year.

1. Make a List

Sounds pretty basic, right? I mean, everybody has a grocery list, right? Wrong, wrong. So many of us either forget to make a list, don’t have time, or just prefer to wing it.

So, essentially, you’re going to the store with no plan, which may not sound like a big deal, but it is. Because when you go grocery shopping without a plan, you’re just cruising through the aisles tossing things in your cart.

Once you get home and begin to cook, you realize you have only half the ingredients you need causing you to run back to the store again (and again), leading to consistent overspending.

Take a couple of minutes and make a list. Trust me, it’s time well spent. Hang a sheet of paper up on the fridge, use an app, or even sticky notes…whatever works for you.

This way, I can contribute, my husband contributes, and even our kids can add things to the list, and the responsibility doesn’t lie solely on my shoulders.

We do this for non-grocery items too, which is super helpful when I pop into Target. I just check my Alexa app while shopping and see if there is anything we need – it really helps reduce the number of trips we make to the store.

2. Create a Meal Plan

Meal planning is hands-down the biggest money saver on this list. The point is to create an intentional plan for what your family will eat for the entire week (or even meal plan for an entire month).

This allows you to purchase exactly what you need (and only what you need) when food shopping, ensures you have everything you need when preparing meals, and reduces the number of trips to the store.

Budget Grocery Shopping Tips That Will Save You Thousands Each Year (1)

3. Don’t Go to the Store Hungry

Don’t go food shopping when you’re hungry. In fact, don’t do any shopping when you’re hungry. Did you know that people spend 64% more money when shopping hungry than those who don’t? Crazy, right?

Things that you normally wouldn’t even buy, you’re like, “Oh, that looks good, that looks good, that looks good”, and you’re just going to throw it all into your cart because you’re hungry.

Make sure you have a meal or a least a snack before you go. Do not go grocery shopping hungry. I guarantee your wallet will regret it.

3. Buy Generic

I used to be a total food snob. I would never buy generic. I insisted I could taste the difference. But generic brands, in many cases, are so similar it’s tough to tell the difference. Except for pop-tarts, just saying.

You’ll save around 25% off your normal brand price by buying generic. Get in the habit of buying store brands, and you’ll see a huge reduction in your monthly food bill.

4. Grow Food at Home

No, not all of us can have a whole farm in our house, but just pick a couple of fruits or vegetables that work in your climate and the area where you live and start a small garden.

If you’re able to grow some fruits and vegetables your family eats often or if you eat a lot of eggs, perhaps raise some backyard chickens, you’ll find you can considerably offset your grocery costs each week.

5. Shop in Bulk

Purchasing a membership to a wholesale club such as Sam’s Club or Costco can help you save big on the items you frequently purchase, but you want to be sure you will actually use the membership enough to make it worth the money.

Years ago, we were members at BJ’s Wholesale Club but probably only shopped there once, maybe twice a year, so our savings amount did not outweigh our membership fee.

Now we belong to Sam’s Club, and since it’s close to home and we get there a few times a month, it saves us a good amount of money throughout the year.

And while the savings can be substantial, you want to be careful because these warehouse clubs have a lot of amazing deals that can be tempting. Keep your blinders on and make sure you’re grabbing only what you’re intending to purchase, or you’ll find yourself overspending.

6. Track Your Spending While Shopping

There are a couple of ways you can do this. I used to use the calculator on my phone, but I was fumbling to hold my phone, a pen, my list, pushing the cart, and grabbing the items – and inevitably, I would accidentally clear the calculator total at least once during each trip.

Then I discovered the grocery clicker, which is actually a lap counter for swimming, but it works just as well for tallying up your groceries.

Here’s how we do it: for any item that ends in zero to 49 cents, we round down, and for any item that is 50 cents and up, we round up to the next dollar. It’s not exact, but you’d be surprised how close it all evens out at checkout time.

The coolest thing about the clicker is you can hook it on your finger and click as you go – it really doesn’t take an extra hand, plus there’s no accidental clearing and having to start over.

7. Track Your Overall Spending

Tracking you’re spending is a great way to learn about your spending habits. It will show you where you are overspending and where you are sticking to your budget.

This spending data is valuable when trying to save more in different areas of your life. Try to track for a full month, if possible!

8. Set a Food Budget

Make sure you’re living on a budget in general. Learning to live on a budget is going to be your biggest asset always when trying to save money in any area of your life. Setting a grocery budget and sticking to it is going to serve you like no other tip on this list.

A good place to start is a hundred dollars per family member per month. We have four people in this house. The entire time we were working to pay off debt, we stuck to a $400 grocery budget a month.

Two things to consider when setting your food budget would be any dietary restrictions a family member may have and the quality of food you purchase. For example, if you eat only organic food, your costs will be higher.

Start at $100/month per person and tweak it according to your needs and your budget.

ALSO READ: 9 Creative Ways to Save Money With Little Effort

9. Compare Prices

Price comparisons can take some extra time, but if you’re the person who does the majority of the food shopping you’ll likely start taking a mental note of item prices, especially if you purchase the same items each week.

Compare the prices in your area over the course of a few shopping trips. Collect circulars from each of the stores you frequent, spread them out on your table, compare the prices, make your list from those circulars, and decide where you want to shop that week.

What I like to do is create a spreadsheet. I am a rare kind of super-nerd who’s obsessed with spreadsheets. I put everything on a spreadsheet, so I created a spreadsheet where I track the prices at a couple of stores I go to often, and I just keep a list of them. This is especially helpful on the weeks when our budget is extra tight.

Budget Grocery Shopping Tips That Will Save You Thousands Each Year (2)

10. Shop the Sales

When checking the circulars, make note of which items go on sale and begin to pay attention to the sales cycles at your specific stores. Set a portion of your budget aside so you can stock up on frequently used items when they’re on sale to ensure you’re getting the best prices.

Many stores also have their sales listed on their apps and/or websites too.

11. Go to Multiple Stores

You’re going to want to take the time and plan out your shopping, so you’re able to accomplish everything you want to accomplish in one trip. This is going to be a lot easier for somebody that lives closer to town and closer to the stores.

I know it could be difficult for the people that live a lot further out, and in that type of situation, if you still want to take advantage of the sales and go to multiple stores, an option for you could be maybe to shop on a monthly basis or biweekly basis instead of every single week. That way, you’re saving the gas, and you’re saving the time, and it’s going to be worth it in the end when you’re saving all that money.

12. Use Coupons

I know this kind of sounds a little old-fashioned, but there are so many people that save a crap ton of money from couponing, and since we are in a new decade now, you don’t necessarily have to pull out the coupons from your Sunday newspaper. However, they are still good, and they work just as well.

There are so many coupon apps now you can use or coupons you can print online where you’re just printing the specific ones you need, and you don’t have to go through all of those ones you don’t need. Just a simple Google search will give you a whole bunch of different online coupon sites that you can use.

If you’re someone who goes to a regular grocery store and you shop a lot of brand names, and you don’t want to give up those brand names, make sure you’re looking for coupons.

13. Use Cashback Apps

Using coupons coupled with apps can really, really kick up your coupon game and help you save a ton of money. And while I don’t do normal couponing, I do use cashback apps, and I consistently earn a ton of free gift cards all the time.

These gift cards allow me to get free Starbucks, and they allow me to enjoy these things that I otherwise don’t want to spend the money on. Just taking a couple of extra minutes to scan my receipts after I’m finished grocery shopping is really all it takes.

Ibotta and Fetch Rewards are my favorite cashback apps that I use every single time I purchase groceries! They are simple to use, and you’d be surprised how quickly a little bit of cashback adds up.

14. Build a Freezer Stash

If you have extra freezer space, it’s time to fill that bad boy up! If not, you can often find good deals on chest freezers on Craigslist or ask a friend or family if they have one they’re willing to sell.

Building a freezer stash is a great way to shrink your budget on weeks when money is extra tight. No money? No problem! Simply head to your freezer stash and grab a meal that you’ve already pre-made or some meat you stocked up on during a great sale.

15. Eat What’s in Season

If your family eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, you can save a lot of money by paying attention to what food is in season at what time of year.

Fresh produce will always be more affordable and more plentiful when in-season, and you’ll see this reflected on your grocery bill.

ALSO READ: Frugal Living Tips: 55 Hacks to Save Money

16. Subscribe and Save

This can be used at places like Amazon and Target. Personally, we’ve only ever used this on household goods or pet products. But other household areas, such as baby products or cleaning supplies, also work great with Subscribe + Save.

Maybe you don’t consider any of those products part of your grocery budget, and that’s okay, but if you do and you’re purchasing them regularly, using subscribe and save is going to help you save a substantial amount – and SO convenient as your items just magically appear on your doorstep.

17. Shop for Groceries Online

I’m just gonna say it…Walmart Grocery Pickup has changed my life. Not only is it so incredibly convenient (especially since we have a Walmart close to us), but it has also helped me better stick to my weekly food budget!

It minimizes distraction and specials jumping out at you when shopping in-store, it’s a lifesaver if you’re usually stuck bringing kids to the grocery store with you, and the best part is that you can see a running total of your virtual cart and be aware of how much you’re spending at all times.

This is helpful because it’s a constant reminder if you’re sticking to your budget (or not), and you’re able to head to your cart and delete unnecessary items to keep yourself on budget.

Budget Grocery Shopping Tips That Will Save You Thousands Each Year (3)

18. Shop Discount Grocers

Discount grocers get a bad rep because people think that the items are expired or messed up in some manner. But that’s not necessarily true. These types of stores are selling normal fresh grocery items that are well within their date range. They are not one of those stores that all of the dented boxes or the expired food goes to, so check out discount grocery stores such as LIDL, WinCo, and Aldi.

Not only does Aldi have very affordable prices, but they also have a ton of their products that don’t contain specific preservatives, MSG, or synthetic food dyes now, and I really liked those options, especially for my children.

19. Meal Prep

You might think that meal prep is strictly for fitness people or somebody on a diet, but it’s not. The best thing about meal prepping is you are making sure that you’re going to eat the food that you spent money on.

We always have the best of intentions. We make our meal plans, we make our lists, we get everything we need, and then life gets in the way, and maybe you have to work late, or somebody gets sick.

One of the best ways to make sure that doesn’t happen and keep yourself on the right track is to prep your meals or a portion of your meals.

Taking the extra time each week to prep some or all of your meals ensures the food you’ve purchased actually gets eaten. You’re not going to run to the drive-through or you’re not going to call an order takeout because you ran out of time to make dinner, and it’s already six o’clock, and you’re starving.

Take some time: the beginning of the week, twice a week, whatever works for your schedule, and prep your meals, your snacks, and your lunches. You’ll be setting yourself up for a big win!

20. Batch Cook

If ‘batch cooking’ is a term you’re unfamiliar with, it simply means to make a larger portion of food.

In our family, this usually looks like doubling our dinner recipe, portioning the food out into two separate containers (usually large containers like this one), cooking one for dinner, and putting the other in our chest freezer to eat at a later time.

If we’re on a tight budget some weeks or run out of time some nights, or just plain old don’t feel like cooking, we have a homecooked meal just waiting for us in the freezer. Just pull it out and bake – you don’t even have to defrost it.

21. Shop Once a Week

Yup. Just once. Limiting your trips to one time a week will force you to be more intentional about your food shopping process. It will force you to plan better and make sure you’re getting every item you need for the week.

You won’t forget ingredients because you’ll have already made a complete list, and you won’t waste your time stopping by the store multiple times throughout the week.

Plus, limiting your grocery trips will also help you limit any extra items that will find their way to your cart each time you’re at the store.

This article was produced and syndicated by Cents + Purpose.

Kristin Stones


Kristin Stones is the owner of Cents + Purpose, an online community dedicated to sharing practical personal finance content. Her mission is to equip women with the necessary tools and knowledge to take back control of their money and live a more purposeful life. She creates actionable content to help her audience achieve financial wellness using her simple approach to managing money - all learned through her personal experience of paying off almost $55,000 of debt in under two years.

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Budget Grocery Shopping Tips That Will Save You Thousands Each Year (2024)


Budget Grocery Shopping Tips That Will Save You Thousands Each Year? ›

Don't buy more than you need.

But don't buy something just because it's on sale or because you have a coupon. If it wasn't part of your planned grocery list, then you still just spent more money than you were planning to—deal or no deal.

What are 7 shopping tips to help you get the most out of your food budget? ›

  • Track current spending. Before you figure out what you should be spending on food, it's important to figure out what you are spending on food. ...
  • Allocate a percentage of your income. ...
  • Avoid eating out. ...
  • Plan your meals. ...
  • Keep a fridge grocery list. ...
  • Eat before you go to the store. ...
  • Be careful with coupons. ...
  • Embrace the bulk section.
Feb 22, 2024

What are budget saving tips when it comes to shopping for food and household necessities? ›

Don't buy more than you need.

But don't buy something just because it's on sale or because you have a coupon. If it wasn't part of your planned grocery list, then you still just spent more money than you were planning to—deal or no deal.

What should my budget be for groceries? ›

According to the USDA guidelines, you might spend $979 a month on a thrifty plan, $1,028 on a low-cost plan, $1,252 on a moderate-cost plan and $1,604 on a liberal plan. The USDA guidelines can provide a starting point for a food budget, but they don't consider all the variables that can affect cost.

Which shopping strategy can help you save money while at the grocery store? ›

Compare prices between stores

If you live near various grocery stores, consider shopping at a few and comparing prices. You can learn which store has the items you need for less and also look at the sales they run. If it's not too much of a hassle, you may want to grocery shop at two stores to optimize savings.

What are 3 tips for saving money on food? ›

Here are 17 ways to save money on groceries.
  • Make a meal plan. ...
  • Shop alone if you can. ...
  • Shop during the quietest days of the week. ...
  • Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options. ...
  • Buy generic products. ...
  • Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store. ...
  • Stick to the store's perimeter. ...
  • Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

What are 7 ways you can cut down on food costs for your family? ›

If you've been wondering how to reduce your food bill, consider these 8 strategies.
  • Limit Eating Out. ...
  • Plan Your Grocery Shopping. ...
  • Reduce Food Waste. ...
  • Buy in Bulk. ...
  • Set a Food Budget. ...
  • Plan for Leftovers. ...
  • Meal Prep. ...
  • Brew Your Own Coffee.

How to budget and save money? ›

Try the 50/30/20 rule as a simple budgeting framework. Allow up to 50% of your income for needs, including debt minimums. Leave 30% of your income for wants. Commit 20% of your income to savings and debt repayment beyond minimums.

What food should you buy on a budget? ›

  • Frozen Fruits & Veggies. There will be times when you'll crave some of the produce that isn't in season, but there's a great option to do this affordably. ...
  • Dried & Canned Beans. Dried beans are cheap and a great way to feed large groups of people and have plenty of leftovers. ...
  • Canned Tomatoes. ...
  • Pastas & Grains.

How to shop on a budget for food? ›

10 Easy Ways to Grocery Shop on a Budget
  1. Revisit Your Grocery Budget. ...
  2. Meal Plan. ...
  3. Make a Grocery List. ...
  4. Take Cash Out for Groceries. ...
  5. Try Aldi (or Other Discount Grocery Stores) ...
  6. Learn the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen. ...
  7. Shop Generic. ...
  8. Buy in Bulk (Sometimes)
May 31, 2023

What is the grocery budget rule? ›

Use the 50/30/20 rule to budget for groceries

Following this framework, you spend about 50% of your monthly after-tax income on needs, 30% on wants and 20% on savings and debt repayment. Most groceries fall under the “needs” category, but not every item at the grocery store qualifies as a necessity.

What does a family of three spend on groceries? ›

By Family Size

Single-person households, as you might expect, spent the least on food: $5,235 in 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Two-person households spent $9,363, up from $8,242 in 2021. The national average for three-person households was $11,158.

How to reduce food budget? ›

Plan Every Shopping Outing - Experts say that planning meals in advance and making detailed shopping lists can cut your grocery spending by 20 percent or more. Check your pantry before you go shopping to be sure of what you need. Review store flyers and build your list around what's on sale and the best coupon deals.

How to save more in 2024? ›

If you're struggling to get a better handle on your household finances, here are six ideas to help you save money in 2024:
  1. Shop around for car insurance. ...
  2. Consolidate high-interest debt. ...
  3. Use a monthly budget. ...
  4. Focus on small changes. ...
  5. Get credit help from a professional. ...
  6. Earn better rates on your savings.
Feb 1, 2024

How to spend less money? ›

How to spend less money
  1. Avoid eating out. Eating in can be a great way to save money every month. ...
  2. Buy generic and used. ...
  3. Use public transportation. ...
  4. Check your insurance rates. ...
  5. Ask for discounts. ...
  6. Unsubscribe from marketing emails. ...
  7. Save your tax refunds.
Apr 10, 2024

What are five shopping tips for fresh foods? ›

5 smart food-shopping tips
  • Take inventory. Use a meal planner as part of your healthy-eating strategy to guide your shopping. ...
  • Make a list. ...
  • Shop the perimeter of the store for fresh foods. ...
  • Don't shop when you're hungry. ...
  • Read nutrition labels. ...
  • How's your mindset?

What are 5 tips to help you with choosing healthier foods when grocery shopping and creating meals? ›

Here are five strategies for healthier grocery shopping:
  • Shop with Your Brain, Not Your Blood Sugar. Don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry. ...
  • Make a Grocery List. ...
  • Stick to the Store's Perimeter. ...
  • Use Nutrition Labels as a Roadmap. ...
  • Offer Kids Healthier Options.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.