BU-205: Types of Lithium-ion (2024)

Comments from the previous website are not compatible with our new commenting system but we have preserved them so our users can still reference and make use the information in them.

On August 19, 2019, freddy wrote:

It's amusing how everyone here thinks BU is going to answer their questions, when it's obvious that they do not do that. And some of the questions are beyond absurd. Then again, some of the replies to questions are fairly well-informed. I replaced the battery in my car with a 7.2 Ah LiFePo4 motorcycle battery paralleled with an 83 farad capacitor bank. This works very well, with the capacitor doing most of the cranking work. It has been in service for about 1 1/ 2 years; I expect it to last at least 10 years, assuming I have the car that long. Anyway, it didn't cost me any more than a normal car battery would have, so I've got to be ahead financially.

On August 3, 2019, Robert Bernal wrote:

I was really wondering how to wire up the lithium titanate batteries in series. Do we really need balancing for 6 in series if charged from low c rate current? I know normal li-ion needs protective circuit. If the same is needed for the LTO, I can't find any small scale (for use with solar light).

On July 18, 2019, Sakkanan pethanan wrote:

which is the best charging algorithm in Li-ion battery?.

On June 3, 2019, MR wrote:

What can be done to reduce self heating in Fe3O4@C anode vs. Li metal cathode (half cell reaction) based system. It is being charged at the rate of @50mA/g. Is the system inherently unsafe or it may be investigated safely?

On December 9, 2018, Ritesh Mhetre wrote:

Should I use lithium iron phospate battteries for E-Bicycles?

On December 5, 2018, Hans wrote:

A 3 Ah LFP cell is charged to 100% at 25°C temperature What happenes if I cool down the charged cell to -20 °C temperature? At -20 °C the cell can store only 2 Ah. Does it mean, the cell is overcharged by 1 Ah, equivalent to 30 %? Is there a risk that the cell will explode? I am aware that this cell would be protected by the BMS in a battery configuration. The BMS should dissipate the 1 Ah overcharge.

On November 21, 2018, John wrote:

It you convert a battery cell from ni cd to lithium ion and in stall aLi-ion Lithium Battery Charger Protection Board can you charge the new cell with the original charger

On August 2, 2018, Roy Allen wrote:

A company in San Jose CA installed a commercial 3-ph BESS systems been advised by the local fire dept that the building site where the system is located must display a NFPA 704 Hazmat placard due to the large quantity of Li+ batteries. FYI, the 704 placard is diamond shaped with four smaller diamond shaped quadrants and can be seen here: https://www.compliancesigns.com/NFPA_PRINTED_1200.shtml?gs=11.00&utm_source=GoDataFeed&utm_medium=GoogleShopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwtIXbBRBhEiwAWV-5nuO48ZlJRlb5Y2W7QYVuEEe5X4QFFlQnx9muFM2n5UcqNNgtc1k1RhoCRGwQAvD_BwE Each colored quadrant (red, blue, yellow and white) represents an aspect of fire hazard. The three primary color diamonds have numbers (0 to 4) associated with increasing fire hazard levels,and the white one is for special assignments. I think the numbers for LION should be: Red:0, Blue:1, Yellow:0 and White: blank - however this is a SWAG... Any help would be greatly appreciated

On July 10, 2018, phang giap seng wrote:

which type of lithium ion batteries suitable for Garmin and tritium GPS receiver and can tell me why suitable the chemical and physical properties. * i only want lithium ion batteries such as liFePo4 . request for answer thx

On May 25, 2018, Abhinay Singh wrote:

Everything is fine but nomination of Anode and Cathode at different places are different and it is bit confusing, even few comments screwed me more. rest I appreciate this article. Thank You

On April 24, 2018, Akash thute wrote:

remember, oxidation always takes place at anode and reduction at cathode irrespective to the '+ve' or '-ve' terminal notation.

On March 28, 2018, Azim wrote:

I wonder if I can use LiFePO4 charger for other Lithium ion Batteries?

On March 3, 2018, Orlando wrote:

Thanks for the knowledge writed un this web. Knowledge maleta US a bit more free. Orlando

On February 26, 2018, sheik wrote:

can you say which battery technology is currently used in fastcharging elelctrical vehicles.and also say its spec. thankyou

On February 16, 2018, ashar wrote:

can you give contact or email manufacture of battery type cell Lithium NMC Prismatic with spec. Voltage range 44.8 to 58.1V, Cell balancing Active Battery Optimizer (ABO), energy 33.6kWh, efficiency (battery) 98%, Current Charging 900A, Current Discharge 900A, operating Temp. -10 to 50 C? Thank you for your information

On January 28, 2018, urban sanchez wrote:

all this is new to me and I want to learn

On January 27, 2018, Christian wrote:

Can I use 1 18650 and 2 16340 batteries instead of just 2 18650 in a laser?

On January 15, 2018, Peter McMahon wrote:

There seems to be a bit of confusion about cathode & anode, & about constant current & constant voltage charging. Firstly, except during charging, electrons go into the cathode & out of the anode. If it is NOT a battery, the electrons are pushed into the cathode from the outside, making it negative. With a battery, they are pulled in, making it positive, & pushing out the anode, making it negative. When charging, the same polarity is applied, but higher voltage. The battery is still trying to push them out, but the charger is pushing them in harder. The charger is a constant voltage source with current limiting, making it ACT as a constant current source until the battery voltage rises to the set value, then it becomes a constant voltage source. As the battery is topped up, it draws less & less current from the charger. I hope this clears the confusion.

On November 22, 2017, Solo Ning wrote:

I was wondering what the lattice structure of NCA or NMC look like as there wasnt a diagram provided, unlike Lithium Manganese Oxide (LiMn2O4) which has a photo

On November 9, 2017, Niall Darwin wrote:

Great foundational information. Thank you.

On November 9, 2017, George wrote:

Why are you not giving data on cell capacity in mA for lithium type cells? While there might be difficulties in coming up with this, THE REAL WORLD OF CELL USERS OUT THERE TALK ABOUT MILLIAMPERES CAPACITY. I do not know how you should call them. But your are the BATTERY UNIVERSITY As university, you are not just a REPORTER of what's going on in the world of batteries...but you also COIN WORDS, IDEAS, TRENDS, ETC. Give your readers an idea of the cell capacity of, say, 1 cell of NMC type, etc. If there are fine prints that will go with what you provide, for heaven's sake, just jot down those fine prints, but provide an idea of cell capacity

On November 6, 2017, k.shree kesavan wrote:

how to calculate C rate in lithium ion batteries?

On October 16, 2017, Matimba Khoza wrote:

The Li titanate type seems to be advance and safe. How easily available are the raw materials of Li titanate Batteries. What could be the cost of such raw materials on average. One think about this because our Global village is switching to li ion Batteries enmasse and on fast pace. So security of supply is critical.

On October 8, 2017, Ed Metcalfe wrote:

You mentioned cost several times with the last battery, LTO. However, this doesn't match with the spider graph presented, which indicates, by comparison with all others, that LTO is the cheapest battery. What gives?

On September 13, 2017, Marco wrote:

Hello, Do you know which type is safer in water? I need to buy 18650 batteries for a scuba torch. I would like to avoid fire underwater in case of infiltration and water damage. On youtube I saw a LiNiCoAlO2 not catching fire, is it true? Thanks

On September 11, 2017, muhammad khan wrote:

what is deference between CR lithium cell ER lithium cell

On September 1, 2017, Alan wrote:

Comment to ET's Comment about self discharge rates I was wondering about this also. I suspect the issue is that there isn't a standard way about how to measure self-discharge, or even charge. The only way to get a reliable self-discharge value is to discharge the batter over a given range. And then the rate you get, is path dependent: depending on where you measure from in the discharge process. Perhaps a more reliable metric would be shelf life to self-discharge the battery to a given SOC. Say to 50%, 80% and 90% SOC. At a given temperature.

On August 6, 2017, bgt wrote:

How come batteries for mobile phones can be charged to 4.4V like in the new S8? Does not that pose a high risk of explosion? I know they make cells being able to 4.4V but at what risk?

On July 26, 2017, ET wrote:

It's frustrating, even on your site, that it's difficult to find specific credible comparable self-discharge information on different battery chemistries. You say in multiple places that LifePO4, for example, has higher self discharge but there are no rates, references, etc. specified. There are many references on the web that state LifePO4 and conventional Li-Ion (cobalt) BOTH have typical self discharge rates of 5% or less per month. In my own testing of A123 18650 LifePO4 cells charged to 80+% and stored for 1 years they only lost about 25% of their charge (2%/month). Compared to high quality Li-Ion (cobalt) 18650 cells charged to 50% and stored alongside them for the same year, the Li-Ion cells also lost about 25% of their charge. I also tested the capacity of the cells after 1 year and the LifePO4 cells retained more of their original capacity despite being stored at 80% charge. So, from my admittedly limited testing, they're similar and LifePO4 has the advantage of (apparently) being more tolerant of being stored at higher charge levels as well as being significantly safer. Do you have any credible references on the self discharge rates of LifePO4 vs Li-Ion chemistry? The higher self-discharge you mention might be more myth than fact and there's a lot of conflicting information. Some sites claim LifePO4 has LOWER self discharge than Li-Ion. I think you should review your claims as, for long term storage, LifePO4 might be the better option.

On June 23, 2017, Hao wrote:

A type error: first paragrah of NMC section, "2,000mWh" should be "2,000mAh".

On May 4, 2017, Shyam P.Sen wrote:

LiNiMnCoO2 (NMC) cell is suitable for e-Rickshaw OR e- Bikes... Please suggest what is the Life cycle for e- bikes.

On May 3, 2017, Kassim wrote:

I use LFP now for 6 yrs and is still good, but the discharge depth never went below 6o%

On April 28, 2017, Matthias wrote:

@Melvin Mathew: Since this point confused me as well at first: A big number in the graph is better than a small number; --> LTO = bad in the cost aspect. --> small number Hope I could help :)

On April 21, 2017, Melvin Mathew wrote:

Sir, Pls let me know whether l lithium titanate is expensive. In the description it is specified that it is expensive. However in graph , it is plotted at comparatively cheap.

On March 31, 2017, Kassim wrote:

Lithium-ion battery is a more dangerous than lfp battery.

On March 3, 2017, john wrote:

good to no some one as given some info on just about all up to date batters.but no one as given the life ending.hand lots of stores that sell battery s do not give much away about there battery s .i bought two motorbike battery s cost 30 each after five years i still use one to run my bike.they other one went last year on a bike i sold. what i no and remember the battery s wear labeled the day i bought i never said any thing.but the battery was one kilo heaver than what i used in the past. the company bought in around 50.at 10 a shot. two month later went back to buy some more the doors were closed.the shop empty. i contact another shop but could not obtain any of the battery s.the battery is sealed no bulges still charging to this day. so what element and plating one wonders.i use to cut battery s up for scrap. and theirs not much plastic and card or webbing. to dispose of. just asking dose any one no what the army us.some one on YouTube used a battery and burnt out the selonod starter .in a short spin .battery was dead .using the army one it spoon the engine over and over.. a v twin was used but they would no give any one any info.as the army told them do not disclose any thing about the battery.that was about two years ago. do any one no. i have sander it can run 19.000rvs for 20 mints.then it will cut out start cut out.its like telling you i need charged .i took it to bits in side i found a small centerboard just like a computer board. now was there a invert er on the board. some thing are never talk about. Tesla did he no much more then any one if some one can make a motor drive its self after you start it.it can then drive a motor. for power. you no electric is free. sorry for long out span.thank.

On February 22, 2017, Po Huang wrote:

Hi Battery University, I have a question regarding the charging process of the Lithium-Ion battery, and was hoping you can help me with answering it. 1. when charging an empty battery, how do you determine the initial voltage on the charger? When you plug in your constant current source, what should be the voltage? Thanks, great content Po

On January 11, 2017, Christiaan wrote:

Anyone knows which chemistry is used in the new Tesla 2170 cell ?

On December 20, 2016, Fran wrote:

Hi, I have some questions that I hope you can answer: - What happens if you use LiFePO4 batteries in a Vcell of 3,3V in stead of 3,2V? Would the life cycles be lower? - How do you calculate the life cycles of each type of battery? What SOC do you use to define de EOL of the battery? What DOC is taken for each cycle? - Many manufacturers claim to have batteries of LiFePO4 and LTO with much higher life cycles. Is this possible? Thank you very much!

On November 27, 2016, Edward wrote:

Hi everyone! Has anyone tried building NCM packs with cells from www.szwestart.com?

On November 7, 2016, Rob wrote:

For a 'University', you put a relatively small number of references to actual battery datasheets in your articles (zero). Would be helpful if you reference at least some of the performance related metrics in your summary tables (such as cycle life, etc).

On November 1, 2016, Armin wrote:

Donna Vnuk wrote: what would happen if I took a 12volt lithium ion battery with a capacity of 25 a hrs and used a transformer and stepped up the voltage to 48 volts? Iam powering a 1000 watt e bike motor with a peak draw of 1300 watts? This is not a god Idea! With 12V the battery must deliver more than 110A on full throttle. If you need low throttle the motor will be driven with lower voltage than 48V. On a 48V Battery the Current will draw only about 27A so hat you can use smaller cables an electronics. regards

On October 18, 2016, Saurabh wrote:

Have two questions: I want to buy LFP power cell (3.2 v) either 1.1 ah or 2.2 ah. Can anyone recommend some good quality suppliers in low cost countries such as China etc. My second question is, can we use NMC or LMO chemistry cell (nominal voltage of 3.6-3.7 v) for12 volt application. If yes, how do we charge them to full potential. Instead, can 3s2p kind of config be acceotable?

On September 29, 2016, Max wrote:

Section with Lithium Titanate (Li4Ti5O12) is wrong! Lithium Titanate (Li4Ti5O12) battery do NOT use Graphite cathode. It even not physically possible to use Graphite as cathod here. LTO chemistry usually include Lithium Manganese Oxide( LiMn2O4) as cathode resulting in ~2.5 V nominal voltage (LMO+LTO). Or Lithium Iron Phosphate(LiFePO4) as cathode resulting ~ 1.9 V nominal voltage (LFP+LTO).

On September 29, 2016, Andrew Xenakis wrote:

Hi i am interestd in a Li-NMC Battery of minimum 15.6 Ah and 11 V to be charged by a solar panel and support 3 led lights x 4 Watt and charge 3 smartphones at the same time . May i have a guidance as i am working on a project and i am not so adept to battery types and where i could find them , the reliable ones . Very useful article of course. Thanks in advance .

On September 28, 2016, bhuwan wrote:

Is it possible to use Li-cobalt batteries in telecom power plant, since the load is not greater than ~50A? But the atmospheric temperature is about 52 degreee celcius in summer time.

On September 16, 2016, Marcus wrote:

Wow the page is so useful. All people involved with LIB shoud read this so they can understand this very fundamental but truly useful information.

On August 24, 2016, john kidd wrote:

HI we all asking each other..its down to needs and wants.what is good what is bad. i owned a triumph.motorbike 2 years ago.battery died.slowly .cost for the correct battery £200.? yes. bought a new battery cost £39. not cheep if you think about.3900 pence. market value.in stocks....manerfactoris build a battery for you and batterys for the induresreal companyis ..so a low out put battery is good for my wiles .a high out put battery is good for my toys. the writer of this page as it all set out for you....i ask you all to think of this its worth millions.you build a small motor you power it up.it will drive and power its self. and give you what power you need. A SELF POWERED BATTERY AS A INVERTER PROGRAM IT WILL RUN A SMALL TOOL AT 19000 REVS PERMITS.FOR 20 MINS.SO IN TIME YOU HAVE WHAT YOU WANT....WE WILL SOLVE THE UNISVERS IT AS BEEN SAID WE NO ABOUT 4 ELLEMENT .THEY SAY THEY HAVE FOUND A 5.. IDINE BE HIND THE 4 ELEMENTS. WILL SOLVE THE BATTERY LIFE. THANK YOU ALL.

On August 15, 2016, Donna Vnuk wrote:

what would happen if I took a 12volt lithium ion battery with a capacity of 25 a hrs and used a transformer and stepped up the voltage to 48 volts? Iam powering a 1000 watt e bike motor with a peak draw of 1300 watts?

On August 10, 2016, Alessandro wrote:

Hello, Can you please tell me which is the safest (and with less or zero hazardous materials in it) type of battery for laptops? If you are anle to, please make some examples of brands or models that use it, Thanks a lot, regards, Alessandro

On July 7, 2016, Purav Soni wrote:

Hello, I have few questions for you which i need to clarify with you, i am currently working on a project where i need to select a battery the battery rating i need is 60V 60Ah. so my concern to you is that what other combinations i use to that i get the above ratings? so my question is, suppose for example i am not able to find 60V 60Ah battery in market so can i use other rating battery such as 12V 25Ah to get the rated energy or power whichever we calculate ? If yes how do i calculate the ratings for this kind of this ? Please enlighten me on this i an stuck at this !!! Thanking you in advance!

On June 23, 2016, Joe Sabatini wrote:

Who would be the most likely buyer of Manganese dioxide for EVs? Would it be Panasonic or Tesla? Remember the model 3 has lower cost basis?

On June 18, 2016, Rondoc wrote:

Where can i buy NCA CELLS?

On June 18, 2016, Rondoc wrote:

Thanks for correction. My comments re storage are still valid. I have a 2011 Leaf and range is now only 45 miles. Only has 20,000 miles , this makes the cost per mile , assuming that i can buy a new pack for $6000 from Nissan, very expensive and sadly far higher than a gas car.

On June 17, 2016, RNMentropy wrote:

Nissan Leaf are NOT LiCO cells, they are LMO/LNO mix http://www.eco-aesc-lb.com/en/product/liion_ev/

On June 15, 2016, Rondoc wrote:

Please include a chart showing lifetime of the cells when stored. Our experience is that the cells deteriorate even when unused. This has occurred with LIPO4 cells and also in Li CO cells ( used in the Leaf Nissan car ). The storage life can be more important than the cycle life for applications with few cycles. Our experience with the LiPO4 has been a 50% loss of capacity in 4 years wit ideal storage. The Leaf cells seem to have about a 30% loss in the same time frame. The storage lifetime is difficult to obtain from manufacturers.

On June 15, 2016, Niels Van Brandt wrote:

Hello Battery University, I'm doing an internship at a Belgian company called nLab.be . One of the projects for my thesis is building a battery pack for one of the first EV's build in Belgium as a production car. We are looking around to different 18650 cells and this kind of information (BU205) is very useful but it's limited to a few different kind of cell's. Currently we bought the Panasonic NCR1650PF cell's and i have a hard time finding more data on them other than the simple data sheet. Do you have any recommendations on where to find more information on these and other battery? Our supplier doesn't know anything about the cells and apparently Panasonic isn't very responsive to our questions. I'm a big fan of those hexagonal spider graphs, so it would be great if i could find one for the NCR18650PF . Thanks in advance, Niels Van Brandt nLab.be

On June 2, 2016, GB wrote:

Great Summary - Thanks! It's NMC for my e-bike.

On May 26, 2016, Alex wrote:

I believe that LTO voltage is 1.55V vs. Lithium. Also, graphite has a nominal voltage of about 0.2V vs lithium. Thus I see a problem with the stated operating voltage. Also, due to the higher operating voltage, LTO when used as anode, decreases the amount of side reactions with the electrolyte.

On May 12, 2016, RNMentropy wrote:

Hello Battery University, I think you have a mistake regarding the Lithium Cobalt Oxide battery. You've writeen: "Li-cobalt cannot be charged and discharged at a current higher than its C-rating" But, apparently, the vast majority of RC batteries are li-cobalt ,which peak at very high C. Some MSDS and links: https://system.netsuite.com/core/media/media.nl?id=1760869&c=1327152&h=dd21074dd6e7416e6499&_xt=.pdf http://www.precisionhawk.com/MSDS-for-TP-BATTERIES.pdf http://www.nrel.gov/education/pdfs/lithium-ion_battery_materials_safety_data_sheet.pdf 130C peak "Utilising an advanced LiCo nano-technology substrate" http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__19158__Turnigy_nano_tech_5000mah_8S_65_130C_Lipo_Pack.html What do you guys think?

On March 24, 2016, Rvs wrote:

This is excellent stuff from Battery university they have put the complex subject in such a simple manner even a child can understand it

On March 18, 2016, Susan wrote:

Which batteries out of those listed provide the best value (long life & low cost)? Does anyone know? I have batteries in my hand vacuum. They die very quickly. For the next one I would like to make sure that I have much better batteries but I do not know what to look for. Thanks.

On February 19, 2016, Rolfh R. wrote:

Good day. May I know what kind of li-ion EB535163LU of Samsung is? Thank you for your response.

On January 30, 2016, Tron wrote:

Could you please include Li-ion Polymer in this article?

On November 27, 2015, Jonathan M wrote:

Great site! What's about Lithium Polymer? Thanks.

On November 3, 2015, Dr Weathers wrote:


On October 17, 2015, hrncirik wrote:

Charging anode is reduction. Li+ +e = Li metal anode; or Li+ + C + e = Li+ + C- graphite (carbide) anion anode; simply C + e = C-

On October 1, 2015, Andy Frederickson wrote:

Valuable site. Thanks.

On September 30, 2015, Larry Becque wrote:

Here is more information I found on WIkipedia regarding LimP04 batteries that clears this up for me: LiFePO4 is a member of the olivine group, which has a general chemical formula of LiMPO4, where M refers to any metal, including Fe, Co, Mn and Ti. The first commercial LiMPO4 was C/LiFePO4 and therefore, people refer to the whole group of LiMPO4 as lithium iron phosphate, LiFePO4. However, more than one olivine compound may be used as a battery's cathode material. Olivine compounds such as AyMPO4, Li1-xMFePO4, and LiFePO4-zM have the same crystal structures as LiMPO4 and may replace in a cathode. All may be referred to as “LFP”. So the M in LiMPO4 stands for any metal, not necessarily Mn. Apparently, LFP batteries aren't necessarily Fe based and could be one of several metals. A bit of a misnomer has started since the first batteries where indeed Fe based. It would be better to start calling these LMP batteries but the misnomer has already been done.

On September 25, 2015, sunil jaiswal wrote:

nice literature on li battary

On August 14, 2015, Gerald Biccum wrote:

Gerald this is awesome

On June 17, 2015, peter mare wrote:

Based on our patent-pending supercapacitor technology that uses a novel conductive polymer material, we are developing a high capacity Super Cathode for use by battery manufacturers to create the ultimate high capacity, low cost lithium-ion battery. Our novel high capacity cathode is engineered from a polymer, similar to that of low-cost plastics used in the household. Through a smart chemical design, we are able to make the polymer hold an enormous amount of electrons. Instead of conventional cathodes that use lithium-ion intercalation chemistry, which is inherently slow, we exploit the fast redox-reaction properties of our polymer to enable rapid charge and discharge. Most lithium-ion batteries cannot retain more than 80% of its storage capacity after 1,000 charge-discharge cycles. The stable redox chemistry of our cathode material can enable much longer life. Our laboratory experiments have shown that our cathode can easily cycle over 50,000 times without degradation in supercapacitors, and we believe that it can be very effective in batteries as well. By enabling higher charge-discharge cycles, we can extend the life of lithium-ion batteries and further reduce the total cost of ownership. In certain applications such as off-grid solar energy storage where the batteries are fully charged and discharged daily, it is not cost-effective to use current lithium-ion batteries due to short replacement life. We believe that by integrating our Super Cathode with conventional anodes, a complete lithium-ion battery can be built that is lower cost, higher capacity, faster charging and longer life. [...] http://www.biosolar.com/super_battery.php?PHPSESSID=5f75e8a836e96fa4ad9f5dea8baa3421

On June 15, 2015, Larry Becque wrote:

I became aware of LimPO4 batteries when I saw the following listing on eBay for a BMS: http://www.ebay.com/itm/12V-14-6V-4S-90A-LiFePO4-LFP-LimPO4-Car-Battery-Starting-BMS-/121632554497?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276 Apparently, in China, they are starting to replace Lead Acid car starting batteries with these. Interesting idea; less weight, less environmental problems. Just wonder how practical it is in real use compared to the brute durability of Lead Acid.

On June 15, 2015, Antonio wrote:

LiNiCoAlO2 are the Panasonic NCR18650B, they give 2C max current and 3450 mAh capacity. They have a graphite anode. Shortly we should see the same battery with a silicone anode, as they reached max half capacity. Next gen with silicone anode will start at 3900 mAh. LiMnPo4 batteries are an evolution of LiFePO4, giving higher terminal voltage. From what I know production of those haven't ramped up. Manganese is not allowing the same 2000 cycles of correspondent iron-based structure.

On June 15, 2015, Larry Becque wrote:

What about the new LimPO4 batteries?

On June 4, 2015, NILESH RAO wrote:

i want more information about LiNiCoAlO2(lithium nickel cobalt aluminium oxide). plss . send a reply..

On April 23, 2015, Theo Veeren wrote:

Dear Sir, I am an elevator mechanic by trade since the last 30 years and soon I will be retiring I wonder if you can recomend a basic book with instructions which a simple mechanic can understand ( I still remember Ohms law )on how to build a battery, and charger for electric bikes according to Australian standards as a pensioner I like to produce battery which delivers enough power to drive the Tricycle or bike 30 /40 km distance with a speed of 20km/hr. could you please supply the info about which type of batteries, charger and battery monitors you would use and preferable a wiring diagram for the serial and paralel and monitoring wiring connections. I know it is a big ask but I be willing to pay for your advice if it is not too expensive, I be grateful. sincerely, Theo Veeren

On April 14, 2015, Antonio wrote:

Dear Friend. don't you like batteries? Portable electric power, solid state electronics and the IP protocol are the three most important achievements of Mankind. The poetry of our Genre, which Tesla represented genially, by fusing the practical aspects of electricity, with the invisible (at the time) potentiality of alternating current. He didn't harnessed Earth energy directly, as you propose. Think. It is possible to harness the power of a lightning, but not very practical. We all hope for better batteries and nuclear fusion. The alternative, and there is no point to it, we will be back to a cave all together. Fancy that?

On April 13, 2015, jess vote wrote:

good god anode and cathode, capacitance, farads and such. why can't people make a usage of the power generated by our planet. e.g. what tesla worked on. free power transmitted? heck if it relates to lightning and our own ionosphere, why not use it? storage banks that we use to harness the power of lightning strikes, but some crazy bastard will use it to get rich. nature is rich in the evolution of man. and all i have to say is kiss, an acronym.. nuff said. just my thought. tesla was the stuff.

On April 5, 2015, Antonio wrote:

Done long term testing of LFP batteries both 26650 and prismatic. My data doesn't match your information on high self discharge. Get around 1-2 percent a month in prismatic cells. The only umbalance happened with a set of second-grade 26650 cells in a single occurrence. If your testing indicates unbalance, check the source of your batteries. LFP can replace lead-acid -if so is decided from maret, provided that defective cells are not sniked into production.

On February 13, 2015, Tesfamariam wrote:

It is so nice material but it lucks some clear descriptions about the stages of charging and discharging process with in the different oxidation states of Cobalt

On August 9, 2014, Kam wrote:

Is there any easy and non-destructive way to determine the chemistry of an unknown 18650 cell? And for charging and discharging purposes, does it matter? I have obtained a number of cells made by EPT out of a computer battery, and I would like to learn how they are best charged and maintained. By the way, I'm using an imax B6AC charger.

On August 3, 2014, Edward wrote:

Here many commented but no one concluded what is the best Lithium battery ? Can anyone suggest me best battery based on over all performance. High power, Long duration, high cycles, normal charging time, Thanks

On July 7, 2014, Mohammad wrote:

Does any body know what is the chemistry of LG chem 18650 MG1 2900 Ah battery? What does MG1 stands for? Thanks

On July 1, 2014, John wrote:

needed for my research. Thanks a lot. hope to see more

On May 29, 2014, Vijay wrote:

Very well explained for better understanding of Li batteries and it's function for various application.

On April 10, 2014, Robert W Best wrote:

Are LFP batteries always conditioned in the factory? Or should I condition new batteries before use?

On March 18, 2014, Martyn Adams wrote:

I have the quintessential simple Lithium installation. Boat, 40ah LiFePO4 "12V" battery,75W solar panel, MPPT controller. Location NW WA. Battery seems to maintain a 14.8-15.1V charge after a period of no use which may be temperature dependent. Anyone see any problems? Cheers,Martyn

On February 15, 2014, Nisei wrote:

As I understand, the maximum/minimum charge/discharge voltages for these different Lithium-ion batteries aren't the same. Would it be possible to add these to the article or can someone point me to a page where I can find them? Thanks in advance.

On December 3, 2013, Mark McElroy wrote:

Thanks Justin, I get your point, although I was thinking of the whole battery from a prius and not an individual cell. I understand that the whole battery has to be replaced when its capacity has reduced to, 40% (not too sure of this figure). So my thought is that at 40% of original capacity it might just do as a storage unit for PV generated energy.

On December 3, 2013, Md. Asadur Rahman Dolon wrote:

hi, i need the equipment list and process of lithium ferrous phosphate battery manufacturing. thanking you

On November 22, 2013, Peter Hasek wrote:

Which of the above-mentioned Lithium battery formulas is closest to the typical Lithium Polymer formulas that are widely used in RC aircraft?

On October 14, 2013, Justin wrote:

Could a Prius cell/cells be used to store energy from a PV, sure but a cell that is already reaching considerable drift won't be much use as designing both a circuit to compensate for the ESR of the cell and the degrading performance will be tad of a waste of expensive components. A Prius individual cell is not extremely expensive if Ni-Mh is your goal. Li-MN in SP arrangement would be far better albeit more complicated to charge.

On August 24, 2013, Mark McElroy wrote:

I am not sure ow this applies to my query

On July 10, 2013, Mark McElroy wrote:

I am not a battery engineer but, as a chemist, find battery technology fascinating. However, my question is about the PV system I have on my roof. Would it be possible to use a Toyota Prius battery (one that has been replaced because it`s capacity has become too low for efficient use) to store energy generated from my roof PV panels for use at night?

On June 10, 2013, Rob wrote:

Hi, The battery of my ebike is composed of ncr18650b cells. It will not be used for 3 weeks. Is it ok to store it loaded at 40% in the fridge ( about 6 degrees celcius) ? Thanks Rob

On May 24, 2013, John Hardy wrote:

This is excellent material. The only statement I would suggest you look at again is the "... Li-phosphate has a higher self-discharge than other Li-ion batteries, which can cause balancing issues with aging..." I have done long term cycle testing on LiFePO4 battery packs and have seen no drift in cell voltages in almost 600 cycles in one test and almost 400 cycles in another. From my observations I see no benefit in balancing a battery of this kind unless there are parasitic loads such as a poorly designed voltage monitoring system. I have also seen no self discharge. I checked some of the cells from the earlier test after 7 - 8 months. The cell voltages were all within 10 mV and were approximately 10 - 20 mV HIGHER than the last recorded ones at the end of the test. If you would like any of the test data (available as CSVs) give me a shout John

On May 22, 2013, Ranjusha wrote:

Hi I am currently working on manganese oxide based lithium ion battery. I am looking for the best electrolyte for this system. I went through the literature but there are plenty of lithium based electrolytes. Can anyone recommend the best composition for the electrolyte so that the best performance can be attained? Thanks in advance Ranjusha

On March 11, 2013, Josh wrote:

Request for clarity on the section on Lithium Manganese Oxide: "An 18650 package can be discharged with currents of 20-30 amps." Later: "The long-life version in the 18650 cell has a moderate capacity of 1,100mAh; the high-capacity version is 1,500mAh but has a reduced service life." Is this stating that this single 1,100 - 1,500mAh cell can take discharge currents of 20-30 amps, or is it saying that a package of cells in a string can take a such currents?

On February 4, 2013, Victor wrote:

For a (smallish) 3kWh battery in a normal sized EV, the km / kWh of the vehicle will be dominated by the vehicle's weight and aerodynamics. The battery type can simply be chosen on energy density considerations.

On February 4, 2013, ron davison wrote:

LIFEPO4 is your best bet for energy density and power density at this time. also does not have the level of safety issues, some brands claim they have solved the issue.

On February 4, 2013, Tushar Dobhal wrote:

I am involved in a project for making an electric vehicle for the Shell Eco Marathon Asia. I want to know which of the above Li ion batteries will be suitable if I need an energy output of 3 KWhr, and efficiency of the vehicle (Km / KWhr) is of prime importance.

On January 12, 2013, John Paul wrote:

Is specific energy and specific capacity the same thing? If yes, are the units of specific energy (W-hr/kg) and specific capacity (mA-hr/kg) are equivalent?

On November 21, 2012, krishna wrote:

great material ! I have a question though..for motor driven applications like power tools, is it okay to use Li-Cobalt batteries? Is there some precautions to take care of ? would Li-Manganese be a good choice for tradeoff between power and energy capacity in such applications?

On May 15, 2012, ron davison wrote:

Robert, Add a current limiting diode to your idea and whne the battery voltage is very low you will not draw more current than the battey will take without damage. Caveat...at very very low voltages this current limit is very low and mAY NOT ALLOW FOR A FAST ENOUGH CHARGE if you protect current fore below cot-off chARGING. a SERIES RESistor with a fet across it (in //) that closes when the battery voltage is above the cut-off voltage (without charge current). So the state of the switch needs to be set with the LDO off. So a timing circuit that turns off the LDo and checks voltage is needed this can be low duty cycle. Starting to not be a simple circuit...

On March 28, 2012, Robert Bernal wrote:

MORE info for the LiFePo4 (lithium iron phosphate) battery... please! They should not be grouped with the other li-ion chemistries in the "safety" table. Anyways, they (and I guess, all li-ion types) need to be charged constant current until reaching charged voltage, then constant voltage just for maintaining. I hear that CC/CV is how the li-ion smart chargers do it. What I want to know, is if it is alright to simply put a low drop out voltage regulator on a 6v SOLAR panel, set to the 3.5 or 3.6v (not 4.2v as with li-ion), would it be Ok? I visualize such that "it can't get filled up past that point no matter how large the charging source is, as long as the input voltage remains below the recommended charge cut off". I tried to search this many times but nobody's doing it. Bty, they do not have thermal issues and have about 4x the charge discharge cycles (about 2,000 complete) wheras li-ion is prone to thermal issues (catch fire) and only last a few hundred cycles. For this reason, the LiFePO4 battery should be on the top of everybody's list and that we all should DEMAND robotic factories that mass produce them cheap enough to be used in solar and electric car applications. The ONLY trade off (other than current high costs) is that it is not quite as energy dense as li-ion. There are enough raw materials in this planet's crust to safely mine and base an entire global infrastructure on it, too!

On March 20, 2012, Shivbraham Singh Rajawat wrote:

Very Good Material on Batteries

On March 14, 2012, Tom Blakley wrote:

Victor's comments clear up the misunderstanding that Mike voiced concerning the phrase "on charge, the flow is from anode to cathode", which is found in the first paragraph of the section describing Lithium Cobalt Oxide. Another (more wordy) way of stating what Victor is teaching is to say that: On Discharge, the negative electrode is called the anode and the positive electrode is called the cathode. However, on Charge, the negative electrode is now called the cathode, while the positive electrode is called the anode. We swap the names (functions) of the physical negative and positive electrodes depending on whether discharging or charging is occuring. Another point: The negative electode is always labeled as the negative terminal (-) and the positive electrode is always the positive terminal (+).

On February 1, 2012, Victor wrote:

Not Correct "Not correct: “on charge the flow is from anode to cathode” " Lithium ion flow is ALWAYS from anode to cathode, both charge and discharge. You are confusing the negative and positive electrodes (which are the same on charge and discharge) with the sites of oxidation and reduction (which are respectively the anode and cathode and reverse on charge to discharge and vice / versa). Battery engineers (me included) use this mistaken nomenclature for the electrodes as a historical artifact of primary (non-rechargeable) batteries which operate only in the discharge mode.

On July 21, 2011, karl wrote:

Danke für die vergleichende Darstellung der verschiedenen Li-Elemente. Die Parameter.Grafiken geben einen raschen Überblick. MFG karl!

On July 10, 2011, Ken Neal wrote:

I just want decent battery life for my Mesmerise Phone.

On April 19, 2011, Mike wrote:

Not correct: "on charge the flow is from anode to cathode" On charge, Li+ ion flow is from cathode to anode. On discharge, flow is from anode to cathode. This is easy to remember. The battery is assembled in a discharged state, where only the cathode contains lithium (e.g. LiCoO2) and the anode is pure carbon containing no lithium. Thus on charging, the Li+ flow must be from cathode to anode.

BU-205: Types of Lithium-ion (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.