Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (2024)

Since RouterOS v6.41 it is possible to use a bridge to filter out VLANs in your network. To achieve this, you should use theBridge VLAN Filteringfeature. This feature should be used instead of many known VLAN misconfigurations that are most likely causing you either performance issues or connectivity issues, you can read about one of the most popular misconfigurations in theVLAN in a bridge with a physical interfacesection. The most important part of the bridge VLAN filtering feature is the bridge VLAN table, which specifies which VLANs are allowed on each port, but configuring it might get quite complex if you are trying to make a more advanced setup, for generic setups you should be able to configure your device using theTrunk and Access portsexample, but the purpose of this guide is to provide in-depth explanation and point out some of the behavior characteristics when using bridge VLAN Filtering.

Before explaining bridge VLAN filtering in-depth, you should understand a few basic concepts that are involved in bridge VLAN filtering.

  • Tagged/Untagged- Under/interface bridge vlanmenu,you can specify an entry that containstaggedanduntaggedports. In general, tagged ports should be your trunk ports and untagged ports should be your access ports. By specifying a tagged port the bridge will always set a VLAN tag for packets that are being sent out through this port (egress). By specifying an untagged port the bridge will always remove the VLAN tag from egress packets.
  • VLAN-ids- Under/interface bridge vlanmenu,you can specify an entry in which certain VLANs are allowed on specific ports. The VLAN ID is checked on egress ports. If the packet contains a VLAN ID that does not exist in the bridge VLAN table for the egress port, then the packet is dropped before it gets sent out.
  • PVID- The Port VLAN ID is used for access ports to tag all ingress traffic with a specific VLAN ID. A dynamic entry is added in the bridge VLAN table for every PVID used, the port is automatically added as an untagged port.
  • Ingress filtering- By default, VLANs that don't exist in the bridge VLAN table are dropped before they are sent out (egress), but this property allows you to drop the packets when they are received (ingress).
  • Management access- The bridge is supposed to simply forward packets between bridge ports and it would seem to other devices that there is simply a wire between them. With bridge VLAN filtering you can limit which packets are allowed to access the device that has the bridge configured, the most common practice is to allow access to the device only by using a very specific VLAN ID, but there are other ways you can grant access to the device. Management access is a great way to add another layer of security when accessing the device through a bridge port, this type of access is sometimes called the management port. For devices that support VLAN Filtering with hardware offloading,It is also related to the CPU port of a bridge.
  • CPU port- Every device with a switch chip has a special purpose port called CPU port and it is used to communicate with the device's CPU. For devices that support VLAN filtering with hardware offloading, this port is the bridge interface itself. This port is mostly used to create management access but can be used for other purposes as well, for example, to route traffic between VLANs, to mark packets and apply queues.
  • frame-type- You can filter out packets whether they have a VLAN tag or not, this is useful to add an extra layer of security for your bridge ports.
  • EtherType- By default, a VLAN aware bridge will filter VLANs by checking the C-TAG (0x8100), all other VLAN tags are considered as untagged packets (without a VLAN tag). The selected EtherType will be used for VLAN filtering and VLAN tagging/untagging.
  • VLAN Tunnelling- If the EtherType of the packet does not match with the EtherType configured for the bridge, then ingress packets are considered as untagged packets, this behavior gives a possibility to encapsulate VLANs into another, different VLAN. This also gives a possibility to divert specific traffic through different devices in your network.
  • Tag stacking- If a packet has a VLAN tag that matches the EtherType, then the packet is considered as a tagged packet, but you can force another VLAN tag regardless of the packet's content. By settingtag-stacking=yeson a bridge port, you will add another VLAN tag with thePVIDvalue on top of any other tag for all ingress packets.

Below you can find a very common diagram for a very typical type of setup that consists of a trunk port and multiple access ports:

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (1)

This setup is very common since it gives the possibility to divide your network into multiple segments while using a single switch and maybe a single router, such a requirement is very common for companies that want to separate multiple departments. With VLANs you can use different DHCP Servers, which can give out an IP address from a different subnet based on the VLAN ID, which makes creating Firewall rules and QoS a lot easier.

In such a setup you would connect some generic devices like Desktop PCs toether2andether3, these can be considered as workstations and they generally only use untagged traffic (it is possible to force a VLAN tag for all traffic that is sent out a generic workstation, though it is not very common). To isolate some workstations from other workstations you must add a VLAN tag to all packets that enterether2orether3, but to decide what VLAN ID should the packet get is to use a concept calledPort-based VLANs. In this concept packets get a VLAN tag with a VLAN ID based on the bridge port to which the device is connected. For example, in this setup the device onether2will get a VLAN tag withVLAN20and the device onether3will get a VLAN tag withVLAN30, this concept is very scalable as long as you have enough bridge ports. This should give you the understanding that traffic between the bridge and devices behindether2/ether3is untagged (since there is no VLAN tag, hence the name).

When we have determined our untagged ports, we can now determine our tagged ports. Tagged ports are going to be the trunk ports (the port, that carries multiple VLANs) and usually this port is connected to a router or another switch/bridge, you can have multiple trunk ports as well. Tagged ports are always carrying packets with a VLAN tag (hence the name) and you mustALWAYSspecify the tagged ports for each VLAN ID you want this port to forward. It is possible that a port is a tagged port for one VLAN ID and the same port is an untagged port for a different VLAN ID, but this is for a different type of setup (Hybrid port setup).

Special note must be added for thePVIDproperty. This property should be used on access ports, but it can be used for trunk ports as well (in Hybrid port setup). By using thePVIDproperty you are adding a new VLAN tag with a VLAN ID that is specified in thePVIDto allUNTAGGEDpackets that are received on that specific bridge port. ThePVIDdoes not have any effect on tagged packets, this means that, for example, if a packet with a VLAN tag ofVLAN40is received onether2that hasPVID=20, then the VLAN tag isNOTchanged and forwarding will depend on the entries from the bridge VLAN table.

To configure the trunk/access port setup, you need to first create a bridge:

/interface bridgeadd name=bridge1

Don't enable VLAN filtering yet as you might get locked out from the device because of the lack of management access, which is configured at the end.

Add the bridge ports and specifyPVIDfor each access port:

/interface bridge portadd bridge=bridge1 interface=ether1add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether2 pvid=20add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether3 pvid=30

PVIDhas no effect until VLAN filtering is enabled.

Add appropriate entries in the bridge VLAN table:

/interface bridge vlanadd bridge=bridge1 tagged=ether1 untagged=ether2 vlan-ids=20add bridge=bridge1 tagged=ether1 untagged=ether3 vlan-ids=30

You might think that you could simplify this entry with a single entry, similar to this:

/interface bridge vlanadd bridge=bridge1 tagged=ether1 untagged=ether2,ether3 vlan-ids=20,30

DoNOTuse multiple VLAN IDs on access ports. This will unintentionally allow bothVLAN20andVLAN30on both access ports. In the example above,ether3is supposed to set a VLAN tag for all ingress packets to useVLAN30(sincePVID=30), but this does not limit the allowed VLANs on this port when VLANs are being sent out through this port. The bridge VLAN table is responsible for deciding whether a VLAN is allowed to be sent through a specific port or not. The entry above specifies that bothVLAN20andVLAN30are allowed to be sent out throughether2andether3and on top of that the entry specifies that packets should be sent out without a VLAN tag (packets are sent out as untagged packets). As a result, you may create a packet leak from VLANs to ports that are not even supposed to receive such traffic, see the image below.

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (2)

Misconfigured VLAN table allows VLAN20 to be sent through ether3, it will also allow VLAN30 through ether2

Don't use more than one VLAN ID specified in a bridge VLAN table entry for access ports, you should only specify multiple VLAN IDs for trunk ports.

It is not necessary to add a bridge port as an untagged port, because each bridge port is added as an untagged port dynamically with a VLAN ID that is specified in thePVIDproperty. This is because of a feature that automatically will add an appropriate entry in the bridge VLAN table for convenience and performance reasons, this feature does have some caveats that you must be aware of. All ports that have the samePVIDwill be added to a single entry for the appropriate VLAN ID as untagged ports, but note that theBridge interface alsohas a VLAN ID.

For testing purposes, we are going to enable VLAN filtering, but note that it might make you lose access to the device since it does not have management access configured yet (we will configure it later). It is always recommended to configure VLAN filtering while using a serial console, though you can also configure a device through a port, that is not added to a bridge. Make sure you are using a serial console or connected through a different port (that is not in a bridge) and enable VLAN filtering:

You might not lose access to the device as soon as you enable VLAN filtering, but you might get disconnected since the bridge must reset itself in order for VLAN filtering to take any effect, which will force you to reconnect (this is mostly relevant when using MAC-telnet). There is a chance you might be able to access your device using untagged traffic, this scenario is described below.

If you have enabled VLAN filtering now and printed out the current VLAN table, you would see such a table:

[admin@MikroTik] > /interface bridge vlan printFlags: X - disabled, D - dynamic # BRIDGE VLAN-IDS CURRENT-TAGGED CURRENT-UNTAGGED 0 bridge1 20 ether1 ether2 1 bridge1 30 ether1 ether3 2 D bridge1 1 bridge1 ether1

There is a dynamic entry added forVLAN1sincePVID=1is set by default to all bridge ports (including our trunk port,ether1), but you should also notice thatthebridge1interface (the CPU port) is also added dynamically. You should be aware that bridge1is also a bridge port and therefore might get added to the bridge VLAN table dynamically. There is a chance that you might unintentionally allow access to the device because of this feature. For example, if you have followed this guide and leftPVID=1set for the trunk port (ether1) and did not change thePVIDfor the CPU port (bridge1) as well, then access throughether1to the device using untagged traffic is allowed, this is also visible when you print out the bridge VLAN table. This scenario is illustrated in the image below:

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (3)

Unintentionally allowed management access using untagged traffic through the trunk port

Always check the bridge VLAN table if you have not unintentionally allowed certain VLANs or untagged traffic to specific ports, especially the CPU port (bridge).

There is a simple way to prevent the bridge (CPU port) from being added as an untagged port, you can simply set thePVIDon the trunk port to be different than the bridge'sPVID(or change the bridge'sPVID), but there is another option, which is more intuitive and recommended. Since you are expecting that the trunk port is only supposed to receive tagged traffic (in this example, it should only receiveVLAN20/VLAN30), but no untagged traffic, then you can useingress-filteringalong withframe-typeto filter out unwanted packets, but in order to fully understand the behavior of ingress filtering, we must first understand the details of management access.

Management access is used to create a way to access a device through a bridge that has VLAN filtering enabled. You could simply allow untagged access and to do so it is fairly simple. Let us say you wanted the workstation behindether3to be able to access the device, we assumed before that the workstation is a generic computer that will not use tagged packets and therefore will only send out untagged packets, this means that we should add the CPU port (bridge1) as an untagged interface to the bridge VLAN table, to do so, simply use the same PVID value for the bridge1andether3 ports and set both portsas untagged members for the VLAN ID.In this case, you are going to connect fromether3that hasPVID=30, so you change the configuration accordingly:

/interface bridge set [find name=bridge1] pvid=30/interface bridge vlan set [find vlan-ids=30] untagged=bridge1,ether3

You can use the feature that dynamically adds untagged ports with the samePVIDvalue, you can simply change thePVIDto match betweenether3andbridge1.

Allowing access to the device using untagged traffic is not considered a good security practice, a much better way is to allow access to the device using a very specific VLAN sometimes called the management VLAN, in our case, this is going to beVLAN99. This adds a significant layer of security since an attacker must guess the VLAN ID that is being used for management purposes and then guess the login credentials, on top of this you can even add another layer of security by allowing access to the device using only certain IP addresses. The purpose of this guide is to provide an in-depth explanation, for that reason we are adding a level of complexity to our setup to understand some possible caveats that you must take into account. We are going to allow access from an access port using tagged traffic (illustrated in the image below). In order to allow access to the device usingVLAN99fromether3, we must add a proper entry in the bridge VLAN table. Additionally, a network device connected to ether3 must support VLAN tagging.

/interface bridge vlanadd bridge=bridge1 tagged=bridge1,ether3 vlan-ids=99

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (4)

Management access using tagged traffic through an access port (which makes it a hybrid port)

IfPVIDforether1andbridge1matches (by default, it does match with 1), then access to the device is allowed using untagged traffic fromether1because of the feature that dynamically adds untagged ports to the bridge VLAN table.

But you might notice that access usingVLAN99does not work at this point, this is because you need a VLAN interface that listens for tagged traffic, you can simply create this interface for the appropriate VLAN ID and you can set an IP address for the interface as well:

/interface vlanadd interface=bridge1 name=VLAN99 vlan-id=99/ip addressadd address= interface=VLAN99

Our access port (ether3) at this point expects tagged and untagged traffic at the same time, such a port is called ahybrid port.

At this point, we can benefit from using ingress-filteringandframe-type. First, we are going to focus on frame-type, which limits the allowed packet types (tagged, untagged, both), but in order forframe-typeto work properly,ingress-filteringmust be enabled, otherwise it will not have any effect. In our example, where we wanted to allow access fromether3using tagged traffic (VLAN99) and at the same time allow a generic workstation to access the network, we can conclude that this port needs to allow tagged and untagged packets, butether1andether2is supposed to receive only specific types of packets, for this reasons we can enhance our network's security. Sinceether1is our trunk port, it is only supposed to carry tagged packets, butether2is our access port so it should not carry any tagged packets, based on these conclusions we can drop invalid packets:

/interface bridge portset [find where interface=ether1] ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-vlan-taggedset [find where interface=ether2] ingress-filtering=yes frame-types=admit-only-untagged-and-priority-tagged

Let's say that you forgot to enableingress-filteringand change theframe-typeproperty onether1, this would unintentionally add access to the device throughether1using untagged traffic sincePVIDmatches forbridge1andether1, but you are expecting only tagged traffic to be able to access the device. It is possible to drop all untagged packets that are destined to theCPU port:

/interface bridgeset bridge1 frame-types=admit-only-vlan-tagged ingress-filtering=yes

This does not only drop untagged packets, but disables the feature that dynamically adds untagged ports to the bridge VLAN table. If you print out the current bridge VLAN table you would notice thatbridge1is not dynamically added as an untagged port:

[admin@MikroTik] > /interface bridge vlan print Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic # BRIDGE VLAN-IDS CURRENT-TAGGED CURRENT-UNTAGGED 0 bridge1 20 ether1 1 bridge1 30 ether1 ether3 2 D bridge1 1 ether1 3 bridge1 99 bridge1 ether3 

Whenframe-type=admit-only-vlan-taggedis used on a port, then the port is not dynamically added as an untagged port for thePVID.

Whileframe-typecan be used to drop a certain type of packet, theingress-filteringcan be used to filter out packets before they can be sent out. To fully understand the need for ingress filtering, consider the following scenario:VLAN99is allowed onether3andbridge1, but you can still sendVLAN99traffic fromether1toether3, this is because the bridge VLAN table checks if a port is allowed to carry a certain VLAN only on egress ports. In our case,ether3is allowed to carryVLAN99and for this reason, it is forwarded. To prevent this youMUSTuseingress-filtering. With ingress filtering, ingress packets are also checked, in our case the bridge VLAN table does not contain an entry thatVLAN99is allowed onether1and therefore will be dropped immediately. Of course, in our scenario without ingress filtering connection cannot be established sinceVLAN99can be forwarded only fromether1toether3, but not fromether3toether1, though there are still possible attacks that can be used in such a misconfiguration (for example, ARP poisoning). The packet dropping behavior is illustrated in the image below:

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (5)

Trunk/access port setup with and without ingress filtering. Ingress filtering can prevent unwanted traffic from being forwarded. Note that ether1 is not allowed to carry VLAN99 in the bridge VLAN table.

Always try to useingress-filteringwherever it is possible, it adds a significant layer of security.

Theingress-filteringcan be used on theCPU port(bridge) as well, this can be used to prevent some possible attack vectors and limit the allowed VLANs that can access the CPU. It is better to drop a packet on an ingress port, rather than on an egress port, this reduces the CPU load, this is quite crucial when you are using hardware offloading with bridge VLAN filtering.

Theingress-filteringproperty only has an effect on ingress traffic, butframe-typehas an effect on egress and ingress traffic.

Even though you can limit the allowed VLANs and packet types on a port, it is never a good security practice to allow access to a device through access ports since an attacker could sniff packets and extract the management VLAN's ID, you should only allow access to the device from the trunk port (ether1) since trunk ports usually have better physical security, you should remove the previous entry and allow access to the device through the port that is connected to your router (illustrated in the image below):

/interface bridge vlanadd bridge=bridge1 tagged=bridge1,ether1 vlan-ids=99

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (6)

In some cases you might want to forward already tagged traffic through certain switches. This is a quite common setup for backbone infrastructures since it provides a possibility encapsulate traffic from, for example, your edge routers and seamlessly forward it over your backbone to another edge router. Below you can find an example of a VLAN tunneling topology:

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (7)

Provider bridge topology

SVID stands for Service VID, indicating the tag type along with the VID.

To fully understand how to configure VLAN tunneling properly, you should first read theTrunk/Access port setupsection before proceeding any further.

Since RouterOS v6.43 there are two possible ways to achieve this, one is the standardized IEEE 802.1ad way, the other way is usingTag stacking, we will first review the standardized way since the same principles apply to both ways and only a couple of parameters must be changed to use the other method. The way VLAN tunneling works is that the bridge checks if the outer VLAN tag is using the same VLAN tag as specified asether-type. If the VLAN tag matches, the packet is considered as a tagged packet, otherwise it is considered as an untagged packet.

The bridge checks only the outer tag (closest to the MAC address), any other tag is ignored anywhere in a bridge configuration. The bridge is not aware of the packet contents, even though there might be another VLAN tag, only the first VLAN tag is checked.

Theether-typeproperty allows you to select the following EtherTypes for the VLAN tag:

  • 0x88a8 - IEEE 802.1ad, Service Tag
  • 0x8100 - IEEE 802.1Q, Customer VLAN (regular VLAN tag)
  • 0x9100 - Unofficial tag type (rarely used)

In order to properly configure bridge VLAN filtering, you must understand how does the bridge distinguish between tagged and untagged packets. Like mentioned before, the bridge will check if EtherType matches with the outer VLAN tag in the packet. For example, consider the following packet:

FFFFFFFFFFFF 6C3B6B7C413E 8100 6063 9999----------------------------------------DST-MAC = FFFFFFFFFFFFSRC-MAC = 6C3B6B7C413EOuter EtherType = 8100 (IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag)VLAN priority = 6VLAN ID = 99 (HEX = 63)Inner EtherType = 9999

Let us assume that we have setether-type=0x88a8, in this case, the packet above is going to be considered untagged since the bridge is looking for a different VLAN tag. Lets now consider the following packet:

FFFFFFFFFFFF 6C3B6B7C413E 88A8 6063 8100 5062 9999----------------------------------------DST-MAC = FFFFFFFFFFFFSRC-MAC = 6C3B6B7C413EOuter EtherType = 88A8 (IEEE 802.1ad VLAN tag)VLAN priority = 6VLAN ID = 99 (HEX = 63)Inner EtherType 1 = 8100 (IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag)VLAN priority = 5VLAN ID = 98 (HEX = 62)Innter EtherType 2 = 9999

This time let us assume that we have setether-type=0x8100, in this case, the packet above is considered as untagged as well since the outer tag is using an IEEE 802.1ad VLAN tag. The same principles apply to other VLAN related functions, for example, thePVIDproperty will add a new VLAN tag on access ports and the VLAN tag will be using the EtherType specified inether-type.

BothSW1andSW2are using the same configuration:

/interface bridgeadd name=bridge1 vlan-filtering=yes ether-type=0x88a8/interface bridge portadd interface=ether1 bridge=bridge1 pvid=200add interface=ether2 bridge=bridge1 pvid=300add interface=ether3 bridge=bridge1/interface bridge vlanadd bridge=bridge1 tagged=ether3 untagged=ether1 vlan-ids=200add bridge=bridge1 tagged=ether3 untagged=ether2 vlan-ids=300

In this example, we are assuming that all routers are passing traffic that is using a regular/customer VLAN tag. Such traffic on switches will be considered as untagged traffic based on the principle described above. Switches will encapsulate this traffic using an Service VLAN tag (the outer 802.1ad tag) and traffic between SW1andSW2is going to be considered as tagged. Before traffic reaches its destination, the switches will decapsulate the outer tag and forward the original 802.1Q tagged frame. See a packet example below:

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (8)A packet example before and after 802.1ad VLAN encapsulation

All principles that apply to the regular trunk/access port setup using IEEE 802.1Q also apply to VLAN tunneling setups, make sure you are limiting VLANs and packet type properly using the bridge VLAN table and ingress filtering.

In case you want to create management access from, let's say,ether3to the device and wanted to useVLAN99, then you would use such commands:

/interface bridge vlanadd bridge=bridge1 tagged=bridge1,ether3 vlan-ids=99/interface vlanadd interface=bridge1 name=VLAN99 use-service-tag=yes vlan-id=99/ip addressadd address= interface=VLAN99

As you may notice, the only difference is that the VLAN interface is usinguse-service-tag=yes, this sets the VLAN interface to listen to IEEE 802.1ad VLAN tags. This will require you to use the IEEE 802.1ad VLAN tag to access the device using the management VLAN - you will not be able to connect to the device using a regular VLAN tag while bridge VLAN filtering is enabled. Theether-typeis set globally and will have an effect on all bridge VLAN filtering functions.

Devices with switch chip Marvell-98DX3257 (e.g. CRS354 series) do not support VLAN filtering on 1Gbps Ethernet interfaces for other VLAN types (0x88a8and0x9100).

In theVLAN Tunnelling setup,we were adding a new VLAN tag that was different from the VLAN tag, but it is possible to add a new VLAN tag regardless of the packet contents. The difference between the regular VLAN tunneling setup is that the bridge does not check if the packet is tagged or untagged, it assumes that all packets that are received on a specific port are all untagged packets and will add a new VLAN tag regardless of whether a VLAN tag is present or not, this is calledTag Stackingsince it "stacks" VLAN tags on top of the previous tag, regardless of the VLAN tag type. This is a very common setup for networks that do not support the IEEE 802.1ad standard, but still want to encapsulate VLAN traffic into a new VLAN.

The VLAN tag that is going to be added depends onether-typeandPVID. For example, if you haveether-type=0x8100andPVID=200on a port, then the bridge will add a new IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag right on top of any other tag (if such are present). The same VLAN filtering principles still apply, you have to determine which ports are going to be your trunk ports and mark them as a tagged port, determine your access ports and add them as untagged ports.

To explain how VLAN tagging and untagging works with tag stacking, let us use the same network topology as before:

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (9)

What we want to achieve is that regardless of what is being received onether2andether3, a new VLAN tag will be added to encapsulate the traffic that is coming from those ports. Whattag-stackingdoes is forces a new VLAN tag, so we can use this property to achieve our desired setup. We are going to be using the same configuration as in theTrunk/Access port setup, but with tag, stacking enabled on the access ports:

/interface bridgeadd name=bridge1 vlan-filtering=yes ether-type=0x8100/interface bridge portadd bridge=bridge1 interface=ether1add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether2 tag-stacking=yes pvid=20add bridge=bridge1 interface=ether3 tag-stacking=yes pvid=30/interface bridge vlanadd bridge=bridge1 tagged=ether1 untagged=ether2 vlan-ids=20add bridge=bridge1 tagged=ether1 untagged=ether3 vlan-ids=30

The added VLAN tag will use the specifiedether-type. The selected EtherType will also be used for VLAN filtering. Only the outer tag is checked, but with tag-stacking in place, the tag checking is skipped and assumes that a new tag must be added either way.

Let us assume that the devices behindether2andether3are sending taggedVLAN40traffic. With this configuration,ALLpackets will get encapsulated with a new VLAN tag, but you must make sure that you have added the VLAN ID from the outer tag to the bridge VLAN table. TheVLAN40is not added to the bridge VLAN table since it is the inner tag and it is not checked, we are only concerned about the outer tag, which is eitherVLAN20orVLAN30depending on the port.

Similar to other setups, the bridge VLAN table is going to be used to determine if the VLAN tag needs to be removed or not. For example,ether1receives taggedVLAN20packets, the bridge checks thatether2is allowed to carryVLAN20so it is about to send it out throughether2, but it also checks the bridge VLAN table whether the VLAN tag should be removed and sinceether2is marked as an untagged port, then the bridge will forward these packets fromether1toether2without theVLAN20VLAN tag.

From the access port perspective, the same principles as in theTrunk/Access port setupapply. All packets that are received onether2will get a new VLAN tag with the VLAN ID that is specified inPVID, in this case, a new VLAN tag will be added withVLAN20and this VLAN will be subjected to VLAN filtering. See a packet example below:

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (10)

A packet example before and after tag stacking

Bridge VLAN Table - RouterOS (2024)


What is the difference between VLAN and bridge in mikrotik? ›

The difference between the regular VLAN tunneling setup is that the bridge does not check if the packet is tagged or untagged, it assumes that all packets that are received on a specific port are all untagged packets and will add a new VLAN tag regardless of whether a VLAN tag is present or not, this is called Tag ...

What is the maximum VLAN in mikrotik? ›

RouterOS supports up to 4095 VLAN interfaces, each with a unique VLAN ID, per interface. VLAN priorities may also be used and manipulated.

How to add VLAN to mikrotik bridge? ›

To add a VLAN using this method, please go to Interfaces->"+"->VLAN. Add the name, set your VLAN ID and set interface to "bridge".

What is a VLAN bridge? ›

The VLAN & Bridge application allows you to configure groups of ports independent of their physical location as a virtual LAN. This arrangement is called a logical grouping the logical group is called a virtual LAN (VLAN). Ports or groups of ports in a VLAN are called VLAN members.

Why use bridge in MikroTik? ›

The bridge feature allows the interconnection of hosts connected to separate LANs (using EoIP, geographically distributed networks can be bridged as well if any kind of IP network interconnection exists between them) as if they were attached to a single LAN.

Why use VLAN instead of a router? ›

Here are some reasons why you would use a VLAN: VLANs are very cost-effective. This is because workspaces communicate via VLAN switches rather than routers, which are only needed when data is being transferred outside the VLAN. This reduces the need for physical devices, hardware, and cabling.

How many devices can be on one VLAN? ›

The recommendation to limit the number of devices in a single Unified Communications VLAN to approximately 512 is not solely due to the need to control the amount of VLAN broadcast traffic.

How many IP addresses can a VLAN have? ›

For a given VLAN you can assign up to 32 IP addresses. This allows you to combine two or more subnets on the same VLAN, which enables devices in the combined subnets to communicate normally through the network without needing to reconfigure the IP addressing in any of the combined subnets.

What is the difference between bridge and VLAN? ›

A bridge is a bridge and is mainly used to bridge multiple interfaces. And a VLAN interface is a VLAN interface. If you don't have several interfaces to bridge, you can also do without the bridge and assign an address directly to the VLAN interface.

How to put MikroTik in bridge mode? ›

Bridge Interface Setup. To combine a number of networks into one bridge, a bridge interface should be created. Later, all the desired interfaces should be set up as its ports. One MAC address from slave (secondary) ports will be assigned to the bridge interface.

What is the difference between tagged and untagged VLAN? ›

These may also be referred to as "trunk" or "access" respectively. The purpose of a tagged or "trunked" port is to pass traffic for multiple VLANs, whereas an untagged or "access" port accepts traffic for only a single VLAN. Generally speaking, trunk ports will link switches, and access ports will link to end devices.

Can you bridge VLANs? ›

VLANs Communicate with Integrated Routing and Bridging Interfaces or Routed VLAN Interfaces. Traditionally, switches sent traffic to hosts that were part of the same broadcast domain (VLAN) but routers were needed to route traffic from one broadcast domain to another.

How do you communicate between two VLANs? ›

  1. 1.VLANs can communicate with other VLANs when they both using the same trunk link to connect to the same layer 2 switch. ...
  2. 2.VLANs with the same default gateway can communicate with other VLANs under the same layer 2 switch. ...
  3. native VLAN can access other VLANs under the same layer 2 switch.
Nov 6, 2022

What is a bridge in MikroTik? ›

The bridge feature allows the interconnection of hosts connected to separate LANs (using EoIP, geographically distributed networks can be bridged as well if any kind of IP network interconnection exists between them) as if they were attached to a single LAN.

How is bridge domain different from VLAN? ›

A Bridge domains (BDs) provide layer 2 forwarding within the fabric as well as a layer 2 boundary. A Bridge Domain is not a VLAN but it can accommodate multiple subnets. There are following Forwarding Option for packet Type in BD, a summary is given here. A Bridge Domain can have more than one subnets.

What is the difference between bridge domain and VLAN? ›

A bridge domain and broadcast domain are synonymous in definition and can be used interchangeably with each other. He even says that a bridge domain is synonymous with a broadcast domain. So according to Cisco, a VLAN is a Broadcast Domain. According to Reynolds, a Broadcast Domain is synonymous with a Bridge Domain.

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.