Brenda (2024)

"False hope. I guess that's better than no hope at all."
— Brenda, The Scorch Trials

Brenda was first introduced in The Scorch Trials. In the Books, it was discovered that she is part of the group of Immunes. She became close to Thomas during The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure. It was confirmed that Brenda and Thomas began a relationship after the events of The Death Cure.


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Film
    • 2.1 The Scorch Trials
    • 2.2 The Death Cure
  • 6 Gallery


  • Early History

  • The Fever Code

  • The Scorch Trials

  • The Death Cure

  • Graphic Novel

  • The Maze Cutter

Early History[]

Brenda lived in Northern Canada with her parents. When the Sun Flares hit the Earth, they were one of the first families to take refuge at the camps set up by the Post-Flares Coalition (which would eventually form WICKED). At some point after the Flare virus was released publicly, Brenda lost her mother to the disease, as her mother was not Immune. WICKED later realized Brenda was Immune and attempted to take her away from her father, who attacked them with a wooden rolling pin before being shot and killed in front of his daughter.

Brenda eventually met Jorge, with whom she grew close with. Sometime afterwards, the two went to work for WICKED, despite the fact that they didn't agree with the organization, as it was merely a matter of survival.

The Fever Code[]

In The Fever Code, Brenda was first mentioned as a girl with dirty-blonde hair (contradicting her description in The Scorch Trials). She, along with Jorge, go with a team to the Scorch to "conduct research" for WICKED, and Thomas came along. During the berg flight there, Brenda and Thomas had a friendly conversation, with Brenda saying at one point that Thomas and Teresa were clearly more than friends and that Thomas should make a move. Upon reaching the Scorch, Brenda and Thomas parted ways: Brenda, along with Jorge, headed towards a city of Cranks, while Thomas accompanied a team in the heading the other direction.

The Scorch Trials[]

In The Scorch Trials, Thomas and the group of remaining Gladers found themselves in an abandoned building where they were confronted by Jorge, the leader of a group of Cranks residing in the Scorch. After a tense confrontation between Minho and Jorge, Thomas persuaded Jorge to give him ten minutes to explain everything. Jorge made a deal with Thomas stating that only he and Brenda, one of the Cranks and a "genius", would join their group on their journey to the Safe Haven promised by WICKED to the Gladers. After Jorge announced that Minho will be punished for attacking him earlier, the latter attempted to lash out at Jorge, only to be stopped by Brenda placing her blade at Minho's neck, drawing a small amount of blood. She took notice of Thomas and inquires if he was the leader of the group. Flustered, Thomas denied that he is the leader, and she asserted that she felt he seemed more like the leader before kissing him on the cheek. Brenda, along with Thomas, Jorge, and the other Gladers, made their way to the Underneath, a series of underground tunnels that led through the whole city. The group was attacked while they were finishing their meal, which separated Thomas and Brenda from the others and forced them to venture together in the Underneath by themselves.Brenda led the way through the tunnels, while flirting a little with Thomas. Thomas felt guilty for being with Brenda instead of Teresa.

The pair ran into Cranks way past the Gone, particularly one who had lost his nose. Brenda led Thomas to a crawlspace under an old wooden table and they were forced to hide in close proximity to each other. The Crank with the missing nose found them and they both fought him off. Brenda managed to pin the Crank down and insisted that Thomas had to stab the Crank in the heart. Thomas hesitated until Brenda yelled at him for the third time to just do it, causing Thomas to instinctively stab the Crank.

Brenda, along with Thomas, were able to escape from the Underneath and start their way through the rest of the city above ground. They slept in an abandoned truck in an alley and Brenda revealed that she was forced to watch WICKED shoot her father when he tried to fight them for trying to take her away. Later, Thomas woke up and read a sign that states 'Thomas, you're the real leader', and Brenda told him that there were more signs all around the city.

They stumbled on a Crank party and were captured by three Cranks who forcedly drugged them. Brenda, along with Thomas, started reacting to the drink, and Brenda tried to kiss Thomas. He resisted, saying she was not Teresa and that she could never be her, before they both passed out from exhaustion. When they awoke, the two found themselves tied up. They conversed with the three Cranks who caught them. Brenda was saved by Newt, Minho, Jorge, and the Gladers along with Thomas, but there was tension between Brenda and Thomas. Brenda did not confess if she made the move because of the drug or not.

Brenda continued with the Gladers on to theSafe Haven as they trailed behind Group B. When the two groups met up, they were stunned to see that what they were searching for was a stick with a flag that said, "safe haven". The groups waited it out until their time was almost up when they were attacked by massive Bulb Monsters, coming out of pods coming out of the ground. They fought their way past each of them with a lightning storm brewing above them. Once they were all defeated, everyone made their way to the pods the monsters had previously emerged from.

Brenda, along with Thomas, Teresa, and Jorge, all squeezed into one coffin-like pod. As time ticked on they hear a berg flying in. They got out of the pod and made their way to the Berg, which was their real Safe Haven. Everyone was pampered and fed. As everyone began to fall asleep, Thomas fell asleep next to Teresa until he was woken up by someone speaking telepathically to him. At first, he believed it is Teresa, but he then realizes that the voice sounds different and determined it is Brenda, who warns him that something bad would happen. Thomas then awakened in a stark white room and realized that he had been separated from the group once more.

The Death Cure[]

In The Death Cure, Brenda revealed that she was not supposed to become friends with Thomas and was supposed to pretend like him. However, she told Thomas to trust her and Chancellor Paige, and later helped Thomas, Newt, and Minho escaped with the help of Jorge. Over the course of time, she and Thomas grew close again. The book ended with them sitting very close, arms wrapped around each other, on a small sturdy ledge on an island unaffected by the Flares, staring at the last wink of the sunset. Brenda told Thomas, "There are over two hundred of us and we're all Immune. It'll be a good start", implying that she was one of Paige's two partners whom she secretly placed among the Immunes.

Graphic Novel[]

In the movie tie-in The Scorch Trials Official Graphic Novel Prelude, Brenda was shown before the Scorch Trials, wandering with her brother George and avoiding Cranks. WCKD then took her brother in a helicopter. Jorge, who was going to rob her and her brother, decided to take the lone girl under his wing. He promised to keep her alive one night. Brenda argued that he had to leave her somewhere safe, so Jorge took her to a Right Arm outpost.

Greeted by Marcus, they quickly made their way to safety. Mary Cooper, the creator of the Flare virus and founder of the Right Arm, welcomed the pair. But Brenda barely had time to made herself comfortable before WCKD helicopters raided the outpost. Brenda quickly learned how to fight, and made up her mind to "be unforgettable" to WCKD. Before they could leave the outpost, Mary Cooper stopped them. Brenda, along with Jorge, were horrified to learn that Mary was draining Immune children of their blood to create a Cure. While trying to convince the two that what she was doing was good, WCKD soldiers stormed the place. Mary, badly injured by a gunshot wound, was seen grabbing for a gun before being left by Brenda and Jorge. Jorge decided that they should stick together, and Brenda and Jorge were seen walking away from the outpost, together.

The Maze Cutter[]

In The Maze Cutter, Brenda died of unknown causes 73 years after the events of The Death Cure.


The Scorch Trials[]

In the film adaptation of The Scorch Trials, the Gladers took refuge in a warehouse outside the city during the storm in the Scorch. After they healed Minho from his lightning strike, they discovered that they're trapped in the front room with chained Cranks lunging at them. While the group panicked and huddled closer, Brenda appeared from a room off to the side, chuckling that the group alerted their presence, thanks to their "watch dogs". She took them to meet Jorge, who was curious about the group and their new sudden appearance.

As Jorge tried to pry information from them, she sat back on a couch and watched. When Thomas and Minho tried to fight Jorge's crew, she grabbed a scanning device from the table and told Thomas to shut up before scanning the back of his neck. The scanner read that he was tagged by WCKD and that he was to be killed by Group B. Shocked, she handed the scanner to Jorge, saying that he was right.

Once the Gladers were tied up and left to dangle over an open area, Brenda talked to Jorge about the Gladers. He was giddy, stating that these kids were their ticket to the Safe Haven promised by the Right Arm. Brenda expressed doubt about finding them, stating that he'd be giving up his secure position as the leader of the refugees in the warehouse just to chase after a theory. When WCKD showed up, looking for the Gladers, Jorge instructed her to free the Gladers and got them out of here while he rigged an intricate bomb that would detonate after a song played on a record player ends.

Brenda found one of the refugees trying to smuggle the Gladers out at gun point, hoping to turn them into WCKD for a reward. As he tried to shoot at Thomas for attacking him, Brenda shot the refugee, killing him. She took the Gladers to a zipline and yelled at them to get out now, as they had little time. She lingered behind to dig around for a trinket in Jorge's desk drawers and tried to make it back to the zipline with Thomas, only to find multiple WCKD armed soldiers closing in. She led Thomas across support beams in the warehouse to escape, sliding down poles leading to a sub-basem*nt area as Jorge's bomb detonated. She located a grate leading to the underground tunnels and led Thomas to find an exit.

As they walked through the area, she pointed out a strange, webbed vine pattern on the walls. Both got jumpy at the sound of something coming towards them, only to discover it was a rat coming out of the pipe near them. She kicked the rat out of the way, which landed near one of the Gone Cranks, coming to life and grabbing the rat, eating them. Once it realized that it had company, it moved towards the pair, prompting other Gone Cranks to chase after them. Both found their way out of the tunnels and began to climb up into a collapsed building. Due to the angle of the building, Brenda lost her balance near the top and slid into an abandoned room, landing on the glass with a thud. Thomas rushed to help as the glass began to crack and break away. Meanwhile, a Gone Crank found them, sliding into the room and trying to rip at Brenda's face and body. She managed to dodge the assault until Thomas found a wire and offered it to Brenda for support as the glass finally broke and sent the Crank down several stories.

After they escaped the building, Brenda stopped by a trash dumpster, tearing off a strip of cloth when she discovered that the Gone Crank has bit her while falling out of the building. She dismissed that she was okay for now and told Thomas that they need to blend in and find Marcus, Jorge's contact who knew about the Right Arm. They passed a building where a loud party is taking place, and a blonde woman asked if they're here for the party. Brenda addressed a blonde man in a suit, asking for Marcus. The man lied, telling her that Marcus used to be in this building but was no longer alive. Thomas asked if the man had seen a group of teenagers and an older man, prompting the man to hand over a bottle of liquor. The man told them that in order to enter the tent to look for their friends, they needed to take a sip each. Brenda drank first and Thomas was forced to down a long sip by the blonde woman.

The pair split up to look for their friends and met back up on the dance floor. Brenda, in a daze, stated that she can't find them and resisted Thomas's idea to look elsewhere, saying that it was too late and maybe they just need to let go and accept their fates. Brenda kissed Thomas and for a brief moment, and he hallucinated that he had just kissed Teresa. He moved away from her, saying that he can't do this because she isn't her, before blacking out.

As Thomas awakens, he discovered Brenda sitting and watching as Jorge beats up the man in the suit, who was revealed to be Marcus. Brenda watched and listened as Marcus confessed that he'd switched sides and worked for WCKD, hosting the party to get them a little drunk so they'd passed out when WCKD came to collect them. Eventually, Jorge managed to get Marcus to confess where he last heard of the Right Arm's location and movement and he took Marcus's car, Bertha, to get to the mountain area where The Right Arm was operating.

Brenda started moving slower and was less balanced due to her injury from the Gone Cranks. Eventually, she collapsed in front of Vince when Sonya and Harriet took the group to the base. Vince threatened to shoot her until Mary Cooper intervened, instructing Thomas to help carry her to the medical tent. Mary drew blood from Thomas to construct a temporary treatment for Brenda. She administrated the mixture to help Brenda's injuries but warned Thomas and Jorge that it was a temporary fix, merely a patch that would slow the progression of The Flare, not fully cure it. As she lied on a cot, Thomas discovered the trinket box she went back for earlier (during their escape), and explained that the boy in the picture was her brother George. She recalled that WCKD picked them up when they were younger and ran multiple tests on them. WCKD determined that George was fit to stay, but Brenda was dismissed due to her lack of immunity. Thomas left her to rest in the tent as he regrouped with the Gladers.

Later, the Right Arm base was ambushed by WCKD, due to a tip from Teresa, who was convinced that they shouldn't have left the facility due to the bad state of world as a result of The Flare virus. Brenda fought alongside the Right Arm volunteers until Jorge deemed the situation bleak. Both pulled Thomas aside, trying to persuade him to leave with them so they could get to safety. Thomas refused and sent both of them away, saying that he wouldn't leave the Gladers behind.

As the volunteers, Gladers and Icers were rounded up, Thomas revealed that he had Jorge's handheld grenade and threatened Ava Paige and WCKD with it, saying he would blow them all up, if WCKD proceeded to take the Immunes. In the midst of the standoff, Brenda and Jorge commandeer a Right Arm vehicle, crashed it into a group of soldiers, which bought some time for the volunteers and Gladers to escape. Both fought alongside Vince to ward off WCKD as they took whomever they could get onto their berg for the tests, including Minho, Aris, and Sonya.

The next morning, Vince concluded that it would be best to send Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Harriet, and the remaining kids to the Safe Haven before WCKD tried to get them too. Thomas refused, stating that he needed to go after Minho, Aris, and Sonya and kill Ava Paige and wouldn't hesitate to do it alone. Newt and Frypan agreed to help, and Brenda chimed in, with Jorge also in agreement. Eventually, Vince and Harriet concluded that they would like to exact revenge on WCKD for their losses and asked Thomas for the plan.

The Death Cure[]

In the film adaptation of The Death Cure, Brenda helped Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Jorge, Vince, Harriet, and the Right Arm rescue and bring Aris, Sonya, and the Immune children to their new hideout, out of the Last City.

At night, while Brenda, along with Jorge, Vince, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune children slept, Thomas, Newt, and Frypan left the hideout to go to the Last City and rescue Minho.

The next day, after discovering that Thomas, Newt, and Frypan had left the hideout to go to the Last City to rescue Minho, Brenda, along with Jorge, left the hideout to find them.

Thomas, Newt, and Frypan drove into a tunnel, where they were being chased by Cranks. until Brenda, along with Jorge, arrived to save them.

Brenda, along with Thomas, Newt, Frypan, and Jorge, arrived in the Last City. Thomas was scanned at the gate, and the WCKD guards recognized him. Brenda, Thomas, Newt, Frypan, and Jorge ran from the turrets and into a safe corner where a crew wearing gas masks rescued them and took them to a hideout, where one of the crew members revealed himself to be Gally. Thomas, still enraged over Gally killing Chuck during the escape from the Maze, gave him a punch to the face as revenge for the punch to the face that he endured from Gally after the Grievers' attack on the Glade, much to Brenda's horror. Newt stopped Thomas and calmed him down, explaining to him that Gally killed Chuck because he was stung by a Griever and half out of his mind.

While following Gally to Lawrence's hideout along with Thomas, Newt, Frypan, and Jorge, Brenda was told by Gally that after Thomas, Newt, Frypan, and the other Gladers left him behind in the WCKD lab, he was found lying on the floor with the spear still in his chest by Lawrence's crew, who, after discovering that he was Immune to the Flare, pulled the spear out of his chest and took him to the Last City to meet Lawrence, who healed Gally of the spear wound and convinced him to join his crew. Brenda was told by Gally that Lawrence's crew was working to destroy WCKD. Brenda was warned by Gally not to stare at Lawrence for too long.

Brenda, along with Thomas, Newt, Gally, Frypan, and Jorge, arrived in Lawrence's hideout. Thomas told Lawrence that he, Brenda, Newt, Frypan, and Jorge needed to get into the WCKD Complex. Lawrence told Thomas that Brenda, Frypan, and Jorge could stay behind while he, Newt, and Gally go into the Last City. As Jorge advised Thomas to be careful going with Newt and Gally into the Last City, Brenda watched Gally open a manhole cover to the tunnels and lower a ladder into the tunnels.

The next day, in Lawrence's hideout, Brenda, along with Thomas, Newt, Gally, Frypan, and Jorge, go over the plans to use Teresa to get into the WCKD Complex. Thomas was reluctant to use Teresa as their way into the WCKD Tower. Brenda reminded Thomas of when Teresa betrayed them, prompting Gally to remark to Thomas that he liked Brenda. Newt reacted violently and aggressively to Thomas' reluctance, screaming at him for still having feelings for Teresa. Remorseful over lashing out at Thomas, Newt apologized before leaving.

The next night, while Thomas and Gally went into the Last City to capture Teresa, Brenda, along with Newt, Frypan, and Jorge, and went to an abandoned church. Thomas and Gally took Teresa to the church where Brenda, Newt, Frypan, and Jorge are. Brenda played a game of cards while Teresa told Thomas, Newt, Gally, and Frypan that Minho was in Sub-Level 3 with the Immune children.

Brenda went to a parking lot to steal a bus while Thomas, Teresa, Newt, and Gally entered the WCKD Complex, Frypan climbed up a crane, and Jorge returned to the Right Arm's hideout.

While leading the Immune children, one of whom was holding a bag containing the vials of serum, through the parking garage, Gally contacted Brenda on his walkie-talkie and told her to come to the parking garage. Brenda arrived in the parking garage with the bus, allowing Gally to help her load the Immune children into the bus. When Brenda asked Gally where Thomas is, Gally replied that he was hoping that he was with her. Brenda started to step out of the bus to find Thomas, but Gally stopped her and told her to stay with the Immune children in the bus while he went to find Thomas.

While Gally went to find Thomas, Brenda drove the Immune children out of the garage. Brenda was cornered by WCKD soldiers, but used a flare gun to fire a flare into the sky to signal for Frypan to save her and the Immune children with the crane.

Brenda, along with Frypan and the Immune children, discovered that Lawrence had gone to destroy the walls of the Last City. Jorge and Vince arrived with a berg to pick them up. They flew into the city to find Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Gally.

Brenda, along with Frypan, Jorge, Vince, and the Immune children, were waiting at the berg when they heard Teresa telling Thomas that his blood could cure Newt like it had done for Brenda. Minho and Gally arrived, asking Brenda where the serum was. Brenda, along with Minho, Gally, and Frypan, arrived at the train station where they saw that Thomas had killed Newt. While Thomas walked off to the WCKD Tower, Brenda watched on along with Gally as Minho and Frypan kneeled at Newt's dead body.

Brenda, along with Minho, Gally, and Frypan, returned to the berg where Jorge flied them, Vince, and the Immune children to the top of the WCKD Tower where Thomas and Teresa were. Thomas was unable to get on the berg due to being shot in the stomach by Janson, but Teresa managed to throw him onto the ramp of the berg, allowing Brenda to pull him onboard with the help of Minho, Gally, Frypan, and Vince. Brenda watched Teresa fell to her death when the WCKD Tower collapsed. As Jorge flew Brenda, Thomas, Minho, Gally, Frypan, Vince, and the Immune children away from the tower, Brenda helped Gally bandage Thomas' wound along with Minho, Frypan, and Vince.

Sometime later, Brenda, along with Thomas, Minho, Gally, Frypan, Jorge, Vince, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune children, arrived at the Safe Haven. Brenda, along with Harriet, were walking when they saw Thomas, who had woken up, approaching them. Brenda watched on as Thomas and Minho hug. At night, at the campfire, Brenda, along with Thomas, Minho, Gally, Frypan, Jorge, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune children, listened to Vince give a speech.

Brenda sipped from her cup while Gally and Sonya conversed. Brenda watches Minho, Gally, Frypan, and Vince engraved Newt, Chuck, Winston, and Mary's names on the Memorial Rock. Brenda was sitting with Minho, Gally, Frypan, Jorge, Vince, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune children at the campfire when Thomas approached them, hugged Brenda and Gally, and sat down with them, Minho, Frypan, Jorge, Vince, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, the Right Arm, and the Immune children at the campfire. The next morning, while Brenda was sleeping, Thomas goes to the Memorial Rock and engraved Teresa's name on it. Thomas walked along the beach, stopped walking, looked at the ocean and the ship, took out the serum, looked at it, and looked out into the distance.

It is unknown whether Brenda and Thomas began a relationship in film adaptations like in the books, but it is very likely.

Physical Appearance & Personality[]

Thomas described Brenda as "pretty" and an "older teenager" with long brown hair and dark eyes which "made the whites seem to glow brightly". She had a slightly scratchy, almost husky voice. It was implied that Brenda was a lot shorter than Thomas, as he thought that she had to be standing on the tips of her toes to put her head on his shoulder.

In the film adaptation of The Scorch Trials, Brenda had short dark hair that was cut close to her head, but was grown almost to shoulder length by the time of the film adaptation of The Death Cure. She was slightly shorter than Thomas by a few inches.

Powers & Abilities[]

Brenda (1)
  • Tactical Genius: In the film adaptations of The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure, Brenda has demonstrated high potential of intelligence in situations that would be difficult to get through by using tactical advantages. As shown in a deleted scene in Scorch trails, she released a pack of Cracks who she and her group had chained up to attack WCKD soldiers who intruded the warehouse. During the film adaptation of The Death cure, Teresa informed the group about Minho and the 28 immune children WCKD had held captive, Brenda confirmed that she would able to make it work to save all of them at once and plan a getaway. When Thomas communicated with her to be ready with the bus she gained access to, she meets up with Gally, who leads the Immunes to the bus and once she ordered the children to stay inside the bus, she goes out and raises her hands in the air for the WCKD soldiers to see her holding a weapon that turned out to be a Flare gun, which she used to fire a flare into the sky as a signal for Frypan to drop the rope of the crane he operated down to the direct pointed area that is marked with an "X" where Brenda was standing near it so she can attach it onto the bus to have Frypan pull the bus up off the streets with her and the immunes in it to escape from the guards and they succeeded.
Brenda (2)
  • Expert Marksmanship & Weapon Proficiency: Brenda seemed to be proficiently skilled and sharp with using rifles and short-range weaponry which allowed her to perform great feats and benefit in a far-range combat. She had excellent bullseyes aim on her targeted opponents, she demonstrated this in the film adaptation ofThe Scorch Trials, when Barkley attempted to kill the Gladers, Brenda shoots directly behind his back with her PPQ pistol, then when the incoming WCKD guards infiltrate the warehouse, she fired her last rounds with perfect aiming. When WCKD ambushed the Right Arm headquarters, she later used a hunting rifle to shoot Janson in the left side of his shoulder, leaving him wounded, and a WCKD soldier, who was chasing Thomas, in the head. In the film adaptation of The Death Cure, she shot a few dozens of Cranks with her Beretta 84 from the front and back of her position, saving her friends Thomas, Newt, and Frypan from their doom.
Brenda (3)
  • Expert Driver: She also displays great skill at driving vehicles. Such as in the film adaptation of The Death Cure, she starts to drive the immunes out of the WCKD garage from the security, then when they declared martial law on the getaway bus, Brenda performed vehicular warfare with the WCKD vehicles who attempted to crash towards her, but instead, she crashes them against the road then is pulled over and surrounded by the armed soldiers.


  • "Maybe we can be happy until we're past the Gone... Then you can kill me" The Scorch Trials
  • "You know, paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection. Supposedly, the Right Arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes, anyway." Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials


Brenda (4)

Brenda (5)

Brenda (6)

Brenda (7)

Brenda (8)

Brenda (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.