Blue Hive (2024)

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A Blue Hive is one of the four Hive Colors in Bee Swarm Simulator, the others being the Red Hive, the White Hive, and the Mixed Hive. It is made up of Blue Bees, mainly Buoyant Bees and Tadpole Bees. They are the third best Hive Color, above Mixed Hive, and behind Red Hives and White Hives. It is the cheapest Hive Color and mainly consists of utilizing macros.


  • 1 Requirements
  • 2 Optimal Amulets
    • 2.1 Star
    • 2.2 Cog
    • 2.3 Shell
    • 2.4 Stick Bug
    • 2.5 Moon
    • 2.6 Ant
    • 2.7 King Beetle
  • 3 Community Blue Hives
  • 4 Instructions/Tips for Blue Hives
  • 5 Buffs
  • 6 Boosting
  • 7 Hive Composition
    • 7.1 List of Bees
      • 7.1.1 Common
      • 7.1.2 Rare
      • 7.1.3 Epic
      • 7.1.4 Legendary
      • 7.1.5 Mythic
      • 7.1.6 Event
    • 7.2 Beequips
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Gallery


  • At least 4/5 SSA (optimal stats are Convert Rate, Blue Pollen, Pollen, Bee Ability Rate, and Critical Chance), Pop Guiding or Pop Shower, the latter preferred.
  • (Example of a 4/5 SSA)
    • 2.5x Capacity
    • +20% Pollen
    • +70% Blue Pollen
    • x1.25 Convert Rate
    • +7% Bee Ability Rate
    • Not Required.
  • Fuzzy/Tad alt(s) (Hives which are literally completely Tadpoles and Fuzzies) or macro partners if you want to make a lot.
  • Tide Popper is optional.

Optimal Amulets[]


  • 2.5x Capacity
  • +20% Pollen
  • x1.25 Convert Rate
  • +70% Blue Pollen
  • +7% Bee Ability Rate
  • +7% Critical Chance


  • +250,000 Capacity
  • +2 Blue Bee Attack or +15% Bee Attack
  • +30% Blue Pollen
  • +20% Bubble Pollen (event Bee ability Pollen really only affects scratch for blue)
  • +TBD% Ability Token Lifespan or 5% Nectar
  • +5% Instant Blue Conversion, but this is kind of useless, since Blue doesn't need Instant Conversion.


  • +15% Goo
  • +5% Pollen
  • +25 Convert Amount
  • +65% Stump Field Pollen
  • Last 3 stats don't matter, since they don't boost any other Blue fields.

Stick Bug[]

  • +300,000 Capacity
  • x1.25 Convert Rate
  • +20% Pollen from Tools
  • +2 Blue Bee Attack
  • +30% Blue Pollen
  • +30% Blue Bomb Pollen


  • +250,000 Capacity
  • +5% Ticket Chance
  • +3 Movement Collection
  • +50% White Pollen OR +10% Bond from Treats if you are not satisfied with your Hive Level yet
  • +8% Honey per Pollen


  • +110% Convert Rate
  • +3% Critical Chance
  • +50% Critical Power
  • +5% Pollen
  • +30% Blue Pollen
  • +30% White Pollen

King Beetle[]

  • +100% Convert Rate
  • +1 Bee Attack
  • +100% Bamboo Field Pollen
  • +100% Blue Flower Field Pollen

Community Blue Hives[]

Instructions/Tips for Blue Hives[]

  • Don't use Diamond Eggs during the early-game stage if you want to be a Blue Hive in the future, otherwise it will be extremely hard to get diamond eggs for the Diamond Mask without spending Robux. Blue Hives cannot function without the Diamond Mask.
  • It is recommended for Blue Hives to play on laptops/PCs, because Blue Hives greatly benefit from macroing, and it is much harder, but still possible, to macro on mobile.
  • 90%+ of your honey as Blue should be obtained at the Hive from converting Balloons.
  • The Tide Popper is optional, since it is arguably harder than the Dark Scythe to obtain, and deflating Balloons in the field is counter-efficient, but the Tide Blessing boost and the massive Waves are helpful.
  • Blue Hives collect most of their Pollen from Bombs.


  • Remember to always have high Balloon Blessing, around 6x Bubble Bloat, around 1.2x Tide Blessing, and Nectars, or you will not make much.
  • Blue Hives require maximum Satisfying Nectar, for the Honey at Hive boost, maximum Motivating Nectar, for all the boosts, maximum Comforting Nectar, for the Blue Pollen and Convert Rate at Hive boost, and maximum Refreshing Nectar, for the Blue Convert Rate boost. Invigorating Nectar is optional for the Convert Rate boost, but it helps quite a bit. Only 4 need to be maintained, since the Nectar Pot can store 1 of them. In the field, try to maintain 10x Blue Boost, Bomb Combo and Focus, and try to get the Inspire from Star Shower.


Boosting in the Pine Tree Forest is optimal. Boosting without Winds still can make a lot, as instant conversion isn't necessary for Blue at all, and it will make your Balloons underfill. Use the Loaded Dice + Glitter trick, where you use a Glitter, wait 1 minute, use Loaded Dice until you get your field, and use a Glitter when the cooldown is over. Make sure to be under your Balloons, and when Pop Star is activated, try and get as many bubbles popped as you can. If you have Pop Shower, try to get the Inspire, since it boosts your Pollen by a lot. If you are saving for the Tide Popper, do not use Super Smoothies or Purple Potions when boosting.

When you are about to go back to the Hive, make sure to have a Honey Bee quest ready to turn in, and then get a new Honey Bee quest, go to the Ace Shop and equip the Honey Mask, and instantly use a Whirligig (to minimize deflation). This is because the Honey Bee quest gives 2x Conversion Boost for 30 minutes, which is crucial for blue, and the Honey Mask boosts Convert Rate. Once you are done converting, try and focus on the obby and equip the Diamond Mask again to collect a lot of Blue Pollen. Also, it is wise to have another player watch your Balloon at the Hive, to minimize deflation, and for them to tell you.

Hive Composition[]

As a Blue Hive, most of your Hive should be Blue Mythics. The ratio of Buoyants to Tadpoles should be at least 18 to 10, but if you have friends/alts as macro partners, you can go up to as low as 6 Tadpoles, and around 23 Buoyants. You need a few Tadpoles gifted for the Baby Love bonus. Buoyant Bee's passive and abilities helps Blue Hives collect Pollen, but if you are underfilling, add more Tadpoles (vice-versa if you are overfilling).

List of Bees[]


  • 1x Basic: The x1.2 Pollen is required.


  • 1x of each: Bomber, Looker, Cool, Bumble, Stubborn - the first 4 are obvious, and Stubborn Bee is required since it makes macroing more efficient and anyways, the Inflate Balloons token lasts very few seconds.


  • 1x of each: Bubble, Commander, Bucko, Frosty, Shocked - First 4 for Hive Bonus, Shocked makes Token Link and Haste which are good for macroing.


  • 1x: Diamond, Ninja - Diamond is for the Hive Bonus and since it is a high converter as well, Ninja Bee makes Haste and Blue Bomb+ and it has a built-in +10% Critical Chance and adds extra Bubble Pollen per Blue Bee type, which is somewhat useful to make up for the nerf of Gifted Buoyant Bee.
  • 2x-4x Musics, as they are required for all Hive Colors, but if you have certain Beequips, you don't need 4 Music Bees, as in total you only need 3-4 Melody makers.


  • 1x Fuzzy - Bomb Pollen multiplier is great, you probably should have a Fuzzy/Tad alt though.
  • 18x Buoyant, Obviously required due to their blue bombs and their balloons.
  • 10X Tadpole, Required to make the popstar bigger with their bubbles.
  • (If you have a fuzzy/tadpole alt run 8 tadpoles and 20 buoyants)


  • Gummy, Tabby, Bear - these are probably on every Hive Color, these three have insane Convert Rates, especially Tabby Bee, and these three have some of the best tokens in the game.
  • Vicious - this might be controversial, but again, it IS a Blue Bomb+ maker, and without it, Blue has pretty low attack.
  • Windy & Puppy optional - people say Windy is bad because it depletes your haste, but Tornado is much better for macroing in Yoiptree's eye because it goes in circles around you much faster than you could go when you macro and its hitbox is larger than a player's. Puppy Bee is only if you are not done leveling up your Hive to a point where you expect to not increase your Hive level for a while (level 20+), or if you own the Reindeer Antlers Beequip.
  • Digital, Photon, Crimson, and Cobalt aren't needed, as Blue Hives don't want Instant Conversion, you are really only staying in Blue Fields so Bomb Sync is kind of useless, the Blue Pulse barely collects any Pollen, Beamstorm barely collects any Pollen as well, and macros can't pick up Duped Abilities.


  • 2 Pinecones, since Pine Tree Forest is better than Stump because of the snail and since there are Red flowers there.
  • 3 Elf Caps, since Elf Caps give Convert Amount and a Hive Bonus of Convert Rate at Hive. Elf Caps can also grant honey at Hive if waxed. These are needed since Blue heavily relies on converting at Hive due to Balloons. One of them should be on Tabby, one on Gummy, and one on your choice.
  • 1 Snow Tiara on Diamond Bee. Snow Tiara is needed since it grants a Hive Bonus of Blue Field Capacity and increases Convert Amount, and Honey at Hive, which can make Diamond Bee a better converter.
  • 1 Paper Angel on Bomber Bee. This is needed since Paper Angel can make Bomber Bee spawn Token Links, which can increase the amount of Token Link producers since Token Link is important for macros.
  • Kazoo on Buoyant Bee. Kazoo is needed since the Kazoo can give a Buoyant Bee the ability to spawn a Melody token, which paired with Paper Angel, lets Blue run 3 Music Bees instead. The Kazoo also gives the Bee extra Critical Power and Convert Amount. The Kazoo also gives a Hive Bonus of Critical Chance.
  • Icicles. Icicles are pretty good for Blue Hives since Icicles grant Blue Bomb Pollen as one of their Hive Bonuses, and they also boost Attack, which is a stat Blue lacks in.
  • Peppermint Antennas. Peppermint Antennas are pretty good since they can give extra Bee Ability Rate and Ability Pollen, which is very vital for Blue, since most of the Pollen collected is from Bombs and Bubbles, which is needed to be able to fill Balloons as much as possible.
  • Toy Drum. Toy Drum is good to put on Bucko Bee, since Toy Drum gives the ability to spawn haste, and if luckily Waxed, the Toy Drum can grant a Hive Bonus of Ability Pollen.
  • Whistle. Whistle is good to have, since like toy drum, it gives a Bee the ability to spawn Haste, which is good to put on a Cool Bee or Commander Bee. The Whistle also has a very small chance to be able to grant Melody from Waxing.
  • Beesmas Tree Hat. Beesmas Tree Hats are similar to Elf Caps, which grants a Bee Convert Amount, except Beesmas Tree Hats grant Convert Amount in percentage rather than being additive like Elf Caps. Beesmas Tree Hats are good to have since they give the same bonuses as Elf Caps, which is +3% Convert Rate at Hive, and they also grant extra Capacity which is also pretty good to have as a Blue Hive.


  • A lot of users on the Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki are Blue Hives because of the large amount of Honey that they can make whilst being idle.
  • This was the most popular Hive Color during Beesmas 2021, and may still be the most popular Hive Color, as it requires very little skill.
  • Blue Hives have been slightly weakened in Beesmas 2022, because Buoyant Bee's Blue Bomb+ was changed to Blue Bomb.
  • You may see many people on Discord, etc. saying "tads". That means Tadpole Bee. (Fun fact, if you search up the definition of "tad" on Google, the etymology says that it comes from the word "Tadpole".)
  • Blue hives are the second cheapest of all the hives in Beeswarm. The cheapest is the Mixed Hive then Blue, Red and White.


Blue Hive (2)
Blue Hive (2024)


Should I be a red or blue hive? ›

Blue is cheap, works fine with only a single passive. Red is expensive, requires double passive to make more than blue, with a single red passive you will make less with red then you would with blue.

What is the best color hive in BSS? ›

Once you get out of mixed, white hives are the most efficient (but also the most expensive, especially mark hives). Blue/red are much cheaper.

What is the best mask for a blue hive? ›

Blue Hives cannot function without the Diamond Mask. It is recommended for Blue Hives to play on laptops/PCs, because Blue Hives greatly benefit from macroing, and it is much harder, but still possible, to macro on mobile. 90%+ of your honey as Blue should be obtained at the Hive from converting Balloons.

What is the best bee in Bee Swarm Simulator? ›

What Is the Most Useful Bee in Bee Swarm Simulator?
  • Vector Bee. ...
  • Fuzzy Bee. ...
  • Gummy Bee. ...
  • Crimson Bee. ...
  • Music Bee. ...
  • Tadpole Bee. ...
  • Cobalt Bee. Similar to Crimson Bee but for blue pollen, enhancing blue flower field collection. ...
  • Lion Bee. Known for its Roar ability, which increases pollen collection and attack power of nearby bees.

What does a level 5 beehive look like? ›

When the honey level has reached 5, the block's appearance changes, indicating that it is full of honey, and produces dripping honey particles if suspended above the ground. If shears are used on a full beehive, it drops three honeycombs.

What does blue hive do in bee swarm simulator? ›

Blue hives usually contain a large amount of buoyant bees and a good amount of tadpole bees. However, some beginner blue hives can use gifted bubbles or even ungifted bubbles. To be a blue hive you must at least have a Supreme Star Amulet with the pop star passive.

How rare is a mythic bee in bss? ›

How rare is it to hatch mythic bee? Mythic from basic egg is impossible, not because the chance is so low but its not possible. Silver has a 1 in 1000 (. 1%) to hatch into a mythic, which is 25 times more likely than a royal jelly.

What is the rarest sprout in BSS? ›

Sprout TypeSpecialChances of getting from magic bean
Rare (Silver)Silver Egg, crafting materials*20%
Epic (Gold)Gold Egg, Star Jelly, Glitter, crafting materials*5%
Legendary (Teal)Diamond Egg, Star Jelly, crafting materials*0.50%
Gummy (Translucent Pink)Gumdrops, Glue, Glitter, Neonberries5%
6 more rows

Is cobalt bee good for blue hive? ›

Cobalt Bee is a Blue Event bee. It can be obtained by purchasing a Cobalt Bee egg in the Ticket Tent for 250 tickets. This bee is better with a Hive with more blue bees than Red/Colorless bees. Its abilities are enhanced when Crimson Bee is also in the hive.

What is the best endgame mask in bee swarm? ›

Gummy is arguably the best for farming in most of the fields and it's passive is OP compared to the rest (They are still good, Gummy's is just better... in my opinion). It has really good stats and will help a lot for goo farming which boosts your honey.

Are blue light masks worth it? ›

LED light mask therapy may be beneficial for collagen production and killing the bacteria that cause acne breakouts, but they don't replace your regular skin-care routine. As at-home devices, they may be less effective than in-office procedures at your dermatologist's office.

What happens if you royal jelly a gifted bee? ›

Don't use royal jelly on a gifted bee as it will take away the gifted attribute.

Is bear bee worth it? ›

Bear bee is worth it and it gives you an advantage with the bear morph and gifted hive bonus which gives you more pollen.

What color should my bee hive be? ›

From a practical standpoint, painting all your hives the same color allows for the maximum interchangeability of your equipment. That's why the all-white color scheme has stood the test of time, particularly with commercial operations.

What kind of beehive should I get? ›

There are many types of hives out there, however, we recommend that new beekeepers start with a standard Langstroth hive. We've found that bees don't mind what type of hive they live in. They just want to produce honey and offspring.

What is the best shape for a bee hive? ›

A bee must consume around six to eight pounds of honey in order to produce a single pound of wax…now just imagine producing that for an entire hive. With all of this work that needs to be done, it is only logical that bees choose the most efficient and compact and efficient structure which mathematically, is a hexagon.

What does red hive do in bee swarm simulator? ›

Red Hives are the second most costly Hive Color, but the Hive Color with the highest overall Attack. Red Hives are also said to be the best hive color.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.