Blogging Tips: How to Earn Money While You Sleep (2024)

Admit it. You don’t mind working hard, but you’re tired … tired of working in an office, tired of working for someone else, tired of working hard just to make ends meet, tired of no time, no money, no vacations, no fun, tired of … You’re just plain tired…

But, what if—you could be playing, traveling the world, doing anything — and money still hit you, and it hit you hard, and it hit you again and again … Yeah. You could take a beating like that.

The Pioneer Woman

Blogging Tips: How to Earn Money While You Sleep (1)Ree Drummond started blogging in 2006. By 2009, she was getting 13 million visitors a month, and by 2011 — 23 million. Wow! And she has a Food Network Show to boot. What a great gal, and family. IInntteerreessttiinngg! Reality blogging at it’s best.

With traffic like that, you can swim in money. You can build houses with it. She has books and their spinoffs, TV shows, and you can see ads listed on her website. Who knows what other income streams she has going on. With royalties like that, you could be sunning in the Bahamas, and the cash register rings, and rings, and rings.

Ree started writing about her life, family, dog, and ranch — the things she loved. And people liked what she shared. Then she got interested in photography and cooking and added that. And people liked that too. Actually, they loved it! And then the Food Network came calling.

Motivating The Masses

Lisa Nichols makes money while she sleeps. Lots of it. You might know her from that movie, “The Secret.” Her book, “No Matter What,” sold millions worldwide. And now, “Abundance Now,” is set to go off the charts in 2016. But Lisa wasn’t always there.

To know her you have to know how far she’s come, how bad it was. And she did it! Thank you, Lisa!

She touches the lives of millions in a good way. But it isn’t just a book that you sell on your website. You make your book into, an audio version, an e-book, a hardcover, etc. like she did. (Yes, there’s an outstanding book inside of you. You have brilliance. And the only question is, when are you going to get off that comfortable couch, and lift up your foot, and take the first step?) And then you make your book into an online course, a home study course, a webinar, and whatever else you can think of. Like Lisa did.

And when she helps people transform their lives, in Europe, in China, and all over the world (she travels a lot), the cash register rings back at home.Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! It rings a lot!

Personal Excellence

Celestine Chua earns money while she sleeps. 95% of her income is passive — by design. Wow! Can you believe that? She likes to travel, and work her “bucket list.” And her trip in 2011, turned into 7 months away from home (Singapore), when she went to Europe, London, New York, and Los Angeles. Incredible.

Can you imagine that kind of freedom?

And while she’s living, laughing, playing, exploring, learning, and doing whatever she wants, the cash register rings.Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Now that’s the way to live.

Celes has over 1 million page views per month (2015), and 500,000 email subscribers. And this from a spunky young gal who started blogging in 2008, at age 25. And so far, her passive income has been simple, with e-books, e-courses, and ads.

But her “list” of things to do aren’t just fun and personal, they are full of contribution, giving, and making us, and the world a better place. Kudos to you, Celes. And something that really stands out, is her commitment to her students’ success. If a course isn’t hitting the mark, she’ll discontinue it, and create something else.

You can earn ridiculous money while you sleep, and give value.

Four Hour Work Week

Tim Ferriss, a human guinea pig, and really smart guy learns languages and believes in the greatness, of getting better. With a top podcast, 1 million+ Twitter followers, best-selling books, and some affiliate income, he brings home lots of bacon, while he sleeps. But it’s the angel investments, that really pounds the dough.

Now it wasn’t easy — (it never is), born premature, an undeveloped lung, dyslexia, depression, childhood bullies … (he was scrawny back then.) Tim didn’t grow up with much, but his parents encouraged reading, being curious, and trying things. (He might have taken that one too far.) And Tim tries hard, to inspire, the genius in you, and me, and has been doing one heckuva job.

And while he does, he keeps hearing that background ring,Ka-Ching,Ka-Ching,Ka-Ching …

Boost Blog Traffic

After a terrible car accident in April 2006, Jon Morrow quit his job, his life, almost everything. And then he started over. His new blog, On Moneymaking, had 2,000 visitors a day within two months. And that’s a lot! Then a top blog, Copyblogger, came calling. Yeah!

Jon has an exquisite mind and uses it well. His slowed body doesn’t stop him from living, sharing, growing … In January 2009, he created an online course on how to build traffic, started coaching, and made lots of money. But Jon’s genius came to the forefront in March 2012, when he launched, SmartBlogger.

He preaches the gospel of guest blogging, learning your audience, and reaching out to the influencers in your space. You do this before you even write a word, on your own site. He did.

You see, Jon shows us the way to quickly get email subscribers. That’s where the gold is, he says. And I believe him. Jon’s success speaks for itself. He has information products, that anyone can buy, anytime they want. And they do.

Jon earns over-the-top ridiculous money while he sleeps! But then he also works a lot, because he wants to.

30 Incredible Blogging Lessons Learned

  1. Start online.
  2. Learn what people in your space like to read.
  3. Connect with the influencers. Get your niche influential on board.
  4. Create great value and give it away.
  5. Get a basic website setup to start.
  6. Be interesting.
  7. Write and create what people want to know.
  8. Write and create in an area you know and love.
  9. Write articles that are free, that share the love.
  10. Guest blog.
  11. Put it online, in the right way, at the right time.
  12. Start now, and grow as you go.
  13. Build a following.
  14. Build an email list of people who like your value.
  15. Connect and keep giving value to those on your email list.
  16. Build traffic.
  17. Create and set up courses.
  18. Create and set up webinars.
  19. Setup ads.
  20. Setup affiliate links.
  21. Setup memberships with great value given.
  22. Set up a way to donate.
  23. Create information products and services.
  24. Write a book.
  25. Make an e-version.
  26. Make an audio version.
  27. Make a hardcopy version.
  28. Share your journey.
  29. Setup multiple income streams.
  30. Create courses, products, and services for a fee, that expand your reach, your gift, and your contribution.

Blogging Tips: How to Earn Money While You Sleep (2)

But I Can’t Write, Can I?

Can you tell people what you know and love? You do that all the time, don’t you? That’s all you really have to do. If you can talk about your passion, you can write about it. When you write the love on your website, people find you, and they love it! Then you’ve created a new product — free quality information.

Okay, you didn’t think that was a product, did you? I know I didn’t. And as your email list grows, the money flows. Your new “friends” click on ads, pay a membership fee, and buy the products you recommend (through affiliate links.) You have customers who can’t wait for you to create your own books, online courses, webinars, and so on.

How Do You Start Making Money While You Sleep?

The easiest way is online, just like Ree, Celes, Michael, and Jon. It’s low cost, can be low time, if needed, and has great reach and potential. And for most of you, you’ll want to do what Jon Morrow has learned and teaches —When—you do things, is everything.

Climb Your Mountain, Not Mine.

You have to know your audience— who they are, what they want, and where they’re going. You have to know the influencers in your space — who they are, what they want, and what they’re doing.

Starting out, you’ve got to spend time learning all about your audience, influencers, and what’s happening right now in your space, your niche. And you have to be clear about your passion, gifts, and genius. And that’s why I say, write down what you’re good at, and what you like to do; your strengths, interests, loves, and passions. And while you’re studying your audience and influencers, and how you can fit in and be a part, and carve out a piece of your own space, clarity will come calling.

The Queen of One Isn’t Much

To connect with your audience online, you have to meet them first. They have to find you. And the best and fastest way to do that, and often the only way is through the anointed ones. Make good connections with the influential, the leaders, those that people are listening to, following, and learning from. This is what opens the door to your retreat in Maui.

But how do you reach out and make good connections with the leaders, the popular, the movers and shakers?

Once again, I love what Jon Morrow teaches:

  • Guest blogging
  • Interviews

When you create articles that your audience wants, and influencers like, then bingo, they’ll post it on their site, for their audience, which can be huge! And when you do interviews with the influential, and post them, buckle up, the countdown has begun.

How Do I Get Converts

Soon you’ll find that your new creations, published on popular websites, are hitting their mark. New friends, visitors, are coming to your site. And you don’t have to already have a site set up and running. All you need is a coming soon page, with a way to join your email list (some say that’s the best way to start anyway). And if you want to see them again, and follow-up over time, and contribute your gifts, your brilliance in their lives, and make money at it, you’d better get a way to keep in touch. And that way is email.

Convert visitors to your site to email subscribers. Then you can really start sharing the love.

Content. Content. Content.

In the online world, content replaces location. So write, write, write. Create awesome words, pictures, and even video. You can do that, can’t you? And unless you’re like Ree Drummond, or Ross Gibson (the most gifted writer ever, [who’s been holding back]—you can get a glimpse of his genius on the youtube video “Back of the line”), you’ll want to write about information topics that people want to read. That’s what Jon’s learning phase is all about. You always want to write for an audience. And I’m not just talking about an audience of one — you.

Show Me the Money

You monetize after you have a growing passionate following, who know and love your work (and you), and who’ve signed up for your email list because they want more of your value and contribution. It’s then that your ad, affiliate link, membership, donation, and online product money, will grow and grow.

But —

Clients are the holy grail. Providing your valued services, like coaching, to those who know and like you, is the best way to start, and gives you the most bang for the buck.

“Just My Imagination …”

Can you imagine that kind of freedom? Freedom to work and play, when you want, where you want, and how you want. Yeah, that is tasty … delicious, actually. And your sleep will be sweet … And when you do wake up, you’ll hear the cash register ring, Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching … But then, you’ll just smile, rollover … and go back to sleep.

Dan Drew builds bridges between people, when you can’t even see where to begin. Can you imagine a world more united, with greater love and respect for all people? Dan can. That’swhy he’s started three brands that will all help bring people together: the Help Unite The World Movement, the Hanco*ck Stories Foundation, and the Hanco*ck Stories children’s series(you’re going to love them), about a talking bicycle named Hanco*ck. To hear your first Hanco*ck Story, go tohanco*






Blogging Tips: How to Earn Money While You Sleep (2024)


How do people make money while they sleep? ›

Rent Out Your Unused Space. Develop an Online Course. Write and Sell an eBook. Open a High Yield Savings Account.

What is the fastest way to make money blogging? ›

1. Ad Networks. Joining an ad network is one of the most common ways that bloggers make money. Basically, you just sign up with one — such as Google Adsense or — and then ads get displayed on your site.

How to make money while you sleep author? ›

What is it called when you make money while you sleep? ›

Published Sep 23, 2023. Making money while you sleep typically refers to earning passive income. Passive income is money earned with little to no effort on the part of the recipient.

Is there a way to get paid for sleeping? ›

Mattress or Bedding Tester

Mattress manufacturers, hotel chains, and companies that produce bed linens may all hire people to test their products by sleeping on or in them. While you may not be able to sleep for a full eight hours in this type of job, a series of daily naps isn't out of the question.

Which company gives money for sleeping? ›

Shop now at Earn Upto ₹10 Lakhs to sleep on the job!

What is sleep income? ›

Published Apr 5, 2024. Making money while you sleep sounds like a dream, right? Well, it's entirely possible with something called passive income. Passive income is money you earn without actively working for it all the time.

What is it called when you make money without working? ›

Passive income and residual income are two categories of income. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they are fundamentally different. While residual income may be passive, passive income isn't always residual. Passive income is money earned from an enterprise with little or no ongoing effort.

What is meant by passive income? ›

Passive income is money that you don't have to actively work for; it comes in from something that already exists and continues to work for you. While active income is earned by working a job or owning a business, passive income is earned without having to work too much for it on an ongoing basis.

How can I make $50 fast? ›

How To Make $50 Fast
  1. Answer Paid Surveys.
  2. Sell Online Services.
  3. Play Games For Money.
  4. Borrow $50.
  5. Deliver Food & Groceries.
  6. Leverage Sign-Up Bonuses.
  7. Complete Odd Jobs.
  8. Create Passive Income Sources.
Jul 25, 2024

What is lazy money? ›

The term lazy money refers to funds you've earmarked for retirement that are not actively working to generate returns. One of the most common examples of lazy money is cash that's sitting in a low-interest savings account, earning minimal interest.

Does kashkick actually work? ›

Kashkick is a legit rewards website that lets you earn by answering surveys and downloading new apps and games. And it's giving larger sites a run for their money with low payout thresholds and a diverse range of money-making offers.

What happens if you can't make money while sleeping? ›

Billionaire super-investor Warren Buffett has shared plenty of financial wisdom over his almost 70-year career. On the subject of retirement, he famously said, “If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

Do millionaires get 8 hours of sleep? ›

Sleeping Less Does Not Equal Success

And, plenty of celebrities and millionaires have proven to be successful while achieving the recommended 7 to 8 hours, or even more. Producer and talk show host Oprah Winfrey gets around eight hours of sleep per night.

What is sleeping income? ›

Published Apr 5, 2024. Making money while you sleep sounds like a dream, right? Well, it's entirely possible with something called passive income. Passive income is money you earn without actively working for it all the time.

How much money does a sleeper make? ›

The estimate average salary for Sleeper employees is around $110,796 per year, or the hourly rate of Sleeper rate is $53. The highest earners in the top 75th percentile are paid over $125,609.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.