Biweekly Grocery Shopping - elizabeth clare (2024)

As homeschooling mothers, we’re always looking for ways to put more time into our day. All our tasks loom giant before us, and the 24 hours we are each given seem so meager. We are all given the same 24 hours daily, but we can make simple tweaks that help our productivity and efficiency. For me, one of those time saving changes has been my habit of biweekly grocery shopping.

It takes me a minimum of 90 minutes to do a shopping run (50 minutes driving, 45 minutes at the stores), but will often take anywhere from 2 – 3 hours. So going to the store every other week means I save on average 1 – 1.5 hours every week.

That doesn’t even take into consideration the time (and stress!) it takes to plan the whole affair (lunches, snacks, diaper bag trappings), getting everyone ready (dressed appropriately, coats, shoes, potty breaks), loading up in the car, unloading at the store, loading back up, and unloading once we get home. Ai-yai-yai! Thinking about it is enough to make me question my sanity in ever leaving the home with children in toe again!

{Update: I have included a new printable to help you plan your own biweekly shopping trip. You can find it here: Biweekly Shopping Worksheet. You will also find my pantry and household supply sheet below.}

Biweekly Grocery Shopping - elizabeth clare (1)

TIME saved:

(for each shopping trip skipped)

  • 5 minutes of meal planning
  • 15 minutes packing lunches, snacks, and diaper bag
  • 20 minutes getting everyone ready to go (dressed, pottied) and loaded in the car
  • 50 minutes driving (both ways)
  • 45 minute average store trip (maybe more, maybe less)
  • 10 minutes unloading

TOTAL GROCERY STORE TRIP TIME: 150 minutes biweekly=approx. 1.5 hours every week=

80 hours a year!

MONEY saved:

(for each shopping trip skipped)

  • $10 impulse purchases (treats for well behaved kids, chocolate for me, some weeks this # could be higher)
  • $4-7 gas

TOTAL MONEY SAVED: $14-17 biweekly=approx. $400 per year

Biweekly Grocery Shopping - elizabeth clare (2)

Stress reduction:

  • Regular schedule for baby=happy baby
  • Less shifting children in and out of carseats


So what are the logistics of these biweekly grocery shopping trips? There isn’t really a concrete process to follow, but as I prepared for my last biweekly shopping trip, I took some time to note the steps I took in hopes of helping you get started.

Below you’ll find the steps I take as well as some personal notes as I planned this particular trip. I’m hoping this will let you into my head a little. {Update: At the bottom of the post is the link to the free biweekly shopping printable if you want to try it yourself!}

Biweekly Grocery Shopping

1-Grab a blank piece of paper

I use a big piece of scratch paper and mentally divide it in two vertically. On the left side, I list meal ideas, and on the right side, I start my grocery list. The right side is usually divided in two chunks, since I usually shop two stores (but not always). {Update: there is now a printable version to use in creating your menu plan and shopping list: Biweekly Shopping Worksheet}

Biweekly Grocery Shopping - elizabeth clare (3)(Notes: Here you can see how I divide my paper and what it looks like as I make my list. I listed two stores, but decided that my trip to the 2nd store (where I get things I can’t find at Aldi) could wait for another few weeks.)

Printable Planning Worksheet

Biweekly Shopping Worksheet Here is the printable of what I once created with scratch paper. I list the dinners we’ll be eating in the upper left hand corner (and note a date if they are for a particular day). As I create my menu, I start filling in my shopping lists, trying to group like items together. The space for other at the bottom left of the worksheet is for planning anything that isn’t dinner (like a special birthday breakfast, sides, etc.). Keep reading for more tips on how I fill this out.

2-Access what I have on hand

I think about what meat or other proteins I have on hand and what meals I can make from them over the coming weeks. If I have a plethora of a particular type of meat, I make sure to incorporate that into the meals for the next couple weeks. When I’m not sure what I have on hand, I go rummage in the freezer.

I attempt to only purchase meat when it is on sale, so I work from what is in the freezer. Instead of shopping for each meal as I plan them, I stock up on items as they come on sale and then incorporate those foods into our meals. This has been an easy way for me to save money on groceries while avoiding coupon clipping.

If I don’t have enough proteins on hand to base our meals around, I then go to the store ads and then meal plan according to what is on sale.

(Notes: After being in the freezer the other day, I know I have a lot of leftover ham and boneless chicken.)

3-Begin brainstorming meal ideas

Based on what meat I have in the freezer, I begin a list of meals (on the left side of my paper). I know I can get by with leftovers for several meals, so I list about 12 supper meals. I try to have about 2-3 meals of each protein type: beef, chicken, pork, vegetarian, and fish.

If I need inspiration, I type in the ingredients I want to use in Pinterest or use Allrecipes‘ ingredient search. I don’t assign meals to a particular day, but every few days drop meals from my list (which I keep on a clipboard inside a kitchen cupboard) into my planner. This way, I can allow for quick changes to our supper plans and for leftovers but still know what is for supper each night.

I do not plan breakfasts or lunches. Instead, these meals are from things I keep in our well-stocked pantry. During the week, breakfast is usually fix your own ( homemade granola, eggs and toast, or peanut butter on toast), but we have a larger family breakfast on Saturday morning. I’ve also found meal planning to be much simpler since incorporating a lunch rotation. I know what we’re having and I know we have it on hand.

You may find these posts helpful if you are new to meal planning:

Simple Strategies to up your Meal Planning Game

Simple Lunch Ideas and Rotation

(Notes: We have a lot of leftover ham and boneless chicken in the freezer. We’ll be having Ham and Scalloped Potatoes, Rubens, Ham and Cheese Sliders, Chicken Spaghetti, and Roasted Chicken and Veggies, along with other meals.)

4-Start a shopping list

As I brainstorm ideas, I consider what special ingredients I may need to make a particular dish. If I don’t have it on hand, I put it on the list portion (right side) of my paper. These are usually items I don’t keep in my pantry.

Most of our meals are made from similar ingredients, so I know what I need to keep on hand. However, when we have special meals planned (like birthdays) I take extra time to review the recipes I’ll use for ingredients we don’t often have on the shelves.

Biweekly Grocery Shopping - elizabeth clare (5)

(This week, we are having Rubens. I know I don’t always keep sauerkraut in the pantry, so I’ll have to pick some of that up. I also see we are out of oatmeal – I’ll pick up a few boxes so I always have some on hand to make my granola.)

5-Access the pantry and freezer

This is really the heart of biweekly shopping- a well stocked pantry. Now I have my meal list and what I need to purchase to make those meals happen. Next, I take my pantry inventory and visit my pantry. I quickly glance at my shelves and at the list of things I liked to keep stocked. I add things to my list as I come across them. I also review what we need to furnish the usual breakfast meals as well as our lunch rotation.

You can find and print food inventory lists online, but I ended up making my own to suit our own needs. I listed items I like to keep on hand by category. I suggest you create a pantry inventory of items that you regularly use in your meals (you’ll find you often cook with many of the same ingredients.)

I’ve included my custom pantry and household supply list. You may find it suits your needs or helps you create your own.Biweekly Grocery Shopping - elizabeth clare (6)

My Pantry and Household Supplies List

(Here is my pantry inventory. After looking over the shelves, I see we don’t have any extra BBQ sauce or mustard so I’ll be picking up those items.)

6-Check the sales

This is also huge money saver. I always take time to browse the sales and stock up on whatever is deeply discounted even if we won’t be using it in the next weeks. Doing so allows me to keep my pantry and freezer well stocked at a great price.

7-Go shopping and put it all away!

This is really the easy part! Shopping for 2 weeks takes no more time than shopping for 1 week. Enlist your kids help at the store. Have one child push the cart, another help you grab items, and then have them all unload the cart at the checkout.

I always like to get a little something for the kids for their help. We decide before entering the store what our treat will be so there is no begging or whining in the store. You beg, you whine?-NO TREAT FOR YOU!

When you get home, enlist those little helpers to help you unload. They can unload the car, run things to the freezer, and put things on the pantry shelves.

(Notes: Our trip took us about 2.5 hours, counting the time it took us to get ready. We grabbed some sandwich fixings and met Daddy at his work for a car picnic lunch.)

Biweekly Grocery Shopping - elizabeth clare (7)

Other Tips to help your Biweekly Grocery Shopping:

  • Have a rotation for breakfast and lunch meals based on things you can easily keep on hand.
  • Keep a well stocked pantry
  • Stock up on staples that you use regularly when they are on sale.
  • Keep a running list of ingredients as you see you are low on them.
  • Plan on using canned or frozen fruit the last few days before you go shopping again. (Winter fruits keep much longer than summer fruits!)
  • Try new tricks to build meal planning efficiency.
  • Try an online meal planning tool like Plan to Eat which populates your shopping list from the recipes you choose. (*affiliate link)

Have you tried grocery shopping less frequently?

Biweekly Grocery Shopping - elizabeth clare (2024)


Is it better to grocery shop weekly or biweekly? ›

A smaller household may find it better to shop weekly sales and to buy smaller amounts, to not only stay on budget but prevent food waste,” she said. “But if it's a larger household, it may pay to do bulk shopping less often, like on a monthly basis.”

How to grocery shop biweekly? ›

Plan meals with more perishable ingredients for the first week of your two-week menu plan. Save your meals with less perishable or nonperishable ingredients for the second week. Keep an ongoing shopping list. Whenever something is used up, it gets written on the shopping list.

How often should one person go grocery shopping? ›

While once- or twice-per-month shopping trips have been proven to save time and money, not everyone's life can accommodate it. If you're adamant about having fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, then a once-per-week trip is more realistic.

What is a realistic grocery budget for a family of 6? ›

Average food and cleaning supply costs for a family of six vary depending on geographical location and the age of children in the home. For reference, a family of six typically spends anywhere from $1126 to $1546 per month on food and approximately $1,200 per month on other necessities, such as cleaning supplies.

Is it cheaper to pay biweekly? ›

When you make biweekly payments, you could save more money on interest and pay your mortgage down faster than you would by making payments once a month.

Should you go grocery shopping once a week? ›

Having a big weekly shop is the most useful plan on average. You can be organised by planning your meals and creating a shopping list in advance. This can help you avoid forgetting items or buying unnecessary items.

What is 5 4 3 2 1 grocery shopping? ›

Each number corresponds to a specific food group that you'll purchase for easy, balanced meals every week. Following Coleman's method, you'd buy five different vegetables, four different fruits, three different proteins, two different sauces or spreads, and one grain—plus a special treat for yourself.

How much should a weekly grocery bill be? ›

USDA-suggested moderate cost grocery budget
Age-gender groupsWeekly grocery costMonthly grocery cost
14-18 years$70.00$303.50
19-50 years$73.30$317.70
51-70 years$72.50$314.20
71+ years$72.00$312.10
17 more rows
7 days ago

How much should I be paying for groceries per week? ›

The average family spends about $270 at the grocery store per week, but that number increases when children are taken into account. Families with kids spend an average of $331 a week on groceries or 41% more than families without kids.

What is the most purchased grocery item in the US? ›

What is the most popular item in grocery stores? If the pun didn't make it obvious, the most popular grocery store item is bananas. Apparently, Americans can't get enough of the number one best-selling grocery store food. The average American consumes around 90 of the potassium-filled fruit every year.

How often does the average American go grocery shopping? ›

How often does the average person go grocery shopping? The average person makes 6 grocery store trips or orders per month. Additionally, on average, people shop at 2 grocery stores per week.

How often do most Americans go grocery shopping? ›

The average shopper gets groceries 1.6 times per week, per Statista. The average shopper drives four miles to their favorite grocery store, per the USDA)

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

What is a realistic grocery budget? ›

First let's talk about how much people tend to spend on this budget line. The average cost of monthly groceries for one adult on the thrifty plan ranges from $242 to $303. And when it comes to a family of four, the average cost for their monthly grocery bill is about $975.

How much should a family of 4 pay for grocery bill? ›

This includes purchasing items from your local grocery store or supermarket. On average, a family of four can expect to spend anywhere between $500 to $1,000 per month on groceries, depending on factors such as dietary choices, quality of ingredients, and location.

Are groceries cheaper during the week? ›

Specifically, many experts advise shopping on Wednesday and Thursday. Going to the store during the middle of the week can allow you to get better prices because many stores restock their shelves at this time when their weekly deliveries arrive.

How much should one person spend at the grocery store per week? ›

The average weekly grocery budget for a single person can vary significantly depending on factors like location, dietary preferences, and income. However, a rough estimate might be between $50 to $100 per week.

How often do people go to the grocery store per week? ›

The average shopper gets groceries 1.6 times per week, per Statista. The average shopper drives four miles to their favorite grocery store, per the USDA)

What day of the week should I grocery shop? ›

Best Days To Buy Groceries: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

“These days are right after the weekend rush, and you can catch the tail end of last week's sales and discounts on fresh produce.”

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.