Bitcoins: The Latest Method for Hiding Assets in Divorce (2024)

Trying to hide assets during a divorce is as old as divorce itself, and technology has started to bring concealing wealth into the modern era.

Bitcoins are now the latest innovative method for potentially stashing away money so that it cannot be found when it comes to dividing the marital estate. Due to the touted anonymity of Bitcoins, it seems practical and logical that someone could try to illegally withhold wealth by filtering money into this secretive digital currency.

This high-tech method of burying a sack of cash in the woods doesn’t come without the risk of serious consequences; however, and it is obviously not recommended to attempt to hide assets during a divorce due to the potential serious harm to your case when you are caught.

But you need to be aware this option exists, particularly if you believe your spouse may attempt to be dishonest in their disclosure of assets.

What are Bitcoins?

Bitcoin is a worldwide digital currency developed back in 2009, which has seen a rise to almost mainstream popularity over the past year or so. The Bitcoin exchange is completely decentralized, meaning there are no attachments to banks or governments.

There is also no physical currency— Bitcoins are stored in virtual wallets on your computer, smartphone or virtual cloud — and all transactions take place over the Internet. There is no need to give names when dealing in Bitcoins; all that is required are the individual’s wallet IDs. It is also much easier to transfer Bitcoins out of the country, making them even harder to track down.

This anonymity, the lack of paper trail that would typically be found through conventional transactions and the current lack of regulation are why divorce attorneys have concerns that Bitcoins could be a new avenue for a divorcing spouse to hide money from the court.

Traditional methods for discovering hidden assets

At the beginning of the divorce process, both spouses are required to submit a financial affidavit that should encompass all of their assets, incomes and liabilities.

However, if you believe your spouse is not being 100 percent truthful in their declaration, your attorney will start the process of verifying whether there are financial aspects that have not been fully disclosed.

This process involves sending out interrogatories, subpoenas, depositions, combing through tax returns and bank statements, looking for hidden accounts or lines of credit, etc. While most family law attorneys are fairly skilled in these customary forms of discovery — and more often than not uncover the assets hidden in a typical manner — Bitcoins provide a new challenge.

Bitcoins and divorce

The wording of what must be included in a financial affidavit will vary by state, but it typically includes full disclosure of stocks, bonds, vehicles, retirement accounts, bank accounts and “other assets” (which would encompass Bitcoins).

However, the anonymous nature of Bitcoin and the slow rate at which laws and regulations catch up with modern technology leaves plenty of room for loopholes. Knowing the possibility exists for money to be hidden in Bitcoins may help you keep a sharper eye out for clues that can lead to discovery.

Obviously, liquid money would need to be converted into Bitcoins at some point, which would leave behind an initial fingerprint. However, it becomes much blurrier after that, as the Bitcoins can be anonymously transferred out of your spouse’s control and the court’s jurisdiction.

It is always recommended for both parties to be open and honest with their financial disclosures because it makes for a far cheaper and less contentious divorce, and it speeds the process along. Additionally, if a spouse is caught not fully disclosing assets, they will likely receive a far less balanced portion of the marital pot, additional penalties and may even face perjury or other charges in criminal court.

Overall, it generally is not worth the risk to chance it; yet, people try to hide assets from the courts when going through divorce every day. It is up to you to be vigilant for the signs that your spouse isn’t being fully honest, and with the introduction of Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies now in the mix, you must be even more attentive to what your spouse is doing with assets that may also belong to you.

Bitcoins: The Latest Method for Hiding Assets in Divorce (2)

Bitcoins: The Latest Method for Hiding Assets in Divorce (3)

Mat Camp is a former Lexicon Services Online Editor, who focused on providing a comprehensive look into all aspects of the divorce experience. On, he concentrated on issues, such as parenting time, custodial rights, mediation, the division of assets, and so much more.

Mr. Camp used the wealth of experience of Cordell & Cordell attorneys to bring tangible answers to reader questions in Ask a Lawyer articles, as well as offer a step by step process through the divorce experience with Cordell & Cordell Co-Founder and Principal Partner Joseph E. Cordell in Divorce 101: A Guide for Men.

Mr. Camp used thorough research to highlight the challenging reality that those who go through divorce or child custody issues face. He helped foster the continued success of the Men’s Divorce Survival Guide, the Men’s Divorce Podcast, and the Men’s Divorce YouTube series “Attorney Bites.”

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Bitcoins: The Latest Method for Hiding Assets in Divorce (4)

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Bitcoins: The Latest Method for Hiding Assets in Divorce (2024)


Did a husband hid $500,000 in bitcoin during a divorce? ›

In one such recent case, a woman in New York discovered that her husband had stored 12 bitcoins worth $500,000 in a previously undisclosed crypto wallet, The revelation came a few months into her divorce proceedings.

What is the best way to hide money in a divorce? ›

10 Ways to Hide Money From a Spouse Legally
  1. Don't Disclose New Income to Spouse. ...
  2. Get Cash Back Each Time You Check Out. ...
  3. Safety Deposit Box. ...
  4. Paying off a Loan From Family. ...
  5. Buy New Possessions. ...
  6. File Taxes Separately and Overpay. ...
  7. Gather Prepaid and Giftcards. ...
  8. Not Disclose Cash Income.
Dec 22, 2022

Can my wife take my crypto in a divorce? ›

In general, any crypto asset acquired during the marriage is considered part of the marital estate. Hence, it is subject to division upon divorce.

How does bitcoin work in a divorce? ›

Bitcoin is treated the same as any other asset in a divorce. If the bitcoin transaction was before the marriage, was given as a gift or through an inheritance, it is not marital property and usually cannot be divided. Therefore, if the transaction was during the marriage, it is marital property and can be divided.

How to catch your spouse hiding money? ›

How to Find Assets That Your Spouse Is Hiding
  1. Income tax returns. While your spouse may not be afraid to lie to you, he could be more fearful if he is untruthful to IRS in his income tax return. ...
  2. Bank account statements. ...
  3. Loan applications. ...
  4. Credit card statements. ...
  5. Business records. ...
  6. Public records.

How do I find out if my husband is hiding money? ›

How to Locate Hidden Assets
  1. Analyzing your income tax returns for income and interest that you did know about.
  2. Reviewing bank accounts for income, expenses, and unusual withdrawals.
  3. Reviewing personal loan and credit card statements for purchases made in secret and for large overpayments of the balance owed.

Can I empty my bank account before divorce? ›

The key term here is “leading up to.” Emptying an account years before a divorce is not a punishable offense, but doing so within a reasonable timeframe of a divorce can lead to consequences for the spouse making the withdrawal.

How do men hide money before divorce? ›

Trusts and gifts to friends – A common method of hiding money for those who don't own a business is to set up a trust or “gift” money to someone who will return the money after the divorce is finalized.

Can you hide bank accounts in divorce? ›

Because each party is required to divulge all assets, hiding assets during a divorce amounts to contempt of court. A judge may issue sanctions and require the spouse who is found to have hidden assets to pay the other's legal fees. The judge can even grant higher alimony payments.

Can you use Bitcoin to hide money? ›

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have become a central tool in the arsenal of cybercriminals, with fraudsters increasingly using these coins to launder money. Criminals use various methods to take advantage of the anonymity cryptocurrencies provide to cover up the origin of illicit funds.

Do you have to disclose crypto in a divorce? ›

Understanding Cryptocurrency and Divorce

Cryptocurrency is considered an asset and not income. As such, it should be listed on your financial disclosures when you are going through the divorce process. Most cryptocurrency holdings have a current value which is listed when you log into your account.

How do I hide crypto wallet transactions? ›

Use TOR To Hide IP

Tor is a web browser that anonymizes your online traffic making it easy to protect your identity. This tool hides your IP address and helps to connect with the Bitcoin network anonymously. For crypto payments over the Tor there is no way to identify where they originated.

What is the best way to self custody bitcoin? ›

Here's how to self-custody your crypto.
  1. Step 1: Create a self-custody wallet. Download BitPay Wallet for free. ...
  2. Step 2: Record your new wallet address (or addresses) You'll need to know your wallet's address. ...
  3. Step 3: Initiate the transfer from your custodial account. ...
  4. Step 4: Enjoy the new control of a self-custody wallet.
Nov 29, 2022

Do I have to report my bitcoin? ›

According to IRS Notice 2014-21, the IRS considers cryptocurrencies as “property,” and are given the same treatment as stocks, bonds or gold. If you sold crypto you likely need to file crypto taxes, also known as capital gains or losses. You'll report these on Schedule D and Form 8949 if necessary.

Do I have to report bitcoin if you don't cash out? ›

Do you need to report taxes on crypto you don't sell? If you buy crypto, there's nothing to report until you sell. If you earned crypto through staking, a hard fork, an airdrop or via any method other than buying it, you'll likely need to report it, even if you haven't sold it.

What is a red flag that a spouse is hiding assets? ›

Red Flags That a Spouse Is Hiding Money

Secret credit cards, bank accounts, or investment accounts that the other spouse doesn't know about. Sudden changes in spending patterns or financial behavior, such as withdrawing large sums or making unusual purchases without explaining the reason.

What happens if a spouse is hiding assets? ›

Criminal Penalties

In California, a spouse can be charged with perjury for failing to disclose all of his or her financial assets in the required financial disclosure documents. A perjury charge can carry up to four years of jail time.

What is financial infidelity in a marriage? ›

Financial infidelity occurs when couples lie to each other about money matters. It can include things like hiding debt, hiding big purchases, and lying about income. Financial infidelity can drastically affect trust between partners and the financial stability of the relationship.

Can you legally hide money from your spouse? ›

From a legal standpoint, there is nothing wrong with having a secret fund even though you are married. The law certainly does not require that married couples keep joint accounts, or that a spouse gives full disclosure to the other spouse regarding finances – that is until you start divorce proceedings.

How can I prove my ex is hiding income? ›

Some actions an attorney might take include subpoenaing payroll records, bank statements, and other financial account information that might document your ex's actual income. They can also subpoena your ex to testify about his or her income in a deposition.

How do I find hidden bank accounts? ›

To search for a hidden bank account, there are a few methods you can use:
  1. Locate private sector sources where bank accounts may be available.
  2. Utilize swift codes.
  3. Utilize check verification.
  4. Vetting.
  5. Third-party access.
Mar 8, 2022

Should I cash out my 401k before divorce? ›

In most cases, a 401(k) balance will be considered a joint asset that must be included in a final divorce settlement. While it may be tempting to take money out of such an account prior to the end of a marriage, it's typically not in your best interest to do so.

Can I freeze a joint credit card? ›

Separate & freeze joint accounts

This can be accomplished by paying those debts off in their entirety, transferring the balance to a card held solely be either you or your spouse, or at the very least, placing a freeze on those accounts to prevent future charges from being incurred.

Can one spouse freeze a joint bank account? ›

You can go off and freeze a joint bank account quite easily. If you contact your bank, tell them you're separated, you want to freeze the account, they will do that quite readily. Or make it a dual signatory account. So, that's easy to do.

Can I sue my husband for hiding money? ›

Penalties for Hiding Assets

If a spouse is caught hiding assets, the court may require them to pay the spouse's share of the assets to them. For example, if $10,000 in marital assets were hidden, the judge may order the spouse who hid the assets to pay $5,000 to the other spouse.

Are men better off financially after divorce? ›

According to various studies, the financial impact of a divorce is typically less severe for men compared to women. One report from the US Government Accountability Office found that men's household income fell by just 23% after divorcing past the age of 50.

Can PayPal be used to hide money? ›

PayPal accounts are another opportunity to hide cash. Even though a PayPal account is linked to a traditional bank or credit card account, lawyers need to be mindful that an individual can transfer significant amounts of cash to a PayPal account in anticipation of drawing on it in the future.

How to find someones hidden assets? ›

Hidden assets can be found in many different ways: By looking at bank records, tax returns, and other financial documents. For example, suppose your spouse has multiple accounts but hasn't reported them as part of their asset inventory.

What is a hidden bank account? ›

What are Hidden Bank Accounts? A hidden bank account is one that is not declared on a financial statement or is unknown to an individual or organization. Hidden accounts can be used to conceal assets, transactions, or income from a spouse, business partner, creditor, or the government.

How to get Bitcoin anonymously? ›

8 tips for buying Bitcoin anonymously
  1. Use a dedicated computer or phone to connect to the internet. ...
  2. Choose a reputable browser that focuses on privacy. ...
  3. Run a full node through a VPN. ...
  4. Use a private email. ...
  5. Bypass phone verification. ...
  6. Set up a secure wallet. ...
  7. Avoid paying with credit or debit cards. ...
  8. Keep your keys safe.
Feb 9, 2023

How to be anonymous on Bitcoin? ›

How to accept Bitcoin anonymously – 5 simple practices
  1. Best practices for anonymous Bitcoin transactions.
  2. Tip number 1: Tor – The Onion Router.
  3. Tip number 2: VPN – Virtual Private Network.
  4. Tip number 3: Generating new addresses.
  5. Tip number 4: Lightning Network for small transactions.
Oct 19, 2022

How to value cryptocurrency in divorce? ›

When bitcoins are considered marital property, the easiest way to divide them is to split the determined value 50/50. Since most bitcoins can be cashed out in full, splitting the value 50/50 means each spouse would simply get half. Another way to divide bitcoins is by negotiating other marital property in exchange.

Will I get caught not reporting crypto? ›

The IRS has made it clear that they expect people to report their cryptocurrency holdings on their taxes along with all capital assets. Failing to do so could result in a number of penalties, including fines and even jail time.

Does the IRS know about my crypto? ›

Yes, the IRS can track cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, Ether and a huge variety of other cryptocurrencies. The IRS does this by collecting KYC data from centralized exchanges.

Will the IRS know if I don't report crypto? ›

If, after the deadline to report and any extensions have passed, you still have not properly reported your crypto gains on Form 8938, you can face additional fines and penalties. After an initial failure to file, the IRS will notify any taxpayer who hasn't completed their annual return or reports.

Can Bitcoin be traced back to me? ›

Bitcoin, contrary to popular belief, is traceable. While your identity is not directly linked to your Bitcoin address, all transactions are public and recorded on the blockchain. So, while your name is not attached to your address, your address is attached to your transaction history.

Can a Bitcoin transaction be traced? ›

Are Bitcoin transactions traceable? Since Bitcoin uses blockchain technology, there is complete transparency, and all the transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger. These ledgers are open to the public, and anyone can access them. This makes Bitcoin transactions traceable.

Can the FBI trace Bitcoin? ›

At the basis of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) stands blockchain technology. A fundamental characteristic of blockchain technology is transparency, meaning that anyone, including the government, can observe all cryptocurrency transactions conducted via that blockchain.

What is the safest crypto custody? ›

Cold storage is the most secure way to store cryptocurrencies, as it involves keeping the private keys offline. This means that the keys are not connected to the internet, reducing the risk of hacking or theft.

How much does Bitcoin custody cost? ›

The annual fee for storing your cryptocurrency in Custody is 0.40% (40bps) with an additional fee of $125 per withdrawal. What is Gemini Custody? How do I sign up for a Gemini Custody account? What cryptos are supported on Gemini Custody?

How much does crypto custody cost? ›

Third-party custodians typically charge a yearly fee for managing your crypto assets. The cost varies between platforms, but most custodians charge less than 1% of the total value of your assets. You may have to pay a fee to set up your account with a custodian.

Does Bitcoin report to IRS? ›

Do you pay taxes on crypto? People might refer to cryptocurrency as a virtual currency, but it's not a true currency in the eyes of the IRS. According to IRS Notice 2014–21, the IRS considers cryptocurrency to be property, and capital gains and losses need to be reported on Schedule D and Form 8949 if necessary.

What happens if you don't file taxes on Bitcoin? ›

Taxpayers are required to report all cryptocurrency transactions, including buying, selling, and trading, on their tax returns. Failure to report these transactions can result in penalties and interest.

How do I cash out crypto without paying taxes USA? ›

Take out a cryptocurrency loan

Instead of cashing out your cryptocurrency, consider taking out a cryptocurrency loan. In general, loans are considered tax-free. If you need liquidity immediately, you should consider using your cryptocurrency as collateral to take a loan through a decentralized protocol.

What happens when you cash out your bitcoin? ›

Once the exchange has received your bitcoin, you can request a withdrawal in the currency of your choice. The withdrawal will be paid into your bank account. Brokers are restricted by money laundering laws, so you will need to withdraw to the same bank account that you deposited with.

Do you have to report crypto under $600? ›

However, you still need to report your earnings to the IRS even if you earned less than $600, the company says. The IRS can also see your cryptocurrency activity when it subpoenas virtual trading platforms, Chandrasekera says.

Does Coinbase report to IRS? ›

Yes, Coinbase reports to the IRS. It sends Forms 1099-MISC to the IRS for U.S. traders who made more than $600 in crypto rewards or staking. $600 is the Coinbase IRS reporting threshold for tax year 2022.

What happened to the family that sold everything for bitcoin? ›

A Dutch family that sold all its assets to buy bitcoin in 2017 has settled down in Portugal for tax reasons. Didi Taihuttu told CNBC they settled there after traveling for five years because Portugal has 0% tax on bitcoin.

Do people hide money in divorce? ›

Under California law, a marital relationship is a confidential relationship requiring the highest good faith and fair dealing. Accordingly, California law provides that all spouses have a duty to make a full disclosure of all their assets and provide equal access to all information related to their finances at divorce.

Can you hide a bank account in a divorce? ›

During the divorce proceedings, you are required to provide full disclosures of your finances, including the names of all bank accounts, the account balances, the date they were opened, and actual statements, among other information. In other words, you will have to disclose your secret divorce fund.

What is dissipation of marital assets? ›

Generally, the dissipation of assets in a divorce is when a spouse wastes, squanders, gifts, or hides money or property that belongs to the marriage.

How many US households own Bitcoin? ›

20% of Americans–which would constitute over 50 million people–own crypto. Despite the tumultuous events of 2022, crypto ownership has remained largely unchanged since early 2022, which has been the historic high water mark for crypto ownership in America.

Who owns the most Bitcoin person? ›

The largest holder of Bitcoin is believed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous founder of Bitcoin. Nakamoto is estimated to own approximately 1,000,000 BTC, worth around $27.13 billion.

Who is the kid who became a millionaire Bitcoin? ›

Of course, Finman is biased: The teen crypto phenom used $1,000 his grandmother gave him when he was 12 years old to buy his first bitcoin when the little-known virtual currency was just $12 a token. By age 18, Finman had become a millionaire. (See more: Who is Erik Finman, the Bitcoin Millionaire Teenager?)

Can a spouse empty a bank account before divorce? ›

There are no real repercussions when a spouse empties a bank account of proceeds that are solely theirs — the money belongs to them by right and therefore isn't subject to division in the divorce proceedings. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for spouses to empty marital bank accounts leading up to or during a divorce.

Is it illegal to hide money from your spouse while married? ›

Concealing Marital Assets is Illegal

Each does so by signing legal documents under oath, subject to penalties for perjury (lying). When the Petitioner, the spouse filing for divorce, files their Petition for Dissolution of Marriage with the court, they must list all of their assets with an approximate value.

Does the IRS know if you sold crypto? ›

Yes, the IRS can track cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, Ether and a huge variety of other cryptocurrencies. The IRS does this by collecting KYC data from centralized exchanges.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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