Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (2024)

Everything you need to know about Bitcoin (BTC) in Exodus.

Are you looking for a self-custody wallet for your Bitcoin? You can download Exodus here!

In this article:

  • Bitcoin addresses
    • How do I create a new Bitcoin address?
      • Desktop
      • Mobile
    • What is the difference between different types of Bitcoin addresses?
    • What Bitcoin addresses does Exodus support?
    • How do I enable and find my Legacy address?
      • Desktop
      • Mobile
    • How do I enable and find my Taproot address?
      • Desktop
      • Mobile
  • Bitcoin fees
    • How does Exodus calculate Bitcoin transaction fees?
    • How do I enable and set custom Bitcoin fees?
      • Web3 Wallet
      • Desktop
      • Mobile
    • What is a batched Bitcoin transaction?
    • How do I batch consecutive Bitcoin transactions?
      • Web3 Wallet
      • Desktop
      • Mobile
    • What if I get a warning about paying extra fees?
    • What should I do if my Bitcoin transaction is stuck?

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How do I create a new Bitcoin address?

You can create new Bitcoin addresses on Desktop and Mobile.

By default, your Bitcoin wallet in Exodus will display one SegWit (bc1q) address. If you enable your Legacy address, it will display one Legacy address. Likewise, if you enable your Taproot address, it will display one Taproot address.

You can also enable a feature to generate multiple SegWit, Taproot, and Legacy addresses for your Bitcoin wallet. Once enabled, your wallet will create a new address every time it receives Bitcoin (BTC).

You can continue to receive BTC at any of your old addresses. To export all of your wallet's Bitcoin addresses, please see the following:

  • How do I see all of my wallet addresses?

Follow these steps to turn on multiple addresses in your wallet:


In your Bitcoin wallet, a) click the More menu in the top right corner and b) click on Advanced Options.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (1)

Toggle on Multiple Addresses.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (2)


Open your Bitcoin wallet and tap on the Settings icon in the top right corner.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (3)

Toggle on Multiple Addresses.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (4)

What is the difference between different types of Bitcoin addresses?

To send and receive Bitcoin on Legacy, SegWit, and Taproot addresses, you can download Exodus Mobile or Exodus Desktop.

There are four Bitcoin address types. All four addresses can be used to send and receive Bitcoin. So what's the difference?

Not every wallet or service has upgraded to support the newer types of Bitcoin addresses like the Native SegWit format, and therefore, some wallets can only send to certain address types, the most widely supported address being the Legacy format.

Luckily, if someone wants to send you BTC from a newer address type like the Native SegWit format, older formats like your Legacy address will be able to receive it just fine.

The most visible difference between different types of Bitcoin addresses is the address formats, and you can identify which format an address is by looking at the first characters in the address.

Below you can see the 4 types listed from the oldest format to the newest:

Legacy (P2PKH)

Legacy addresses start with 1. Legacy addresses are the original BTC addresses. You can expect all wallets to support sending and receiving to Legacy addresses. Sending Bitcoin from a Legacy address will have the highest fee when compared to other address formats.

Nested SegWit (P2SH)

Nested SegWit addresses start with 3. Nested SegWit addresses introduced multi-sig functions to Bitcoin. Sending Bitcoin from Nested SegWit has lower fees than sending from Legacy addresses.

Note that Trezor's desktop and browser app Trezor Suite refers to 'Nested Segwit' as 'Legacy Segwit' although they are the same P2SH (starts with 3) type of address.

Native SegWit (Bech32)

Native SegWit addresses start with bc1q. It is cheaper to send Bitcoin from a Native SegWit address than sending Bitcoin from a Legacy or Nested SegWit address.

Taproot (P2TR)

Taproot addresses start with bc1p. Taproot addresses are a new SegWit address type that offers more advanced security, privacy, flexibility, and scaling to Bitcoin. However, Taproot addresses are not automatically supported by wallets that support existing SegWit addresses.

What Bitcoin addresses does Exodus support?

Exodus Web3 Wallet
  • Supports receiving to Native SegWit address (starts with bc1q)
  • If Web3 Wallet is synced with Desktop or Mobile, any BTC in Legacy and Taproot addresses will be included in your Web3 Wallet's total Bitcoin balance. You can send Taproot and Legacy BTC from Web3 Wallet.
Exodus Desktop
  • Supports receiving to Native SegWit (starts with bc1q), Taproot (starts with bc1p), and Legacy (starts with 1) addresses
Exodus Mobile
  • Supports receiving to Native SegWit (starts with bc1q), Taproot (starts with bc1p), and Legacy (starts with 1) addresses
Trezor in Exodus
  • Supports receiving to Native SegWit (starts with bc1q) and Nested SegWit (starts with 3)

How do I enable and find my Legacy address?

You can enable your Legacy address on Desktop and Mobile.

By default, when you open your Bitcoin wallet in Exodus and click on Receive, you will be shown your SegWit address.

To see your Legacy address, follow these steps to enable it in your wallet:


In your Bitcoin wallet, a) click the More menu in the top right corner and b) click on Advanced Options.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (5)

Toggle on Legacy Address and return to your Bitcoin wallet.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (6)

Click Receive.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (7)

Finally, click the arrows to the left and right of the QR code to see your SegWit, Taproot, and Legacy receive addresses.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (8)


Open your Bitcoin wallet and tap on the Settings icon in the top right corner.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (9)

Toggle on Legacy Address and return to your Bitcoin wallet.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (10)

Tap on the Receive icon.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (11)

Finally, tap the arrows to the left and right of the QR code to see your SegWit, Taproot, and Legacy receive addresses.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (12)

How do I enable and find my Taproot address?

You can enable your Taproot on Exodus Desktop and Mobile.

By default, when you open your Bitcoin wallet in Exodus and click on Receive, you will be shown your SegWit address.

To see your Taproot address, follow the steps below to enable it in your wallet:


In your Bitcoin wallet, a) click the More icon in the top right corner and b) click Advanced Options.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (13)

Toggle on Taproot Address.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (14)

Click Receive.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (15)

Finally, click the arrows to the left and right of the QR code to see your SegWit, Taproot, and Legacy (if enabled) receive addresses.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (16)


Open your Bitcoin wallet and tap on the Settings icon in the top right corner.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (17)

Toggle on Taproot Address.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (18)

Tap on the Receive icon.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (19)

Finally, tap the arrows to the left and right of the QR code to see your SegWit, Taproot, and Legacy receive addresses.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (20)

How does Exodus calculate Bitcoin transaction fees?

Exodus tracks changes in the Bitcoin network (BTC) and adjusts the fees accordingly using dynamic pricing models. These network fees are 100% paid to the Bitcoin Network (Miners) to ensure Exodus transactions are fast and delivered promptly.

When popular blockchain networks become congested, determining the right fee can make a big difference for your transaction. If a transaction fee is set too low, miners will not have the incentive to prioritize your transaction on the network resulting in delays and slow confirmations.

Exodus will automatically optimize transaction fees to make sure the wallet is paying the lowest fee which will get the transaction confirmed on the next block. This means that Bitcoin transactions should confirm in around 10 minutes.

How do I enable and set custom Bitcoin fees?

Download Exodus Desktop, Exodus Mobile, or Exodus Web3 Wallet to set your own custom Bitcoin transaction fees.

Enabling and setting custom fees will automatically turn on RBF and allow for batched transactions.

Web3 Wallet

Open your Bitcoin wallet and click on the Send icon.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (21)

Click where it shows the Network Feein BTC.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (22)


Now you will see a slider:

  • a) Slide it to the left to pay a lower fee (will confirm slower)
  • b) Slide it to the right to pay a higher fee (will confirm faster)
  • c) Once you have set a fee you are happy with, click Done.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (23)

That’s it! You have set a custom transaction fee to send your Bitcoin.


In your Bitcoin wallet, click Send.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (24)

Click Show Advancedto enable the advanced sending options.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (25)


Now you will see a slider:

  • a) Slide it to the left to pay a lower fee (will confirm slower)
  • b) Slide it to the right to pay a higher fee (will confirm faster)
  • c) You can also manually input your custom fee by clicking the Pencil icon.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (26)

That’s it! You have set a custom transaction fee to send your Bitcoin.


Open your Bitcoin wallet and tap on the Settings icon in the top right corner.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (27)

Locate where it says Custom Fees and toggle on.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (28)

Tap on the Send icon.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (29)

a) Enter the amount you wish to send, and b) tap Enter.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (30)

Tap on Advanced.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (31)


Now you will see a slider:

  • a) Slide it to the left to pay a lower fee (will confirm slower)
  • b) Slide it to the right to pay a higher fee (will confirm faster)
  • c) You can also manually input your custom fee by clicking the Pencil icon.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (32)

That’s it! You have set a custom transaction fee to send your Bitcoin.

What is a batched Bitcoin transaction?

Bitcoin transactions are batched when multiple Bitcoin transactions are sent together on the Bitcoin network.

Batching can be beneficial because it reduces fees and improves confirmation times.

When you batch transactions, you resend previously unconfirmed transactions with a higher fee. Combining unconfirmed transactions with a new transaction will incur a lower fee than paying for separate transactions.

How do I batch consecutive Bitcoin transactions?

To batch transactions in Exodus, you first need to enable custom fees. Turning on custom fees enables RBF, which provides more flexibility to adjust fees on future and unconfirmed transactions.

To enable custom fees, visit: How do I enable and set custom Bitcoin fees?

You can then send multiple transactions, and the wallet will automatically group your unconfirmed transactions together.

If you do not want your transactions batched, you can disable custom fees.

Only unconfirmed transactions that are sent with RBF enabled can be batched in Exodus.

Web3 Wallet

In Web3 Wallet, send a Bitcoin transaction while setting a custom fee.
After sending and a) before this transaction confirms on the Bitcoin network, b) send another transaction.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (33)

You will see 2 BTC send transactions. Your two transactions have been batched into one by replacing the first. You can confirm by a) clicking the first transaction and then b) the transaction ID.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (34)

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (35)

It will show as replaced on a block explorer.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (36)


In Desktop, make sure custom fees are enabled. If they are not yet enabled, start here.
Send a Bitcoin transaction. For instructions, you can visit: How do I send Bitcoin and other crypto out of Exodus?
a) Before the previous transaction is confirmed on the Bitcoin network, b) send another transaction.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (37)

Your two transactions will be batched into one. Both transactions will have the same transaction ID.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (38)


In Mobile, make sure custom fees are enabled. If they are not yet enabled, start here.
Send a Bitcoin transaction. For instructions, you can visit: How do I send Bitcoin and other crypto out of Exodus?
a) Before the previous transaction is confirmed on the Bitcoin network, b) send another transaction.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (39)

You will see 2 BTC send transactions. Tap on each to see the transaction ID.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (40)

Your two transactions have been batched into one. Both transactions will have the same transaction ID.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (41)

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (42)

What if I get a warning about paying extra fees?

If you try to send out your Bitcoin from a transaction that is not yet confirmed on the blockchain, Exodus will warn you that you are paying higher fees for spending an unconfirmed transaction. This will create a CPFP transaction.

You'll also receive this warning if you are sending out lots of UTXOs or a very large sized transaction that will incur higher-than-usual fees.

CPFP transaction fees are higher to incentivize miners to include the transaction in the next block mined. Make sure you’re willing to pay the extra fee before proceeding.

If you don't want to pay the extra fees, you can wait for all of your incoming transactions to be confirmed on the blockchain before sending a transaction out.

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (43)

What should I do if my transaction is stuck?

There is a chance that if you set your fee too low your transaction will get stuck and might take a long time to confirm.

Do not worry! Exodus has a built-in feature for you to ensure you can speed up your slow transaction.

All you need to do is open your Bitcoin wallet on your desktop or mobile device, find the transaction that has been stuck pending for too long, then click/tap it to see more details and finally click/tap Accelerate.

You will need some Bitcoin available in your wallet to accelerate a transaction. If you chose to send All your Bitcoin then you will not be able to accelerate your transaction.

This will resend your transaction with a higher fee to ensure it gets confirmed for you.


Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (44)


Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (45)

Bitcoin FAQs - Learn more about BTC (2024)


What is Bitcoin answers? ›

--------- What is Bitcoin? It is a digital currency, created in 2009, by an unknown person(s) using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. It operates on a decentralized network of computers using blockchain technology to manage transactions and record keeping.

What is the best way to learn about Bitcoin? ›

For beginners, it may be best to learn the basics from established crypto providers. These sources typically offer articles, videos, and other learning materials on how crypto works.

How much is $1 Bitcoin in US dollars? ›

Current BTC to USD exchange rate

1 BTC equals 63,687.00 USD. The current value of 1 Bitcoin is -1.69% against the exchange rate to USD in the last 24 hours. ​ The current Bitcoin market cap is $1.26T. ​Create a free Kraken account to instantly convert BTC to USD or trade BTC/USD markets today.

How much BTC should you own? ›

Several specialists recommend that one allocates up to 10% to 30%of the investment funds to alternative assets such as Bitcoin. Every person has their own trading or investment needs, so keep updated with tips and tricks to avoid common mistakes.

Is Bitcoin worth investing in? ›

Bitcoin is a risky investment with high volatility, and generally should be considered only if you have a high risk tolerance, are in a strong financial position already and can afford to lose some or all of your investment.

Is Bitcoin safe to invest in? ›

Cryptocurrency is an extremely volatile investment

Past performance isn't a good indicator of future performance when it comes to any risky investment—and that certainly includes cryptos. All this said, you shouldn't invest more than you can afford to lose.

How do beginners understand Bitcoins? ›

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a peer-to-peer digital currency that operates independently of a central governing authority. Bitcoin enables direct transactions between users, secured by cryptographic technology and recorded on a transparent and immutable ledger known as the blockchain.

What is the secret to Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin wallets keep a secret piece of data called a private key or seed, which is used to sign transactions, providing a mathematical proof that they have come from the owner of the wallet. The signature also prevents the transaction from being altered by anybody once it has been issued.

How do I start Bitcoin for beginners? ›

  1. Join a Bitcoin Exchange. First, you'll need to determine where you want to make a Bitcoin purchase. ...
  2. Get a Bitcoin Wallet. When you purchase a coin, it's stored in a “wallet,” which is where all your cryptocurrency is stored. ...
  3. Connect Your Wallet to a Bank Account. ...
  4. Place Your Bitcoin Order. ...
  5. Manage Your Bitcoin Investments.

Can you cash out Bitcoin? ›

One of the easiest ways to cash out your cryptocurrency or Bitcoin is to use a centralized exchange such as Coinbase. Coinbase has an easy-to-use “buy/sell” button and you can choose which cryptocurrency you want to sell and the amount.

Is Bitcoin real money? ›

Is Bitcoin Real Money? By most definitions, money is any item that acts as a way to exchange value in an economy, stores value or is generally accepted. It is used by people globally for these purposes, so it can be considered "real money."

How much is $100 Bitcoin worth right now? ›

The current price of 100 Bitcoin in US Dollar is 6.47M USD. The price is calculated based on rates on 31 exchanges and is continuously updated every few seconds. To see the latest exchange rate, Bitcoin historical prices, and a comprehensive overview of technical market indicators, head over to the Bitcoin page.

How much Bitcoin should a beginner buy? ›

How much should I invest in cryptocurrency as a beginner? Never invest more than you can afford to lose. At Stash, we recommend holding no more than 2% of your overall portfolio in any one crypto in order to limit crypto-specific risks.

Is it worth putting $100 into Bitcoin? ›

Investing $100 in Bitcoin alone is not likely to make you wealthy. The price of Bitcoin is highly volatile and can fluctuate significantly in short periods. While it is possible to see significant returns in a short time, it is also possible to lose a substantial amount just as quickly.

How much money should I put into Bitcoin to make a profit? ›

Common investment advice states that anywhere from 1% - 5% is a safe allocation when considering an investment with higher risk. And as a market with marked volatility, crypto certainly carries a level of risk. While 1% - 5% invested in crypto may not seem like a lot, it has the potential to build over time.

How do you explain Bitcoin in simple terms? ›

Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that aims to eliminate the need for central authorities such as banks or governments. Instead, Bitcoin uses blockchain technology to support peer-to-peer transactions between users on a decentralized network.

Is Bitcoin real money on Cash App? ›

You can own bitcoin by buying it with money you already have on any exchange or app that offers it. You can buy, sell, send, and receive bitcoin on Cash App. You can also auto-invest a percentage of your paycheck into bitcoin or even round up your Cash App Card transactions and turn the spare change into bitcoin.

How do you make money from Bitcoin? ›

Different Ways To Earn Bitcoin
  1. Mining Bitcoin. When Bitcoin transactions are completed—and a new block is added to the blockchain—a Bitcoin is 'minted' in a process known as mining. ...
  2. Lending Bitcoin. ...
  3. Bitcoin Trading. ...
  4. Claiming Airdrops. ...
  5. Help To Find Bugs. ...
  6. Incentivised Learning.
Feb 8, 2024

How many US dollars are in a Bitcoin? ›


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.