Bill of lading: meaning, types, example, and purpose (2024)

A bill of lading (B/L) is a crucial document when it comes to shipping and logistics. It serves as a multi-purpose tool that facilitates the movement of goods, provides legal protection, and acts as proof of contract.

This document plays a pivotal role in ensuring that goods are properly accounted for and protected during transit, making it indispensable for anyone involved in the supply chain, from manufacturers and exporters to carriers, freight forwarders, and importers.

In this article, we’ve put together a guide that will help you to understand the following:

  • The meaning and significance of the bill of lading

  • Various types

  • Provide examples, and

  • Its purpose within the broader context of global trade and transportation.

Ready to learn? Let’s get started.

Understanding the bill of lading

A bill of lading (B/L) is a legal document issued by a carrier, such as a shipping company, that serves as a detailed receipt for goods being transported.

It outlines the terms and conditions of the contract of carriage, including the type and quantity of goods, their origin, destination, and the responsibilities of the carrier.

A Bill of Lading also acts as evidence of the title or ownership of the goods. It has three primary functions:

  • Receipt: It acknowledges that the carrier has received the specified goods in the stated condition, ready for transportation.

  • Contract: It serves as a contract between the shipper (the person or company sending the goods), the carrier, and the consignee (the recipient). It outlines the terms and conditions of the transportation service.

  • Document of Title: It can be negotiable or non-negotiable. A negotiable bill of lading can be used as a document of title, meaning that the goods can be transferred to someone else by endorsing the document, making it a crucial instrument in international trade and finance.

Historical significance of bills of lading in trade

The use of Bills of Lading in trade can be traced back to medieval times, and their historical significance is rooted in the development of commerce and international trade.

They played a pivotal role in the evolution of shipping and trade practices. Here's a brief overview of their historical significance:

Medieval origins

The concept of Bills of Lading can be traced back to medieval Europe when merchants and traders used handwritten documents to acknowledge the receipt and transportation of cargo. These early Bills of Lading were simple receipts, often carrying the seal of the shipper.

Development of trade

As trade expanded beyond local and regional boundaries, bills of lading became more sophisticated. They were used to establish legal rights and obligations among parties involved in international trade.

These documents provided a means to resolve disputes, protect the interests of both shippers and carriers and reduce the risks associated with long-distance trade.

Colonial and maritime trade

During the colonial period, bills of lading were instrumental in the transatlantic and other maritime trades.

They served as a crucial tool for merchants and shipping companies, enabling them to track goods and establish ownership, even in the absence of the physical presence of the cargo.

Modern trade

Today, bills of lading continue to be central to global trade and logistics. With the advent of technology, they have evolved from handwritten documents to electronic records, but their fundamental role in documenting the receipt, transportation, and ownership of goods remains unchanged.

Types of bills of lading

Bills of lading come in various types, each designed to serve specific purposes and provide different levels of flexibility in the transfer of goods and ownership.

Understanding the distinctions between these types is crucial for participants in the shipping and trade industry to ensure the smooth and secure movement of goods.

Here's an explanation of each type and their key differences and use cases:

1. Straight bill of lading

A Straight bill of lading is a non-negotiable document that specifies a single consignee or recipient for the goods. It is typically used when the shipper wants to ensure that the cargo is only delivered to the consignee listed on the document.

Key characteristics and use cases

  • Unlike order and bearer bills of lading, a straight bill of lading is non-negotiable. It cannot be transferred to another party through endorsem*nt.

  • It names a specific consignee, and the goods can only be released to this designated recipient.

  • Straight bills of lading are often used in scenarios where there is no intention of transferring the goods or title to a third party. They are common in cases of prepaid shipments, where the consignee has already paid for the goods.

2. Order bill of lading

An Order Bill of Lading is a negotiable document that allows the transfer of both the goods and the title (ownership) of the goods to a third party. It typically includes the phrase "to the order of [name of a party]."

Key Characteristics and Use Cases

  • An order bill of Lading can be transferred to another party by endorsing (signing) the document and delivering it to the new recipient.

  • It provides flexibility in trade transactions, as it allows for the sale of goods during transit. This is particularly useful in cases where the cargo is to be sold or traded multiple times before reaching its final destination.

  • Order bills of lading are widely used in international trade, where goods change hands frequently and need to be easily transferable to accommodate various trade and finance arrangements.

3. Bearer bill of lading

A bearer bill of lading is a highly negotiable document that does not specify a particular consignee or endorse the goods to a particular person. It is often marked as "to the bearer" or "to the holder."

Key characteristics and use cases

  • Bearer bills of lading are the most flexible and negotiable type. They can be transferred to anyone who physically holds the document, as no specific consignee is mentioned.

  • The identity of the recipient is not revealed on the document, making it useful in cases where anonymity is desired.

  • Bearer bills of lading are relatively rare in modern trade due to their high level of negotiability, which can present security and fraud risks. They are used in exceptional circ*mstances and require strict control to avoid misuse.

Components and example of a bill of lading

A bill of lading (BL) is a comprehensive document that includes various essential components.

These components collectively provide a detailed record of the goods being shipped, the terms of the contract, and the parties involved in the transportation process.

Here are the key components of a typical bill of lading:

1. Shipper details

  • Name and address of the shipper: The party or company sending the goods.

  • Contact information: Phone number, email, or other relevant contact details.

  • Shipment origin: The location where the goods are being shipped from.

2. Consignee details

  • Name and address of the consignee: The party or company receiving the goods.

  • Contact information: Phone number, email, or other relevant contact details.

  • Shipment destination: The location where the goods are to be delivered.

3. Carrier information

  • Name and contact details of the carrier or shipping company responsible for transporting the goods.

  • Carrier's reference number or code: An internal tracking number used by the carrier for identification.

4. Description of goods

  • Detailed description of the goods being shipped: This includes the type of goods, quantity, weight, volume, and any unique identifiers such as serial numbers or part numbers.

  • Packaging details: Information about how the goods are packed, including the number of packages, type of packaging (e.g., pallets, crates, cartons), and any special handling instructions.

5. Marks and numbers

  • Any unique markings or numbers on the packages or containers to aid in identifying and tracking the goods.

6. Freight charges

  • The agreed-upon freight charges, which may include details about who is responsible for paying the freight (prepaid or collect), the currency used for payment, and any additional charges or fees.

7. Payment terms

  • Terms of payment, specifying who is responsible for the freight charges, and any agreed-upon payment conditions (e.g., "freight prepaid" or "freight collect").

8. Date of shipment

  • The date when the goods are handed over to the carrier for transportation.

9. Place of receipt and delivery

  • The location where the carrier takes possession of the goods (place of receipt) and the destination where the goods will be delivered (place of delivery).

10. Bill of lading number

  • A unique identification number assigned to the Bill of Lading, which is used for tracking and reference.

11. Terms and conditions

  • The terms and conditions of the contract of carriage may include details about liability, insurance, claims procedures, and other legal aspects of the shipment.

12. Signatures

  • The signatures of authorized representatives of the shipper, carrier, and consignee, indicating their acceptance of the terms and conditions and the accuracy of the information provided.



Shipper Company, Inc.

123 Shipment Lane

Origin City, State, Zip Code

Phone: (123) 456-7890


Consignee Enterprises, LLC

456 Delivery Avenue

Destination City, State, Zip Code

Phone: (987) 654-3210


Carrier Logistics, Ltd.

789 Transport Road

Carrier City, State, Zip Code

Phone: (555) 123-4567

Carrier Reference Number: CL123456


Marks and Numbers: | Description of Goods: | Quantity: | Weight (lbs): | Packaging |


ABC123 | Widget Parts | 5,000 | 2,500 | Pallets |

XYZ789 | Machinery Parts | 2,000 | 3,000 | Crates |


Freight Charges: $1,500.00 USD (Prepaid by Shipper)

Currency: United States Dollars (USD)

Additional Charges:

- Handling Fee: $100.00 USD

- Insurance: $50.00 USD


Freight Charges: Prepaid


Date: 2023-11-03


Location: Origin Warehouse


Location: Destination Warehouse


B/L Number: BOL123456789


1. LIABILITY: The carrier's liability is limited as per applicable laws and regulations.

2. INSURANCE: The shipper may arrange additional insurance at their expense.

3. CLAIMS: Claims for loss or damage must be filed within 30 days of delivery.

4. GOVERNING LAW: This Bill of Lading is governed by the laws of the State of [State].


Shipper's Authorized Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________

Carrier's Authorized Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________

Consignee's Authorized Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________

The Purpose of a bill of lading

A bill of lading (BL) serves several critical purposes in the world of shipping and logistics:

#1. Evidence of contract: A B/L acts as a legally binding contract between the shipper, carrier, and consignee, outlining the terms and conditions of the transportation service.

It specifies the responsibilities and obligations of each party, such as the delivery of goods, payment of freight charges, and liability in case of loss or damage.

#2. Receipt of goods: It serves as a receipt, acknowledging that the carrier has taken possession of the specified goods in the stated condition.

This is vital for documenting the condition of the goods at the point of origin, as it can be compared with the condition upon delivery.

#3. Document of title: Depending on its type (straight, order, or bearer), a B/L can also act as a document of title. In the case of an order B/L, it can be used to transfer ownership of the goods to a third party.

This is crucial in international trade, where goods often change hands multiple times before reaching their final destination.

Facilitating international trade

Bills of lading are particularly instrumental in facilitating international trade for several reasons:

#1. Global dtandardization: BLs adhere to international standards and formats, making them universally recognized and accepted. This standardization simplifies cross-border trade and helps ensure consistency in documenting shipments.

#2. Legal protection: In international trade, where goods traverse multiple jurisdictions and may be subject to different legal systems, the B/L provides legal protection and clarity on the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved. It helps resolve disputes and claims in a structured and recognized manner.

#3. Finance and trade financing: B/Ls are essential in trade finance, as they can be used as collateral for loans and as evidence of ownership in transactions involving letters of credit and other trade instruments. This enables businesses to access financing to support their trade operations.

#4. Visibility and tracking: B/Ls are valuable for tracking the movement of goods in real-time, providing transparency in the supply chain. This is especially crucial for international trade, where goods cross multiple borders and transit through various intermediaries.

Electronic bills of lading (eBLs)

With the digital transformation of logistics and the global shift toward paperless processes, electronic bills of lading (eBLs) have gained increasing relevance. Here are the benefits:

#1. Efficiency: eBLs streamline the documentation process, reduce paperwork, and minimize the risk of physical document loss or damage. They can be generated, transmitted, and signed electronically, leading to faster and more efficient transactions.

#2. Accessibility: eBLs are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easier for parties involved in international trade to access, review, and manage the document, even remotely.

#3. Data integration: Electronic BLs can be integrated with other digital logistics and supply chain management systems, enhancing visibility, transparency, and automation in the movement of goods.

#4. Security: Advanced encryption and authentication mechanisms in eBLs provide a high level of document security, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized access.

Final thoughts

The bill of lading is a fundamental tool that underpins global trade and logistics.

It's not just a document; it's a promise, a safeguard, and a key to success in the world of commerce.

Utilize this knowledge to your advantage, streamline your shipping and transportation processes, and embrace the opportunities that modern technology and best practices offer.

By doing so, you'll not only enhance your business but also contribute to the efficiency and resilience of the global supply chain.

Bill of lading: meaning, types, example, and purpose (2024)


Bill of lading: meaning, types, example, and purpose? ›

A bill of lading is a contract issued by a transport company to a shipper that spells out the quantity, type, and destination of the goods being shipped. It serves as a receipt of the shipment and can help prevent the theft of goods being transported.

What is a bill of lading and what is its purpose? ›

A bill of lading is a legal document that is issued by a carrier to the shipper. It contains details about which goods are being shipped, where the shipment is coming from and going to, as well as details of the shipper, carrier, and consignee.

What are the two types of bills of lading? ›

What are the two types of bill of lading?
  • Through bill of lading - A document that covers the shipment of goods from the point of origin to the final destination.
  • Straight bill of lading - A document that covers the shipment of goods from the point of origin to the final destination without any stops in between.

Why are there 3 copies of bill of lading? ›

Typically three bills are issued—one for the shipper, one for the consignee, and one for the banker, broker, or third party. There is no restriction on the number of bills of lading that can be issued, but the number issued must be stated on the bill. Because the bill of lading is a document of title, it is valuable.

What are the five key information in the bill of lading? ›

The bill of lading must include the name and address of the shipper, the name and address of the consignee, a description of the goods being shipped, the quantity of the goods, the method of transportation, and the date of shipment.

Who pays for a bill of lading? ›

In most cases, the shipper (seller) supplies and pays for the BOL, as it acts as a receipt and title to the goods. But if specific arrangements exist between the parties, such as a free on board (FOB) contract, the buyer may be responsible for obtaining and paying for the BOL.

Who prepares the bill of lading? ›

A bill of lading is a legal document that's issued by a carrier to a shipper detailing the type, quantity, and destination of the goods being carried.

What is the difference between bill of lading and shipping bill? ›

What is the difference between the bill of lading and a shipping bill? A shipping bill is a bill for shipment needed for custom clearance while you are exporting products. Bill of lading is issued by the shipping company to the transporter when the transporter loads goods to the ship.

Who holds the original bill of lading? ›

This document must be surrendered to the carrier. As long as the shipper retains the original bills, they may receive payment prior to the release of the originals to the consignee or buyer.

Who keeps the bill of lading? ›

The bill of lading is typically given to the carrier or driver when it's picked up and is also attached to the freight. Shippers should keep a signed copy of the bill of lading after the carriers receive the shipment for transport. It is considered proof of carrier liability, in case of damage or loss of the freight.

What is the difference between House BL and Master BL? ›

The main difference between the HBL and MBL is that an HBL is issued by an NVOCC (or freight forwarder) and usually lists the actual shipper and consignee, whereas, the MBL is issued by the carrier.

What is the difference between HBL and OBL? ›

OBL. The critical difference between HBL and OBL is that the HBL is issued by the freight forwarder, whereas the carrier gives the OBL. An HBL is a document that a freight forwarder issues to a shipper, proving that the freight forwarder has accepted the goods for shipment.

What are the different types of shipping bills? ›

What is a shipping bill?
Sr. No.Form NameColour
1.Dutiable GoodsYellow
2.Duty-free goodsWhite
3.Goods with drawback claimsGreen
4.Goods allowed to be exported as duty-free ex-bondPink
1 more row
Jan 19, 2024

What is the difference between draft BL and original BL? ›

In simple, a draft *BL is a preliminary version (Rough outline) of an actual BL, Normally the BL is prepared at the Place of Origin that is from where the cargo is exported. It is prepared by the liner (Vessel) or the *FF.

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