Best Strategies to get First 10,00,000 (1 Million) downloads for your app (2024)

Do you know that there are more than 3 million apps present on the Google Play Store and more than 2 million on the Apple App Store? You can find hundreds of apps for the industry of almost every niche. Thus you can realize there is such a huge competition in the app market. It is becoming harder to get initial traction for your app.

At Amplework, the best mobile application development company, we help our clients not just develop astonishing iOS and Android mobile apps but also in launching the app on their corresponding app stores. We have decided to share our strategies for a successful mobile application launch and list every strategy in this article.

In this article, we will tell you all the major strategies that you can use while deploying your app on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Let’s begin.

Start with the basics: App Store Optimization (ASO)

Best Strategies to get First 10,00,000 (1 Million) downloads for your app (1)

The most common way is for users will search for the app name on the app store. Hence, your app should be optimized as per the app store standards. It also reduces the probability of your application getting delisted.

Before and after getting the app listed – there is an ample amount of operations that you should consider to expand the reach of your app to 1 million users. Below are some verified tactics that will help you to accomplish this goal:

1. The title of the App should be appropriate

The name or title of the app is a highly important ranking factor in the App Store search. Try to include the most important keywords in the title of your app that fit the title naturally and don’t seem odd. Here are some examples of the app titles which are on the zenith of their category.

  • For creating videos for Instagram or Facebook stories
  • Indeed Job Search
  • Genuis Scan – PDF Scanner
  • Concur – Travel, Receipts, Expense Reports

You should focus on the app name relevancy, simplicity, availability, and visual experience.

2. Properly Research the Keywords

Keywords are another major factor that determines the rank of your app on the App Store. You should be sure to give proper attention to the keywords. The best way is to find out which keywords are in use by your competitors.

Search for the keywords as per your app download strategy. There are some tools that you can use for this purpose.

  • Keyword Tool
  • Ahrefs
  • Semrush

Remember, keyword processing is not a one-time task. You need to periodically check the new keywords which are in trend and make some variations accordingly

3. Fascinating & brief description

Best Strategies to get First 10,00,000 (1 Million) downloads for your app (2)

A user is more likely to download that app which is having a huge number of downloads, great ratings and positive reviews. Hence, it is highly important to achieve positive feedback and ratings from the users.

The best idea to do this is to prompt the user to rate your application. But you can’t be nagging about it. Politely ask at periodic intervals to give a review or rate the app at the app store.

If you frequently show the popup of “Rate our app on Play Store”, then the user may get frustrated and ultimately uninstall the app. You need to showcase the messages that should comply with your mobile app download strategy.

4. Improve the reviews & ratings and downloads of your app

A user is more likely to download an app which is having a huge number of downloads, great ratings and positive reviews. Hence, it is highly important to achieve positive feedback and ratings from the users.

The best idea to do this is to prompt the user to rate your application. But you can’t be nagging about it. Politely ask at periodic intervals to give a review or rate the app at the app store.

If you frequently show the popup of “Rate our app on Play Store”, then the user may get frustrated and ultimately uninstall the app.

5. Be obsessive in resolving negative reviews

While it’s important to address negative reviews, it’s important to strike a balance between being responsive and professional, and avoiding becoming obsessive. Here are a few tips for handling negative reviews:

  • Respond promptly: Acknowledge the issue and apologize for any inconvenience.
  • Take the conversation offline: If the issue requires a detailed discussion, ask the customer to contact you directly.
  • Resolve the issue: If possible, take steps to resolve the problem and follow up with the customer to ensure their satisfaction.
  • Learn from the experience: Use negative reviews as an opportunity to improve your products or services.

Remember, handling negative reviews is an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction and improve your business.

6. Leverage localization for more downloads

Localization can be a powerful tool to increase app downloads and expand your reach to new markets. Here are some tips to leverage localization for more downloads:

  • Translate your app into multiple languages: This will make it more accessible to users in different countries and regions.
  • Adapt your app to local cultures: This can include adjusting the user interface, using local currency, and offering local content.
  • Optimize your app store listing: Make sure your app store listing, including the app name, description, and screenshots, is translated and localized for each target market.
  • Use targeted marketing campaigns: Run localized ad campaigns and utilize local influencers to promote your app in different countries.
  • Monitor user feedback and adjust accordingly: Pay attention to user feedback and make changes to your app to better meet local needs and preferences.

By incorporating localization into your app development and marketing strategy, you can increase your app’s visibility and reach a wider global audience. Although most of mobile applications are developed in the English language, there are many non-English speaking countries in which people prefer to use an app in their native language.

Apart from this, in the less developed countries – the targeted audiences relies much towards the Android development platform rather then iOS platform due to its cost effective method.

7. Use properly designed screenshots highlighting the features

Best Strategies to get First 10,00,000 (1 Million) downloads for your app (3)

Many people do the mistake of uploading simple screenshots in their app description. Pictures can speak a thousand words and are very powerful. Hence, you must use properly designed screenshots in which you can highlight the out-of-the-box features of your app. Here are of some references that you can follow:

  • Snapchat
  • Colorfy

8. Freemium model is highly attractive for the users

If your app is paid, then you will get downloads if you are already an established company such as Google, Microsoft, etc. or you are delivering something very extraordinary. But there are more chances of downloads when you are providing the app for free. Thereafter, you can offer paid features in the app. This is called the Freemium model.

The users can download the app without paying any money but can access its premium features by paying an amount. In simple words, the users can use the free version of your app or on a trial basis but if they like the app they like the app then they can pay for the premium features as well.

9. Create awesome boards around the app’s category

Creating boards related to your app’s category on social media platforms such as Pinterest can be a great way to increase visibility and engagement with your target audience. Here are some tips to create awesome boards:

  • Define your target audience: Know who you are trying to reach and what they are interested in.
  • Choose a theme: Focus on a specific theme related to your app’s category, such as recipes for a cooking app, or fashion tips for a style app.
  • Pin relevant content: Pin images, videos, and articles related to your theme that are visually appealing and informative.
  • Make use of keywords: Use keywords related to your theme in board titles, descriptions, and captions of your pins.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Reach out to influencers in your app’s category and ask them to contribute pins to your boards.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and re-pin content from your followers to keep the boards active and engaging.

By creating visually appealing and relevant boards, you can attract new followers and drive more traffic to your app.

10. Create a captivating app preview of the app

You can upload a video of your app on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store. You must leverage this opportunity to showcase your app potential. The preview of the app would be able to convert those customers which have not downloaded the app yet and are looking at the screenshots.

11. Tell the story of your app using a video

Best Strategies to get First 10,00,000 (1 Million) downloads for your app (4)

A video is a powerful tool to tell the story of your app and help potential users understand what your app can offer. Here are some tips to create an effective app video:

  • Clearly define your message: What is the key value proposition of your app? What makes it unique?
  • Show, don’t tell: Use a demo of your app to show users what it can do. Use screen recordings or a live demo to showcase the key features and benefits.
  • Keep it short and simple: Attention spans are short, so keep your video under 2 minutes and make sure the message is clear and easy to understand.
  • Highlight customer testimonials: If possible, include testimonials from satisfied customers to build credibility and social proof.
  • Make use of visuals: Use eye-catching visuals, such as animations and graphics, to keep the video engaging and entertaining.
  • Optimize for different platforms: Create different versions of your video optimized for different platforms, such as YouTube, Instagram, and the app store.

By telling the story of your app through a video, you can grab the attention of potential users and build interest to drive downloads.

12. Create a short how-to series

Creating a short how-to series can be a great way to provide value to your audience and demonstrate the functionality and benefits of your app. Here are some tips to create an effective how-to series:

  • Define the objective: What is the purpose of your how-to series? What do you want to achieve?
  • Choose the right format: Decide on the format of your how-to series, whether it’s text, video, or a combination of both.
  • Keep it simple: Break down complex processes into simple, step-by-step instructions. Use visuals and graphics to make the instructions easy to follow.
  • Highlight key features: Make sure to showcase the key features of your app and how they can be used to achieve specific goals.
  • Make use of call-to-actions: Encourage users to take action, such as downloading your app, after each tutorial.
  • Promote your series: Share your how-to series on social media and other relevant channels to reach your target audience.

By creating a short how-to series, you can provide valuable information to your audience, increase engagement, and drive downloads of your app

13. Localize the Google Play Store Video

Best Strategies to get First 10,00,000 (1 Million) downloads for your app (5)

Localizing the video for your app on the Google Play Store can help you reach new audiences and increase downloads in different countries and regions. Here are some tips to localize your Google Play Store video:

  • Translate the video into target languages to make it accessible for international users.
  • Adapt the video to local cultures by considering cultural differences and incorporating local music and references.
  • Optimize for different regions: Consider the viewing habits and preferences of users in different regions and optimize the video accordingly.
  • Use subtitles: Add subtitles in the target language to make the video accessible to users who prefer or require them.
  • Test and refine: Test the localized video with users in the target region and refine it based on their feedback.

By localizing your Google Play Store video, you can make your app more appealing and accessible to users in different countries and regions and increase your chances of success in new markets.

14. Use the app video on your website as well

It would be a great idea if you market your app on your website as well, and using the app video on your website is the best possible way for this. On your app’s landing page, embed the video above the fold near the “Download from App Store” buttons.

15 Create a YouTube channel of your app

Best Strategies to get First 10,00,000 (1 Million) downloads for your app (6)

Creating a YouTube channel for your app can be a great way to reach new audiences and build a community around your app. Here are some tips to create an effective YouTube channel:

  • Define your target audience: Know who you are trying to reach and what they are interested in.
  • Decide on a consistent theme for your channel, such as tips and tutorials, behind-the-scenes footage, or user testimonials.
  • Create high-quality content: Invest in high-quality content that is engaging, informative, and visually appealing.
  • Optimize your videos for search by using relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags.
  • Promote your channel and videos through social media, your website, and other relevant channels.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and build a community by encouraging user engagement and feedback.

By creating a YouTube channel for your app, you can reach new audiences, build brand awareness, and drive downloads of your app.

Read About: How to Develop a Video Editing App: A Complete Guide

16. Send the video with review requests to different bloggers

  • Find relevant bloggers with a large following in your target audience.
  • Write a personalized email or message explaining why your app is relevant and why they would be interested in reviewing it.
  • Attach or embed the video of your app to give them a clear understanding.
  • Offer incentives such as early access, exclusive discounts, or chances to win prizes.
  • Follow up to see if they received the request and if they have questions.

17. Use video ads for driving installations on Facebook and other ad networks

Using video ads to drive installations on Facebook and other ad networks can be an effective way to reach new audiences and increase downloads of your app. Here are some tips to create effective video ads:

  • Define your target audience: Know who you are trying to reach and what they are interested in.
  • Create a compelling video: Invest in high-quality video content that is engaging, informative, and visually appealing.
  • Keep it short: Keep your video short and to the point, typically no more than 15-30 seconds, to capture the viewer’s attention.
  • Include a call to action: Include a clear call to action in the video, such as “Download now” or “Learn more”, to encourage users to take action.
  • Test and refine: Test different versions of your video and refine it based on the results, such as engagement, click-through rate, and conversion rate.
  • Choose the right platform: Choose the right ad network and platform, such as Facebook or Instagram, based on your target audience and the type of video content you have created.

By using video ads to drive installations on Facebook and other ad networks, you can reach new audiences and increase downloads of your app, driving growth and success.

How to develop a Video-Streaming App?

18. Submit the app on different sites

Submitting your app on different sites can be a great way to increase its visibility and reach new audiences. Here are some tips for submitting your app on different sites:

  • Offer promotional codes: Consider offering promotional codes or other incentives to encourage users to download and try your app.
  • Follow up with reviewers: Follow up with reviewers and respond to any questions or feedback they may have.

By submitting your app on different sites, you can increase its visibility and reach new audiences, driving downloads and growth for your app.

To make sure that your app should perform effectively over different sites then you need to consistent utilize app maintenance related services to keep your application bugs free.

19 Get as much publicity for your app as possible

Getting as much publicity as possible for your app can help increase its visibility, reach new audiences, and drive downloads. Here are some tips to get more publicity for your app: By getting as much publicity for your app as possible, you can increase its visibility, reach new audiences, and drive downloads, helping it to grow and succeed.

Read more: How to set up your iOS App for the App Store: The Complete Guide

The Final Words

Till now, it can be concluded that all the above mention steps will help you in simplifying your complex query of – “ how to get 1 million apps downloads? ”. All the steps incorporate an immense amount of potential to help you in reaching towards vast audiences.

Apart from this, you need to understand that your mobile application should be user-friendly and it should be bug-free. To create a fascinating mobile application, you can connect with Amplework Software because our developers incorporate diverse knowledge and prowess to fulfill your business requirements.

Best Strategies to get First 10,00,000 (1 Million) downloads for your app (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.