Best Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms for Double-Digit Returns - Crowd101 (2024)

Learn how to boost returns and diversify your portfolio with the best real estate crowdfunding platforms

Real estate crowdfunding still seems like one of those few undiscovered investments that most people aren’t using yet. The first real estate platforms were created less than a decade ago, but the asset only just got going in the last few years.

I started my career as a commercial real estate analyst before managing my own rental properties. I’ve been investing in real estate for more than two decades, so it’s always held a special place in my portfolio.

I’ve written about the investment a few times before on the blog but have never reviewed the top real estate crowdfunding platforms, so I wanted to share some of the sites I use tofind the best real estate deals.

What is Real Estate Crowdfunding?

If you just want to know the real estate crowdfunding platforms I use to find the best deals and invest, scroll down to where I’ve reviewed 11 of the largest sites.

I feel like there are still a lot of investors though that don’t know what property crowdfunding is or aren’t taking advantage of it like they could. It’s not an entirely new concept but it’s still new enough that there are a lot of misconceptions and myths.

Real estate crowdfunding is just the social revolution catching up to old investment strategies.

A property developer or institutional investor has a property they’d like to develop but doesn’t have the funds so they apply to list their project on a crowdfunding platform. If the project goes live on the site, investors can review the details and decide whether they want to invest.

If the project is fully funded, the crowdfunding site manages all the back-and-forth payments from the developer to the investors. Projects can be funded with debt secured against the property or for an equity investment that offers the chance for higher returns.

It’s really just the same model that real estate investment trusts (REITs) and some other real estate partnerships have been using for decades but opened up to everyone.

How Does Real Estate Crowdfunding Work?

The details ofhow real estate crowdfunding worksaren’t really any more complicated than that,

  1. A project owner (developer or investor) applies to list their project on the real estate crowdfunding site.
  2. Platform staff and investment analysts review documents on each project including background checks on the project owner, financial analysis of the project and a check on legal ownership of the property. An average of just 5% of proposed projects are approved on most platforms.
  3. If approved to the platform, individual investors can view project documents and ask questions. While the platform staff has verified some documents, it’s still important that you do your own analysis on the financial projections made by the developer.
  4. If a project meets your criteria, you can generally invest as little as $1,000 or more. Your money will be held in escrow by the platform until the project is fully funded.
  5. Developers receive the money when the project is fully funded or escrow amounts are returned to investors for unfunded projects. Ownership documents are written up and sent to investors.
  6. Depending on the length of the investment, project owners send regular updates to investors and send any cash payments through the platform. Debt investments usually pay out semi-annually while equity investments generally pay out in three to five years.

How the Real Estate Crowdfunding Process Works

Real Estate Crowdfunding Returns

I’ve been investing and managing real estate for more than two decades and wasn’t sure if I needed a new strategy in the asset. There are two reasons why I’vestarted investing in real estate crowdfunding.

First because the returns on crowdfunding properties are excellent, much higher than I’ve seen in my REIT portfolio. Second, and I’ll talk about this in the next section, because real estate crowdfunding has been a rare opportunity to diversify my property portfolio.

Best Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms for Double-Digit Returns - Crowd101 (1)

Average Real Estate Crowdfunding Platform Returns

I’ve been investing in real estate crowd deals for just under two years. Returns have been good, just under 10% on debt investments and about 15% on equity investments, but it’s really not enough years to make a call on the long-term return potential.

To get a better idea of howreal estate crowdfunding returnswork out over the longer-period, I surveyed the largest platforms on closed deals that have already matured. I reviewed 92 total deals, about two-thirds of which have closed and paid out so we have a good idea of what the long-term return is on the investment.

Debt investments in real estate crowdfunding have averaged a 9% return which is solid for a fixed-income and property-secured investment. Equity investments vary quite a bit depending on the property type but range from 9% to 20% for some properties. The average return on equity investments has been around 15% so it seems my results have been typical of the asset.

I’m not saying these returns will stay the same forever. None of the real estate crowdfunding platforms I surveyed had data from during or before the real estate crisis so it’s tough to say how the investments will perform during a recession.

I’m confident that crowdfunding returns, while surely lower, in a recession will still outperform stocks and (more importantly) will provide the portfolio-saving diversification every investor will need. Make sure you look through each project’s offer documents to verify the developer’s background and do your own analysis on property financials.

How to Use Real Estate Crowdfunding Investing to Diversify Your Portfolio

Besides the outstanding returns that have beaten my REIT portfolio by several percent over the past years, real estate crowdfunding is a critical piece in how I diversify my portfolio.

First, real estate itself is a diversifying asset when combined with a stock-bond portfolio. Real estate investing gives you returns comparable to stocks but a cash flow and safety you don’t get with equities. You get consistent cash flow as you would in bonds but also inflation protection and a real asset that protects your wealth when financial assets tumble.

Best Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms for Double-Digit Returns - Crowd101 (2)But real estate investing for the individual investor has always been a problem.

It costs hundreds of thousands to buy one property and diversifying your property portfolio is nearly impossible without a million or more to invest. You might be able to buy a few rentals but it’s usually in one property type and in one city.

REITs have been a good opportunity to diversify into other property types and other markets, but you have absolutely no control over the portfolio. In the last decade, I’ve seen REIT managers make horrible investment decisions shifting the portfolio to retail properties and acquisitions made at market highs.

Real estate crowdfundinggives you the control to invest in individual properties but at a cost low enough that you can diversify your overall portfolio for less than $20K. You have a direct investment in the property so your money is secured against it and individual projects are much easier to follow compared to a REIT that might have hundreds of projects going at once.

Best Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms for Investing

There are hundreds of real estate crowdfunding platforms but the vast majority get very few deals. In fact, I think we’ll see a consolidation in the coming years as smaller platforms close or are acquired by the largest sites.

A few property crowdfunding sites have already emerged as the leaders in the space and can provide you with a good selection of investments each month. Platforms have fallen into one of a few categories on the types of investments they offer.

  • Equity crowdfunding platforms only publish projects that offer an equity ownership investment in the property.
  • Debt crowdfunding sites only offer debt investments secured by the properties. Example: PeerStreet
  • Hybrid debt and equity platforms are the most popular because investors can balance each investment type to customize their risk and return. Example: RealtyShares
  • eREITs and Real Estate Funds – still some sites don’t offer direct investment in properties. Instead, the platform invests in a property and creates an LLC into which investors can pool their money. I’m actually not a big fan of this structure because you get no direct, legal ownership of the property itself.

While a few sites offer both debt and equity investments and several platforms are building a solid monthly choice of deals, I still invest across multiple platforms. It doesn’t cost anything to set up an account on a platform and you don’t even have to deposit any money until you’re ready to invest.

I aim to invest in at least 3 – 5 new properties each year to keep my pipeline filled with different property types and I like to be conservative in my selection. Setting up an account and investing across multiple platforms gives me access to as many deals as possible.

RealtySharesis one of the largest real estate crowd platforms and my go-to source when investing. The platform offers both debt and equity investments and usually has the best selection of new investments. As I write this, there are nine properties open for investment and 845 total investments to date.

What I like most about RealtyShares is that it seems to get more institutional-quality investments compared to other platforms. These are the large office buildings and multi-family properties as opposed to the single-family rentals you’ll see on a lot of sites. I already invest in single-family through my own portfolio. For real estate crowdfunding, I’m looking for large commercial properties to balance out my portfolio.

RealtyShares charges a rate spread of up to 2% on debt investments and 1% management fee on equity investments. The targeted return on most projects is between 9% to 11% annually with debt interest paid monthly or quarterly.

PeerStreetoffers only debt investments but has a unique auto-investing tool that makes it a stress-free way to keep your money working for you. The platform gets residential, multi-family and commercial property listings and has funded more than $500 million in projects.

The average return on investments ranges from 6% to 12% with interest paid out monthly on most projects. The platform staff has unique experience in loan underwriting so there’s a little more attention to qualifying debt investments than you might find on other sites.

EquityMultipleis a relatively newer real estate crowdfunding platform but a good site to put on your list for high-quality commercial properties. The platform only lists institutional-quality projects so you’ll find some really nice office, hotel and retail properties to fill out your portfolio.

EquityMultiple co-invests in every deal and charges one of the lowest fees I’ve seen among crowd platforms at just 0.5% a year. It’s also the only platform backed by an established real estate company, Mission Capital, which has closed over $70 billion in real estate transactions.

Fundriseoffers traditional crowdfunding investments to accredited investors but was also one of the first to start the eREIT investment structure. Investors can spread their money across different funds which charge between 0.15% to 1% a year on the portfolio.

Funds typically pay dividends quarterly but payments can vary depending on cash flow. Investment funds are based on strategy; i.e. income, growth or balanced, rather than on a specific property type.

Realty Mogulis another crowd platform specializing in the eREIT structure. Investments are through an LLC company that directly invests in different properties. Portfolio managers decide when to pay out dividends and in which properties to invest.

Fees on the platform’s eREITs range from 0.3% to 0.5% annually with dividends paid out quarterly. The platform was one of the first to launch in 2012 and it does get a good selection of institutional-quality deals.

Real Estate Crowdfunding Sites for Investors

GroundFlooris another twist on the crowd investing structure with its Limited Recourse Obligation (LRO) loan investments. Instead of investing directly in the property, you invest in these LROs that are set up for each deal. All deals are for residential real estate projects and generally charge between 1% to 2% fees annually.

Loans are typically very short-term from six- to 12-months so you’ll have to constantly re-invest your portfolio but returns are within the 10% range.

Holdfoliois a real estate platform I hadn’t heard of until just this year. The minimum investment ($20,000) is quite a bit higher than other platforms and all investments are through portfolios set up by the company.

Holdfolio buys the properties and then bundles them into a fund in which investors can invest. The portfolios are not as liquid as you will find with REITs and don’t have the maturity date you find investing in individual crowdfunding projects so you have to sell your investment back to the company to close it out.

Patch of Landis a peer-to-peer real estate platform offering debt investments backed by properties. The platform has funded nearly 1,000 loans with an average return of 11% and an average loan size of $450,000 so these are larger than the typical single-family project.

Investment fees on the platform start at 1% and loans are usually paid out monthly as principal and interest.

Prodigy Networkwas one of the first real estate crowdfunding sites to launch and has stayed exclusively focused on New York city properties. The platform is one of the few to only offer commercial properties and the minimum investment is typically $10,000 or higher.

Fees on projects typically start at an initial 3% for the investment then an annual management fee of 2% plus a financing fee. The platform works with real estate developers and generally takes a close interest in each project.

Real Crowdis another platform that specializes exclusively in commercial real estate projects. Where Real Crowd is unique is that it is more of a project aggregator, connectingreal estate investorswith investment companies rather than managing the investments themselves.

That means Real Crowd doesn’t charge fees on your investments but the investment company with which you invest will mange the projects and charge their own fees. I haven’t invested with any of the projects I’ve seen on Real Crowd yet.

I’ve only invested on a hand-full of these sites includingRealtyShares,PeerStreetandEquityMultipleso make sure you do your own research into some of the other real estate crowdfunding platforms before creating an account. A few have some unique features that look interesting, but I’m not sold on some of the fees or investment structure. Real estate crowdfunding can be a great opportunity to diversify your portfolio and boost returns if you know where to look.

Best Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms for Double-Digit Returns - Crowd101 (2024)


Which crowdfunding platform is the best? ›

10 best crowdfunding platforms
  • Best overall: Kickstarter.
  • Runner-up: Indiegogo.
  • Best for small businesses: Fundable.
  • Best for Shopify stores: Crowdfunder.
  • Best for content creators: Patreon.
  • Best for UK and Europe: Crowdcube.
  • Best for personal fundraising: GoFundMe.
  • Best for nonprofits: Mightycause.
May 17, 2024

What is the best online real estate investing platform? ›

Top-Rated Real Estate Investing Apps of 2024
  • Best overall: RealtyMogul.
  • Best for non-accredited investors: Fundrise.
  • Best for real estate and alternative investments: Yieldstreet.
  • Best for short-term real estate investments: Groundfloor.
  • Best for accredited investors: EquityMultiple.
Jul 30, 2024

What is the rate of return for real estate crowdfunding? ›

Average returns on investment are around 2% after 2 years, and up to 73% after 7 years. Fundrise charges a yearly 0.15% advisory fee, and a yearly 0.85% fee is charged to Fundrise's real estate funds. The minimum to invest varies from $10 for beginners, and the maximum is $100,000 for accredited investors.

What is the average return on crowdfunding? ›

Equity crowdfunding investments on reputable platforms, with terms of 5 or more years, have an average IRR of over 17%. Shorter-term real estate crowdfunding investments have average returns in 10% to 12% range.

What is the most successful crowdfunding campaign? ›

This article uses bare URLs, which are uninformative and vulnerable to link rot.
RankProjectAmount raised
1EOS$4,100,000,000 (7.12 million ETH)
2Star Citizen$714,097,952+
46 more rows

What is the biggest drawback about crowdfunding? ›

Scammers are by far the biggest con of the crowdfunding space. There are so many projects that have a successful raise, but do not pull through with the execution of the project. As a result, a lot of people have become jaded by the lack of follow through and reduced the trust between creators and early adopters.

Which real estate platform is best? ›

Compare Providers
Company NameCost
Zillow Best OverallFree to buyers, renters, and sellers Most AccurateFree to buyers and renters
Trulia Best Mobile AppFree for users Best for Foreclosures$39.80 monthly for web version;14 $39.99 for mobile version
3 more rows

Is crowdfunding real estate worth it? ›

The Bottom Line

While real estate crowdfunding and investing may not be for everyone, it can be a great way for you to start investing in real estate without needing to spend a substantial amount of money. Placing less money into the investment means that the risk will often be lower.

Where to invest $5,000 in real estate? ›

How to Invest $5,000 In Real Estate: Passive Investment Strategies
  • Invest in publicly traded REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) ...
  • Invest in fix and flip loans with Groundfloor. ...
  • Invest in private REITs with Fundrise. ...
  • Buy an inexpensive primary residence. ...
  • Find a property with seller financing. ...
  • Buy property with a partner.

Do you pay back crowdfunding? ›

Do You Pay Back Crowdfunding? For crowdfunding that operates on a donation basis, the company does not need to pay back investors. However many companies offer incentives for early backers such as an advance copy of the product.

How do you make money from real estate crowdfunding? ›

Real estate crowdfunding is similar to the equity version of it in that an investor can buy into a property and become a shareholder. Investors don't need to purchase entire properties, and they earn a part of the profits generated from the investment based on the amount they invest.

What is a good ROI in real estate? ›

But as a rule of thumb, most real estate investors aim for ROIs above 10%. For general insight, investors refer to major stock market indexes such as S&P 500.

What is the failure rate of crowdfunding? ›

Do you know how many crowdfunding campaigns fail? Out of all the crowdfunding platforms out there, the average rate of success for campaigns is only about 22%. That means nearly 80% of crowdfunding ventures fail to raise their desired capital.

How long does it take to raise money through crowdfunding? ›

Depending on your information available, getting your project live on the site can take from a few days to a few weeks. The maximum time for a project to reach it's funding goal is also variable, from a few hours to a few months.

What percentage of crowdfunding is successful? ›

The average success rate of any Crowdfunding campaign is 22.4%. If a crowdfunding campaign includes a video, it is more likely to earn 105% of funding than those without a video. If a campaign raises 30% of its goal within the first week, it is more like to gain funding as expected.

Is there a better option than GoFundMe? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to GoFundMe include reliability and ease of use. The best overall GoFundMe alternative is Givebutter. Other similar apps like GoFundMe are Donorbox, Classy, Fundly, and Snap! Raise.

What is better, GoFundMe or Kickstarter? ›

If you're looking for a flexible platform with no deadlines, no set funding goals, and rewards or incentives are not foremost in your donations program then GoFundMe is the better option.

Which fundraising platform is best? ›

Read on to discover which platform is best for you.
  1. Donorbox. Donorbox is a powerful all-in-one fundraising platform with a quick setup process and plenty of easy-to-use features. ...
  2. GoFundMe. ...
  3. OneCause. ...
  4. Handbid. ...
  5. Bonfire. ...
  6. Fundly. ...
  7. Soapbox Engage. ...
  8. 99Pledges.

Which crowdfunding site has the lowest fees? ›

1. Givebutter: A free crowdfunding site that's easy and fun. 💸 Fees: Givebutter is free. 0% platform fee, thanks to optional donor tips.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.