Best practices for using MediaWiki - MediaWiki (2024)

This page is currently a draft.

More information and discussion about changes to this draft may be on the discussion page.

Getting a MediaWiki wiki set up and supporting its use inside a group or organization can some times be a challenge. How do you get more people to use your wiki and how do you become confident in talking about it to others? This page attempts to cover a few aspects and best practices for establishing and using MediaWiki. It is incomplete and additions are welcome.

The genesis of this document was a session held at the Enterprise Mediawiki Conference in the Spring of 2017. There MediaWiki administrators, developers, and users came together to share best practices.

Understanding the wiki way[edit]

Wikis are similar to other systems of managing information via web pages. Content is added via an editor and viewed at a URI. Concepts such as "pages" and "categories" are found in many systems. However, the philosophical underpinnings of wikis differ from their more traditional counterparts. These differences, and arguably benefits, can be described as "the wiki way". So what does that mean?

  • Information lives in one location - no copies in email archives, file shares, silo "collaboration" sites, etc.
    • e.g. Document_(draft)_final-2017-02-14_FINAL-revised.docx
  • Information is always being improved - pages are dynamic, not usually finished, documents
  • Information is annotated to notify readers of its status
    • tag an article as 'draft' or 'historical'
  • It is ok to have a draft (and mark it as such)
    • Also, all documents are always approaching out-of-date-ness, and wikis are more apt to resist that
  • History and revisions in 'public' (transparency)
  • Documentation is auditable - it is easy for anyone to track when a certain phrase was introduced
  • Normal business controls (version control) are relaxed in place of social regulation and history transparency
  • It is easy to undo mistakes, making for a safe environment for beginners
  • Anyone can edit any article
  • No one (individual) owns content
    • Talk pages and email can help sort out confusion
    • Watching a page gives some people comfort that they can stake out their space and be kept aware of updates to content they are concerned with
  • Everyone has the responsibility for content (if an error is found, each person has a responsibility to correct it)
  • Sharing something in the wiki is better than nothing
  • See an error? Anyone can fix it right away.
  • Made an error? It's ok: be bold
  • A wiki is a way to crowd-source knowledge - The whole is greater than sum of parts
  • People navigate by search and links in context
  • Content is always being improved and discussion can happen right alongside the content. This helps to identify clear "known unknowns"
  • Assume good intentions by all editors (assume good faith edits, but all actions are recorded)
  • Collaboration is an assumption
  • Simple, consistent formatting is possible with little markup. Can be extended with consistent templates and forms.
  • Collaboratively developed combined knowledge
  • Conversation platforms can be used to germinate ideas
  • Ideas are synthesized and collaboratively developed on a wiki
  • As content is developed and matured, it could be delivered on a more static platform (making wikis great for drafting or staging phases of a documentation process)
  • There is a push to publish first and review later (cf's_Law )
  • Specific, narrowly-focused content (well factored content)
  • Relationships between information can be visualized and leveraged
  • Transparency - allow everyone to see information, builds trust, and surfaces issues.
  • Attribution/Accountability - gives credit to contributors.
  • Ability to synthesize topics, share information outside of formal tasking, formal role.
  • Make it easier to fix mistakes than making it difficult to make mistakes - more and better content this way, over time (loosen authoring bottlenecks)

How do you sell the idea of a wiki?[edit]

Often when making the decision to use a wiki for a group or organization there will be a need to have agreement from different groups. Leadership will have concerns over cost and scaling. Subject matter experts will want to know how to best organize their information. Other teams will want to know about other successful groups. There's even the possibility that a formal approval process will be needed.

Who are these various 'customers' and how might you approach them with the idea of using a wiki?


  • MediaWiki is the global standard, used by hundreds of millions of people
  • Using the experiences of other similar and/or well-known organizations can be persuasive.
    • The CIA uses it! - so it is secure enough
    • NASA uses it - they literally send people into space
  • A wiki allows us to work topically, not organizationally
  • A wiki helps to avoid duplicating content
  • Highlight existing success stories of wikis
  • A wiki allows you to reuse content in many different ways - prevents repeat data entry in multiple systems
    • You can document information in the wiki, then query the wiki to see what is documented
  • Content that is itself complex (like policy) or content that explains a complex process requires a "canvas" - a web page is the best modern "canvas" type (compared to documents, presentation slides, etc.)
  • Wikis are the best tool for managing a collection of co-authored webpages
  • Wikis are a fantastic collaboration tool with a tremendous amount of transparency - all changes are documented as well as who made them
  • It's free software - both in cost and in license
  • There is commercial support from dedicated vendors and consultants
    • e.g. Professional development and consulting
  • There are turn-key hosted solutions (Software as a Service) so no requirements on infrastructure.
  • Call it "knowledge management" and explain how it helps achieve that
  • Discuss the concerns over "out-of-date-ness" of a document with time. With non-wikis you have a downward slope which often ends up with the document being known to be out of date by all members of the community. But you also know fairly certainly (assuming strict publishing requirements) that nothing was incorrect *at the time of publishing*. With (healthy) wikis you will see that inaccuracies are quickly fixed, but you have the risk that something inaccurate could be pushlished. Displaying this graphically it's pretty easy to show that wikis are lower risk.
  • Cross-checking and reviews decrease errors and increase safety
  • Version control of documents is not an issue
  • Low cost, easy to set up, easy to eliminate if it doesn't meet expectations.
  • Simple, low-cost way to make content available enterprise-wide
  • All edits attributable in full history


  • By having a long term view of sharing information, stakeholders will realize that an investment today will pay off in spades later. A wiki requires minimal investment and can quickly show it's value.
  • You're not locked-in; not bundled with something expensive; open source; can import/export to other formats
  • Future upgrades will be free so we won't abandon this format on you
  • Storing content as data allows for fine-grained content re-use - it saves an author time, once they see various single-source content visualizations in action
  • Removes "silos of knowledge"
  • Converts data/information into knowledge (capture the "why")
  • The goal is to provide quick access to correct information
  • Solution to the problem of loss of company knowledge when employees retire or leave the company
  • MediaWiki has science-enabling features: equations, footnotes, links, templates, categories which can add value to texts that already exist and make them more interlinked, discoverable, reusable. This helps to build peer review and reuse of sources.

Peer teams[edit]

  • If you are a proponent of using a wiki, use it yourself and share with people whenever they need something from you.
  • Make using the wiki part of a process - content ages quickly unless it is part of a process.
  • Link directly from the app you are documenting; every field label in one of the programs your organization uses should link to its wiki article
  • Once the wiki is up and going it will save you time over other forms of documenting and sharing information
  • Once a portal is up that belongs to a team, burden of maintaining can be shared, team members can rotate out but the portal can continue

How to get others to embrace the wiki way?[edit]

  • Support those who show up with content
  • Find the champions who are eager to use the wiki and have the ear of others in a team or department
  • Have good examples - If using something like Semantic MediaWiki or Cargo, explain how the data can be queried and displayed once the pages are created
  • Listen and understand workflows
  • Ignore doomsayers
  • Illustrate success, if not locally then by referring to Wikipedia
  • When entries can be aggregated dynamically, people feel like they have contributed to something bigger than themselves. Lists of popular or recently added/edited pages easily visible can help show contributors impact
  • Create a feeling of community - help each other and keep your community engaged with events and one-on-one hand holding.
  • Be adaptive, listen to your community needs.
  • Provide a proof of concept
  • Altruism for knowledge sharing - share for others - be of service to others - leave a legacy
  • Use VE, or break down the process of creating and editing pages across multiple sessions ** (have everyone create a page title and summary, then outline, then content)
  • Marketing - everyone uses Wikipedia, draw parallels - same benefits of Wikipedia but inside a protected environment.
  • Show them how easy it is to use and the advantages to using a wiki
  • Training sessions and editathons with free food
  • Create "hooks" where valuable information is only found in the wiki
  • Encourage! Give badges, accolades, praise.

For an existing wiki[edit]

  • Point to successes elsewhere within the wiki
    • Explain how the wiki has grown, the costs and investment needed by other groups
  • Wikipedia - strangers on the internet can make a top 5 website? Now imagine that inside an org where folks are paid and you can give them a call
  • Channel request for "We want our own wiki" to consider sharing space on an existing wiki - more eyes, fewer silos, more value for users of the wiki
  • Help orient people with an introduction to the wiki by showing existing content and how to edit
  • Try to expand uses - convince offices, projects to use for providing easily findable information
  • If your information is in the same place as another group's, there will be unexpectedly helpful ways in which cross-pollination will help

For a new wiki[edit]

  • Develop a structure to the information early in planning
  • Have smart defaults when configuring forms, templates, and pages
  • Create a demonstration wiki or provide mockups on how the information might be organized.
  • Demos can be time consuming. If someone gives you a spreadsheet or a few existing word docs, it’s easy to create a few example pages out of that content - to let them see their knowledge transferred to the wiki
  • "In-person" training for new folks
  • Focused demo that is related to the audiences concerns - not a wide "here's all the things the wiki can do"
  • Whenever possible, bootstrap the wiki using a decent size set of pages to form a critical mass of value
  • Encourage and support excited users ("Look how many pages I created vs that other way") - these folks will be your best salespeople!
  • Provide economical decision to edit (organic growth)
  • Create a community of contributors
  • Define who can see and edit, and push as much as you can toward openness
    • More openess in your org makes it easier to share and find and creates less maintance
  • A charismatic leader can help redirect content from email to wiki
    • Develop services that creates wiki pages from email.
  • Take your time to design your entity classes. Use appropriate tools; expect the classes to change

Open source strengths[edit]

MediaWiki is open source. That can be a familiar advantage in your group or can seem foreign and scary. There are some benefits to open-source listed below.

  • Flexibility
  • Data portability
  • Extensibility
  • Longevity
  • Continuous development
  • No subscription contracts
    • Not so much the money - but the jockeying of salespeople, timing of renewals, bids for other products
    • Avoids vendor lock-in
    • No licensing costs
    • Low cost, access to a much greater community of developers, tech people than you could afford to pay
  • Extending the value of everyone's work by sharing it.
  • Knowledge management should not be within a closed source system
  • Inherent transparency
  • Less danger of malicious code
  • Easier to understand/debug how features work
  • Builds on each others' success by leveraging teamwork
  • Anyone in our organization (or our field), with similar needs, could change the software or an extension
  • Often much more stable

Why MediaWiki[edit]

  • It is one of the oldest, longest lasting, bedrocks of wiki communities
  • It is the foundation of what could be the largest most successful social movement - Wikipedia and its sister projects
  • One that acts in grand transparency
  • One of the best funded open-source wiki projects by far
  • Has a capable security team
  • Combination of capabilities like recent chages, watches, what links here and categories helps cope with an environment where anyone can edit anything, you can always garden them back in with those tools.
  • Integration with Wikimedia Commons - can have quick access by insta-links to the materials there
  • More chance of some of your users already being familiar with it
  • There's an active and vibrant community with multiple venues for discussion and help, yearly events, and active development.
  • Very familiar for content consumers. Designed learning curve for content providers.

Differences in using a wiki inside an organization[edit]

  • Anonymous editing is often not allowed or very rare
  • Access can be restricted for certain content
  • Being able to delete content is an assigned right of certain staff (not spread across the community of contributors)
  • Easier to sell; almost everyone, including senior managers are familiar or at least aware of Wikipedia. If it's good enough for Wikipedia and it doesn't cost anything, it will probably be good enough for us
  • Accountability in the enterprise
  • Be more sensible in regards to data security issues than a public wiki
  • Due to the relatively much smaller user numbers, there needs to be more targeted generation of content. Especially at first the pages won't 'make themselves'.

Other points[edit]

  • Gameification and positive feedback loops are useful to spur contributions
  • Use PageForms
  • Top down support needed for success
  • Use open source web analytics to learn more about your wiki and your community of users
  • Don't be afraid to predesign your wiki structure / classes. Keep in mind, that this design might change
  • Don't be afraid to make clones of your wiki to test things out before going to production
  • Organic - everyone can potentially add value if they want to contribute and extends functionality of the entire wiki

See also[edit]

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Best practices for using MediaWiki - MediaWiki (2024)


How to use MediaWiki? ›

Installing MediaWiki
  1. Upload the MediaWiki file that you downloaded to your web server via FTP.
  2. Log into your server via SSH, then decompress the file on the server.
  3. Confirm that the MediaWiki files are in your domain's web directory. ...
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process. ...
  5. Upload the LocalSettings.
1 Jun 2022

How do I speed up MediaWiki? ›

It is recommended to generate a static autoloader with Composer, which will make your wiki respond faster. Remember that this will need to be re-run after each MediaWiki update as it includes a static copy of which libraries and classes exist in the software.

Is MediaWiki a CMS? ›

MediaWiki can be used as a "CMS" content management system, e.g. if you want to create a bliki (combination blog/wiki). Before going this route, you may want to consider factors involved in deciding whether to use a wiki as your website type.

Is MediaWiki hard? ›

Administering a MediaWiki wiki is generally not that hard, once you've done the initial setup. It involves both actions done via the web interface, and actions done on the back end, like editing LocalSettings. php and installing extensions.

Is MediaWiki owned by Wikipedia? ›

It was developed for use on Wikipedia in 2002, and given the name "MediaWiki" in 2003. MediaWiki was originally developed by Magnus Manske and improved by Lee Daniel Crocker. Its development has since then been coordinated by the Wikimedia Foundation.

What markup does MediaWiki use? ›

This kind of text markup used in the MediaWiki (Wikipedia) project is called wikitext.

Does MediaWiki use a database? ›

MediaWiki uses the Rdbms library as its database abstraction layer. Developers must not directly call low-level database functions, such as mysql_query . Each connection is represented by Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase from which queries can be performed.

Can you use MediaWiki offline? ›

Mediawiki contents can be organised for offline reading, but this takes some work. The most practical solution is probably exporting and packaging to *. ZIM files and then using the Kiwix reader.

What database does MediaWiki use? ›

The MySQL database engine is the most commonly-used database backends for MediaWiki. Since MySQL used to be the relational database management system used by the Wikimedia Foundation websites, it is well-supported in MediaWiki. Much of the advice for MySQL and for MariaDB apply to each other.

Is MediaWiki easy? ›

MediaWiki can be difficult to install if you do not have any experience with Apache (web server software), PHP and MySQL/MariaDB (database). The Appendices section below offers easier alternatives to manual installation. The Appendices section below also provides installation notes for specific system configurations.

Where does MediaWiki store pages? ›

Semantic MediaWiki stores its data via about 10 additional tables within the database that MediaWiki uses (which is usually a MySQL database). SMW can additionally store its data within an RDF triplestore, such as 4store and Virtuoso, although even in such cases the standard database is also used.

What is the purpose of MediaWiki? ›

MediaWiki is an extremely powerful, scalable software and a feature-rich wiki implementation that uses PHP to process and display data stored in a database, such as MySQL. Pages use MediaWiki's wikitext format, so that users without knowledge of HTML or CSS can edit them easily.

Does MediaWiki support HTML? ›

MediaWiki restricts the use of HTML by default. Only some HTML elements and attributes are allowed. Raw-HTML sections, surrounded by the "html" tag, can be enabled with the configuration parameter $wgRawHtml . The code is available at includes/parser/Sanitizer.

Is MediaWiki secure? ›

Extensions made by prominent members of the MediaWiki development community are usually quite safe. Similarly any extension used on a wiki run by the Wikimedia Foundation has probably been looked at carefully, and is probably safe (There are of course no guarantees).

What language does MediaWiki use? ›

PHP - the primary language that MediaWiki was originally written in, and which most new code in MediaWiki uses. JavaScript - language used for many important components of MediaWiki, notably VisualEditor, Parsoid, and all Gadgets, not to mention most code delivered to the browser via ResourceLoader for execution.

Can you make MediaWiki private? ›

MediaWiki is designed for two basic access modes: Everyone can view every single page on the wiki (with the possible exception of a few special pages). This is the mode used by Wikipedia and its sister projects. Anonymous users can only view the Main Page and login page, and cannot edit any page.

Why does Wikipedia cost so much to run? ›

What Does Wikipedia Need the Money for? Like any website, Wikipedia has server costs, administration costs, staff costs, and more. For a website the size of Wikipedia, these costs are tremendous. According to Statista, it claimed over 5.5 unique visitors and over 40 billion page views every month throughout 2021.

Do Wikipedia editors get paid? ›

Paid editing is editing Wikipedia in return for payment. Although there may be some forms of compensation that are generally acceptable, such as the Wikipedia reward board, there are other forms that are considered unacceptable.

Why did Wikipedia shut down? ›

On 16 January, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales announced that the English Wikipedia would shut down for 24 hours on 18 January as part of a protest meant to call public attention to the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act and PROTECT IP Act, two anti-piracy laws under debate in the United States Congress.

Does MediaWiki support markdown? ›

This category collects extensions which provide support for markdown syntax.

How do I protect a page in MediaWiki? ›

You can designate a page as a protected page by clicking the 'Protect page' tab ('protect' in the drop-down menu in Vector skin), and supplying a comment (a brief textual description of why you are protecting the page). There are several reasons why a particular page might be protected.

What is namespace in MediaWiki? ›

Pages on a MediaWiki wiki are grouped into collections called “namespaces” which differentiate between the purpose of the pages at a high level. Pages in certain namespaces can also have special properties or behave differently when they interact with other pages.

Which database is best for streaming data? ›

Apache Kafka

It is the practice to capture data in real-time in a stream of events from sources like sensors, mobile devices, databases, and software applications. Apache Kafka combines the following capabilities for event streaming in a highly scalable, fault-tolerant, flexible, and secure manner.

Does MediaWiki work with safe mode enabled? ›

MediaWiki can run with safe_mode enabled, but many of the advanced features will not work or need additional configuration. If you cannot turn safe_mode off (such is the case with many shared webhosts), please consider finding a new host.

How do I upload files to MediaWiki? ›

  1. 1 Prerequisites. 1.1 Make sure uploads are enabled in PHP. 1.2 Check for Windows and IIS users. 1.3 Check directory security. 1.4 Check .htaccess file.
  2. 2 Setting uploads on/off.
  3. 3 Using a central repository.
  4. 4 Upload permissions.
  5. 5 Configuring file types.
  6. 6 Log in.
  7. 7 Thumbnailing.
  8. 8 Set maximum size for file uploads.
20 Aug 2022

How does MediaWiki search work? ›

On every page there is a search box. Enter keywords and phrases and press Enter or Return or click the magnifying glass icon (or Search or Go button when using other skins). If a page has the same title as what you entered, you jump straight to that page.

Does wiki have an API? ›

What is the Wikipedia API? The Wikipedia API (official documentation) is supported by the MediaWiki's API and provide access to Wikipedia and other MediaWiki data without interacting with the user interface.

Is MediaWiki opensource? ›

MediaWiki is the free open-source wiki software used to power Wikipedia and thousands of other wikis. The contributions of hundreds of individual developers have helped make it a feature-rich, secure and scalable platform capable of powering some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world.

How do I add a logo to MediaWiki? ›

How to change my MediaWiki logo image?
  1. Create an image for your logo with dimensions of 135×135 pixels. ...
  2. Upload your logo image somewhere on your web hosting account. ...
  3. Add or edit the $wgLogo line in the LocalSettings.php to contain the path to your logo.

Is wiki hard to read? ›

Eliminating these from the calculations, the reading score for the Simple English Wikipedia came in at 61.69, lower than the goal of 80. In fact, 94.7% of the articles scored lower than 80, and 42.3% were below the score needed to be considered Standard reading material.

How do I use MediaWiki Docker? ›

Using for MediaWiki Development

Create a docker-compose. yml with the sample contents. Clone MediaWiki in a subfolder called html . Install the PHP dependencies by running docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD/html:/app composer install or composer install -d ./html if you have composer installed.

How do I get started with MediaWiki? ›

  1. Step One: Installing MediaWiki.
  2. Download and Extract MediaWiki files. ▪ ...
  3. Step Two: Creating and customizing your login account.
  4. Create a new account: ▪ ...
  5. Customize your account: ▪ ...
  6. Step Three: Create and edit pages. ...
  7. Create a page. ...
  8. Create pages called Monday and Friday.

What code does MediaWiki use? ›

PHP - the primary language that MediaWiki was originally written in, and which most new code in MediaWiki uses. JavaScript - language used for many important components of MediaWiki, notably VisualEditor, Parsoid, and all Gadgets, not to mention most code delivered to the browser via ResourceLoader for execution.

What is the purpose of a MediaWiki? ›

MediaWiki is an extremely powerful, scalable software and a feature-rich wiki implementation that uses PHP to process and display data stored in a database, such as MySQL. Pages use MediaWiki's wikitext format, so that users without knowledge of HTML or CSS can edit them easily.

What are the five steps in using wiki? ›

These quick-start steps will set your team up for long-term wiki success.
  1. Step 1: Identify wiki goals. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose a wiki software. ...
  3. Step 3: Identify key contributors. ...
  4. Step 3: Create a brief outline of your wiki. ...
  5. Step 4: Have a kick-off meeting. ...
  6. Step 5: Use a template for faster document creation.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

Last Updated:

Views: 6464

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.