Best practices for avoiding rate limiting (2024)

If you make a lot of Zendesk API requests in a short amount of time, you may bump into the API rate limit. When you reach the limit, the API stops processing any more requests until a certain amount of time has passed.

The rate limits for the Zendesk APIs are outlined in Rate limits in the API reference. Get familiar with the limits before starting your project.

This article covers the following best practices for avoiding rate limiting.

Monitoring API activity against your rate limit

You can use the API usage dashboard in Admin Center to monitor your API activity against your rate limit. See Managing API usage in your Zendesk account in Zendesk help.

Best practices for avoiding rate limiting (1)

The following response headers contain the account's rate limit and the number of requests remaining for the current minute:

X-Rate-Limit: 700X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 699

The responses from Ticketing API list endpoints such as List Tickets or Search Users provide the following headers:

x-rate-limit: 700ratelimit-limit: 700x-rate-limit-remaining: 699ratelimit-remaining: 699ratelimit-reset: 41zendesk-ratelimit-tickets-index: total=100; remaining=99; resets=41

The zendesk-ratelimit-tickets-index header is only available in list ticket endpoints. For more information, see List Tickets limits.

Using rate limit headers in your application

For each Ticketing API call you make, Zendesk includes the above account-wide rate limit information in the response headers. To utilize this information, ensure that your application properly reads and interprets these headers. Always check the account wide limits header first. If you receive a 429 response, then look for endpoint-specific headers.

In the examples below, the headers are processed to check for an endpoint rate limit. Note: These examples are for reference only.


import requestsimport timedef call_zendesk_api(): url = "" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"} response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) should_continue = handle_rate_limits(response) if should_continue: # Process the API response # Your code here...def handle_rate_limits(response): account_limit = response.headers.get("ratelimit-remaining") endpoint_limit = response.headers.get("Zendesk-RateLimit-Endpoint") accountLimitResetSeconds = response.headers.get("ratelimit-reset")  if account_limit: account_remaining = int(account_limit) if account_remaining > 0: if endpoint_limit: endpoint_remaining = int(endpoint_limit.split(";")[1].split("=")[1]) if endpoint_remaining > 0: return True else: endpointLimitResetSeconds = int(endpoint_limit.split(";")[2].split("=")[1]) # Endpoint-specific limit exceeded; stop making more calls handle_limit_exceeded(endpointLimitResetSeconds) else: # No endpoint-specific limit return True else: # Account-wide limit exceeded handle_limit_exceeded(accountLimitResetSeconds) return Falsedef handle_limit_exceeded(limitHeaderResetTime): reset_time = 60 # default time if reset time is not available from the header if limitHeaderResetTime: reset_time = limitHeaderResetTime wait_time = reset_time - time.time() + 1 # Add 1 second buffer print(f"Rate limit exceeded for {limit_header}. Waiting for {wait_time} seconds...") time.sleep(wait_time)


const axios = require('axios');async function callZendeskAPI() { const url = ""; const headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"}; try { const response = await axios.get(url, { headers }); const shouldContinue = handleRateLimits(response); if (shouldContinue) { // Process the API response // Your code here... } } catch (error) { // Handle other errors console.error(error); }}function handleRateLimits(response) { const accountLimit = response.headers["ratelimit-remaining"]; const endpointLimit = response.headers["Zendesk-RateLimit-endpoint"]; const accountLimitResetSeconds = response.headers["ratelimit-reset"] if (accountLimit) { const accountRemaining = parseInt(accountLimit); if (accountRemaining > 0) { if (endpointLimit) { const endpointRemaining = parseInt(endpointLimit.split(";")[1].split("=")[1]); if (endpointRemaining > 0) { return true; } else { const endpointLimitResetSeconds = parseInt(endpointLimit.split(";")[2].split("=")[1]); // Endpoint-specific limit exceeded handleLimitExceeded(endpointLimitResetSeconds); } } else { // No endpoint-specific limit return true; } } else { // Account-wide limit exceeded handleLimitExceeded(accountLimitResetSeconds); } } return false;}async function handleLimitExceeded(limitHeaderResetTime) { const resetTime = limitHeaderResetTime || 60; // default to 60 const waitTime = resetTime - Math.floor( / 1000) + 1; // Add 1 second buffer console.log(`Rate limit exceeded for {limitHeader}. Waiting for ${waitTime} seconds...`); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime * 1000));}callZendeskAPI();

Both examples verify that the limit is not exceeded for each response before proceeding to the next request. If the limit is exceeded, parse the reset time from the rate limit headers, calculate the wait time until the reset, and then pause until that time. After waiting, retry the API call.

Alternatively, you can choose to check only when the response status code is 429 (rate limit exceeded).

Here are some best practices for utilizing rate limit headers:

  • Regularly monitor your API usage to prevent unexpected rate limit breaches.
  • Design your application to gracefully handle rate limit headers, ensuring continuous service for your users.
  • Implement exponential backoff strategies to effectively manage rate limit exceeded errors.

Handling errors caused by rate limiting

If the rate limit is exceeded, the API responds with a 429 Too Many Requests status code.

It's best practice to include error handling for 429 responses in your code. If your code ignores 429 errors and keeps trying to make requests, you might start getting null errors. At that point, the error information won't be useful in diagnosing the problem.

For example, a request that bumps into the rate limit might return the following response:

< HTTP/1.1 429< Server: nginx/1.4.2< Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 00:18:27 GMT< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8< Content-Length: 85< Connection: keep-alive< Status: 429< Cache-Control: no-cache< X-Zendesk-API-Version: v2< Retry-After: 93< X-Zendesk-Origin-Server: ****.****.***.*****.com< X-Zendesk-User-Id: 338231444< X-Zendesk-Request-Id: c773675d81590abad33i<* Connection #0 to host left intact* Closing connection #0* SSLv3, TLS alert, Client hello (1):Rate limit for ticket updates exceeded, please wait before updating this ticket again

The response contains the following information:

  • Status: 429
  • Retry-After: 93

The 429 status code means too many requests. The Retry-After header specifies that you can retry the API call in 93 seconds. Your code should stop making additional API requests until enough time has passed to retry.

The following pseudo-code shows a simple way to handle rate-limit errors:

response = request.get(url)if response.status equals 429: alert('Rate limited. Waiting to retry…') wait(response.headers['retry-after']) retry(url)


The following snippet shows how you can handle rate-limit errors in JavaScript for Node.js.

const axios = require("axios")async function requestWithRateLimit(url, username, apiToken) { const tokenUsername = username + '/token'; const password = apiToken; const response = await axios.get(url, {  auth: { tokenUsername, password } }) if (response.status === 429) { const secondsToWait = Number(response.headers["retry-after"]) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, secondsToWait * 1000)) return requestWithRateLimit(url, username, apiToken) } return response}

Browser JavaScript

The following snippet shows how you can handle rate-limit errors in client-side JavaScript for the browser.

async function requestWithRateLimit(url, accessToken) { const options = { method: "GET", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } } const response = await fetch(url, options) if (response.status === 429) { const secondsToWait = Number(response.headers.get("retry-after")) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, secondsToWait * 1000)) return requestWithRateLimit(url, accessToken) } return response}

Note: To make an authenticated request from the browser to a Zendesk API, you must authenticate the request using an OAuth access token. For more information, see Making client-side CORS requests to the Ticketing API.


The following snippet shows how you can handle rate-limit errors in Python.

import requestsimport timeimport os# Store the API token in an environment variable for security reasonsZENDESK_API_TOKEN = os.getenv('ZENDESK_API_TOKEN')def request_with_rate_limit(url, username, token): auth = (f'{username}/token', token) response = requests.get(url, auth=auth) if response.status_code == 429: # Check if the rate limit has been reached seconds_to_wait = int(response.headers["Retry-After"]) # Get the number of seconds to wait from the Retry-After header time.sleep(seconds_to_wait) # Sleep for that duration return request_with_rate_limit(url, username, token) # Recursively call the function again until the rate limit is lifted return response# Usage example:# Assuming the API endpoint you're trying to access is located at `api/some_endpoint`url = ''response = request_with_rate_limit(url, ZENDESK_USER_NAME, ZENDESK_API_TOKEN) # Pass in the URL, username, and API tokenif response.status_code == 200: # Success print(response.json())else: # Error handling print(f'Error occurred: {response.status_code} - {response.text}')

Reducing the number of API requests

Make sure you make only the requests that you need. Here are areas to explore for reducing the number of requests:

  1. Optimize your code to eliminate any unnecessary API calls.

    For example, are some requests getting data items that aren't used in your application? Are retrieved data items being put back to your Zendesk product instance with no changes made to them?

  2. Cache frequently used data.

    You can cache data on the server or on the client using DOM storage. You can also save relatively static information in a database or serialize it in a file.

  3. Use bulk and batch endpoints, such as Update Many Tickets, that let you update up to 100 tickets with a single API request.

Regulating the request rate

If you regularly exceed the rate limit, update your code to distribute requests more evenly over a period of time. This is known as a throttling process or a throttling controller. Regulating the request rate can be done statically or dynamically. For example, you can monitor your request rate and regulate requests when the rate approaches the rate limit.

To determine if you need to implement a throttling process, monitor your request errors. How often do you get 429 errors? Does the frequency warrant implementing a throttling process?

Frequently asked questions

  • Is there an endpoint that returns all endpoints for a resource, including the different rate limits and times to retry?

    No, we don't provide a rate-limit endpoint.

    However, you can use the following response headers to monitor your account's rate limit and the number of requests remaining for the current minute:

    X-Rate-Limit: 700X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 699

    Tickets use the following response headers:

    x-rate-limit: 700ratelimit-limit: 700x-rate-limit-remaining: 699ratelimit-remaining: 699ratelimit-reset: 41zendesk-ratelimit-tickets-index: total=100; remaining=99; resets=41
  • What happens when the rate limit is reached?

    The request isn't processed and a response is sent containing a 429 response code and a Retry-After header. The header specifies the time in seconds that you must wait before you can try the request again.

  • Will batching calls reduce the number of API calls? How about making parallel calls?

    No, batching calls won't reduce the number of API calls.

    However, using a bulk or batch endpoint, such as Update Many Tickets or Ticket Bulk Import, will reduce calls.

Best practices for avoiding rate limiting (2024)


How to prevent rate limiting? ›

Reducing the number of API requests
  1. Optimize your code to eliminate any unnecessary API calls. ...
  2. Cache frequently used data. ...
  3. Use bulk and batch endpoints, such as Update Many Tickets, that let you update up to 100 tickets with a single API request.

What are the best practices for API rate limiting exceedance? ›

How to implement rate limiting and throttling
  • Implement rate limiting logic. ...
  • Handle rate limit exceedances. ...
  • Reset rate limits. ...
  • Logging and monitoring. ...
  • Inform clients. ...
  • Test and iterate. ...
  • Consider rate limiting algorithms. ...
  • Implement API throttling (Optional)
Oct 24, 2023

What is the best way to implement rate limiting? ›

There are several ways to implement rate limiting. One common approach is to set a maximum number of requests that a user or client can make within a given time period, such as a minute or an hour. If the user exceeds this limit, their subsequent requests may be denied or delayed until the rate limit is reset.

How to overcome rate limit error? ›

One easy way to avoid rate limit errors is to automatically retry requests with a random exponential backoff. Retrying with exponential backoff means performing a short sleep when a rate limit error is hit, then retrying the unsuccessful request.

What is the rate limiting strategy? ›

Rate limiting is a technique to limit network traffic to prevent users from exhausting system resources. Rate limiting makes it harder for malicious actors to overburden the system and cause attacks like Denial of Service (DoS).

What are rate limiting rules? ›

Rate limiting is a strategy for limiting network traffic. It puts a cap on how often someone can repeat an action within a certain timeframe – for instance, trying to log in to an account. Rate limiting can help stop certain kinds of malicious bot activity.

How do you deal with API rate limits requests? ›

  1. Use HTTP 429 with available response headers. ...
  2. Retry the request with exponential backoff using HTTP response statuses. ...
  3. Don't retry the rate-limited request.
Jan 25, 2024

How do you handle large API responses? ›

Pagination is the solution to this problem. It involves breaking down the dataset into smaller, more manageable chunks, or “pages,” and returning them one at a time.

What is the typical API rate limiting? ›

An API rate limit refers to the number of calls the client (API consumer) can make in a second. Rate limits are calculated in requests per second (RPS). Let's say you only want a client to call an API a maximum of 10 times per minute. You can apply a rate limit to expressed as “10 requests per 60 seconds”.

What is the disadvantage of rate limiting? ›

Limitations: Server-based rate limiting can be circumvented by attackers who distribute their requests across multiple servers. It can also block legitimate traffic if the limit is set too low or if the server is overloaded.

What are the 4 rate limit algorithms every developer should know? ›

In this tutorial, we will explore four well-known rate limiting algorithms: the Token Bucket Algorithm, Sliding Window Algorithm, Distributed Sliding Window Algorithm, and Distributed Token Bucket Algorithm.

What is the difference between throttling and rate limiting? ›

Rate Limiting and Throttling policies are designed to limit API access, but have different intentions: Rate limiting protects an API by applying a hard limit on its access. Throttling shapes API access by smoothing spikes in traffic.

How to handle rate limiting OpenAI API? ›

If you're hitting the limit on requests per minute but have available capacity on tokens per minute, you can increase your throughput by batching multiple tasks into each request. This will allow you to process more tokens per minute, especially with our smaller models.

Is ChatGPT rate limited? ›

According to OpenAI's documentation, the message rate limit for ChatGPT Team users is set at “approximately twice that of ChatGPT Plus”. This indicates the limit is dynamic rather than static. Currently, each user under the ChatGPT Team plan is allowed up to 100 messages every three hours.

How do you handle secondary rate limits? ›

If your request continues to fail due to a secondary rate limit, wait for an exponentially increasing amount of time between retries, and throw an error after a specific number of retries.

How do I turn off rate limits? ›

Yes, the rate limiter can be disabled for an API Definition by selecting Disable Rate Limits in the API Designer, or by setting the value of disable_rate_limit to true in your API definition. Alternatively, you could also set the values of Rate and Per (Seconds) to be 0 in the API Designer.

How do I overcome the API rate limit? ›

  1. Use HTTP 429 with available response headers. ...
  2. Retry the request with exponential backoff using HTTP response statuses. ...
  3. Don't retry the rate-limited request.
Jan 25, 2024

What are rate limiting factors? ›

Rate limiting factors are conditions preventing the overall process running at a faster rate. These may be mechanical limitations, such as low heat transfer area, poor mixing or limited supply of feedstock to the reactor from an upstream operation.

Why am I being rate limited on Discord? ›

When users repeat any action too often, Discord temporarily restricts their activity and displays the message "you are being rate limited" or "the resource is being rate limited". Discord usually does this to stop hackers from exploiting the login verification process and spammers from spamming channels or servers.

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